See Page 4
1Mw ga
Latest Deadline in the State.
VOL. LXVII, No. 170
State To Decide
Budget Tonight
State Legislature in Conference
To Work Out Budget Difference
The University's 'operating and capital outlay appropriation bills
will be voted on by the state Senate nand House of Representatives
The bill is still being discussed by a legislative conference com-
mittee for an acceptable compromise.
The Senate bill gives the University $29.1 million for operation
expenses next year. In addition, it proposed an amendment that
Panhel Tables
New Rush Rules
Panhellenic Board of Delegates yesterday voted 14-7 to table
until Monday a vote on contact rule proposals.
The move to put off voting came after delegates had discussed
for over an hour pros and cons of a plan recommended by majority
of house rushing chairmen and endorsed by Panhel Executive Council.
In a meeting Tuesday, rushing chairmen had considered three
possible plans to be effective from the beginning of Registration in
Se tember until formal Lushing $
Morse Leads Democrat
Attack on Eisenhower s
Foreign Aid Measure
Post Office
C i
Okays Hike
h'ower administration bill to raise
postal rates advanced an impor-
tant step yesterday with approval
by the. House Post Office Commit-
Among other things the cost of
mailing a first class letter would
go to four cents.
Chairman Thomas Murray (D-
Tenn) announced the approval of
the bill bf a "decisive majority"
and said he would try to get it on
the House floor next week.
The House passed such a bill
last year but it never got out of a
subcommittee in the Senate.
This year's measure would raise
postal charges an estimated 462
milli;n dollars in the year begin-
ning July 1 and the total annual
increase would climb to 527% mil-
lion dollars by 1961 on the basis
of present volume of mail.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
asked for the increases to cut into
the annual deficit of the Post
Office, which is estimated at 650
nifllion. dollars in the new fiscal
year. Eisenhower's budget, now
going through Congress, antici-
pates the raises will be voted.
If the bill is finally passed, the
following raises will go into effect
July 1:
First-class-letters to 4 cents per
ounce. Post cards and drop letters
from 2 to 3 cents. Airmail letters
7 cents per ounceA Airmail cards
to 5 cents.
Second - class - Magazines and
newspapers, four successive an-
nual 15 per cent raises.
Labor Council
Raps Unions
For Scandals
CIO Executive Council Thursday
cracked down on three union in-
volved in welfare fund scandals.
The council suspended the
85,000-member Laundry Workers
Union pending formal expulsion
at the federation's next conven-
tion in December.
The council also put two other
unions - the Allied Industrial
Workers, with 75,000 members,
and the Distillery Workers, with
30,000-on a year's probation dur-
ing which AFL-CIO representa-
tives will "monitor" their opera-
Unions Took Steps
All three unions had taken some
steps toward meeting AFL-CIO
requirements for a clean-up after
a Senate committee turned up al-
leged welfare funds frauds two
years ago.
The committee was headed by
Sen. Paul Douglas (D-Ill).
The Council said it was com-
pletely dissatisfied with the re-
sponse of the Laundry Workers
and therefore suspension and
eventual ouster from' federation
ranks was warranted.
It said it was only "partially"
satisfied with corrective steps
taken by the other two, hence the
probationary period.
Insurance Held
In the case of the Laundry
Workers, AFL-CIO President
George Meany said hearings be-
fore the Senate committee showed
nearly a million dollars in union
members' insurance funds had
been 'in custody of Eugene C.
James, now resigned secretary-
treasurer of the Laundry Workers.
*would enable the University to
pledge up to 40 per cent of its1
student fees in support of bonds
to finance building projects.
House Raised Grant
The House bill gives the Uni-
versity $30,315,686 operating ap-
propriations but an attempt by
Chairman Arnell- Engstrom, (R-
Traverse City), of the House Ways
and Means Committee, to defeat
the bonding amendment failed
Wednesday, 49-48.
"The amendment would pro-
vide Michigan State University
with $12,365,000 and the Univer-
sity with $13,331,000 for construc-
tion," Engstrom said, "but would
be of no benefit to smaller schols."
When the House approved the
plan Tuesday, University vice
president William E. Stirton said,
"The University's construction
plans are flexible. This is a pro-
gram we cannot afford to ignore."
Opinions Vary
Rep. Edward Carey, Democrat-
ic floor leader, said his party
would support the amendment
"unless a better alternative is sug-
gested to provide universities with
adequate classrooms and build-
Rep. Robert Bilbert, (R-Sagin-
aw), called the amendment, "One
of the most selfish proposals to
ever enter the House. Only MSU
will benefit from the amendment,"
he asserted.
Financiers, who reportedly are
demanding more security than is
provided for MSU bonds, may al-
ter the amendment in the confer-
ence committee, according to Rep.
George Wahr Sallade, (R-Ann Ar-
Buildings Planned
If the bonding amendment
should pass, the University is de-
pendent upon the Legislature to
compensate for student revenue
which now goes into the opera-
tions budget.
The University's proposed fee-
bonding projects include the com-
pletion of the undergraduate li-
brary, social science, and language
building, and one unit of the
fluids engineering building.
New work Includes a music,
physics and astronomy building,
unit two of the fluids engineering
building, and North Campus utili-
ties improvements. The University
plans to spend $8,059,000 in 1958.
... commencement speaker
Dr. J. Roscoe Miller, president of
Northwestern University, will de-
liver the address at the University's
113th Commencement, University
President Harlan Hatcher an-
nounced Wednesday.
Carol De Bruin, '57, will be stu-
dent speaker for the ceremony)
which will be held June 15, Leon-!
ard Allen, '57Ph, president of the
Senior Board, announced last
Dr. Miller became assistant dean1
of the Northwestern University
Medical School in 1933, dean in
1941 and president of the univer-
sity in 1949.
Board Picked
The 51-year-old president re-'
ceived a Bachelor of Arts degree
from the University of Utah in
1925 and an M D. degree from
Northwestern University in 1929.
A member of the Hoover Com-
mission from 1952 to 1955, Dr. Mil-
ler was recently elected a director
of Sears, Roebuck & Co. He also
serves as a director of the Illinois
Bell Telephone Co., the Museum of
Science and Industry, and G. D.
Searle and Company.
DeBruin Selected
Miss. De Bruin, former president
of Panhellenic Association and
Student Government C o u n c i l
member, was selected from five
finalists by a special board. Other
finalists for student speaker were
Ronald Bornstein, '57, Gloria
Green, '57, Sheldon Levin, '57E,
and James Childs, '57.
The judging board, composed of
three members of the Senior
Board, Prof. John Weimer and
Prof. Herbert Barrows of the
English department, and two mem-
bers of the speech department,
heard each candidate's finished
speech before ratings took place.
Feb. 7. (During rushing "strict"
contact rules of former years
would hold.)
Plans Vary
1) No independent women will
be allowed in sorority houses and
no affiliates may enter indepen-
dent residence halls. Sorority wo-
men may make no. out-right effort
to pre-rush or "dirty rush" an in-
dependent with planned parties,
2a) Affiliates may visit in dor-
mitories and independents in sor-
ority houses providing they are
perpetuating old friendships. b)
No sorority house may spend
chapter money to entertain inde-
pendents. c) Sorority women may
not seek out new friends, i.e., those
they had made after September
registration, and invite them to
houses or treat them to dinner. d)
No affiliate shall in any way try
to persuade independents to join
their house or notify them that
their house would like to pledge
3) Provision with the same rules
as Proposal Two out with the re-
striction that no independents
may enter sorority houses.
Submitted Recommendation
After hashing over the merits
of each, rushing chairmen didn't
settle on any per se, but sub-
mitted the recommendation to
See PANHEL, page 6
Senate Group
AsKs Increase
In Highways
WASHINGTON () - Respond-
ing to pressure from many states,
the Senate Public Roads subcom-
mittee yesterday voted to add 7,-
000 miles to the national inter-
state system of superhighways
now under construction.
The extra mileage would cost
$17,100,000,000, of which the fed-
eral government would provide
$15,400,000,000 and the states
about $1,700,000,000 under the 90-
10 matching system. It would ex-
tend the construction period from
13 to 20 years.
The action brought criticism
from the American Automobile
Assn., which said it would "con-
fuse and delay" the highway
building program.
Congress voted last year to in-
crease the superhighway network
from 40,000 to 41,000 miles, with
the federal government paying 90
per cent of the cost and financing
it through higher taxes on gaso-
line and other highway users'
At that time the cost to both
federal and state governments
was estimated at about 33 billion
dollars. However, government of-
ficials have said this figure pro-
bably will not hold up under ris-
ing costs.
Moreover, most of the applica-
tions from the states for added'
mileage are in suburban areas'
where the cost of land acquisition
is high.
SGC Urges{
Student Government Council
urged the creation of a Student-
Faculty-Administration committee
Wednesday to study increasing en-
rollment at the University.
The Committee would include
three administration representa-
tives appointed by President Har-
lan Hatcher, three faculty mem-
bers appointed by the Faculty
Senate and three students ap-
pointed by SGC.
The group would investigate the
effects of increasing enrollment,
desirability of further increase,
and policiec necessary to cope
with possible expansion.
Peter Eckstein, '58, newly-ap-
poined Daily editor, called the
move "one of the most important
things the Council could possibly
At the same meeting, Roy Lave,
'57E, former Union president, was
appointed student representative
on SGC's Board in Review. SGC
President Joe Collins, '58, is the
other student on the Board, which
can review SGC decisions.
Inter-House Council and Inter-
Fraternity Council submitted a re-
port on a change in next fall's
rushing procedure to SGC. Under
the new plan, the third day of for-
mal rushing would be used both as
an open house and a smoker. Last
year, the third day was used only
as an open house, with Friday of
the same week for smokers.
A smoker on Friday next- year
would be in conflict with religious
holidays, the report explained.
Because John Wrona, '57, has
resigned, petitions have been re-
opened for Council positions. They
may be picked up in the Office of
Student Affairs in the Student Ac-
tivities Building.
Greek Week.
Set by IFC
For March
Interfraternity Council's Execu-
tive Committee tentatively decided
yesterday to schedule Greek Week
during the week ending March 22,
Panhellenic Association h a d
previously informed IFC officers
that they culd not participate
fully during this weekend,Bob
Trost, '58, IFC President explained.
They had cited Frosh Weekend,
Soph Show, and their rushing ac-
tivities as obstacles to full partici-
pation in Greek Week at this time
of year.
F i v e new district presidents
were installed in the committee:
They were Dick Spindle, '58BAd,
Tom Prunk, '57E, Jim Glaspie,
'58E, Brian Moriarty, '57E, and
Phil Burt, '58.
U.S. May Request
New Agreement
WASHINGTON (W) - The United States is reported working
for a "first step" disarmament treaty with Russia and other nations
which could lead to pledges by nonatomic countries against acquir-
ing nuclear weapons.
The plan also envisions a small cut in armaments by Russia and
the Western powers, especially of heavy weapons, missiles and planes
capable of delivering atomic-hydrogen bombs.
Countries would turn over weapons they agreed to cut from
their armed forces to specified inspection depots which would be
supervised by a United Nationst?
The agreement would initially
be concluded by the nations now
represented at the London disar-
mament talks: Russia, theUnited
States, Britain, Canada and
But it would be open to other
nations which wished to join, pro-
vided they pledged not to furth-
er complicate the world arms pic-
ture by seeking to manufacture
or acquire atomic-hydrogen wea-
Points Revealed
These points became known yes-
terday after two lengthy meet-
ings by top Eisenhower adminis-
tration leaders who are drafting a
new American disarmament pro-
posal to be offered to Russia at
the talks resuming in London
Responsible informants stressed
that the limited' accord to be
sought from Russia would include
cuts in weapons, manpower and
military spending as well as agree-
ment upon zones which would be
open to aerial inspection.
Any agreement would be in the
form of a treaty, they said, sub-
ject to ratification by a two thirds
vote of the Senate.
Details Discussed
The precise details of the Amer-
ican plan were kept secret. But,
they were discussed by President
Dwight D. Eisenhower and top
level aides at a two-hour meeting
of the National Security Council
at the White House.
Those attending included Secre-
tary of State Dulles, disarmament
chief Harold Stassen, and Adm.
Arthur W. Radford, chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Radford
has publicly expressed skepticism
about the trustworthiness of any
Russian disarmament pledge.
Afterward, Dulles and Stassen
met for another two hours in a
highly secret session with the Sen-
ate subcomimttee on Disarma-
ment headed by Sen. Herbert
Humphrey (D-Minn.)
Labels First Step
Sen. Humphrey reported that
Stassen said the eight-week long
series of talks between Russian
and Western representatives in
London are a "serious negotia-
tion." Stassen was further quoted
as saying the talks are not aimed
at a final disarmament agreement
but a "first step" understanding
which will result in "a small slice
arms cut with inspection."
Budget Cuts
Would Hurt
WASHINGTON (A) - Secretary
of Defense Wilson told senators
yesterday that proposed defense
fund cuts would snatch away
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
cards and chips in the "interna-
tional poker game" of disarma-
He cautioned against "gambling
unwisely" with national security
by risking reductions in miltary
outlays on uncertan hopes the
world situation will improve.
Backed by the Pentagon's high
command, Wilson told a Senate
Appropriations subcommittee: "I
think this is an awful poor time
to take the cards and chips away
from the President, John Foster
Dulles and Harold Stassen when
they are engaged in this interna-
tional poker game."
Wilson demanded restoration of
part of the 3 billion dollar slash
approved by the House Appropria-
tions Committee in the $36,128,-
000,000 appropriation Eisenhower
asked for the Defense Department
for the fiscal year starting July 1.
Wilson said his department can
live with $1,313,000,000 of the re-
ductions because they largely in-
volve bookkeeping procedures. But
if the rest are permitted to stand,
he said, "I believe that reductions
of the magnitude proposed would
amount to gambling unwisely with
the security of the :nation."
He said they would mean trim-
ming down military personnel and
would curb the purchase of ships,
planes and missiles.
"While some may believe that
there is current hope for improve-
ment in the international situa-
tion," Wilson said, "there is no
real basis, as far as I can see, for
assuming that the danger has al-
ready lessened. Cuts based on
hope alone are too risky."
Wilson found an ally in Senate
Republican Leader Knowland of
California, who has been calling
for a three billion dollar congres-
sional scissoring of Eisenhower's
$71,800,000,000 spending budget.
Knowland warned against re-
ducing defense "muscles" while
"we are faced with a menace in
the world.'
Getting his dander up, Sen. Rob-
ertson (D-Va.) angrily told Wil-
son that he and,other senators
supported a 900-million dollar
boost in Air Force funds last year,
over Administration opposition, in
order not to gamble with national
Eastern Slates
Red Speaker
Eastern Michigan College Young
Democrats have arranged for a
communist speaker to debate the
head of the school's political
science department next fall,
Approval of the debate has been
given by Eastern's President Eu-
gene Elliott. The club took the pro-
posal to the Student Activities
Board yesterday for final approval
but no decision has been given yet
according to President Jane Wal-
'T''a Rnn wii sr. miahl arm ,4n . ani
Senator Hits
Long Range
Termed 'Dangerous
Extension of Power
Morse (D-Ore) led a sharp attack
on the long-range aspects of Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower's fo-
egn aid program Thursday.
He declared they involved "a
dangerous extension of arbitrary
executive power."
Other Democratic senators join-
ed Dim in protesting that the new
$3,865,000,000 foreign aid b 11
would force Congress to surrender
its annual check on U. S. spending
Aid Chief Appe rs
The storm blew up en John
B. Hollister, the Presid nt's for-
eign aid chief, appeared before the
Senate Foreign Relations Commit-
tee to argue for authority to spend
as much as two billion dollars in
economic aid to friendly countries
over the next three years.
Current restrictions against a
long-range program, while inteiid-
ed to encourage sound manage-
ment, "have had the opposite ten-
dency," Hollister said.
Sen. Morse promptly announced
he would not vote for any bill
relinquishing congressional control
of the billions being poured into
the mutual security program.
Attacks Powers
"The time has come to take
away some of the discretionary
power bery already have down
town," ne said. On Capitol Hill,
"down town" means the executive
branch of the government.
Sen. John F. Kennedy (D-Mass)
told Hollister it appeared to him
t h a t the proposed legislation
would leave Congress with "no
control over areas where the
money would be spent.
Sen. H u b e r t Humphrey (D-
Minn) also expressed concern
about being left in the dark as to
the government's foreign spending
Questions Hollister
He asked Hollister to explain
how the bill would provide Con-
gress with advance knowledge of
where the money was going a}d
what it would be spent on.
Hollister had urged the commit-
tee to approve a "new approach"
to the foreign aid program under
which future appropriations for
military aid and economic assist-
ance abroad would be "available
for obligation indefinitely" unless
canceled 'by subsequent congres-
sional action.
One of theadministration's new
proposals is to establish a revolv-
ing fund from which the United
States could finance 500 million
dollars worth of economic develop-
ment in foreign countries during
the fiscal year beginning July 1,
and up to 750 million in each of
the two succeeding years.
No Settlement
Seen in Strike
No settlement is in sight as
strikes by Washtenaw county la-
borers and carpenters enter their
1th day.
"No meetings are scheduled at
all," Lloyd Clickner, financial sec-
retary of the Building and Labor-
ers' Local 959, said yesterday.
Circuit Judge James R. Break-
ley, Jr., will resume hearings Mon-
day on two counter-petitions filed
by attorneys for contractors and
the carpenters' Union.
Both strikes center around wage
demands. The carpenters seek a
21-cent-an-hour across-the-board
wage raise, a 12-cent-an-hour va-
cation fund increase and a clause
making this agreement retroactive
to May 1, the date of the contract
Lagler Named
IHC President Gives Date
For Dorm Rate Increase
Increased 1957-58 Residence Hall room and board rates will be
announced next Tuesday or Wednesday, Inter-House Council Presi-
dent Drake Duane, '58, said last night.f
He gave no indication of the size of the increase.
Duane told IHC the Board of Governors of the Residence Halls
"will hold a special meeting . . . to consider and approve the in-
crease." He said factors in the increase are: 1) wage increases,
2) increasing food costs, 3) more money to the food budget.
Vice-President for Financial Affairs Wilbur Pierpont said in
March that an increase of about $30 would be sufficient to cover pro-
posed salary and wage hikes. Re-
cent unconfirmed reports indicate SPEAKS TO HOPWOO
the increase may be under $30.
Nine of thel16 house presidents T
discuss the increase when it is C w e
favored a special IHC meeting todics th inrae w n it s
announced. A meeting was tenta-
tively scheduled.
In other action, IHC elected Jon
Squire, '60E, of Michigan House,
administrative vice-president.
This post has been vacant since
regular election in April.
It was the third attempt at fill-
ing the position. Squire was
elected by acclamation.
IHC also scheduled a presidents'
retreat for Sept. 10.House, IHC
and Residence Halls problems will
be discussed at the meeting.
Jackson Elected
Board President
Us of Problems Facing Young Writers
Twenty-three winners of the annual Hopwood award were told
by Malcolm Cowley, poet and critic, that the day of the readily avail-
able form of apprenticeships and clearly marked path into the writing
profession for qualified young writers is gone.
Cowley, a guest lecturer at the University, spoke to a sizeable
audience in Rackham Lecture Hall yesterday on "The Beginning
Writer in the University."
"In the 19th Century there were two distinct paths open and
each was followed by many young men with literary ambitions," the
literary historian said.
Path Led to Divinity School
He said that one of these paths led through a divinity school to
the pulpit of a small church which the writer left after his works
began to be widely read. The other path, Crowley continued, started
in the composing room of a weekly newspaper, moved to the pages
of this paper and finally went to the pages of magazines or books
which launched him on his career.
"Tndav." he revealed "the situation has changed. Newspaper work