WO itySgant Yailyr Sixt y-Seventh Year I I "Next" ---- "When Opinions Are Pr s Trut Will Prevail" EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN WEICHER A3 mac - - s < 1~ KLANSMEN ARMED: KKK Activity Flares At Alabama U' By BARBARA NEUMAN SEGREGATION-INTEGRATION problems at the University of Ala- bama seemed to have disappeared last year after riots which accompanied its admission and expulsion of Negro coed Autherine Lucy died down. The expulsion, which appeared to be the final closing of University doors to all thoughts of integration, was the basis for formation of the University's Open Forum. Organized to promote open, unbiased and thorough discussion of current topics of interest to students and faculty members and to Gain a Friend Before Friday IN A WAY it's too bad more people don't pay attention to mimeographed letters. It's too bad, because by not reading them they have missed trying one 'of the most potentially valu- able programs the Union has ever offered. The name of the Union program is the "Am- erican Brother." Just what its name implies, it is a program by which American and foreign students will get to know each other individual- ly. The president of nearly every men's group on campus was sent a letter by the Union ex- plaining the program and asking for volun- teers. If every president lead this letter, many of them neglected to tell the other members of their group about it. Judging by the reac- tion, or lack of it, received by the Union, those who were told about the program decided to "put it off until tomorrow." Although Inter- House Council and Student Government Coun- cil have recently given the program a boost, it is doubtful if more than 30 will show up at the close of today's interviewing. This small turnout is too bad, because the "American Brother" program has enough po- tential to become an extremely valuable addi- tion to the University. It presents possibly the only opportunity the average University man will have to exchange ideas with a student from a different culture, a highly touted but rarely used privilege here. IT WILL PROVIDE a chance to make more than superficial acquaintanceships, usually the most that can be expected from class- room and activities contacts. It will neatly sidestep the twin problems of the housing shortage and lack of dorm integration, which have largely prevented the two groups of stu- dents from living together and making close friendships in this way. Both foreign and American students gain a friend under this program, and through this friend is acquired an understanding of his respective culture. It seems a shame that though the foreign students attending the Uni- versity are often the top students and future leaders of their respective countries, more men have not shown more interest. According to the head of the Union's Inter- national Committee, applications for the pro- gram will be accepted until Friday. If you are interested, this is the last chance to apply. When you do, you'll be doing a favor to a lot of people. One of these people will be you. --LANE VANDERSLICE improve understanding between students and faculty, the group's charter was unanimously ap- proved last year by the Univer- sity's student legislature. Last week, however, a new stut- dent legislature revoked Open Forum's charter. The vote was 24-2, with one member aostaining and one absent. One of the two regative votes was cast by a grad- uate student from New York. The rationale behind the annrl- ment of the organization's charter was that Open Forum had failed to fulfill its stated purposes and had not complied with its promise to cause no friction, bad publicity or controversy. *S* * SUPPORTERS of the bill de- fended their statement, poin ng out that in Open Forum's five meetings, the only topic discussed was the segregation-integration controversy. Although they had been charter- less for two days, members of the Forum went ahead with a previ- ously scheduled meeting. Approxi- mately 120 students and faculty members gathered off campus at the Episcopalian Chapel to discuss "Academic Freedom." ! " s 1' '+* &JA £lp4 . Psr- c 'Ujezira el Maghreb' WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND:< Panama Conference A Flop By DREW PEARSON LETTERS to the EDITOR THOUGH eclipsed for a time by the Suez crisis, the smouldering civil war in Algeria has again caught the attention of the world with the fall of the Mollet government in France. The issue on which Premier Guy Mol- let failed to gain a vote of confidence con- cerned an increase in taxes, an increase that was to have paid for a stronger French effort to suppress Algerian rebel activity once and for all. Repudiation of the Mollet government does not necessarily reflect rejection of current Al- gerian policy by the French parliament, but it does point up the high cost of continued strife in Algeria. Until it was overturned by " the necessity of raising taxes to deal with the Algerian situation, Mollet's 16-month regime had been the longest lasting and most stable government in France since the end of World war II. ENEWED political instability is not the only price France has had to pay for maintain- ing her position in Algeria. The twilight war going on there costs her an estimated $3,000,- 000 a day, and approximately 380,000 soldiers are required to pacify the countryside and maintain control of the major cities. Nor is France the only party that suffers from Al- gerian bloodshed - many of the 380,000 French soldiers engaged in Algeria were withdrawn from NATO defense forces. In addition, the loss of life, destruction of property and bitterness aroused by National- ist terrorism and European colon counter- terrorism is almost impossible to estimate. Whatevermay be Algeria's eventual fate, the hatreds bred between the 1,000,000 Algerians of European descent and the more than 8,000,- 000 Moslem Algerians will probably plague the area for years to come. Of perhaps even greater importance than local repercussions is the threat posed by the Algerian affair to good relations between the West and the Moslem world of North Africa. More advanced than their Arab brethren in the Middle East and more potentially pro- Western, the North African Arabs and Berbers could be valuable allies and friends of Europe and America. Their culture has been influ- enced strongly by France, and such western institutions as trade unions have taken strong root among them. DESPITE A TRADITION of a certain amount of separation from the rest of the Arab world, the North African Moslems do have strong nationalist aspirations. Continued French suppression of them in Algeria will do nothing to increase or even maintain their relatively strong affinity for the West. The United States has already realized the value of friendship with the North Africans, and it is unofficially understood that the State Department would like to build up pro-Western Sultan Mohammed V of Morocco as a sort of alternative to Egypt's, Nasser. It is, however, unlikely that independent Moslem governments in North Africa will be able to maintain a con- tinued friendly policy toward the Western powers if one of them - France - persists in outraging their peoples' feelings by denying in- dependence to Algeria. Nevertheless, independence is not as simple a solution to the Algerian question as it was for' neighboring Morocco and Tunisia. Algeria, unlike the other former French dominions, has an unusually large non-Moslem and European population that has no desire to be separated from France and is, indeed, opposed to it. Algeria is, moreover, governed as a part of France itself. In addition to this, the apparent discovery of oil in Algeria's desolate Sahara regions will naturally make the French even more reluctant to part with it. THOUGH everyone from Gen. Charles De Gaulle to the most extreme Algerian Na- tional Liberation Front Leader has made pro- posals for ending the Algerian conflict, per- haps the best one was offered some time ago by Tunisia's moderate Premier Habib Bour- guiba. He suggested an eventual federation, with strong ties to France, of all North African states but Egypt, thus realizing the old tradi- tion of the Diezira el Maghreb - one great North African Moslem nation, an "Island of the West". His plan provides for close cooper- ation with France and thus should go some distance toward meeting the needs and de- sires of the European Algerians. In any case the time has come when France can no longer say, as her resident general in Algeria did, that "all that is needed here is to stand firm." -JAMES BERG e HIGHEST-LEVEL diplomatic conference in 178 years of United States diplomatic relations was held last June in Panama. More presidents of sovereign states were gathered there to meet with President Eisenhower than anywhere or at any other time in history. The meeting 'was greetedwith great fanfare in the Latin Ameri- can press - fanfare deliberately encouraged by American diplo- mats. Some Latin American presi- dents who hung back, doubted the advisability of attending, were urged by United States ambassa- dors to be on deck. When the President was willing to leave his hospital bed after an ileitis opera- tion, it was intimated, big things would be happening in Panama. The trip was not merely to con- vince the American public that he had recovered, diplomats said. At Panama, a committee was appointed to carry out the long- range President's plan for Pan- Americanism. The committee was headed by Ike's brother, Milton. It held several meetings, and now, 10 months after the momentous event in Panama, it is bringing forth its momentous recommen- dations. Most Latin American diplomats had figured the United States would at least set up a fund simi- lar to the Near East Doctrine Fund to battle Communism and develop Latin America. They watched the money being sent to Poland, Yugoslavia, Saudi Arabia, and Southeast Asia, figured a re- volving fund of around $100,000,- 000 was the least that would come out of the unprecedented meeting in Panama. Instead, an annual total of $3,- 387,700 is recommended, of which the Latin governments themselves will put up almost half. There is also $19,979,000 to fight malaria over a five-year period, but this is contingent on further negotiations with various organizations. The projects a d o p t e d are healthy and worth while, but the amounts to finance them are con- sidered a drop in the bucket by Latin diplomats. It should not have required a high-powered meeting of the greatest number of presidents ever to convene on the American continent, they say, to put across such a program. It could have been adopted by the Pan American Union itself. The projects include: $1,100,000 for expanding the Institute of Ag- riculture at Turrilba, Costa Rica, to study the effect of nuclear en- ergy on agriculture, and for two other agriculture centers to study the diseases of bananas aad cocoa in Ecuador and temperate dis- eases in Uruguay; $275,000 for the study of workers housing; $500,000 additional for scholar- ships; $120,000 for technical as- sistance; $210,000 for public rela- tions; and $90,000 for a nuclear energy agency. These are to be annual expenditures - if each government now approves. Remarked one Latin American ambassador: "We're not commu- nistic enough to get any real help from the United States." When President Eisenhower was in Panama. he signed an act of Congress providing for a bridge . to be built across the Panama Ca- nal at ] iboa. This 1 ioge had been promised Panamanlns for 15 years. With- out it, they have to ferry across the canal or else cross at the Mira- flores Locks several miles away. So there was great rejoicing in Panama when President Eisenr. hower posed for a special photo- graph alongside his Panamanian host, President Arias, signing this bill. Before the signing ceremony, Jules Dubois, Latin American cor- respondent for the Chicago Tri- bune, asked President Arias for comment. "I have to look at the bill," Arias replied. "I don't know whe- ther it's an authorization or an appropriation." Educated in the United States, the president of Panama knew all too well that there was a big dif- ference between an authorization by Congress and an appropriation by Congress. After the signing ceremony, Du- bois asked: "Now you've seen the bill. What was it?" "An authorization," r e p li e d Arias. "What's your comment?" "Still no comment." President Arias' skepticism was justified. Last week the House of Representatives, in its mad rush for economy, chopped out a $1,- 000,000 appropriation for begin- ning the Balboa Bridge. The people of Panama will have to ferry across the canal for a few more years. (Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.) Political Ethics . To the Editor: THE DARK and blinding clouds of religious fanaticism that hung heavily over the medieval ages are slowly clearing away, leading to a more rational and clearer perception of the relation of man to man. It is, however, very sad and un- becoming of political ethics today that certain responsible leaders should try to stir up religious bigotry to seek political ends. At a public address in Lahore, Pakistan, March 31, Premier Suh-. rawardy of Pakistan commented that he was happy to say the entire Islamic world had support- ed Pakistan in her policies on Kashmir. He voiced a certain amount of discomfort about the fact that while the entire Islamic world supported her, there had been one Muslim country which haid been silent. He added that he was working f or closer collaboration among the Muslim nations of the world and hoped that cne day the Muslim nations of the world would stand on one platform on any political issue and declare that Muslims the world over were one. He hoped the day when this declaration would be made was not very far off. Gone are the dark medieval ages when politics was played in the name of religion. It would have been more rational had Premier Suhrawardy tried to enlist support for his policies on a basis more cogent than an appeal to the Muslim niations in the name of religion. * -Thomas S. David,.'57E Seventy sheeted Ku Klux Klan members, some carrying arms, marched oato chapel grounds shortly after the meeting began. Calling the Open Forum a com- munistncell, a Klanspeaker con- gratulated the legislature for with- drawing its approval from the organization. They also accused the Forum of attempting to brain- wash Alabama youth. After about 30 minutes, the demonstrators left. THE KLAN'S congratulations of the legislators' action seems to indicate that the charter annul-, ment was a form of knuckling un- der to Klan demands. Charges that the Forum had failed to discuss current issues, a basic reason for charter annul- ment, are true only if one claims that the segregation-integration controversy is not a problem of our times. Claims that the Forum caused friction, bad publicity or contro- versy are justified in the eyes of student legislators because talk of integration at a university favor- ing segregation is out of place. State legislators might feel that university opinion tended to sup- port integration and might, there- fore, withhold allocations. If the University of Alabama has reached the point where it refuses to allow its students and faculty members thebasic Anei- can rights to freedom of thought and speech, they have ;eased to be an institution of learning. They have become, instead, a factory which mass produces future mem- bers of the Ku Klux Klan. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Mihi- gan Daily assumes no editorial re- sponsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, be- fore 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday, THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1905 VOL. LXVII, NO. 167 General Notices meeting of the senior Class Presidents in Room 302, West Engineering Build. ing, Thurs., May 23, at 7:00p.m. to dis- cuss the schedule and plans for Com- mencement. Meeting of the American Associatio of University Professors, Thurs., May 23. 4:15 p.m., est Conference Room Rac ham Bldg. Report of the recent nation- al AAUP meeting and election of offi " cers. Refreshments. Student Accounts: Your attention is called to the following rules passed by the Regents at their meeting on Feb. 28, 1936: "Students shall pay all ac- counts due the University not later than the last day of classes of each semester or summer session. student loans which are not paid or renewed are subject to this regulation however, student loans not yet due are exempt. Any unpaid accounts at the close of business on the last day of classes will be reported to the Cashier of the Uni- versity and "(a) All academic credits will be withheld, the grades for the semester or summer session Just completed will not be released, and no transcript of credits will be issued. "(b) All students owing such ac- counts will not be allowed to-register in any subsequenet semester or sum- mer session until payment as been made." COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES JUNE 15, 1957 To be held at 5:30 p.m. either In the stadium or Yost Field House, depend- ing on the weather. Exercises will con- clude about 7:30 p.m. Those eligible to participae: Gradu- ates of Summer Session of 1956 and Of February and June, 1957. Graduates of the summer Session and of February 1958 are not supposed to participate; however, no check is made of those taking part in the ceremony, but no tickets are available for those In these classifications. Tickets: For Yost Field House: Two to each prospective graudate, to be distributed from Tuesday, June 4, to 12:00 noon on Saturday, June 15, at Cashier's Office, first floor of Admini- stration Building; For Stadium: No tickets necessary. Children not ad. mitted unless accompanied by adults. Academic Costume: Can be rented at Moe Sport Shop, North University Avenue, Ann Arbor. () Assembly for Graduates: At 4:30 p.m. in area east of Stadium Marshals will direct graduates to proper stations. It siren indicates (at intervals from 4:00 to 4:15 p.m.) that exercises are to be held. in Yost Field House, graduates should go directly there and be seated by Marshals. Spectators: Stadium: Enter by Main Street gates only. All should be seated by 5:00 p.m., when procesison enters field. Yost Field House: Only those holding tickets can be admitted owing to lack of space. Enter on State Street, opposite McKinley Avenue. Alumni Reunions: Headquarters at Alumni Memorial Hall. Registration on June 13. 14, and 15. s A' 4 i a rA ON ROAD TO PROSPERITY: Puerto Rican Governor Looks to Future Masking Foreign Aid PRESIDENT Dwight D. Eisenhower gave only two alternatives to the American people in his foreign aid speech: subsidize our allies or go it alone against Russia. Faced with these two choices, there could be little doubt of what would have to be done. Fortunately, however, there is a third choice which the President failed to mention: assume that our allies have enough sense to realize that their best chance of survival lies in siding with the United States. Latin America has already decided so, as has Canada. We are aiding neither, although some Editorial Staff RICHARD SNYDER,. Editor RICHARD HALLORAN LEE MARKS Editorial Director City Editor Business Staff DAVID SILVER, Business Manager MILTON GOLDSTEIN ... Associate Business Manager WILLIAM PUSCH...............Advertising Manager aid was given to Guatemala in its recent re- volt against the communists. Australia and New Zealand are on our side, at no cost to Ameri- can taxpayers. It is true that Western Europe is in a differ- ent position, but it is also true the United States cannot support the nations there in- definitely, as the President proposes. We are al- ready in debt to the limit of our total proper- ty value; we cannot continue to run in the red. Saving the rest of the world can do no good if we bankrupt ourselves. This fact was recognized last year by most of the members of Congress. Moderate liberals, led by Senators Mike Mansfield of Montana and Warren Magnuson of Washington, served notice on the Administration that foreign aid could not go on forever. IN AN EFFORT to thwart the termination of this program, the President announced Tues- day night that in the future he wanted to in- clude foreign aid in the defense budget, since it "serves indeed it belongs to - our own na- tional defense." Whatever the logic of this plan, its politics would simply perpetuate foreign aid. It is far harder for Congress to determine whether a By The Associated Press AN JUAN, Puerto Rico - The man who governs this "sun- shine island" is an ardent lover of democracy who dreams of the day when the living standard of his people be as high as it is in the United States today. Gov. Luis Munoz Marn be- lieves thathwill happen by 1975 because "there has never been greater prosperity in this land than there is today--and there are no limits to the future as long as there is no economic recession in the continental United States, or a third world var." , * AS EVIDENCE of Puerto Rico's prosperity, Munuk Marin points to all-time-high bank deposits of more than 357 million dollars; to an increasing gross income for the island's treasury that may hit close to one billion, three hundred million dollars this year: to rising agricultural and industrial pro- duction; to a lessening of unem- ployment; to a golden flow of mil- lions from American tourists and booming new construction * * * MORE THAN THAT, he said, thAM7JV~~hominr .in it o said that any acts the. United States Congress applies to the American states need not neces- sarily apply to Puerto Rico except by the consent of the government and people of the island. The governor said, however, that about the only difference be- tween Puerto Rico and the States is that Puerto Rico has no vote in the United States Congress and does not pay taxes to the federal government. Munoz Marn hopes some day to change the tax situation. "I do not consider that the fact that Puerto Rico does not pay into the federal Treasury should be re- garded as a permanent situation," he said. "We the people of Puerto Rico are a part of the United States in a new kind of way and shouldn't have a free ride for eternity, but only until the eco- nomic level is raised until at least it compares with the poorer states. * * * OUR ECONOMIC experts tell us that if all goes well, by 1975 Puerto Ricans will have a stand- ard of living as high as it pres- ently is in the United States, but, naturally, that doesn't mean it will be as high as the standard might he in the Tnited States in American investments in indus- trial plans and new hotels-which also are tax exempt-now total more than 250 million dollars and may hit close to 300 million by the end of this year. Munoz Marin emphasized, "This government does not grant tax ex- emption to any factory in the United States that closes there and decides to move here." "The present economic condi- tions show a tremendous improve- ment over the last 15 to 20 years," he said. "Then there was widespread hopelessness. Today, there is buoy- ancy and hopefulness.", '1 I LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick Sibter _I - -., It 1' Cll 'I/l--- .IAiI.F %// /lIlIII//111 P'!'ff)7)711//l l [ IlIIIIIIli