WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE _.... PROTESTANTISM: Prof. Wilder Concludes 'Study in Religion' Series "The gulf between Jerusalem and Athens is today being bridged," Prof. Amos Wilder, Hol- lis professor of Divinity at Har- vard Divinity School, said Mon- day. Concluding the(University's lec- ture series on "studies in religion" Prof. Wilder spoke on "Protes- tantism and Contemporary Liter- ature." Prof. Wilder attributed today's "vigorous recovery of Protestant theology" and related studies, to the need to interpret writings of the reformation period, which previously were used as formal guides to criticsm, in the light of the 20th century knowledge. Continuing on this point, Prof. Wilder pointed out other contri- buting factors to this resurgence of interest such as "the encount- er by evangelical churches with Nazism and Facism" and "the de- flation of rationalistic romantic elements in society." "Protestantism is an adultera- tion of many factors," Prof. Wild- er continued, "and it must decide what consideration is to be given to the Hellenic, as opposed to He- braic, elements." Wilder believes that we must emphasize and return to the He- brew-Christian tradition, that is faith as opposed to strict reason. Prof. Wilder also pointed out that "great spiritual options are at stake in today's literaiy assess- ment." Prof. Wilder then differentiated between Catholic and Protestant writers. "Writers of a Catholic back- ground," he said, "have a massive order of symbols which stand in the' way of the actual world, and when departing from this position open themselves to charges of heresy." Positions Open For Leaders Of Orientation Petitions for fall orientation leaders will be accepted until the end of the week, according to Parry Shapiro, '59, chairman of the Union's Student Affairs com- milttee.' Interested male students may sign up for interviews in the Union student offices from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. According to Shapiro, students accepted as orientation Leaders will be given early registration permits. 3MM M- "Protestant writers on the oth- er hand have no such wealth of religious symbols. They do not write as representatives of a strin- gent dogma but their roots nour- ish and fertilize the creation of secular works." Concluding the lecture Prof. Wilder discussed the main defect of the American religious scene and drew his examples from the works of Robert Penn Warren, William Faulkner and Robinson Jeffers. Grad Wins Fellowship Richard T. Denton, Grad., has been awarded the 1957-58 Nation- al Electronic Conference fellow- ship. The $2,500 award is for a year of graduate study at any of eight' colleges and universities partici- pating in the conference, includ- ing the University. The award is the first to be given under a recently adopted program for sponsoring advanced study in electronics. Denton is currently working to- ward a doctor's degree in electricalf engineering. DAIl A CLASSIFI ___________________________________________________________ S ' MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, RADIOS, REPAIRS RARE VIOLINS AND BOWS ALL ACCESSORIES, STRINGS. REPAIRS MADDY MUSIC 508 E. Williams NO 3-3223 )X5 Record Sale Overstock 12" LP's $3.98 and $4.98 values, only $2.98. Major labels represented TRANSPORTATION SPECIAL WEEKEND RATE for Avis Rent a Car from Friday, 5 P.M. to Monday 9 AM. $10 plus $.08 a mile gas, oil and insurance furnished. MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES 2 3 4 D ADS I DAY .75 .90 1.04 3 DAYS 1.87 2.25 2.60 6 DAYS 2.78 .33 3.85 Alk - -- AMIX Rent A Car 514 E. Washington St. Phone NO 3-4158 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN' LI BERTY MUSIC SHOPS 205 E. Liberty 211 S. State Phone NO 2-0675 Phone NO 8-9013 ) X33 (Continued from Page 2) Doctoral Examination for Eleanor Jean Maliche, Education; thesis: "An Investigation into the Validity of the CPS Personal Adjustment and Human Relations Test", Thurs., May 23, 34000 University High School, at 10:30 a.m. Chairman, J. M. Trytten. Doctoral Examination for William Charles Reher, Economics; thesis: "A Cross-Section Analysis of Contractual Saving", Thurs., May 23, 105 Econom- ics Building, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, J. N. Morgan. Doctoral Examination for William Lloyd Sippell, Forestry; thesis: "A Study of the Forest Tent Caterpillar, Malacosoma disstria Hbn., and Its Parasite Complex in Ontario", Thurs., May 23, 4046 Natural Science Bldg., at 8:30 a.m. Chairman, S. A. Graham. Placement Notices Personnel Requests: Allied Chemical & Dye Corp., Bar- rett Div., Toledo, Ohio, needs a Mech. E. with ten years experience, an Elect. E.. with five years experience, Chem. E., and Chemists. Courtesy Associates, Washington, D.C., has vacancies for Service Representa- tives. Girls with any degree are eligible to apply. YWCA, Elgin, Ill., needs a Teen-Age Program Director and a Health Educa- tion Program Director. International Cooperation Adminis- tration, Washington, D.C., is looking for men for a Jr. Officer Training Program in the following fields: Agriculture, Acctg., Civil and Sanitary E., Econ., Pal. Sci. Public Admin.. Educ. Dept. of Assessment and Equaliza- tion, County of Macomb, Mich., needs two fieldmen. Mason, Shaver & Rhodes, Inc., East McKeesport, Pa., has openings for a Mech. E., Elect., and Night Turn Fore- man. Sealed Power Corp., Muskegon, Mich., needs Chemical, Research, Mechanicalj E.,' and Metalurgists.I For further information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Ext. 3371. Summer Placement: Meeting on Wed., May 22, at the Mich. Union in Room 3-G, from 9-4:45. Mr. Douglas Salisbury of Camp Ne- kana, near Belding, Mich., will inter- view prospective counselors in the aft- ernoon. Camp Charlevoix representative, Ken Smith, will interview in the afternoon for men general counselors. Dana C. Backus, Long Island, N.Y., needs a man to work on a nursery farm this summer. An especially good posi- tion for anyone who had had some ex- perience on a farm and knew how to handle horses. Organization] 1Notices Society for Advancement of Manage- ment, May '22, 7:30, Bus. Ad. Lounge. Speaker: W. H. Snair of Great Lakes Steel, "Dollar Decisions in Industry." Junior Girls Play, Central Committee meeting, May 22, 7:00, League. The Episcopal Student Foundation, breakfast at Canterbury House follow- ing the 7:00 a.m. celebration of Holy Communion at the Church, May 22. * * * Student National Education Associa- tion, May 23, 7:30, U.E.S. Cafeteria. Speakers: Professors Wallace, French, and Rogers, "Special Education." MUSIC CENTER has a complete stock of Diamond Needles $9.95 up Record player accessories. Soundcraft and Scotch tape $1.50 and up per roll. MUSIC CENTER 300 S. Thayer NO 2-2500 )X35 USED CARS 1956 OLDS 98 Holiday Hardtop, 15,000 miles, 81 months old, excellent con- dition. Call HU 3-1519 after 1 p.m. '53 FORD convertible. Fordomatic, ra- dio, heater, excellent condition. Call NO 3-6790 after 8 P.M. )N152 1950 FORD V-8, two door. Terrific run- ning condition. .5 new tires with less than 1,000 miles on them. Must sell! $150. Call NO 3-3163. )N153 ) G48 RIDER to Los Angeles wanted. Leave May 30. NO 2-4401, 216 Adams. )G61 TICKET FOR SALE for return flight from Europe. (S.G.C. flight). $155. NO 8-6589 after 4. )G635 RIDE WANTED to Chicago May 24. Call Judy, 5511 E. Couzens. NO 2-2521. )G66 WANTED-Riders to Spokane, Wash- ington. June 8. Bob Barrow, NO 2-7252. )G63 CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES C-TED STANDARD SERVICE Friendly service is our business. At- las tires, batteries and accessories. Warranteed & guaranteed. See us for the best price on new & used tires, Road service - mechanic on duty. "You expect more from Standard and you get it!" 1220 S. University at Forest NO 8-9168 )S70 For the Best in Tires. Batteries, and Service see "HO1'' GAINSLEY SERVICE So. University & Forest }S49 PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES Gossen light meters - 20% discount entire line. THE QUARRY, Inc. 320 S. State St. N03-1991 More than Just a Camera Shop ) D87 PETS AND SUPPLIES TROPICAL FISH aquariums and sup- plies, Hamsters, Parakeets, etc. New shipment of tropical plants Friday. UNIVERSITY AQUARIUM 328 East Liberty NO 3-0224 (open daily except Thursday) )T18 BUSINESS SERVICES ANN ARBOR EMPLOYERS PERSONNEL 504 First National Bldg. NO 5-6107 )J68 PASTEL MINK-NEW SKINS Direct from an EMBA Ranch. MARGARET SHOP - 516 S. LIBERTY )J59 WASHINGS - Also ironing separately, Specialize in cotton blouses and washed skirts. Free pick up and de- livery. Phone NO 2-9020. )J23 LOST AND FOUND LOST-SAMMY pin. Initials S.C. Re- turn to 133 Tyler, E. Quad. 2-4591. )A156 GOLD CIRCULAR bracelet lost near E. William to State or Arcade. Call NO 3-1948. )A157 REWARD for information leading to whereabouts of gold ring. Lost 3/18 in library. Call 3-0521, ext. 672. If no ans. leave message. )A120 Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified deadline, 3 P.M. daily. 1 1:00 A.M. Saturday Phone NO 2-3241 FOR SALE HI F[i We carry: SOLDER PIN PLUGS MULLARD TUBES GRILLE CLOTH Audio Supply Laboratories 334 Nickels Arcade (above Bay's Jewelry) NO 2-7767 NO 2-9425 ) B352 DOUG GREGORY World's Smallest Large Volume FORD DEALER Deal with Doug - Doug'll Deal Phone NO 3-6162 )N116j GOLDEN'S SERVICE featuring STANDARD Products 801 Packard - NO 8-9429 )852 NEW CARS OVERSEAS DELIVERY All foreign cars Call European Cars NO 5-5800 )V 36 FOOT 2 bedroom 1955 trailer. Excel- lent condition; reasonable, Appoint- ment only. HU 3-0031. )B351 FOR SALE-Power mower, reel type, 21" 4 cycle Briggs and Stratton motor, $35. Phone NO 2-3061. )B353 FOR SALE-Wedding gown. Exquisito original creation-satin eggshell, long scalloped train, hand-beaded embroi- dery. Size 10 to 12. $100. Call NO 3- 8483 4 to 8 P.M. )B349 41-FOOT 1955 Roycraft Trailer. 2 bed- rooms. IIU 3-0208. )B348 PIANO FOR SALE. Upright. Fine con- dition. Bench. $65. NO 2-5418. )B344 FOR SALE: 6 month-old Cold-Spot 4 cubic foot freezer. Sell at sacrifice. Call NO 3-2277 after 6 P.M. )B340 SPRING & SUMMER FORMALS in pastel colors. Excellent condition. Some worn only once. Sizes 9-10. Phone NO 5-5817 evenings. )B333 ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords - $7.25; socks, 39c; shorts, 69c; military sup- plies. FOR RENT FOR RENT - Sleeping room, private bath, newly redecorated. Six blocks from campus. Call NO 8-6071. )C204 ATTRACTIVE furnished or unfurnished 3 room apartment. No racial restric- tion. Available June 15. $100. North- side. Call NO 5-5736 after 6 P.M. )C207 LARGE 5 room furnished apt. for 4. 2 block from campus. Summer only. Very nice. NO 2-4165. )C208 SUMMER ROOMERS wanted. Located close to campus. Low rates. Call NO 2-3143. )210 SUMMER APARTMENT, spacious, 5 rooms, private bath and kitchen, Cool. 1 block from campus. T.V Call NO 2-7004. )C206 BEST IN TOWN Rooms for men at reduced summer rates, Short walk from campus, NO 8-7683. )C205 MODERNLY FURNISHED 3 man apt, to rent for summer. $100 per moth. Call NO 5-5531. ) C204 WANTED MAN to share desirable apt, for summer. Phone 5-5924. )C125 FOR HONEYMOONERS-Nice secluded modern cottage available by June 22 for one or two weeks. Upper Penin- sula, Also cottage sleeping five peo- ple. Write for folder. L. Eppler, Mc- Millan, Mich. z )C196 FOR RENT. 3 room furnished apart- ment; modern; available June 10th; laundry facilities; preferably 2 pro- fessional women or couple only. Near campus, NO 3-4325. )0198. FOR SUMMER. Reasonable three-room and bath near IM Building. Partly furnished. NO 3-0521, ext. 829 for 2 or 3. )C199 FURNISHED APARTMENT for summer rent, 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. $65. Call NO 2-0021 evenings. )C200 ACROSS FROM Ferry Field. Apart- ments for one or two persons; pri- vate baths; furnished and unfur- nished; summer or longer. Inquire 1315 S. State after 5:30. )C201 AVAILABLE June 15 to Aug. 15 -- 3 room furnished apartment with bath. Near campus. Preferably married cou- ple. Call NO 3-0435 after 5:30. )C202 SUMMER apartment, 3 rooms and bathroom furnished. Very reasonable. Call Dick Gould, NO 3-3307. )C203 ROOMS-Double and suite, male gradu- ate student (summer and fall), half block from campus. Cooking pri- ileges. 417 E. Liberty. )C191 FURNISHED APARTMENT for 3 or 4 men. Excellent location. Reasonable. Call NO 2-2556 during the day, Mr. Lighthammer. . )C193 ROOMERS in fraternity for summer. Phone NO 3-5806 anytime. )-152 ROOMS FOR MALE STUDENTS, % Double at $6.50/wk. available now. Also rooms for summer session. NO 2- 6094 after 5 P.M. 1021 Hill St. 2 doors from East Quad. )0132 FOR FALL and summer-modern apart- ments 1 block from campus. NO 2- 1443. )099 NEW furnished efficiency apt., walk- ing distance, for summer rental. Wil- liam Dawson. NO 2-2076. )C185 1ST FLOOR apt. at 810 Church St. Furnished for three. Summer rental to Sept. 15, $135. Private entrance and bath. NO 2-7969. )0186 FOR SUMMER - A 2 bedroom apt. Modern, completely furnished, with swimming pool. NO 3-4187, p.m. Mike Freeman, )C188 FOR JUNE 15 to Sept. 15; three large rooms, plus bath, kitchen. Completely furnished, air conditioned, and 5 minutes from campus. $100 per month. Phone NO 3-6392. )C190 01 III III lillimil e. s . ' . . * No appointments needed "STYLES TO PLEASE" The Daseola Barbers Near Michigan Theatre I 1 i Plus Richelieu's pearls and pop- pits, white and in every pastel col- or from $1.00 plus tax. We have new enamel jewelry, navy, white and pastels, earrings, bracelets from $3.00; necklaces from $4.00. CAMPUS TOGS 1111 South U. and on S. Forest off South U. "ac ~/fa co I i r It's Michigan Week.! ENDS DIAL TODAY NO2-2513 THURSDAY- Has your college education taught you to mix business with pleasure. I r e COLOR by DE LUXE DIAL NO 2-3136 ENDING TODAY -- MAI' 'BANDON 'iNOLAN f 2nd FEATURE RONALD REAGAN in HELLCATS of the NAVY" Starts THURSDAY SAMUEL FULLER'S i CIN~EMAacsp GENE ANGIE NAT'KING' BARRY DICKINSON'- COLE Today at DIAL 7 and 9 P.M. NO 8-6416 "SETS A NEW HIGH IN SUSPENSE! - - . A piece of film-making thot'll have you holding your breath when you aren't chewing your fingernails." --Journal-American 3 SAM'S STORE Phone NO 3-8611 122 East Washington )B205I HELP WANTED NEXT FALL wanted accredited nursery school teacher 3 mornings a week. Call NO 2-6188. )H138 WANTED-Cab drivers, full or part- time. Apply 113 S. Ashley, Ann Arbor Yellowand Checker Cab Company. Phone NO 8-9382. )H20 MALE camp counselors for Ann Arbor Y.M.C.A. General cabin ocunselors, waterfront program director, and trip director. Call Mr. Cole, NO 2-6564. )H141 WATER SPORT FANS-Men, Women SELL LIFE GUARD FLOATS If you live in a water recreation area.I See display ad Wed., May 22 for details. It is fun to demonstrate and sell this remarkable new water sports device. Interviews in Student Union, Room 32, 1 to 7 p.m., May 22. )H140 COLLEGE STUDENTS EARN $1000 THIS SUMMER! Large National Firm will hire and train several sharp young college men for interesting summer of pub- lic contact work. No experience ne- cessary but you must be neat ap- pearing and enjoy meeting people. Positionsaopen in Detroit and Re- sort Areas of Michigan. Wonderful business experience regardless of your future job plans. Write orrWire immediately: Person- nell Director, 300 United Artists Bldg., Detroit 26, Michigan, and we will contact you for personal inter- view appointment. Teachers also acceptable for summer work. GUARANTEED SALARY FOUND-Two elephants (white). Ab- normal sizes. Prove ownership. Call NO 3-2108. )F242 WANTED-Happy hope for our spider monkey. Call NO 8-6165. )F243 DON'T MISS-Thurs., May 23 ICE CREAM SOCIAL. Benefit for the blind. Phi Psi lawn at Hill and Wash- tenaw. )F240 THE BATTLE of the budget can be solved! Save over 50% on magazines by subscribing through Student Pe- riodical, NO 2-2061. Last chance for June graduates! Stock up now! )F241 EDDIE WHITE, formerly, of Lee's Barbers, now at Varsity Barber. 617 E. William at State. )F239 JEWELS OF LASTING VALUE exclusive in Ann Arbor $2 to $20 MARGARET SHOP Greene's Cleaners'- Building )F235 ALL COLORS - baby parakeets and breeders. Canaries. Baby cockatiel cages. 305 W. Hoover. NO 2-2403. )T3 REAL ESTATE THE BUTTS & SWISHER CO. REALTORS FOR ANN ARBOR WOODS (Washtenaw at Stadium) Office 214 E. Washington - NO 3-0800 Models Open Daily 10-8 )R1 $72.00 A WEEK (~(~>fi I) 1 )H1281 ROOM AND BOARD A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE for summer men. Competitive rates! Clean rooms. Good food. 1319 Hill. Howard Wentz. NO 2-6422. )E22 ROOM AND BOARD for summer. Very reasonable. Room $6 per week. Board 3 meals daily, $2.30, 5 days per week. For information call Al Szemborski, NO 2-8312, 6-7 p.m. Alpha Chi Sigma. )E24 A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE For next year. Upper classmen or grads. Reserve now. Good food, clean rooms. 1319 Hill. Howard Wentz. NO 2-6422. )E23 SUMMER students wanted to room at Kappa Sigma, 806 Hill St. For in- formation call Stan Sabik or Larry Howard at NO 8-8612. )E25 ALTERATIONS Dressmaking Tailoring, restyling. Will do fitting in your home or mine. Experienced, minimum charges. NO 5-6370. Pick-up and Delivery )P3 by Winthrop smartly combines sturdy nylon with a real straw look and top quality leathers for a refreshing new look. A cool change for the warm Fun-loving oxford that's cushioned for hours of comfort on busy vacation days! weather ahead. Dl RSSMAKER : I I I