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May 21, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-05-21

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"Get Back In There, Everything's Simpler That Way"

Sixty-Seventh Year

"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Preval"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
hile Moscow Peiping Drift Apart,
The Ostric unnels Unergroun



Christie Drama Scores,
But Dies Ugly Death
HE INIMITABLE Agatha Christie, who for thirty-plus years has
been consistently baffling whodunit fans with her bluffs and fakes
and red herrings was the author of last night's University Drama Sea-
son production, "Witness for the Prosecution."
The play was based on her 1930 vintage short story of the same
name, and displays the author's talents at their confounding best. But
the stage adaptation of the short story had one major defect: it should
have left well enough alone.
The suspefiseful trial of Leonard Vole for the murder of his dear
deceased benefactress was concluded in the short story by a master.
ful twist; whereas in last night's drama, that original climax was bur-
ide under two (count 'em, two) shattering anti-climaxes. This was
more than one could stand.
Removing this consideration for the moment, it must be said



IF AMERICAN foreign policy chose to be op-
portunistic it could drive a lasting wedge be-
tween the Soviet Union and China today and
not tomorrow. But, of course, we aren't op-
portunists; we're moralists as Mr. Dulles will
testify (overlooking the fact we play ostrich
to British and French imperialism on Cyprus
and in Algeria, and further, recognize Russia,
Spain and others.
The record of Russian-Chinese relations
isn't known, or better still, appreciated by the
State Department's top brass and a big chunk
of the American public. What is the. record?
There is a presumption against the inevitability
of China-Russian friendship. The outside force
which makes them bedfellows is the United
States. This antagonistic force removed, in re-
gard to China, there are deep running forces
to separate the two neighbors.
YES BUT aren't Russia and China sharers of
a common social system - Communism -
under whose banner they hope to conquer the
world? Prof. Peek put this to flight the other
day when he offered this thought - that for
a country like China, Communism is merely
a "quick way to industrialize."
But, to return, what are the deep running
forces which would tend to divide the two gi-
ants of the East? First, we must understand
that China is not a satellite of Russia in any
sense. When %iao or Chou deal with Moscow,
they deal from a position of power, witness
the 1950 Alliance where Mao got much better
Legislation, t
Can PurifyLa
THE CONDUCT of labor witnesses appearing
before the Senate Rackets Investigation
Committee in recent weeks, as well as actual
disclosure of criminal activities in the labor
movement, has clearly demonstrated the crying
need for strict government regulation of labor
union activities and internal affairs.
The McClellan committee has been constantly
frustrated in its investigations by the frequent
use and abuse of the Fifth Amendment by
witnesses. Though-taking the Fifth is one way
of avoiding actual exposure of corruption, the
action in itself implies that such corruption
is indeed present. Though hiding behind a con-
stitutional privilege may prevent criminal prose-
cution of the guilty persons, it nevertheless
answers another question the committee is ask-
ing: Is federal regulation of labor called for?
The answer is a resounding yes.
The disclosures of unethical and illegal prac-
tices on the part of labor leaders, notably
Teamster President Dave Beck, Vice-President
James Hoffa and West Coast boss Frank Brew-
ster, appear to have only scratched the surface.
THAT THERE is far more to be unearthed is
clearly shown when a labor leader finds it
necessary to refuse to answer questions for fear
of self-incrimination-200 times in the course
of testimony, as Beck did, or 71 times in 21
minutes of questioning, as Norman Gessert,
Beck's cousin by marriage, did Friday.
Even those individuals who have not appeared
before the committee have rendered silent wit-
ness to crooked goings-on in the Teamsters
Union. Among these is Dave Beck, Jr., who
skipped to Canada rather than face the com-
mittee, and several others who have so far
kept well out of sight to avoid subpoena.
Many of the witnesses, Beck among them,
have made feeble attempts to justify their
silence by challenging the authority or juris-
diction of the committee, or refusing to answer
as a matter of "principle." Gessert went so far
as to even refuse to state his name or admit
he knew his lawyer, sitting beside him. If
admitting his identity or acquaintance with his
attorney would incriminate him, Gessert was
within his rights. This, however, seems rather
unlikely. Gessert, then, would be guilty of
contempt of Coness, for which he should be
speedily prosecu'
CERTAIN LABOR leaders outside the Team-
sters and labor sympathizers have tried to
throw a smokescreen around the revelations

being made of corruption in the Teamsters top
echelon by throwing wild charges of equal or
greater corruption in top business and indus-
trial circles.
Among these are Sen. Wayne Morse of Ore-
gon and Sen. Patrick McNamara of Michigan.
The McClellan committee has reported evidence
of "an alliance of big business with big labor"
with little regard being paid to the welfare or
rights of the union members whose funds were
involved. Though it cannot be claimed that big
business is guiltless, it hardly seems likely,
judging from the disclosures of the Senate com-
mittee, that business involvement is as crooked,

terms from Stalin than had Chiang Kai-chek
before him. China's military and industrial
strength today seems to be increasing propor-
tionally faster than the Soviet Union's.
Next, there has been a history of border
troubles between the neighboring land-mass,
populous giants, coupled with Soviet imperial-
ism in Manchuria and elsewhere. Recently,
there have been rumors of a breach over North
Korea, which Chinese troops occupy, but which
is governed from Moscow. Recently, the Chi-
nese have been showered with radiation fall-
out from Soviet tests in Siberia. Recently, and
perhaps most importantly, according to Prof.
Fifield, the University's Far Eastern authority,
the Chinese have looked with longing eyes to
Outer Mongolia - a Russian satellite but Chi-
nese by history.
BUT WHAT do we care about the Russian-
Chinese breach? We are interested in pursu-
ing an idealistic course in foreign relations. We
can't have any truck with the devil. Remember,
China was the aggressor in the Korean War;
they have imprisoned Americans; they have
repudiated the international obligations of
Chiang's government. What do we care, when
ideals are at stake, about 600,000,000 people
who have been traditional friends of the United
States? Why should we recognize the Peiping
government, for Chiang will return soon, soon,
soon. Why should we care?
Mr. Dulles, in the name of expediency, wake
bor Movement
on as large a'scale, or as deliberate as that of
Sen. Morse being the unprincipled political
opportunist that he is, we are inclined to im-
mediately take a stand opposite to his, pending
thorough investigation of his statements and
charges, whatever their nature.
Sen. McNamara holds the distinction of
being the only senator in Congress on tile in-
vestigating committee who belongs to the AF of
L. It was reported by Drew Pearson recently
(April 23) that Sen. McNamara's former union,
Pipefitters Local 636, was or is allegedly in-
volved in a racket of selling work permits to
non-union members. Sen. McNamara was presi-
dent of that local until he ran for the Senate
in 1954.
THREE of Sen. McNamara's colleagues on the
committee (Sens. Ives, Goldwater and
Mundt) reportedly tried secretly, to arrange an
investigation of labor activities in Michigan,
in hopes of embarrassing Sen. McNamara and
undermining Democratic power in Michigan.
Pearson also reported in the same column
that Sen. McNamara was involved in a union
building controversy. His local defaulted on a
$150,000 contract to buy a building that the
former owned had purchased for only $50,000
three years before. (This is depreciation?)
The Pipefitters lost $62,500 on the deal, and
nine union members are still demanding an
Sen. McNamara's motivation in trying to
draw attention away from labor corruption
and make big business share the guilt seems
therefore obvious.
Because of the constant misuse of the Fifth
Amendment by witnesses before the Rackets
Investigation Committee, it seems unlikely
that criminal charges can be brought against
most of those who most deserve prosecution.
The best the McClellan committee can do
then, seems to be to make sur,e as much as
possible, that the sort of corruption that has
been unearthed cannot go on.
AND THE BEST way to do this is to recom-
mend to Congress strict, extensive and thor-
ough regulation of labor by the federal gov-
ernment. Labor has long been allowed to grow
unchecked, as big business was before the ad-
vent of anti-trust legislation. The present setup
of most labor unions concentrates far too much
power in the hands of a few, without adequate
internal checks, without adequate outside regu-
lation, and without adequate responsiveness to
the rank and file.

Decay has set in, as it did in the rise of big
business. Decay must be cleaned out and
activities overseen, as they were in big business.
The most effective way to accomplish this,
we believe, is to set up a federal commission,
similar to the ICC, which would act as a watch-
dog on labor. The mere existence of such a
commission, however, would be of little conse-
quence unless it were backed up with sufficient
legislation to put teeth in its jaws.
The backbone of this legislation should be
an anti-monopoly provision, right-to-work pro-
vision, and an arrangement which would allow
periodic checks on union internal affairs.
THE GREAT MAJORITY of the labor move-
ment may be legally honest, if not always
ethical. If so, and if labor leaders are sincerely
conerned ahot the welfare of the American



Y bt

Consumer Interests Neglected

EVERY housewife who turns on
a gas stove or an electric light
bulb will be interested in the
amazing confession of the man
whose sworn job is to protect her
on the price of natural gas and
electric power.
He is Jerome Kuykendall, wl m
President Eisenhower has just re-
appointed chairman of the Feder-
al Power Commission.
When he took office, Kuyken-
dall took a solemn oath to enforce
and follow the laws of the United
States, especially those governing
his own agency which was set up
to protect the American consumer
from big power companies and the
big gas producers.
* * *
DESPITE THIS, alert Congress-
man Torbert MacDonald of Boston
discovered that Kuykendall had
met secretly with Randall Le
Boeuf, attorney for Consolidated
Edison of New York; William Tar-
ver of Southern Natural Gas, Bir.
mingham, Ala.; and David Searls,
counsel for Texas Natural Gas
Producers. Purpose of the secret
meeting was to draft a bill ac-
ceptable to both Southern gas pro-
ducers and Northern gas distribu-
tors. The consumer was not con-
Equally amazing was that the
meeting was held on the instruc-
tion of the White House.
Chairman Kuykendall finally
blurted out the whole story.
"What happened was this," he
confessed to the persistent con-
gressman from Boston. "While
Congress was still in session last
year, and after the Harris-Ful-
bright Bill had been voter on, Jer-
ry Morgan at the White House
contacted me and asked me if I,
without saying anything to any-

body,. would prepare a draft of a
bill which I thought would fulfill
the requirements that the Presi-
dent had stated in his veto mes-
Kuykendall then explained how
he had contacted representatives
of Southern gas companies and
Northern distributors.
"Well, sir," demanded Congress-
man MacDonald, "As I understand
it, the act which you administer
was put in for the protection of
the consuming public of the
United States, was it not?"
"Yes, agreed Kuykendall.
"Would you not say that your
primary duty is to protect the
people who use this gas, rather
than those who produce it?" Mac-
Donald asked.
"Yes, and that is what I am en-
deavoring to dos" said Kuykendall.
"I would like to ask you this
question," MacDonald continued.
"If, during the formulation of this
bill, which is now House Resolu-
tion 6790, you did not call on any
consumer group to find out how
they felt about this matter, and
relied solely on only the three seg-
ments of the industry that had to
gain from any such bill?"
"Well, that is a loaded ques-
tion," protested Kuykendall.
* * *
"IT IS NOT a loaded question!"
snapped MacDonald.
"In the first place," explained
Kuykendall, "I knew of no suffi-
cient consumers groups to go to.
And I wasn't going to groups. I
went to three individuals, and I
admonished those individuals that
there should be no publicity about
this. There should be absolute se-
crecy, because I did not want any
rumors started that there might
be another gas bill during the last
session of Congress."

"Did you consult with any law-
yers from a consumer group, of
the Mayors' Associataion, for one,
the mayors of 200 cities of the
United States?" pressed MacDon-
"No, I did not," admitted the
chairman of the commission
which is supposed to protect con-
sumers, "I only consulted with
these people I have mentioned."
"Since the mayors of 200 large
cities of the United States repre-
sent millions of people - millions
of people who would be affected
by this bill - I cannot quite un-
derstand why you did not, and I
am asking for an explanation why
you did not," asked MacDonald.
The chairman of the Federal
Power Commission squirmed, fid-
geted, gave no satisfactory answer.
A further answer will be de-
manded of him when he comes up
for confirmation before the Sen-
ate Interstate Commerce Commit-
tee. Sen. Paul Douglas of Illinois
plans to demand that he be im
NOTE - The secret discussions
between Kuykendall and the big
gas boys resulted in the Harris
Bill, now being considered in the
House of Representatives.
The Senate Rackets Committee
will try to balance its anti-labor
investigation by investigating a
small telephone company in Ohio.
Committee agents are probing re-
ports that the company ordered
detectives to "get" four labor
leaders by running them down
with an automobile .. . The late
Senator McCarthy's private pa-
pers reveal he once wanted a
three-man national commission to
investigate Communism
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.)

that the original Broadway players,
and Gene Lyons, gave two min-
utes short of three full acts of
compelling, well-controlled dra-
ma. Miss Christie's crackling Brit-
ish dialogue, sprinkled with a few
assorted English accents spiced up
the movement and color of the ac-
tion -- which scarcely needed any
From the opening curtain, the
drama takes off at full-speed
ahead, and, honestly, never has a
dragging moment. In the court
scene, a period of formal activi-
ties which could easily have be-
come tiring, the proceedings were
enlivened by a pair of sparring,
hammy barristers and a file-in of
witnesses who were anything but
drag. The speaking voices
throughout this and all other
scenes were excellent.
"Witness for the Prosecution"
has an accumulating tension
which all revolves about an enig-
matic witness - the wife of the
accused.' Well, that is, she really
isn't his wife. Rather they were
married, but -. You see, she can
testify against poor Leonard Vole.
But Agatha Christie tells it so
much better.
THERE IS so much comedy in
the character of the accused mur-
derer, Vole, that we never have
anything approaching a true life-
or-death situation.
But in Agatha Christie-land,
that is as it should be. The auth-
or's greatest talent, brilliantly
displayed in the drama, is that
of giving Reality the footing avail-
able in a pool of quicksand. With
Vole and his wife shouting contra-
dictory stories at each other, and
with additional witnesses clouding
up the whole business, the auth-
or's favorite conundrum emerges:
who is telling the truth?
We'll bet you'll never guess. As
for the request printed in the pro-
gram "not to divulge the third act
solution of the plot to those who
have not seen the play," we might
say that it wouldn't do much
harm at all to divulge the last
couple of "solutions," provided you
can remember all that happened
in the closing moments. The act-
ing was admirable, the staging
and effects were knockouts.
But Agatha Christie, Mistress
of the Double Reverse, has been
routed out of her position by a
staggering volley of last minute
-Donald A. Yates
Don't Miss
planned crime story, filmed on
small screen black and white with
great effect is Rififi, which is cur-
rently attracting large crowds at
the Campus theatre.
Rififi is somewhat like the
American film, The Killing, in that
in that it has been put together
on a small budget, without any of
the recent gimmicks which are
supposed to tear people away from
TV: Stereophonic sound, Panor-
amic Screen, Popophonic Corn.
Unlike Killing, Rififi is leisurely
paced, but nonetheless exciting. It
relates the story of a carefully
planned robbery and the unfortu-
nate aftermath, when a rival group
of thieves tries to rob the robbers.
RIFIFI was originally done in
French; the English speech is care-
fully put into the actors mouths
so that the result is quite realistic.
The heroes of Rififi are four
likable French professional crim-

inals who plot out their burglary
of a jewelry store with great thor-
oughness and seem to be very well
equipped for the job. It is all very
The suspense during the actual
robbery is. developed with more
than enough care. Other bits of
"suspense are added here and there.
The only flaw in the story was
a pronounced trend to the overly
dramatic near the conclusion of
the film. After the suspense of the
preparations and the robbery, the
action tended to drag somewhat,
but then the effort to keep every-
thing moving became all too no-
* * *
STILL, the overall effect was cer-
tainrl ntertsinin if n U r nes

Geoffrey Lumb, Joan Alexander,
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
off icial publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michi-
gan Daily assumes no editorial re-
sponsibility. Notices should be sent
In TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
3519 Administration Building, be-
fore 2 p.m. the dar preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1957
General Notices
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Initia-
tion and Reception: Tonight, Tuesday,
May 21, 8:00 p.m., Rackham Building,
3rd floor. Dean Emeritus Hayward
Kenston will speak on "Learning for
Life." Members cordially invited.
Beta Gamma Sigma. Spring initiation
ceremony for new members, 3 p.m.,
Tues., May 21. Ninth Floor Lounge,
School of Business Administration.
Disciplinary action in cases of st-
dent misconduct: At meetings held on
April 25, May 2, 9 and 15, 1957, cases
involving 34 students were heard by the
Joint Judiciary Council. In all ases
the action was approved by the Uni-
versity Sub-Committee on Discipline.
Conduct unbecoming a student in
that violated state laws and city ordin-
ances relating to the purchase, saS
and use of intoxicants
a. Drinking in student quarters and
entertaining unchaperoned women
in male student quarters. Four
students fined $5.00 each.
b. Drinking in violation of State law
and drunk and disorderly in s.
public place. One student fined
e. Drinking in student quarters and
driving under the influence of
intoxicants. One student fined
$30.00 with $15.00 suspended and
warned that any future violation
of this type will result In the
withholding of University driving
d. Drinking, in violation of state law,
In male student quarters. Four'
students fined $10.00 each.
e. Drinking, in violation of state law,
in student quarters, providing a
place for minors to drink, and
entertaining unchaperoned women
inapartment. One student fined
f. Drinking, in violation of state law,
in student quarters and furnishing
intoxicants to minors. One student
fined $15.00,
g. Drinking, in violation of state
law, in student quarters. Two stu-
dents fined $10.00 each.
h. Drinking, in violation of State
law, ' in student quarters and
guilty of vulgar conduct in a
public place. One student fined
$25.00 with $10.00 suspended.
Conduct unbecoming a student lit
that it violated the University driving
a Driving without authorization. One
student fined $50.00; one student
finedl $40.00 with $25.00 suspended;
two students fined ,$35.0 with
$15.00 suspended; one student fined
$30.00 with $15.00 suspended; one
student fined $25.00 with $20.00
suspended; two students fined
$25.00 with $15.00 suspended; two
students fined $25.0 with .$10.00
suspended; one student f i n e d
$25.00, whih was suspended; one
student fined $15.00 and one stu-
dent fined $10.00.
b. Misusing temporary driving per-
mit. One student fined $30.00.
e. Borrowing an automobile without
authorization by University. One
student fined $25.0.
d. Lending automobile to another
studentwithout authorization by
the :University. One student fined
e. Possessing an automobile on cam-
pus without authorization by the
University. One student fined
$30.00 with $15.00 suspended.
a. Conduct unbecoming a student in
that falsified the date on a room.
notice slip. verbal warning.
b. Disorderly prowling. verbal warn-
American Chemical Society. t-M Sec-
tion. Dr. W. J. Youden, of the National
Bureau of Standards, will speak on
"Control of Experimental Error by Sta-
tistical Design." 8:0 p.m. In Room 1300
Chemistry, Wed., May 22.

University Lecture. "Emotional Archi-
tecture" by Mathias Goeritz, noted
Mexican sculptor and architect. Wed.,
May 22, 4:15 p.m., Architecture Aud.
Student Recital by Marian Mercer,
mezzo-soprano, pupil of Frances Greer,
8:30 Wed., May 22, Ad. A, Angell Hall.
The program will include compositions
by Handel, Brahms, Hugo Wolf, Erich
Wolff, villa-Lobos, Thomas, and Finzi,
and will be open to the public. It is
presented in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Bachelor of Mu-
sic degree.
Student Recital, Anita Hovie, mezzo-
soprano, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Bachel-
or of Music on Tues., May 21, at 8:30
p.m., in Aud. A, Angell Hall. Composi-
tions by Cesti-Trucco, Handel, Schu-
mann, Grieg, Faure and Respighi. She
is a . f ra w--vrnrQ mr-..Adia









Reviewers Pick Best Movies



I WAS FEELING pretty clever
the other day, so I thought I'd
force my fellow movie reviewers
to make like an Academy Award
Committee. Movie reviewers are
pretty maligned around here; and
little things like this make them
feel important.
The idea was that you captive
readers might' be interested to
know what the reviewers really
like best and hate most. This can
serve as a useful guide in the fu-
ture, i.e., if a reviewer's favorite
film is also your favorite, you
might follow his stuff more close-
ly than others. Clever, Eh? Cute?
So, in my foolhardy way, I pre-
pared a set of questions which
were subsequently disregarded.
Question one-What is the best
film you're ever seen?
Question two - What is the
Question three - What were
the three best movies in Ann
Arbor this past year?
NOW THAT you've memorized
the -UY n1MI. nt..Va. I} D" - eP-fi

him intense pain even in retro-
Best three of year-La Strada,
The Killing (the off-beat crime
on the race-track flic), and Attack!
(the Jack Palance war-and-cow-
ardice tale).
Miss Jean Willoughby, probably
the most prolific reviewer this
year, raised two eyes clouded by
Cinemascope and maintained that
it was impossible to pick, but she
Best - The Red Shoes and/or
Great Expectations.
Worst-Column South, a west-
ern starring everybody's favorite
war ace, Audie Murphy.
Best three this year - Richard
III, The Wages of Fear, and La
DAVID? KESSEL, editor of the
Victorian primer "Gargoyle," spent
much of the year viewing cience-
fiction shows. With a carefree dis-
regard for the questions, he made
some choices, left out others, added
a few of his own. I quote his com-
ments as well:
Rpc+ +lr.. of 4nr-Ronn.d TTy

-Best, Olivier's Henry V, with
the English Th'e River a close sec-
Worst-a stirring opus of seven
years ago called Swamp Fire,
which had the distinction of star-
ring both Johnny Weismuller and
Buster Crabbe in a story of the
Louisiana Swamps. It was one of
my early traumas and still is re-
sponsible for that funny look in
my eyes that frightens children
so much.
Best three of the year-Richard
III, The Great Man, and La Stra-
da seem to have done okay.
Be kind to your reviewers. We
mean well, and a smile can make
the next Presley movie seem a
little less harrowing.
* * *
EVENT of the week, by golly:
"Tomorrow, the leading light of
the' local stage makes her last
Ann Arbor appearance before.
graduating. This column suwgests
you attend the recital of Marian
Mercer, 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in
Aud. A. By now, we've all seen
Miss Mercer in one enterprise or
(n*. F-itn+ -n vtnm , a is

,.x. a

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