SIGMA KAPPA DECISION See Page4 Y itn :4Ia ity Latest Deadline in the State PARTLY CLOUDY VOL. LXVI, No. 94 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1957 EIGHT PAGES US. Denounces Russian Plan for Mid-Eas White House Soviets Ask I 't Crisis Labels Bid Transparent, Senate Body Rejects Attempts to Cut Aid By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-The U n i t e d States swiftly turned down yester- day Russia's terms for cooperat- ; ing with the West to end Middle sn tensions. fusal followed hard on the a decision by a joint Sen- committee not to cut President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Middle East resolution in half and side track his 200-million-dollar for- eign aid program for the area. The White House denounced the six-point Soviet proposal as a transparent bid to wreck Presi- dent Dwight D. Eisenhower's plan to guard the region against Coi- munist aggressioh. Try To Discredit - Speaking a few hours after the Russian proposal 'was made pub- lic, sPresidential press secretary James C. Hagerty said: "Obviously this is a Russian move to try to discredit or stop the Eisenhower plan for the Mid- dle East." Hagerty's comnient, issued at the President's vacation headquar- ters at Thomasville, Ga., summed up the cold reception to the So- viet proposal which was evident at the State Department. Top officials after a quick study 'labeled it a Soviet "propaganda hodgepodge" aimed at persuading Arab ,countries that Moscow can be counted on as their only real friend in the area. Not Be Fooled These officials forecast that Arab governments would not be fooled by Moscow's efort to wrap into ja new package such repeated- ly rejected demands as disman- tling of Western bases in the area, ' withdrawal of Allied forces and a scrapping of all defense alliances. The senate committee's action was an important victory for the administration and pointed to eventual passage of the resolution in a form acceptable to President Eisenhower. The Foreign Relations and Armed Services committees, meet- ing in a joint closed session, was reported to have voted 17-11 fainst limiting the resolution to le section authorizing the Presi- nt to employ United States med forces in the Middle East necessary to stem Communist 'resslon., nitial congressional reaction to fection of the Soviet bid clearly - ected the administration's view ough Senator John Sparkman I\la) said he "wouldn't like to t the proposal turned down r Dismisses Offer l Sen. Sparkman dismissed, how- er, Russia's offer to cooperate in East-West economic aid pro- Gram in the Middle East by say- ing "I don't believe we have reached the point of progress in our rela- tions with Russia where we can accept a proposal to cooperate with 'them in an economic program in any area of the world. President Eisenhower's Middle East policy resolution is now before the Senate Foreign Relations and Armed Services committees, hav- ing been approved earlier by the House. It would give the President advance approval to use United States military forces against any open Communist aggression in the area. And, in its present form, it would authorize an emergency mil- itary-economic aid program for the Middle East, ranging up to 200 million dollars this fiscal year. An attempt to cut the aid fea- tures out of the resolution was de- feated at yesterday's session of the committees. This -ecision, reported to have been taken on a 17-11 vote, was a major victory for the ad- ministration. Fraternity Rush Meeting Tonight Head football coach Benny Oos- terbaan will speak at a mass rush- -Daily-Irvin Henrikson MOTION DRAFTERS-South Quad councilmen William "Gus" Ginter, Jesse Meyers, and Tom Joles put their heads together as they hurry to draft an "acceptable" motion on the recent expul- sion of three quadrangle residents. Quad Council Asks Facts On Unexplained Expulsions By RICHARD TAUB A resolution requesting an explanation of the University's re- cent expulsion of three men from South Quadrangle was passed unanimously by the Quad Council last night. Until the explanation is received, the resolution said, "we can- not condone such action." Asked to Leave The three students, David Gumenick, '59, Jeffery Mandel, '59, and Roger Gottfried, '59, were asked to leave the quad, after two of their names had appeared in a Detroit newspaper article concerning last December's "food riot." The resolution was Passed after Mark Noffsinger, resident direc- Ctor of South Quad, had appeared Withdrawal Plana Gains UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (P)-- Britain and Canada yesterday en- dorsed the new United States compromise proposal designed to get Israel's forces out of Egypt and-the Gaza Strip. Most United Nations diplomats appeared to welcome the sudden American initiative, but cautiously withheld comment . pending a statement from Israel. Israeli rep- resentatives here awaited word from Jerusalem. The new turn of events delayed a new round of debate in the Gen- eral Assembly. Delegates now ex- pect no meeting until late in the week. Egpt, whose foreign minister, Mahmoud Fawzi, was filled in on the United States plan, was re- ported "not unhappy" over the idea. The proposals as worked out by Secretary of State John Foster Dulles in consultation with Presi- dent Dwight D. Eisenhower, State Department officials and repre- sentatives of some friendly coun- tries, calls for the United States to give public support to the prin- ciple of free shipping in the Gulf of Aqaba. Garg Meeting A Gargoyle tryout meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Student Publications Building for those interested in work on the edit, art or business staffs. Gargoyle is the all-campus hu- mor magazine. before the council to discuss the expulsions. Noffsinger said they took place for "multiple considerations," but refused to "delineate other con- siderations" than their calls to' the newspapers, because "I would never defame a boys' character." At the start of the meeting he told the body that the men had been poor citizens of the quad before Dec. 3, and he did not think they would have been approved for re-entrance next September even in the absence of the food incidents. High ,Point After Noffsinger had answered questions for almost half of the three hour meeting, a high point of -tension was reached when the three expelled men walked into the room following a quick tele- phone call from a quad resident. When one of the men said he knew of no reason for his expul- sion other than his connection with the newspaper,-he requested Noffsinger "to explain all the rea- sons. Go ahead, I want everything to come out - the whole thing cleared up right now." Noffsinger answered, "I will not stoop so low as to defame the boy's character. A mighty poor Resident Director I'd be if I did." Not His Alone He made it clear that expulsion was not his decision alone. Vice- President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis, Dean of Men Walter B. Rea, and the three quad resident directors were all respon- sible for the unanimous decision. The students claimed they had no clear knowledge of why they were asked to leave. No student judiciary body was involved in the decision. South Quad Judic has never had juris- diction over students caught drinking in the arboretum Noff- singer analogized 6-Point Plan For Region MOSCOW (MP-The Soviet Unio proposed yesterday a co-operative Big Four effort to guarantee peac in the explosive Middle East. It would include agreement or an economic development pro- gram, ending of arms shipment and junking of Western bases in the area. Outlining a six-point Middle East proposal to the Supreme So- viet (parliament), Foreign Minis- ter Dmitr Shepilov said the Rus- sians are ready "to examine every initiative which would ease rela- tions between the Soviet Union and the big three Western powers. 'Stubborn Opposition' "But while our peaceful ,foreign policy is meeting with stubborn Iopposition from the ruling circles of certain capitalist states, wewill continue to develop our glorious armed forces and hold our rifles in our hands," Shepilov said. Then, to loud applause from the 1,300 deputies, he added: "And not only our rifles." Shepilov said the Soviet propos- als had been sent to the United States, British and French am- bassadors. The program he outlined was viewed by Western diplomats here as the Kremlin's answer to Presi- dent Dwight D Eisenhower's doc- trine for stabilizing the Middle East. Conciliatory and Unyielding Seeming conciliatory on some points and unyielding on others, Shepilov outlined these six points to the Middle East: 1. Maintenance of peace in the Near and Middle East through settling disputed questions exclu- sively by peaceful means, by ne- gotiation. 2. Noninterference in the inter- nal affairs of the Near and Middle East; respect for sovereignty and independence. 3. Renunciation of any attempts to include these countries in mili- tary blocs with the participation of the great powers. 4. Liquidation of foreign bases and withdrawal of foreign troops. 5. Mutual renunciation of the supply of arms. 6. Cooperation toward economic development without making any political, military or other condi- tions whatsoever "incompatable with the dignity and sovereignty of these countries." U.S. Labeled 'A ggressor' UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (P)- The Soviet Union last night ac- cused the United States of aggres- sive actions around the world and called for a General Assembly de- bate on the situation. Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Vass ilyn Kuznetsov made the charges in a letter to PrinceWan Waithayakon, president of the United Nations General Assembly. He asked for action by the As- sembly without delay. Kuznetsov charged that the United States has committed ag- gressive actions by building mili- tary bases in western Europe, Tur- key, Iran, Japan and Okinawa, capable of using atomic weapons. He charged also that American bases in England, France, Britain, West Germany, Italy, Turkey and Iran constitute a threat to peace. Kuznetsov complained that the United States budget contained unprecedented expenses for war preparations. He said money was being ap- propriated to build new bases in Brazil, a jet plane base in Pakis- tan, and Air Force bases in Taiwan and West Germany. Kuznetsov did not present a resolution. The procedure will be for the Assembly Steering Com- mittee to decide whether to rec- ommend consideration of this new item. The committee will meet to- day. It will be up to the Assembly, now attempting to wind up the eleventh regular session, to decide finally whether it wants to take on the new complaint. Student Arrested Sigma Kappa 1? SGC World News Roundup By The Associated Press Aid Cut Hinted .. . TOKYO - Benjamin Fairless said yesterday "if any country wants comunism, my answer to that is to let them have commu- nism" The chairman of President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Citizens Committee on Foreign Aid hinted at a news conference the com- mittee's March 1 report may rec- ommend a cut in American as- sistance to uncommitted Asian nations, the neutrals in East- West affairs. "Undoubtedly," he said, "Europe would have gone Communistic" except for America's postwar Marshall Plan support. Oil Inquiry ... WASHINGTON (A) - Spokes- men for independent oil produc- ers contended yesterday that in- dustry costs have outrun income and the recent oil price boost was justified regardless of what happened in the Middle East. Justified or not, Senate investi- gators were told that the higher prices will raise the fuel bill of the armed services by 85 million dollars a year, hike costs of muni- cipal power plants by nearly 30 millions, and put some of these plants out of business, * * * * DAR Reply «-. WASHINGTON (IP)-The Presi- dent of the Daughters of the Am- erican Revolution said yesterday the DAR "believes that a little boy of Mexican origin is as en- titled to carry an American flag as any other citizen." * * * Dock Strike«.. NEW YORK (?P)-The Interna- tional Longshoremen's Assn. last night ordered an Atlantic Coast strike of 45,000 dockers from Maine to Virginia. Scores of ships were caught in the tieup. However, the negotiations con- tinued with the union reported very close to an agreement with shippers. Male Students Outnumber V Coeds By2-1 By ALLAN STILLWAGON Coeds may be consoled by the University's latest men-to-women ratio released yesterday by Ed- ward G. Grosebeck, director of the Office of Registration and Records. There are 2.11 men students for each female residence credit stu- dent. in Ann Arbor, the second semester enrollment breakdown figures reveal. This represents an increase of .01 from the former ratio. Compared with registration for Spring 1956, ten schools increased in size and five decreased, result- ing in a total residence credit increase of 5.9 per cent, or 1,133. The graduate school led the perennial upward trend with an increase of 433 over its former figure of 3,908. The Ann Arbor graduate branch noted a rise of 248 to 3,101, while out-state cen- ters jumped from 1,055 to 1,240. Engineering students accounted for the second largest ascent. En- gineering school enrollment rose 274 from a February, 1956 total of 2,439 to the present 2,713 level. The most significant drop was LITERARY COLLEGE: Faculty Approves Honors Council By SHiRLEY OROOG Literary college faculty approval of organizing college activities on behalf of the superior student was announced yesterday by Dean Charles E. Odegaard. At a meeting Monday the faculty approved a committee proposal to establish an Honors Council. The aim of the Council is to increase educational opportunities by recruiting superior students, establish- ing special sections in large lecture courses, and developing more interdepartment honors programs and tutorial arrangements. Read- ing courses, junior honors programs and special courses will also be increased under the new plan. Prof. E. Lowell Kelly of the psychology department, chairman of the committee_ said Drobable,' - Will Ul Ulu UV111411 aiiGG, ZU'Lu ',wnhal effects of the new program would be: One or More 1) "Permitting at least half the students in literary college to take one or more honors sections some- time during his four years at col- lege, depending on his capabilities; 2) "Enabling the superior stu- dent to take honors courses in more than one department; 3) "An improved intellectual climate because of stimulation of more student interest and in- creased faculty participation. The result of this would be an in- creased emphasis on the value of superior achievement." The Council will seek and re- cruit superior students, including those still in high school, who would be given special counselling for promotion and utilization of intellectual interests and abilities. Stimulus for Opportunity Made up of faculty members of each department, the Honors Council will act as a stimulus for initiating and developing educa- tional opportunities. It will be responsible for bring- ing students with superior train- ing and ability to the attention of the literary college. Early de- tection of superior students may be handled through competitive examinations to insure the col- lege that highly qualified students will be recognized. A special group of advisors working with the Council will de- sign educational programs suited to the individual's ability by care- fully studying his interests, capa- bilities and previous educational achievements. The group called it important to have as counselors faculty men fully acquainted with opportuni- ties available in the University. Develop Policies The proposed group will develop policies and review administra- tive practives. The committee re- commended the Council be given the authority to waive rules con- cerning course loads and gradua- tion requirements under appropri- ate circumstances. A five-man executive committee under a director appointed by the Dean and Executive Committee of the literary college will have administrative responsibility. Reds Reject Moscow Tie' ..NEW YORK (P)-The American Communist party yesterday de- clared its independence of Mos- cow. It voted overwhelmingly in the final session of a four-day conven- tion to do its own interpreting of Marxist-Leninist principles. Such action-following a Com- munist course along independent and national lines-is commonly called "Titoism," although the American Communists did not use that term. Max Weiss, the party's national education director, described the move as "an explicit declaration of the independent and 'equal status of our party in relation to the world Communist movement." He said this ended a tradition "by which we tacitly assumed that the interpretation of Marxism- Leninism made by the Communist party of the Soviet Union was ipso facto valid and all we had to do was creatively apply their in- terpretations to our -conditions." Weiss introduced the resolution. It said American Communists would interpret and apply Marx- ist-Leninist principles "in accord- ance with the requirements of the American class struggle and demo- cratic traditions." It stressed that American Com- munists rejected as obsolete and incorrect old Red theories of the inevitability of war and revolu- tion. __ Katona to Talk A Budapest-born University pro- fessor who accompanied Vice- President Richard M. Nixon on his recent trip to Austria will speak today on the meaning of the Hun- garian revolution. Prof. George Katona of the eco- nomics and psychology depart- ments will appear as second speaker in the "Town Talks" series at 8 p.m. in Ann Arbor High School's West Cafeteria. By VERNON NAHRGANG Five plans of possible action against Sigma Kappa sorority will comprise the report to Student Government Council from its Sigma Kappa committee. No one plan is recommended by the committee. All five will be presented for SGC's considera- tion at its meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union. Prior to the presentation of the report, SGC will elect a new presi- dent to replace President Bill Adams, Grad., whose announced resignation will take effect with the election. Joe Collins, '58, is the only announced candidate for the presidency. New Chairman Immediately following the elec- tion the new president would be- come chairman of the meeting. The five plans of action, as de- scribed by the committee chair- man, Union President, Roy Lave, '57E, are: 1) SGC would allow Sigma Kap- pa until Sept. 1958 to resolve the violation Recognition would then be withdrawn unless the sorority "takes action to remove or alter the racial discriminatalon in their membership policy." 2) In addition, the local Alpha Mu chapter would not be per- mitted, after Sept. 1957, to take the regular steps of perpetuating its membership, i.e., rushing, pledging, initiating. Until September 1957 3) SGC would allow Sigma Kap- pa until Sept. 1957 to resolve the violation. Recognition would then be withdrawn. The local chapter would immediately be denied the right to perpetuate its member- ship, including activation of pres- ent pledges. 4) Immediate withdrawal of recognition of the local chapter. 5) SGC would allow Sigma Kap- pa until June 1957 to resolve the violation. Recognition would then be withdrawn. The local chapter would be immediately deniedthe right to perpetuate its member- ship. Lave explained each of the plans "has a distinct advantage in the consideration," and that these would be explained at to- day's meeting. MembersDisagree Lave said the committee de- cided to present several plans in- stead of a single r'ecommendation because of disagreement among committee members. Sigma Kappa local President Pat Miller, '58Ed, appeared before the committee yesterday to stats the sorority's position. "We as Alpha Mu's do not feel guilty," Miss Miller said, "and do not wish to place a penalty upon ourselves, but wish to leave the decision up to SGC, believing that they will treat us fairly and justly." To Implement Dec. 5 Decision Student Government Council's action tonight-will be a 'follow-up on its Dec. 5 decision that Sigma,. Kappa did not meet the recogni- tion requirements of the Univer- sity. The issue was raised last fall, after the National Council of Sig- ma Kappa had, during the su-' me , suspended the charter of Its Hear " Five 'lans Conmittee To Offer No Endorsement Adams Replacement To Be Picked Tonight Daily Staff Tryouts Icers Trounced ..' ? ....-, . . .A S: S~ :;:;:. ":, . ""gaol .. i __. - f- - m - -