WAKE UP: MR. DULLES See Page 4 Pr' at Latest Deadline in the StateCLDYADARR Ap :43 a t t CLOUDY AND WARMER VOL. LXVn, No. 167 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESIAY, MAY 21, 1957 " SIX PAGES Group in House Denies U Raise Five .Other State'Colleges Granted $1,400,000 Appropriation Hike By DIANE LaBAKAS aid LANE VANDERSLICE Special to The Daily The House Ways and Means Committee yesterday refused to increase .the University's budget appropriation while proposing a $1,400,000 raise to five other state universities. Although the committee refused to increase its original University budget proposal of 30 million dollars, it proposed that Mjchigan State University receive approximately an $800,000 in addition to the House Ways and Means Committee's originally proposed 20 million dollar budget. Ferris institute, Central Michigan, Eastern Michigan, Northern AFL-CIO ,From Chief Top Remove Beck Two Union Positions Urge Egypt To Discuss Suez Peace Ike Speech To Support Foreign Aid WASHINGTON (P) - Presiden Dwight D. Eisenhower, reportedl satisfied with the impact made by his defense of the budget las week, drafted another radio-T speech yesterday in support of hi: $3,880,000,000 foreign aid program The President will address the nation at 7:30 p.m. today. He is also expected to send Con- gress a special message on foreig aid this week, underelining hi argumjents in favor of the bi utual security investment. James C. Hagerty, the Presi- dent's press secretary, told news- men President Eisenhower is satis- fied with the public reaction t his speech on the $71,800,000,00( spending budget 1 a s t Tuesda night. But Hagerty declined to say ho many messages the White House received or to give the percentage of those people agreeing witl President Eisenhower's views. In last week's speech the Presi- dent said no great reductions ir the budget are possible unless Con- gress eliminates or curtails exist- ing federal programs. He said it would be "a needless gamble" to cut into defense fund at this stage of world relations. But in Congress members of both parties still seem determined tc slice big chunks off the spending x programs for the fiscal year be- ginning July 1. The suggested reductions range from three to six billion dollars. In an effort to make his foreign aid program more acceptable to Ccngress, President Eisenhower re- duced his appropriation requests . by 500 million dollars earlier this month. He still wants $2,800,000,000 for r military aid. High Court Gives Aliens Exemptions WASHINGTON (A) - The Su- preme Court held yesterday that the Justice Department lacks au- thority to ban Communist activity by an alien who has been under a deportation order for six months. It affirmed a decision of a spe- cial three-judge United States District Court in the case of Mrs. Antonia Sentner of St. Louis. Justices Harold H. Burton and Thomas C. Clark, who dissented, said the action makes ineffective clauses of the McCarthy-Walter Immigration Act of 1952 which "are vital to effectuation of the purpose of Congress in controlling subversives whose order of depor- tation has been forestalled by technical difficulties." Justices Burton and Clark said the "summary affirmance of this appeal, without argument," en- larges a recent holding in a similar -immigration case. That decision limited supervi- sion of aliens who have been un- der deportation orders for six months to questions "reasonably calculated" to keep the attorney general advised regarding their continued availablity for deporta- tion. A 1C1L III- 1 MAd' l1_ OMichigan and -Western Michigan Colleges receive the remaining $600,000 increase. Sen. Frank Badle (R-St: Clair) of the Appropriation Committee said that the Senate would increase its original University proposal of 29 million dollars if the bill should come to a legislative conference. The House also tenporarily re- jected 44 to 38 a committee amendment to delete the Senate proposal to appropriate $2,780,000 to MSU and $3,559,000 to the Uni- versity which would be used in lieu of student fees pledged for retiring revenue bonds for capital outlay. Under the Senate amendment, up to 40 per cent of student fees could be pledged to finance bonds. If the Senate proposal passes it will mean that University tuition fees may have to be raised more than 25 per cent to pay for capital outlay. The amendment will be voted on today. Rep. Arnell Eng- strom (R-Traverse City) said now it appeared dubious whether the House would be able to get enough votes to finally delete the amend- ment. - "The state does not need to finance construction t h r o u g h bonds and have the University pay them through fees," Rep. Eng- strom declared. Rep. Ralph Young (R-East Lan-. sing) said the amendment would benefit Michigan State because it would enable it ,to immediately acquire needed classrooms and new buildings and at the same time eliminate the three and a half to 10 per cent interest rates. Mollet Faces Showdown PARIS (A')-Premier Guy Mollet faces a showdown today in the national assembly on his demand that Frenchmen ante up more taxes to pay the cost of fighting rebellion in Algeria. Political sources said yesterday Mollet has a fair chance to win a vote of confidence-the 34th time he has confrontedparliament on such a ballot in the 16 months he has held office. No other postwar premier has held on that long. Mollet's fate rests in the hands of independent republicans led by former premier Antoine Pinay and Roger Duchet. If they abstain, Molle' will squeeze through. Britain, Forces; France Join Soviet Balks UNITEDNATIONS, N. Y. (P) - France and Britain joined forces against Soviet opposition yesterday and urged Egypt to negotiate a Suez Canal settlement founded on international confidence. Foreign Minister Christian Pi- neau of France, touched off the latest round of Suez talk with a call on the 11 - nation Security Council to arrange new negotia- tions with Egypt for a permanent settlement. He drew quick backing from Sir Pierson Dixon of Britain and Ronald Walker of Australia. Assails Present Operation Pineau assailed the present op- eration of the canal under an Egyptian declaration issued last month as "ambiguous" and "tem- porary." He said a definite settlement should be worked out on the basis of six principles approved un- animously by the Council last Oct. 13. In quick reply, Omar Loutfi of Egypt said a declaration by his goyernment, filed with 'the United Nations as an international docu- ment, is in accord with the prin- ciples. Furthermore, he said; the canal is operating and is being used by major powers. Council Adjourns The Council adjourned until this afternoon with more speakers to be heard-.- Among these is United States Delegate Henry Cabot L o d g e, Council president for May. Lodge has given no indication of the American attitude toward Pi- neau's move. Pineau appeared before t h e Council as the representative of the lone government still boycot- ting the Suez Canal. The French consider the United States and Britain let them down by deciding to use the canal with reservations. Pineau spoke after Arkady A. Sobolev, Soviet delegaterobjected to bringing up the Suez c as e again. Sobolev said' the canal is oper- ating and there was no necessityI of reopening the case. However, the French move was put in the agenda with a 10-0 vote. Sobolev abstained instead of vot- ing against the agenda. -Daily-Arthur S. Bechhoefer VISITING MAYOR-Mayor Richard W. Marshall of Oak Park, Mich., received a momento of his day as Ann Arbor's mayor. Shown with him is Mrs. Marshall. The mayor visited here as part of Exchange of Mayors Day, held throughout the state as the beginning of Michigan Week. AA City Counci Approves Next Fiscal Year Budget- By JOHN WEICHER City Council last night approved the budget for Ann, Arbor for the 1957-58 fiscal year. The accepted budget totalled $2,457,992 in general fund expendi- tures, as against a total of $2,220,372. However, due to the increased equalized property valuation in Ann Arbor, the property tax has been reduced from $18.05 per $1,000 of assessed valuation to $18.00. Part of the increase in property valuation is due to the. annexa- tions of East Ann Arbor and Pittsfield Village, which added a great deal of property to the assessment s Russia Asks Negotiation ith Mollet Want 'Parliamentary Disarmament' Tblks MOSCOW () -Premier Nikolai Bulganin has proposed direct ne- gotiations between France and So- viet Russia as a preliminary to- ward new big power disarmament talks, the Soviet government dis closed yesterday. The proposal was contained in a 4,000-word letter to French Pre- mier Guy Mollet. It seemed to reflect the current Soviet desire for conferences in general, regardless of where or with whom, as part of the Krem- lin's latest peace offensive. Supplement Talks The French-Soviet parley _en- visioned by Bulganin apparently would supplement the London talks of the United Nations Dis- armament subcommittee, which is in recess until next Monday. But Bulganin did not specifically say so. He suggested the French and the Russians could meet either- in Paris or Moscow. The letter followed similar notes to Britain, Denmark, Norway and West Germany over the past two months. Like the others, it warned of the horrors of nuclear retaliation risked by any country permitting United States atomic bases on its territory. % Warns of Horrors In it, Bulganin also proposed working out of a Soviet-French agreement on the exchange of in- formation on atomic energy for peaceful purposes. He suggested additional confer- ence to forge closer scientific, technical and cultural relations between the two countries. Bulganin said the present inter- national situation is critical. It resembles, he said, the atmos- phere that prevailed in Europe in the years immediately preceding World War II. Currently the main differences between France and Russia con- cern such issues as disarmament, the future of Germany and Euro- pean security, and the Middle East situation. He suggested additional confer- ences to forge closer scientific, technical and cultural relations between the two countries. Bulganin said the present inter- national situation is critical. though these moves are slow in taking shape. Chairman John L. McClellan (D-Ark) of the Senate committee applauded Beck's ouster as "more than justified" and said "all good union people and good citizens ev- erywhere will heartily approve." Acted on Charges The AFL-CIO Council acted on the Senate committee's charges that Beck had used more- than $320,000 in union funds to advance his personal fortunes and then re- fused to tell about it, invoking the Fifth Amendment more than 200 times, when questioned by Senate investigators. Beck, claiming the AFL-CIO proceedings against him were il- legal, also refused yesterday to answer queries on the Senate charges put by his fellow AFL- CIO union chieftains. The Council acted swiftly and unanimously against Beck after he fled to the basement of the AFL-. CIO headquarters and sped away in an automobile to avoid facing newsmen and photographers. George Meany, AFL-CIO presi- dent who had taken a stern stand against Beck from the outset of the Senate committee disclosures, met with newsmen shortly there- after. He said: Guilty of Misconduct "The Executive Council finds that Vice President Beck has been guilty of gross misuse of union funds entrusted to his care. "Whether he hasviolated any laws, state or federal, dealing with t h e f t,. misappropriation embezzlement, is not for us to consider or determine . 'There is not the faintest ques- tion in our minds, however, that he is completely guiltyofvviolat- ing the basic trade union law that union funds are a sacred trust, belonging to the members and to be protected and safeguarded for the interests 'of the members." rolls, according to Guy C. Larcom, Jr., city administrator. In addition, the state increased the equalized property valuations in the city from $141 million to $149 million. The vote on the budget was nine in favor to one opposed. Council- man Clan Crawford, Jr., cast the lone dissenting vote, on the grounds that the budget did not provide enough funds for capital improvements. But Councilman Frank Davis said the reduction did not mean the end of city improvements. Mayor Richard W. Marshall of Oak Park, Mich., presided at the meeting, as the conclusion of Ex- change of Mayors Day. During the meeting he was presented with a memento of his visit to Ann Arbor by the countil. Councilman Charles W. Joiner proposed a motion to permit over- night parking in University and city lots on a monthly basis, in an attempt to avoid hardship ,.,n stu- dents as a result of the council's ban on overnight parking. The motion was referred to the coun- cil's working committee. Teamster Leader Mishandles Funds Senator Applauds Council Action, Calls Ouster 'More Than Justified' WASHINGTON (R)- - Fellow union chiefs yesterday found Dave Beck guilty of "gross misuse of union funds entrusted to his care" and virtually read him out of the labor movement. The AFL-CIO Executive Council, organized labor's highest tri- bunal, removed Beck permanently as an AFL-CIO vice president and Council member on charges leveled by the Senate Rackets In- vestigating Committee. Action Was Heavy Blow For the pudgy, 62-year-old Beck the unanimous action was a heavy blow. His own Teamsters Union is reported taking steps to oust him as president, even,--- Union Plans To Shut Down Missile Plant TAMPA, Fla. (AP)-Pl a n s to strike and possibly shut down the Air Force Missile Center at Co- coa were announced yesterday by a Teamster Union official. J. W. Hughes of Tampa said members of the union will be pulled off the job and a picket line set up. He said the principal reason for the strike is to gain recognition of the union as bargaining agent for drivers, helpers and ware- housemen on construction jobs at its base. He said two months of negotia- tions with contractors at the base have failed, although all other unions there have contracts. Hughes said he is hopeful 10 other unions at work at the cen- ter, part of Patrick Air Force Base, will quit work in sympathy. Tornado Hits Metropolitan, Kansas City KANSAS CITY MP)--A tornado struck metropolitan Kansas City at dusk yesterday, smashing two suburban shopping centers. At least five were dead and an estimated 75 others injured. The massive storm at first aimed its destructive funnel squarely at Kansas City itself but veered southeast instead at the outskirts. The Ruskin Heights shopping center was ripped apart, a new high school was torn open and % large number of residences de- stroyed or damaged. Dig for Victims Two bodies were recovered at Ruskin Heights and rescue workers were digging in debris for other victims. A dead woman and 15 injured persons were taken from wreckage of a supermarket at the center. Another body was found at the Presbyterian Church. The Martin City business dis- trict, also south of the city, was destroyed. Many were injured there. What was believed to be the same twister killed a woman near Ottawa, Kan., about 60 miles to the Southwest of Kansas City and roared on, dipping its angry funnel to the ground at many spots, tear- ing apart farm houses and barns. The Martin City storm raced on to the northeast and smashed into Ruskin Heights. Follow with Radar Its progress was followed by the weather bureau on radar, but numerous warnings carried by radio and television stations alert- ed the metropolitan area. The storm blacked out the stricken zone. Power lines were downed and roads blocked by de- bris. Emergency treatment centers were set up in the Ruskin Heights area. Volunteer nurses, doctors and rescue units moved in quickly after the storm. Police said' their biggest prob- lem was the swarm of sightseers who blocked passage of ambu- lances and cars trying to take the injured to hospitals in the city. Murray 'Out' As AEC Holds Special Parley WASHINGTON (R) - Atomic Energy Commissioner Thomas E. Murray said yesterday he was "frozen out" of an AEC meeting. Not only was he not invited to the session, Murray said, .but he was also "left in the dark" on tes- timony by Chairman Lewis L. Strauss until it was delivered last week. However, Murray, often at odds with other members of the com- mission, said he agreed fully with Stra' r'4VmI1I ,m ,tinn n -. SAFE ROBBER: Wild Race with Police Car Leads to Burglar's - Arrest Ann Arbor police arrested Robert C. Davis, 36 years old, of Plymouth after a 16 mile chase early yesterday for his part in the robbery of the Ann Arbor Realty Co. The chase ended when Davis lost control of his 1955-model car after attaining speeds of up to 100 miles an hour and crashed into a tree on W. Seven Mile Road ink n + v t the village of Whitmore Lake, ac- cording to the Police. An examination at University ' Hospital revealed a dislocated left hip, a knee cut and a scalp cut. Ann Arbor and Sheriff depart- ment detectives are questioning a second Plymouth man in connec- tion with the robbery. Ann Arbor patrolman William! Cox began following Davis at.1:45 a.m. yesterday when he noticed him driving his car on W. Huron St. in a very suspicious manner. Cox did not know at the time that Davis had commited a rob- bery. Sheriff Department and State Police cars were called to assist Cox when Davis began to increase his speed. He was clocked at sneeds i McKay Likes Drama over Musi ANNUAL ENTERTAINMENT: University Band To Offer Free Concert on Diagonal The Michigan Band, under the baton of Prof. William D.- Revelli, director of University Bands, will present their annual outdoor con- cert at 7:15 p.m. tomorrow on the Diag.I This concert will be the final production of the season given by the band. In case of rain, the concert will be held in Hill Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Opening the program will be "March, On the Esplanade," by Brown, followed by "Overture to Il Guarany," by Gomez. "Concerto Sfor Trumpet," by Hayden, with s Emerson Head, '57SM, as soloist C(7 9W S will. be presented next on the pro- L gram. "The Three Aces," by Clarke Theare ecaue Iwas he nlywill be offered by a trumpet trio, Theatre because I was the only consisting of Emerson Head, John young man-that',a the only rea- Alexander, .'58SM, and Richard son. The other men were an- tiques," he remarked. Longfield, '57SM. "I realized then what the theatre Other numbers on the program was really like," the Drama Sea- will be "New World Symphony," son star remarked. "This wasn't by Dvorak, "Concerto for Saxo- the marvelous green pasture where everyone frolics.'R phone," by Cresten, with Arthur Worked in New York Hegvik, '58SM, as the saxophone From Boston, the aspiring young soloist. actor went to New York and began A Michigan March, by Gold- looking for theatre jobs." I started man, will be followed by "Voices in the cafeteria and worked up to of Spring," by Strauss, and selec- the stacks in the nublic librarv" tions from "My Fair Lady," by By DIANE FRASER Musicals are very exciting, Scott McKay thinks, "but I wouldn't want to make a career of them." "They can't, by their nature, be as deep and penetrating 'or have the dramatic push for an actor that a straight play has," the male lead in the Drama Season's "Lady in the Dark" said. "A straight play is concentrated and you never acknowledge the audience," McKay explained. He believes regular drama is more orderly and has the dramntic cnn- 1 F i i 1 I - ...-'- .