_1 A icdligalt Daiy Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. Phone NO 2-3241 "When Opinions ieAM ?ro Trth Will Frosn"W Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, MAY 19, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: ALLAN STILLWAGON Semester-Long Lec-ture Series wth hm ITH THE ANNOUNCEMENT of "Asian Cul- quality, while other departments have one tures and the Modern American" as the or two lectures a semester and even fail to topic of this summer's University lecture series publicize those few. comes the wondering why this sort of program University lectures, then, are diverse and too must be restricted to the summer. few throughout the school year. Most of all, The idea of having a central, unified, semes- they need, a theme or incentive to unify and ter-long theme with which to tie together a encourage them. long series of talks and programs is a good "Asian Cultures," or whatever other theme one; it allows a greater concentration in, and might be chosen, need not be restricted to the understanding of, a particular field of interest summer. Each semester should have a single, rather than a number of scatteretd ones. - overall theme to encourage and expand Uni- A student attempting to attend a majority of versity lectures. the lectures in the series would be receiving the benefit of a course-without the labor of EACH DEPARTMENT of the University, then, reading and studying to prepare for recitations could schedule talks and programs relating or examinations. to the single theme-and yet not exclude any SUCH A CONCENTRATED program, however, other interesting lectures. is limited to the summer-when attendance At the same time, the University could do is low and many interested persons are unable away with its annual, expensive University to be present. Lecture Series that has never anything more During the spring and fall semesters, when to offer than big names and stale wind. all 22,000 students are on campus, there is no The University could instead bring important lecture program. Instead, all departments of. people here to talk on a subject of immediate the University work individually, sponsoring interest to campus, a subject relevant to the University lectures of importance primarily to semester theme. their own people, The only notable exception to Students and faculty alike would have -a this was this semester's lecture series on greater sense of accomplishment at the end religion. of such a semester-a semester highlighted by The results are often good; they are more a single theme as only the summer session is often sporadic. The journalism department now. keeps far ahead of the rest in number and -VERNON NAHRGANG Higher Education Comm -1ittee "It's Real Private Enter prise, He Takes Your Money To The Bank All By Himself" i Y- 9 t 4it - --ar .1S'-' -6 NATL TAX v/RWtE-OFF GAM S OA SAK'E Ri\/eR PA MS R$ To The Edito Radiation To the Editor: ON CHRISTMAS ISLAND in the Pacific Ocean, England, following the traditional line of the other great powers, has detonated another nasty hydrogen bomb. This explosion was probably meant to show the world that England is still a great power. Unfortunately, as the last two wars have shown so well, nationalism can be a very dangerous thing. According to the Council of the Atomic Scientist's Association in England, cases of bone cancer and leukemia may increase in proportion .. y; a. WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND:> Canadian Relations Hit Lowr By DREW PEARSON DEVELOPMENTS from Lansing during the past week have been somewhat encouraging for the University, but the major cause of optimism stems from the University itself. The Senate-approved operating appropria- tion of $29,131,000, called "inadequate even for the University's minimum needs," by Uni- versity President Harlan Hatcher, was raised over a million dollars by the House Ways and Means Committee. University officials have indicated the increase to $30,315,686 will permit operations, and as the Legislature nears the final hours of this year's session, it seems likely the increase will receive final approval. In view of the State's tight financial position, any increase at all is encouraging, but should also be thought provoking. WHEN GOVERNOR Williams proposed his budget requiring the State to go into the red or levy new taxes, protests echoed through- out the capitol- dome. Republican legislators, determined to "hold the line" on new taxes, immediately took out their shears to pare the budget within the State's existing revenue. Compounding the problem of filling growing demands by state-supported institutions with an insufficient supply of funds, has been the shrinking of the state's anticipated revenue. Income from sales tax, a prime carrier of the state's financial load, is expected to fall short of its projected level. Several new taxes on cigarettes, beer and wine have been proposed and may win legis- lative approval, but corporate profits and per- sonal income tax proposals have already re- ceived the cold shoulder in this legislative ses- sion. TN THE MEANTIME, agencies supported by the state have been clamoring for the money they need to keep pace with the increased cost of operating and to make provisions for future growth and expansion. The increased funds approved by the House Ways and Means Committee show an encour- aging legislative awareness of the urgency of higher education's need. It also indicates a breakthrough in the "hold the line" policy and points to the need of finding additional revenue. For often, the atti- tude of the lawmakers, when approached for additional funds, is "Sure, we'd like to give you more money, but where are we going to get it?" Perhaps the second of last week's develop- ments in Lansing can answer the question. Last Monday night, members of the govern- ing bodies of the University, Michigan State University, Wayne State University and the State Board of Education held a joint meeting to discuss the problems common to state-sup- ported schools. FROM THE MEETING came a strong letter to the Legislature, underlining the needs of the institutions of higher education and calling upon the Legislature to increase its appropri- ations. When the House Ways and Means Committee reported its recommendations the next day, increases totaling two-and-a-half million were included. , But far more important than the possible short range effect of the joint meeting was another resolution establishing a committee to study the needs of higher education and repre- sent its position to the people and lawmakers of Michigan. 4The creation of this committee generates optimism for by the very nature of its support from the elected governing boards, it has a tremendous potential to strengthen the position of education in this state. But the real value of such a committee will be in retaining a broad scope and a willingness to explore all the areas which affect education. ONE SUCH FIELD is taxation, which unfor- tunately carries political overtones. But in a state where two-thirds of the tax income is automatically earmarked for specific purposes-- such as the gasoline tax for highways-only the remaining portion of tax funds is controlled by the Legislature. When these funds are inadequate, institu- tions supported by the state naturally become vulnerable to the ups-and-downs of legislative appropriations. Because these funds are insufficient to meet the needs and the State's present tax structure is weak, a new financial plan for Michigan is long overdue. With the expansion of the State's school-age population and the cloud of fears against new taxes which might drive industries to other states, the problems will be difficult. But it's a problem that has to be faced, and if the committee established by the State's educational leaders will be effective, it should be encouraged to enter the area of taxation. Without courage to examine this field, the demands for expansion of education cannot be realistically met. -MICHAEL KRAFT U.S. DIPLOMATS won't talk about it publicly, but they fear snubs from Washington have plunged Canadian-American rela- tions to an all-time low. The release of derogatory infor- mation that climaxed in the sui- cide of Canada's Ambassador to Egypt was only the last in a series of incidents. Long before this, Secretary of State Dulles was irritating the Ca- nadians. He called home the Amer. ican cultural attache from Otta- wa and abolished the post in order to save a meager $8,000-a-year salary. Today the United States has no information service in Canada of any kind. A low-ranking clerk in the Ottawa embassy is in charge of United States public relations for the entire nation. Top United States diplomats, including Dulles, are so busy flying to faraway places that they never spend the $100 plane fare to pay a good-will visit to neighboring Canada. * * * RESULT IS that Canadian newspapers now bristle with criti- cism of the United States. Some Canadian politicians are cam- paigning for election on a plat- form of seeing who can hurl the harshest accusations at the U.S.A. Parliament just voted $200,000,- 000 to set up the Canada Council, ostensibly "to encourage Canadian arts, letters, and sciences," but ac- tually to combat United States in- fluence in Canada. Simultaneous- ly, the Royal Commission on the Canadian Economy recommended a crackdown on United States in- vestors in Canada. While our diplomats kowtow to Middle East potentates, the State Department has completely ig- nored good relations with next- door Canada. Yet Americans have more money invested in Canada than any country in the world. Canada is our best customer for manufactured goods. The United States also depends on Canada for most of its nickel, newsprint, ura- nium, and other strategic minerals. Our main radar warning line, built at a cost of billions, is strung across northern Canada. The Canadian North is our front line against the Soviet Union if Russian bombers ever attack this country. Yet despite Canada's strategic position, its economic importance, and its exemplary friendship for us, the State Department pays less attention, to cultivating Canadian relations than we do to almost any other nation. Note: One exception is New York's Mayor Robert Wagner, who, on his own, without the slightest suggestion from the State Depart- ment, is heading north on a good- will trip this month. He is address- ing the national convention of Canada's Knights of Columbus in Hamilton, Ont., today. * * * HEFTY SENATE Republican Leader Bill Knowland has sudden- ly thrown his rather considerable weight behind the scenes to cut the right - to - work amendment away from the beleaguered civil rights bill. The Californian has passed the word to GOP members of the Sen- ate Judiciary Committee to vote out a civil rights bill without en- cumbering amendments. He specifically objected 'to the right-to-work amendment, which organized labor considers union- busting legislation, and which was introduced by Sen. John McClel- lan, Arkansas Democrat, head of the rackets probe. S o m e Republican committee members, like Indiana's Sen. Bill Jenner and Maryland's Sen. John Butler, favor right-to-work legis- lation. Knowland urged them, how- pver, to wait for a labor bill, not to tack it on the civil rights bill. His strategy, he explained, is to get the committee to vote out the best possible civil rights bill, be- cause Southern filibuster tactics will make it difficult to amend on the Senate floor: Insiders believe Knowland's ac- tive support will force a Senate vote on civil rights, but probably not until next year. Senate Demo- cratic Leader Lyndon Johnson has already suggested privately that the Senate will be too bogged down with appropriations bills to take up civil rights this year, AT THE PRESIDENT'S meeting with GOP congressional leaders just before his budget telecast, Ike appeared irked by press reports that he wasn't willing to "stand up and fight" for his budget. "I have no desire to get into a brawl with the Congress," he said. "I believe in constructive econo- my. But I will resist any false economy that endangers the na- tional security." House leader Joe Martin of Mas- sachusetts predicted that the Pres- ident's budgetary requests would face no "serious problem, except from Democrats." "There will be some defections in our own party, but the great ma- jority of House Republicans will vote to support you," Martin said. 'Nonetheless, Mr. President, you will have to fight hard to overcome the opposition in Congress." "I'll do, everything I can," re- sponded Eisenhower, "but I can- not assume the responsibility for any dangers to the national securi- ty that result from foolhardy econ- omy. I intend to make it plain to the American people that if Con- gress chooses to gamble with our iefense by reckless economy, then Congress must take the responsi- bility." (Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.) to the amount of radiation in the atmosphere. The committee, which includes the famous Sir John Cockcroft, is supposedly a reliable one, interested merely in ascer- taining the possible harmful ef- fects of radiation on human beings. Unfortunately, the committee's findings are not yet confirmed, and it may be a long time before enough people will take heed of the report. Of course, the United States, Russia and England will rashlycontinue to make more hy- drogen bombs, test them, and hope somehow with fingers crossed that no harm will come to "this best of all possible worlds." It may tragically happen that not too long from now, if hatred of each other becomes more dominant than the will to survive, this world will be the worst of all possible worlds. Perhaps, though, I am overly pessimistic, since Prime Minister Macmillan himself says with confi- dence that the recent detonation is harmless. However, this is 1957. What will 1984 be like when the radiation effects should be more noticeable? -Eugene Smith Rapi, '58 Evaluations * ** To the Editor: IN REFERENCE to the Daily edi- torial concerning faculty eval- uation questionnaires, it is un- doubtedly true that a certain amount of student apathy exists here, as it does in all phases of University activity, but a good deal of the fault in this case is on the part of the faculty as well. In several of 'my classes, and in those of other students, the eval- uation sheets were distributed during class time and were not al- lowed to be taken from the class. In many cases, the class car- ried on that day as usual, with no time allotted to fill out the sheet without ignoring the class work. Since it could not be taken home, it was impossible to fill out; many were returned unmarked for this reason. Are the instructors reluctant to allow time for the evaluation be- cause they are afraid of it, or be- cause they feel the results are not worth the time spent? -J. W. Wells, '57 Cowboys and Injuns .,. To the Editor: HOW MUCH LONGER do we have to put up with these joy- riding honorary actives and their nightly escapades to tap new mem- bers for their so-called honorary societies? I for one am getting sick and tired of being wakened from a sound sleep at 2 a.m. by a bunch of characters who still like to play cowboys and Indians. Not only do they yell for all they're worth, but they ring an in- fernal bell tha'ts loud enough to wake the whole city of Ann Arbor, and throw bottles in the streets, threatening flat tires for cars and bicycles. It certainly seems that if these people have to have their socie- ties, they could at least respect the rights of others who don't give a hang about their rowdy goings-on. Can't something be done? --Dave Heath, '60 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is in official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michi- gan Daily assumes no editorial re- sponsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, be- fore 2 p.m. the da preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. SUNDAY, MAY 19, 1957 VOL. LXVII, NO. 164 General Notices Activities must be calendared so as totake placbefoe the seventh da prior to the beginning of a final ex- amination period. (Committee on Stu- dent Affairs, March 23, 1950). No ac- tivities may be scheduled for the week- end of May 24-25. Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society initia- tion and reception: Tues., May 21, 8:00 p.m., Rackham Building, 3rd floor. Dean Emeritus Hayward Keniston will speak on "Learning for Life." Beta Gamma Sigma. spring initiation ceremony for new members, 3 p.m., Tues., May 21. Ninth Floor Lonnge, School of Business Administration,. Lectures Mathematics Lecture, Prof. A. W. Tucker of Princeton University will talk on "Dual Systems of. Homogeneous Linear Relations," on Mon., May 20, at 4:10 p.m., in Room 3011, Angell Hall. Coffee and tea in Room 3212, Angel. Hall at 3:30 p.m. (Note: There will be no Colloquium on Tues., May 21). Concerts The Mu Phi Epsilon-Phi Mu Alpha Musicale, to be given this afternoon at 4:15 p.m. In Ad. A, Angel all, is open to the public without charge. The program includes: "Sonata pour Clar- inette," Saint-Saens, by Southard Bus- dicker, clarinet, and James Edmonds, piano; "Three Intermezzi," Brahms, by Mary Alice Clagett, piano; two songs by Copland, Devere Fader, tenor, and Robert Greene, piano; "Quartet in D minor," by Telemann, Cynthia Allen Kathleen Course, and Janet Gardner, flutists, with Karen Taylor, piano; songs by Bliss, Ives, and Armstrong, by Svea Bloomquist, soprano, and Nelita True, piano; "Mephisto Waltz," Liszt, James Edmonds, piano; and Marilyn Perlman, violin, Margaret West, violin, Carl Anderson, viola, and Beverly Wales, cello, will perform "Quartet for Strings," by Florian Mueller and "Quar- tet, Op. 18, No. 3," Beethoven. Student Recital: James Loyal Moore, percussion, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music (Music Education) this eve- ning at 8:30 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall. He will be assisted by members of the Percussion Class and members of the University Symphony Orchestra. Works by Moszkowsk, Bach, Noak, Cho- pin, Petit, Creston Colgrass, and Moore. Moore is a student of James D. Sal- mon. Open to the public. Student Recital: Sylvia Zavtzianos soprano at 8:30 p.m. Mon., May 20, in Aud. A, Angell Hall, -in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements for the de- gree of Master of Music. Mrs. Zavit- zianos is a pupil of Frances Greer. She will be assisted by James Herring, pian- ist, Patricia Martin, flutist, and Michael Avsharan, violinist. Open to the public. Student Recital, Anita Hovie, mezzo- soprano, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachel- or of Music on Tues. May 21, at 8:30 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall. Composi- tions by Cesti-Trucco, Handel, Schu- mann, Grieg, Faure and Respighi. She is a student of Frances Gree. Miss iHovie will be accompanied by Clark Bedford, pianist, and by Sally Baird, flutist, in the Handel work, Open to the public. Academic Notices Students, all Schools and Colleges. The Office of Registration and Rec- ords urges that all students who have applied for or expect to apply for work with either the Fal 57 Regis- tration or Orientation Programs se- cure approval of new course elections as soon as the school or college will allow. This action will be to your ad- vantage and that of the Counseling, Orientation and Registration projects, Playwriting (English 150 and 298) will meet at 6:55 p.m., Tues., May 21, for reading of a long play and important announcements. Seminar in Mechanics of Turbulent Flows, Tues., May 21 at 1:00 p.m. in Room 1075, East Engineering Bldg. Prof. A. M. Kuethe will discuss "Sta- bility of Laminar Flows and Their Transition to Turbulent State," Doctoral Examination for Oswald U1. rich Anders, Chemistry; thesis: "Ab- solute (d,alpha) ReactionhCross Sec- tions and Excitation Functions," Mon., May 20, 3003 Chemistry Building, at 2:15 p.m. Chairman, W. W. Meinke. Doctoral Examination for Gertrude Dorothy Zemon Gass, Education; the- sis: "The Attitudes of Eighty-Five Wo- men in their Middle Years toward their Narrowing Role and the Relationship of these Attitudes to their Content- ment," Mon., May 20, East Council Room, Rackham Building, at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, H. C. Koch. , Doctoral Examination for Edna Bal- lard Mack, Library Science; thesis: "The School Library's Contribution to the Total Educational Program of the l d %I ii i Gj TALKING ON TELEVISION: Local Stations Try To Smile Us to Sleep INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Arms Control and Germany By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst WHEN President Eisenhower said last week the United States would consider neutral- ized or arms inspection zones in Europe you could feel the storm brewing. It brewed. Although the angle was not mentioned - apparently not even considered-the subject of German reunification was deeply involved, as Secretary Dulles now agrees. Chancellor Adenauer of West Germany, heavily engaged by political opponents opposed 'to German rearmament and willing to make sacrifices of Western policy to approach re- unification, was put on the spot. HE RESULT is that Dulles has now been .f^-A f . bnn ^ V%- -I ;J~ hn -- Following through on Russian proposals and on Anthony Eden's Geneva suggestions for a neutralized zone in Middle Europe, Stassen suggested in London that "test tube" inspection operations be undertaken. Now Secretary Dulles, faced with the neces- sity of upholding Adenauer's hands, has been forced into a partial rejection before counter- proposals. He says there will be no zones of the type based on the East-West demarcation line in Germany, or anything else that tends to recognize the division of Germany. Instead, he says the State Department is "thinking" about something in, the arctic to test the possibility of "open skies" deterrent against surprise attack. THAT'S LIKE proposing to'-take a new the- atrical nroduction out into a desert in order By LARRY EINHORN Daily Television Writer WITH ALL THE talk about this year's national budget and Dave Beck's income, $150,000,000 may not seem like a lot of money. But it really is. And that is the amount of money the television in- dustry has poured out to Holly- wood for those movies we see late at night. You may recall it was not too long ago when the movie moguls hated television and would have nothing to do with it. And then all of a sudden they became such good friends. That just goes to show you what 15,000,000,000 pennies will dol (that figure probably rings a bell because it's closer to those that have been in the news recently.) Now, withlb11 of these pennies being ;ipent for old films, one would expect we would have some decent movies emanating late at night from the studios of the three De- troit television "production cen- ters " The only good movies seen locally come from another coun- trv. His style is unique, He sits at a desk and chats with you about the happenings of the day. He tries to create the atmosphere of informal- ity. He wants you to feel like he is in your living room, talking over the events of the day with you. And that's certainly a dreadful thought. If you know what has happened during the day after watching this 15 minute program you must have read the newspaper beforehand. But you will be edified by a knowl- edge of a few stories about people that the newscaster knows person- ally. And he knows everybody. At least he gives the impression that there isn't anyone in the news who isn't a personal buddy of his. He calls everybody "our good friend." ** * ONE NIGHT he kept on refer- ring to "our good friend Dave Beck" and "our good friend Frank Costello." We certainly have some very fancy mutual friends. One night he told about a fire that was so big that you could see If you're around a television set at midnight sometime this week, tune in Channel 7 a'nd watch him, just for laughs. There aren't any commercials. The man's name is Lou Gordon, in case you want to write him a fan letter. One other feature: he has a constant grin on his face. It's al- most as bad as the grin sported by Jolly Jack on Channel 4 at the same time of night. I'm sort of beginning to think that the local television stations are trying to smile us into slumber each night. All we need now is Martha Raye on Channel 2 and Joe E. Brown on Channel 9 and we'll all go to sleep smiling. I think I would prefer the Nancy Berg method of putting us to sleep each night. She's the beautiful model who used to be on in New York after Steve Allen's "Tonight." She used to walk around in a nightgown and whisper good-night to all the New York late-night tele- viewers. They might be able to get one of those Miss Fairweather girls to do the same thing here. nounces "From New York, Chica- go and Hollywood ... etc. in the same manner in which he an- nounces the opening of the Jackie Gleason show. How one man can have so much energy and keep smiling so late in the evening is beyond me. Another interesting feature of the new "Tonight" show since Day- light Saving Time went into effect is that we get the first half-hour live (which is really the last half- hour, for it is 12:30-1 a.m. in New York) and we get the last hour transcribed (which is really a re- production of the first hour which we didn't see live). If you think that is confusing, just watch the show and hear Jolly Jack say good-night to you and wish you a pleasant night's sleep at 12, only to see him come back in another minute Then at 1, he tells you to stay tuned for the next hour of the show, which you have already seen. ANYWAY, NBC has outdone it- self in the technical aspect of this fancy maneuver. One sees an im- I A I