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February 07, 1957 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1957-02-07

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Sixty-Seventh Year

"The Trouble With You, Charlie, Is That
You Say What You Think"


When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


'Oklahoma' Movie:
Corn Served Fresh
"OKLAHOMA" is Hollywood's cook-over version of Broadway's most
famous bushel of corn. It has been served up with whatever trim-
mings four or five million dollars can buy these days--but if one
must have corn, the fresher the better.
To be completely fair, one ought to consider "Oklahoma" in its
historical context. Back in the early forties it was a minor national
sensation and a major theatrical innovation. It was fresh; it was
American; it was wholesome. It had ballets, pseudo-psychology, clean
jokes (at least by Broadway standards). It became to American musical
comedy what "Swan Lake" is to Russian ballet and "King Lear" is to
English tragedy.
IT WAS NO time at all before "Oklahoma" became the most
admired production on the musical stage. It served as a prototype

The Thinking Citizen-
A Restatement of Purpose

-f ,fffjjl 4

THE OPENING of the second semester is an
appropriate time to take stock, to examine
concepts on education, to ask again the ques-
tion "why are we here?"
Whatever one's goafs are in education -
training in medicine, business administration,
engineering, teaching or any one of a myriad of
fields of study offered - one objective should
be the acquisition of the attributes of a think-
ing citizen. Although the attainment of certain
skills through which economic and social sta-
tus may be improved is certainly a valid goal
of the educational process, if education is
limited to this, a vital element is missing. This
is not education, in the highest sense, but a
degradation to vocational training.
Something more than acquiring the tools to
earn daily bread is an essential purpose of
higher education. The thinking citizen is one
who is trained in the techniques and process
of thought, of ideals and ideas, of concepts
and principles around which individual and
community life is built. He is one who makes
a responsible, positive contribution to the well-
being of community at the local, national,
and international levels.
Such citizenship has vast implications. It
is not just paying taxes and voting but is a
day-to-day concern for and participations in
the affairs of the community. With this in
mind, education becomes more than learning
how to earn a living. In its essence, it is train-
ing in living itself.
MUCH CURRENT discussion on education
centers on the necessity of producing sci-
entists, engineers, and other specially trained
personnel in order to stay ahead in a race for
survival with Soviet Russia and the Communist
world. '
While not denying the importance of this
effort, if American education degenerates into
a mere instrument employed in' the fight for
survival, we will have already lost a vital wea-
pon. The worldly, external threat to the United
States is sizeable but the internal threat of a
decadence of spirit, of encroaching material-
ism, of unconcerned, complacent citizenry is
of far more immense proportions. Greater harm
will be done to America in the long run by a
loss of vitality in the mind and heart than by
Russian guided missiles. The education of
young Americans into the ways of construc-
tive citizenry will provide a solid stone in the
foundation of American security from threats
both external and internal.
Without doubt all of this has been said be-
fore. Nevertheless, it bears repeating. We are
human beings with human weaknesses and
need reminders from time to time to recall
our objectives and to give ourselves a re-
newed sense of direction.
Much more than has been done along this
line could be done by the faculty and adminis-
Seldom an A
V , THE UNIVERSITY has had a lot of news-
paper headlines in recent months. It has
been making front pages from the East coast
to Chicago with amazing regularity. A lot of
people are coming to know the University,
forming impressions of it.
First there was football. We were a Sat-
urday afternoon entertainment spectacle, like
the New York Giants or the Cleveland Browns.
And when the post-football calm began to
set we had a food riot to keep up spirits. Our
sister schools, MSU and Wayne, chortled and
offered to send us Care packages. The exag-
gerated accounts were page one material.
Before the smoke could clear a coed was
beaten up in her dormitory room, another ran
away and became the object of a nation-wide
search, and a foreign student left his car with
a suicide note near Niagara Falls and took off
for Florida.
There was "good" publicity also. Ford gave
us six and a half million dollars and an im-
Wl~r £idpuw uaifui

Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City, Editor
GAIL GOLDSTEIN ................Personnel Director
ERNEST THEODOSSIN ...........Magazine Editor
JANET REARICK ... Associate Editorial Director
MARY ANN rHOMAS .............. Features Editor
DAVID GREY ............... Sports Editor
RICHARD CRAMER......... Associate Sports Editor
STEPHEN HIEILPERN.........Associate Sports Editor
VIRGINIA ROBERTSON..... .....Women's Editor
JANE FOWLER ............Associate Women's Editor
ARLINE LEWIS................Women's Feature Iditor
JOHN HIRTZEL .............. . Chief Photographer
Business Sta ff
DAVID SILVER, Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN Associate Business Manager
WILLIAM PUSCH . .... ...... Advertising Manager

tration. From the Regents to the newest teach-
ing fellow, there is a need for exploration, de-
velopment, and above all articulation of ideas
as to where we are going. The student body
should hear about this more often, especially
from the President of the University.
FROM THE faculty, we ask more immediate
guidance. We would ask this morning that
professors not only outline the academic goals
of the courses they are about to teach but
to go beyond an explanation of how the course
fills a distribution requirement or fits into a
major to show how and why the material to
be presented can aid the individual student
to become more aware of the world around
him and his place in it as a thinking citizen.
This then-again-is the task before us-
students, faculty, and administration alike-
as we undertake another educational expedi-
Editorial Director
Registration a Mystery;
But Effort Appreciated
REGISTRATION -that unfathomable psy-
chologist's horror from which neither
starry-eyed incoming freshman nor learned
Ph.D. candidate can escape, a truly wondrous
creation well beyond the comprehension of
fallible, mortal man.
Going through the semi-annual enrollment
process, one wonders if it is a monstrous night-
mare or is indeed real, if this is Life in its
actual proportions and not a maze designed
by a madman lurking in the background,
watching the human rats scurry through the
series of corridors and over the obstacles he
has placed in thefr paths, emerging unerringly,
at the end, thus proving that even man can
be trained and conditioned to respond to in-
comprehensible stimulus.
One cannot but stand-a bit dazed-in awe
of the efficacy of this mass movement, of the
certainty with which one does reach the end
of the tortorous way to step forth from the
labyrinth into the clear sunlight and clean
air, overjoyed at the completion of the journey,
but not a little stunned and unsure about what
For the people who planned, organized, and
administered Registration, we have only words
of praise for a monumental job well done. What
shortcomings there may have been were more
than compensated for by the efficiency and
speed of the entire operation. For a thankless
job, they deserve a short note of appreciation.
It must be admitted, though, that this is
one student who is deeply relieved that he does
not have to go through the maze again.
-R. H.
eademic Note
pressive site for a new college; and the Univer-
sity put out a movie which pointed out how
many new buildings we've put up in the last
THE DANGER is that we are constantly be-
ing spoken and written of in terms that
submerge the real purpose of our existence. We
are associated with fall entertainment, indus-
try, college "pranks." But it is seldom that the
University is mentioned in an academic con-
text. Our fame and prestige are built not on
scholarship but on clowning and bigness.
We should pause occasionally and reflect
on the non-spectacular academic accomplish-
ments of the University. There are many.
There is the work of University Press which
has made available at low cost vital works that
other publishers wouldn't handle.
In the humanities we can cite the work of
Prof. Arthur Burks of the philosophy depart-
ment, who has extended Russell's notions of
logic so they can handle causal relationships
a contribution to scientific methodology.
AND THERE is the Middle English Dic-
tionary, gradually being published after
two decades of labor - a definitive work on a

major historical period in the evolution of the
English language.
Prof. Bredvold of the English department
has recently published an important work on
John Dryden and Prof. Super has written a
definitive biography of Walter Savage Landor.
A study of American diplomatic history has
recently been completed by Prof. Drummond of
Two recent presidents of the American
Mathematical Society have been University
professors and last spring the math depart-
ment's Prof. Lohweer was one of the two Amer-
icans invited to a math conference in Moscow.
Many departmental journals, such as those
of history and math, have international circu-


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Criticism of Rubinstein Review

Letters to the Editor must be signed
and limited to 300 words. The Daily
reserves the right to edit or with-
hold any letter.
Sophistication? .
To the Editor:
WITH reference to your review
on the Rubinstein concert. I,
myself thought Rubenstein especi-
ally good in the Schumann-par-
ticularly the delicate, tinkly stuff,
I had thought his pace in the
Appassionata a little hasty, result-
ing in considerable fuzziness, lack
of clean-cutness, in the fortes. I
had not found him perfect. The
Beethoven was not Schnabel's. The
Chopin was not Cortot's. The De-
bussy was not-who is the defini-
tive Debussyist?
Whoever he is, I believe that he
would be a little surprised to hear
the essential quality of orthdox
Debussymanship characterized as
"ethereal"; and I am quite certain
that he would be astonished to
hear that little potted-palm gem
"La Plus que Lente" called "the
best and most typical of Debussy's
style"! (Can our critic be confus-
ing Debussy with Chaminade?)
Then Albeniz and Granados.
"Mediocre pieces from Spain," he
says. The selections so described
are admittedly unlikely to displace
the Ninth Symphony - but they
are good; they are music. And
what would our critic name as an
un-mediocre piece from Spain in
lieu thereof?
And poor old Frederic Chopin!
"Rubato, feeling, and schmaltz."
And Beethoven-"flashy" and "a
show-piece." The good Saints pre-
serve us!
Finally we learn that our critic
was particularly annoyed by the
artist's "eccentricity" in striking
a "crashing chord" before the
Beethoven and performing "key-
bord flittings" (good phrase, by
the way) between numbers, which,
he says, have "no place on the
concert stage."

Depends on which concert stage
you're talking about. The platform
of Carnegie Hall is scarred with
hundreds of deep gouges dug by
the preliminary crashing chords,
and thousands of little scratches
scored by the interim keyboard
flitters, or dozens of artists rang-
ing from Paderewski and Rubin-
stein and Horowitz on down. May-
be some don't warm up with
crashing chords and keyboard
flittings; but Rubinstein does -
and Rubinstein rates it. Who says
him no?
I think that what we have here
is Brilliant Young Sophistication.
May I suggest to the critics of the
arts in The Daily that the word
"criticism" has no necessary rela-
tion to the word "derogation," de-
spite their semantic association
in ordinary speech? Let's have our
sophistication with the small "s."
-E. S. L. Goodwin
Rubinstein 'Show'
To the Editor:
IN HIS REVIEW of the Rubin-
stein concert, Mr. Liddell com-
plained about the pianist's extra-
musical activities at the keyboard.
Mr. Rubinstein was only conduct-
ing the well 'known practice of
"modulating" between numbers,
which was the habit of almost
every pianist years ago, and is still
done by many artists, including
Wilhelm Backhaus.
For example, I was in a position
to see that Mr. Rubinstein's "pre-
liminary crashing chord" was in
C Major, preparing for the tonic,
F Minor, of the Beethoven sonata.
The "keyboard flittings" were of
this same modulatory nature.
Mr. Rubinstein's left hand may
have seemed "ponderous because
it tired noticably, particularly dur-
ing the last movement of the "Ap-
passionata," and he had to play
from the wrist alone on all but the
sofetest chords. His right hand
barely made it through the coda.

Mr. Rubinstein said after the per-
formance that "The piano was
better last year," so this may ac-
count in part for his difficulty.
Mr. Liddell called the "Appas-
sionata" sonata "a showpiece,"
rather a superficial appelation in
connection with this work, but he
is quite right in that Rubinstein
played it as if it were exactly that.
However, it was pretty obvious
from the program alone that this
pianist has no great estimation of
the intellectual capacities of the
Ann Arbor audience. His perform-
ance was more of a show than
anything else.
-Matthew Paris
On Refereeing . .
To the Editor:
IN JIM BAAIYS coverage of the
recent hockey game with Michi-
gan State he mentions the con-
spicuous absence of fights and
skirmishes which usually mark
the meeting of .these teams. At
this point, it might be well to
mention the reason this game was
kept under control instead of
degenerating into the usual melee,
Collegiate hockey has suffered
tremendously under the handicap
of referees who seemingly know
far less about 'the rules than the
players, rely on "cheap" penalties
to keep both teams appeased and
thereby ruin the game, and often
are flagrant "homers."
Local fans witnessed a great im-
provement in the game officiated
by former National Hockey League
referee Doug Young, who prior to
his career as a referee in the NHL
played a fine game of professional
hockey for the Detroit Red Wings.
It is gratifying to see Michigan
take the lead in bringing a better
caliber of officiating to the great
game of hockey. Let's hope other
schools will follow this lead.
-Mary Simms

for dozens of stage and screen
musicals. But time will cast its
shadows, and "Oklahoma" wears
an unmistakable five-o'clock sha-
dow. Agnes DeMille's daring and
original dance movements have
become cliches; Rodgers and
Hammerstein's songs may be sur-
prisingly fresh, but the surprises
are no longer very big; and the
wholesomeness has been revealed
as sentimentality in disguise.
"Oklahoma" has done its duty.
It probably has enjoyed more
popularity than any other Amer-
ican musical comedy, and its only
likely rival for old-age honors is
"My Fair Lady." It has now been
put on film for the masses, but
the current rendition has done
little to liven up a marrowless
FIRST, the casting is uneven.
Gordon MacRae and Shirley Jones
are pretty people with pretty
voices and little acting talent.
Gloria Grahame is dreadfully
miscast; she has a way of making
a funny song like "I Cain't Say
No" sound like a third-rate joke.
Gene Nelson has a new dance
routine in a railroad terminal that
looks like every Fred Astaire solo;
and Rod Steiger, with his convul-
sive Actors' Studio mannerisms, is
completely out of place, a wounded
grasshopper in the cottage cheese.
Second, the original dances, so
integral a part of the show, seem
utterly wrong in the film. The big
ballet, staged in a scarlet-and-
black brothel with highly erotic
movements, shatters the picture's
tone entirely.
Third, "Oklahoma," like "Guys
and Dolls" and "The King and I,'
is predominantly a filmed stage
show. There are exteriors and
there are gigantic sets and there
is real sunshine and there is real
food in the kitchen, but the pro-
duction is still theatrical, overlong
and static, completely lacking in
cinematic imagination. The cast
and crew have forgotten the
screen is a vastly different medium
from the stage.
-Ernest Theodossin
Stock Market
NEW YORK (P)-A wavering
stock market, shocked by Tues-
day's steep break, had a late rally
yesterday, giving the list a slight
bulge to the upside.
But Wall Street observers saw
nothing convincing about the
small recovery which was accom-
plished on dwindling turnover
from Tuesday's. There have been
a recent series of declines.
The professional element on
Wall Street had little confidence
that past history would be repeat-
ed in the form of a vigorous rally
from an oversold condition.
The market was lower at the
start but steels and motors re-
sisted the downtrend until mid-
session when they, too, joined the
This phase, at which prices were
at their worst for the day, followed
President Eisenhower's statement
to the effect that the government
will have to move in with some.
form of inflation controls if busi-
ness and labor fail to deal with
the problem adequately on a vol-
untary basis.

(Continued from Page 3)
Hoaglrnd, Worcester Foundation for
Experimental Biology will speak on
"The Research Program of the Worces-
ter Foundation for Experimental Bio-
logy - Studies on Stress and Mental
Diseases" Feb., 7, 1:15-3:15 p.m. at
the Conference Room, Children's Hos-
Special Music Lecture by Luigi Dal-
lapi cooa, Italian composer and pianist,
4:15 .m. Fri., Feb. 8, in Ad. A, An-
gell Hall. A member of the faculty of
Queens University, (New York), he will
discuss his compositions, particularly
"Canti di Prigiona." Open to the gen-
eral public.
Academic Notices
Candidates taking the National Tea-
cher Examinations on Feb. 9 are re-
quested to report to Room 130, Busi-
ness Administration Bldg. at 8:30 a.m.
Aeronautical Engineering Juniors,
Seniors, and Graduate -Students: A
number of special scholarships and
fellowships will be available for the
academic year 1957-58. Consult the
announcement on the Aeonautical En-
gineering bulletin board for futhr
Psychology Colloquium: "Application
of Information Theory and Decision
Making Theory to Interpretations of
Environment." Wilson Tanner Jr., as-
sociate research psychologist, Engineer.
ing Research Institute, 4:15 p.m. Fr.,
Feb. 8, Aud. B, Angell Hall.
Placement Notices
Beginning with Tues., Feb. 1 the
following schools will have represen-
tatives t the Bureau of Appointment
to interview teachers for the 197-SO
school year.
Tues., Feb. 12
Grandville, Michigan - Elementary;
Elementary Music; Junior and Snic
High Art/minor.
Mt. Eden, California - Elementary
Mt. Clemens, Michigan (L'Anse Cruse
School) - Elementary; English; Shop;
Chemistry; Mentally Retarded; Speech
Correction; Visiting Teacher.
White Plains, New York - All Ee-
mentary (K-6); Elementary Art; Ele-
mentary Music; English; Social Studies;
Mathematics; Science; Industrial Arts.
Wed., Feb. 13
Pomona, California - All Elemen-
tary Grades All Secondary Subject
Thurs. Feb. 14
Pomona, California - see above.
Wayne, Michigan - All Fields.
For additional information and ap
pointments contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration Build-
ing, NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Personnel Requests:
State of New Jersey, Board of Child
Wef are, needs Social Work Personnel
having had courses in Psych., Soc., or
Econ. The exam will be open to all
qualified citizens of the V.., but pre-
ference will be given to legal residents
of New Jersey. The agency isalso pre-
pared to accept a limited number of
volunteer works during this summer's
vacation period.
A local research organization is look-
ing for a man with an M.S. in Mech.
or Chem. E. to work in fluid flows to
design paint spray guns, and for a
man with a B.S. or M.S. In Mech. or
Chem. E. to work in heat transfer.
International Salt Co., Detroit, Mich-
igan, has an opening for a woman to
work. as Assistant in Personnel.
Ionia State Hospital, Ionia, Michi-
gan, needs a man with a B.A. in So-
cial Work to work in a rapidlyex-
panding Social Service Dept.
Mich. State Civil Service Comm., po-
sitions located in Lansing, announces
an exam for Personnel Technician.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528, Admin.
Bldg., ext. 3371.
The Women's Army Corps is now of-
fering a WAC Summer Training Pro-
gram for college juniors. The training
will cover a four week program from
July 14 to August 10, 1957. The program
does not entail any military obligation
after college.
Vicks Chemical Co. has numerous
openings in various divisions all over

the U.S., for juniors interested in ad.
vertising, sales, merchandising, pro-
duction management, engineering, sci-
entific research and development, ac-
counting and financial management.
For further details on either of the
above, attend the Summer Placement
Meetings on Wednesdays, from 9-4:45,
in Room 3-G of the Michigan Union,
beginning Feb. 13, or call the Bureau
of Appointments, ext 3371.
Use of this column is restricted to








Can We Not Afford to Support U.S. Education?


IN OUR own home affairs the
President has given top priority
to the proprosal that Congress
grant Federal aid to states in or-
der to build public schools. The
case for this Federal aid rests on
the hard fact that since the war
the number of children ready for
schools has grown much faster
than has construction of school
rooms in which to teach them.
This year the enrollment in our
schools exceeds their normal ca-
pacity by more than two million
children. This means over-crowd-
ing in the class rooms to the point
where great numbers of children
are being denied a decent educa-
This denial is in the true sense
of the term an emergency. For
when a child misses an education,
the loss cannot be repaired easily
later on. Children who do not re-
ceive a decent education when
they are of school age are almost
certain to go through life without

Yet this large number will not
be enough even to replace class
rooms that have become obsolete
and unusuable and to provide for
the new enrollments, which are in-
creasing each year. Just to stand
still where we are, there are seed-
ed all the class rooms that have
been built this year. In the mean-
time, against the total efforts of
the local authorities, there is a
backlog deficit of 150,000 class
* * *
IN A RECENT publication of the
Department of Commerce, it was
estimated that for school con-
struction four bi]' . dollars would
be needed annually for the next
ten years. This would mean that
the rate of expenditure would
have to rise 60 per cent over the
current level, which is 2.6 billions.
This increase would be a rise of
1.4 billions a year. The President
is asking the Federal government.
to contribute lessthan one-quar-
ter of this amount annually, hop-

Federal assistance in eliminating
this shortage is not theory, but
demonstrated fact. It cannot now
be said - realistically - that the
states and communities will meet
the need. The class room shortage
has been apparent for a number
of years, and the states and com-
munities have notably increased
their school building efforts.
Each year, for several years, they
have set a new record in school
construction. And yet in the face
of a vast expansion in enroll-
ments each year, many areas are
making inadequate progress in re-
ducing the shortage."
posals face formidable obstacles
in Congress. There are those who
on the principle of state's rights
object to any Federal action in re-
lation to the public schools. There
are Catholic taxpayers who feel
that the parochial schools should
not be excluded from Federal aid.
There are the Negro politicians,
led by Representative r-well of
New York,'who wish to have Fed-

est of pressure groups. There is, of
course, some truth in this. But as
a generalized rule, it is untrue and
grossly unfair. In the case of Fed-
eral aid for schools, it is truer
and fairer to say that the opposi-
tion comes from pressure groups,
whereas the support is truly na-
tional and public spirited.
There is no special interest
which is going to be favored spe-
cially by the adoption of these
proposals. The demand for them
comes from teachers and from
school superintendents, from par-
ents and from civic leaders who
are worrying about our failure to
provide a large part of the com-
ing generation with adequate
education - by the localities, the
states, and the Federal govern-
ment - is like the support of the
national defense. It is a public and
-patriotic duty v hich this genera-
tion owes to the next. Can we af-
ford to support American educa-
tion? The answer is that we can-


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