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May 18, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-05-18

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Sir igan


, ,

Latest Deadline in the State




Wilson Halts
Soldier Trial,
By Japaneser
Orders Soldier Kept
In Military Custody

Gessert Refuses
To Talk in Probe
Takes Fifth Amendment 71 Times
Before Senate Racket Committee
WASHINGTON (P) -Norman Gessert, Dave Beck's cousin by
marriage, took the Fifth Amendment 71 times in a 21-minute appear-
ance before the Senate Rackets Investigation Committee yesterday.
"I guess he made a record," Chairman John McClellan (D-Ark.)
commented sourly at the end of the fruitless questioning.
Gessert not only declined to talk about his profitable dealings
with Beck, president of the Teamsters Union, but even refused to state
his name or acknowledge that he knew his own lawyer sitting beside
Fifth Amendment
The Fifth Amendment provides that no one shall be required to
testify against himself. Beck has invoked it more than 200 times but
his appearances before the com- "

1 7

WASHINGTON () - Secretary
of Defense Charles E. Wilson
yesterday blocked any immediate
' "trial by a Japanese court of an
American soldier accused of shoot-
ing a Japanese woman on a mii-.
tary firing range.
The United States Far East
command in Tokyo Thursday
yielded to Japan the right to try
Sc William S. Girard for what
has come to be known in Japan
as "The So-Magahara Shooting
Incident." American officials said
they had no other legal course.
Last night, however, Wilson
ordered United States military au-
thorities in Japan to keep Girard
in United States custody "pending
a complete review of the matter."
Far East Decision
The Far East command's -de-
cision to turn the soldier over to
Japanese authorities was made
after the incident had been aired
in Japanese newspaper headlines
and on the floor of the Japanese
Following announcement of the
decision, the Supreme Court in
Tokyo directed the prosecutor's
office to indict Girard, who is from
Ottawa, Ill., on a charge of acci-
dental manslaughter.
The woman was one of several
attempting to salvage scrap metal
from an American firing range
last Jan. 30.
. Killed by Cartridge
She was alleged to have been
r_ killed by an empty cartridge case
;propelled from a grenade launch-
er after the women had been
warned to leave the range.
The Far East Command con-
tended that Girard was on duty
when the shooting occurred.
The Japanese insisted the fatal
shooting of Mrs. Naka Sakai did
not involve "performance of off -
cial duty, the exact words in the
United States Japan status of
forces. agreement.
Rear Adm. Miles M. Hubbard
and, ~hr United States officials
said' the United States had no
other choice because, in cases
where the soldier's duty status is
questioned, Japan has the ulti-
mate say on all criminal cases
within its borders.
Wife FlaVors
Hubby's Beer
With Arsenic
Mrs. Lucy Wireman, of nearby
Chelsea, was arrested yesterday
for putting arsenic powder in her
husband's beer over the last four
Mrs. Wireman was arraigned in
/Municipal Court on the charge
and through her attorney de-
manded examination. She couldn't
make the $2,000 bond and was re-
turned to jail.
The husband, Oron, 36, entered
St. Joseph Mercy Hospital .last
December. Authorities said he was
suffering from poisoning of an un-
determined character.
He re-entered the hospital Ap-
ril 10. Doctors said Saturday he
was suffering from "severe arsen-
ie poisoning."
A check through Wireman's em-
ployer, the Chelsea Spring Co., de-.
termined that his job wasn't the
source of the poison.
Police began questioning Mrs.
Wireman. She finally admitted
having put powder in his beer "to
cure him of the drinking habit."'
The 30-year-old mother of three
denied she was attempting to kill
her husband and told this story:
In 1953, a friend told Mrs. Wire-
iian she could "cure" her hus-
band by putting a rat poison in
his beer.
"I still love him," she said Fri-
day. "I didn't want to hurt him.
I just wanted to help."

Neighbors said Mrs. Wireman
appears to be a good mother to
her children and that she and her
husband appeared to get along
U ROTC Units.
To Join March
In commemoration of Armed
Services Day the three' ROTC

mittee extended over a much long-
er period than Gessert's 21 min-
McClellan called Gessert's at-
titude clearly detrimental to labor
"These people owe an account-
ing for their actions involving the
use of union funds," he told news-
"Those funds are held in -trust
for the benefit of unionism, and
not for the personal profit of union
officials and their kinfolk."
Gessert had been sought by the
committee more than two months
for questioning about his financial
deals with Beck. He was finally
subpoenaed Wednesday after a
police chase in Ellensburg, Wash.
Drew Union Expenses
Sen. Robert F. Kennedy (D-
Mass.), committee counsel, said
Gessert drew more than $50,000
in salary and expenses from the
Teamsters Union from April 1954
to March 31, 1957, a period in
which Kennedy said he spent most
of his time doing chores for Beck.
Kennedy told the committee
Gessert also got about a $51,000
cut of the profits c4 the Union
Merchandising Co., a firm Ken-
nedy said specialized in selling toy
trucks and other merchandise to
Teamsters locals all over the
Rain Persists;
Floods Sweep
Lower Plains
By The Associated Press
Downpours again fed floods in
the rain-weary Lower Plains yes-
terday and there were cloudbursts
in the Ohio Valley and the South-
Golfball-sized hail and, an inch
of rain hit Nashville, Tenn., Sa-
vannah, Tenn., reported 1110 inches
of rain during the moning. And
at Ardmore, in southern Okla-
homa, rainfall since Thursday
night reached 71/2 inches.
Twenty-nine persons were killed
in tornadoes and floods since
Wednesday, 21 of them in a twist-
er at Silverton, Tex., where 80
persons were injured.
Extremely heavy rains in Okla-
homa: and Kansas kcept streams on
the rampage in the Sooner State,
and new flood alerts were posted
for residents of low areas in Tulsa
and communities below Tulsa on
the Verdigris River.
The Cimarron in its worst food
along its upper .nd central reach
es, kept Guthrie and Perkins,
Oka. G in muddy water.
Flooding in the Wichita, Kan.,
area was compared with that of
the worst inundation previously,
July 13, 1951.
At Tulsa, officials said that an
unfinished flood diversion project
apparently had averted the threat
of a major flood in the city of
Cold weather also figured in the
national picture, as a front from
Canada moved into the upper Mis-
sissippi Valley. Freezing tempera-
tures were forecast for northeast
North Dakota.
U' Open House
To Highlight
Health Exhibit
University Hospital Day open
house tomorrow will feature ex-
hibits in the medical and health
During the hours from 2 to ,5
p.m. at the Out Patient Building
visitors will become "imaginary
They will become acquainted

Cites New
D 0
Stassen yesterday reported fresh
progress toward an East-West
agreement on partial disarma-
"There is no question that we
are closer to agreement on a first
step, a small cut in armaments,
than we were when I was here at
Easter," the administration's dis-
armament chief said upon his ar-
rival by plane from London.
Negotiations with Russian repre-
sentatives have been going on in
the British capital for the better
part of nine weeks.
British, French ant Canadian
officials are also taking part in
the conference.
Stassen said a plan now being
considered would call for mutual
reductions in weapons, manpower
and defense spending plus aerial
inspection of defined zones in both
the West and East.
Stressing that "many difficult
issues" remain to be settled, he
said he was "neither optimistic
nor pessimistic." But it was at this
point that he commented on the
progress of the last four weeks.
Stassen will meet with Secre-
tary of State John Foster Dulles
and report to President Dwight D.
He has returned for 10 day of
consultations before flying back
to London for renewed negotia-
tions May 27.
The main purpose of Stassen's
round of meetings with top Eisen-
hower administration leaders, of-
ficials said, will be to decide on
a specific counter proposal to be
offered Russia.
This would include agreement
by the National Security Council
on a zone of arms inspection to
be laid bare under President Eis-
enhower's "open skies" policy.
Stassen declined to comment on
Dulles' idea, expressed at a new
conference Tuesday, that the most
likely starting place for such an
inspection system would be the
arctic areas of Siberia, Alaska and
northern Canada.
IFC Passes
New Proposal
At Wisconsin
Inter-fraternity council mem-
bers at the University of Wiscon-
sin passed a resolution this week
reminding each member house of
its duty to act to prevent a recur-
rence of last week's water fight
The bill states that houses could
ibe fined if "suitable precautions
were not taken to discourage par-
ticipation in future demonstra-
Wisconsin F;udent A-s ciation
president and cllcials rre, with
43 presidents of housing units :o
discuss their obligations and re-
sponsibilities Uf their hcuses to
protect the student community
and the Uniursity.
Several house presidents said
scheduling supervised fights would
not end spontaneous spring dem-
The majority of the group felt
that the two students .uspended
for the participation in the riot
should-not be expelled.

Senate Cuts
More Funds
Off Budget
Slash Ike's Request
For Appropriations
ate yesterday cut another $193
million from President Dwight D.
Eisenhower's $73,800,000,000 bud-
get request for new appropriations.
This boosted reductions in three
money bills passed thus far to
more than $375 million.
Yesterday's action was on pas-
sage of a bill appropriating $613,-
584,290 for the Commerce Depart-
ment for the 1958 fiscal year
starting July 1.
President's Request
On paper the cut in this bill
totaled $257,928,710. President
Eisenhower had requested $871,-
513,000 for the department.
Part of the cut was a bookkeep-
ing transfer. It involved a shift of
about $65 million in old appro-
priations for ship operating sub-
sidies to the new bill.
The measure, passed by a voice
vote after two hours of debate,
now goes to conference with the
House Votes Less
The House, without recourse to
the transfer in ship operating
funds, had voted $25 million less
than the Senate allowed.
Thursday, the Senate cut the
bill to finance the Treasury and
Post Office departments and the
tax court from $3,965,290,000 to
$3,884,927,000; a cut of $80,363,-
Though these reductions have
not been significant percentage-
wise, they symbolize the difficul-
ties President Eisenhower is hav-
ing in trying to get his budget,
calling for the expenditure of $73,-
800,000,000 in the year beginning
July 1, passed by the Congress.
Senate Given
Union Report
Bill by Hill
WASHINGTON (P)-A biparti-
san bill to require full public dis-
closure of financial and other re-
ports now filed by unions with
the government was introduced in
the Senate yesterday.
Secretary of Labor James Mit-
chell has requested such legisla-
tion, and sentiment in favor of it
crystallized during current hear-
ings of , a special1Senate Rackets
Sen. Lister Hill (D-Ala), chair-
man of the Senate Labor Commit-
tee, introduced the bill.
In recent letters to congression-
al leaders, Mitchell wrote that
public disclosure of financial re-
ports and other information filed
with the secretary of labor by
labor organizations under the Na-
tional Labor Relations Act "would
be in the interest of the public
and of the members of labor or-
Sen. John McClellan (D-Ark),
chairman of the Rackets Commit-
tee, approved Hill's proposal as "a
step in the right direction" but
forecast the introduction of much
stronger legislation later.
President Dwight D. Eisenhow-
er recently announced a two-point
plan to help curb union corruption
President Eisenhower's other
proposal is enactment of a long
pending Labor Department bill.re-
quiring periodic filing of financial
reports on health and welfare and

pension plans.
World New
By The Asso
CLINTON, Tenn.-- Clinton Hig
gration - begun in August amid vio
fanfare yesterday as 88 white senior
Not once during the 70-minute
high school gymnasium was there a
CHICAGO - Cook County She
craft crashed shortly before midnig
Police said the plane was tryir
Naval Air Station.
Glenview officials confirmed th
gave out few details immediately.
WASHINGTON - Massed thou
protest yesterday - three years, to
Court banned segregation in public
Ranged in a great semicircle be
unprecedented "prayer pilgrimage


House OK's
School Aid
LANSING (P)-A plan for im-
mediate distribution to school
districts of $24 million in primary
interest funds was approved by
the House yesterday and sent to
Gov. G. Mennen Williams.
The plan was previously given
Senate approval.
The House refused to go along,
however, with a Senate bill which
would finance school aid during
the 1957-58 fiscal year by a whis-
key and cigarette tax.
The Senate revenue provisions
would raise $23 million in new
taxes asdagainst $16 million from
beer and whiskey taxes under a
House-approved plan.
Legislators obtained the quick
cash for the schools by calling
for payment to the districts later
this month of the regular distribu-
tion of school and primary interest
funds formerly paid in August of
each year.
Clair L. Taylor, state superin-
tendent of public instruction, said
he planned to lump the extra $24
million with about $10,500,000 now
on hand for the regular May in-
The two amounts combined,
Taylor said, would leave the dis-
tricts only four of five million
dollars short of the amount they
should receive.
Taylor said this would mean the
schools would receive within $3 a
child of the amount originally an-
ticipated under the 1956 legislative
school aid formula based on a
payment of $190 per pupil.
SGC Receives
11 Petitions
Four more people handed in
petitions for the Student Govern-
ment Council position before the
deadline yesterday, bringing the
total to 11.
The new candidates are Virgil
Grumbling, '58, David Wood,"'60,
James Richman, '59 A&D, and Ar-
thur Gaudi, '58.
Other applicants for the posi-
tion are James Park, '59, William
Lawrence, '59, Dan Belin, '59, Jo
Hardee, '60, Thomas Cleveland,
'58, Arthur Epker, '58BAd, and
Ann Heimerdinger, '59.

.Ike Renews Opposition
To Reductions in Budget
CINCINNATI (A) -President Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday
renewed his opposition to cuts in his foreign aid and military budget,
and said years of sacrifice to keep the peace "can never equal the
sacrifices of one week of global war."
Hie told a Republican regional conference here by telephone from
Washington that his legislative program, submitted last January "in
the best interests of America," has made "little progress" in the
Democratic-controlled Congress.
Capehart Opposed
But Sen. Homer Capehart (R-Ind.) took the floor here after
the President's address and said,; "Whether I am right or whether I
" am wrong, I am going to vote to
cut the budget."
The senator said the military
budget is complicated by the fact
F r l k) "we don't know what the enemy
r Bis going to do."
fo a- He said that after the Korean
O f Leoislature War, "all our standing hardware
almost overnight became obso-

rick McNamara (D-Mich.) yester-
day accused Harlow H. Curtice,
President of General Motors Corp.,
of trying to "blackjack" the Mich-
igan legislature into rejecting a
proposed corporate income tax.
McNamara referred to an April
26 statement by Curtice that state
levels of taxation help determine
where General Motors locates
"The timing of the threat ob-
viously was to influence the Michi-
gan legislature, which was con-
sidering a corporate Income tax
proposal," McNamara said in a
Senate speech.
Curtice was quoted az saying
"The present level of Michigan
taxation" had led General Motors
to locate new plants in other
states and "this also will oe taken
into consideration" in the future
expansion of the company.
"With utter and callous disre-
gard for Michigan and for the
people who helped make General
Motors the giant it is, Mr. Curtice
sought to blacken the name of one
of the nation's greatest industrial
states," said McNamara. "His mo-
tive could only be one of selfish-
ness and greed."
McNamara called the Curtice
statement a threat to Michigan's
economy and "a betrayal" by Cur-
tice "of his state" in order to "gain
temporary financial advantage."
"And it would be only a tempo-
rary advantage." McNamara con-
tinued. "When other areas of the
nation achieve the high wage, liv-
ing and service standards of
Michigan-and they must eventu-
ally-then the likes of Mr. Curtice
will have no place to hide."

Warns I
S ending


Budget Cut
And later at a press conference,
Capehart said he thinks the budget
can be cut by $3 billion, including
federal aid to education, foreign
aid and public housing.
The President, whose address
received only perfunctory ap-
plause at the meeting, said the
Republicans "must win" control of
the national legislature next year.
He added, "It is clear that politi-
cal responsibility can be definitely
fixed only when one party con-
trols both the legislative and exec-
utive branches of our govern-
On his budget, he said, "In our
desire to reduce our own tax bur-
den, we must not weaken ourselves
militarily or destroy our leader-
ship in the free world."
Two Deputies
Catch Robbers
On Expressway
Two Washtenaw County Deputy
Sheriffs won a t00 mile an hour
race with two armed men down
the Willow Run Expressway yes-
Deputies Virgil Harrison and Ed.
Becker, searching for a holdup
pair who robbed the Pinckney
General Store of $800, spotted the
speeding car headed east.
They jumped the dividing strip
and caught Herchell Bunch, 44
years old and Ben Leski, 30 years
old, both of Ann Arbor after a
four-mile chase.
Harrison and Becker said the
men's car contained a loaded
sawed-off 20-gauge shotgun and
six shells.
Bunche and Leski were identi-
fied at the Washtenaw County
Jail by Gene, Edgar, co-owner of
the Pinckney store and Mrs.
Charles E. Hewlett, the store cash-
ier, as the men who held up the
store shortly after 4 p.m. yester-
Bunch and Leski were turned
over to state police for transpor-
tation to the Livingston County
Deputies said Bunch and Leski
had won one race, eluding 18-
year-old Bob Ward of Pinckney,
who had given chase when the'
men came out of thestore. Ward
chased the men into Washtenaw
Buried Child
Found Alive
In Deep Well
en-year-old Benjamin Hooper Jr.
was rescued alive yesterday aft-
er being entombed upright and
all but motionless for 23/2 hours
in a 24-foot-deep well.
At a hospital where he was tak-
en, he was expected to survive.
He was conscious and called for*
his mother.
Rescuers clawed through the

Israel Shies
From Move
To Waterway
Egypt Bars Canal
To Israeli Shipping
CAIRO ()-Egypt served notice
yesterday she will exercise the
"right of self-defense" if Israel
attempts to send a test ship
through the Suez Canal.
Israel appeared to be shying
away from any immediate move
in that direction.
Abdel Kader Hatem director of
information, expressed the first
official Egyptian reaction to Is-
rael's announcement that 'she
would try to send a ship through -
the 103 - mile waterway which
Egypt has nationalized.
Hints Warning
Hatem's statement hinted Egypt
would try to halt any Israeli ship
the moment it enters Egyptian ter-
ritorial waters and before it could
reach a canal entrance.
Egypt contends she is still in a
technical state of war with Israel.
For that reason she has barred
the canal to Israeli shipping and
to vessels carrying anything con-
sidered of strategic value to Israel.
Hatem said Egypt will take
"whateveg measures she deems
necessary for the canal, which Is
an integral part 'of her territory."
Cites Article
He declared Egypt has "the right
to defend her territory and safe.
guard her\security" under Article
10 of the donstantinople Conven-
tion of 1888governingthewater :
The statement said Egypt "will
exercise this right fully and will
hold fast to it, for it is her legal
right as stated In Article 51 of the
United Nations charter, which says
that every state is entitled to the
right of 'self-defense."
Thursday night Israel decided
against sending the Israeli-char-
tered Norwegian freighter Mara
through the canal on a voyage
from Haifa to Japan withy4,000
tons of potash.
The Mars will go via the Panama
Canal-a trip the Israelis said will
cost $40,000 more than if the Mars
used the Suez.
Israel said previously it did 4t
regard the Mars as a real test.
SFA To Hear
Waltr Speak
On'U' Growth
Assistant to the President Erich
A. Walter wil address the Student-
Faculty Administration Confer-
ence at noon today on the growth
of the University in recent years.
Approximately 90 people will
attend the twice yearly confer-
ence, designed to "promote under-
standing and increase communi-
cation" between the three groups,
according to Robert Lebson, '60,
chairman of the Union SFA con-
ference committee.
Dean of Men Walter Rea will
speak at a pre-meeting, scheduled
to start the conference at 10 a.m.
Afterwards, the three discus-
sion groups will discuss integra-
tion of international students, stu-
dent activities and student facul-
ty relations. Afternoon discussion
groups have been omitted this se-
Student Government Council
member Jean Scruggs will lead

the international student integra-
tion committee, which will discuss
current problems of' the foreign
student and proposed solutions.
Student-faculty relations com-
-mittee, headed by Fred Wilten,
'58, executive vice-president of the
Union, will consider the present
faculty-student ratio, the prob-
lems presentedby both inferior
and superior students, and facul-
ty-student relations.

MichiganNine Keeps-title
Hopes Alive with 7-6 Win
Michigan kept alive its Big Ten title hopes when it rallied to
defeat Minnesota, 7-6, yesterday at Ferry Field.
The Wolverines will meet Iowa, the Conference leader, this after-
noon in a doubleheader on the same field.
The Maize and Blue trailed all the way until the eighth inning
when Steve Boros blasted a 400-ft. home run to dead center field
C to put the Wolverines ahead, 7-6.
Girardin Sparkles in Relief
s R oundupSharing the spotlight with' Boros
} was crafty Glen Girardin who
came into the game in the fifth
- inning and pitched five innings of
cated Press scoreless ball, chalking up his
third Big Ten win without a loss.
;h School's first year of racial inte- Going into the eighth inning,
)lence - ended quietly and without Michigan was trailing, 6-3. But
s and one Negro were graduated. Gene Snider, back in the lineup
e commencement ceremony in the after being sidelined by an injury,
ny reference to integration. started the rally by working the
S Minnesota pitcher, Jerry Thomas,
riff's police reported a Navy air- for a walk, the seventh one issued
ht, yesterday, injuring ten persons. by Thomas.
ng to land at fog-bound Glenview Girardin flied out to center, but
Ernie Myers kept this last ditch
at there had been an accident but rally alive by doubling between the
left fielder and center fielder. The
* * ball just failed to make it over
sands of Negroes met in prayer'and the fence, hitting the barrier on
the eryhou, ater he upremea fly,
the very hour, .after the Sueme With runners on second and
schools. third and cxne away, Bruce Fox,
fore the Lincoln Memorial, for this held hitless all day, singled
for freedom," an estimated 15,000 through the third base hole to
..,11-"'anrni- 'G'inna'4t rn----A----iI--- -r ~s X


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