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May 17, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-05-17

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Latest Deadline in the State






Tornado Ruins
Town in Texas,
Violence Strikes Without Warning
In Panhandle Farm-Ranch Area
SMVERTON, Tex. (A')-The most deadly tornado of the season's
violent Texas weather smashed through this town Wednesday night,
leaving a heavy toll of dead and injured, many of them infants and
State police set the toll of known dead at 19 after searching
hospitals and mortuaries in a 70-mile area.
They also counted 58 persons hospitalized. Persons on the scene
said as many as 80 were hurt but not all needed hospital care.
Unofficial estimates of property damage ranged beyond $750,000.
"People died without even knowing what happened," said Elvert
Stephens. There was no advance warning, althought 20 or more
tornadoes danced across Texas during the night, many in this
Silverton, a Texas Panhandle farm-ranch town of 857, its utilities
ripped out and ankle deep in mud, could not care for the dead and
injured. The bodies and the vic-V



Take Over

Tiny Republic of Haiti
As Tension Hits Nation

-L-. 66

-Daily-David Tarr

FLINT SENIOR COLLEGE-The $1,440,000 building, nearing
completion, will open for classes this September. An estimated
400 students are expected to enroll in the Flint College of the
University as the conception of branch colleges becomes a reality.
CitySipiri Backs
'U' Flint College
FLINT - A visitor from St. Louis re'cently told Robert Plummer,
Director of Student Affairs at FlintSenior College, that "interest in
a'comriunity college can be shown by how many people know about
"Here, the taxi driver filled me in on the details and surprisingly
enough, even the hotel lobby sported a picture of the school," the
visitor related to Prof. Plummer.
The air of civic pride Flint displays for its college reveals itself
in the cooperation.between the city which built it and the University
which staffs it.
While waiting for completion of the Flint Senior College Building,
financed and equipped by donations, the University's classes are being
- conducted under the roof of the

Sphinx a s
New Members
Once again the Pharoah has
commanded his 'legions to cross
the great desert and invade the
land of the barbarians to pick
slaves for Pharoah's Court.
Once again the East has learned
to fear the Pharoah's might.
Into the temple, where gathers
the Court, came neophyte slaves
to the Great Court of Sphinx.
Here they learned of many
Here they learned to dedicate
themselves to Michigan and to the
Pharoah .. .
So came ...
Bob Ashton,M.eC. Burton, Scott
Chrysler, Ed Cole, John Gerber,
Bert Getz, Mamon Gibson, May-
nard Goldman, Dick Hanley, Jim
Hayslett, Barry Hayton, John
Herrnstein, Cy Hopkins, John
Hutton, George Lee, Karl Lutom-
ski, Bob Ptacek, Gary Prahst, Ar-
vin Phillipart, Dick Schwartz,
Barry Shapiro, Allan Stillwagon,
Lew Susman, Richard Taub and
Steve Topel. Honorary member,'
James A. Lewis.
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Secretary
of Defense Charles E. Wilson,
defending the Eisenhower, admin-
istration budget, said yesterday the
country "has never been more
prosperous" and "I don't see it
(the budget) is any great strain."
As President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower has done, Wilson said a
"good part" of the increase.in the
defense budget con be blamed on
In response to news conference
questions, he said he is sure that
also implies in part to other seg-
ments of the over- all federal bud-
* * *
GROTON, Conn. - The USS
Skate,the nation's third atomic-
Powered submarine, slid smoothly
down the ways shortly after noon
yesterday, a $50 million bundle of
nuclear energy.
BERLIN -- Walter Funk, who
masterminded Adolph Hitler's war
economy, won his release from
Spandau Prison yesterday because
of "advanced age and state of
The Big Four nowers freed the

Flint Junior College. Offices of
Dean David M. French occupy the
former student activities offices
and the 203 juniors enrolled in the
Flint Senior College of the Uni-
versity share the classrooms, facili-
ties and extra curricular activities
of the Junior College students.
However, on an educational
level, the Junior and the Senior
schools operate separately. The
Flint Board of Education admin-
isters the Flint Junior College
while the University has complete
control over the Senior College,
its faculty and the educational
Moving into the new building
this September, senior level classes
will be taught for the first time.
See FLINT, page 3
Five Finalists
Vie To Speak
At Graduation
Five finalists in the-competition
for senior class commencement
speaker have been chosen to pre-
sent their speeches before a special
board next week.
James Childs, '57, Richard Sny-
der, '57, Sheldon Levin, 157E,
Gloria H. Greene, '57 Ron Boor-
stein, '57, and Carol Lee deBruin,
'57, will give a final presentation
of their speeches before a board
composed of two English profes-
sors, two speech professors, four
senior board members, and Eric
Walter, assistant to President Har-
lan Hatcher.
The speakers will be judged
primarily on content and presen-
tation and secondly on campus ac-
Commencement announcements
can be picked up from 1 p.m. to
5 p.m. on May 20 in the adminis-
tration building. Graduating sen-
iors may still order their caps and

-Daily-David Tarr
...finishes heating system
Cut Budget
$80 Million
In First Bill"
WASHINGTON (R) - Congress
wrapped up and sent to the White
House yesterday its first big money
bill of the year, and Sen. Lyndon
Johnson (D-Tex.) proclaimed:
"We have saved $80,163,000 for
the taxpayers in the first of the
15 annual appropriations."
The $3,884,927,000 bill, to finance
the Treasury and Post Office de-
partments and the tax court, was
$80,363,000 smaller than President
Dwight D. Eisenhower had asked.
Only Two Per Cent
While the reduction was only
two per cent, it symbolized the
uphill. struggle President Eisen-
hower is in for in has effort to get
all, or nearly all; of the $71,800,-
000,000 he plans to'*spend in the
year beginning July 1.
His newest appeals in support
of the budget, voiced in a speech
to the nation Tuesday night and
in his news conference Wednes-
day, developed little if any effec-
tive response.
Put in on Skates
Other bills nearing final action
are carrying cuts averaging eight
per, cent under White House re-
quests, and evenddeeper slashes
have been predicted for some items
like foreignraid which are -yet to
reach either the House or Senate.
The Treasury-post office bill was
dispatched to the White House--
"put it on roller skates," Sen.
Johnson jokingly suggested to
Senate clerks - after the Senate
accepted a minor House amend-

tims requiring hospital care were
sent to Amarillo, 65 miles to the
northwest, Plainview, Lubbock, and
other towns and cities.
Two families were wiped out.
Homes Destroyed
The state police listed 22 homes
destroyed, major damage to 18,
and minor damage to 20.
At least eight of the dead were
children, some infants. One tiny,
boy was found dead in the center
of a debris-filled street.
Swisher County Sheriff Darrell
Smith said the residients "can't
seem to realize what has happened.
They nre numb with shock and
Strikes Swftly
The roar of the approaching
twister awoke many people buti
struck too fast for them to seek
The tornado missed the business
section of the county seat town. It
hit a residential section of $20,000
to $25,000 homes and an industrial
Torrential rains turned the area
into an ocean of mud, clogging
rescue efforts.
Car Parts
Freak incidents were everywhere.
A 1951 automobile's front end
was found in the middle of a field
with the rest of the car 200 feet
Carlton Hill of Amarillo found
a $10 bill tightly wrapped about
a piece of barbed' wire. He gave it
to charity.
Seven Seeking.
SGC Position
Seven persons have taken out
petitions for the vacant Student
Government Council position as of
yesterday, according to Ruth Cal-
lahan; administrative assistant to
the dean of men's office.
The candidates for the post are
Jim Park, '59, Ann Heimerdinger,
'59, William Lawrence, '59, Dan
Belin, '59, Jo Hardee, '60, Tom
Cleveland, '58, and Art Epker,

Snow, Rain
By The Associated Press
A snarling blizzard dumped up
to two feet of snow across the cen-
tral Rocky Mountains yesterday
as northern Oklahoma braced
against flood threats.-
At least 24 died as a result of
the weather.
Thunderstorms drenched scat-
tered areas from the Northern
Plains into the Great Lakes region.
Hard Hitting Blizzard
The snowstorm, hitting hardest
at Colorado and Wyoming, was
termed the worst May blizzard in
seven years in that area. It
snarled traffic in cities and sent
rivers out of their banks.
Monarch Pas's, where United
States Highway 50 crosses the
Continental Divide, had 24 inches
of new snow, and Loveland and
Berthoud Passes on United States
Highway 6 and United States 40,
west of Denver, each reported a
foot and a half as the fall con-
Above-freezing temperatures
caused a rapid runoff of the heavy
snowfall, an4l Colorado highway
officials warned of the possibility
of snow and rock slides along
mountain highways.
Might Slow Thaw
It was hoped lower nighttime
readingss might slow the thaw and
alleviate the condition.
Denver measured more than
four inches of snow.
With as much as 12 feet of
floodwater covering some areas,
residents of- northern Oklahoma
prepared for an expected record
overflow along the imarron River.+
The flood threats came after
torrential rains, ranging up to
more than 13 inches, drenched the
river's watershed.'

Senate Lists
52 Charges
Against Beck
took the Fifth Amendment again
and again yesterday at a swiftly
moving Senate inquiry marked by
these other developments:
1)' A Teamsters Union book-
keeper testified he had no idea
that Beck was using union funds
until Beck paid back $200,000 in
2) The bookkeeper, Donald Mc-
Donald of Seattle, disclosed Beck
has repaid $370,000, having sent
in $100,000 within the last two
3) The Senate Rackets Com-
nittee confronted Beck wth a list
of some 52 ways in which it
charged he has "misused his au-
thority, position aed trust." The
Teamsters boss entered a blanket
denial but refused to enswer ques-
tions on the ground he might
incriminate himself.
4 Sen. John Kennedy (D-
Mass.) Oeclared the inquiry has
declared the inquiry has uncovered
"an alliance of big business with
big labor with apparently little
regard being paid to the rights of
union members whose funds were
5) Testimony was given that
two writers for -the Seattle Post-
Intelligencer, Nard Jones and
Douglass Welch, were carried on
the Teamsters payroll while writ-
ing a life story of Beck entitled
"The Driver's Seat."
Strike Halts
, county
Construction remains halted at
the University Medical Service
Building and the Ann Arbor Public
Library as a county-wide walkout
by 500 laborers enters the fourth
The strike by members of the
AFL Hodcarriers, Building and
Common Laborers L o c a 1 959
against the Washtenaw County
General Contractors Association
also affects new dormitories at
Eastern Michigan College.
Picket lines were established
Turesday following the rejection of
union demands for an hourly wage
increase of 25 cents.
"Most unions are respecting the
picket lines," a laborers' union
spokesman said. The contractors
have offered a pay raise-of seven
and one half cents per hour.
Thetwo parties will meet again
today with a federal mediator, ac-
cording to Herman Atkinson, pres-
ident of the contractor's associa-
Meanwhile a second union walk-
ed out. Members of Carpentersand
Joiners Local 512 were sticking to
their demand of a 21 cent per
hour increase retroactive to May
1, date of the expiration of their
A strike vote was taken at the
May 11 meeting of the Carpenters
Union. Last night officers reiter-
ated their demands.

Bitter Dinner
Some super sleuths think the
dessert of cherry tarts with
whipped cream was the culprit.
But whatever was responsible
was a pretty potent bug.
Student Government Council
held a banquet Wednesday
night in the Anderson Room of
the Union. The banquet was for
all people connected with the
council and some special
But then the bug came. Al-
most all those who attended the
banquet became quite ill. At
least one person visited Health
Service yesterday morning.
Chest Drive
Net $2,775
Campus Chest receipts so far
total $2,775, Harlan Givelber, '57,
Campus Chest Board chairman
said last night.
Givelber broke down the re-
ceipts into the following groups:
auction, $278; late permissions,
$700; bucket drive, $367; women's
residences, $397; men's residences,
$162; the eight contributing fra-
ternities, $90; the twenty contri-
buting sororities, $376 and miscel-.
laneous organizations, $41.
"We will be selling late permis-
sions from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. to-
day at the Administration Build-
ing," he continued.
Out Until1:30.
"These will enable the women
to remain out of their residence
halls until 1:30 a.m. Sunday. Only
the holders of these special late
permissions will be granted this
The residence halls will still
close at 12:30 a.m. for all other
women," Givelber said.'
He continued, "We feel that the
drive was a success this year, es-
pecially since it was something
new. We .have to take into ac-
count the; fact that there were so
many conflicting activities going
on 1ist week."
Better in Fall
"One of the suggestions the
Campus Chest Board has made
concerning next year's drive, is
that we hold it in the fall instead
of the spring," he added.
"Looking over the totals again,"
Givelber said, "it is quite clear
that the coeds did much more
than their share for the drive.
We owe them and everyone else
a great deal of thanks. We would
also like to thank the Women's
Judiciary -Council for making the
sale of late permissions possible,"
he concluded.
This year was the first time an
all-campus drive, colecting'funds
for a number of organizations on
the community chest principle,
was attempted.
Wisconsin Lifts
Riot Censures
Members of University, of Wis-
consin's faculty committee on stu-
dent conduct and appeals {lifted
the suspension placed on two stu-
dents for their participation in
last Wednesday night's water fight

Terror State
In Big Cities
Government Charged
With Rigged Election;
Farmers in Revolt
I 'Bulletin
-Haiti's army headquarters an-
nounced last night that all
anti-government demonstra-
tions have ended and calm pre-
vails in the country after two
days of high tension.
Tension gripped all Haiti outside
the capital yesterday and rumors
mounted that the army might be
forced to assume command of a
temporary government.
Brig. Gen. Leon Cntave, the *
army chief, has declared a mili-
tary takeover of the government
would be a last resort. Many Haiti-
ans felt the situation had reached
that point.
"A "state of terror" was officially
acknowledged in many of the prin-
cipal cities. Rebellious Haitians,
charging that the present govern-
ment by an executive council was
rigging the presidential elections
set for June 16, maintained their
opposition to efforts to restore
normal conditions.
Erect Barriers
Up to 10,000 farmers, armed
with knives and rocks, blocked all
efforts of troops to reopen the
main coastal'highway to Port Au
Prince at St. Marc, 45 miles north
of the capital.
As fast as the soldiers removed
one roadblock the angry Haitians
erected new barriers.
Army reports said one youth
was killed and four persons wound-
ed resisting attempts to reopen the
St. Marc road.
The newspaper Le Nouvelliste
said that fi1hting, sabotage, pil-
laging and incendiary fires were
reported from all over the coun-
Around Clock Patrol
Troops and police patrolled
streets around the clock in 'all key
centers of this Negro republic in
the Caribbean to prevent demon-
strations, sabotage and arson.
Haiti has been in turmoil since
last December when President Paul
Magloire attempted to stretch his
term and was forced to resign.
Two provisional presidents have.
been forced out by general strikes
organized by presidential cadl-
dates who charged the election was
being rigged against them.
Erich Walter
Will Address.
SFA Meeting
Assistant to the President Erich
A. Walter will be the main speak-
er at the Student-Faculty-Admin-
istrataion Conference tomorrow,
Robert Lebson, '60, chairman of
the Union SFA committee an-
nounced last night.
The conference will start at 10
a.m. with a preliminary meeting.
Dean Walter Rea will speak at
this p r i i, a r I 1 Y organizational
After this the group will divide
into three discuseson sections
which will discuss student-faculty
relations, student activities and
integration of international stu-
The speech by Walter at the
luncheon will conclude the confer-

ence. He plans to speak on the
growth of the University in recent
Afternoon discussion sections
have been omitted this semester
because of conflicts of fraternity
engagements and the baseball
double-header with Iowa. a

'U' Plans New Summer
Freshman Orientation
Fifteen hundred of the expected 3300 entering freshmen will
participate in the University's new summer orientation program.
On a limited, experimental basis last year, the new program was
necessitated by overburdened fall orientation facilities.
The program will consist primarily of testing, counciling, classi-
fication and registration, according to Robert Garfield, director of
orientation. Social orientation will be during the last two days of fall
All entering freshmen have been notified of the new program,
which will run from July 7 to Aug. 16.
Thirty men and 30 women will be accomodated during each
two and one half day session. Each of the four orientation
leaders will guide two groups per
Men will stay in East Quad- LAST PRODUCTION:
rangle and women in Couzens
Hall, under the plan developed by Speech Del
the orientation officials.

Benson Criticizes Cuts
WASHINGTON ()-Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson
yesterday predicted a further pileup of costly farm surpluses if
Wednesday's House vote to junk the major part of the Eisenhower
Administration's soil bank program is allowed to stand.
"Surpluses will again pile up at the expense of our taxpayers," he
Benson denounced, the House action, in which 38 Republicans
joined 154 Democrats, as "false economy." Voting against the surprise

rartment To Give Plays

Summer orientation will allow
for a better consultation period,
provide a more relaxed introduc-
tion to campus life and relieve
pressure on the fall program, ac-
cording to Garfield.
The welcoming speech by Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher has been
moved back from Friday to Mon-F
rec of r- n- ain xnp.. n an

The final laboratory playbill of
the semester will be presented by
the speech department 'at 8 p.m.
today and tomorrow at Barbour
The first of the three one-act
plays, "A Flower of Yeddo," is
adapted from a Japanese comedy
1'..'t T-4-- 'AK- T%- T ~i--

move to cut off* the 750-million-
dollar acreage reserve part of the
soil bank program after this year
were 141 Renublicans and 46 Dem-


, returned to j poducti n rc xt
year, tim cost of g" vernmen't pr"ce
.- .c.. m in.. - , .A,: i




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