Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "When Opinions Am rein Truth wull Prevau-" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS BLUES Big Business Too 'Big' To Finance Higher Education ICE-PRESIDENT Richard Nixon's recent proposal to allow private concerns to help pay for part of the cost of running our edu- cational system by making contributions paid to colleges deductible for income tax purposes shows very little foresight on his part. Mr. Nixon doesn't seem to realize the effect such a plan would have upon the schools. If the state governments continued their present policy of steadily reducing aid to col- leges, educational systems throughout the coun- try would eventually become dependent upon big business for their major source of revenue. This situation could possibly lead to domination and later control of the school by private con- cerns. Big business could, if they desired to, dictate or strongly influence where the money was to be allocated and what curriculums were to be offered. If the schools did not agree with their desires, contributions could be stopped. Schools would be forced to comply with their wishes. Education is the responsibility of every United States citizen. This responsibility has been sadly neglected during the past months. When colleges have to depend on such unstable and unreliable sources of revenue as private contribution, a serious reevaluation of what kind of education we want for the future lead- ers must be taken. THROUGHOUT the country, cries of "Big business is too big" are heard. These same individuals are the ones that shout "Federal aid to education is impossible." Congress is unwilling to allocate money to schools, yet they are quick to turn over the responsibility of edu- cation to other sources. Education is the responsibility of each indi- vidual state. Neither federal aid nor private contributions is the answer to the educational problem our country is now faced with. The responsibility rests with the governments of every state, and thus each state's citizens. For the good of our country, this responsibility must not be neglected as it has been in the past. ' -BARTON HUTHWAITE "It's Time To Get Into My Roomier-Than-Ever Car And Get The Kids At The More-Crowded-Than-Ever School". -~ 'N I V \ f. - I S f L L--C WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: ROil Companies Strike It Rich By DREW PEARSON IN NEW YORK: Billy Graham Sounds Power ful Call to God By The Associated Press A TALL, AMIABLE man from the hill country strode into the midst of the world's greatest city this week to sound a power-packed call to God. Billy Graham, a roving preacher who has stirred the multitudes with his message in hamlets and cities around the globe, is opening his drive to rouse the giant of them all. "New York," he said, "is our Jerusalem." For three months now, Graham has been in semiseclusion at his mountainside home near Montreat, N.C., plowing his garden, shear- ing sheep, planting grass - and studying and praying for his keenest test. "It is the greatest opportunity and responsibility I've ever had," he said in a telephone interview. ALL THROUGH the period of Graham's personal preparation, and for two years before, a powerful array of religious forces has been gath- I Central Government Too Big PRESIDENT EISENHOWER chose to defend his budget almost solely on the grounds of military necessity in his: speech Tuesday night. From a political standpoint this was a good idea since more than half of the proposed expenditures are earmarked for the military. At the same time, however, he neglected to mention that three years ago the United States spent two billion dollars more on defense thane Is proposed for this year, while the budget Was substantially lower. The increase is not coming from the need to "wage peace and prevent war." It is coming from the domestic expenditures; 14 new state aid programs are scheduled for this year, making a total of 67. This is too_. many. The states are not so poverty-stricken as to require 67 separate kinds of federal aid. HEECONOMY of federal aid to states is highly debatable. All federal money comes from the people of the states in the first place, in the form of taxes on personal and corpora- tion incomes. The , government simply serves as a middleman between each state and its citizens, and takes the middleman's cut. If each of these 67 aid programs is iecessary, it would be just as easy, and cheaper, to let the states tax the people directly for them. This is one way to reduce the budget without impairment of national defense. The President also took occasion to mention the necessity of payment of debt interest. He. did not mention that this debt which must be paid, as he says, now equals the sum of the assessed value of all property in the United States. In other words, the country is mortgaged to the hilt. It is time to start reducing the mortgage. We are now living in an era of unprecedented prosperity, yet we are unable to reduce the national debt. This is frightening. If the debt cannot be cut now, how will it ever be cut later? SENATOR HARRY BYRD, of Virginia has offered his annual budget reduction, pro- posing a cut of six billion dollars. Other mem- bers of Congress have spoken of three billion dollars being lopped off. Perhaps this money can be used to, make a dent in the debt. Then there are those 67 state aid programs; some of them should be expendable. The problem, which President Eisenhower overlooked Tuesday, is a question of debt pay-, ment and reduction ot non-essential domestic expenses, not military costs. The, President plans another speech, and he should. He must still explain the domestic portion of his budget, and tell the people why the country is unable to reduce its national debt in the midst of record prosperity. -JOHN WEICHER Charity Contributions Too Small THE STOCKHOLDERS reports of big corporations usually make dull reading. But the reports of the major oil companies this Spring make fascinating reading. They show that the Suez Canal fiasco may have put the skids un- der Britain as an empire, but it made beautiful music in the cash registers of the big American oil companies. They reaped millions from Britain's tragedy at Suez. The oil companies had been asked by the Eisenhower Admin- istration to supply oil to Western Europe, formed a semi-official committee to do so, asked the right to avoid compliance with the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. Then they immediately an- nounced a stiff increase in the price of oil. Humble Oil, a subsidiary of Standard of New Jersey, led the way with an increase of 35 to 40 cents a barrel. These two compa- nies are controlled by the Rocke- feller family which contributed $152,604 to Eisenhower in the '56 campaign. The family of Chris Herter, new Undersecretary of State, inherited its millions from Standard of New Jersey, while the Dulles law firm in New York -Sullivan and Cromwell - rep- resents Standard of New Jersey. * * * AS A RESULT of the increase, Standard of New Jersey raked in the whopping total of $237,000,000 in net profits during the brief first three months of this year-16 per cent higher than the same period last year. Biggest profit bonanza from Suez went to Gulf Oil - 30 per cent during the first three months of 1957 over the same period last year. Gulf gets all its oil from the Gulf of Persia, is closely affiliated with Union Oil of California of which Undersecretary Herbert Hoover Jr., was executive vice- president. The Mellon family, which controls Gulf, contributed $100,150 to the Ike campaign last Fall. The Texas Company's profits shot up 23.5 per cent during the first three months of 1957 and Board Chairman Augustus Long frankly stated in his report to stockholders that the big spurt was due to Suez. Texas is a. part owner of the Arabian American Oil Co. Standard Oil of Ohio jumped its profits 20 per cent during the first three months, despite the fact that its volume increased only three per cent. Clyde T. Foster, president of Sohio, admitted that the Suez crisis was responsible. Socony-Mobile and Standard of California, both part owners of * the Arabian American Oil Co., each jumped its profits 13 per cent, while Sinclair increased. eight per cent despite the fact that sales increased only 1.8 per cent. * * * - PRESIDENT Eisenhower has refused to film a special message f or the annual Fourth of July celebration at Philadelphia's In- dependence Hall, birthplace of American independence. Answering for the President, White House aide Frederic Fox wrote to William Goldman, chair- man of the celebration commit- tee: "I must report that this mes- sage will - like the declaration of 1776 - be carried on paper, not on film." Ike, he said, would send a written message only. This burned up the celebration committee which appealed to United States Information Direc- tor Arthur Larson, pointing out that a filmed message would dra- matize our Independence Day around the world. "I am sure," wrote City Repre- sentative Abe Rosen, "that this filmed commentary by the Presi- dent would be something that ev- ery movie house and television network in the country would use on July 4th." Larson wrote back that the White House's refusal was final. THE PASSING of Sen. Joe Mc- Carthy will be followed by the de- parture from Washington of his, counterpart in the House of Rep- resentatives, ex-Congressman Harold Velde (R-Ill.) Velde, who once created rival headlines as chairman of the House Committee on Un-Ameri- can Activities, has been hanging around Washington since he with- drew from Congress, trying to wangle a job from the Adminis- tration. His latest bid was for the chief counsel's job at the Federal Housing Administration. He even tried to drum up clients for a private law practice, but couldn't raise enough business to make it pay. Now the forlorn ex-headline hunter is about to pack his bags and leave the scene of his former triumphs. He is even using his free postal privileges as an ex- congressman to sell his home. EX-CONGRESSMEN are en- titled to free postage for six months after they leave office to. clean up their official business. This privilege is not supposed to be used, of course, for personal mail. Yet Velde is sending out circulars postage free to prospec- tive home buyers, offering his house for sale. It might be called direct mail advertising at the taxpayers' ex- pense. Velde's circular offers: "Excellent opportunity to pur- chase lovely one-story red-brick rambler, first class condition, from original owner. House a little over two years old, in perfect location for members of Congress or Capi- tol Hill employees, as well as An- drews Air Base and Bolling Field personnel . . . owner willing to paint walls in colors desired by purchaser. Immediate occupancy can be arranged. Call former Con- gressman Harold H. Velde . to arrange appointment to see home and discuss details and pur- chase price." (Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.) ering here and elsewhere 'to lend backing to the crusade. It began last night in the 20,- 000-seat arena of Madison Square Garden, and will continue nightly for at least six .weeks, and per- haps for months beyond that. In confronting New York City, this busiest crossroads of mixed races, beliefs and influences, Gra- ham said he does so with trepida- tions at his own "inadequacies and lack of ability"' but with "complete dependence on God." "It is our hope," he said, "that the crusade will revive the church- es with new energies, that it will bring the secret disciples out of their hiding places, making them like a mighty army, thinking and discussing religion." In brief, he said, he hopes to make the metropolitan millions "God-conscious." * * * IF WIDESPREAD organization, advance activity, prayer and Gra ham's past performances are any index, the campaign seems des- tined to command a lot of atten- tion and involve a lot of people. But what the solid results will be, Graham said, "we will have to wait and see." "If there is a spiritual awaken- ing in New York it will make an impact on the entire nation," he said. "But any awakening in this mighty city will be of necessity by and of the holy spirit of God." An imposing amount of human effor is going into the undertak- ing. More than 1,500 of New York City's Protestant churches have pitched in to supply 4,000 singers (1,500 nightly), 2,500 ushers (500 a night) and 4,000 counselors, trained over a nine-week period. Religiously, New York presents a special challenge to the Protes- tant evangelist.- The city is only 25 per cent Protestant. It's about 45 per cent Roman Catholic, 25 per cent Jew- ish and 5 per cent Eastern Ortho- dox. Of this total in religious background, only about 42 per cent are active in any church ** * SEVERAL Catholic spokesmen, in mingled criticism and praise of Graham, have emphasized that their church disapproves members attending such Protestant-type services but concede many of them probably will attend any- how. Jewish leaders have expressed no objection to members attend- ing the services, although Rabbi William F. Rosenblum of Temple Israel says he doubts any "ap- preciable number" of Jews will be swayed to Christian doctrine. Dr. Hampton Adams of Park Avenue Christian Church said he thought the Graham crusade may cause many New Yorkers who dropped church connections when they moved to the city from their home towns to return to the field. Graham himself, who has often faced hostile reactions in opening campaigns only to end up by win- ning eulogies from his critics, said he knows New York City is not "going to be easy." "But I believe a great spiritual battle is going to be fought in New York City," he said. "Christianity is always a conflict and a warfare. The attack may come from the% most unexpected source." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETI1N The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michi- gan Daily assumes no editorial re- sponsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Roomi 3519 Administration Building, be- fore 2 p.m. the da preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily dlue at 2:00 p.m. Friday, THURSDAY ,MAY 16, 1957 VOL. LXVII, NO. 161 General Notices Attention all Seniors: Order your caps and gowns for June graduation at Moe's Sport Shop on North University as soon as possible. Faculty, college of Engineering: There will be a meeting of the Faculty of this college on Friday, May 17. 1957, 4:15 p.m., Auditorium A, Angell HaLl ..Education School Council tea on May 16, 3-5 p.m., Education School lounge. All invited who are interested in the School of Education or in becoming certified to teach. Concerts Carillon Recital by Percival Price, University Carillonneur, .7:15 p.m. Thurs,. May I&, continuing his series of spring programs: The Modern Re- naissance of Carillon Music in the Netherlands. Arrangements for Key- board carillon by J. A. H. Wagenaai' II and L. 't Hart; modern Duth car- illon compositions before Word War IT, and Dutch carillon compositions since World War I. Copies of the en- tire series are available in the School of Music office. Concert Cancelled: The concert by the Michigan Singers, Maynard'Klein, conductor, previously announced for Thursday evening, May 16. in Hill Audi- torium, has been cancelled. Student Recital William Eifrig, or- ganist, will perform compositions by Couperin, Bach, Roger-Ducasse, and vierne at 8:30 Friday, May 17 in Hill Auditorium. Mr. Efrig is a student of Robert Noehren, and is presenting this recital in lieu of a thesis for the de- gree of Master of Music (Music Litera- ture). The concert is open to the pub- lic. . Drama Laboratory Playbill of three one-act plays will be presented by the Depart- ment of Speech at 8 P.M. Friday and Saturday, May 17 and 18, in Barbour Gymnasium: "The Rising of the Moon," "Pantaloon" & "The Flower of Yeddo." Academic Notices Botany 1 Makeup Examination will be given on Thurs., May 16 at 7:30 p~m. in Room 2033, Natural Science. Interdepartmental Seminar on Ap- plied Meteorology: Engineering. Thurs., May 16, 4 p.m., 307 West Engineering Bldg. James A. Ruffner will speak on "The Effect of Climate in Relation to the Modern Use of Glass in Building Construction" - Chairman: Prof. Floyd N. Calhoon. 402 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the Application of Mathematics to Social Science, Room 3401 Mason Hall, Thurs., May 16, 3:15-4:45 p.m., S. S. Stevens, "Psychophysics and the Theory of Scales," (Harvard University) -Profs. Freedman, Landecker, Sharp, and Wishneff of the Sociology Depart- ment invite all interested undergradu- ates to the final coffee hour of the year in the Sociology Lounge, 5611 Haven Hall, Thurs., May 16 between 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. Applied Mathematics Seminar, Thurs., May 16 at 4:00 p.m. in Roon 246, West Engineering Building. Prof. Paul Naghdi will speak on the "Elastic- Plastic Wedge." Refreshments at 3:30 p.m. in Room 274, West Engineering, Seminar in Mathematical Statistics: Thurs., May 16, 4-6 p.m. in Room 3201, Angell Hall. Richard Legault will dis- cuss three papers of Wilk and Kemp- themne off the analysis of factorial ex- periments in a completely randomized design. Coffee at 5:00. Political Science Graduate Round- table Thurs., May 16, at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater. Prof. Tay- lor Cole of the Department of Political Science at Duke University will speak on"esearch Problems Concerningthe British Commonwealth." Refreshments. Lecture and Demonstration: "A new Theory of the Vibration of the Human Vocal Cords," Dr. Svend Smith, Direc- tor Experimental Phonetics Laboratory, Copenhagen, Denmark. Aud. C., Angell Hall, Thurs., May 16, 4:10 p.m. Psychology Colloquium: "The Psycho- physical Law Rediscovered." Dr. S. Smith Stevens, Harvard University Psychology Department. 4:15 p.m. Fri., May 17, Aud. B, Angell Hall. Anatomy Seminar. R. L. Hunter and Mrs. Sara Kovacsi "A Demonstration of Esterases Separated Eletrophoretically in Starch Gel and a Discussion of this Method to Tissue Analysis." East Medi- cal 2501 at 4 p.m., Fri, May 17. D o cn t or l K E x a m i n a t. i o n r T I P"Ca . % N -A d 1 ,S ", THIE CAMPUS CHEST Drive was a failure. Clearly contributions of $2,500 by 22,000 students, or about 11 cents a student toward three worthwhile charities is little more than a joke. Yet, the fault lies not in any inherent inac- curacy of the Campus Chest concept, but rather in the unique lack of co-operation the organi- zation received from other campus organiza- tions and students in general. HE RESIDENCE HALLS started the ball rolling by not permitting solicitations in the individual houses. Reasoning for this is difficult to locate. What makes the whole thing even worse is that Campus Chest was created for the convenience of the men in the residence halls, as well as everybody else on campus so that people would have to contribute to charity once rather than three times a year. The affiliated groups were the next to con- tribute to failure. When they were responsible for the Fresh Air Camp drive last year, one of the three charities concerned, Panhel and IFC managed to get enough people to man 22 buckets around campus. But now that this Campus Chest charity was no longer their specific responsibility, they had trouble getting enough people to man six buckets. OU*** * t Editorial Staff RICHARD SNYDER,. Editor RICHARD HALLORAN LEE MARKS Editorial Director City Editor GAIL GOLDS'TEIN................. Personnel Director ERNEST THEODOSSIN............Magazine Editor JANET REARICK ........ Associate Editorial Director MARY ANN THOMAS ............Features Editor DAVID GREY..................... Sports Editor RICHARr' CRAMER. ,,, Associate Sports Editor STEPHEN HEILPERN ........ Associate Sports Editor JANE FOWLER and ARLINE LEWIS................ Women's Co-Editors JOHN HIRTZEL.................Chief Photographer Business Stafff DAVID SILVER, Business Manager MILTON GOLDSTEIN ... Associate Business Manager In fact, it took an unusually adroit person to find any buckets in which to contribute no matter how much desire he had. CERTAINLY, credit should go to women's judiciary and the groups who participated in the first day auction. Without the sale of late pers and the other attractions at the auction, one would shudder to think of what the totals. for the drive might have been. But ultimate responsibility for the failure of the drive lies with all the students on cam- pus. Most just couldn't bring themselves to part with even twenty-five cents for charity. There's no need going into the relative im- portance of each charity. Certainly this has been done already. The point is that in line with the general apathy on compus, not enough students cared. Next year the drive may be held in October. This is the time of year when students, theo- retically, have more money in their pockets. Let's hope they can bring themselves to part with some of it. -RICHARD TAUB Students Walk Out On 'an Opportunity MANY STUDENTS walked out on an excellent opportunity to better their education yes- terday. Faculty evaluation questionnaires were dis- tributed yesterday and Tuesday in all literary college classes. Students were asked to express their opinions on the value of courses, the effectiveness of instruction and the incentive for critical think- ing.. IT WAS DISHEARTENING to note how few people took advantage of this chance to give constructive criticism. In one recitation when the professor left, half of the class of sixty walked out. The majority of the remaining thirty evaluated for five minutes, and a few stayed until ten of the hour. I ABUNDANCE, SIZES IMPRESSIVE: Hungarian Refugee Awed at U.S. 'Wonderland' EDITOR'S NOTE: Last month, three hours after their arrival in the United States, Associated Press correspond- ent Endre Marton and his wife, Ilona, received a special George Polk jour- nalism Award for their heroism in covering last fall's Hungarian revolt. Before the uprising, both spent many months in Hungarian Communist prisons on charges of espionage. Mrs. Marton was asked to compare life behind the Iron Curtainrwith life in America. This is her story. By ILONA NYILAS-MARTON ON April 3, 1956, I left the prison of the Hungarian secret police. I was set free on parole. Exactly one year later I landed in the United States. I was a parolee again. Quite a difference, though. It would be easy to fill a book with the impresions of a woman and mother coming from behind the Iron Curtain. I just list them, five times wider than those at home. The steak you order in a simple restaurant could feed a family in Hungary and it is out- rageous how much people leave on their plates. I'm sure the but- ter New Yorkers leave carelessly on their plates every day could easily supply the 1,800,000 inhabi- tants of Budapest. This easy-going luxury is cer- tainly something the average Hungarian refugee will need time to understand. Take one thing: paper. The laundry sends two shirts of my husband nicely packed in lots of silk paper and a cardboard box, all unheard-of luxuries in my country. *- * * THEN, in the United States, there are all those wonderful little girls are; mine are not different. They kept on nagging me, they wanted to have new dresses. I was weak and gave in. We went to a department store, but when per- haps the hundredth dress was shown to us, we became real frightened by this profusion and left in a hurry, postponing the vital decision: which to choose. It is needless to say how tech- nique in everyday life impresses the refugee. For instance, the TV in the hotel room that - besides its merits and demerits - proved to be an excellent ersatz baby sit- ter. I LIKE THE way elderly people apparently enjoy their life in this country. Nowhere else did I see so many old men and women par- distributed by a friendly soldier among refugees at an airport and, last but not least, how the church makes use of advertisements. I was flabbergasted indeed when I saw the first time an ad in a bus, saying "Build a stronger and rich- er life: worship together every week . . ." Yes, why not God? Give Him a chance, too .x. Having experienced for so many years "Communism in action," now I bump into "Democracy in action" every minute. What im- pressed me most was perhaps my visit in a small city, dominated by a distinguished college.. * * * THE FIRST night we dined in a hotel with some professors and students, among them a pretty 'and bright girl. Can you imagine 4 I I