BIG BUSINESS AND HIGHER EDUCATION See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State :4!Iaii4] CLOUDY, COOLER VOL. LXVII, No. 163 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1957 SIX PAGES 'U' Appropriation Legislation Moves Toward Floor Fight By MICHAEL KRAFT LANSING -Recommended ap- * propriations for higher education moved toward a House vote amidst indications of a floor fight. Revisions made by the House' Ways and Means Committee in the Universities' operating budgets drew sharp criticism from Michi- House, the MSU, governing body gan State University yesterday. The $414,993 raise in the MSU operating budget, bringing it to a total of $26,133,193, was called "unbelievably unfair and unjust" by the State Board of Agriculture. In a letter to each member of the -Daily-David Arnold NEW WORLD SOCIAL ORDER-Prof. Syed Ali Ashraf of Pakis-.. tan describes a new concept of world government under Islam. After citing the failures of Democracy in dealing with the prob- lems of the individual he outlined the Moslem solution, a univer- sal Islam social order. Pakistani Professor Sees Vagueness 111 Democracy By DONALD KURTZ Prof. Syed Ali Ashraf, chairman of the English department at Karachi -University, Pakistan, said last night that the great problem of democracy today lies in its vagueness of notion. Speaking in the east conference room of Rackham, Prof. Ashraf said that democracy sought the goal of freedom. "Yet, a freedom leading to what?" he queried. The speech, entitled Democracy and Islam, was sponsored by the Near East Club given under the State Department's Leader Exchange Program. In contrasting the political philosophies of Islam and democracy, Prof. Ashraf saw nineteenth century Europe as the stage for dethron- ing of the Christian ideals of declared that MSU was not given "comparative treatment with the University of Michigan." Recommends Increase The House Ways and Means Committee recommended an in- crease of $1,184,686 for the Uni- versity, raising the operating bud- get from $29,761,000 to $30,315,686. Additional funds for Flint Senior College and various research pro- jects boosted the total University increase to $1,234,586, according to Robert N. Cross, University Ad- ministrative Assistant. University President Harlan Hatcher said he was "gratified" with the Committee's action., "The increase added by the com- mittee, if passed by the House and Senate, will be of substantial help in maintaining effective operation of the University. It will require economy. "However, when supplemented with a substantial fee increase the proposed appropriation will permit operations without serious impair- ment of educational programs," President Hatcher said. MSU Tuition Increase Tuition increases for MSU were approved yesterday by the State Board of Agriculture. Fees for Michigan residents were raised from $204 to $225 a year while out state tuition was hiked from $429 to $555. The next meeting of the Regents, who regulate University tuition fees, will be Saturday, May 25. Also under attack by MSU was the increase in state appropriation per student. The original appro- priation formula, approved by the Senate, would grant the University $225 per student more than given to MSU. Changes by the House committee would increase the dif- ference to $304 per student, the letter said. "While we are genuinely pleased that our sister University at Ann Arbor has had its budget sharply and appropriately increased, we are at a loss to understand why MSU should not be accorded com- parable treatment. Additional Request MSU Treasurer Philip May said an additional1$1,700,000 would be requested from the Legislature. He said MSU would also "work hard" to have the House pass a amendment allowing the Universi- ties to pledge up to 40 per cent of student fees to finance new con- struction, The provision, vetoed by the Senate Appropriations Committee and passed by the Senate in an amendment from the floor, was killed by the House Ways and Means Committee. Committee chairman Arnell Engstrom (R-Traverse City), call- ed the plan "unfair to other insti- tutions. Presidents of smaller state supported colleges had criticized the plan, saying fees from their student enrollment would be in- sufficient to finance any construc- tion. Rep. Engstrom said "Michigan is a strong enough state that we should be able to finance construc- tion with our own money and we will do so when we get a breathing spell." House debate on the requested amendment and appropriation in- creases may take place sometime this week, legislators said. Timing will depend on how soon they clear their calendar of other bills. SGC Hears Chest Drive Summary By RICHARD TAUB Campus Chest Board had col- lected about $2,610 as of yester- day, Harlan Givelber, '57, Board chairman, told Student Govern- ment Council last night. He felt the "total would almost probably be well over $3,000 and might even reach $4,000." Basic reasons for the possible increase, he said, was that late pers for May 18th would still be on sale at the Student Activities Building today and tomorrow, and Sthere was still a good deal of money to come from the frater- nity system. Fraternity Contributions Lag So far, Givelber explained, "only seven fraternities have taken the time to turn in their contribu- tions." He reasoned if each of the remaining houses contributed $10, an additional $350 of revenue could be gained. Twenty sororities, Givelber re- ported, contributed about $300. Givelber, in what was actually a preliminary report, recom- mended the Campus Chest pro- gram be continued next year. However, he hoped it would be scheduled in October. Late in the spring, he said, "stu- dents are much more careful of their last dollar." Other recommendations in- cluded a smaller campus chest board, (16 representatives of or- ganizations now are on the board) greater co-operation b e t w e e n those groups working on the drive and more publicity about the in- volved charities. Better Organized Drive He also suggested a better or- ganized bucket drive and well- planned auction for the kick-off. Personnel could only be gained to man six buckets on' campus this year, he said. Rob Trost, '57, Inter-fraternity Council president, thought the "approach to the fraternity sys- tem was extremely poor." He felt the Board should have channeled its efforts through IFC. He also noted 3FCuand Panhel had files on past bucket drives, and would be glad to open them to the boardh Givelber answered that no IFC representative had sat with the board since March. He again said that theBoard was so. large that communications had been poor. Marilyn Houck, '58Ph, Panhel- lenic Association president said Panhel had been informed that the Board had only wanted enough people to man six buckets. SGC Expects Company Bids On Health Plan Bids will probably be heard from insurance companies for a volun- tary health insurance plan at the University, Scott Chrysler, '59, chairman of Student Government Council Health Insurance Com- mittee, told the council last night. Premiums for the insurance would probably "run between $10 and $15," he said, "probably closer to $15." The committee will hear bids for both a whole year program and a nine month plan. The latter, Chrysler declared, would "probably cost about three dollars less." Plans !considered would cover hospitalization due to accident, sickness benefits and medical at- tention. At the same meeting Jan Neary, '57, executive vice-president, an- nounced the committee to study the International Center would include Concil members Ron Gregg, '60, Jean Scruggs, '58, Drake Duane, '58, and Brenda Ackerman, of the National and International Affairs Committee. Maynard Goldman, '59, with- drew his motion to study inter- collegiate athletics, because there were several specific recommen- dations he wished to make at the next meeting, and he thought it was too late in the year for a committee to get started. Pete Eckstein, '58, newly-named Daily editor, introduced a motion to establish "a committee to take steps looking forward . . . to a forum for the discussion of educa- tional problems and controversial French emier oet Al Renfrew Chosen New Ice Mentor Al Renfrew, hockey coach at-the University of North Dakota, was named last night as Michigan ice mentor, by the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics. He succeeds Vic Heyliger who vacated the post after the 1956-57 season to enter the restaurant business in Colorado Springs, Colo. Reached at his home in Grand Forks, N.D. last night, Renfrew told The Daily that he was "thrilled" about the appointment and that "it will certainly be nice to get back to Ann Arbor." Renfrew, who graduated from Michigan in 1949, added, "I have a big pair of shoes to fill." Renfrew coached at North Da- kota last year. He previously tu- tored the sport at Michigan Tech from 1951 to.1956. The Board in Control will rec- ommend Renfrew to the Board of Regents for final approval. The Regents are scheduled to meet early next month. The appoint- ment will not be official until the recommendation is approved. Ike Lashes Defense Aid Budget Cuts WASHINGTON (RP)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower challenged congressional budget-cutters yes- terday to show him how they can slash his defense program without trifling with the nation's safety. The President also defended anew his $71,800,000,000 budget by telling a news conference that government in 1957 must "study carefully the needs of the people today, not of 1860." President Eisenhower's c o m- ments came on the heels of a radio-TV address Tuesday night in which he said the "stupendous" sums now being spent cannot be cut substantially so long as the free world remains threatened by communism. Under newsmen's questioning he hit hard on the same theme yester- day--while brushing aside sug- gestions from some members of his own Republican party in Con- gress that he has moved to the left politically since his election in 1952. "If anything," Eisenhower said, "I think I have become more con- servative." He went on to say he has a basic determination to preserve the value of the dollar and to resist "trifling with our financial integ- rity." A House Military Affairs sub- committee is reported thinking in terms of a two and one-half bil- lion dollar slash in his defense pro- posals. BUDGET FIGHT: Senate Ignores Appeal; SlashesIke's Program WASHINGTON (P)-The Senate brushed aside President Dwight D. Eisenhower's appeal for support of his budget yesterday and passed a State and Justice departments money bill slashed $102,564,000 under his request. It stripped the United States Information Agency's budget request of $144 million dollars down to $90,200,000. It also recommended ,USIA be put back in the State Department, and that the agency end any overseas activities competing with private American agencies. Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas, the Democratic leader, domi- nated the debate, which followed the President's nationwide radio-TV speech Tuesday night urging ac- tion against big cuts, which he sa id m ig h t e n d a n g e r se c u rity . Intondwthr this connection, President Eisen- B riai T st hower mentioned the importance of overseas information programs. B i bight Only one Democrat, Sen. Do D 1 Neuberger, of Oregon, voted against the USIA cut, which was e Pacific approved on a 61-15 roll call. The Republicans were sharply divided. Fourteen voted with the L President against the cut. Twenty- LONDON (P)-Britain exploded three voted for it-including. Sen- its first hydrogen bomb high over ate Republican Leader William the Pacific Ocean yesterday. Knowland of California and Sen. The blast began a series of tests Edward Dirksen of Illinois, assist- establishing this nation as the ant GOP leader.- world's- third nuclear power. The big fight was over the USIA A terse announcement by the appropriation. After that was de- Ministry of Supply said merely it cided, the appropriation bill was Mnstry f S plsid merely it passed 77-0. was "the first explosion of a nu- The bill now must go back to the clear dev'e in the present series." House for consideration of the But an authoritative source said{ Senate changes. The differences the device tested was a hydrogen probably will have to be worked bomb. out in a Senate-House conference It 'was fired at a high altitude committeen after being dropped from a four- The Senate adopted an amend- engined Valient jet bomber in the ment, recommended by its Appro- area of British-owned Christmas priations Committee, giving USIA Island, 1,400 miles south of Hono- $90,200,000 to operate the Voice lulu. The precise location was not of America and other overseas in- divulged. formation programs in the- fiscal An Air Ministry spokesman said' year starting July 1 the white-painted Valiant-one of This was $15,900,000 less than four flown from Britain to the test the House allocated earlier, and area-was manned by five crew-' $53,800,000 less than the President men. The bomb aimer was 36- had requested. year-old Flight Lt. Alan Wash- The amendment was part of a brook, holder of the Distinguished $563,085,293 money bill to finance Flying Cross. the State and Justice departments The official announcement gave and USIA. no details of the type of weapon 'U' Lecture Program Set For Sumnmer Threatens Resignation Over Suez CanalDispute "Asian Cultures and the Modern American" will be the topic for the University's summer 1957 pub- lic lecture program. Exhibits and films are also pre- sented during the series, which ac- companies a workshop in Asian studies offered during the summer session. Oliver Caldwell, United States' assistant commissioner for inter- national education, opens-the pro- gram June 26. The keynote address will outline "Asian Culture and the Modern American: a Pattern for Survival." An Indonesian Dance group, ac- companied by a Gamalan orches- tra is next, on July 1. G. L. Mehta, Indian ambassador to the United States follows on July 9. Edwin Reischauer, director of the Harvard - Yenching institute will discuss "Japan: A Society in Transition," July 11. July 16, Ambassador U Win from Burma will expalin "Cultural As- pects of Burmese Life." "Art as Visual Equivalent of Religious Thought: with Special Reference to India" has been sche- duled for examination July 17 by Stella Kramrisch, head of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania's South Asia Regional Studies Program. Robert Aura Smith of the New York Times will speak July 23 on "The Political Crisis in the Philip- pines." He will be followed on July 24 by Ambassador Mohammed Ali of Pakistan whose subject is "Con- stitution Making in South Asian Nations: with Special Reference to Pakistan." Scholarships Given by SGC Three scholarships of $150 each were presented last night by Bar- bara McGrath, '57, Chairman of morality and "replacement with the scientific concept of man un- der new multiple ideals." With the failure of an integrated moral law democracy itself crumb- led, he said. Man sought to become a superman, and in the struggle lost his values. This, he said led to delinquency and the educational problem, "the great danger facing democracy." "Islam accepts two basic con- cepts of balance; between spirit and matter and the individual and society," he said. These con- trast to the democratic: goals. "The individual in society is free in Islam as in democracy, free to choose between good and evil.; free to shape his own fate." Yet the great difference, Prof. Ashraf exclaimed, is that the goal of man in Islam is to seek perfection. To to this he must be immersed in a social order, and learn to get out of it and get ahead. While democratic states are guided by political concepts ex- pressed in constitutions the Mos- lem is governed by God and, his first duty is to Him. In further describing Islam goals of government, Prof. Ashraf out- lined universal social order. This order would not recognize national differences; only those of culture and race. Says France Deserted by U.S., Britain Seeks Agreement On Canal Passage PARIS (') -- Premier Guy Mal- let said yesterday he felt France had been deserted by the. United States and Britain on the Suez issue. He attempted to resign after 16 months in office, a post-war rec- ord in France. Persuaded by President Rene Coty to stay in office, the Premier and the Cabinet then decided' in a stormy session to ask the United Nations Security Council as soon as possible to order Egypt to ob- serve the six principles it approved last October for safeguarding free passage to all nations through the Suez Canal. Mollet indicated he felt he should resign because his leader- ship had isolated France on a vital issue. In a statement to newsmen, the Premier indicated he felt most keenly the decision by Britain- France's partner in the ill-starred Suez invasion last fall - to bow to Egyptian President Gamal Ab- dul Nasser's terms for operation ,of the canal. The British government has au- thorized British-flag ships to use the canal again, paying. tolls in sterling to Egypt and without pro- test. France alone has stuck to her boycott of the waterway. Bitterly, Mallet said in his statement that the decision by the others to accept Nasser's condi- tions without any minimum guar- antee on the right of passage or commitment by Egypt on the di- vision of tolls was "a flagrant con- tradiction" of the six principles of last October. He said these principles had been specifically upheldby United States Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and British officials. Mollet implied Britain and the United States were backing down on their word. Mllet's dramatic gesture came as Israel proposed to send,:a "test ship" to the Suez Canal to seek passage through the waterway. An Israeli spokesman in Jeru- salem has announced that such a test is being prepared and that Israel and France were coordin- ating plans on such a policy. Druids Tap From the Stonehenge circle Aided by the witches cauldron Mystic plans were brewed in dark- ness. Many twigs were examined Many rocks were overturned Subjected to heat from blazing torches Observed by men of knowledge and magic Those decayed, were burned and destroyed. Finally from the murky grove From the Cave where Fingal per- ished The Order of the Mighty Oak emerged Causing the earth to shake and shiver Causing nations and peoples to cower All to bend the twig and sapling And to capture the sturdy ay- wends : Barron, Bouncing Bodoni Burning Bush B e n n e t t, Bull-Bucking Buckthorn Byers, Conclave-Coor- dinating Catalpa Cumming, Des- perate-Driving Dragon Tree Dick- ey, Eloquent Editorializing Eng- lish Elm Elsman. Frame-Fractur- Five Petition For Council Five people have petitioned for the vacant position on Student Government Council, according to Judy Martin, '59, council member. Petitioning will extend until Friday for the position which will be vacated by Janet Winklehaus, '57, because of graduation in June. John Wrona, '57, the other senior on the council, is not sure yet whether he will remain. He might return to school next year, he says. Petitions are also open for the Counseling Study Committee. This committee has been investigating the counseling services of the Uni- versity. Petitions will also open today for the Student Activities Building committee. exploded, but government officials announced previously the explo- sions would be "in the megaton- one millions tons of TNT-range" and would be high air bursts with- out heavy fall-out. Britain' began its series of nu- clear tests in the face of a sus- tained protest campaign by the Japanese government. Also pres- suring Prime Minister Harold Macmillan's government were the British Labor party, scientific or- ganizations, and other societies and individuals in dozens of coun- tries. But Macmillan repeatedly re- jected protests that the tests would endanger the future health of mankind. He said the explosions would in no way harm peoples of the Pacific lands.4 An area extending 900 miles north and south of Christmas Is- land - midway between Sydney and San Francisco-was declared a danger area for shipping from March 1 until Aug. 1. world News Roundup By The Associated Press LONDON-Three of the United States' stoutest allies-West Germany, Norway and Canada accepted conditionally yesterday the idea of international inspection of military forces in their territories as part of a disarmament plan. The United States has been reported probing for an inspection plan that would meet part way the Soviet proposals of April 30 calling for air inspection over huge areas of Siberia. BROOKHAVEN, N.Y.-A chemical explosion yesterday injured four persons at the Brookhaven National Laboratory-one of the nation's principal atomic research centers. One of the injured was reported in serious condition. Six other persons were exposed to corrosive acid vapors during rescue operations and required medical attention. * * * * WASHINGTON-A story of how Dave Beck and a pal tried to take the Teamsters Union for $71,500 in a real estate deal---and then MAYOR ELDERSVELD: Calls Victory Start of New Era By JOHN AXE Ann Arbor's Mayor, Prof. Sam- uel Eldersveld of the political sci- ence department called strategy, issues and organization the key to his successful campaign and election on April 1, Speaking before Young Demo- crats from the University and from Eastern Michigan College last night at the Union he re- flected that the election marked the beginning of a new era in Ann Arbor politics. worth it." He added, "just look at the returns, my large majorities in the traditional GOP strongholds more than prove the great value of the party workers who got out and did the leg work." The mayor revealed that while his workers tried to convert Republican-vot- ers, they concerned themselves primarily with "getting the voters we knew were Democrats out to the polls on election day." The mayor also noted, "There ha ,n'I . n 4-4 PXf..