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May 14, 1957 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1957-05-14

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TUESDAY, MAY 14,19#7


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Wexler Describes Research

The International Geophysical
Year may "provide answers to
questions not yet formulated"
concerning man's environment,
according to Harry Wexler, chief
scientistnfor the United States In-
ternational Geophysical Year An-
arctic Program.
Wexler, speaking yesterday in
the Rackham Amphitheater, de-
scribed the vast network of sta-
tions throughout the world where
studies will be made on the move-
ment of heat and water, the phys-
ics of the upper atmosphere and
the earth's crust, interior and
A partnership of 57 cooperat-
ing nations, the International Geo-
physical Year is the third such at-
tempt to pool the scientific knowl-
edge of many nations in order to
investigate such physical phenom-
ena as glacial structure and move-
ments, atmospheric disturbances
and solar radiation.

newest addition, the study of nu-
clear radiation.
Within an hour after an unus-
ual solar disturbance is discovered,
all stations will bp notified so that
they will be able to accelerate and
intensify their observations in
their area.
Wexler and President Laurence
M. Gould of Carleton College,
Northfield, Minn., returned in
March from a month's tour of the
Antarctic continent where they in-
spected the stations which will be
the United States' contribution to
the Antarctic Program.
Gould, director of the program,
was chief scientist on the first
Byrd expedition to the area in
Illustrating his description of
the Antarctic preparations with
slides, Wexler spoke of the seismo-
graphic testing of glacier depth
which has thus far revealed gla-
ciers which may be as deep as 10,-
000 feet, and of the precarious op-
eration of transfering men and
equipment to the great Ross Ice
In a press conference held yes-
terday morning, Wexler reported
that 50 stations have been estab-
lished in the Antarctic region, of
which the United States will be in
charge of seven.

Mark Start
Of Cerebral
Palsy .Drive
This is National Cerebral Palsy
Most states will hold fund rais-
ing drives, but in Michigan United
Cerebral Palsy is a member of the
Michigan United Fund.-
This year's drive is known as
the "Golden Deed Crusade." Its
object in Michigan is learning
more about Cerebral Palsy, accord-
ing to Dr. E. R. Costich, president
of the United Cerebral Association
of Washtenaw County.
Cerebral palsy is not a single
disease. It is a general term for a
lack of muscular control caused by
injury to certain parts of the brain.
The disease may be caused by
from faulty pre-natal brain cell
development, infectious disease,
physical injury or others not yet
discovered. Cerebral palsy can be
contracted by anyone, before or
after birth.
The two most common types of
the disease are the athetoid (with-!
out voluntary control) and the!
spastic. The muscles of the former
are normal but he cannot control
them and is therefor subject to in-
voluntary movements. Facial gri-
macing is a common symptom.

-Daily-Robert Schneider
. .. meteorologist

Community Should Help
Rehabilitation: Pohlmann

Kenneth E. Pohlmann, of the
United Mine Workers, said recent-
ly in the days before World War I
rehabilitation was a community
effort but today "people have
grown flabby on the milk of hu-
man kindness."
Speaking at the twelfth state
convention of the Federation of
the PhysicallyHandicapped, Inc.,
Saturday Pohlmann cited com-
munity responsibilities in rehabil-
itation. He outlined the struggle
of the handicapped for "self-suf-
ficiency and gainful employment."
In describing the change from
individual to group effort, he said,
"People are playing a secondary
role to organizations in rehabili-
tation today."
As to the problems of the han-
dicapped he said, "We have to
meet these problems. America
Young Democratic Club, May 15,
3-R Union, Speaker: Mayor Eldersveld.
* * *
Education School Council, May 15,I
4:10, 3545 Student Activities Building.
American Rocket Society and the In-
stitute of Aeronautical Science, May 15,
8:00, Kellogg Auditorium. Speaker: Dr.
Rudolf Hermann, "Space Travel -
When?" Chapter members and guests
will dine at 6:00 prior to the lecture
in the Anderson Room, Michigan Un-.
Physics Club, May 15, Randall, 7:30.
Speaker: Dr. Glaser, "Parity."
The Episcopal Student Foundation,
breakfast at Canterbury House follow-
ing the 7:00 a.m. celebration of Holy
Communion, May 15, 218 N. Division.
* * *
ThetEpiscopal Student Foundation,
student-faculty tea at Canterbury
House, May 14, 4:00-6:00.
The Congregational and Disciples
Student Guild, mid-week tea, May 14.
4:30-6:00, Guild House.

cannot live half-productive and
"In 1940 vocational rehabili-
tation progress was ineffective on
the state level."
After World War II, state de-
partments found a great nieed for
vocational rehabilitation among
servicehmen who had returned
from the war with physical disa-
bilities, he added.
Speaking of his organization's
work in this field, he said, "In 1947
the United Mine Workers' progress
in this field showed the way to
state rehabilitation programs to
bring the handicapped back to be-
ing useful, productive citizens."
Pohlmann then described the
work done in mining states in gen-
eral to establish nation-wide pro-
grams for relief of the handi-
Describing the economics of ef-
fective vocational rehabilitation,
Pohlmann said, "Rehabilitation
pays dividends. For every dollar
the federal government spends, it
gets ten dollars back in taxes.
Student Talk
Wins Award
Bryan Moriarity, '57E, was the
winner of the impromptu speech
contest at the Sigma Rho Tau con-
vention banquet.
The engineering speech honor-
ary fraternity held its annual na-
tional convention from 9 a.m. to
5 p.m. Saturday.
The session began with regis-
tration at the Union, followed by
an opening meeting, welcoming
address, committee reports and
other meetings
At 10:30 a.m. the projects and
hall of fame speech were heard.
The :mpromptu speech contest
was hpld during the banquet

YD's Hold.
In .Detroit
Resolutions condemning racial
segregation at state supported in-
stitutions and calling for a great-
er freedom in the selection of out-
side speakers at these institutions
were adopted May 5 by the State
Young Democrats Spring Conven-
tion in Detroit.
Along with there were one call-
ing for a corporations profits tax
to pay for rising cost of higher
education and another definitely
opposing any tuition raise at the
YD'S To Hear
Mayor Speak
Ann Arbor's Mayor, Prof. Sam-
uel Eldersveld of the Politicai
Science Department, will talk to
the Young Democrats Club on
"Politics and City Government"
at 7:30 p.m. today in room 3R of
the Union.

Police Quell
Student Riof
At Wiseonsiii
Approximately 2,000 students
participated in a riot at the Unit-
versity of Wisconsin May 8, ac-
cording to the Wisconsin Daily
Two students were booked by
police on charges of disorderly
Bystanders reported that the
riot began with a water light be-
tween a sorority and a fraternity
house at 7:15 p.m. Police were
called about 8 p.m. and Dean of
Men Theodore Zillman arrived 20
minutes later, the Cardinal said.
Water-throwers, clad mainly in
bathing suits, concentrated, on
Zillman and police after their am.
rival. Few participants escaped
dousings during the riot.
Police officers snapped picturek
of the crowd as it milled in the
streets. The pictures, Zillman said
will be given to a faculty com
mittee on student conduct fo
identification of the rioters.
Attempted panty raids after the
water fight were stopped by police.
The riot ended at 12:20 a.m.

Wexler, who is also the Direc- places and over a long period of
tor of Meteorological Research for time, in order to get an accurate
the United States Weather Bu- picture of movement and change.
reau, described the study of geo- Calling attention to the "co-
physics as "frustrating," saying herence and essential unity" of the
that "Nature's experiments rarely I.GY. program, Wexler pointed
come off the same way twice." out that 14 disciplines are involved,
Because of -'this, observations including meteorology, oceanogra-
must be made in many different phy, glaciology, geology, and the

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(Continued from Page 4)
any other aspects of the course or in-
structor (such as, for example, clarity,
of presentation) not covered in pre-
vious questions, which you consider to
be especially good or poor, and offer
any suggestions which you have for
the improvement of the course.
Meeting of all Freshmen and Sopho-
cores planning to concentrate in Phy-
sical Therapy, or interested in know-
ing more about Physical Therapy, on
Thurs., May 16 at 7:15 p.m., Room 1603,
first floor, Main Building of Univer-
sity Hospital. Movie followed by dis-
cussion and some demonstrations in
the Physical Therapy Clinic. Anyone
interested will be, welcome.
University Lecture in Journalism.
John Fischer, Editor of Harper's Maga-j
zine will speak Tues., May 14, at 3 p.m.
in the Rackham Amphitheatre. He will
speak on "The Changing Role of Amer-
ican .Magazines."
Lecture sponsored by the Department
of History. Prof. Richard H. Shryock,
Director of the Institute . of Medical
History, The Johns Hopkins University,
will speak on "The Interrelation of
Medical and Social History in the
United States." May 14, at 4:15 p.m.,
Aud. A, Angell Hall.
Student Recital, John Quincy Adam-
son, pianist, will perform compositions
by Bach, Mozart, Debussy, and Proko-
fieff, at 8:30 p.m. Wed., May 15, n Aud.
A, Angell Hall. Adamson is a pupil of
Joseph Brinkman. This recital, in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Bachelor of Music, is open
to the public.
Academic Notices
Mathematics Club will meet on Tues-
day, May 14, 1957 at 8:00 p.m. in the
West Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Bldg, Professor T. H. Hildebrandt
will speak on "Marginal Notes."
Botanical Seminar. James Hardin,
Department of Botany, will speak on
"A Monographic Study of the Ameri-
can Buckeyes" Wed., May 15, 4:15 p.m.
11 9 Naturay Science.4Refreshments at
4:00 p.m.
Doctoral Examination for Nathan
Ockman, Physics; thesis: "The Infra-
red and Raman Spectra of Single
Crystals of Ordinary Ice", Tues., May
14, 2038 Randall Laboratory, at 2:00

p.m. Co-chairmen, G. B. B. M. Suther-
land and Samuel Krimm.
Doctoral Examination for Mary Jane
Cumberland Showers, Anatomy; thesis:
"Correlation of Medial Thalamic Nu-
clear Activity with Cortical and Sub-
cortical Neuronal Arcs", Tuesday, May
14, 4558 (Library) East Medical Build-
ing, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, E. C. Cros-
Doctoral Examination for Louise
Elizabeth Sweet, Anthropology and
Near Eastern Studies; thesis: "Tell
Toqaan: A Syrian Village", Tuesday,
May 14, East Council Room, Rackham
Building, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, W. D.
Doctoral Examination for Robert
Thayer Wilce, Botany; thesis: "Studies
of the Marine Algae of the Labrador
Peninsula and Northwest Newfound-
land (Ecology and Distribution),"
Tues., May 14, 1139 Natural Science
Building, at 1:00 p.m. Chairman: W. R.
Doctoral Examination for Frank
Brown Livingstone, Anthropology; the-
sis: "The Explanation of the Distri-
bution of the Sickle' Cell Gene in West
Africa with Particular Reference to Li-
beria", Wed., May 15, 301 Special Pro-
jects Building, at 1:00 p.m. Chairman,
F. P. Thieme.
Doctoral Examination for David Ran-
dall Luce, Philosophy; thesis: "Causal
Relations Between Mind and Body: A
New Formulation of the Mind-Body
Problem", Wed., May 15, East Council
Room, Rackham Building, at 2:00 p.m.
Chairman, Paul Henle.
Doctoral Examination for Gayle Her-

bert Nelson, Anatomy; thesis: "The
Thoracic Duct and Its Necessary Ve-
nous Communications", Wed., May 15,
3502 East Medical Building, at 3:00 p.m.
Chairman, R. T. Woodburne.
Placement Notices
The following positions are open for
the summer months. For further infor-
mation, contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments. Summer Placement Service.
Clerical workers are needed in the
Detroit office of the Tuberculosis and
Health Society. Both male and female
candidates will be considered.
A program director (female)is needed
by the Clara Barton Birthplace Camp
in North Oxford, Massachusetts. The
camp is operated for 75 ' diabetic girls,
with a normal program except for
minor limitations because of medical
aspects. A senior or graduate -student
would be preferred. In addition two
counselors are needed - one to andle
a nature program and one to take
charge of limited trips and camp-craft
TheCity of Flint bas an opening
for a personnel technician for the
Civil Service Commission. Duties would
commence July 1 and last until Aug-
ust 9th, and consist of classification,
examination, placement and employ-
ment interviewing. Graduate students
in Public Administration will be given
The weekly meeting of the Summer
Placement Service will be held on
Wednesday, May 15th, in Room 3G of
the Michigan Union. Interviews set
for that date will be announced later.
Personnel Requests:
Cook County Dept. of Welfare, Chi-

cago, Ill., has positions open for Case-
workers in its Public Assistance Divi-
U.S. Civil Service announced an ex-
amination for Statistician - Mathe-
matical, Analytical or Survey - GS-9
to 11.
Communicable Disease Center, U. S.
Public Health Service, is currently re-
cruiting for scientists in the fields of
Medical Microbiology, Pub. Health Bi-
ology, Med. Entomology, and Chem.
Positions are GS-9 to 11.
U.S. Dept of Agriculture has vacan-
cies for Acctg. majors to work as Audi-
tor Trainees. Involves travel.
New York LifehInsurance Co., New
York, New York, has openings for wo-
men with any degree to work in the
Insurance Research and Group Insur-
ance Depts.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., ext. 3371.
Summer Placement:
Two Real Silktrepresentatives, Roy
Jenkins of Detroit and Paul Schrader
of Kalamazoo will interview men and
women students for jobs during the
summer. They will be at Room 3G of
the Michigan Union from 9-4:45 on
Wed., May 15.
Mrs. Gross of the Ann Arbor YWCA
will interview from 1-4:45 for general

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