t d e lorligatt Bal Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "When Opinions Are Pres Truth Will Prevail. Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1ยง57 NIGHT EDITOR: RICHARD TAUB Faculty Evaluation Tests Student Maturity FINAL EXAMS are lurking on the next page of the calendar, but much more significant tests are being held this week. The literary college is measuring the maturity of its stu- dents. When the odious term "student evaluation of the faculty" first came into use, several professorial blood pressures soared at the slightest suggestion of criticism from runny- nosed undergraduates. But this week, 22 years from the first suggestion of such a survey, the faculty is almost unanimously appreciative of the program's benefits. The "student evaluation surveys" are not designed to let off student steam. If they were, the simple question "What's your gripe?" would suffice as a questionnaire. Instead,. they repre- sent an exceptional opportunity to improve the effectiveness of University instruction and to examine closely the intellectual experience af- forded by each course. MEMBERS of the faculty realize this, since only their consistently active support has made the survey possible and only their confi- dence in the replies make it meaningful. They have carefully noted the places at which opinions maybe a little superficial, such as dur- ing discussion of the complex business of origi- nal course development, but have produced a more impressive rationale in favor of student opinion. Most of the danger that such a survey might flop lies on the student side of the lectern. Apathy and a low estimation of one's own judgement most seriously threaten the quality of the program. However, most of the suggestions and criti- cism written this week will be heeded, certainly all of them will be read. Student impressions of course objectives might shock quite a few of the faculty, who may have intended just the opposite, but even these bad guesses will bring a more conscious attempt at clarity, or perhaps a boost in standards. Students will never know just what the re- sults of their evaluations are. But they may be sure, judging from the support of the faculty, that their sincere, carefully-written opinions are read and respected. -ALLAN STILLWAGON "Boy, Do You Look Silly" r ^ A w fA; v :'r F " - - WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Veur rtlfo il .icel f By DREW PEARSON DRAMA SEASON: 'Lady in the Dark' A Big Disappointment THE BIG QUESTION last night was why "Lady in the Dark" was picked in the first place. Its creators are illustrious-Kurt Weill, Ira Gershwin, and Moss Hart-but the Drama Season opener proved to be a major disappointment. "Lady in the Dark" was once considered an innovation in the field of musical comedy, but today it appears dated and a little dull. Basically, it's a case history with music, and case histories are never terribly enter- taining no matter how prettied up they get. Cut away the production numbers and the script becomes a pretty adequate TV play. Last night it was long and cluttered, with some nice performances and a few -nice bits. The production is weak in many ways, but to be fair, a major share of the blame must be placed on the book itself. The story concerns Liza Elliot, smart editor of a chic fashion magazine. On the surface Liza is the ideal career girl, right down to Teamster's December Meeting THE AMERICAN Federation of Labor-Con- gress of Industrial Organization's crusade against corruption in union leadership is meet- ing its greatest test in Dave Beck's International Brotherhood of Teamsters. The federation's Executive Council, supported by the ethical practices committee has given three similar international unions 90 days to rid themselves of undesirable elements or be ex- pelled. The fives man ethical practices committee is conducting hearings on the Teamster's case at AFL-CIO headquarters in Washington. Mean- while Teamster president Beck is facing the Senate Rackets Committee's charges of "the use of the power of the union to further his own financial interests." There is no doubt that the AFL-CIO would immediately evict Beck and his compatriots for their abominable actions which the Senate Rackets Committee has brought to the atten- tion of the nation. However, neither the execu- tive council, the ethical practices committee, nor the supreme national convention of the federation has the power to remove these men from office. ALL THAT THEY can do, they have. Beck has been suspended as a vice-president of the AFL-CIO and lost his membership in its executive council. The national convention is to take up charges against him May 20. It is certain the executive council will recommend his removal. The fate of Beck and his associates would then lie in the hands of the Teamsters them- selves; to be decided at their national con- vention next December. If the 1,400,000-man union stays with their leaders they face pos- sible eviction when the AFL-CIO meets in December. The present case against Beck lies in the hands of the federation's ethical practices committee. Its strength in the struggle against union corruption is derived from the ethical practices code which the AFL-CIO adopted 17 months ago. This code does more than inveigh: it serves as a moral yardstick for international unions to judge themselves by. The code contains ex- plicit prohibitions against all manner of cor- ruption. Non-conformance to it may lead to expulsion from the federation. Assuredly, Beck and the Teamster's will offer the code its most severe test to date. THE TEAMSTERS can afford to be little concerned with these happenings. At present they have a strangle hold on the AFL-CIO. The federation derives 10 per cent of its total per capita income from this source. It wouldj become extinct if the Teamsters were pre-dis- posed to cut off supplies to large industries, thereby crippling that union. Moreover, the.merger of the CIO and AFL gave the federation no absolute authority. The Teamsters virtually have the power of veto over the council by their economic and financial power. It is apparent that the ethical practices committee will find union leadership in need of a cleansing, and recommend to the executive council it make a case for expulsion by the AFL-CIO national convention, May 20. We hope the pressures brought to bear by public opinion and disgruntled Teamster work- ers will initiate a great catharsis; that the twin blows struck by the Senate and the AFL-CIO will fill the Teamster's meeting next December with the sounds of upheaval and rebellion. -DONALD KURTZ A NEW TRIAL has quietly been ordered for the man who was kicked out of the Army because he advocated a stronger air corps -- Gen. Billy Mitchell. General 'Mitchell has now been dead 21 years and it has been over three decades since a sensational court-martial found him guilty of insubordination for demanding more air power as the best de- fense of the United States. However, the Air Force Correc- tions Board this month will take the almost unprecedented step of retrying his case. The move was ordered after Mitchell's son requested the Air Force to reverse the verdict and clear his father's name.. In the Air Force, Mitchell is considered its number one hero and founder. He warned that fu- ture wars would be won in the air, and showed how airplanes could sink battleships, which in his day was unheard cif: It became all too true, however, at Pearl Harbor. Gen. Douglas MacArthur was a member of the famous court which found Mitchell guilty on Dec. 18, 1925. * * * PRESIDENT Eisenhower has to win two battles when he faces the nation on TV tonight. Number one is the obvious battle of the budget. Number two is the battle which GOP leaders understand much better than Ike - for control of the Republican Party. If Ike loses his round with Con- gress over foreign aid and the licans take over. They know this. budget, then the "regular Repub- and that's one reason they are fighting so hard and why they don't want him to fight hard. It's also why the palace guard is trying to get Ike to fight hard. They know, and have been telling the President that, if he loses this round, "Modern Republicanism" is dead. He can kiss good-bye any idea of remaking the Republican Party in his own image. The White House staff began telling newsmen and congressmen even while the President was in Augusta that he was going to battle for the budget. They may well have done so before fully con- sulting the President, for at that time he was still being very palsy with the man who first pulled the rug out from under his budget, George Humphrey. SENATOR Barry Goldwater of Arizona, most vociferous of the "Regular R e publicans," tele- phoned the White House the oth- er day. "I like Ike," he protested, "But don't let him go on television. The people are not for him on the bud- get. The reaction will break his heart." He talked about 1958 when "we" are going to get control. He pointed to the fact that most of the Republican senators up for re-election in '1958 are conserva- tives. Only two or three Modern Republicans are up for re-election. "And," he said, looking further ahead,. "we're going to capture control with Knowland in 1960." He referred to the backing which Regular Republicans are organizing for Sen. Bill Know- land for President in 1960. When Republican leaders called on Ike for their regular huddle last week, they cautioned him not to attack the sincerity of Congress when he appeared-on TV. They urged a temperate talk. They didn't use these exact words, but what they really wanted was that Ike make no appeal such as Roosevelt so effectively made over the heads of Congress to force Congress to pass his program. OBVIOUSLY, they were think- of the party battle, not the Presi- dent, when they gave this advice. For the only way Ike can win is to call on the voters to retaliate against congressmen who put dol- lars ahead of the nation's welfare. Sherman Adams, who knows what the score is, has been giving just the opposite advice of GOP leaders. But he's had a hard time keeping Ike in line. Ike is not one who likes to tangle with Con- gress. (Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) her affair with the publisher. But really she is far from a happy woman and big neuroses lurk in her tormented mind. She begins to lose her grip and gets carried away as the sub-con- scious breaks into the clear light of day. So, naturally, she, goes to a psychoanalyst. On the couch, Liza describes her dreams and they are the darndest things you've ever seen. Every one is a big musical extravaganza, hor- ribly traumatic (for heroine and audience alike), grossly symbolic, and generally inane. * * * But dreams are always disjoint- ed, and any artistic atteempt to accuratelyportray them must in- evitably seem disjointed, too. The effect on the watcher is that of sitting in on somebody's night- mare. This is not exactly enter- taining. To add to it all, every dream number is followed by the poor psychoanalyst who explains the meaning in technical jargon. Since the dreams are so glaringly obvious that a Psych. 31 student could un- derstand them, this business is tedious to say the least. The production itself has both good and bad points. Amongst the latter are a chorus that mangles the words and notes of some good tunes, an orchestra that sounds like it was recruited from the Gaiety Burlesque Show in Detroit and apparently wants nothing to do with the whatever the chorus is singing, and a heavy pace that drags the proceedings for all of the first act and part of the second. * * * THE NICE POINTS are notable: the sets are bright and charming, pointing up the opposite charac- teristics of the book; Carol Bruce striving to make Liza a little more interesting than she really was and really brought the needed flash of joy into the show with her "Saga of Jenny" number. That tune, by the way, was part of the only dream sequence that came across simply because it didn't take itself so seriously as the others. The real hero of the night, though, was Scott McKay, who invested a stock role with individuality, warmth and charm. It was a nice idea for the Festi- val to do a musical, but things might have worked outbbetter if the show had been less self-con- scious about its hallowed subject. -David Newman SATURDAY: Glee Club Excellent THE Michigan Men's Glee Club demonstrated Saturday evening that it is far more than just a tradition in fine choral music. The group's diction was remark- ably clear and accurate through- out. Especially outstanding was the variety of dynamic levels and the control of pitch, with nearly perfect balance between the vari- ous sections and the soloists. An atmosphere of easiness con- veyed by the types of music sung, the frequent interjections of hu- mor, and the vitality of the group as a whole, from its brisk entry at the beginning to its final exit, was effectively combined with excellent discipline. OF SPECIAL interest was the premiere of a new Michigan song, a hymn which will be the third part of a trilogy entitled "Voices of Michigan." The trilogy is being written by Fred Haughton and Dean Earl V. Moore of the music school for the 100th anniversary of the Glee Club in 1959. Technical skill, balance between sections and good discipline were strikingly demonstrated in the opening numbers. particularly in Handel's "Then Round About the Starry Throne." Tenor soloist Dan Pressley was warmly applauded for his rendition of the "Flower Song" from Carmen and "This is my Beloved" from Kismet. The entrance of the entire club during "When I Was a Lad" from H.M.S. Pinafore brought many laughs and a hearty response from the audi- ence. ce.* * * THE NOVELAIRES were superb in Hoist's "The Heart Worships" and Mel Torme's "Country Fair." AT THE STATE 'Big Land', Small .Ladd ONCE AGAIN the western scene is brightened by the inimit- able presence of the invincible Alan Ladd. Once again, criminals are driven like cattle out of the free frontier. Once again the ter- rible justice of the Kansas plain is meted out. The boy scout in a cowboy suit, the saviour with a six- shooter, the Robin Hood of the grassy range returns once again to the silver screen, a big man in a Big Land. Only the minds of love sick cow- girls could dream up this Al- American boy; only the brains of money-hungry studios could create this blasphemy of a story; and, un- fortunately. only the intellects of untrained chimpanzees can suc- ceed in being amused by a com- bination of the two. If the movie is awful, the acting is worse. * * * IN THIS PARTICULAR produc- tion, Mr. Ladd's untarnished pseu- donym is 'Rebel' Morgan, a name vaguely connected to a previous Civil War campaign, and one ap- parently disliked by everyone con- cerned. Cheated by a smiling vil- lain on some cattle sales, poor Morgan is ousted from his friendly fraternity of horse - m o u n t e d herdsmen, and forced to trot off alone into a damp and dreary world wherein no peace exists. This film contains within its shallow depths the only case in history where the cowboy is re- jected because he didn't kill a man, The black - eyed swindler stays alive, for Ladd has a tender heart and, fortunately for the rest of the story, he continues to pursue his short life of active evil for another hour and a half. LADD BEGINS his, exploits by rescuing a drunken bum from a lynching and turning him into a solid, stolid citizen and architect. He and his new-found partner de- cide to build a town in the middle of an empty plain, where the rail- road can roll and the antelope play, and where the two of them can dictate the selling price of their own market cattle, The nasty crook creates the usual difficulties in Utopian plan, but Alan, despite the death of the teetotaling sot, manages to destroy the evil gentleman and saves the embryo city from destruction. In the process, he manages to lose all sense of taste and falls in love with some posturing female named Virginia Mayo. She, the sister of his business associate, reciprocates his affection and de- serts her kindly but inactive fiance for little Ladd. As is usual in this sort of thing, only the brave de- serve the fair. -Jean Willoughby DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the' Michi- gan Daily assumes no editorial re- sponsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, be- fore 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1957 VOL. LXVII, NO. 159 General Notices Phi Delta Kappa Omega Chapter will hold its annual spring initiation ban- quet and election of officers at 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, May 14, Room 3B, Michi- gan Union. Speaker will be John H. Halloran, visiting Lecturer in Educa. tion from the University of Sheffield, on "An Englishman Looks at Americau Education." $2.50 per plate. For reser- vation, telephone Arthur E. Lean, Ext. 3354. Attention LSA Students: A poll of Student Opinion of Courses and Teach- ing will be conducted through ques- tionnaires to be distributed to students in the College of Literature, Science and the As on Tues. and Wed., May 14 and 15. In order that students and faculty may read the questionnaire be- forehand, the questions are listed be- lowy: 1. What is your judgment as to the value of this course in your education? INTERPRETING THE NEWS: German-Britain Strain I THE CULTURE BIT: Elvis-Collegiate Too By DAVID NEWMAN By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst DESPITE the emphasis on friendliness, Prime Minister Macmillan's conferences with Chancellor Aaenauer in Bonn have pro- duced something less than success. . The communique issued after their discus- sions fails to clarify the extent of the strain, but it is considerable. West Germany, along with other members of Western European Union, which comprises the European unit under NATO, is still con- vinced that Britain will tear the foundations out of Western defense if she pursues her plan to reduce her forces. Britain's continental allies are now solidly against her on the point. THE WEU assembly, an advisory body, called Wednesday for re-submission of the plan Editorial Staff RICHARD SNYDER,. Editor RICHARD HALLORAN LEE MARKS Editorial Director City Editor (AIL GOLDSTEIN .................. Personnel Director ERNEST THEODOSSIN ............ Magazine Editor JANET REARICK........ Associate Editorial Director MARY AXN THOMAS............. Features Editor DAVID GREY ........... . ....... Sports Editor RICHARD CRAMER ........ Associate Sports Editor STEPHEN HEILPERN ........ Associate Sports Editor JANE FOWLER and ARLINE LEWIS ................ Women's Co-Editors -JOHN HIRTZEL -.Chief Photographer Business Staff to NATO before it is carried any farther. The argument is that nuclear defenses upon which Britain proposes to rely may deter nu- clear but not conventional war. And it is conventional defense which is at stake. Behind the scenes, as mentioned here before, is an economic contest between the allies for foreign trade, with its - requirement for in- vestment in industrial expansion rather than in arms. BRITAIN realizes that her action creates a tendency for the continental powers to do even less on defense than they have been do- ing. In addition to this, a powerful political is- sue in Germany; the Germans are not satisfied with the prospect of a mere token defense in case of war, despite their own reluctance about rearmament. The crux of the situation seenls to be -wheth- er tactical nuclear weapons are actually in suf- ficient supply to replace conventional British firepower as rapidly as it is removed. There are strong doubts about it. Ne0 Books at Library Bass, Robert D. - The Green Dragoon; NY, Holt, 1957, de Bernardy, Francoise-Son of Talleyrand; NY, Putnam's, 1957. Douglas, A. Vibert - The Life of Arthur Stanley Eddington; DTY, T. Nelson. 1957. Drucker, Peter F. - America's Next Twenty Years; NY, Harper's, 1957. Ford, Alice, ed. - The Bird Biographies of John James Audubon; NY, Macmillan, 1957. W HETHER we dig it or not, the cultural phenomenon known as "rock 'n' roll" is the biggest thing in the country. The cat with the sideburns and the volcanic abdomen is making more money than we'll ever see. Four grown men chanting, "Dooby-do-wah," send audiences into ecstacy. A fat man who man- ages to make all lyrics come out, "Mph ... glub ... crmg . . . ugh," leads the country in record sales. (With those lyrics, maybe it's bet- ter that way.) The future leaders of the na- tion cry, "Go, man, go!" to the four winds, and more kids know the words to "Houn' Dog" than the Gettysburg Address. Under- standably, many of us are "all shook up." But what about the college stu- dent, the Michigan one in parti- cular? Standing above the lowly masses, secure in his ivory tower, he leads us to believe he sneers at the pleasures of the people. Give him Bartok or give him Bru- beck ...all the rest is dross. But, we ask slyly, is it really so? Is the collegiate cat any more sophisti- cated than the high school cat? * * * PERHAPS he scorns rock tn roll publicly and then rushes back to his room, locks the door, and rev- but the truth was out. "Well," said he, "we have an all rock 'n roll ;show on Saturday afternoons from one to two. And , . . well, it's an all-request show." Ah-ha! I left Lippert and slipped into my black motorcycle jacket, greased my sideburns, and headed for Ann Arbor radio station WPAG. The man who has his fin- ger on the local rock 'n roll pulse is one Richard Mayers, a disk jockey at WPAG who runs an all "go-stomp-your-head-off" radio show six days a week. A senior in the Speech Depart- ment, Mayers is a jazz buff off mike, but on the air he maintains a strict policy of shake, rattle, and roll. How does he feel about the stuff? "I'd give it five more years to fade out, just like the big bands did," said Mayers, a lanky collegiate-looking chap. The phone rang and he paused to take a dedication from Sue and Fran to all the boys at Ann Arbor High. MAYERS makes no pretense of appealing to the college set, but he has a few theories with some startling evidence to support them. "When the high school kids go on to college," he mused, "they'll probably drop their rock 'n' roll and become super-sophisti- cated. It's. thought of as an ado- soon became clear to Mayers that he was talking to a wise-guy, and a condescending wise-guy at that. "I told him if he was trying to be funny he wasn't doing too well," Mayers continued, "aid I got a little angry. Well, it turned out the guy was just trying to save face because he really wanted to hear a record. He'd been listening all afternoon. He apologized pro- fusely, and it turned out he really loved the stuff but was ashamed to admit it." BUT THE real blow to colle- giate sophistication came during Mayers' contest of a few weeks past. The gimmick was to vote for your favorite - Pat Boone or El- vis. "Put down another vote for the bobby-soxer's dreamboat El- vis (Golden Calf) Presley," gushed one miss from teen-town. "Elvis has such a dynamic per- sonality and face that he make me feel good all over," 'another hot-rod queen confessed, aban- doning grammar for passion. But what to my wondering eyes did appear but a fat envelope in the pile containing a long list. I quote it gleefully: "Dear Mr. May- ers, we of Couzens Hall dormitory would like to request that you play one half hour of Pat Boone records on Monday. Don't cheat!"