ONE OF AsDYING SPECIES See Page 4 YI L Lw tg~ ~IaitF 0 Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY, WARMER VOL. LXVU, No. 160 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 12, 1957 EIGHT PAGES -Daily-John Hirtzel HUMAN WHEELBARROWS-Phi Sigma Delta and Delta Phi Epsilon were winners of the wheel- barrow event in Spring Weekend's Field Day yesterday. Activities scheduled for Palmer Field were held in Waterman Gymnasium because of rainy weather. Awards, Stubborn Donkeys, anc End Spring Weekend By NANCY STAMM Stubborn donkeys, awarding of the grand prizes and a lost carica- ture marked yesterday's Spring Weekend activities. Delta Delta Delta and Delta Tau Delta won two hi-fi phonographs, grand prizes for Spring Weekend. Runners-up were Chi Omega and Theta Xi. Unskilled riders were thrown from donkeys and general confu- sion prevailed during the donkeys E baseball game at Field Day yes- terday. The faculty team tied the students, 4 to 4, with runs from Prof. Edward Lurie of the history department, Prof. John F. Muehl of the English department and two runs by Prof. Charles F. Powers of the zoology department. Prof. See Page 8 for pictorial cover- age of Spring Weekend events. Powers hit the only home run of lthe game. . Starring on the student team was Bernie Rinella, '57, vice-presi- dent of the literary college, with three runs. Roy Lave, '57, ex-vice- president of the Union, scored the fourth run. Spectators watched Prof. Erich E. Steiner, of the botany depart- LSA SURVEY: Students TO: Evaluate Courses, .Ins truction By ALLAN STILLWAGON Tuesday and Wednesday, literary college students will complete the second of two rounds in the literary college survey of student opinion on courses and teaching. The first round was conducted in January, 1956. On the basis of a report adopted by the college' in 1953, the 'main object of the plan is "to improve instruction" through student .>evaluation'of teaching. It is aimed Following are the questions at giving students an oppoi'tunity included in this week's liter- to assess their own educational r ary collegestudent opinion experiences and opportunities. ment, fall head first from his donkey. He didn't have a donkey license, spectators said. Delta Sigma Phi's and Alpha Gamma Delta's darby, which fell apart during the parade Friday, went on to victory in the chariot races. During the Darby parade a caricature head of a clown dis- appeared. It is still being sought. Last night at "Comic Cotillion," held in Barbour Gymnasium due to rain, General Co-Chairmen, Nancy L. Blumberg, '57A&D and William L. Miller, '57, presented prizes won during the weekend. Chi Omega, runner-up, was pre- sented with a steam iron and home. decorator set. Two table lamps and a scotch cooler with glasses went to Theta Xi, the other runner-up. After awarding the grand prizes, Theta Xi was presented with a camera kit for winning the poster contest. Kappa Kappa Gamma re- ceived a pen and pencil set for their second place poster. A shoe shine kit was awarded to Taylor House in South Quadrangle for their poster which took t 'rd place honors. Bud'get Cuts Set -,Bridges WASHINGTON ()-Sen. Styles Bridges (R-NH) said yesterday administration concessions already have sealed a two-billion cut in President Dwight Eisenhower's budget requests and more reduc- tions are in sight. Sen. Bridges, who heads the Sen- ate Republican Policy Committee, said government agencies have agreed not to press for Senate restoration of 546 million dollars cut from their new money pro- posals by the House. McCLELLAN: Beck May Be Guilty Of Fraud WASHINGTON (M-Sen. John L. McClellan (D-.Ark) said yes- terday that Teamster's Union President Dave Beck may have run afoul of the federal mail fraud law in his handling of a widow's trust fund. "The treatment he accorded the widow of his dearest friend is typical, it seems, of his dominat- ing characeristic of greed and av- arice," Sen. McClellan told news- men in reviewing the latest testi- mony about Beck. The widow is Mrs. Ray Lehene, whose husband was an official of the old AFL. Beck was trustee of an $80,000 fund raised for her from union members after Leh- en'ey's death. Banker Testifies Donol F. Hedlung, a Seattle mortgage banker, testified Fri- day that he and Beck shared an $11,585 profit from investing this money for Mrs. Leheney. Hedlund described Leheney as Beck's "best and closest friend." Placed in evidence was a letter from Beck to Mrs. Leheney in. which no mention was made that Beck and Hedlund would derive a profit from the sale of mort- gages which he recommended to hei as a sound investment. Sen. McClellan, referring to what he called Beck's "breach of trust" in this transaction, said "there is a possibility the letter he wrote her would come within the federal statute banning use of the mails to defraud." Mentions Income Tax He also said he thought the In- ternal Revenue Service and the Justice Department would be in- terested in finding out whether Beck reported and paid income tax on his profit in this deal as well as other financial transac- tions brought out in the testimo- ny. Beck already is under indict- ment on a charge of evading in- come tax payments for the year 1950. Sen. McClellan said testimony now in the record has "clearly re- vealed, ard further testimony also will reveal, that Beck has wholly breached his trust in the position he holds as president of the Inter- national Teamsters Union and as trustee of its funds." He said it showed that Beck had used "the position and the tremendous power reposed in him to further the financial gain and profit of himself and his family and certain friends he desired to favor." Church, Politics Speech Scheduled The dean of the Yale Divinity School will speak on "The Political Responsibility of the Church" at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Aud. A. Dean Liston Pope, distinguished in the field of politics and religion,j will speak under the auspices of the Committee on Studies in Reli- gion and the Department of Poli- tical Science.; Radio Points To Chinese Weaknesses HONG KONG OF)-F ed China has lifted its Bamboo Curtain and revealed a nation be'set by unem- ployment, food shortages, conflicts among the masses and paralyzing bureaucracy. In a series of frank disclosures in the official press and over Peiping radio in recent days, the Peiping regime has admitted that the threat 'of famine hangs' over much of the country in the wake of last year's floods, drought and the disastrous typhoon, Wanda. Much of the unemployment is a by-product of last year's calami- ties. Thousands of peasants, un- able to eke out a living, have swarmed to the cities in search of jobs. Bad personnel planning for industry has contributed to the growing ranks of the jobless, an official announcement says. In addition to these difficulties, the Communist leadership is grap- pling with two problems which strike at the very heart of its control of the country. The first is widespread unwill- ingness of former capitalists and intellectuals to accept socialism as a doctrine. The other is the fric- tion between the masses and bu- reacratic-minded Communists. An example: Red China's news- men held a forum in Shanghai, Peiping radio reported today, and demanded more freedom to report "actual situations." They asked government! officials to hold news conferences and permit themselves to be questioned, and protested against official intimidation of re- porters. The Hungarian uprisings of last year sprang from a similar set of circumstances. But as far as can be ascertained from here, the danger of revolu- tion does not at this moment exist in Red China. Campus Chest Closes Drive Campus Chest will close its week-long campaign for charity funds today with solicitations in several campus living groups. A final tabulation of funds col- lected by the drive will be made Monday; no count was conducted today. This week's drive marked the first combined charity drive' held on the Michigan Campus. The chest collected $2000 in the first five days of its drive, with a final goal of $6500. Heads Down, Hood's Up! -Daily-Irv Henricksen ESCAPE INJURY: Raymond Hilt, '59D, suffered no injuries when his 1955 Thunderbird collided with a 1955 Buick driven by David Morgan, '58L, on Chuich and Oakland yesterday afternoon. Morgan was rushed to University Hospital for examination and released. Police charged Morgan with failure to observe a yield sign. WHITE HOUSE PLEDGE: Ike Assures Viet NaMn Of Continued Assistance WASHINGTON (R) - President Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday backed free Viet Nam with a strong pledge of continued U. S. assis- tance in the face of mounting Communist pressure in soutleast Asia, In a joint statement, President Eisenhower and visiting President Ngo Dinh Diem declared that any Communist aggression or subver- sion threatening the political independence of the infant republic "would be considered as endangering peace and stability" in the area. It declared' Peiping's military activity "constitutes a continuing threat to the safety of all free nations in Asia." The communique cited Communist China's refusal to renounce the use of force and "unwillingness to subscribe to the stan- dards of conduct of civilized na- Red China o pses Li Missiles Formosa Claims U.S. Erect Base As Menace Peiping Radio Warns Communists Intend To Free Territory HONG KONG (A) -Communist China charged yesterday that the United States is turning Formosa into a "base for atomic warfare" by stationing Matador missiles on ti'e Nationalist Island. A sharply worded Foreign Min- istry statement broadcast by Peiping radio warned: "The Chi- nese government hereby solemnly declares: The determination of the Chinese people to liberate their own territory is unshakable. The United States must bear full re- sponsibility for its action of ag- gression. The statement followed by three days a U.S. announcement that advance units of American Mata- dor missile units, capable of hurl- ing atomic waheads several hun- dred miles into Red China, had arrived on Generalissimo hang Kai Shek's stronghold, 100 miles from the mainland. Chinese Boast As expected, the announcement drew hotly worded reactions from the Communist Chinese press and radio. The Red Chinese freely boasted that the Matadors would not deter Peiping from its intention of tak- ing over the Nationalist sanctuary. The official statement tonight reiterated that goal. But it avoided the saber-rattling of past years and made no mention of Red mill- tary might. Lodge Protest Instead, it said, the move had caused "great indignation" throughout the Communist main- land, and that a strong protest had been lodged with the Ameri- can government. Such a protest customarily would be relayed through British diplomats in Peiping. The United States has no diplomatic relations with Red China. The United States has said that the Matadors, which could reach some of Red China's biggest air bases, were solely ,for defensive purposes in case of attack. Knappen Tells Of U.S. Policy Toward Reds Warning of the threat to peace from countries which have turned communist in the last ten years was given yesterday by Prof. Mar- shall Knappen of the political science department. It is too early to tell if their loss to the West will be as serious as were similar losses after World War I which led toward World War II, he said in a speech deliv- ered to the sixth annual World Order Conference. "United State's policy of con- tainment (of Russia) has been fairly successful since its initia- tion in 1949," Prof. Knappen said. Traditional United States foreign policy - always aimed primarily at national survival - has been isolationistic, he' said. This has changed only recently with cre- tion of mutual security groups like NATO, SEATO and individual de- fense pacts with nations, he added. "This isolationism, however, has been broken occasionally with al- lies during war and with attempts at world organizations like the United Nations and the League of Nations.' Prof. Knappen told the confer- ence, sponsored by the Ann Arbor- Washtenaw Council of Churches, the containment policy operates in three ways: Military-diplomatic, including mutua1 seurity treaties and de- 4.." I questionnaire: 1. What is your judgement as to the value of this course in your education? Point out its contributions and deficien- cies. Z., Irrespective of your first answer, state and evaluate the objectives of this course. Are they clearly apparent? How well are they accomplished? 3. How well was the instruc- tor able to stimulate your in- terest in the material of the course? Give specific reasons. 4. To what extent did you learn to think critically in the subject matter covered by this course? 5. Mention any other aspects of the course or instructor not 4 covered- in previous questions, which you consider to be es- pecially good or poor, and of- fer any suggestions for the im- 'provement of the course. World News Rou ndup J # By The Associated Press LONDON - The Soviet Union yesterday announced it has asked Japan to join in an appeal to the United States and Britain for an immediate end to atomic and hy- drogen bomb tests. * * BERLIN-Communist East Ger- many was reported yesterday cracking down on 122 rebellious college students with a demand that they swear loyalty oaths or face permanent expulsion. The students, of East Berlin's Humboldt University, were de- scribed here as staging this week the biggest open strike against Questionnaires Returned During the survey, the last 30 minutes of the class hour will be devoted to the essay-type ques- tionnaire. Student participation is voluntary, and all opinions re- main anonymous. After the evaluation, the ques- tionnaires are sealed in envelopes and returned to each instructor- after registration of final grades. Evaluation Developed Faculty evaluation by students first appeared after the war, ten years after the first suggestion of such a plan. An elaborate pro- gram for gauging classroom ef- fectiveness was devised but was discarded after it proved un- wieldy. A series of objective rating scales followed on which students judged such faculty attributes as "approachability", tact and ini- tiative. This was equally short-lived, because of opposition to "objec- 'tive answers to subjective ques- tions." The 1956-57 survey was split into two parts M. order that classes which are taught only dur- ing one semester might be eval- uated, according to Prof. A. J. Carr, chairman of the Committee on Student Opinion of Courses and Teaching. Another survey will presumably not be held next year, he said. SGC Petitions, Now Available Petitions are now available for a position on Student Government Council, according to Ron Shorr, '57, SGC Administrative Vice- tions." . The tone of the communique appeared intended to reassure not only Diem but other Asian leaders that the United States continues firmly opposed to any recognition of the Peiping regime. President Eisenhower and Diem also noted what they called "the large buildup" of Vietnamese Communist military forces in North Viet Nam during the past 30 months. The country w as parti- tioned at the 17th parallel as the result of a peace conference in Geneva in 1954. They cited "harsh suppression" of the revolts of the people of North Viet Nam "in seeking lib- erty." Ra pid Growth Brings Duties' "With the tremendous rate of growth and expansion of prosperity have come increased responsibili- ties to our society," a member of the Council of Economic Advisers said yesterday. Prof. Paul W. McCracken, on leave from the School of Business Administration, noted that "the competitive enterprise system has' done a dramatic job of contribut- ing to the economic well-being of the people." CURTAIN RISES ON SEASON: 'Musical Lady To Open Here Tomorrow Piano chords and shuffled dan- cing steps echo through Lydia' Mendelssohn theater as khaki and slack-clad performers pre- pare for tomorrow's opening of the Drama Season. The curtain will rise on "Lady in the Dark," Drama Season's first musical ever presented, at 8:30 p.m. Hunts Job Carol Bruce, former star of "Pal Joey," will be featured as Liza Elliott, editor of a glamor- ous fashion magazine who tries to find in her job the same ex- citement and happiness that mar- rage offers. Scott McKay, former star of the New York producton of "Brig- adoon," will play the male lead. He has had leading roles in "The Teahouse of the August Moon," "Sabrina Fair" and Drama Sea- son's "Born Yesterday." Director Composed MuMical divetor Edwin A . ine- ,: ;. }" {_' 6 -: ' ,w f E';EEti . U . __ m_