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May 09, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-05-09

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Latest Deadline in the State



Dave Beck Keeps 'Lid

on Senate




' To Produce

More Facts
Beck Refuses To
Senate He Knows


Boorman Says Chinese
Reds Seek More Control
A former Chinese language officer for the Foreign Service and
later analyst of communist newspapers in China said yesterday that
the Communists have established a "stable regime" in China.
They now are seeking to extend their control in four fields -
ideological, political, economic and military.
Howard L. Boorman, currently preparing a study on "Men and
Politics in China" at the School of International Affairs, Columbia
University, outlined the communist plan for making China the
major power in Asia.
He told how they are consolidating their country with the So-
viet bloc, saying that their major difficulty will be economic. Boor-
Sman said that the economic chaos,

refused yesterday a challenge to
"blow the lid right off the Sen-
ate," if he could by revealing how
his Teamster Union funds were
Instead the chunky Teamsters
boss again took the Fifth Amend-
ment before the Senate Rackets
Committee. He even declined to
say whether he knows his own son,
Dave Beck Jr.
Eventually, pleading that he
wasn't feeling too well, the mil-
lionaire labor leader left the tele-
vised hearing for the privacy of
his hotel room.
For Beck and Business
The committee proceeded to
draw from Stewart Ormsby Krieg-
re, a Teamsters' accountant, the
testimony that he got $15,375 in
salary and expense money from
the union over 18 months in which
he worked almost exclusively for
the Beck family's beer business.
Just before the hearings began,
Beck told newsmen: "I'll be one
of the most silent witnesses you
sever were in contact with." He
kept this promise pretty well.
In renewing the Senate inquiry
into Beck's'affairs, Sen. John Mc-
Clellan (D-Ark) said his commit-
tee intends to produce new evid-
ence to support allegations thatj
Beck made "improper use" of
union funds and abused his power
as president of the biggest union1
in the country.
Investigate Business
Sen. McClellan also said the in-
vestigators would go into the ac-
tivities of "certain businessmen
who are willing, for the sake of a
few dollars, to make 'deals' of a
highly improper nature."
The Senate group has broad au-
thority to investigate rackets in
the labor-management field.
World News
By The Associated Press
SSupport Doctrine
WASHINGTON - Special Am-
bassador James P. Richards re-
ported yesterday "a great major-
ity" of 15 governments in the
Middle East firmly support Presi-
dent Dwight Eisenhower's plan to
help combat communism.
Richard flew back to Washing-
ton yesterday after a 25,000-mile
50-day tour of the area.
* * *
Reach Accord .. .
pBON, Germany -- BritishC
Prime Minister Harold Macmillan
and Chancellor Konrad Adenauer
ended their private talks yester-
day amid indicatiois they had
gone far in resolving deep differ-
ences over Western defense.
A diplomatic informant said the
two started their conference Tues-
day "miles apart" but that they
moved "much closer together" by
the finish.

which existed in China before the
Communists took over, plus the
attempt to convert the country
from an agricultural nation to a
nation oriented to heavy industry
could be the government's biggest
This is especially true because
the Communists are interested in
attaining maximum power for the
state, rather than raising the in-
dividual's status.
Changing Human Attitudes
Also a problem, he said, is!
"changing the minds of one
fourth of the human race" to ac-
cept comunist ideology. China
has a history of authoritarian-
ism, Boorman added, helps it to
install their "totalitarian appar-
atus of control."
During a question and answer
period, Boorman said he did not
believe the Communists would al-
low American newspapermen free
access to news sources in China,
and commented that their travpls
would amount to a "guided tour."
He added, however, that experi-
enced foreign correspondents
would not be hodwinked by the
Forced Into Government
Among the techniques which
have been used by the Reds to
establish their rule is forced par-
ticipation in government activity
of persons who have never parti-
cipated before.
They also "continue to tolerate
non-communist elements in gov-
ernment", Boorman said, if it
suits their own ends, and cited as
tion of some war lords who in the
an example the powerful posi-
past few decades fought the Com-
munists bitterly.
Among the influences which
have aided the Communists, he
said, is the new interest in a mod-
ern China which has aroused a
spirit of nationalism in the people.
They have also given the coun-
try its first single national gov-
ernment since the 19th Century,
he stated and have constructed a
communications network which
enables the central government to
transmit its orders throughout
the nation in a minimum of time.

To Justify
His Budget
WASHINGTON (AP) -President
Dwight Eisenhower said yesterday
he plans to take directly to the
American people, in one, or more
likely two, radio-TV addresses, his
case for adopting his $71,800,000
budget pretty much as it stands.
Pres. Eisenhower told a news
conference there is no hope for
real slash in government spending
unless a very great easing of world
tensions makes it possible to cut
the present "stupendous" expen-
ditures for defense.
The President at the same time
voiced 100 per cent agreement with
Secretary of the Treasury George
Humphrey, who said last January
that unless the "terrific tax take"
is reduced this country will have
"a depression that will curl your
Pres. Eisenhower said he and
Sec. Humphrey "jointly prepared
a letter" on which the Treasury
head's depression views w e r e
based. He added, in answer to a
question, that Sec. Humphrey
wants to leave the Cabinet and
must do so "sooner or later"-
though not, he implied, because of
any disagreement with the Presi-
"Feeling fine," as he put it, after
a good deal of exposure to the sun
in recent weeks, the chief execu-
tive put sharp emphasis on this
statement: "The monetary policy
of this government is mine, and no
one underneath me is going to
change my policy."
He was referring here to a ques-
tion whether Sec. Humphrey's suc-
cessor might ease the administra-
tion's "tight money" policy.
On Capitol Hill, where strong
moves have developed to cut the
1957-58 budget, Senate Majority
L e a d e r Lyndon Johnson (D-
Texas) told reporters later he ex-
pects "more controversy and more
Turning to foreign affairs Pres.
Eisenhower told 232 newsmen that
this country is paying no heed in
its defense planning to Soviet
threats against various countries
to dissuade them from letting the
United States set up nuclear
weapons bases on their territory.
He said the Russians' recent
"open sky" proposal-they'd get
the privilege of -inspecting Alaska
and the western United States by
air and grant similar access to an
area of the Soviet Union - shows
the London disarmament talks are
bringing "more honest and hard
work" than in the past.


SGC Okays Spring Rush Calendar

Student Government Councilf
approved an all-spring rush pro-
gram for women last night.
Action came after more than
two hours of debate on the rela-
tive merits of two calendars. Origi-
nally, the SGC spring rush study
committee had planned to propose
only one calendar.



However, after a hurried meet-
ing of this committee, Panhellenic
Association President Marilyn
Houck '58Ph, presented a second
calendar as the minority report of
the committee.
This calendar replaced the ma-
jority program by a council vote
of 10 to 7.

...speaks on China
Fire Ruins
750 Acres
By The Associated Press
One of Michigan's worst forest
fires in years was brought under
control last night after destroying
at least 750 acres of timber in the
Huron National Forest near Lake
The blaze burned to within two
miles of the village of Footside and
destroyed two buildings at the Au
Sable ski bowl before being tamed.
At one time the Wurtsmith Air
F o r c e Base near Oscoda lay
directly in the path of the flames,
but the strong winds shifted. The
fire spread to within 8 miles of
the town of Oscoda and leaped the
Au Sable river, one of Michigan's
favorite fishing streams, at a point
where the banks are 200 feet apart.
More than 400 persons, including
at least 300 from the air base,
fought the fire.
Winds with gustsof up to 40
miles an hour helped to sweep the
fire into a part of the Alpena
State Forest.
The fire, a "crown" blaze in the
tops of trees, defied all attempts
in its early hours to bring it un-
der control, leaping ditches dug
by bulldozers and plows.
Meanwhile sections of wood-
lands in the northeastern United
States - parched by a month-
long drought - lay in blackened
ruins yesterday as the flaming
menace of forest fires was stirred
anew by brisk winds.
Weather forecasts held no hope
of relief


-Daily-David Arnold
GENERATION EDITORS-David Newman (center), was named
managing editor of Generation last night, Alice Adelman (left),
will serve as publications director, John Gillis (right), as business
Board Postpones Selection
Of New Gargoyle Editors
Spring appointments to Gargoyle editorial positions were "post-
poned" last night by the Board in Control of Student Publications.
After naming new Generation editors and , Michigan-ensian
copy editor, the Board announced it had "deferred appointments to
the Gargoyle staff pending presentation of an adequate program for
the publication of a quality humor magazine with an adequate staff."
Postponement did not reflect on the work of outgoing Gargoyle
editors, nor on the three petitioners, Board Chairman John
Reed of the Law School empha-

Both calendars were modifica-
tions of a former Panhel recom-
The new calendar calls for mix-
ers to begin Friday, Feb. 7, with
final desserts ending on Friday,
Feb. 28. It provides eight free days
distributed throughout the rush
The SGC committee majority
calendar called for a more con-
densed program. Mixers were to
begin on Friday, Feb. 7 and final
desserts were set for Feb. 25 and
There were two basic dier-
ences in the calendars. The ma-
pority report had compressed the
tabulation period so rushing could
take place on the same day as the
tabulating, and the Panhel report
moved the beginning of the fourth
set to a later date.
The Panhel calendar, according
to Miss Houck, was designed pri-
marily to ease tensions. Their pro-
Roll Call
Following is the vote to sub-
stitute the Panhellenic program
for the SGC Committee major-
ity report, taken at last night's
Shorr (Chairman)
YES: Alexander, Chrysler,
Gregg, Houck, Martin, Scruggs,
Sherburne, Trost, Winkelhaus,
NO: Collins, Duane, Eckstein,
Goldman, Neary, Segel, Young.
gram is less intensive. This, Miss
Houck explained, will give the
women more time to study and
participate in campus activities.
Another reason for bringing final
desserts to a later date, was to
guarantee that sororities would
have the women's grades by that
The question and discussion
period was long and involved. It
revolved primarily about the con-
flicts with women's activities,
proper attention given to the indi-
vidual who had to rush, and in-
ternal rights of Panhellenic Asso-
Both the present and past Ju-
nior Girls' Play chairmen were
called to the table, to explain the
conflicts with this activity's re-
hearsals. Questions about rehear-
sals were asked that neither
chairman could answer.
arol Bamburger, '60, chairman
of the SGC calendar committee,
was asked to explain the activities
calendar for next year, and Scott
Chrysler, '58, showed the coun-
cil a long list of League activities
scheduled during the proposed
rush period.
At one point, Maynard Gold-
man '59, offered a modified SGC
calendar, which several members
of the council made much of.
Rob Trose, '58, Interfraternity
Council President finally called
the question, after saying that
"Spring rush is perhaps here to
stay." It's calendaring takes ore-.
cedent over other activities, and
in the future these will have to be
built around the program, he said.

Would Slow
Mail Service
New Expenses Cited
To Sub-Committee
As Reason
WASHINGTON (M-)-Postmaster
General Arthur Summerfield told
Congress yesterday he will again
order cuts in postal service, effec-
tive July 1, unless the lawmakers
vote him an extra 79 to 90 million
dollars for fiscal 1958.
Summerfield sounded this warn-
ing to a Senate Appropriations
subcommittee, which then went
into closed session and -voted to
restore 32 million dollars of the
58 million cut by the House from
the Post Office Department's 1958
The postmasters general had
said the full 58 million would have
to be restored, and that still an-
other 70 to 90 million would be
More Money Asked
He said the extra money would
be requested in a supplemental
appropriation bill.
Summerfield said a "phenome-
nal" increase in mail volume has
made it necessary to seek more
money to maintain full service in
the coming fiscal year.
If the money isn't forthcoming,
he said, postal service cuts will be
ordered into effect on July 1, 1957,
the first day of fiscal 1958.
Like First Threat
This was reminiscent of Sum-
merfield's threat-which he car-
ried out - to curtail service last
month unless Congress voted him
an extra 47 million dollars for fis-
cal 1957.
These cuts went into effect April
13 but were substantially lifted
three days later after Congress
voted the department a deficiency
appropriation of 41 million dollars.
The subcommittee actionret-
ing 32 million of the 58 million
House cut in the department's
budget is subject to feview when
the full Appropriations Committee
votes on the bill Thursday.
Maurice H. Stans, deputy post-
master general, told reporters that
any money not restored would be
added to the amount requested in
a supplemental money bill.
Head Named
Amid Strife
BOGOTA, Colombia ()-Presi-
dent Gustavo Rojas Pinilla was
re-elected yesterday for a four-
year term, to begin in 1958.
A handpicked Constituent As-
sembly voted 76-1 to keep him in
office despite violent anti-Rojas
demonstrations that had kept the
country in an uproar since last
Several members of a Conserv-
ative faction opposing Rojas' re-
election boycotted the session.
Took to Streets
Pro-Rojas supporters took to
the streets yesterday before the
session and demanded the reopen-
ing of banks and industries shut
down in protest against Roj as' re-
There were reports from Cala,
185 miles southwest of here, that
from 15 to 50 persons were killed
and more than 100 injured in anti-
Rojas riots Tuesday.
At least five persons have been

killed in clashes in Bogota.
Under Military Rule
Bogota. as well as Calia, was
under military rule.
r Hundreds of students have been
arrested in various parts of the
There were food shortages here
as shops remained closed for a

"We feel there has been a seri-
ous decline in both campus and
staff interest in the past few

Warnings Heard on Russian Might

about the growing power of Russia
in the air and at sea were sounded
in an annual Defense Department
summary report issued yesterday.
Donald A. Quarles, Air Force
secretary at the time the report
was Prepared and now deputy
secretary of defense, wrote that:s
"The Soviet Union is now able
to inflict catastrophic damage on
this country in a single day. The
ability of our air defense system
to meet this threat is steadily
growing, but the threat also is

growing - at an equal or possibly
greater rate.
"We must anticipate the great-
est threat of all to our national
security - the Inter-Continental
Ballistic Missile - and prepare
an effective defense against it."
From Charles Thomas, Navy
secretary who recently resigned,
came this:
"The Soviets have nuclear wea-
pons and guided missiles and are
well aware of the importance ofj
adapting them to shipboard use.
"The Soviet Union today is the

Hike Technicians Pay
WASHINGTON - The Defense
pay raises for 350,000 enlisted
Department yesterday ordered
technicians. It ignored a high lev-
el plea for a wholesale overhaul
of the military pay system.
Secretary of Defense Charles
Wilson ~dis~losed the raises, rang-
ing from $12 to $50 monthly for
about 15 per cent of the enlisted
strength. *
Chrysler Sues . .
DETROIT - Chrysler Corp.
filed a five-million-dollar damage
suit yesterday against Local 212
of the United Auto Workers Union
in the ware of a series of unauth-
orized work stoppages by the lo-
cal's 23,000 members in Chrysler's
body stamping division.
In addition, Chrysler asked
$500,000 a day henceforth for each
day in which the local interferes
wi t +. ,iHc tmn,C +o mnv ooi.

Status Decides Segregation-Blalock

second-ranking seapower in the
world and moving up fast. The
Red navy is developing rapidly
far beyond defensive needs. It is
designed not only to protect their
sea frontiers from attack but to
cut the sea communications of the
free world and isolate our own
and allied forces overseas.
"The Soviets have a large and #
growing submarine force, about,
1400, and they are building more."'
The report actually covered the;
year ending last June 30. There-;
fore, much of the statistical infor-
mation on manpower, money and
other factors has long since been
For the first time, the Army
gave a detailed accounting of its
Nike antiaircraft guided missile
program. It said a total of 22 areas
in the United States, have been
designated to receive Nike weapon
Band To Give
May Concert
University Wolverine Band, un-
der the baton of George Cavender,
will present its annual spring con-r
cert at 8 p.m. today in the Michi-
qari TTninrn Poahvlrn,

"We may be spending too much
money and time combating racial
prejudice by working on people's
attitudes directly," sociology Prof.
Hubert Blalock said yesterday.
Speaking to the Culture Club on
"Sociological Problems and Tools
of Integration," he said sociolo-
gists view segregation as a matter
of status.
Regardless of individual preju-
dices, Prof. Blalock explained,
most people believe that if they,

years," he said. "And until a well-
organized plan with a staff large
enough to make a contribution
to campus life is presented, it
seemed best to wait."
David Newman, '58, was ap-
pointed managing editor of Gen-
eration. Alice Adelman, '58, was
named publications director of the
literary magazine, and John Gil-
lis, '58, business manager.
. David Martenson, '58, was ap-
pointed to fill the vacant post of
Michiganensian copy editor.
McLeod Wins
cMajor Test'
Leod won a major test yesterday
whe'n the Senate rejected a mo-
tion to return his nomination as
ambassador to Ireland to the Sen-
ate Foreign Relations Committee.

jobs, he said. "These organizations
include labor unions, specialized
professional associations, and so-
cial groups whose function is to
provide their members with a
means of moving up the social
"If'these groups would admit
members of a lower status they
would lose their function for up-
ward mobility," Prof. Blalock ex-
plained. "The whole personnel of
the organization would change and
the purpose would be defeated

Bucket Drive To Begin
Campu Chest will begin its
bucket drive today to supplement
the $863.39 collected during the
first three days of the charity
::?::vi~iiiii The Allocations Board for Cam-
-:.;<, tf><:."s;pus Chest has based their contri-
butions to the participating chari-
ties on a desired drive goal of
}i $6,500.
$ A contribution of one dollar per
person, or $22,000, was an ideal
goal previously established.
.Buckets for the two-day drive
will be located in the engineering

C. . . . . .. ?. {%-v ................ li ......

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