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May 08, 1957 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1957-05-08

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'U' Health Service Runs Allergy Clinic

Universiy Health Service oper-
ates an allergy clinic, which, ac-
cording to Dr. Morley B. Beckett,
director of the Health Service, "is
the most complete college allergy
clinic in the nation."
Allergy cases in the University
were first taken in the pediatrics
clinic of the University hospital
about thirty years ago.
Dr' Buenaventura Jimenez first
brought the clinic to Health Ser-
vice. Under his direction it grew
to be one of the finest in the na-
tion. When he retired in 1950, Dr.
John M. Sheldon and his staff
took over the reins.
Nationally Recognized
Dr. Sheldon, a professor of in-
ternal medicine is nationally rec-
ognized as one of the finest al-
lergists in the nation. His services
are given at no charge to the more
complicated cases which require
his knowledge and skill.
At present, Dr. Robert G. Lovell
operates the service. He is as-
sisted by Dr. Armando J. Silicani.
According to Dr. Silicani, aller-
gies are treated in two ways. Eith-'
er they treat only symptoms, not
depending on the nature of the al-
lergy. itself, or they try specific
treatment which offers protection
against the antigen causing the
Takes Two Forms
Specific protection takes two
forms. The first is avoidance -
used mainly for food allergies.
Avoidance, however, is not as
easily done as said. For instance
an individual who is allergic to
eggs must learn to avoid all
things with egg in them. Some
taurants settle coffee grounds
with egg, other glaze buns with
egg whites.
The second form of specific
protection is hyposensitivity treat-
ment shots. Health Service pri-
marily treats only students with
allergy caused by antigens in the
environment, and consequently
hyposensitivization is often the
type of treatment given.
Always Sensitive
Allergic individuals are never
made completely insensitive to
the antigen - just to high con-
An important factor in deter-
mining the cause of a specific al-
lergy is the individual's case his-
tory. This supplements diagnosis.
If the patient describes symp-

NEXT-Dr. Armando Silicani and his nurse prepare another
injection for student allergy shots at Health Service. These little
bottles are specially made up for each student.

toms of a hay fever attack and
has shown susceptibility in the
past, diagnostic procedure serves
to crystallize the doctor's analysis
of the etilogic factor.
Comes Complaining
The patient coming to the clin-
ic complaining of allergies is eith-
er skin or patch tested if neces-
sary. In the former the back or
arm is scratched with a needle
containing the antigen, and the
doctor waits about 15 minutes for
a swelling to occur.
Patch testing is done for "con-
tact dermatitis," a delayed skin
reaction to external application
of some antigenic substance. The
sensitivity is external, while in
skin testing the antigen is car-
ried in the blood stream.
A patch of the suspected sub-
stance is applied to the skin. If
the skin reacts, the individual has
the allergy. Chemical students,
for instance, find themselves
"breaking out" whenever they are
touched by mercury.
Most Receive Relief
The most common cases treated
are hay fever, asthma and hives.
About 95 per cent get relief. More

complicated allergies as atopic
eczema are hard to control. Speci-
fic treatments usually last about
three years. If the allergy persists
after that time the patient takes
an unvarying dosage.
When the cause of the allergy
is determined, the individual is
first given a very small amount
of antigen in solution. The, body
is insensitive to so small a dosage
and does not react. 9
Cautiously the doctor will build
up volume and concentration,
from .05cc to .5cc, dilutions from
1:5000, 1:500, 1:50.
Five ccs of a 1:50 dilution is
called maintase and is the maxi-
mum dosage given in the clinic.
It contains the maximum
amount of antigen that will dis-
solve. The amount of pollen in
this solution is greater than that
of the atmosphere. If no reaction
is shown here, the individual will
be relieved of his symptoms.
Antibodies Build Up
It is thought that the body pro-
duces "blocking antibodies" which
build up as the concentrations and
volumes of the dilutions increase.
These blocking antibodies are
rarely permanent and the body
resistance seems to subside with
time, so that injections of the
main dosage must be repeated at
definite intervals.
The dosages themselves are pre-
pared under prescription of the
family doctor or in the university
Asian students, especially In-
dian and Chinese seem to show
greater susceptability to allergies
than Americans.
"Everything considered, Dr.
Lovell exclaimed, "one of the nic-
est things about being here is
working with students and hear-
ing their ideas."

Boy's Camp.
Cleaned Up
Dust flew, paint and water spat-I
tered as industrious fraternity-
sorority pledges and new actives1
cleaned the University's Fresh Air
Camp during Help Week.
It was all part of the Junior{
Panhellenic Association and Ju-
nior Interfraternity Council pro-
These organizations clean and
repair the camp every year. Uni-
versity buses provided transpor-
tation, leaving Ann Arbor at 1,
p.m. and returning at 5 p.m.
Helps Problem Boys
Fresh Air Camp itself is a unit
of the Institute for Human Ad-
justment, and provides boys re-
ferred from social agencies
throughout Michigan with a su-
pervised camping experience
Funds for the clean-up project
are raised b ysponsoring a Cinema
Guild movie and through a per-
centage of money collected from
Campus Chest.
Initiates Participate
About 50 to 60 pledges and new
initiates participated during the
project, according to Doug Low-
ery, '60. "We had hoped to send
about 70 each day, but we always
fell short. About 400 signed up
The activity of the students
centered around scraping, paint-
ing, the boats, window-washing,
screen and door-painting, and
general cleaning and raking.
'U' Personnel Supervise
One of the pledges commented,
"University personnel from the
maintenance department were
around to supervise in a "profes-
sional' fashion." Pledge trainers
and executive council members of
Junior Panhel and JIFC were
also there.
"It wasn't all work," a pretty
sorority pledge commented. "The
boats were sitting on the ground
out in the sun. The people who
were scraping them were keeping
their backs to the sun, trying to
get a tan.
"After two days, only one side
of all the boats was scraped," she
"Then the caretaker (I think
his name was Larry. You know
how you call maintenance men by
their first name) told me, 'Today
we'll get some work out of them
rather than tan.' He put the boats
inside, on horses.
"This was popular too, as we
could work in small groups."
"The University maintenance
people say it's been the best group
in terms of not clowning around,"
she said.
"As well as doing a worthwhile
job, we had a lot of fun," another
pledge explained.
"Of course, there was one less
putty knife every day." The stu-
dents took breaks about 4 p.m.
each day for cokes and ice cream.
When they were finished, they
climbed back into buses, where
the time was spent in learning
new songs, and headed back.

Special study on the water re-
sources of Manistique River ba-
sin will be conducted at the geog-
raphy summer camp session in
Seney, Mich.
Camp director, Prof. K. C. Mc-
Murry hopes the work will pro-
vide a method of water inventory
and classification more extensive
than presently available.
The purpose of the camp is to
give students field knowledge of
geography. Those working on doc-
torates can fulfill the field experi-
ence requirement at camp.
According to Prof. McMurry,
technical training for those ma-
joing in geography is stressed.
Eight Week Session
The eight-week camp session
will be attended by men and wo-
men graduates and undergradu-
ates interested in majoring in
They will study the surface fea-
tures, soil, natural resources and
water resources of the Upper
Work will be restricted to a ra-
dius of 40 to 50 miles from camp
base with the exception of a few
overnight trips.
Almost Continuous Existence
With the exception of three
years during World War II, the
camp has been in continuous exis-
tence for 37 years.
In 1951 the present area was
given to the University by the
State Conservation Department
for the establishment of a per-
manent camp.
Over the years the camp has
worked closely with the State
Conservation Department and the
College of Agriculture at Michigan
State, according to Prof. Mc-
Together With Illinois
For the past five years the sum-
mer camp has been held in con-
junction with the University of
Illinois geography department.
Although Illinois is not parti-
cipating this year, Prof. McMurry
feels that they will rejoin the
camp in the future.
Director of the camp for about
25 years, Prof. McMurry came to
Michigan in 1920.
He was in charge of the camp
in Kentucky during the summers
of '24, '25 and '26.
His other time has been spent
concentrating on Michigan land


; ,


Geography Camp To Conduct Survey

It's Mother's Day
to get a handsome new

GEOGRAPHY CAMP-During the summer, geography students from the University will be using the
camp at Seney, Michigan, as their headquarters. The camp, under the direction of Prof. K. C. McMur-
ry, is designed to give students field knowledge of geography.

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Read and Use The Michigan Daily Classifieds!


(Continued from Page 4)
"A Contribution to Multidimensional
Doctoral Examination for John Wes-
ley Vennes, Bacteriology; thesis: "A
Serological Analysis of Isolated Cellu-
lar Structures in Baccillus Megater-
ium,", Wed., May 8, 1564 East Medical
Building, at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, Phil-
ipp Gerhardt.
Doctoral Examination for Roger Le-
roy Wood, Education; thesis: "Predic-
tion and Analysis of Attrition in Class-
es of a University Reading Service",
Wed., May 8, 2532 University Elemen-
tary School, at . 3:00 p.m. Chairman,
D. E. P. Smith.
Doctoral Examination for Marshall
Warren Nirenberg, Biological Chemis-
try; thesis: "Hexose Uptake in Ascites
Tumor Cells", Thurs., May 9, 133 West
Medical Building, at 1:30 p.m. Chair-
man, J. F. Hogg.
Physical-Analytical-Inorganic Semin-
ar. Thurs., May 9, 7:30 p.m., Room 3005
Chemistry Building. M. Russell will
speak on "The Reaction of Methyl
Radicals with Hydrocarbons." E. Rothe
will speak on "Atomic Clocks".
Organic Seminar. Thurs., May 9 at
7:30 p.m., Room 1300, Chemistry Build-
ing. H. Smith will speak on "Cyclo-
heptatriene", H. Hall will speak on "4-
oxy-3-aryl-i-thia (SIX)-2, 3-diazolines."

Placement Notices
Sophomores in Electrical Engineering
wanting to enter a Cooperative Pro-
gram with Chrysler Corporation on
guided missile work at Redstone Ar-
senal, please contact Prof. John J.
Carey. Room 2519, East Engineering
Building, immediately.sThe first as-
signment at Redstone Arsenal will be
this summer.
Personnel Requests:
A. T. Kearney & Co., management
consulting, is currently assisting a mid-
west client in finding a Research Bio-
chemist and Research Bio-engineer for
studies concerning barley and malt
products. The Bio-chemist should have
an M.A. and 2 years of experience.
Bell Aircraft Corp., Buffalo, N.Y., has
openings for experienced electronic,
aerodynamic, dynamic and mechanical
Chevrolet Engine and Stamping
Plant, Div. of GM, Flint, Mich., is in
need of graduate accountants.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., ext. 3371.
Summer Placement:
Requests for summer jobs are still
coming into the Summer Placement
Service. Come to the meeting in Room
3-G, Michigan Union, Wednesday, May
8th, from 9 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.
Camp Flying Eagle for boys, Grayling,
Mich., needs a Camp Nurse.


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