WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY VAIV. IFIVN7 THE MTCHGAN flAl L t~Z~ L~ _. .. . PAuz FIVE . {Bruce Bennett Three Factors Make Difference On Michigan's Baseball Team It is much too early in the Big Ten baseball scramble to pick a winner, but it looks as if the race has narrowed down to four teams--defending titlist Minnesota, Michigan, Iowa and Ohio State. To pick the team from this group that will be perched atop the ' Conference standings on the night of May 25 is like attempting to determine a major league pennant winner in June. All clubs have nine games remaining out of a 15-game slate. But when Ray Fisher says, "I wouldn't trade my hitters for any other team in the Conference," it's time to sit up and take notice of the Michigan nine. The team is currently leading Minnesota in the Big Ten parade by one-half game with a 5-1 mark. Fisher cautiously adds, "I haven't seen this Minnesota team, but I think we're as good as they are, except maybe for pitchin'. If I had some pitchin', we'd give 'em all a battle." Strong at Key Positions . a Despite his pitching woes, the Michigan coach has developed an exciting team. It seems to me that three factors have made a difference this season: the big bat of center fielder-pitcher John Herrnstein, the fine play, both at bat and in the field, of second baseman Ken Tippery and shortstop Steve Boros, and the blossoming of Jim Dickey as a top-notch catcher. Herrnstein's hitting of recent weeks has been nothing short of spectacular. After a slow start on the spring trip, he literally tore the cover off the ball in the opening weekend of Big Ten play, getting eight hits, including two towering homers. Last week he was limited x to one hit, another home run, but was hitting the ball much better. The play of Tippery and Boros has not been as surprising, but not any less exciting. Tippery, a second team All-Conference selection last season when he hit .379, is having another fine season with the stick, hitting a cool .500 at the moment Boros Keeping in Step . . . Boros has been equally spectacular as his second base partner. He's hitting .360, has two home runs and ten runs batted in. The play of this pair has attracted major league scouts from far and wide. Both are considered fine prospects. Dickey's chance came as many do in baseball - when misfortune strikes the regular player at a position. In pre-season size ups, veteran Gene Snider was generally conceded the first string catcher's berth. But Snider has been forced to miss several games and Dickey has . performed admirably in his place. His strong arm handling of pitchers and timely hitting have impressed Fisher, who says, "We're fortunate to have a fellow like him 4 around. He's as fine a catcher as there is in our league." Baseball experts usually judge a team by its strength "up the t middle,"-catching, pitching, second base-shortstop and center field. This leaves only the Wolverines pitching to be considered-and this seems to be the weak link, if there is one, in the Michigan setup. Glen dirardin has been the most effective hurler, but he was cuffed hard by Northwestern. Don Poloskey, Jim Clark and Dean Finkbeiner have run hot and cold. Herrnstein has been effective in the early innings, but fades late in the game. Coach Still Searching . So Fisher is still experimenting-trying to find a pitcher that he can rely on. Tomorrow he will start left hander Bob Sealby against Notre Dame. Sealby, last year's regular first baseman, has had a tough time making the switch to the mound this year and has been used sparingly. Control has been his big problem. But he has good stuff and Fisher will give him a long look against the Irish. Another possibility for help is Bruce Fox, 'the outfielder, who turned in several fine performances last year. Fox has been troubled by a back ailment, but his mound appearances in practice sessions z lately have been encouraging and he may be ready to help. before long. The coming weekend action looms as extremely important for the Wolverines. Following the Notre Dame encounter, they meet Purdue at Lafayette on Friday and then move on to Illinois for a twin bill Saturday. Michigan victories this weekend will set the stage for a big baseball weekend in Ann Arbor the following week-Minnesota for a single game on Friday and a double-header with Iowa on Saturday. -Daily-Ed Graff HONORED AT LAST NIGHT'S BANQUET-(1. to r. front row) Ed Gagnier, Mark Jaffe, Bob Sealby, Nick Wiese and Bob Armstrong; (1. to r. middle row) Jim Orwig, Ken Tippery, Mike Rodriguez, Wally Maxwell,. Mrs. Fielding H. Yost, Bob Pitts, John Narey, Mary Nyren and Dick Potter; (I. to r. back row) Steve Boros, Wayne Warren, Laird Sloan, Ron Kramer, Barry MacKay, Steve Uzelac, Dave Owen, Jim Van Pelt and Terry Barr. Missing from the picture are Tom Maentz and Bruce Fox. Yost Honor Awards Given LCA Beats Zeta Psi In 1-M Play By RAY BERNREUTER In I-M softball action at Ferry Field yesterday, Lambda Chi Alpha whipped Zeta Psi, 15-0. Bill Burd of Lambda Chi put on a great pitching exhibition. In four innings he fanned 10 batters. LeMire Scores To help Burd's cause, Fran Le- Mire scored four times, and Bob Metzger had a single, double, and a triple. Sigma Alpha Epsilon beat Theta Chi, 10-1. Ron Gregg pitched and homered for SAE. Gregg's home run came in the fifth inning when SAE scored seven times. Morton Sogaard scored Theta Chi's only run. In a game between Acacia and Pi Lambda Phi the score was 14-13 in favor of Acacia, but the game will be protested. Pi Lambda Phi protested a deci- sion by the umpire that a pitched ball is dead when it hits the plate and no runner can score when the ball gets by the catcher. Theta Delta Chi Blanked In other games Sigma Chi won over Theta Delta Chi, 10-0. Trigon beat Phi Sigma Delta, 12-2, Phi Kappa Tau stopped Delta Chi, 15- 8, and Zeta Beta Tau forfeited to Tau Kappa Epsilon. In a "B" softball game, Phi Delta Theta topped Kappa Sigma 15-10. Bill McKeachie pitched and homered for Psych as they beat Chem 18-0. In a final game WRRC beat En- gineering 17-9. By PAUL BORMAN Barry MacKay, Michigan's star first singles tennis player yesterday turned down a bid to participate in two United States Davis Cup Matches later this month. In a telephone conversation with Bill Talbert, Captain of the U. S. Davis Cup Team, the Big Ten Singles Champion declined to go to the Caribbean and play against the British West Indies and Vene- zuela. Prefers Education In explaining this decision, Mac- Kay, a graduating senior, com- mented that the two week trip -Daily-Charles Curtiss BARRY MACKAY . . . rejects offer MacKay Turns Down Offer To Play Davis Cup Matches Senators Oust Dressen; Yank Hit Injures Score would "hurt his marks and also would defeat the purpose he want- ed to achieve when he decided to come to Michigan, that of getting a good education." MacKay also mentioned that he felt he should stick with the team in his final year. Had he attended To Speak Sid Abel, former captain of the Detroit Red Wings, will ap- pear Thursday, May 16, at 6:00 p.m. in the Taylor House Din- ing Room, South Quadrangle to show film highlights of the 1957 Red Wing Stanley Cup Playoff games. A round-table discussion will follow. the Davis Cup Matches he would have been absent from three of the squad's upcoming Big Ten Matches. Future Tournaments Commenting about future tour- naments during the school year, MacKay said that he would play with the team through the Big Ten season and would also play in the NCAA tennis Finals at Salt Lake City in the middle of June. COLLEGE BASEBALL Wisconsin 14, Notre Dane S Michigan State 8, Wayne State 0 Butler 6, Purdue 4 Last night at the Michigan Union, Fielding H. Yost Honor Awards were presented to 24 out- standing junior and senior athletes at the annual Yost Honor Award Banquet. Dean of Men Walter B. Rea, pre- siding at the banquet, stated that last night's gathering had a two- fold purpose "to honor 24 young men and to pay tribute to "Hurry Up" Yost, a great coach and a great man.' Owen Gives Response The presentation of awards was made by Prof. Arthur E. R. Boak and secretary of the University Herbert G. Watkins. Dave Owen, Capt. of the track team,apresented the response for the recipients. Among the 24 award winners, seven were also honored last year - Robert Armstrong, Bruce Fox, Mark Jaffe, James Orwig, Mike Rodriguez, Steven Uzelac and Wayne Warren. Mrs. Fielding H. Yost was pre- sent to congratulate the winners. Started in 1940 The . Yost Award became a reality in Nov., 1940, when the Board of Regents accepted the plan submitted by the committee in charge of the testimonial dinner commemorating Yost's 40th year of service to the University. The committee designed the award to encourage high scholarship and good citizenship among the under- graduate students at Michigan and "to recognize the many years of faithful service rendered by Field- ing H. Yost." A committee of five selects "junior and senior students who were outstanding for their moral character and good fellowship, scholastic ability, intellect'rnl ca- pacity and achievement, physical ability and vigor, and who showed real capacity and promise of lead- ership and success." i 7 1 By The Associated Press Score was carried from the field On the American League base-J on a stretcher, bleeding profusely ball scene yesterday Chuck Dres- from the nose and mouth. He was sen was fired as manager of last- taken immediately to Lakeside place Washington and Cleveland's Hospital. He never once lost con- ace pitcher, Herb Score, suffered siusness. an injury to his right eye. sciousnessr Wasinto'sPrsien Cavi Dr. Don Kelly, Tribe physician, Washington's President Calvin said it would be several days be- Griffith traveled to Detroit yester- fore he could determine whether day to announce the dismissal of any permanent damage was done Dressen just before the Washing- to the eye. Dr. Charles Thomas, ton-Detroit game. At the same an eye specialist, was called in. time !Griffith appointed Cookie Lavagetto to be the new field- manager of the team. Score was hit in the right eye during the first inning of last night's Yankee-Cleveland game by a line drive off Gil McDougald's bat. SLATER'S SPRING BOOK SALE STARTS TODAY Now is the time for all GOOD Students to.. CASH IN the textbooks they no longer need at FOLLETT'S ! GET THE TOP CASH VALUE and Sell them at Major League Standings / POLL i. LT' NATIONAL LEAGUE Milwaukee Brooklyn Cincinnati St. Louis Philadelphia New York Chicago Pittsburgh 13 12 12 9 9 8]. s; 6: 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 Pct. .722 .667 .632 .529 .500 .400 .316 .263 GB 1 31/ 4 6 $1J, AMERICAN] New York Chicago Boston Kansas City Cleveland Detroit Baltimore Washintgon LEAGUE WV L Pct. 12 6 .667 11 6 .647 11 8 .579 11 9 .550 9 8 .529 10 10 .500 7 11 .389 4 17 .190 GB 1. v Iz 2 2Yr 3 5 10 Yesterday's Scores Cincinnati 9, Brooklyn 2 Philadelphia 8, Milwaukee 4 New York 8, St. Louis 5 Chicago 10, Pittsburgh 8 (14 innings) TODAY'S GAMES* Cincinnati at Brooklyn (N) Milwaukee at Philadelphia (N) Chicago at Pittsburgh (N) St. Louis at New York (N) Yesterday's Scores Detroit 5, Washington 3 Cleveland 2, New York 1 Boston 4, Chicago 3 Kansas City 3, Baltimore 2 (10 innings) TODAY'S GAMES Washington at Detroit Boston at Chicago New York at Cleveland (N) Baltimore at Kansas City (N) Questions students ask Du Pont -and some of the answers in summary form .Brie f AThe Knee .. . N { 407 " -"C:C OC:F oCCG40 CC&CC 0 ss Fashioned in the Van Boven tradition.., our walk shorts are as coma fortable as they are smart looking. Distinctively designed in a vari ety of patterns and fabrics. Available in our plain top model with backstrap. Both men's and women's sizes. from $7.95 BERMUDA HOSE from $1.00 l "Do you hire men who have definite military commitments?" "Would a graduate degree help my chances for advancement asks Oran A. Ritter, Jr., of Louisiana State University. at Du Pont?" asks John C. Nettleton, of Villanova University. Yes, because Du Pont has always been interested in men on a Many factors are involved, and an advanced degree would un- long-term basis. DuPont has employed many graduates with doubtedly have a favorable effect in all technical work, but military commitments even though they were due to report it would probably be of more direct benefit in research or de- for duty a few weeks after joining the Company. velopment at Du Pont than in production, marketing or sales. "Where would I work for Du Pont?" asks Gaylord E. Moss, "How are chances for advancement in a large company like of Tufts College. Du Pont?" asks Herschel H. Loomis, Jr., Cornell University. DuPont has more than 140 plants and research and develop- Good! DuPont is large, but it's made up of 11 independent ment laboratories scattered through 26 states. If you have a departments - like smaller companies - under one manage- definite preference, and Du Pont has an opening there for ment. And it's a basic policy to promote from within and on which you're qualified, your chances of getting it are good. merit as Company growth creates openings.