'AGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MA's?" 9,195' AGE TWt~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, ~4AY 8,1957 DUCKY SITUATION: Chemistry Building Has Strange Pets Here now, who is getting the exercise? Chemistry instructor Julian Lakritz in the picture to the left takes his two pets out for their daily walk. The ducklings, four and five weeks old, were given to Lakritz by a teaching fellow who received them from his class as an Easter gift. Lakritz keeps them in a box in his office in the chemistry building. A contest being held in chemis- try classes to find suitable names for the ducklings will be .iudged by graduate students in the de- partment. Peter A. S. Smith of the depart- ment intends to bring the duck- lings home to his children when the ducks grow older. No-they're not ugly ducklings. Investigates Island Relics As a result of the discovery last Monday of a number of skeletons unearthed on Mackinac Island, Prof. E. F. Greenman of the an- thropology department has been called to investigate. The skeletons were found by an excavation crew working for a Petoskey contractor, and were ar- ranged in three tiers, the first group only two feet below ground level. The professor reported that they were apparently part of a church graveyard dating to ap- proximately 1780. He said that for some reason the church was either moved or had burned. In either case, the stones were moved from the site and the ground became leveled. Mackinac has been occupied since about 1690, Prof. Greenman said, but at the time the island was under English occupation. The three tiers unearthed by the excavators were all in coffins. Horn Group To Perform A public concert by the Uni- versity's French Horn Ensemble is scheduled for 8:30 p.m. May 13 in Aud. A, Angell Hall. The Ensemble will play "Adagio religioso" by Lorenz - Pottag; "Festmusik" by R. Mayer; "Fugue" by L. Shaw; "Diverti- mento" by A. Schmutz; and "Scherzo" by Mendelssohn-F. Steiner. After an intermission, the group will play "Echo Song" by Di Lasso- G. Hyde and "Funeral March" by Mendelssohn-F. Steiner. The Ensemble under the direc- tion of Clyde Carpenter includes Ruth Epstein, '57Mu; Ann Holt- gren, '58Mu; Howard T. Howard, '58 Mu; Carl Karapetian, '59Mu; Jackie Mindlin, '57Mu; Louise Moseler, '58Mu; Robert Reynolds, '59 Mu; David Whitwell, '59 Mu; David Wickham, '59Mu, and Hav- rill Wiseman. Organization Notices The Culture Club, May 8, 8:00, Union 3rd Floor Conference Room. Speaker: Prof. Blalock, "The Sociological Prob- lems and Tools of Integration." * * * Physics Club, May 8, 7:30, 2038 Ran- dall. Speaker: Dr. Franken, "Some Op- tical Pumping Effects." * * * P1 Lambda Theta, Initiation, May 8, 7:30, League, Vandenberg Room. Deutscher Verein, Kaffestunde, May 8, 3:30-5:00, Union South Cafeteria. Student National Education Associa- tion, meeting, May 9, 7:30, University Elementary School Cafeteria. Speaker: Dr. McClusky, "Adult Education." Sociedad Hispanica, Tertulia (con- versation hour), May 8, 3:30-5:30, Un- ion Snack Bar. * s** Sociedad Hispanica, May 8, 8:00, Un- ion, Room 3-G. Speaker: Prof. Pike, "Experiences With the Peruvian In- dians." . . . Roger Williams Fellowship, Midweek tea, May 8, 4:00-5:00, Guild House. 11T 1 I FOR RENT WANTED-Man to share desirable apt. for summer. Phone NO 5-5924. )C125 ROOMS FOR RENT: male graduate student, (summer and fall), half block from campus, cooking privi- leges, 417 E. Liberty. )C150 FURNISHED APARTMENT for summer for 5 persons, 2 blocks from campus, large kitchen. Bob Vorsanger. NO 3- 4145. )C145 A NINE ROOM modern house with au- tomatic oil furnace. Phone 504 M- Saline. )C149 WANTED-Two girls to share large apartment on campus. Call NO 8-8396, 808 Monroe. )C148 FURNISHED APARTMENT ideal for 2, for summer, near campus, utilities paid. NO 5-5942 after 6:00 P.M. )C147 JUNE 14 to September 14-3 room fur- nished apartment, ?z block from campus. NO 5-5330. )C146 FURNISHED apartments, 2-4 boys, near field house. For summer only or sum- mer and next fall. NO 3-2800 evenings. )C142 SUMMER APARTMENT-2 blocks from campus;for 3 or 4 persons. Inquire NO 2-9416. )C143 APARTMENT for five boys-linen, utili- ties furnished. Must rent immedi- ately. On campus. 509 S. Division. Phone NO 8-6757. )C138 WANTED MAN to share desirable apt. for summer. Phone NO 5-5924. )C125 ROOMS FOR MALE STUDENTS, % Double at $6.50/wk. available now. Also rooms for summer session. NO 2- 6094 after 5 P.M. 1021 Hill St. 2 doors from East Quad. )C132 FOR SUMMER Newly furnished 3 room apt. in re- modeled house 5 minutes from cam- pus. Fully equipped; modern kitch- en; private bath. Good airy living room! Sun terrace; two entrances; TV and FM, NO 3-6409 between 5 and 7 P.M. )C129 FOR FALL and summer-modern apart- ments 1 block from campus. NO 2- 1443. )C99 WANTED TO BUY BEST $15 bicycle. See Mr. Munro, 1401 M.H. ext. 2540 after 2P.M. today. )K9 MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES 2 3 4 I DAY .75 .90 1.04 3 DAYS 1.87 2.25 2.60 6 DAYS 2.78 3.33 3.85 Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified deadline, 3 P.M. daily. 1 1:00 A.M. Phone NO 2-3241 Saturday I NEW CARS OVERSEAS DELIVERY All foreign cars Call European Cars NO 5-5800 )V1 MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, RADIOS, REPAIRS HI FI * Salon Stentorian Speakers " Scotch tape " Long life tape lubricant Audio Supply Laboratories 334 Nickels Arcade (above Bay's Jewelry) NO 2-7767 NO 2-9425 ) X29 RARE VIOLINS AND BOWS ALL ACCESSORIES, STRINGS, REPAIRS MADDY MUSIC" 508 E. Williams NO 3-3223 )X5 HI Fl HEADQUARTERS famous name brands. 37 years ex- perience in radio and TV. See us today for all your HI-FI require- ments. -Daily-Charles Curtiss CHEMISTRY INSTRUCTOR-Julian Lakritz seems to be having 1 grand time with his baby ducks. As yet, they have no names. TODAY DIAL & TH URS. v NO 2-2513 A Series of Bar Stops For "Bus Stop" Don Murray ! the- *.by the men who made "MARTY"! Next e "THE STRANGE ONE" a :x " : t :: i : " : . " . r r J . " CLIP OUT AND MAILf I4I / . .. . .--..-..... - - - - - - - - - - - - MICHIGAN DAILY 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Please find enclosed $ for which you are to publish the following classified ad for three consecutive days. (Use pencil and print each word clearly.) HELP WANTED JACOBSON'S Display opening; trimmer's helper for summer work; experience pre- ferred; lettering necessary. Please apply in person to Mrs. King, Ja- cobson's, 612 East Liberty. )H127 ACCOUNTANTS. $350 per month. Ann Arbor Employers Personnel Service. 504 1st National Building. NO 5- 6107. )H126 WAITERS and WAITRESSES needed for noons and for evenings. Experi- ence not essential. Call in person. The Virginian Restaurant, 313 S. State )H125 WANTED-Cab drivers, full or part- time. Apply 113 S. Ashley, Ann Arbor Yellow and Checker Cab Company. Phone NO 8-9382. )H20 COLLEGE STUDENTS EARN $1000 TH IS SUMMER! Large National Firm will hire and train several sharp young college men for interesting summer of pub- lic contact work. No experience ne- cessary but you must be neat ap- pearing and enjoy meeting people. Positions open in Detroit and Re- sort Areas of Michigan. Wonderful business experience regardless of your future job plans. Write or Wire immediately: Person- nell Director, 300 United Artists Bldg., Detroit 26, Michigan, and we will contact you for personal inter- view appointment. Teachers also acceptable for summer work. GUARANTEED SALARY $72.00 A WEEK )H128 FOR SALE MAN'S balloon tire bicycle, excellent condition. $20. NO 3-4485. )B223 1948 PLYMOUTH 4 door sedan. Runs well. $85. NO 2-5242. )B222 ENGLISH Girl's Bike; Royal Blue. Ex- cellent condition. Call NO 5-5213. )B221 MEN'S COMPLETE wardrobe for sale. Sizes 39-41. Also ladies wardrobe, sizes 9-12. Good condition. Reason- able. NO 8-8451. )B314 1957 B.S.A. 250 cc. motorcycle $600. Call Rick, NO 8-8916, 927 Slyvan. )B318 REMEMBER MOTHER Honor the one you care for with a "rose-in-snow cake." We bet your house mother would be delighted to have one. CAMPBELL & SON BAKERY 219 N. Main - NO 8-9880 Order now -- We Deliver )B320 '48 DE SOTO Coupe, fine condition.. $125, Phone NO 8-6589. )B316 Approaching your June wedding? Save up to 50 % now on RUGS! Smith's Floor Covering 207 E. Washington NO 3-5536 Open Monday evening until 8:30 )B313 ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords - $7.25; socks, 39c; shorts, 69c; military sup- plies. ROOM AND BOARD A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE For next year. Upper classmen or grads. Reserve now. Good food, clean rooms. 1319 Hill. Howard Wentz. NO 2-6422. )E23 A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE for summer men. Competitive rates!Clean rooms. Good food. 1319 Hill. Howard Wentz. NO 2-6422. )E22 ATTENTION SUMMER BOARDERS. The best meals on campus will be served for $2 per day at 808 Tappan St. Call NO 3-8581, ask for Bill Pow- ell or Bob Scott. )21 PERSONAL Therenonce was a boy named SNOOT, Who had a great weekend to toot. He knows SWIG will be great, But won't somebody please be his date? NO 3-6710 )F228 DAVE - A Happy twenty-two from the whole "theor- etical" crew. )F229 ENJOY a bachelor party by subscrib- ing to Esquire at the special of $4. (reg. $6). Ideal present for gifts-- Dad's day, graduation. Student Pe- riodical, NO 2-3061. )F220 REAL ESTATE THE BUTTS & SWISHER CO. REALTORS FOR ANN ARBOR WOODS (Washtenaw at Stadium) Office 214 E. Washington -- NO 3-0800 Models Open Daily 10-8 )R2 PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES For the Finest in Movies it's BOLEX THE QUARRY, INC. 320 S. State St. NO 3-1991 more than just a camera shop )D71 LOST AND FOUND LOST-a diamond ring South Univer- sity area. Reward call NO 3-1053. )A140 REWARD for information leading to whereabouts of gold ring. Lost 3/18 in library. Call3-0521, ext. 672. If no ans. leave message. )A120 CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES C-TED, STANDARD SERVICE Friendly service is our busi- ness. Atlas tires, batteries and accessories. Warranteed & guaranteed. See us for the best price on new tires --also used tires. Road serv- ice -- mechanic on duty. Open Mon. through Sat. 7:30 A.M. - 10 P.M. Sunday 9 A.M. - 8 P.M. #'. a MUSIC CENTER 300 S. Thayer )X28 F-mi IZ-- WOAM DIAL NO 2-3136 HURRY! LAST DAY ! (2 LINES MINIMUM) ALAN CI"OSOPMIA LADD "WEBB LOREN BOY ON A DOLPHIN{ ClfEr.m 1ScoPE c ;LOR by bULU)XEI $1.87 $2.25 $2.60 $2.95 HI FI STUDIO An amazing inventory of Hi F1 components available to you at catalogue price. KITS We stock amplifier, AM-FM tuner, and speaker enclosure kits in sev- eral brands. HI FI SERVICE Our engineers and technicians are fully competant and equipped to service all equipment we sell, and to advise you on the selection of components. 1217 & 1317 So. University NO 2-9595 )X25 ALTERATIONS Dressmaking Tailoring, restyling. Will do fitting in your home or mine. Experienced, minimum charges. NO 5-6370. Pick-up and Delivery )P3 DRESSMAKER Alterations, Restyling 334 S. State St. NO 3-6612 )P4 DRESSMAKER Mending - Alterations. Ph. NO 2-9541. )P1 CONVERT your double-breasted suit to a new single-breasted model. $15. Double-breasted tuxedos converted to single-breasted, $18; or new silk shawl collar, $25. Write to Michaels Tailoring Co., 1425 Broadway,rDetroit, Michigan, for free details or phone Woodward 3-5776. )P2 1220 So. University NO 8-9168 )s5f * Starts THURSDAY e 4k Dates the ad is to run (no Monday paper)' Name Address Phone M F } r SAM'S STORE Phone NO 3-8611 122 East Washington )B205 ,......- ACADEMY AWARD BEST FOREIGN PICTURE I FILMED r' IN ITALY - WHERE IT r HAPPENED! IN ENGLISH ! r e el 's ...,' s -G It THE PICTURE YOU'VE HEARD ABOUT LTTADA STARRING TWO OF AMERICA'S GREAT DRAMATIC ----Mkc-h-y-e-a-b-b-ltT Mh n a Make checks payable to The Michigan Daily e i IF SPRUNG I K TICKETS now on sale at MICHIGAN Ut DIAGONAL ENGINEERING T IEEKE PETS AND SUPPLIES TROPICAL FISH, aquariums and sup- plies. Hamsters, parakeets, canaries; kitty litter,. catnip, etc. UNIVERSITY AQUARIUM 328 East Liberty NO 3-0224 (open daily except Thursday) )T15 ALL COLORS - baby parakeets and breeders. Canaries. Baby cockatiel cages. 305 W. Hoover. NO 2-2403. )T3 USED CARS Shop At DOUG'S PLACE 3106 Washtenaw Ave. (at the sign of Speedway 79) Several Used 1952 Fords All Body Styles from as low as $295 DOUG GREGORY World's Smallest Large Volume FORD-DEALER Deal with Doug -- Doug'l Deal Phone NO 3-6162 )N116 1951 CHEV. fordor, std. shift. R&H, dependable transportation. G o o d body, NO 2-4591-305 Cooiey. )N144 1946 FORDOR PLYMOUTH special De- luxe, 6,000 miles. Like new. Heater, radio, turn signals. Call NO 2-0333 before 3 P.M. or after 6 P.M. )N143 SWEDISH Volvo, tudor sedan. Used 1957 - 2500 miles. Standard equip- ment. Original price $2295. Will sac- rifice. May be seen 1109 E. University. )N142 For the Best in Tires, Batteries, and Service see "HOB" GAINSLEY SERVICE So. University & Forest )S49 TIRE SALE Prices slashed Big trade-in for used tires Fully Guaranteed GOLDEN'S SERVICE featuring STANDARD Products 601 Packard - NO 8-9429 )852 BUSINESS SERVICES PASTEL MINK--NEW SKINS Direct from an EMBA Ranch. MARGARET SHOP - 516 E. LIBERTY )J59 WASHINGS - Also ironing separately. Specialize in cotton blouses and washed skirts. Free pick up and de- livery. Phone NO 2-9020. )J23 ti 'r >i 4 I ., ,i .) I