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May 08, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-05-08

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VOL. LXVII, No. 156




New Attack
Hurled Back
Somoza Denies Men
Cross Disputed Borde
TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras (A)-
Honduras charged that Nicara
guan soldiers struck across th
border yesterday with machin
guns and hand grenades but wer
thrown back.
A statement from the militar
junta governing Honduras sai
Nicaraguan national guardsmen
undisclosed strength attacked:
Honduran garrison on a hill nort
of Cifuentes at 5 a.m.
A communique said there wer
no Honduras casualties.
Report of the new attack cam
as Latin-American diplomats trie
to bring peace to the troubled bor
der strip along the Mosquito Coas
Confirmation was lacking I
Nicaragua. President Luis Somoz
denied in a telephone intervie
with the National Broadcastin
Co., in New York that his troop
had crossed the border.
He said only five Nicaragua
policemen were in the area.
Presumably he referred to polic
posted at the Nicaraguan town of
Totecacinte, just south of Cifuen
Initial Outburst
Nicaraguan territory angles u
like a belt buckle on the frontie
atgCifuentes, 75 miles east 0:
Tegucigalpa and about 150 mile
west of the Indian village of Mo
coron, where the initial outburs
The Honduran report jolted ef
forts of a three-man committee
from the Organization of Ameri
can States to bring peace to the
riverlands and mountains tha
make up the disputed frontier.
The committee had conferre
here until early yesterday with
Honduras' ruling military junt
about troop withdrawals.
Official sources said the junt
stood firm on its demand tha
Nicaragua pull her troops from
the area of the Segovia, or Coco
Honduras contends the rive
forms the boundary in the east
Nicaragua claims both sides of the
Campus Chest
Second Day
Totals $900
Campus Chest moves into its
third day having collected an esti-
mated $900.
Off-campus sources were tapped
yesterday with a collection of
around $200.
Among houses turning in collec-
tions, Scott House of South Quad
collected $20.19 during the dinner
line. Other houses reporting were
Williams, Huber, Van Tyne and
The bucket drive begins today
and continues tomorrow, accord-
ing to Campus Chest officials.
On tap for Friday from 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m. is the sale of late pers
for the night of Saturday,. May
18th. The late permissions will
sell for $1.00. Only those possess-
ing the late permissions will be
allowed to remain out until 1:30
a.m. that evening.

North Dakota
Inmates Riot;
Return Order
BISMARCK, N. D. W) -More'
than 200 inmates, armed withaxes
and an acetylene torch, barricaded
themselves inside the North Da-
kota State Penitentiary cell block
yesterday, but officers broke the
revolt by driving the convicts back
into their cells with tear gas.
The uprising, which started dur-
ing a smoking "break" yesterday
morning, ended five hours later
when c-ity police filled the cell
block with the choking gas. No
one was injured.
The entire prison population of
220 inmates began the demonstra-
tion outside the twine factory in a
nrotest over food. recreation and

House Questions
Senate Proposal
Object To Use of Student Fees
For Bonds To Back Construction
Special to The Daily
LANSING - University officials met with the House Ways and
Means Committee yesterday in an open hearing during which com-
mittee members sharply questioned the Senate's appropriation amend-
ment granting the University permission to pledge student fees for
new buildings.
Rep. John Sobieski (D-Detroit) declared the plan of using stu-
dent fees to back bonds would take the responsibility of providing new
construction "clean out of the legislature's hands."
If approval is given to the measure, the University will have
to' worry about its own construction program, Sobieski said. During

e Local Voters
n Defeat Tax
w Ann Arbor voters yesterday re-
g jected a four and one-half mil
s school operating tax increase by a
margin of 133 votes.
n Ballots opposing the proposed
tax boost totalled 3686, while 3553
e were cast in favor of it. The four
if and one-half mill levy carried only
two of the city's six precincts.
The defeat of the measure will
apparently upset the Ann Arbor
Board of Education's 1957-58 bud-
p get, since it was partially based
r on expectation of receiving anesti-
mated $700,000 in extra revenue
- from the proposed tax.
Previous to the election the
Board warned that severe cut-
backs in public school operations
would result from a rejection of
e the increase.
Superintendent of Schools Jack
e Elzay had also raised the possi-
t bility that it might become neces-
sary to close kindergarten classes.
d Half day sessions in the more
h crowded schools was also suggested
a as a possible way to offset a re-
venue deficiency.
n House Group
r Votes Postal
SRate Increase
Post Office Committee voted yes-
terday in favor of increasing first-
class and domestic air mail rates
by about $366,000,000 a year.
The extra money would be ob-
tained by raising the first-class or
letter mail rate from three cents
an ounce to four cents; adding a
penny to the present six cents an
ounce rate for air mail letters;
boosting the price of stamped post-
cards to three cents and charging
five cents for air mail cards in-
stead of the present four cents.
Meeting behind closed doors, the
committee was reported to have
approved one whole section of an
administration bill aimed at put-
ting the Post Office Department on
a more self-sustaining basis.
Vote Approval
Chairman Thomas Murray (D-
Tenn.) said the vote was "about
2-1" in favor of the higher rates.
The committee will meet again
today to consider proposed in-
creases in second-class mail rates
including the postal charges for
newspapers and magazines.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
is counting on passage of the
postal bill to help him balance the
budget in fiscal 1958, which begins
July 1.
Without the rate increases, it is
estimated the Post Office Depart-
ment will have a $651,000,000 defi-
cit. This would have to be made
good out of general tax revenues.
Additional Revenue
According to Post Office figures,
raising the letter rate to four cents
would bring in an additional
$314,700,000 a year.
The administration's proposed
increase on first-, second- and
third-class mail and book rates
would yield an estimated $528,-
000,000 in additional revenue by
China Talk
Slated Todav

<>years the state might have suffi-
cient funds to appropriate for
buildings, the University would
"just be out of luck," he warned.
Appropriation Discussed
Under discussion was the Sen-
ate's passage, last Thursday, of
the University's appropriation
amended to take $3,559,000 from
l the University's capital outlay
budget and add it to the operating
The Senate bill also permits the
University to use up to 40 per cent
of the student fees as security for
T bonds.
Asked whether the University
would take the $3,559,000 and ap-
ply it to finishing the building al-
ready under construction or use it
to float bonds for additional build-
ings, Wilbur K. Pierpont, Univer-
sity vice-president in charge of
finance, said it was a "very serious
question and the Regents would
think a long, long time" before
adopting a policy freezing student
fees for a period of years.
The dangers of the plan, Uni-
versity President Harlan Hatcher
said in reply to committee queries,
are that the method of financing
takes away a fixed amount and
merely leaves a promise to guar-
antee fees for construction.
"Also, if fees are raised, as un-
doubtedly they will be, there will
always be the temptation to take
in more students," he said.
Earlier in the meeting, he told
committee members that if the
Legislature adopted the plan, "we
would go forward with it."
Engstrom 'Not in Favor'
Rep. Arnell Engstrom (R-Tra-
verse City), Chairman of the House
Ways and Means Committee told
The Daily he was "not very much
in favor of it" and the committee
would lile to find some other
source of funds.'
The committee meets today
with Michigan State University
officials who originally proposed
the plan and have strongly sup-
ported it. Recommendations for
the House's appropriations are
scheduled to reach the floor next
Prof. Graves
Elected Head
Prof. William H. Graves, director
of the automotive laboratory at
North Campus, has been elected
president of the Engineering So-
ciety of Detroit, the largest organi-
zation of its type in the world.
Prof. Graves will succeed Prof.
Earnest Boyce of the Engineering
College as head of the 6,600 mem-
ber organization whose members
are drawn from every branch of
engineering represented in the
motor city.
Prof. Graves is also a member
of the technical board of the
Society of Automotive Engineers

U.S. Seeks
For Ouster
Embassy Secretary
To Leave Moscow
MOSCOW (AP)-The Soviet gov-
ernment notified the United States
Embassy yesterday that it was ex-
pelling Martin S. Bowe, Jr., of
Holyoke, Mass., a second secretary,
but set no date for Bowe and his
family to leave.
No reason for the expulsion was
given except the usual statement
that Bowe has been guilty of ac-
tions unbecoming a diplomat.
John Guthrie, in charge of em-
bassy affairs until a new U. S. am-
bassador reaches here, was report-
ed preparing to visit the Soviet
r Foreign Ministry today to ask for
an explanation.
Embassy Maintenence
Bowe has been in charge of em-
bassy maintenance and general
f services for the last three years.
Previously he had been stationed
at the U. S. Embassy in Prague,
It was assumed here the order
for his expulsion was connected
with the recent U. S. expulsion of
Gennadi Mashkantzev, a Soviet
Embassy consular service official
in Washington.
The State Department last
month expelled Mashkantsev for
trying to lure Soviet citizens in
the United States back to the So-
viet Union.
Mashkantsev was ordered out of
the United States after he got in
touch with Peter Pirogov who fled
the Soviet Union in a Red air
force plane about eight years ago.
Reason for Expulsion
White pointed out that Bowe
was ordered out of Moscow after
he applied for exit and re-entry
visas which would allow him and
his wife to go to West Europe for
a brief vacation and then return
to Moscow.
They had planned a vacation
trip this month.
Bowe, 40, of Holyoke, Mass.,
was assigned to Moscow Sept. 10,
Previously he had served at
Prague, Munich and Berlin. He has
been a Foreign Service officer
since January 1950.
SGC May End
Spring Rush
Discussion on the feasibility of
calendaring a women's spring rush
for next year may come to an end
at the Student Government Coun-
cil meeting 7:30 p.m. today in the
Student Activities Building.
SGC spring rush calendar com-
mittee will recommend the council
accept Panhellenic Association's
all-spring rush program with
minor modifications.
The program had been Panhel's
alternate choice.
At the same meeting, the Coun-
cil will probably consider a motion
to set up a committee to study
inter-collegiate athletics,
The committee would investi-
gate representation on the Board
in Control of Inter-Collegiate Ath-
letics, financial policy of the board
and benefits derived by the Uni-
versity from participating in the
Big Ten.
Feasibility of a student book-
store is another area which may
be up for study. SGC might estab-

lish or assign a committee to look
into this area.





WASHINGTON (P)-Organized
labor's own cleanup squad yes-
terday sifted corruption charges
against officials of the Bakery
Workers Union.
This is a matter due to get at-
tention soon at hearings before
Senate rackets investigators.
The closed session by the AFL-
CIO's five-man Ethical Practices
Committee, which recessed its ba-
kers' probe until May 25, was out-
wardly uneventful except for a
verbal tiff later between rival at-
Meantime Sen. John McClellan
(D-Ark), chairman of the Senate
committee investigating improper
labor-management activities, an-
nounced postponement of sched-
uled New York City area hearings
from mid-May until at least mid-
McClellan ordered the delay
after consulting with the Justice
He said it was felt improper to
probe the New York area situa-
tion during the trial, due to start
within a few days, of Johnny Dio
Dioguardi, New York racketeer.
Dio is under indictment in con-
nection with the acid blinding a
year ago of labor columnist Vic-
tor Riesel.
McClellan said he expects the
New York hearings to start
around June 15, with Dio due to
be "an important witness."
Other sources reported that the
Senate committee probably will
hold open hearings on Bakery
Workers Union rackets charges in
the interval before the New York
hearings get under way, although
no date has been set.
Texas Negro
Refused Lead
AUSTIN TEX. ()--A University
of Texas coed was ousted from the
lead of a school opera because she
is a Negro, a state legislator re-
vealed yesterday.
Rep. Joe Chapman said Barbara
Smith, 19 years old, was taken out
of the lead after he protested to
university officials.
"I think that from a point of
public relations that it is probably
not smart to create conitroversy of
thi type by putting a Negro in
a role as a heroine where the
script calls for a white person,"
Chapman said.
Miss Smith, of Pittsburg, Tex.,
and university officials refused to
comment or confirm that she had
been ousted from the role.

Daily-Ed Graft
LABOR AND POLITICS-Louis Carliner, of the UAW-CIO educa-
tional department (left), and Prof. Rene Koenig, visiting lecturer
in the sociology department (right), last night discussed labor's
share in politics. They were introduced by Political Issues Club
'President Al Lubowitz, '57.
European Unions Fail
With Problems-Koenig
European unions today do not represent the worker's interests
and are unable to meet the real problems in their lives, Prof. Rene
Koenig, of the sociology department last night said.
He indicated there is a great need for research to gain informa-
tion about the European worker's problems, beliefs and attitudes,
because today "there is no clear picture of him."
The visiting lecturer from the University of Cologne in Germany
joined with Louis Carliner of the UAW-CIO educational department,
to discuss labor's role in politics.
Replaces Sexton
Carliner replaced UAW-CIO educational director A. Brendan
Sexton who hada been scheduled to participate in the dis-
cussion before the Political Issues
Carliner told the small oudi- Police Extend
never form a political labor par-



Seeks New
Work Habits
In Factories
Promises To Reduce
Factory Supervisors
MOSCOW (M --Nikita Khrush-
che lashed out at Soviet bureau-
cracy yesterday in asking the
Supreme Soviet to approve his
plan to "transfer the center of
gravity" of the Soviet economy
"There are entirely too many
supervisors employed by every fac-
tory," the Communist party chief
"Our job is to encourage the
quality of production to the point
where a worker does not have to
have a supervisor standing behind
him checking his work "
Promises Reduction
He estimated the bureaucrats at
850,000 and promised a reduction.
At one point he observed: "We
have so many supervisors checking
the output of neckties that the
quality ofeour neckties is still
pretty inferior."
The Supreme Soviet is Russia's
equivalent of a parliament. It is
certain to . approve Khrushchev's
economic plan, which calls for 20
large industrial ministries in Mos-
cow to be abolished, with their eco-
nomic enterprises transferred to
92 new regional economic councils
scattered throughout the Soviet
At one point in his speech, Khru-
shchev indicated annoyance with
Western commentaries on his pro-
Denies Crisis
He denied that the program re-
flects any "crisis in the Soviet
"How can there ,be a crisis in
the Soviet economy?" the party
chief asked.
"It is a planned socialist econ-
omy, with no built-in contradic-
tions such as the capitalist econ-
omies are afflicted with."
He seemed particularly nettled
at criticisms of the Soviet govern-
ment's action in freezing 260 bil-
lion rubles in bonds borrowed from
the Soviet people.
Decentralization Plan
Khrushchev laid down a general
scheme for decentralization of eco-
nomic administration. But he
made plain that certain large sec-
tors of the economy, particularly
armaments and related industries
will remain under centralized di-
rection from Moscow.
Khrushchev said the reorganiza-
tion is necessary because "the So-
viet Union now has over 200,000
state industrial establishments and
more than 100,000 construction
sites scattered throughout the vast
expanses of the country."
The Khrushchev plan will take
months, perhaps even years, to
Tribe Taps
When from out the palef ace
wigwam _
From behind the staring moon ace
Came the slow and solemn five

Telling that the evening spirit
Wanders over woods and meadows,
Lights the campfires of the
Then the Michigamua warriors
In their feathers and their
Soon will gather 'roundthe
oak tree
I %un th . 1r s.pP, PAI

ty because it would be too diffi-
cult to organize,and would be
opposed by the rank-and-file
He said, however, that the un-
ions will continue to play a signi-
ficant role in politics.
He indicated that unions need
to be politically expedient to be
effective, and will follow wishes
of members in apparently con-
flicting courses which their lead-
ers might prefer to avoid.
Predicts Welfare State
He predicted the nation would
progressively become more of a
welfare state "as the people ex-
pect goods and services from some
group where private initiative will
not do the job - namely, the
Prof. Koenig reviewed labor's
development in Europe, comment-
ing that in 1945 there were few
people who had the ability to
operate a labor union. This was
especially true in Germany,
France and Italy, he said.
"E u r o p e a n workers," Prof.
Koenig said, "know there are
problems, but most cannot iden-
tify them; further, we cannot de-
termine exactly what the dissat-
isfaction is.
Services End
,For McCarthy
APPLETON, Wis. W)-The hec-
tic career of Joseph Raymond Mc-
Carthy, its 48 years marked by
hard-won triumphs and hard-
fought defeats that were climaxed
by a turbulent decade in the
United States Senate, came to a
quiet close vesterdav.

Of 'U' .Beating
Ann Arbor police detectives are
continuing their investigation of
the beating of Archer R. Gibson,
'60, last Sunday at 10:00 p.m.
Gibson was discovered by fel-
low members of the Alpha Delta
Phi fraternity entering the back
door of the house covered with
blood and mumbling incoherently.
Examination at St. Joseph's
Mercy Hospital revealed he had
suffered a fractured nose and
deep lacerations of the face.
Gibson could not remember
where - the beating took place or
who his assailant was. Dean of
Men Walter B. Rea stated that
Gibson kept repeating, "Three fel-
lows did this to me," when taken
to St. Joseph's Hospital.
Gibson admitted yesterday that
he "had a few drinks," but de-
clined to say where he had got-
ten them.
James Moore, '60, Gibson's West
Quadrangle roommate, said, "He
is quiet and reserved. He usually
doesn't get into trouble."
Moore also added that, to the
best of his knowledge. Gibson has
never done anything to anyone
that would justify such action.
Police first believed that Gib-
son might have been involved in
an accident with his 1948 model
car. It was later discovered that
a friend of his had borrowed it
for the evening.
Coed Elected
By State YD's

Ensian, Record Sale Starts Tomorrow
Shanensan and records
go on sale tomorrow, Friday and
Saturday according to Ensian Bus-
mniness staffers.
. Hours of the sale will be from
g a.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow and Fri-
day and from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on
Students are requested to bring
their Ensian and record receipts.
If the receipts are missing, how-
ever, students are requested to
bring their ID cards.
Those people picking up an En-
sian for someone else should bring


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