TUESDAY, MAY 7,1957 "r THE MCMGAN DAILY 'r TUESDAY, MAY 7,1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ......r...s PAGE THIEE U.S. KOYLON SPECIALIZED TRAINING: S 'U' Music School Offers Opera Course By THOMAS TURNER In an age of the specialist many students come to college expecting intensive vocational training, even if their intended career is grand opera. At the University such special- ized practical training is possible in a music school course called Opera 153. A course of this type Is not available on many campus- es; in fact, it begen here only five 4 years ago. Until 1952 opera at Michigan was a joint activity of the speech department of .the literary school and the vocal and orchestra de- partments of the music school, but with little real guidance or pur- pose. University officials realized the ineffectiveness of such a program and called in a specialist, Prof. Josef Blatt, who instituted to- day's 'active' program of operas and opera scenes. Heads Opera Course Prof. Blatt, who heads the course in Opera as well as con- ducting the University orchestra, shad had an extensive career in music prior to coming here, with experience both in this country and in Europe. He has been large- ly responsible for making Opera 153 the outstanding course it is, according to many authorities. Born in Vienna in 1906, he be- gan playing the piano at the age of three, (an approved Viennese custom since the days of Mozart.) At 13 years old he was composing and conducting, by 19 years old, holding his first official position as conductor. After seven years as an opera conductor in various cities of Aus- tria and Czechoslovakia and two years as director of the opera school of the Vienna Conservatory of Music, Prof. Blatt came to Am- erica. Two years later he was guest conductor of the New York Philharmonic Symphony. Conducts Symphony Prof. Blatt became conductor, ,_ of the Arkansas State Symphony in 1948, and two years later be- came assistant conductor of the Metropolitan Opera C o m p a n y. From this position he came to the University, in the summer of 1952. Utilizing his past experience, Prof. Blatt instituted the opera class, in his words "an intensive, practical course for opera per- formers." The atmosphere is en- tirely professional; all members must audition first. According to the time schedule, Opera 153 must be elected-concur- rently with Speech 140, a literary school course. There is actually only one class, composed of 16 upper classmen and graduate students. The speech and opera classes meet to- gether, with Prof. Blatt in charge of musical coaching, and Prof. Hugh Z. Norton of the speech de- partment responsible for the act- ing. The opera class, also in ac- Organization L NoticesJ The Episcopal Student Foundation, student faculty tea, Canterbury House, May 7, 4:00-6:00 p.m., 218 N. Division. The Episcopal Student Foundation, breakfast, Canterbury House following the 7:00 celebration of Holy Communion at the Church, May 7, 7:00 a.m., 218 N. Division. The Culture Club, lecture, Prof. Bla- lock, "The Sociological Problems and Tools of Integration," May 8, 8:00 p.m., 3rd Floor Conference Room, Michigan Union. Physics Club, meeting: speaker, Dr. Franken, "Some Optical Pumping Ef- fects," May 8, 7:30 p.m., 2038 Randall. Industrial Relations Club, meeting, presents Chrysler's Fred Lutz, person- nel manager, Trenton Plant, speaking on "Underlying Problems of Industrial Relations," May 8, 7:30 p.m., 141 Busi- ness Administration Building. Michigan Square Dancers, a program of square and couple dancing, May 7, 7:00-10:00 p.m., Lane Hall. Political Issues Club, lectures, Prof. Koenig and Brendan Sexton, Educa- tional Director of UAW-CIO, speaking on "What Should be Labor's Share," f May 7, 7:30 p.m., Michigan League. SCENES FROM OPERA-James Miller, Grad., as Faust, and June Law, as Margherite sing leading roles in one of three selections from famous operas to be performed Tuesday and Wednesday, 8-:30 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall. cordance with the time schedule, meets from 10-12 a.m., Monday through Saturday. Actually, ac- cording to Prof. Blatt, it meets when and where it is necessary for whatever activity is being per- formed at the time. For example, an entire opera is produced two or three times a year. During the period of prepara- tion the class meets only for the purpose of rehearsing that opera. In thq course of a year it is not unusual for the "classroom" for Opera 153 to move back and forth between Hill Auditorium, the First Baptist Church, Angell Hall Aud. A and Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Prepare for Stage All work the students do is di- rected toward preparing them for the professional stage. With this in mind, Prof. Blatt selects the repertoire to expose his students to a wide range of styles. He must also pick the operas to fit the available voices rather than vice versa. All full operaticproductions are presented in English. Prof. Blatt says, "I don't believe in dramatic performances in a lan- guage people don't understand. And an opera is, or should be, a dramatic performance." Many of the translations used are the work of Prof. Blatt him- self, who has translated 14 operas into English, including a new, fast-moving version of Moussorg- sky's unfinished Russian folk op- era "The Fair." Uses Orchestra The full opera productions use, in addition to the members of the opera class themselves, an orchestra and an opera chorus. The opera chorus is a unique con- ception-a one credit hour course, open by audition to anyone on campus. Besides the full operas, one of the chief activities each semes- ter is the production of "scenes from opera." These scenes, some in English and some in the ori- ginal languages, are chosen pri- marily to teach the students ex- pression, both in singing and in acting. To emphasize acting and sing- ing alone, street clothes are worn and chairs serve as the only stage settings. A piano is substituted for the usual orchestra accom- paniment. Preparing Operas At present the opera class is working on a series of "scenes" from three famous operas, to be produced today and tomorrow. The series consists of Verdi's "Aida", scenes from Act III in Italian, Act III of "Faust", by Gounod, in French and the final scene of Mozart's "Cosi Fan Tutte," in English. Each selection is accompanied by a narration which relates the action to the plot as a whole. Rehearsals for the Opera Scenes are now taking the place of class meetings. Ten of the 16 class members are taking part. The cast of the selections from "Aida", a story of ancient Egypt, is comprised of James Berg, '57SM, as Ramphis, Alice Dutch- er, Grad., as Amneris, Irene Kunst '58SM, as Aida and Jack Zei, Grad, as Amonastro. The Opera Chorus is also heard. Practice "Faust" "Faust," telling of a bargain with the devil, features Miss Dutcher as Siebel, James Miller, Grad, as Faust, Berg as Mephisto, June Law as Margherite and Shir- ley Gosling, Grad, as Marthe. Mozart's "Cosi Fan Tutte" hu- morously demonstrates the adage "Women are like that." The char- acters include Ferrando and Gug- lielmo, two soldiers, sung by Mil- ler and Zei, and their two fickle sweethearts Fiordiligi and Dora- bella, Miss Kunst and Miss Dutcher. Also included are Svea Blomquist, '57SM as Despina and Wendell Orr, Grad., as Alfonso. After their performances here "Scenes from Opera" will be presented twice for the public, 8:30 p.m. today and tomorrow, in Aud. A, Angell Hall. 1room field Competition, Begins Soon' Competition for annual Broom- field Awards will begin May 15. Cash prizes of $500 are awarded to University students and alum- ni for essays "related to adult ed- ucation in good citizenship." Applicants should submit type- written statements telling full name, mailing address, name of school or college of enrollment,1 subject, plan of research, outline and qualifications in the field. These must reach the Broom-1 field Awards Committee, Hutchins Hall, before May 15. From these applications the committee will select one or more essays to be completed before Dec. 16, 1957. The essays must be of a quality suitable for publication without being previously published. CAMPUS BRIEFS A tri-service review of the Uni- versity ROTC units will be held at 6 p.m. today at the soccer field east of the Stadium. All men in the Army, Navy and Air Force units will be present to honor Col. Cecil W. Land, U. S. Army, Capt. Richard D. Zern, U.S. Navy, retiring from active duty and Col. William H. Parkhill, U.S. Air Force, leaving his unit. Men interested in being orien- tation leaders this fall may apply for interviews today through Wednesday in the student offices of the Union. Orientation leaders will receive free meals during the three day period, according to University Affairs Committee Chairman Barry Shapiro, '59. * * * Hubert M. Blalock, instructor in the sociology department, will discuss "The Sociological Prob- lems and Tools of Integration" at the last meeting of the Culture Club at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Union. Mason Hall's entire third floor will be the location of the Depart- ment of Psychology's annual open house, from 3 to 5 p.m. tomorrow. Visitors will have an opportu- nity to have their brain waves charted, take a lie detector test, and test their intellectual and manual skills, according to Law- rence Littig, department member. Guided tours to several psy- chology labs will be offered to the public. The department will present additional exhibits and displays in the areas of perception, social pschology, animal psychology, learning, emotion, motivation and the nervous system. PA RTY FAVORS for ALL OCCASIONS Bll Office Supply 213 E. Washington Ph. 3-1161 Questionnaires To Sample Opinion of Literary School Q"estio""aires wil" be"distri- "Keeping in mind that the re- buted May 14 and 15 to sample st turns from this questionnaireI student opinion of the courses and be teaching in the literary school. used by the instructor in the process of improving his Tteaching, please mention any oth- handled by student monitors, who er aspects of the course or in- will seal them in manila envelopes structor . . . not covered in pre- and bring them to collection sta- vious questions . . . and offer any tions in the Mason Hall Lobby. suggestions which you have for the improvement of the course." According to Prof. A. J. Carr, chairman of the college commit- tee, the answered, questionnaires will not be seen by instructors un- til after final grades have been posted. Prof. Carr stressed the fact that student participation in the pro- gram is entirely voluntary and that all opinions will remain strictly anonymous. Beau Sample questions from the (M rige in questionnaire are:( r "What is your judgment as to the value of this course in your education? Please point out both AA its contributions and its deficien- cies. "How well was the instructor able to stimulate your interest in the material of the course? Give specific reasons for your opinion. 'VI FOAM RUBBER frCerGy7eed Clean - Cool -Resilient - Allergy Free Durable Cushions - Pillows - Flat Stock Mattresses - Bolsters - Etc. Pick-up & Delivery ... 1-Day Service ... Phone NO 2-4706 RENDEL'S UPHOLSTERY FOAM-RUBBER SUPPLY DEPOT ... 731 Lakeview, Ann Arbor 1600 WHRV 1600 U.S. KOYLON EW WHRV Presents ADLESS HORSEMAN" tiful Carl and Sharp Frank a living death) -- (A sharp cat) 6:35 P.M. AONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9 dw-1 A4 .. .~ w .. OUR ENTIRE STOCK 1 MEN'S NATIONALLY ADVERTISED $16.95 Shoes .... Now $13.57 $15.95 Shoes .. .. Now $12.76 $14.95 Shoes $13.95 Shoes $12.95 Shoes ....Now $11.96 .. ,. .Now $11.16 .... Now $10.36 $11.95 Shoes ....Now $ 9 56 $10.95 $ 9.95 Shoes ....Now $.8.76 Shoes ....Now $ 7.96 ....Now $ 7.16 $ 8.95 Shoes MEN! Here is a real opportunity for you to purchase a pair of really fine quality shoes at an almost unbelievably low price. We have a complete stock at the present time in crepe or leather soles. Black, wine, brown, tan or smoked elk. Take advantage of this offer. MEN'S SAMPLE SHOES in sizes 7 to 71C. We have 72 pairs of men's samples to please everyone. Val. to $18.95 $600' Width to AA to E Sizes from 6 to 14 Campus 619 E. LIBERTY ST. .ST'S Shop I NO 2-0266 TYPEWRITERS SOLD ALL MAKES RENTED ~ i" Office and Portable RENTED BOUGHT4 ,REPAIRED MORRILL'S S314 South State Street U x You smoke refreshed Anew idea in smokin ...al-new. Created by R. J. Revnolds Tobacco Comranv. rEuDDE I S T A sF si r fr U a . . . . . . IUMMMER 1958 STUDENT en weeks of travel - six countries. ll students eligible - twenty to be M EETING elected. One leader for every ten tudents. nformative orientation sessions Date: Wednesday, May 8, 1957 rom January to June 1958 on cam- us. Place: Room 3-S, Michigan Union Jnusual experiences while abroad- ( Time: 8 P.M. Visits to forms, factories and ntrd,- o-,it, p i r nr~-1.-Ai ,14-. rn1 ' ..in--.-t- - . .- -t- M , 0 I .I M F << >>;