014r Mirfligalt Bally Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "Confidentially, Which Of Us Do You Think Is Ahead?" "When Opinion, Are Free Truth WWl Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: ALLAN STILLWAGON CUniversity ecture ommittee In the Post-McCarthy Era: Two Views This creative spirit can flourish only in an atmosphere of freedom and high respon- sibility. Our own times, like those of -many previous periods, are warped with tensions. Some of little courage or faith from time to time lose their vision, their perspective or their balance. It is the mark of a free and educated man that he preserve his poise in the midst of confusion and his confidence in an era of crisis and doubt. The people are still to be trusted, truth is stronger than error, and reason and knowledge are still the only sure and effective weapons against evil and ignorance. As Jefferson wisely said ".Error of opin- ~- 4,1 ' f 1 'C0FLEREN CE PRf3GRAt' MAY FESTIVAL: Evening Concert Series High Point YESTERDAY evening's May Festival concert featured Robert Merrill, distinguished baritone of the Metropolitan Opera and the Philadel- phia Orchestra under Eugene Ormandy. Thus far, this program represents the high point of the 1957 May Festival. The orchestra performed with enthusiasm and finesse. Robert Merrill ably demonstrated his prowess as one of America's finest artists. The program began with the majestic Overture to Die Meister- singer von Nurnberg. This medley of selections from the popular opera presented the entire brass section with its first real challenge of the current series. Their most capable performance was reminiscent of an earlier concert by the Boston Symphony. The orchestra continued with the Symphony No. 88 by Haydn. John de Lancie, oboe soloist, was especially effective in the lovely, slow movement. The minuet which followed was gracefully and carefully 4 ion may be tolerated where reason is left to Unheard Voices .,. N MARCH 6, 1957, Student Government Council passed recommendations relative to the Lecture Committee, asking these be studied by the Regents and the Committee. At present, the Committee and Vice Presi- dent for Student Affairs James A. Lewis are studying SGC's suggestions upon the direc- tive of the Regents. Some time soon, the rec- ommendations will be returned to the Regents with substantive and administrative sugges- tions. We compliment SGC for its concern in this area, although the recommendations, as sub- mitted, contain one crippling weakness. We wish, however, more segments of the Uni- versity would express, or be asked to express, their ideason outside speaker policy at the University. We trust University President Harlan Hatch- er still holds the people, and may we assume this includes students, "are still to be trusted", that "truth is stronger than error" and that "reason and knowledge are still the only sure and effective weapons against evil and ignor- ance." We hope this position, as expressed so well in his Inaugural Address, will be relayed to those now studying SGC's proposals and to the Regents. The primarily negative function of the Lecture Committee seems inconsistent with the environment our President would fa- vor on this campus. W E TRUST, also, the Faculty Senate will be consulted to express themselves on a sub- ject which is certainly their concern. Last week in New York, the American Association of Uni- versity Professors affirmed "its own belief that it is educationally desirable that students be confronted with diverse opinions of all kinds." The motion went on to recommend, "Any person, who is presented by a recognized stu-' dent or faculty organization, should be allowed to speak on a college or university campus." Under this directive, the faculty on this cam- pus should take some initiative, and others could profitably consult them, relative to changes in speaker policy. Prof. John Kohl of the Senate said yester- day his group is doing "nothing at all" con- cerning the Lecture Committee. He commented that neither Mr. Lewis nor the Committee have yet asked for advice from the Senate Ad- visory group. He said it has been common procedure in the past to refer such matters to the Faculty for advice. Lastly, he said the Faculty would "be glad to discuss" changes concerning the Lecture Committee. T HE SGC recommendations, although direc- tionally correct, are not in perfect form and seem neither to be consistent with President Hatcher's expressions on freedom of speech, or with the stand of the American Association of University Professors. For example, policy recommendation No. 3 recommends the "proof as to the educational value of the invited speaker should rest primarily with the spon- soring organization and it should discuss any questionable speaker in conference with the Lecture Committee." No progress was made with this suggestion; SGC merely spun its tires, maintaining the present situation. We trust the President will take an overt interest in an area which has interested him in the past. We trust the Faculty Senate will show interest, by invitation or initiative, in an area which they should deem vital. We know those now studying SGC's proposals will seek counsel from all who desire to give it. -JAMES ELSMAN, JR. combat it." --University President Harlan Hatcher Inaugural Address, November 27, 1951 Dissenting Voices . . . NOT TOO many years ago, when the late Sen- ator McCarthy was in his heyday, and when the nation's universities and colleges were prey to stifling investigation, the campuses of the nation became somewhat quieter than they had ever been. Students looked more carefully at their impulses to express opinions and join or- ganizations, because of questions on job appli- cations and folders in security files. At this and at other schools the "poise in the midst of confusion," the "confidence in an era of crisis and doubt," were often sadly lacking. The voice of the students,rand the voiceswhich the students heard, often whispered, and some- times failed to speak at all, But the age of whispering has outlasted the age of McCarthy, and fear seems less the cause than numbness-an unwillingness to be aroused and failure to be stimulated. AS THE American Association of University Professors said last week, "It is educationally desirable that students be confronted with di- verse opinions of all kinds," and "any person who is presented by a recognized student or faculty organizaiton should be allowed to speak on a college or university campus." But one is always disturbed by the fact that, despite all the fuss, there has been no speaker proposed for the University campus who was controversial enough for the rather-conserva- tive lecture committee to even get excited, let alone exercise its veto power. While the right to hear is an important one, and efforts to pro- tect it are commendable, it is disappointing that it has been exercised so little in recent years. FEAR OF Lecture Committee action may have been one cause of unwillingness to invite controversial speakers to the campus, but lack of motivation and fear of stigmatizing a pre- carious organization, may be others. And the reluctance to question often goes far beyond realms where the lecture committee might ob- ject to controversy As a result, assumptions go unquestioned and minds go unstimulated. A religious emphasis week is held, with little or no questioning of the reasons for religion or the desirability of its emphasis. A policy of tremendous growth of the University is pursued, with the campus itself almost devoid of open discussion and question- ing of educational aims and methods. Over a million dollars is spent on a student activities building, while the expanding role of extra-cur- ricular activity goes unquestioned. The physical and social sciences leap ahead in their explora- tion of our world, while little is said about the kind of world their advances will create. The evils of anti-democratic end anti-capitalistic forces are assumed in almost every political dis- cussion, while few of the participants have heard or even seen an advocate of anything but capitalism and democracy. Political theorists assume the existence of natural law, psychologists ignore the possibili- ty of extra-sensory perception, scientists every- where assume that all phenomena are caused, and little is heard outside the classroom to question the assumptions made in it. The dis- senting voice on the campus is rarely heard. SGC, after laboring so long in the area of liberalizing restrictions, might now attempt to use some of its large financial resources and its unique ability to present discussion from a neu- tral position, without endorsement, to provide a forum on which the seldom-heard, the chal- lenging, the dissenting voice might.return to the campus. -PETER ECKSTEIN t 1 ^ executed. Mr. Ormandy's realiza- tion of this-score was most artistic. ROBERT MERRILL began with an Aria from L'Africaine and con- tinued with the "Farewell and Death of Roderigo," from Don Carlo. Mr. Merrill's voice leaves little to be desired. It is one of great depth and richness. The Adagio for Strings by Sam- uel Barber was performed with sincerity and intensity. Mr. Merrill then sang "Den vieni alla finestra," from Don Giovanni, "Nemico della patria" from An- drea Chenier and the well known "Eri tu" from Un Ballo in Mas- chera. Throughout all these selec- tions the orchestra and soloist maintained a satisfactory balance. The orchestra concluded the program with Russian Easter Overture' by Rimsky-Korsakov. This richly orchestrated composi- tion presented many solo oppor- tunities to members of the orcp- estra. * * * OF SPECIAL merit were the performances of Jacob Krachmal- nick, concertmaster, W. M. Kin- caid, flutist, and Henry Smith, baritone soloist. The, soloist's showmanship is in the best tradition of an artist of his stature. Through his facial ex- pressions and motions he won the acclaim of the audience. It can certainly be said that Robert Mer- rill held the audience in the palm of his hand. --Leroy Jaffe / 6)195 -n( g rS o ~c.# O . - as. A LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Would Found New Grade School MAY FESTIVAL: Walrus' Enthralls Us In Third Concert THREE HUNDRED children all very intently sang "The sun was shining on the sea, shining with all his might , . ." and gave a packed house a pleasant surprise in the third concert of the May Festi- val yesterday afternoon. Obviously well trained, these 12-year-old and younger musicians comprising the Festival Youth Chorus responded in perfect unison to Geneva Nelson's able conducting in a gratifying performance of Fletch- 4t McCarthy . . To the Editor: R ICHARD HALLORAN'S editor- ial on the day after Senator McCarthy's death seems to have aroused righteous indignation from some readers and empty hypocriti- cal mouthings from others. In this particular case I find it hard to distinguish between indigna- tion and hypocrisy. Just how long must a man be dead before it is "decent" and "proper" to. criticize him? Hitler, Stalin, and numerous other histor- ical figures werealso our "fellow- human beings" and they too are dead. Yet journalists and histor- ians feel no need to be charitable to them to the extent of writing only polite half-truths about them. Is this because they have been in their graves a longer time? Is there a "decent interval" for silence con- cerning political figures, as there is for widows who wish to re- marry? To some readers, Mr. Halloran's editorial seemed quite objective and to the point. I doubt that his- tory books a century from now will be able to improve much on the ideas or wording of it. -Esther Utschen 'Progressive' Education To The Editor: WISH TO JOIN with other in- terested parents in starting a school for my children, for ages six to fourteen years of age. My aims are these: To preserve and nourish the in- dividual uniqueness of each child. To preserve and nourish creati- vity and spontaneity in the child. To develop self-discipline. To develop individual and group responsibility through joint enter- prise in real life situations. To develop the basic skills. To develop an understanding of all aspects of life and the world, spiritual and emotional as well as intellectual and physical, so that they learn to live by both heart and mind. To provide a structural group in which the individual has a signifi- cant role and proceeds at his own pace. To grow as parents and teachers in greater wisdom and perception of children's needs and natures. These aims can only be achieved, I feel, by: Complete respect for individual integrity. Deep value for sheer personal be- ing - completely independent of achievement. Creative, artistic activity in all phases of learning rather than just memorization without living quality. Careful, sensitive guidance of ac- tivities that are vital and interest- ing to the child. A keen sensitivity to each child's individual needs and pattern of growth and learning-not forcing him to submit to an arbitrary pro- gram just because it fits the "aver- age" child. Recognition in both curriculum and attitude that human life is spiritual and emotional as well as intellectual and material. -Rosemary Harris Smokescreen . To the Editor: IWOULD LIKE to take issue with Mr. Weicher's editorial, ("Reu- ther Lays Smokescreen in Lecture Here Tuesday"), in which the au- thor claims that Mr. Reuther is trying to hide "shady dealings" in connection with the Kohler boy- cott where Reuther has "attempted to literally break a company." May I graciously point out some of the facts which Mr. Weicher failed to mention. It is true, as the editorial claims, that the UAW is trying to break the Kohler Com- pany. However, it is also true that the Kohler Company was trying to break unions long before the UAW launched its boycott cam- paign. In a 1934 strike by Kohler workers, the company's "service- men" fired into a picket line kill- ing two men and wounding several men, women and children. The strike was broken. On May 2, 1955, Lyman Conger, Chairman of the Kohler Co. Man- agement Committee, said, "Frank- ly we would not grieve to see Local 833 broken in this struggle." When the present strike started, Kohler hired strikebreakers and reopened the plant. Local 833 was denied the most precious right of labor in a democracy-the right to close down a plant during a strike. Faced with this situation, the union had no choice save to bring pressure upon ,the Kohler Co. through a boycott. Mr. Reuther has never tried to hide the actions of the UAW in this case. When the Senator from Wisconsin brought charges against Reuther a few weeks ago, Mr. Reu- ther demanded a bill of particulars and also requested an opportunity to defend the good name of his un- ion before the Senate Committee. Mr. Reuther has nothing to hide. He has led an honest, open, and forthright boycott c a m p ai g n against the Kohler Company. -Joe Sanger, '58 New Burden .,. To the Editor: A TR having struggled long enough to scrape up the neces- sary funds to attend the Univer- sity, we find innumerable addi- tional burdens being piled upon our already overloaded backs, but none as unfair to the lower income bracket as this latest blow - the sale of late pers. The kissing ban was bad enough, but when one has to start paying for girls by the hour after 12:30, this is going too far. We hope that this does not set a precedent for the future, thereby eventually lim- iting after-hours activity to the wealthy. At this rate, we also fear that before long the scalpers in front of the Union will be selling black market late pers. We feel sure that the Bureau of Internal Reve- nue would not allow us to write off this additional expense to the high cost of living. -Ralph Stone, '59 -Gene Sauti, '59 er's "The Walrus and the Car- penter." The Chorus,,whose members are selected from schools all over Michigan, sang always with a whispered-like smoothness that even outdid the accompanying violins of the Philadelphia Orches- tra. ** * FLETCHER'S WORK, described as a cantata for children, is full of delightful romantic melodies, one of which suggests the famous tenor-baritone duet from Act IV of Puccini's "La Boheme." The work is a highly picturesque setting of Carroll's nonsense poem, with fairly stiff musical require- ments inmposed on the chorus. One could see from the expres- sions of these youthful performers that they were doing their best to bring out every nuance in the music. And they did. No less heartening were three violin works played by Joseph Szigeti and the Philadelphia Orch- estra under assistant conductor William R. Smith. In the Tartini "Concerto in D Minor" Mr. Szi- geti stressed the melodic and the lyric. The concerto contains devil- ish gymnastics, which, however, seemed to pose no problem for Mr. Szigeti. His bowing was clean, his fingering accurate. IN THE SECOND movement he drew from his violin that pro- longed, full tone characteristic of Italian baroque literature. The first and third movement cadenzas were so difficult that they would have frightened away all but the true artist. Mit. Szigeti faced similar techni- cal intricacies in Corelli's "La Folia," 23 variations for violin and orchestra. The variation for unaccompanied violin - really an elongated cadenza - proved the most outstanding violin playing of the afternoon. This variation re- quires the soloist to prolong a pedal tone over which he plays the theme, decorated with some trills. Mr. Szigeti handled it masterfully. Bartok's "Portrait No. 1, Opus No. 5," a rarely heard work, has been on Mr. Szigeti's reportoire for at least 20 years. His interpreta- tion must be by this time well nigh definitiver-so it sounded. .* * * THE WORK OPENS with a solo violin theme in thirds, which is carried through the first and sec- ond violins, woodwinds, and thence to the full orchestra. Mr. Szigeti played it lyrically, romantically. Opening the concert, the orch- estra played Rossini's overture to "La Scala di Seta." The interpre- tation was energetic and straight- forward. Not so with Mendelssohn's "Ital- ian" Symphony No. 4, which closed the program. Conductor Smith laboredwith the fast moving coun- terpoint of the first movement, and the tempo gradually bogged down. It was a slow ending to a pleas- antly surprising concert. -Arthur S. Bechhoefer DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan forwhich the Michi- gan Daily assumes no editorial re- sponsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration BuildIing, be- fore 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices forpSunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1957 VOL. LXVII, NO. 152 General Notices Daily Official Bulletin notices should be brought to Room 3519, Administra- tion Building, instead of Room 3553. Undergraduate Honors Convocation. The annual Convocation recognizing undergraduate honor students will be held at 11 a.m. Fri., May 10, in Hill Auditorium. Dr. Robert F. Goheen, President-elect of Princeton University, will speak on "The Not So Serene, Temples of Learning." Honor students will be excused from attending their 10:00 classes. All classes, with the exception of clinics and grad- uate seminars, will be dismissed at 10:45 for the Convocation. However, seniors may be excused from clinics and semi- nars. Academic costume will be worn by faculty members, who will robe back- stage and proceed to their seats on the stage. Honor students will not wear caps and gowns, Main floor seats will be reserved for them and for members of their families, and will be held until 10:45. Doors of the Auditorium will open at 10:30. The public is invited. Counter Sale of Drama Season Tickets opens Monday, 10 a.m. in the Mendels- sohn Theatre box office. Opening May 13, the Season offers five plays in five weeks, Mon. through Sat, evenings with matinees Thurs. and Sat. Tickets for inudividuals hnws ,n nsa lM av 10. { .) I TALKING ON TELEVISION: NBC's New Tonight' Show- Why is it Existing? T A I Campus Chest Drive W ITH THE opening of Campus Chest drive tomorrow, the University community joins many others in utilizing a single, give-once- for-all, annual charity collection. As with similar drives in other communities, opportunities for contributing to Campus Chest fund will be numerous throughout the week., Editorial Staff RICHARD SNYDER, Editor RICHARD HALLORAN A LEE MARKS Editorial Director City Editor An auction, bucket collections, and person- to-person solicitations for the next six days will give everyone the chance to help reach the dollar-a-student goal of the drive-$22,000. Should this initial drive be successful, it should end forever the obnoxious monthly "bucket drives" and "tag days" that have been annoying sights on the campus for a number of years, up to last fall. But this in itself is just a convenience; it is not rationale for contributing to Campus Chest itself. Rather, the participating charities in Campus Chest must be remembered for the work they do and the results they achieve. FREE UNIVERSITY of Berlin, World Uni- versity Service and the Fresh Air Camp By LARRY EINHORN Daily Television Writer IT'S BEEN a few months now since NBC decided to create a new type of midnight viewing for the American public to digest. When the new "Tonight" went on the air last March NBC told us that there would be remote pick-ups from night clubs and we would see the top stars of good old show biz in their dressing rooms, on the night club floors, etc. So for the first few weeks they gave us just that. We saw some of the top stars from some of the top night clubs in America. Then the top night club proprietors must have realized that they weren't getting any free publi- city from the remotes and so they cancelled out on the deal. * * * back to the new "Tonight" show. One can get sick of looking at Jolly Jack with that grin on his face for an hour and a half ev- ery night at a time when one is just getting ready to retire for the evening. I would like to nominate Jolly Jack for the John Foster Dulles award for outstanding diplomacy in the television industry. Even Ed Sullivan only refers to his guests as being "really big" or "one of the greatest." But Jolly Jack has called every one of his in-studio guests "the greatest" or "the best." When he gets an author up to the cameras, he has just finished reading this author's latest book, and it is the "best he has ever read." Every singer or singing group has the "most exciting voice" or voices that he has ever heard. After listening to him say this about everyone for a few months. the country" do not command exceptionally big salaries. But there is a tremendous cost involved in setting up these re- mote pick-ups. Each remote ne- cessitates a complete crew to ori- ginate a television show in a night club or pool room or wherever they are going that particular night. "Person to Person" and "Wide Wide World" are involved in the same type of operation and thus run into the same expenses. But both are sponsored and the spon- sors pay the costs. "Person To Person" has a high rating, so their sponsor doesn't mind the high costs. "Wide Wide World" is spon- sored by you-know-who, which al- so doesn't seem to mind the cost. But "Tonight" is just about as sustaining as a program can be. They have tried to sell national advertising and have all but failed. In fact, NBC offered a three for two deal, where a sponsor got Steve Allen was heading up the show. I am not sorry that NBC isn't making more money from the show now, because we all like to see fewer commercials, but I am wondering why NBC will con- tinue to put on a show which has no public response and is costing them so much money with so lit-' tle return. And this is the same NBC that took off "Ding Dong School" and other programs be- cause they- could not be sold, though the public response to these shows was so great. There is, however, one good feature of the "Tonight" show which has emerged since the show went on the air. That is the night- ly segment in which Bob Consi- dine gives .his commentary on the "shape of the world tonight." * * * HIS STYLE of presenting the news deserves more than just a segment on a show which is com- nlo als ril, ren- - . ncron -"