POST-McCARTHY LECTURE COMMITTEE See Page 4 i I :: 4c It A0 DUIIA *0 4 l .0, Latest Deadline in the State FAIR, WARMER VOL. LXVII, No. 154 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1957 EIGHT PAGES JohnsHon Hits Eisenhower Budget Size Democrat FaVors Appropriations Slice WASHINGTON (RP)-Sen. Lyn- don B. Johnson (D-Tex) has launched a sharpshooting attack on President Dwight D. Eisenhow- er's budget that promises to make governmental economy a major issue in next year's election cam- paign for control of Congress. Sen. Johnson, the Senate Dem- ocratic leader, is frankly out to slice President Eisenhower's mon- d ey requests on a selective basis. If the cuts he helps engineer fall heaviest on executive departments -and not on flood control dams and power projects - none of his colleagues will be greatly sur- prised. Predicted Cuts Unlike his opposite number, Sen. William F. Knowland (R- Calif), Sen. Johnson is making no predictions on how much Con- gress will be able to cut in Presi- dent Eisenhower's proposed $71,- 800,000,000 spending program. ,Sen. Knowland has called for a three-billion-dollar slice in actual spending. To reach such a goal, Congress would have to cut about five bil- lion dollars off the more than 73 billion dollars in new money Pres- ident Eisenhower seeks. Some of these appropriations are proposed for the future and won't actually be spent in the fis- cal year beginning July 1. t Authority Backlog President Eisenhower has a backlog of spending authority granted by previous Congresses and the current session's control of actual spending thus is lim- ited. Indications are that Sen. John- son has in mind no such definite figure as that picked by Sen. Knowland. It is not part of the Democratic leadership's strategy to 'enforce economy at the expense of hous- ing, health services, farm benefits and power projects. Control Helped These are issues which the Democrats generally agree helped them keep control of both Houses of Congress last year while Presi- dent Eisenhower was sweeping to a landslide victory. Besides the Democrats who will go along with him, Sen. Johnson will have some solid support from Republicans who express shock over the size of President Eisen- hower's spending program. His remarks were relayed to re- porters by the Democratic Nation- al Committee publicity chief, Sam Brightman. World News Roundup By The Associated Press BERLIN - Communist East Germany clamped down yesterday on its restive youth by drafting prospective university students for labor service on state-run farms and factories. At the same time the Commu- nist newspaper Ostsee-Zeitung complained of "rotten liberalism" among high school students, apathy about serving in the armed forces and declared: "People hos- tile to socialism should not be tolerated in our high schools." WASHINGTON - Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore) called on Presi- dent Dwight D. Eisenhower's ad- ministration yesterday to halt nu- clear explosions immediately and challenge Russia "to do the same." "Such an announcement," he said, would "give new impetus to disarmament" negotiations and "could well mean the tests would be stopped, entirely by everyoine." It would, Sen. Morse continued, "put the Soviet Union iR the po- sition of having to decide whether to continue the tests alone, in the face of world-wide religious and scientific objections and in the face of world-wide public opin- ion." SALEM, Ohio - House Speak- er Sam Rayburn (D-Tex) yester- day promised a reduction by the national budget proposed by Pres- ident Dwight D. Eisenhower and a CAMPUS CHEST DRIVE: Auction To Launch Appeal By ROBERT JUNKER <-i, 1 ACampus Chest will open its week-long fund raising drive with an auction at 4 p.m. tomorrow on the diagonal. Tuesday evening, students liv- ing off campus within a radius of six blocks will be contacted for contributions. On Thursday and Friday the Chest will conduct a bucket drive. Throughout the week students living in fraternities and sorori- ties will be solicited by members of their own houses for donations. Three Participating Receipts of the drive will be used to support three charities, World University Service, Univer- sity Fresh Air Camp, and the Free University of Berlin Fund. Aproximately one. fifth of the money collected will be placed in a reserve fund for emergency use or donation later to a national charity. Women's 1:30 a.m. permissions for May 18 will be sold in connec- tion with the auction for one dol- lar from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. tomor- row only on the diagonal. In addition to the campus park- ing permit, gift certificates, din- ner for two with University Presi- dent and Mrs. Harlan Hatcher and tickets for the Ohio State and Michigan State football -Daily-David Arnold HELPING HAND-Union-Class of 1956 Fountain may be used to collect funds for this week's Campus Chest drive. games on the 50 yard line, various sororities will work for winning bidders. Items on Auction New items to 'be auctioned in- clude a "surprise package," a large gift-wrapped box contain- ing an unknown prize. Collegiate Sorosis sorority will sing for the winning group of men as an after dinner treat. The Psurfs, a law school quartet, will serenade the highest bidder. India Wants To Borrow From U.S. NEW DELHI (P) - India's Fi- nance minister said yesterday his country needs about a billion dol- lars in foreign aid to complete its second five-year plan. He would like to borrow as much of this as possible from the United States. India will fall short "about a billion dollars to complete the plan comfortably on the basis of present imports, exports, loans and credits," Finance Minister Tattie T. Krishnamachari said in an interview. "If we cannot obtain this from the U.S. government we will try to borrow smaller sums through commercial loan markets in the United States and elsewhere." He said India has not yet for- mally applied for a new loan from the United States. Asked if he planned to raise part of the 'money from Russia, the Finance Minister replied: "Russia has offered us a loan of 100 million dollars for some projects which are not yet under way." The bespectacled 57-year-old former big business man said the gap of a billion dollars in the second five-year plan which be- gan April 1, 1956, takes into ac- count credits from various nations for construction of plants in In- dia. In addition to the auction, the special events committee of Cam- pus Chest, headed by Brenda Ackerman, '58, has made plans to turn the fountain next to the Un- ion into the Campus Chest Wish- ing Well. This plan, however, is subject to the approval of the Union di- rector who must give permission for committee members to clean the coins out of the pool each night, Miss Ackerman explained. aoliciting Granted Residence Halls Board of Gov- ernors has granted Campus Chest permission to solicit in Univer- sity residence halls, if the indi- vidual house councils approve the action. Van Tyne House was the only group to permit door-to-door soli- citations in South Quad. South Quad council passed a motion to permit the chest to so- licit one night in meal lines. No definite date for this has been established, acco'ding to John Mayne, '58BAd., council president. In East Quad, Greene and Prescott Houses will permit door- to-door solicitations, while Tyler House council members will tle contributions for the drive in their own group. Hayden and Hinsdale Houses will decide whether to permit door-to-door solicitations at their house council meetings tomorrow, while Cooley, Strauss, and Ander- son Houses have refused to per- mit door-to-door collections. ! r[7 AnrnrTI Fresh Air Camp, a division of the Institute for Human Adjustment, provides a summer camping ex- perience for about 250 boys with behavior problems or broken homes. World University Service aids students and professors through- out the world in such areas as housing and health. It- alsp pro- vides educational supplies to uni- versities in need and aids refugee students with food, clothing and education. To0 Rehearse Mock Attack In New York BINGHAMTON, N. Y. (AP) - Screaming sirens today will send 1,500 persons 28 miles in a mass evacuation to escape a mock H- bomb attack. This country's future planning for survival against the H-bomb may hinge on the success of the test, the nation's first of such scope. More than 500 private automo- biles, and buses, trucks and a train will transport men, women and children from a section of this highly industrialized city to De- posit, a village to the East. Soviet Faces Fear of U.S. Bomb Raid WASHINGTON()-The United States probably could hit Russia swiftly with more than two bil- lion tons of nuclear explosive force if the Soviets attempted an attack on Western European na- tions before those countries build up their own atomic defenses. Russia must reckon with this probability in pursuing what the North Atlantic Council describes as a campaign "to insure for So- viet forces a monopoly of nuclear weapons on the European conti- nent." 'Risk' Warnings Moscow, through its propagan- da medium, has been bombarding Atlantic Alliance nations with warnings about dire risks they run if they harbor atomic weapon sites in their territory. Foreign ministers of the North Atlantic Council, in sessions at Bonn, Germ'any, Friday asserted "it is the availability of the most modern weapons of defense which will discourage attempts". to launch attack on the Alliance. Weapons Available These weapons are available now in the nuclear firepower of the United States Air Force, Navy and Army. Precise figures used by Ameri- can military officials in their es- timate of United States capability are, of course, secret. But these guidelines may be as- sumed: a Measurement of effective 'nu- clear power is now defined in terms of delivery of hydrogen and fission explosive. The stockpile and production capability for bombs is substan- tally greater than the means of delivery by aircraft, missiles or atomic-firing guns. Aircraft Capable At this time the Air Force pro- bably has about 1,800 aircraft ca- pable of handling H-bombs or A- bombs, plus several hundred air- craft of the Navy. On this basis is predicated the assumption that something over two billion tons of nuclear force could be delivered by USAF planes and missiles, such as the Matador, and by the planes and ether weapons of the other serv- ices. All of the bombs and missiles would not be thermonuclear-hy- drogen-nor would the strikes be aimed at obliteration of a nation. West Foresees German Unity BONN, Germany (P) - Western planners are banking on Russia's own common sense to bring about eventual reunification of Ger- many and liberation of the satel- lite empire of Eastern Europe. This emerged yesterday in the wake of North Atlantic Treaty Council sessions.. The 15 Allied nations are rea- sonably convinced the prospects of atomic devastation are so ter- rifying to Moscow - as well as to the West - that the Kremlin will refrain from trying to do things the hard way. Truman, Stevenson Say dministratiOn Failing Wih 'Present Budge,-,t' Mezzo-soprano Rise Stevens and pianist Gina Bachauer will appear in the two final May Festival con- certs today at Hill Auditorium. Miss Bachauer will appear with the Philadelphia Orchestra, Thor Johnson conducting, at 2:30 p.m., and will play "Concerto No. 2 in B-flat major," Op. 83, by Brahms. Other soloists for this after- noon's performance include Mar-' tha Lipton, Metropolitan Opera contralto, Donald Gramm, Metro- politan Opera bass-baritone, and5 John Krell, piccolo. Pianist from Greece Born near Athens, Greece, Miss Bachauer studied law at the Uni- versity of Athens before she decid- ed to make music her full time career. Virtually unknown in the United States before 1950, she appeared at New York's Town Hall and re- ceived American recognition when presented by Dimitri Mitropoulos with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra. Krell will open the afternoon performance with Vivaldi's Con- certo in A minor for Piccolo and} Orchestra. Following Krell will be "Five Tudor Portraits," a choral suite{ in five movements for contralto, < baritone, and, orchestra, by R. Vaughan Williams.4 Lipton To Solot Soloists will be Miss Lipton and Donald Gramm, supported by the University Choral Union, a group of more than 300 singers directed by Prof. Lester McCoy of music, school. Miss Stevens, often called "First r Lady of the ."Opera," will perform in the last May Festival concertj with Eugene Ormandy and ther Philadelphia. Orchestra at 8:30 p.m. today. The orchestra-will open the con- cert with Overture, "Academic Festival," by Brahms, and "Sym- phony No.. 3 in One Movement," by Harris. Covers Wide Range Miss Stevens' first solo of the performance will be "Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen," by Mahler. She will also sing "Amour, viens aider," from "Samson et Dalila," by Saint-Saens. Miss Stevens is the first Metro-9 politan singer able to cover aP voice range for three repertoires.o She is able to sing mezzo-sopranoc and soprano, as well as contralto parts. Born in New York, she began her e e career at 10 years of age on au children's program. Later in her teens, she sang with the Operac Comique in New York.& RISE STEVENS ... In final concert BACHAUER TO PLAY: Stevens To Conclude May Festival Series Warn Party To 'Go Slow' With Budget Speak at Dinner To Raise Money For Democrats WASHINGTON (>) - Former President Harry S. Truman ac- cused President Dwight D. Eisen- hower yesterday of "failure of executive leadership" and playing "political bunk" with the budget. Adlai E. Stevenson, twice unsuc- cessful presidential candidate, told fellow Democrats America has failed in foreign policy, peril is its price, and nothing shows "more copiously the feebleness of the Eisenhower administration than the budget mess." Both Truman and Stevenson waved a go-slow flag at Demo- crats bent on cutting the budget, Benefit Held The former president and the man who tried twice spoke at a Democratic money raising dinner designed to help fill up the more than empty party till. Some 2,20, by party count, showed up for the $100-a-plate affair. Truman said he doesn't have the facts and isn't sure President Eisenhower's biggest-in-peacetime budget of $71,800,000,00 is too big. Economy Spending Certainly, he said, the national economy can stand spending on that scale and "I want us to spend enough to do the vital jobs that have to be, done." Stevenson came through in his prepared address with an admoni- tion that if the Democratic party "now tries to out-Republican the Republicans on the issue of bud- get-cutting, it is going to be hard to take us seriously again as the party of the people." Gov. G. Mennen Williams sounded a similar note. President To Appeal "I see, by the way," Stevenson quipped, "that next week the president is going to appeal to the country, but it is not clear whether he is going to appeal for or against his budget. "And it is not clear who he is going to appeal to-whether it is to his cabinet, to his leaders in Congress or his friends in the Chamber of Commerce.... "But it is not the grotesque con- tradictions of one another and of each other that interests me about the current Republican agony. "Rather it is the easy, careless indifference with which the presi- dent and his cabinet seem to be prepared to abandon their own budget, and thereby the principle of executive responsibility for the budget." Planes Strafe 'Border Towr In Nicaragua By The Associated Press Nicaragua's government said late yesterday Honduran planes were strafing the villages of Mo- See background story on the Honduras-Nicaragua dispute, page 8. coran and Laymon on the disputed Honduras-Nicaragua border. A government communique de- clared that Nicaragua's armed forces "will defend its frontiers and its territory, replying to force with force, and making use of all the arms under their command." A possible solution to the border dispute between Nicaragua and Honduras that apparently threat- ened to erupt into a full-scale war could rest in eight sheets of paper, each 125 years old, owned GINA BACHAUER ...pianist from Greece oA sEvacuees' Shelter In West Quad, only Lloyd and There the evacuees will take Chicago houses have approved shelter in the cellars of homes of door-to-door solicitations. All women's dormitories will residents and get a hot meal at either allow door-to-door solici- ing stions. tations or designate a member of Civil defense leaders from across the house to collect for the chest. the nation moved into the area, One of the charities to benefit near the Pennsylvania state line, from the drive, the University to watch the show. The exercise, labelel "Evac 12," is being staged by New York's Reveal B ook Civil Defense Commission, The evacuees, all volunteers, re- side in the city's 12th Ward. Many are crippled or otherwise disabled. Others are diabetics, who WASHINGTON A')-F r i e n d s will needispecially prepared food and associates of Sen. Joseph R. and medicine. McCarthy (R-Wis) disclosed yes- Train's Capacity terday he was completing work on The train will carry about 110 a book dealing with congressional persons, including 30 adults on investigations when stricken with litters. The others will be children a fatal lilness. "separated" from their families Sen. McCarthy, who died Thurs- and adults with physical handi- day, also had collected a vast caps. amount of material for another The first alert will come at 12:15 book, they said, which was to have p.m. The test is expected to take dealt with "communism and sub- about four hours or until the evac- version of policy." uees are returned to their homes Sen. Karl Mundt (R-SD), a long or to "rehabilitation" ,centers in, time friend, and Ray Kiermas, Binghamton. Sen. McCarthy's administrative Fifteen minutes after the warn- assistant, said the senator's book ning, a first convoy of 220 cars on congressional investigations is will set out on State Route 17 for planned for early publication, the 28-mile trip to Deposit. KNOWLAND: Adoption of Amendment May Kill Civil Rights Bill WASHINGTON (P)--Senate Republican Leader William F. Know- land said yesterday adoption of a "right to work" amendment would "clearly kill" the administration's civil rights bill. The Californian also told newsmen that if the bill is not reported out of the State Judiciary Committee by the latter part of May, steps may have to be taken to bypass the committee. Measure Bottled in Committee The measure, a key part of President Dwight D. Eisenhower's legislative program, has been bottled up in the Judiciary Committee by Southern opponents since its approval by a subcommittee last March 19. At the committee's meeting last S G ra tsMonday, Sen. John McClellan troversy over the bill by offering a right to work amendment to bar labor agreements requiring em- ployers to be union members. Several states have passed right to work laws, but such legislation is opposed by leaders of organized labor as vigorously as most South- ern senators oppose the adminis- u n c 12 C b 9 p f a C t ti A e Z C t a F S n Il New Hearings On Corruption Confront Beck WASHINGTON (I)-The belea- guered Teamsters Union and its President Dave Beck face a series of new. showdowns next week on orruption charges. Beck and other union officers ontinued to be defiant and avoid- d any commitment- that a clean- up is needed or will be undertaken. Teamsters Executive Board, in- luding Beck and several other in- dicted leaders, plans a strategy meeting this afternoon on AFL- CIO ouster .proceedings and hear- ngs before the Senate Rackets Committee. The union's entire executive board, including Beck, is due to go before the AFL-CIO ethical practices committee tomorrow to ace charges that the Teamsters' are substantially dominated by orrupt influences. Beck is to appear again before he Senate Committee Wednesday o answer what Chairman John McClellan (D-Ark) has said is new vidence of alleged misuse of Teamster funds. Already the committee has harged that Beck took at least $320,000 of the union's funds. He refused in hearings before he committee a monthkago to answer the charge, invoking the Fifth Amendment against possible self-incrimination. Beck has told newsmen he repaid the money. SGC Appoints Vine to Group Student Government Council has approved appointments to its TO TEACH IN HOLLAND, JAPAN: Freedman, Huntley Receive Fulbrigi Prof. Ronald Freedman of the sociology department and Prof. Frank L. Huntley of the English department have received Fulbright grants for the academic year 1957-58. Prof. Huntley plans to lecture at Okayama University, Japan, on. English and American literature. While there, he intends to do research on history of Japanese scholarship in English literature. Prof. Freedman will lecture in Amsterdam, Holland, at the