SENATE CAN'T EXPECT 'SWITCHING' See Page 2 C I 4c Latest Deadline in the State D43adtt p FAIR, COOL VOL. LXVII, No. 153 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1957 FOUR PAGES Tax Charge Makes Beck Give Self Up Quiet Labor Chief Awaits Arraignment WASHINGTON (R) - Teamster President Dave Beck, lacking some of his usual bounce and ex- uberance, gave himself up yes- terday and posted $5,000 bond on an indictment charging income tax evasion. Beck, wearing dark glasses, spent about two hours in the Fed- eral Court Building being routine- ly fingerprinted and arranging his bond for arraignment later. He then hopped a plane for an Atlantic City. N. J., Teamsters Union meeting. Not Talkative The round, stubby labor chief- tain, who has acknowledged per- sonal use of some $300,000 to $400,000 of Teamster Union funds, was not his talkative self as he waited for an aide to show up with a cashier's check to free him. He is to be arraigned either here or in Taco'ma, Wash., on May 13. Asked for comment on his in- dictment Thursday by a federal grand jury at Tacoma on charges of failing to pay $56,420 in taxes on 1950 income, Beck said: "I wouldn't say one word about it because I don't know no more about it than you do now. I have to consult with my attorneys." He is due for more quizzing by the Senate Rackets Investigating Committee next Wednesday. Refuses to Answer Beck a month ago refused to answer comniittee questions on his use of union funds, invoking -the Fifth Amendment on grounds his answers might tend to incrim- inate him. He pointed out then he faced probable income tax prosecution. Beck has said publicly he "bor- rowed" large sums from union coffers but claims he repaid the money. He refused, however, to repeat this under oath to Senate investi- gators. The committee has charged Beck never treated the money as loans or intended repayment un- til the government began investi- gating his tax returns. Cloudbursts Brace Texas For Floods DALLAS (A) - Cloudbursts of more than six inches in north- central and central Texas yester- day brought new flood threats to a state hit by 16 days of deluges and floods. The cloudbursts hit several areas. Some tornado funnels were sighted. Wichita Falls near the Red Riv- er was bracing for possibly the highest water in seven years, a group of communities on the up- per Brazos River about 40 miles west of Fort Worth found water rising again, and the Bosque Riv- er watershed about 60 miles north west of Waco in central Texas got heavy rains. A thunderhead dumped about .60 of an inch of rain in 15 minutes at Gainesville yesterday afternoon and a flash flood warning was is- sued for Elm Creek in the city, which is directly north of Fort Worth. Earlier high water near the mouths of a half-dozen rivers dis- sipated except on the swollen Sa- bine in east Texas, and the threat eased there. Two t o r n a d o funnels were sighted on the north side of Wich- ita Falls but did not touch ground. Another was sighted near Burk- burnett, 13 miles north of Wichita Falls. The Red Cross has estimated that up to 9,000 persons have been driven from their homes at one time or another during the 18 days of heavy rains.- Thousands of acres of croplands and pastures have been flooded, and considerable replanting will be required. Positions Op en On Joint Judic McLeod Reveals Security Charge Testimony Exposes Near Dismissal Of Noted Career Diplomat by Dulles WASHINGTON ()-Scott McLeod, State Department security chief, has told investigating senators that Secretary John Foster Dulles almost fired him "as a security risk" four years ago. - This was disclosed yesterday when the Senate Foreign Relations Committee made public 160 pages of secret testimony on McLeod's controversial nomination as ambassador to Ireland. Under questioning this week by Sen. Robert Kennedy, D-Mass., McLeod said Dulles called him into his office to question him about a Men Idled By Strikes Mt Chrysler DETROIT () - Wildcat walk- outs at Chrysler Corp. yesterday shut down production of Plymouth Dodge and Chrysler cars, idling more than 40,000 workers. Only DeSoto division kept go- ing, but the company said all its major operations in the Detroit area would be closed down today until Monday morning. The shutdown followed a dis- pute that flared on the local level over what Pat Caruso, president of Local 212, United Auto Workers, called "job security protection." Not Authorized Both the company, and the un- ion said the strikes were not au- thorized. Caruso said all union members were instructed to report for duty on yesterday's afternoon shifts. A compny spokesman said, however, a wildcat walkout of 125 stamping division truck driv- ers triggered a chain reaction sim- ilar to the truckers' strike that started the shutdowns Thursday. The company said failure of the truck drivers to report on the 4 p.m. shift yesterday resulted in 5,500 workers being sent home at the Mack plant. This plant makes bodies for Plymouth. Trucking Facilities Lack of trucking facilities be- tween plants also caused the Dodge main plant to send home 6,500 workers after they had worked 1V hours on the second shift. The outer drive plant sent home 600 after a group of 80 workers walked out. During the day the company sent home 25,000 workers, includ- ing 8,000 in Chrysler division, be- cause it said strikes of a compar- atively small number of inter- plant drivers halted movement of materials. "Forcing Me To Socialism,' Truman Says WASHINGTON (')-Harry S. Truman came to town in fighting trim yesterday and declared the Eisenhower administration is driv- ing him toward socialism. In his old "give-'em-hell" style, he jumped on Secretary of the Treasury Herbert Humphrey for wanting, he said, "to choke us to death with interest rates." And he charged administration policies are forcing the little fellow out of business. "I'm not a Socialist," the for- mer Democratic president said "but they're driving me that way." His audience was the Electric Consumers Information Commit- tee, an organization formed by labor and farm groups and the electric cooperatives fighting for public power development. "You ought not to get me start- ed on it. I'm all steamed up," Truman said when the subject of the government's atomic energy program came up. He asserted the most dangerous thing facing the country today is what he called an administration plan to "turn the 18 billion or 20 billion of the taxpayers' money that developed the atomic energy program over to private owner- ship." When the atom is developed fully, Truman said, it can be the source of all the world's power and bring the great desert areas into flower. 4"leak" to a Washington newspa- per-the old Times Herald. Report Misgivings The newspaper reported misgiv- ings by McLeod about the then- pending nomination of the careerI diplomat. "Dulles said he had been au- thorized to discharge me as al security risk because of this leak that appeared, obviously from me in the Times-Herald, but he de- cided not to." McLeod vowed he was not the source of the leak, and he said Dulles became convinced he had nothing to do with it and there- fore was not a security risk. McLeod is strongly anti-Com- munist, and many critics have ac- cused him of damaging State De- partment morale in his campaigns against employes he suspected of being risks. Ireland Ambassador When President Dwight D. Eisenhower recently nominated McLeod to be ambassador to Ire- land a considerable controversy arose as to McLeod's fitness for the job. President Eisenhower said he made the nomination on the "seri- ous and earnest recommendation" of Dulles. Dulles told a news conference that in the past four years Mc- Leod "has grown in stature and understanding" and is qualified to be an ambassador. Thursday the Senate committee approved McLeod 9-6. McLeod's attitude toward the Bohlen nomination, which was ap- proved by the Senate in 1953 after a bitter fight, was a factor in senators' questioning of him on his own nomination as ambassador to Ireland. Bohlen has now been named am- bassador to the Philippines and the Senate committee has'unani- mously approved him. U.S. Budget Given More House Cuts Refuses To Finance Flood Insurance Aid WASHINGTON (P)-The House Appropriations Committee boosted its budget cuts to $1,263,457,124 yesterday, mainly by refusing to finance the federal flood insur- ance program approved by Con- gress last year. It struck out of a $79,840,788 omnibus appropriations bill the entire $50 million requested by President Dwight D. Eisenhower to institute a new and experimental subsidy program of government flood insurance. By a separate vote of 19-14, it refused to provide a smaller amount, $14 million, for the pro- gram. The committee said the program presented was "too indefinite and costly" and contemplated that 40 per cent of the cost of premiums, and all administrative expenses would be borne by the federal gov- ernment, which also would have underwritten all losses. However, the committee ap- proved use of $325,000 in available money for "further study to de- velop a more workable plan." Informed of the committee's ac- tion, Frank J. Meistrell, commis- sioner of the Federal Flood In- demnity Administration, said, "we are hopeful that the Congress will recognize the urgency of affording the American people a measure of protection against flood disasters, rather than having them rely solely on relief measures and charity." He added the denial of funds to his agency came at a time when the program was about to be put into operation. The legislation stemmed from heavy, uninsured losses in New England floods and a hurricane. I TI .AMC Spurns Union Talks DETROIT A) -- American Mo- tors Corp. yesterday turned down a proposal from Walter P. Reuth- er, president of the United Auto Workers, for the auto makers to join with the union in talks on a shorter work week. NATO J Nuclear Against Vinisters ArsRed Attl } MOROCCO: Cite Profit As Kidnap Motivation, MARRAKECH, Morocco () - Money-perhaps millions of dol- lars in cash-emerged yesterday as a prime motive behind the bold seizure of five sons of the late Thami el Glaoui, Berber leader called the "Lion of the Atlas Mountains." The five sons, heirs to the vast holdings of Glaoui, were whisked away on Wednesday by troops of the Moroccan army of liberation. The audacious action apparently strengthened the hand of the army of liberation, a outfit of irregulars and guerrillas as com- pared with the government's own royal Moroccan army. The irregulars occupied the Gla- ouis' yellow-walled palace - re- putedly a storehouse of valuable treasures - in Marrakech, about 180 miles southwest of the seat of the government of Sultan Moham- med V in Rabat. Reliable sources in Marrakech said Moroccan government offici- als were investigating transfers of capital out of financially pressed Morocco by the Glaoui family.. The seizure of the five sons caught the central government in Rabat by surprise. The action was belatedly given official status in an Interior Minis- ti'y communique issued 36 hours after the Glaouis were taken into custody. Glaoui, the Pasha of Marra- kech, had been despised by ardent Moroccan nationalists because of the support he gave to the French f when they dethroned the Sultan and shipped him off for a two-year exile in Madagascar. Senate To Pay Last Respects To McCarthy WASHINGTON (P)- Sen. Jo- seph R. McCarthy (R-Wis) will play his final role in death Mon- day in the United States Senate chamber, scene of his rocketing rise and fall on the American political horizon. Arrangements were announced yesterday for a 30-minute funeral service at 11 a.m. Monday, after which McCarthy's body will be taken from in front of the Senate rostrum and flown to Appleton, Wis., for church services and burial Tuesday. Flags were at half-staff Friday on the Capitol, the White House and other government buildings for the once-swashbuckling sena- tor who died at 48-years old Thursday night from an acute liver ailment. Se 37th STRAIGHT-Star Barry MacKay (left) and Captain Dick Potter (right) were the big guns in leading Michigan's tennis team to its 37th consecutive tennis victory as they whipped North- western, 8-1. (See story on page 40) Train Fare Hike Approved For Six Companies by ICC WASHINGTON (P)-Six Eastern railroads yesterday got authority to raise first class passenger fares substantially higher than those of competing roads, and in some instances above the airline rates in their territories. The Interstate Commerce Commission, which early this year au- thorized five per cent increases in both coach and first class fares for the industry generally, granted a further 15 per cent advance on inter- state parlor and sleeping car tickets to the six carriers who chose to break away from the general fare pattern. The six, who originally proposed a 45 per cent increase in first class fares, are: Chesapeake & Ohio, New York Central, Norfolk & McClellan Calls Missing Witnesses 'A Conspiracy' WASHINGTON (P)-Sen. Robert McClellan (D-Ark) charged yes- terday there is "a conspiracy" to hide four missing witnesses sought by his Senate rackets probers in the investigation of Dave Beck. McClellan pledged himself to a never-ending search "until they are subpoenaed and their testimoney obtained" in his investigation of charges that the now-indicted Beck, president of the Teamsters Union, has misusued large sums of union funds. In other developments in the committee's nationwide investigation of racketeering and other malpractice in labor unions and industry: 1. Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz) announced he is handing the Lo pe acks Western, the Pennsylvania, Penn-< sylvania Reading Seashore lines, and the Pittsburgh & Lake Erie. They were authorized to make the increase effective on five days notice to the traveling public. The li-man commission split 6-5 on the further 15 per cent hike. Some of the dissenters said they would have voted for a lesser in- crease, others contended another rise in fares would drive business to competing transportation. The commission majority said the 45 per cent proposal was not justified and might destroy the first class passenger business of the petitioning lines. However, the majority ruled these lines were entitled to another 15 per cent and expressed the view "that such an increase would not cause any drastic diversion of traffic." Attorneys for the six railroads, in urging the full 45 per cent in- crease, said drastic action was necessary to get some reduction in the $125 million a year losses which the six railroads have been averaging on passenger business since the end of World War II. New Ad visors Cited by SGC Advisors to Student Government Council standing committees have been announced. The advisors are: Jean Scruggs, '58; Ron Gregg, '60; Scott Chrys- ler, '59E; John Wrona, '57; and Jan Winklehaus, '57.s committee evidence of alleged col Somoza Saysa War Halted MANAGUA, Nicaragua 0P) - President Luis Somoza said yester- day Nicaragua has stopped fight- ing on its disputed frontier with Honduras and will not move un- less it is attacked. He instructed his foreign minis- ter to assure the Organization of American States in Washington that his government would refrain from action likely to "aggravate the situation" unless it was forced to "repulse some new aggression by Honduras forces." lusion and improper dealings be- 4tween some coal mine operators and local "officials of the United Mine Workers in Luzerne County, Pa. 2. Sen. Karl Mundt (R-SD) con- firmed a report that committee staff investigators are looking into the circumstances under which the United Steel Workers of America re-elected David J. McDonald as national president. 3. Other committee sources said violence which marked the recent strike of employes of the Ohio Consolidated Telephone Co. in Ohio is under preliminary investi- gation to determine whether pub- lic hearings are warranted. A trial examiner for the Nation- al/ Labor Relations Board last month blamed the company. Police Look For Attacker Of Costello NEW YORK ({')-Police search- ed futilely yesterday for a gun- man who Thursday night shot and slightly wounded Frank Costello, former "boss of the racketeers." More than 60 detectives were assigned to the task in hopes of heading off a possible outbreak of underworld warfare. Officials said they wanted to get the gunman before "friends" of the 65-year-old Costello caught up to him. Post Two Detectives Apparently believing that anoth- er attempt on Costello's life also was possible, they posted two de- tectives in the lobby of the Cen- tral Park West apartment house where Costello lives. Mystery surrounded the motive for the shooting of the man known to millions as a televised witness in the 1951 Kefauver crime hear- ings. Costello has been in and out of prisons since then, ill and fight- ing government efforts to deport him to Italy. Police have given no indication that he has been active in the rackets recently. Gangland Style But it was in typical gangland style that somebody shot him as he was returning about 11 p.m. from a quiet evening of dining and wining with his wife and friends in smart East Side nightspots. The gunman wheeled up to the apartment entrance in a big sedan ran into the lobby, fired a shot that creased Costello's scalp just above the left ear, and then fled. The assailant apparently thought the wound fatal. Actually, it was slight enough so that Costello was allowed to return home after being treated at a hospital and questioned by police. "I don't know why I was shot," Costello said. "I must have been mistaken for somebody else." Y'7 1'lf' fi7f1 Say Report Is Answer To -M3oscow Weapon Monopoly Called Soviet Aim BONN, Germany () - Foreign ministers of North Atlantic Treaty Organization ended their meeting yesterday .with a communique de- claring the best hope of deterring Soviet attack is the terrible fire- power of modern nuclear weapons. "Pending an acceptable agree- ment on disarmament," said the ministers, "no power can clain the right to deny to the Alliance the possession of the modern arms needed for its defense." NATO officials said the Foreign Ministers' Council intended this as its joint retort to Moscow's re- cent threats and warnings against atomic guided missile bases in S c a n d i n a v i a, West Germany, Greece and Turkey. Communique The communique said if the So- viet Union is really afraid of Western defense preparations, it has only to "accept a general dis- armament agreement embodying effective measures of control and inspection within the framework of the proposals made on numer- ous occasions by the Western Powers." It added the Soviet campaign is aimed at giying Soviet forces a monopoly of nuclear weapons on the European continent and tart- ly remarked: "Such a situation clearly could not be accepted." The Council warned that "pro- longed division of Germany and the anomalous situation of Ber- lin" is a continuing threat to world peace and demanded early German reunification. East Germany Warning Earlier, the ministers joined West German Foreign Minister Heinrich von Brentano and United States Secretary.of State John Foster Dulles in warning that East Germany is a turbulent volcano which might erupt at any time. The ministers pledged to use all possible means to induce the So- viet Union to honor its agreement that Germany should be reunified by free elections - a reference to the Geneva "summit" talks of 1955. They coupled this with a. new statement of resolve to intensify with peaceful means a common. policy for the restoration of Ger- many as a free and united state within the framework of a Euro- pean security system. The NATO Council also: 1. Reported "new elements" which promise to limit Commu- nist expansion and subversion in the Middle East-an apparent ref- erence to the Eisenhower Doctrine and developments in Jordan where a pro-Egyptian regime has been ousted by King Hussein. The Council emphasized "cur- rent initiatives" to reinforce the security of Middle Eastern states against possible Communist at- tack. County Supply Of Free Polio Vaccine Gone The supply of free Salk polio vaccine has been used up in the county, the County Board of Health said yesterday. New supplies are expected with- in two weeks. MERRILL TO SING TONIGHT: Szigeti, Festival Youth Chorus To Appear Today Joseph Szigeti and the Festival Youth Chorus will appear with the Philadelphia Orchestra, in the third May Festival concert at 2:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. Featured soloist at this evening's performance will be Robert' Merrill, Metropolitan Opera baritone. William R. Smith will take over the conducting duties this aft- ernoon as he directs the orchestra in the opening number, Overture to "La Scala di Seta." Szigeti, celebrated concert violinist, and the orchestra will con- sa.......... .m en me o