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May 03, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-05-03

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Latest Deadline in the State







. I

Snate Approves
New 'U' Budget
Legislators Cut Construction Fund;
Increase Operations Appropriation
Transferring money/from construction to operations budget, the
Senate yesterday passed the University's appropriation bill without
any over-all increase in funds.
The legislators ct $3,559,000 from the capital outlay budget and
added it to the operations and administrative appropriation through
an amendment permitting the University to use 40 per cent student
fees to help finance construction.
While switching funds, the senate increased the operations

Beck Cited
For Income
Tax Dodge
Two-Count Verdict
Returned by Jury

Ike Drops
Arab Nations
From. Plan



Jordan, Syria


appropriation, which University Pr
Senate Quiz
Airs 'Leak'
Inside CAB
WASHINGTON (A') - Raymond
Sawyer, a high official of the
Civil Aeronautics Board, . was
named yesterday as the possible
source of a "leak" of secret and
valuable CAB information.
Sawyer promptly denied it.
He swore before a Senate in'-
quiry group that he had never dis-
closed to anyone CAB's decision
last Aug. 2 to award Northeast
R Airlines a money-making New
York-Miami route.
Sawyer, associate director of
CAB's Bureau of International
Air Operations, was called before
the Senate Investigations subcom-
mittee after another witness, Lau-
rence Henderson, changed his
story and acknowledged he might
have gotten a tip on the route
award fr'om Sawyer.
Flushed and perspiring - andI
on second thought - Henderson
said he believes he did get a call
from Sawyer on Aug. 3.
Sawyer's subsequent testimony
was that he had not talked to
Henderson that day and that the
only time in his life he had talked
to Henderson was on Aug. 10 -
and then about another matter.
Commenting on the conflicting
testimony, Sen. Steward Syming-
ton (D-Mo.,) a subcommittee
member, said Sawyer's "life is
destroyed" if Henderson's state-
ments stand up.
Symington asked whether it
wasn't true that Henderson has
"perjured himself."
Donald E. O'Donnell, the sub-
committee's counsel, said that "in
effect" Symington was, right.
After a partial transcript of
Henderson's testimony was read
to him, Sawyer said: "I deny call-
ling him on the third."
"About anything?" he was


ident Harlan Hatcher last week
alled "inadequate for the Univer-
ty's minimum needs" from $29,-
61,000 to $33,320,000, less than a
pillion under the University's

original request.
Transferred Funds
However, the transferred funds
"dome from money designated to
complete the-Undergraduate Li- R
brary, the Freize Building for so-
cial science and language, and the
Fluids Engineering Building's first
"In any event, the buildings will
still be completed," University
Vice-President and Dean of Fac-
ulties Marvin L. Niehus said.
He said that although the "ex-
pectation" was there; the Univer-
sity would not necessarily have to
transfer the funds.
The estimated enrollment of
24,100 and the fee increase of 25
per cent expected by the Legis-
lature would give the University
about $3,720,000 to pledge for
Careful Study
Expressing caution about using
student fees for. buildings, Nie-
huss said, "It's a method of finan-
cing that needs to be studied care-
Michigan State University pro-
vided the original impetus behind
the method which they said would
allow a surge "of desperately
needed" new construction and per-
mit payment over a period of
Wednesday, the Senate passed
an amendment permitting MSU
to use 40 per cent of student fees
for building fees, carrying $2,570,-
000 from the school's capital out-
lay budget to their operating bud-
'Make Best of it'
Explaining yesterday's motion
by Sen. Louis Christman (R-Ann
Arbor) allowing the University to
use the same method, President
Hatcher said, "If this is the way
the State now feels it should sup-
port the capital outlay structure,
the University feels that it would
have no alternative than to make
the best it could of it."
Sallade Sae
f GOP Problem

TACOMA, Wash. () - Dave'
Beck, the onetime laundry driver
who built a personal fortune in
his rise to the presidency of one
of the nation's biggest labor un-
ions, was charged here yesterday
with income tax evasion.
A federal grand jury returned
a two-count indictment against
the Teamsters' Union chief after
it was reconvened quietly to hear
the case.
The first count charges him
with failure to report $88,828 of
1950 income on which additional
taxes of $56,420 should have been
False Return
The second count accuses Beck
of assisting in preparation of a
false tax return for the Teamsters'
Joint Council No. 28 Building
Assn., in Seattle, in the same year.
It alleged that the Joint Council
Building Assn. had expended $16,-
718 for building payments and al-
terations when it "had in truth
expended a substantially lesser
Judge George H. Boldt ordered1
a bench warrant issued immedi-
ately for the 63-year-old union1
leader's arrest.
In.Washington, D.C., whereI
Beck is scheduled for another ap-a
pearance before the Special Sen-
ate Rackets Committee, a spokes-
man quoted him as saying that
because he has not been notified
officially of the grand jury action
"and on advice of counsel, I can-
not comment on the matter at
this time."
Maximum Penalty
The maximum possible penalty
under each count of the indict-
ment is five years in prison and a
$10,000 fine.
The indictment was returned
just 13 days before the statute of
limitations would have ended any
chance of prosecution for charges
dating back to 1950.
The first count of the indict-
ment charged the joint return of
Beck and his wife listed $46,398
income for 1950 when it should
have been $135,226, with a tax
payment of $15,540 instead of
Sink Honored
With Portrait
Honor was paid to Charles A.
Sink, president of the University
Musical Society since 1927 last
night at Hill Auditorium.
In a ceremony just before inter-
mission at the opening concert of
the 64th May Festival, a portrait
of Sink was presented to the Uni-
versity by the University Musical
The State Department said that,
after going from Greece to Israel
today, Richards will. visit Tuni-
sia tomorrow and Morocco on
Monday, returning to Washington
next Wednesday.
On Thursday he is scheduled to
attend a meeting of congressional
leaders on foreign aid at the White

-Daily-Norman Jacobs
HONORS COUNCIL - Prof. Barrows, Leslie. Dietz, and Prof.
Steinhoff speak on new system. The talk was to explain both
honors programs and the new honors council.
Honors Council Program
Very Flexible-Stemhoff
The new honors council system should not be thought of as a
carefully worked out-detailed program, or a special intensified course,
Prof. William Steinhoff of the English department said yesterday.
Speaking before an audience composed of students and faculty,
Prof. Steinhoff emphasized the flexibility of the program.
He also noted that implementation of the program would begin
next year when the Honor's Council under the leadership of Professor
Robert Angell of the sociology department, would begin.
The talk, which was sponsored by the Literary College Steering
Committee, was designed to explain honors programs and the new

"honors council at the Univer-

Student Health
Plan Delayed,

Says Beckett
A compulsory student health
insurance program at the Uni-
versity has been postponed, ac-
cording to Dr. Morley Beckett,
director of Health Service.
Dr. Beckett had headed a com-
mittee which worked for about a
year on a health insurance pro-
gram for all students, with the
University making the payments.
The committee report for such
a program had met with adminis-
trative favor, Dr. Beckett said,
and the group had already heard
bids from two insurance compan-
However, plans for such a pro-
gram had to be postponed, because
the University did not have the
funds to carry out the program,
Dr. Beckett explained.
Student Government Council
had endorsed a compulsory health
insurance set-up last March.
When the Council learned the
program had to be dropped, it
established a student health in-
surance committee to study plans,
learn student opinion of the sub-
ject, and deal with the insurance
companies, as the representative
of the council.
The Council felt negotiations
would be so complicated, that the
small group would be most effec-
tive as negotiators.
The committee, according to
Scott Chrysler, '59, chairman of
the SGC committee hasn't met as
a group yet, however.

Counseling Service
Prof. Steinhoff emphasized there
would be elaborate counseling
service for the superior student
under the new program, and that
he might be assigned to courses
beyond the usual freshman level,
and perhaps a, specially designed
inter-departmental course.
The Council was established
after a study of the faculty com-
mittee on curricular flexibility, ac-
cording to Prof. Steinhoff.
The committee, Prof. Steinhoff
said, made four general proposals
concerning an Honors Council pro-
1) Detection of superior stu-
dents before they reach college.
2) Some kind of recruitment
3) Special counseling1
4) Within the college s o m e
agency should be set up to stimu-
late departments to establish spe-
cial c o u r s e s, programs and
methods to interest the superior
Freed From Classes
Prof. Herbert Barrows of the
English department noted that
under the new program, the stu-
dent might be freed from going to
classes all day. He would be able
to work more intensively with "a
little bit less of mere public ap-
Leslie Di'etz, '58, of the steering
committee, announced that peti-
tions would be available for the
committee beginning Tuesday.
They may be picked up in As-
sistant Dean of the Literary Col-
elge James H. Robertson's office.

WASHINGTON (R) -President
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday
gave up on Egypt, Syria and Jor-
dan as participants at this time
in his military-economic plan for
combatting Middle East commun-
The President called home his
special ambassador, James P.
Richards, choosing not to have
him mark time waiting for invita-
tions to visit these three Arab
Dim View
The invitations seemed unlikely
to be forthcoming. All threetna-
tions had made clear they took a
dim view of the Eisenhower reso-
lution and its $200,000,000.
Each, in its own way, had cold-
shouldered Richards.
It was to get him out of this
embarrassing situation that the
United States State Department
last week announced Richards
would go to Bonn, West Germany,
to confer with Secretary of State
John Foster Dulles.
Dulles went to Bonn Tuesday for
a North Atlantic Treaty meeting,
To Plan Itinerary
The State Department said last
week that Dulles and Richards
would meet to plan the rest of
Richards' itinerary through the
Middle East to explain the Eisen-
hower plan.
But President Eisenhower de-
cided Wednesday to cancel that
meeting. instead, he directed
Richards to return to Washington.
For the record, it was explained
that Richards is coming here to
help prepare the new foreign aid
Officials made little effort, how-
ever, to hide a more practical rea-
This was that, after touring 12
countries in six weeks and with
three more on his schedule, he was
ready for a rest.
Richards' decision to go to Is-
rael caused more than one set of
eyebrows to be raised.
The Eisenhower administration
has been jealously guarding the
Arab good will it won by its oppo-
sition last October to the British-
French-Israeli attack on Egypt.
Driving Rules
To Be Aired
Those who have complaints
about present driving regulations
will have an opportunity to pre-
sent them to a review board May
8 and 9, according to Vice-Presi-
dent of Student Affairs James A.
Open hearings will be held at
8 p.m. May 8 and 3:30 p.m. on
May 9 at the Student Activities
Vice-President Lewis said any
student or organizations, who
have complaints or suggestions
about present driving regulations
are invited to air their views.'
The review board will include
Vice-President Lewis, Dean of
Men Walter B. Rea, and Assistant
Dean of Men Karl D. Streiff.

Infectious Liver
Cause o Death
Key Communist Investigator Fades
Into Obscurity with Condemnation
WASHINGTON 0--Senator Joseph R. McCarthy (R-Wis)
died yesterday in Bethesda Naval Hospital of acute hepatitis.
The Wisconsin senator, 47 years old, had been one of the
most controversial men in American public life.
He was a key figure in the investigations of communism
which roused high feelings in the early 1950s, but he faded
to relative obscurity after the Senate voted condemnation 'of
some of his conduct in 1954.
Liver Inflammation
McCarthy's death came five days after he was hospital-
ized for a liver inflammation, acute hepatitis.
He is survived by his widow and former Senate aide,
Jean Kerr McCarthy, and the infant daughter they adopted
adopted early this year.
McCarthy had been ill for varying periods over the past
few years, suffering from sinus trouble, bursitis and a knee
injury which he attributed tot

a steel fragment lodging in
the knee during his World
War II service as a Marine
officer in the South Pacific.
Mrs. McCarthy was at the sena-
tor's bedside when he died.
Officially the death was attrib-
uted to "acute hepatic failure."
Senate Membership
McCarthy's death cuts the Re-
publican membership in the Sen-
ate to 46, compared with the
Democrats' 49.
Wisconsin's Republican Gov.
Vernon W. Thompson will fill the
vacancy with a Republican after
the funeral.
McCarthy-whose activities gave
a new word, "McCarthyism," to
the English language-died in the
same naval hospital where he had'
been a patient on past occasions,
notably during his Senate "trial."
That proceeding culminated in
a vote that be had:
1. obstructed "the constitu-
tional processes of the Senate,"
and 2. breached "senatorial eth-
{ Fatal Blow

SEN. McCARTHY - Noted In-
vestigator tragically leaves poll.
tical scene.
Ches Drive

The Senate group is trying to
find out whether the CAB decision
in favor of Northeast was actually
leaked, enabling speculators to
make a quick profit in Northeast



Politically - and perhaps per-
sonally - this verdict was a well
nigh fatal blow ,to the sardoni-
cally witty, sometimes sentimen-1
tal and often stormily denuncia-
tory McCarthy.
Joe McCarthy-he liked to be
called "Joe"-was acclaimed by
many as the nation's foremosta
hunter of Communists.
He was assailed by others as ax
cynical, ruthless destroyer of repu-
tations. .
Often mentioned in his heyday I
as a possible presidential candi-
date, McCarthy locked horns with1
two presidents.C
'Pathological Case'r
Democrat Harry S. Truman
sought to brush him aside as, inY
Truman's words, "a pathological
Republican President Dwight D.E
Eisenhower supported McCarthyt
for re-election in 1952, thoughZ
without visible enthusiasm, and
later treated him with an icy dis-
dain which undoubtedly was a
factor in the senator's political1
His career came to a climax in
the televised Senate hearings in-
to the row between McCarthy and
high Pentagon officials including
then Secretary of the Army Rob-
ert T. Stevens.
Millions were glued to TV sets
for this airing of McCarthy's
charge that his opponents were
"coddling" Communists and the
counter-charge that McCarthy's
office was trying to "blackmail"
the Pentagon into kid-glove hand-
ling of a wealthy young McCarthy
aide, Pvt. David Schine.
These hearings led to the Senate;
vote of condemnation, as recom-
mended by a special committee
headed by Sen. Arthur Watkins
President Eisenhower let it be
known he was on Watkins' side,
and McCarthy's star quickly faded.

to Sell Late
Women's late permissions to
1:30 a.m. on the night of May 18
will be sold Monday from 3:30 to
5:30 p.m. on the Diag., Alice Louie,
'58, Women's Judiciary Chairman
announced yesterday.
Donations of $1.00 for the late
pers will go to the Campus Chest
as a contribution of Women's Ju-
diciary Council.
Sale of these permissions is un-
limited, but each person may use
only one. Men may buy late per-
missions for their dates.
These 1:30 a.m. permissions
have been granted especially for
Campus Chest by the Dean of
Women's office and will not count
as one of the six late pers granted
to women students each semester,
Miss Louie explained.
All houses on campus will be
closed at the regular 12:30 a.m.
hour, except for students with
these late pers. Girls will not be
able to leave the house after
12:30 a.m.
Permissions wlil not be valid
unless stamped by the Women's
Judiciary member selling them.
They are to be used in place of
regular sign out slips in the dor-
mitories and in addition to sign

Poll To Seek
Student Views
On Instructors
Committee on Student Opinion
of Courses and Teaching will dis-
tribute a questionnaire in the
r literary college on May 14 and 15.
The student-opinion question-
naire consists of broad, not short-,
answer, questions. It was designed'
to provoke fu'l comments and dis-
cussions by the students about
their instructors and courses.
The purpose of the poll is "to
bring about more effective in-
struction and to give students an
opportunity to assess their own
educational progress and objec-
The procedure and question-

State Representative George W.
Sallade (R-Ann Arbor) called a
state program, political organiza-
tion, and candidates "the three-
fold problem facing the Republi-
can Party in Michigan."
He emphasizedt hese points
while expressing his views on the
topic "What's Wrong with the
GOP in Michigan?" at a group
discussion sponsored by the Young
Republican Club last night.
When Sallade was quizzed in the
discussion on his stand on the pos-
sible "U" tuition raises, he stated,
"The University has apparently a
willingness to adjust its fees in
good faith. I think that the legis-
lature should reciprocate by ap-
propriating adequate funds to
maintain high standards of edu-
Referring again to the main
topic of discussion, he said, "The


Leontyne Price To Play Aida in Concert

"Aida," Verdi's grand opera, will the Philadelphia Orchestra, for
be presented in the second concert tonight's performance.
of May Festival at 8:30 p.m. to- The libretto of Antonio Ghis-
day in Hill Auditorium. lanzoni is based upon a scenario
Leontyne Price, American so- by the Egyptologist Francois Mar-
piano, will take the part of Aida, iette and Du Locle.
a princess of Ethiopia, conquered Tomorrow, two May Festival'
Egypt to work as a slave for thecnet ilb gvnao~wt
kingdom who had been brough toconcerts will be given along with
king's daughte'.r the third and fourth of the Fes-
Supporting Miss Price will be tiva! series' concerts.
Martha Linton, Metropolitan Op- #' Smith to Direct


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