JRSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1957 T8E MICHIGAN DAILY PACE TInELI DAIL OFFICI BULLET Y IAL TIN (Continued from Page 2) Activities: The eligibility require- ments must be met by students par- ticipating in such activities as are listed below. The list is not exhaust- ive but is intended to indicate the kinds of extracurricular activities for participation in which eligibility is necessary. a) Participation in public perform- ances which are sponsored by stu- dent organizations and which re- quire group rehearsals. Examples: Union Opera, Junior Girls' Play; productions of the Gilbert and Sullivan Society, Student Players and Inter-Arts Union; perform- anceS of Arts Chorale and the Glee Club. b) Participation in public perform- ances which are sponsored by academic courses and which re- quire group rehearsals, for those participants who are not enrolled in the sponsoring course for cred- it. Examples: Ensemble 45, 45 (Or- chestra), Ensemble 47, 48 (Bands), Ensemble 49, 50 (Choir), Vice 11, 12, 155, 156 (Opera Workshop). c) Staff members of student publi- cations. Examples: Daily, Gar- goyle, Michiganensian, Technic, Generation. d) Officers and ch'airmen of stand- ing committees in student organi- zations, including house groups. This includes positions in house groups such as social, athletite rushing, personnel, pledge train- ing and publication chairmen, house managers and stewards. e) Class officers or candidates for such office. f) Members and candidates for mem- bership in student government groups. Examples: Student Gov- ernment Council, Judiciary Coun- cils, Interfraternity Council, Pan- Hellenic Board, Assembly Board, Interhouse Council, Inter-Coop- erative Council, League and Un- ion student government groups, Music School Assembly, Business Administration Council. g) Committee members for major campus projects and dances, Ex- amples: Michigras, Winter Carni- val, League committees, Frosh Weekend, Sophomore Cabaret, As- sembly Bali, Intrafraternity Coun- cil Ball, Homecoming Dance, Sen- ior Ball, J-Hop. h) Representatives to off campus ac- tivities. i ) Representatives on student-facul- ty committees. Special Permission: Special permis- Sion to prticipate in extracurricular activities in exception to the regula- tions may begranted in extraordinary eases by the offices of the Dean of Women and of the Dean of Men. Denial of Permission: The Dean of Women or the Dean of Men may, in extraordinary cases, deny permission to participate in an activity or acti- vitie. Participation Lists: Managers and chairmen of student activities and projects are required to submit to the Office of Student Affairs an alphabeti- "sal list of all students participating in activities under their leadereship, in- dicating positions held. For activities Which are organized at the beginning of the semester, lists must be filed not later than the end of the third week classes, For activities organized during the semester, participation lists must be filed within forty-eight hours Trfter the activity 1s organized. UNIVERSITY REGULATIONS CON- CERNING STUDENT AFFAIRS, CON- DUCT AND DISCIPLINE. Enrollment in the University carries With it obligations in regard to con- duct, not only inside but also outside the classroom and students are ex- pected to conduct themselves in such a manner as to be a credit both to themselves and to the University. They are amenable to the laws governing the community as well as to the rules and orders of the University and Uni- versity officials and they are expected to observe the standards of conduct approved by the University. Whenever a student, group of stu- dents, society, fraternity, or other stu- dent organization fails to nbserve eith- er the general standards of conduct as Io-,' e- by the proper University auth- orities, or conducts himself or itself in such a manner as to make it apparent that he or it is not a desirable mem- her or part of the University, he or it shall be liable to disciplinary action by the proper University authorities. (Regents' Bylaws, Sec. 8.03.) Specific. rules of conduct which must be ob- served are: Women Guests in Men's Residences: The presence of women guests in men's residences, except for exchange and guest dinners or for social events or during calling hours approved by the Office of Student Affairs, is not per- mitted. This regulation does not ap- ply to mothers of residents. (Commit- tee on Student Conduct, January 28, 1947.) Calling Hours for Women in Men's Residences: Women guests are per- mitted in men's residences only dur- ing approved social events, exchange or guest dinners, or during calling hours which shall conform to the following regulations: 1. Women may call at University Men's Residence Halls daily between 3 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. This privilege is granted because of the presence of the Associate Adviser. 2. Women may call at fraternities hav- ing approved resident house directors on Fri., from 8 p.m. to 12 p.m., on Sat., from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. and from 8 p.m. to 12 p.m.; and on Sun. from 1 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. It is expected that the resident house director will be present during these hours. This privilege applies only to casual calls and not to planned parties, which must be submitted for approval to the Office of Stuaent Affairs. (This privilege does not apply to a fra- 4 ternity operating as a rooming house.) 3. Women callers in men's residences will be restricted to the main floor of the residence. Calling Hours for Men in Women's Residences. Calling hours for men in women's residences begin at 1:00 p.m. Mon. thruogh Fri., and on Sat. and Sun. as decided by the individual houses. Guests must leave women's residences at 10:25 p.m. Mon. through Thurs.: 12:25 a.m. on Fri. and Sat.; and 10:55 p.m. on Sun. Intoxicating Beverages. The use or presence of intoxicating beverages in student quarters is not permitted. (Committee on Student Conduct, July 2, 1947.) See Appendix for Michigan Compiled Laws and Ordinances of the City of Ann Arbor. Concerted Absence: Concerted ab- sence from any appointed duty by anyI number of students together will be regarded as improper conduct, and those participating in such action shall be liable to discipline by the proper University authorities. (Regents' By- laws, Sec. 8.04.) Financial Obligations: Proper ob- servance of financial obligations is deemed an essential of good conduct and students who are guilty of laxness in this regard to a degree incompatible with the general standards of conduct as set forth in the Regents' Bylaws, Section 8.03, shall be liable to disci- plinary action by the proper University, authorities. Students shall pay all accounts due the University not later than the last day of classes of each semester or sum-' mer session. Any unpaid accounts at the close of business on the last day of classes shall be reported to the Cashier of the University and the fol- lowing action shall be taken: (1) all academic credits shall be withheld, (2) grades for the semester or summer session just completed shall not be released, (3) no transcript of credits shall be issued, and (4) students ow- ing such accounts shall not be allowed' to register in any subsequent semester or summer session until payment has been made. University authorities may. request the withdrawal of any student who through oversight has been al- lowed to register contrary to this regu- lation. (Regents' Bylaws, Sec. 8.06.) Amounts due for room and board in Residence Halls shall be deemed ac- counts due the University. (Regents' Bylaws, Sec. 29.10.). Whenever in the opinion of the Dean of Students a case warrants it. like action shall be taken in the case of nonpayment of rent properly charge- able for living accomodations for the semester in an approved rooming house. Student loans which fall due dur- ing any semester or summer session and which are not paid or renewed are subject to this regulation, but loans not yet due are not included. (Regents' Bylaws, Sec. 8.06.). Women's House Rules: General house rules which apply to undergraduate women students or to graduate women students who live in undergraduate houses may be found in House Rules and Organization published by the Wo- men's Judiciary Council and available at the Undergraduate Office of the Michigan League. Responsibility for Maintaining Stan- dards of Conduct. Student organiza- tions are expected to take all reason- able measures to promote among their members conduct consistent with good taste and to endeavor by all reasonable means to ensure conformity with the foregoing standards of conduct. University students or student or- ganizations are responsible for their guests' compliance with the standards of conduct. Any student-sponsored function at which conditions arise that are injuri- ous to the prestige of the University may be abolished. (Regents' Proceed- ings, May, 1923.). It is the joint responsibility of the chaperons and the president of the or- ganization sponsoring a social event to see that University regulations are observed, particularly those relating to conduct, presence of women guests, and use of intoxicants, (Committee on Stu- dent Affairs, November 13, 1946.). Penalties: Except as otherwise pro- vided, penalties Tor violation of Stan- dards of conduct may be in the form of expulsion, suspension, probation, with- drawal of special privileges, imposition of special duties, imposition of extra hours of required credit, reduction of hours of credit, or imposition of none- tary fines which shall be deemed debts owing the University, or in such other form as may be deemed proper in a particular case. Failure to comply with the disciplinary order of any disci- plinary authority shall result in sus- pension until compliance. (Regents'I Bylaws, Sec. 8.14.). the alumni association and to the na- tional executive secretary of the fra- ternity concerned, the president of the Interfraternity Council. The president of the Panhellenic Association shall be notified of penalties imposed on soror- ities. In such cases as the Subcommit- tee on Discipline determines, the Dean of Students shall publish in the "Daily Official Bulletin" appropriate notice of action taken by the subcommittee. Selective Service College Qualifica- tion Test will be given on campus " " " ~~a #' Vi'T.i JAL. 9 4 RAY COPPA says "You Cal be assured of excellent food andlscrice at the delightful Walnut R{owni." __. __ u _ .__....M._ _.._.. . _.. . __e__.___.__ _....__._.® _.._ ___ . _____....;. r Expulsion or Suspension: Attendance Thurs., April 18, 1957. Students may at the University of Michigan is a priv- apply for the applications between 8:00 ilege and not a right. In order to safe- a.m. and 12:00 noon, 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 guard its ideals of scholarship and p.m., Mon, through Fri., at Local Board character, the University reserves the No. 85, Room 212. 103 East Liberty, right, and the student concedes to the Ann Arbor. The deadline for securing University the right, to require the applications from Local Board No. 85 withdrawal of any student at any time is 5:00 p.m. Tues., March 5. 1957. for any reason deemed sufficient to it. To be eligible to take the Selective Social Probation for Student Organi- Service College Qualification Test, an zations: Social probation for frater- applicant, nities, sororities or other student or- (1) Must be a Selective Service regis- ganizations is defined as (1) the ces- trant who intends to request occupa- satio of all group social activities at tional deferment as a student; which both men and women are pres- (2) Must be satisfactorily pursuing ent and (2) the denial of permission a full-time college course of instruc- for any public performances by the tion, undergraduate' or graduate, lead- group or its representatives. Maximum ing to a degree; social probation requires in addition (3) Must not previously have taken the cessation of all social activities, the test. including rushing, pledging and ini- tiation activities.- Lectures Notice of Penalties: Written notice of all penalties imposed shall be sent Phi Sigma Lecture: Dr. James B. to the student., disciplined and to their Griffin, Prof. of Anthropology, will parents as well as to the deans and re- speak on "Archeological Research in cording officers of the schools and col- the American Tropics", Feb. 7, 8 p.m., leges in which the students are en- Rackham Amphitheater. Business rolled. meeting announced for 7:30. Notice of penalties against frater- nities or sororities shall be sent to the Research Seminar of the Mental president of the chapter and, in the Health Research Institute. Dr. Hudson case of fraternities, to the president of (Continued on Page 4) 'CRAY" EXCELLENT PARTY CATERING FACILITIES Phone NO 3-4241 HOTEL ALLEN EL 126 East Huron _... =J Subscribe to The Michigan Daily I _ _ . _ t e I Fr~ .1 Cashmere Sweaters /2Price Selected Group of Imported Lyle and Scott and Hogg of Hawick SHORT SLEEVE SLIPOVER LONG SLEEVE SLIPOVER CARDIGANS SIZES 36 TO 40 NOT EVERY SIZE IN EVERY COLOR NO EXCHANGES - NO RETURNS Collins STATE and LIBERTY You can buy most of your needs every day of the year at great discount at HESSENAUR'S. We are WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS for many Manufacturers. Why pay fac- tory list prices when you can buy many things at dealers' UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION presents BURTON HOLMES TRAVELOGUES . %T HOUSEWARES-LARGE AND SMALL APPLIANCES CAMERA SUPPLIES -LUGGAGE -LIGHTERS FE. 28 ROBERT MALLETT Narrates CRUISE TO RIO Seo Paulo - Glorious Cataracts of Iguassu-Jungles of the Amazon -Peru-The Inca Country-The High Andes-A Delightful Ren- dezvous in Lovely Rio de Janeiro. Filmed by Grant Wolfkill MARCH 14 ROBERT MALLETT Narrates TODAY'S JAPAN Modern Japan--Tokyo-;Kyoto Fujiyam-Quaint Japan--Excit- ing Festivals--Industries-Pearl Culture-Gorgeous Scenery-Jap- anese Gardens-Shrines, Castles, Palaces, Temples. Filmed by Grant Wolfkill PEN & PENCIL SETS-TOOLS-TOYS SPORTING GOODS-BICYCLES, ETC. Filmed On 4 Continents in Natural Color Motion Pictures FIVE THURSDAY. EVENINGS 8:30 P.M. MARCH 28 You Name It! We Probably Have ItI We handle most all Famous, Nationally Advertised Brand-name merchandise. Everything we sell is fully guaranteed by us We do not handleor'sell seconds! I Subscription Price -- $4.00 (Main Floor, Reserved Seats) THAYER SOULE Narrates SUNNY and DELIGHTFUL PORTUGAL Lisbon - The Countryside..- The i l . 1 11 . 0 ___.__,