I Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIvERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "When Opinions Are Free Trutb Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID TARR Reuther Lays Smokescreen In Lecture Here Tuesday' WALTER REUTHER was extremely vague in his speech here Tuesday. He spoke al- most exclusively in generalities, and only rare- ly had anything definite to say. On one of those rare occasions, however, he referred to the present inflation as "arti- ficially-rigged", explaining that industry was raising prices after wage hikes when there was no need to do so. He mentioned a steel com- pany raised prices three dollars per ton after granting wage hikes the equivalent of one dol- lar per ton. If Reuther has any real evidence that this sort of thing is going on, he is right in de- manding a Congressional investigation. The question is: does he have any evidence? Labor is under fire at the moment, and per- haps Reuther has decided the best defense is a good offense, and acted accordingly. Cer- tainly there has been little from other persons about management having undue responsibility for the present inflationary spiral. Reuther's charge appears to be a smoke screen to hide some of his own shady dealings -such as the notorious Kohler boycott in Wis- consin, where Reuther has attempted to liter- ally break a company which refused to agree to a union shop contract, and which stuck to its guns. ACTIVITIES such as this call for a congres- sional investigation at least as much as a nebulous charge of "artificially-rigged infla- tion". While there may be a need for an investi- gation of the causes of inflation, there is a far greater need, for the McClellan Commit- tee to turn its attention from the Teamsters to some of the other unions, and union leaders. Walter Reuther should be one of the first per- sons called, and he knows it. -JOHN WEICHER "Look, Lady-You Don't See Me Worrying" K. - a WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Stock Probe Involves Bridges By JACK ANDERSON To The Editor Letters to the Editor must be signed and limited to 300 words. The Daily reserves the right to edit or withhold any letter. Segregation-Our Consciences Owe IT HAS BEEN hard to understand for we who live above the Mason-Dixon line, why the Southerners, who take their religion seriously, can spurn the tenets of their Christian tradi- tion when treating the Negro. We often doubt how sincere this tradition is and how sensitive is the Southern conscience, in fact. When we Northern "moderates" argued for a cautious approach to integration, we held the South would do some soul-searching and see the light in time. This position was often labeled as visionary by the extremists, led by elements of the NAACP. We think it not. Events of late indicate the Southern conscience is looking itself in the mirror and is depressed by its ugliness. At Birmingham, Alabama, yesterday the Southern Presbyterian Church presented a 4,00-word indictment of all forms of racial segregation. It defended the interracial Koin- onia in Georgia, and warned churchgoers against joining the Ku Klux Klan and White Citizens' Councils. The pronouncement contained some "dos" as well as "don'ts". It called it "unthinkable" a Christian should "lift no voice of protest against those who appeal to prejudice and spread fear." Further, the document urged churchgoers to "work in their communities for an honest and durable adjustment" implementing the Su- preme Court's school integration edict. On integration within the churches, the pa- per took a roundabout route to prick the South- ern conscience: "Early in the history of the Christian church the doors of the church were opened to any person who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ." WITH one statement only in the document do we disagree, one which seems to be ask- ing for the reestablishment of theocracy in this country: "In this nation where Christian- ity and democracy are bywords . . " Well, we hope Roger Williams buried theocracy finally. However, the bulk of the Presbyterian message is gratifying. Too often, it seems, this country has gone to extremes to support the separation thesis of church and state. Too often, the churches have stood mute on what they called "political" issues. Too often, the churches have thought fallaciously that "political" issues had no moral and thus religious, implications. The business down in Birmingham is heartening in this respect. We hope organized religion in this country (and even the religious guilds on this campus) will be more outspoken in defining the moral issues arising out of political problems. We also think this approach has its limitations - that these groups stay out of Senate cloakrooms and refrain from partisan involvement. In our Judeo-Christian society, perhaps more than any other, it is most difficult for man to live with his own conscience. Within our psyche we are weighed with the responsibility to an eternal authority, and from that a re- sponsibility to our fellow men, and lastly, with a responsibility to an eternally valid, secular law (although the natural law school is on the wane). Sometimes, like yesterday in Birming- ham, it is fine we should be reminded of our responsibilities. -JAMES ELSMAN, Jr. Fishbait * * To the Editor: MANY STUDENTS and faculty members have noticed and commented on the Chrysler Cor- porpation advertisement displayed recently in the Mason Hall Fish- bowl. A Dodge V-8 engine and accompanying bulky advertisement paraphernalia are no doubt de- signed to attract unwary fish to this location, and once there, to1 sell them on the product. The dis- play points up the safety features of the Dodge "body frame" and its 300 h.p. engine. Aside from the incongruity of this bit of poor advertising, many of us find any form of advertising within a university a questionable, if not objectionable practice. We would like to know who hasI the power to transplant a V-8 flower from a Hamtramck green- house to Mason Hal. Have stu- dents, faculty, University adminis- tration personnel, Board of Re- gents or the State Legislature ask- ed or been asked by a private, money-making corporation to set up this "display"? The students and faculty most probably have not been in on such a deal. They have neither sufficient in- fluence to be consulted or power to initiate such matters. One could also assume that certain repre- sentatives in the Board of Regents and the State Legislature certainly would never allow such a thing to happen. It is sufficiently irksome that private enterprise should have to pay so much of the education bill of an American university and hold so much potential control. It is even more unfortunate that the University should appear pur- chased by private enterprise. -Richard E. LeBlond Instructor, Sociology Dept. -John C. Legget, Grad. -Tad Blalock -Myra Levin, '58 -And 10 others Tragedy . . To the Editor: IN ANSWER to David Newman's reference to the tragedy of a small audience at Richard III: I agree upon the existence of a trag- edy in Richard II, but specifically the tragedy of why an audience will not come to Fuch a perform- ance. There is at least one justifi- able basis explaining "why" Shakespeare is not worth $1.50. I cite Friday's performance to un- derstand why future audiences may be even smaller. It was raining and parking was inadequate, consequently, the audience just began to arrive by 7:45 p.m. The curtain, being somewhat prompt at Lydia Men- delssohn. went up soon after 8 p.m. Then began the true perform- ance, but not on the stage. Instead, late arrivers stole the scene by a grand parade down the isles. A permissive individual will tolerate a five minute period of settling down, but even the person who protests tolerance must have found a near 45-minute disturbance ex- tremely upsetting. Coupled with the inconsideration of being late, these same individuals proved their thoughtlessness by excessive talk- ing. It is too bad the price of $1.50 becomes exactly $1.50 more than it is worth paying when latecomers are granted permission to be seat- ed. It is also too bad that the price of this late seating is the inability of several hundred seat holders to hear the introduction and opening speeches. The tragedy lies in permitting latecomers the courtesy of being seated at the expense of the audi- (Ed. Note-while Drew Pear- son is on a newsgathering trip outside Washington, his associ- ate, Jack Anderson, writes the Merry-Go-Round.) ENATE PROBE of the Northeast Airlines stock scandal has un- covered tracks pointing to Sen. Styles Bridges office (R-N.H.), yet the chief investigator now follow- ing those tracks is Bridges' politi- cal appointee. He is able, amiable Don O'Don- nell of Manchester, N.H., who was brought to Washington by the man he is now supposed to be investi- gating. He has already let one key figure in the investigation, whose testimony might embarrass Brid- ges, take off for South America on the eve of the Senate hearings. O'Donnell's job is to find who leaked word prematurely last Aug- ust that the Civil Aeronautics Board had granted Northeast the profitable New York-Miami Route. The morning after the Secret CAB vote, insiders made a killing in Northeast stock. Among those who rushed out to buy stock before it jumped from $9.15 to $12.50 a share were three of Bridges' aides-Chester Wiggin, Tom Shannon and Dick Eddy. They made modest purchases through the Paine, Weber, Jackson and Curtis brokerage firm. BIGGER WINDFALLS went to two other Bridges henchmen, Lowell Mayberry of Boston and Milt Shapiro of Concord, N.H., who got a free ride on the stock market the same morning. Shapiro report- edly bought 500 shares early in the morning while the price was still rock bottom. How Bridges' office got the ad- vance tip hasn't been positively proved. It may be significant, how- ever, that another Bridges man was present when the CAB reached its secret decision. He is the CAB's chief investigator, Jimmy Anton, who formerly worked for Bridges on Capitol Hill. Though Anton's testimony is considered important, O'Donnell gave him permission to take a two-week junket to South America while the hearings are going on. Anton was. careful to get O'Don- nell's okay before leaving the coun- try. Sources close to the investigation charge that O'Donnell is trying to swing the spotlight away from Bridges and focus on others who may also have had inside infor- mation. For example, Larry Hen- derson represented a New England combine that was trying to buy millionaire Floyd Odlum's control- ling interest in Northeast. The morning of the stock market leak, Henderson made three long-dis- tance calls to New England. One who was called, Forrester Clark of Boston, bought stock. Robert Oliver, an attorney for Delta Airlines, also made several phone calls to Georgia. ,At least six Atlanta, Ga., speculators cash- ed in on Northeast stock, includ- ing Georgia's GOP boss, Robert Snodgrass. O'Donnell denied to this column that he was trying to protect any- one. It will be interesting to see, however, how deep he delves into Bridges' office. Note-Biggest benefactor from the CAB decision, of course, was Northeast's principal stockholder, Floyd Odlum. The CAB staff charged that he bought controlling interest in Northeast in order to milk the company. But the CAB ignored the charge, then added to Odlum's profits by awarding Northeast the lush New York- Miami run. Perhaps the CAB was influenced by the fact that Odlum, once a big Democratic contributor, switched his purse to the Repub- licans. * * * CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE has received terse word from the Mid- dle East that Israel may attack Egypt again this month. The Is- raelis are alarmed over the Egyp- tian military buld-up, particularly the arrival of 150 MIG-17 fight- ers with Russian pilots to fly them. Israeli leaders have about decided to hit again before they get hit, warn intelligence reports . - - Stern, aloof Adm. Arthur Radford, the Joint Qhiefs' chairman, is furi- ous at Secretary of State Dulles for not consulting with him on Middle East decisions. Radford used to drop over to the State Department often for private luncheon conferences with Dulles. But lately Dulles has been taking up Middle East moves directly with the President bypassing both the Defense Department and National Security Council .. . The Navy has confirmed to Congressmen this column's report that Soviet subs are lying off the Florida coast, spying on our guided-missile tests ... Ambassador to Nicaragua Tom Whelan, sometimes criticized for not using the striped-pants ap- proach has survived the diplo- matic shake-up. He persuaded Texas oil millionaire Clint Murchi- son to invest in Nicaragua (every- thing from an insecticide plant to a plush hotel). (Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) ence and the performers, both of whom are innocent of similar rude- ness. Unfortunately, the perform- ances suffer as a result of such un- responsive audiences. It is certainly questionable that actors' should expend effort to deliver exception- al performances when the audience is frustrated in appreciating their efforts. The entire are surrounding the doors can be considered blighted- blighted by an inconsiderate management which professes con- sideration for ticket holders . consideration to the man who comes late, not to the man who has arrived on time. -Ann Rothman, '58 -Tian Noonan,'57Ed Understandable .. . To the Editor: J WAS pleased to find that Mr. Einhorn realizes that if in the American public there are "few people . .. that appreciate ballet and a like number that under- stand it," the television networks should therefore serve a more palatable diet than the recent NBC dish, a dance version of Cinderella: namely, Jackie Gleason, Lucille Ball, $64,000,000 Answer, et. al. The logic of this position is bet- ter understood when the situation is analogized to other arts: if one does not understand music, listen- ing to it will not help; if one does not appreciate painting, being ex- posed to it will not change this. Similarly, since Trendex shows the American public's lack of appreci- ation for and understanding of ballet, let the networks stick to broadcasting pie-throwing and Iso- lation-boothing. That's under- standable. -Margaret Heizmann, '57 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulietin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michi- gan Daily assumes no editorial re- sponsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building, be- fore 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, MAY, 1957 VOL. LXVII, NO. 149 General Notices By Error, the School of Public Health was not specifically designated on the University Senate ballot as a unit from which a nominee might be elected. The candidate from that School i eligible for election. Members of the Michigan Marching Band who are not in the wolverine or Symphony Bands, and plan to march In the Lantern Night parade on May 14, with the Marching Band, are asked to report to Harris Hall to register with Mr. avender before Thurs., May 9. Attention all seniors: Order your caps and gowns for June graduation at Moe's Sport Shop on North University as soon as possible. All veterans who expect education and trafning allowance under Public Law 550 (Korea O.. Bill) must turn in- structor's signature form in to Dean's office by 5:00 p.m., Fri. May 3. To all Students who are Selective Service Registrants in the following schools: Architecture and Design, Busi- ness Administration, Education, Litera- ture, Science and the Arts. Music, Nat- ural Resources, Pharmacy, Public Health, Social Work. - Students who need their class standings certified on the SSS Form 109 for their academic year ending 15 June 1957, should sub- mit 3 completed copies of the Form 109 to WINDOW "A", 1513 Administra- tion Building by May 15, 1957. Copies of the SSS Form 109 and the Instruction Sheets for completion may be secured from WINDOW "A" in the Administration Building. Failure to submit for 109 before leaving the cam- pus will delay the process of forward- ing the class standings to the Local Boards. The following student sponsored so- cial events are approved for the com- ing weekend - May 3 - Alice Lloyd, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Alpha Sigma Phi, rhi Psi, Chi Psi, Delta Theta Phi, Ev- ans Scholars, Gamma Phi Beta, Huber House, Kappa Alpha Psi, Kappa Sigma, Moslem Students Association, Phi Del- ta Phi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa Tau, Phi Sigma Delta, Psi Omega, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Tau Delta Phi, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Triangle - May 4 - Alpha Epsilon Phi, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Delta Gamma, Delta Phi Epsilon, Delta Sigma Delta, Delta Sigma Phi, Delta Theta Phi, Hawaii Club, Hinsdale House, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Delta Phi, Scott House, Theta Chi. - May 5 -- Delta Theta Phi, Phi Delta Phi, Trigon, Strauss House. Lectures ; Werner E. Bachmann Memorial Lee. ture. Prof. William S. Johnson, Depart- ment of Chemistry, University of Wis- consin, will give the Werner E. Bach- mann Memorial Lecture at 4:15 p.m. Thurs., May 2, in Room 1400, Chemis- try Building on "Recent Advances in Steroid Synthesis". Research Seminar of Mental Health Research Institute. Robert McArthur, Yale University, will speak on "Some Models of Animal Community Struc- ture," May 2, 1:15-3:15 p.m., Children's Psychiatric Hospital, Conference Room. Potst,ntism Looks-at-Ruth kr,. I1 I 4 I Arab Unity Showing Cracks WASHINGTON'S hopes of reducing the pres- tige of General Gamal Abdel Nasser in the Middle East seem to have risen considerably in the last few days. This is due to the appar- ent weakening of the alliance between the five major Arab powers, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Egypt and Syria. Despite assertions by Jordanian Foreign Minister Samir Rafai that "the present state of relations between Jordan and Egypt will continue to be as before," reported actions by King Hussein give different indications. Diplo- matic sources report the Jordan ruler has re- fused the invitation of Egyptian and Syrian rulers to meet and talk over "their disagree- ments. Though it is difficult at this moment to fore- tell the inevitable consequences of this tem- porary refusal to communicate, current hap- penings in the Eastern Mediterranean area have shown an increase in the dissimilarity of interests among the Arab nations. While Egypt and Syria still adhere to a program of anti- western "neutralism," Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq are moving closer to the power orbit of the United States. A probable beneficiary of all this squabbling is Israel. Virtually friendless and without al- lies, the Jewish state may be able to gain a brief respite while the Arab leaders bicker among themselves. AS IT IS, the shaky Arab front is held to- gether greatly by common enmity of Israel. If the situation were to arise in which there would be some reconciliataion of the disagree- ments between the Arab states and Israel, we might see the collapse of Moslem unity. Then a new series of conflicts might arise between the various Arab nations and sub- blocs, somewhat reminiscent of the power dis- putes of the pre-World War I Balkans. Ordinarily, feuding of this nature between despots might be of little concern to the rest of the world. But at the present time, when all current events are so highly interrelated, po- litical unrest in any area must always be our concern. Further examination of the Middle East crisis indicates unilateral actions, such as the newly-formulated Eisenhower Doctrine, do not necessarily provide an adequate answer to problems, present or future. More effective use should be made of the machinery of the United Nations, if it is to develop as a real "peace- saving" organizataion. United Nations decrees and threats of sanc- tions should not be limited to those situations, such as the Sinai action of last fall, which lend themselves to swift and apparently swift solu- tion. -SOL PLAFKIN *I GERMANY CONTROVERSY BLAZES: Soviet Threat to Germany Well Timed +i INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Red China S.O.S. By The Associated Press THE SOVIET Union's new threat to West Germany of atomic devastation appears carefully timed to poison the atmosphere of this week's conference of the NATO foreign ministers in Bonn. With this move Moscow has in- sured that the blazing controversy among the Germans over atomic armament will be at a fever pitch during the conference In this atmosphere, the minis- ters meet here today through Sat- urday for crucial decisions on the future of the Atlantic Alliance, in- cluding the question of arming the German Bundeswehr army with atomic weapons. Even before the Soviet warning that Germany could be turned into "one big cemetery" through nu- clear retaliation, Chancellor Kon- rad Adenauer had been driven into a tight political corner over the atomic issue, * * * THE NATION'S leading nuclear scientists, the powerful trade un- should not be underestimated. Adenauer's reaction to the Soviet threat, like his earlier response to the German scientists' warning, showed his concern. His govern- ment issued an angry blast at the Soviet note even before the note itself was released for publication. For both Adenauer and the At- lantic Alliance, the ban-the-A- bomb campaign in Germany poses grave problems. The 81-year-old Chancellor faces a hard election battle in Septem- ger. Adenauer, who had expected the nation's prosperity to clinch his re-election to a third time, is clearly on the defensive of the atomic issue. THE APPEAL of German nu- clear scientists, including four Nobel, prize winners, for West Ger- many to renounce possession of atomic weapons had a profound impact on the public. Scientists are revered by the Germans and what they say is accepted as the ulti- mate truth. mass destruction. There are more than 25 million members of Dibe- lius' church in West Germany. Opposition parties, scenting a good political issue, have main- tained a heavy drumfire of attacks By WILLIAM L. RYAN Associated Press Foreign News Analyst COMMUNIST China has sent out an econom- ic distress signal which may oblige the So- viet Union to respond with a dramatic gesture of help. The China situation could dictate a new all- out peace offensive designed to let the dust settle until the Russians and Chinesse arrive at a satisfactory solution. This would call for a strategic temporary re- treat on the more dangerous of the world's po- sumer items in return for equipment they must have for their program. Much of the consu- mer goods export goes to the U.S.S.R. The distress signal went out Tuesday. Pei- ping admitted over-investment in heavy in- dustry production brought economic compli- cations. It raised food and consumer goods prices to stem an inflationary spiral, fired its commerce minister and replaced him with a tougher man. ONLY a few weeks ago the Russians and Chi- nPno~ rrnnA ihe RI7C7Ar , ,mil, 1 AnV~r n- on the plan to make Germany an atomic power. To the leaders, it would be sheer suicide to attempt to fight off a Soviet attack with- out atomic weapons so long as the Russians possess them. LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick Bibier .. .- iA 4k i