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May 01, 1957 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1957-05-01

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WEDNESDAY. MAY 1, 1957 t


T ~FT )AY. UMAY fLLL~i1 1 A

Summer School Offers New Courses

Visiting instructors and a var-
iety of courses will be offered to
students attending the 1957 sum-
mer school.
Last minute arrangements with
visiting experts and final plans for
new courses are being made by the
various departments of the Liter-
ary College.
The theme of this years summer
school will be "Asian culture and
the Modern American." Visiting
lecturers, Japanese art exhibit and
films on Asia will be available to
carry out this theme.
Asian Studies Workshop
In accordance with this theme,
a new project, "workshop in Asian
Studies," will be undertaken with
the combined effort of the School
of Education, and the departments
of anthropology, history, Far East-
ern languages and literatures and
political science.
The co-directors are Robert I.
Crane, department of history, and
Ronald S. Anderson, School of
"This entirely new course is de-
signed to give background on Asia
to high school and college teach-
ers," Prof. Crane emphasized, "so
they will have at least an introduc-
tion into Asian situations and cur-
rent trends in Asia."
The understanding of contem-
porary cultures in Asia will be
emphasized and the course will
supply the teacher with practical,
current information which can be
integrated into courses at the se-
condary level.
Departmental Lectures
Each department will present a
series of lectures in its field.
In addition to regular courses,
anthropology dept. is instituting
for the first time a course in the
"Middle East Today." This will

-Daily-Irv Henrickson
SUMMER SESSION-Students pick up summer school catalogues
at the Administration Building for the 1957 session. Visiting
instructors and new or varied courses are being offered by the
various departments for the coming summer session.

tion" will also be given for the
first and last time this summer
under the direction of Donald
Holzman, professor of Chinese.
This will stress the relation be-
tween Chinese doctrine and Chin-
ese society.
Geology in Colorado
The Geology department will
again offer pre-professional stu-
dents a field course at Boulder,
Colorado. This will include field
instruction in geologic structure.
The Germanic Language depart-
ment is instituting a course in
teaching foreign languages in the
elementary school under the direc-
tion of Otto G. Graf, professor of
German. Prof. Graf will stress the
method for presenting a language
to the elementary grades, includ-
ing demonstrations, p r a c t i c e
teaching and class procedures.
The Department of Library
Science will present three work-
shops during the last two weeks
of the summer session. These will
include workshops on School
Library problems, indexing and a
library building workshop.
Philosophy Dept. Courses,
Prof. Campbell Crockett, Uni-
versity of Cincinnati, will instruct
"Introduction of Logic" this sum-
mer under the auspices of the
Philosophy department.
Two visiting instructors, Sig-
mund Neumann from Wesylen
Univeresity and Avery Leiserson
from Vanderbilt, will instruct
in the political science dept. dur-
ing the 1957 summer school. Prof.
Neumann will teach "Politics of
Totalitarianism and Democracy"
and Prof. Leiserson will have
"Scope and Method of Political
"Projcetive Methods in Social
and Cultural Research" will be
taught for the first time by the
psychology dept. Prof. George A.
DeVos will be in charge.
Summer Language Courses
The Romance Languages and
Literatures dept, will again insti-
tute French and Spanish Language
house this summer. Students living
there will speak only French or
Spanish to gain proficiency.
President of the Speech Associa-
tion of America, Loren Reid of the
University of Missouri, will in-
struct the "Philosophy of Speech
Education" in the speech depart-
ment for the summer session. This
course analyzes the nature of
speech as an activity of daily life
and as a field of study.

High School
Because of their disinterested,
"teach me if you can" attitude,
high school students are forcing
their teachers to turn to elemen-
tary schools for help, Prof. Stanley
E. Dimond of the University School
of Education said recently.
"High school teachers," he con-
tinued, "are even a little envious of
the teachers in the early grades."
This is because they hear them
speak of the love for learning and
the natural curiosity that small'
children have, the educator con-
So now they're investigating the,
teaching methods of the elemen-
tary school to find a few success
tips for teaching.
Elementary school teachers have
learned to use a variety of books
which focus on the same basic
topics Dimond said, and the sec-
ondary teachers are beginning to
realize the benefits in this.
"High school teachers are also
investigating the elementary
school's field trips, use of com-
munity speakers and preparation
of instructional books on local
industries and government," Di-
mond continued.
"Elementary school teachers ap-
pear to the high school teacher to
have solved the difficult problems
of short spans of attention, shift-
ing from ono type of activity to an-
other without undue loss of mo-
mentum teacher-pupil planning
and maintenance of a good class-
room atmosphere" concluded Di-
Gamson Receives
Grad Scholarship
William Gamson, Grad., has
been chosen as the first winner of
the Leon A. Cousens Graduate
Scholarship in Human Relations.
Receiving his M.A. in sociology
at the University last year, Gam-
son is currently in the doctoral
program here, and is a student
member of the staff of the Univer-
sity-Detroit Area Study.
The one-year Cousens Fund
grant amounts to $300 and was
established by friends of the late
Leon A. Cousens, a Detroit labor


Prof. Falk Discusses Morals

"There is no necessary reason
why one should defer to the moral
code all the time," Prof. David
Falk, guest of the philosophy de-
partment said yesterday.
"That is Inless one is a depen-
dent, minor, or seeking only
peace," he amended.
Discussing the question, "Why
be Moral?" Prof. Falk distinguish-
ed two viewpoints toward why one
should follow society's accepted
moral code.
Immature Smiles
The immature mind believes the
sanctions of society.-"Those in-
sidious smiles or frowns which
promise to bestow or withdraw
love"-decide whether one shall be
moral. This viewpoint called im-
mature by Prof. Falk, takes no
account of one's own will, but only
considers what "everyone says."
However, he said, "the mature
mind seeks justification for fol-
lowing the moral code purely in
the merits of the case." Disre-
garding all external pressures, one
decides what he ought to do in his
best interests.
Substituting for Prof. William
Frankena of the philosophy de-
partment, Prof. Falk is a "reader"
equivalent to the University's pro-
fessor, at the University of Mel-
bourne, Australia.
Discusses Lying
Considering the merits of lying
as an illustration, Prof. Falk said,
"lying can cause embarrassment
and may destroy communications."
This is the ultimate reason why
one ought not to lie, according to
Prof. Falk. Although lying is back-
ed by sanctions, this does not make
it more or less right.
Prof. Falk, however, did con-
sider the outer moral code as a
Women's Club
Plans Lecture
Mrs. R. I. C. Prout, president of
the General Federation of Wom-
en's Clubs, will speak on "Know-
ledge Is Power" at the 25th anni-
versary banquet of the Adult Edu-
cation Institute at the University
Wednesday, May 8.
Mrs., Prout was president of the
Michigan Federation of Women's
Clubs in 1932 when arrangements
were first completed for the insti-
tute to be held with the Univer-
sity's Extension Service.


-Daly-Irv Henrieson
PROF. DAVID FALK-Visiting philosophy professor from the
University of Melbourne, Australia, discusses morality from a
rational viewpoint.


stress resources and economic de-
For the second year the Astro-
nomy department will offer the
course, "Modern Astronomy for
Teachers," especially for high
school teachers. Discussions on
recent advances in astronomy will
be the primary purpose of this

Potential Teachers Show Lack
Of Educational Preparedness

"Oral Methods in the Teaching
of Latin" will be offered by the
Classical Studies department for
its third summer session. A course
of this type is not currently being
offered at any other institution. A
visiting instructor, William E.
Willis of the University of Missis-
sippi, will stress Cicero's letters
a n d Homer in "Intermediate
Economic Thought
Hans Brems, Economics profes-
sor from the University of Illinois,'
will instruct "History of Economic
Thought" and stress the theories
of old econimists during this
summer session.
Department of Far Eastern Lan-
guages and Literatures will offer'
"Modern Japanese Literature" and
"M o d e r n Japanese Ways of
Thought" instructed by Prof. Bow-
nas. Prof. Bownas, an instructor
at Oxford University, taught Ja-
panese to servicemen during the
war and has been to the Far Eastj
several times. "Chinese Civiliza-

pointer toward what is rationally
sound. "It is a primie facie case
for not committing the act until
one has time to investigate indi-
vidually," he explained.
"The idea that it is required by
the case is simply that it is re-
quired by one's response to the
case," he said.
Makes Distinctions
Prof. Falk further distinguished
between the question why be mor-
al, and why lie or cheat or be
In the latter case, he explained,
one is only voicing doubts as to
whether a particular act is right
or wrong. In asking why be moral,
one is no longer unsure what is
right or wrong, but only if one
still wants to do it.
Prof. Falk later emphasized
that this is not a problem of find-
ing moral reasons, but of not evad-
ing reasons known in oneself. On"
the mature level this question of
why be moral may break out in a
changed form, why give up im-
mediate gratification for rational
reasons, he warned.
Falk believed that this was an
unanswerable question

He explained the futility of
practicing evasiveness toward mor-
al issues had been studies by
Spinoza and other prominent phil-
osophers. "But after all what is
the use of giving reasons to take
to heart reasons to take to heart
reasons?" he questioned.
"This is only part of the great
scholastic fallacy of philosophy
that talking is doing," he eon-
Two Students
Win Awards
Gerard Carvalho, '59E, and Jef-
frey Moore, '58E, have been award-
ed scholarships in aeronautical
engineering totaling $1000, accord-
ing to a recent announcement by
the New York Community Trust.
Carvalho, of North Dighton,
Mass., and Moore, of Detroit, will
receive grants from the Richard
L. Perry Memorial fund established
by the late Edith H. deLong in
memory of her grandson, a young
aviator killed in a plane crash in



A recent report on general edu-
cation in Michigan revealed a lack
of preparedness for prospective
teachers in the state.
Published by the Michigan De-
partment of Public Instruction, the
report stated that potential teach-
ers received today by the public
school system are inadequately
prepared for the critical responsi-
bilities which they must face.
Diary Recalls
Civil War Era
Recollections of civil war parti-
cipation are contained in the diary
of Henry Mortimer Hempstead of
Marshall, Michigan which is now
in the University Historical Collec-
The Civil War veteran relates
his train ride home to Jackson, a
short visit of the prison located
there, and then an assembly of
officers to present a gift to Col.
Thomas W. Johnston.
One of the parts is an entry en-
titled "A Citizen Again."
There Hempstead reflects on his
part in the war as a volunteer
soldier and closes the passage by
saying, "Four of the best years of
my life spent in the service of the
best government on earth, and
although my health may have suf-
fered, I have no regrets, only re-
joice that I volunteered, and look
upon it as four years of life which
I shall never look back upon with
shame or regret, and I hope my
posterity never will."
Davage To Speak
On Discrimination
"The Helpful and Harmful Ef-
fects of Racial Discrimination"
will be discussed in a speech given
by Dr. Robert Davage of the psy-
cpology department.
The talk, sponsored by the Cul-
ture Club, is scheduled for tomor-
row at 8 p.m., in the third floor
conference room of the Union.

According to the report institu-
tional programs need careful re-
examination and experimentation
in changes in organization, con-
tent, and method if the state is to
progress in meeting both the gen-
eral and professional needs of
prospective teachers.
A line must not be drawn be-
tween general education and pro-
fessional education. They both are
integral parts of teacher educa-
tion, the report read.
Prof. Karl Litzenberg, editor of
the report says, "Our aims have
been to argue for a balance be-
tween general education and to
emphasize the fact that the gen-
eral education movement is a
going concern and can' not be
ignored by anyone who pretends
to be in tune with the times edu-
TU' Professor
Says Povert
Will Disappear
Prof. Wilbur Cohen predicted
that the poor class would disappear
in the next ten years.
Prof. Cohen, currently a visiting
professor at UCLA's School of So-
cial Welfare, said during an inter-
view in Los Angeles yesterday that
poverty in the United States will
be abolished within the next de-
He added, however, that it will
take an organized program relying
heavily on universities to do the
research and turn out trained per-
sonnel to help end the poverty






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