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May 01, 1957 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1957-05-01

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Sixty-Seventh Year

"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Preva".

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Stale Industries Can Have
Their Cake If They Help Bake It

Wel, Last December We Had The Christmas Spirit"
A f
Co M
~C -

ExCellent Group
Of M usicians'
LAST EVENING, four men assembled beneath a floor lamp at the
front of Rackham lecture hall to play for a reasonably large and
appreciative audience.
This was the Stanley Quartet, an excellent group of musicians
who play several free concerts each year which have fairly well encom-
compassed the domain of string quartet literature.
First on the program was Haydn's G' minor quartet. ILyric and

, i

GENERAL MOTORS' recent statement that
new plants will be built in other states be-
cause of Michigan's high taxes carries threats
that reach far beyond the Legislative cham-
bers in Lansing.
In announcing "the level of business taxa-
tion in Michigan already has led us to locate
in other states," GM President Harlow H.
Curtice undoubtedly took note of proposals in
the State Legislature to enact a tax on corpor-
ation profits.
Such a bill passed the House a few years ago
and experienced correspondents in Lansing say
it's likely it would pass again now.
Indications from GM and now many other
manufacturers that taxes may force them out
of the state could not have been better calcu-
latedto stiffen legislators who may be weaken-
ing to demands of more money from various
groups, including state supported colleges and
I THE legislators are to increase their ap-
propriations to the groups clamoring for
more funds, additional sources of state in-
come are needed. And the manufacturers are
quite right in thinking it may have to come
from them.
Being in business to make money, their,
search for the best over all conditions knows
no state boundaries. Numerous factors influ-
ence plant location, including transportation,
material and labor supply, and proximity of
the market. The one being emphasized now is
tax environment, which the companies claim
will have "an even greater influence in our de-
cisions should the corporate tax plan be
The threat of jobs moving out of the state

is enough to make even the most idealistic
legislator think twice before voting for taxes.
It will influence his thinking on increasing
appropriations should he be unable to find a
safe means of obtaining money and should
he be unable to discover a safe and sufficient
source of additional revenue.
So once again, the clamorings of mental
health groups, and supporters of education will
undoubtedly receive the shrug and empty palm.
Yet it's ironical those manufacturers who
seem most worried about money, express the
loudest fears about people.
IT IS THESE groups who are the first to feel
the shortage of engineers and graduates in
the physical sciences. It is they who flood the
campus with recruiters. To be sure, a recogni-
tion of their needs has been expressed in re-
cent gifts to both the University and Michigan
State University. Accompanying this has been
the support of numerous research. projects
and the granting of needed scholarships by a
variety of companies.
Yet, the shortage of trained graduates still
exists and the gap between supply and demand
continues to grow. One cannot logically ex-
pect it to decrease if colleges are forced to cur-
tail their expansion due to lack of funds.
Manufacturers need engineers and they want
favorable tax rates. It would be nice if the two
were compatible, but being practical, perhaps
it's a time for an awakening by the companies
that they must invest ingredients into their
It's time the corporations realize their hun-
ger for trained college graduates can be sat-
isfied only with a corporation profits tax whose
receipts are earmarked for higher education.

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Reds Propagandize Panama

Continued: Our Nation Needs
More Engineers, Scientists Too

AT LEAST once a month, someone in this
country notes with horror that Russian
universities are graduating almost twice as
many scientists and engineers as United States
There are three possible reasons why this
is so. First, Russian educational facilities are
superior to those in America; second, there
are more potentially capable scientists and
engineers in Russia than in the United States;
or third, Russian youths have more desire to
become scientists than American young people.
Undeniably, the quality of Russian techni-
cal education is superior to the training an
American engineer or scientist receives. In
the first place the basic degree in Russia re-
quires five and a half years of study rather
than the four, or in some cases four and a half
year minimum in the United States. Prof.
-Henry Gomberg of the engineering school, said
after a trip to Russia the Russian universities
have very high standards. He added the
amount of material covered by Russian stu-
dents is "enormous" compared to that in the
United States.
With the Soviet government subsidizing the
universities, no scientific school is ever lacking
material in the way of laboratory equipment
or texts. Coupled with Russia's preoccupation
for scientific education, it is no wonder Rus-
sian technical education is superior to Ameri-
WITH RUSSIA'S greater population, there
should be a greater number of potential
scientists in Russia, but percentage wise there
should be no difference. Nevertheless, a greater
proportion of the Russian students pursue sci-
entific studies.
It is unlikely the average Russian has more
aptitude for science than any other nationality.
There must, then be another reason for the
numbers of students who seek to follow a sci-
entific course of study in Russia.
The answer is again supplied by Prof. Gom-
berg, "The Russian scientists constitute the
nearest thing to an aristocracy or privileged
group in the country. A Soviet scientist wants
nothing. If he needs a car he gets one; if he
wants equipment, he gets what he asks for
and more,. A scientist even in a university, re-
ceives higher wages than any other worker in
the nation.
]PHIS GIVES the Russian student tremendous
incentive to become a scientist or engineer.
He does not need to worry about whether he
can afford to go to school as the government
will pay for all but his clothes. All he is re-
quired to do is to get higher grades on aptitude
tests and competitive tests than his fellows,
and he Is assured of being able to gain admis-
sion to a university or technical school.
The success of the Russian government in
turning out scientists is the direct result of

two factors - making it possible for all their
students with sufficient latent ability to be-
come scientists, and making the position of the
scientist so 'desirable that many students will
wish to enter the field.
If the United States government is really
concerned about the shortage of engineers and
scientists, they could well take a lesson from
Russia. American industry has already created
the demand for scientists and, momentarily
has made the scientific pursuit highly desir-
able. It remains yet to make it possible for all
qualified students to study the sciences.
First, mathematics in primary and secon-
dary education must become something beyond
just arithmetic. It is an established fact that
all too often mathematics in preparatory
schools is taught in a very dull, uninteresting
manner by teachers who have little or no real
interest in the subject.
SECOND, high school sciences need a basic
face-lifting in much the same manner as
mathematics. This is not to imply pupils should
be taught science is "more fun than a barrel of
monkeys." Not everyone enjoys science but at
least it should not be taught with a negativ-
istic attitude.
Third, some public program of scholarship
aid should be begun so the decision on whether
or not to go into a scientific career need not be
dictated by economic factors.
All this will entail what amounts to a basic
change in the basic philosophy of American
education. To begin a program such as the
above would first involve making the teaching
profession more desirable. It is impossible to
obtain a good education from second-rate
teachers and instructors.
The responsibility for this change lies di-
rectly on the local and national governments
of the United States. Citizens have already
indicated their desire for an improvement in
public education by their support of confer-
ences on education.
It would be naive to assume these improve-
ments will come quickly and cheaply. A pro-
gram of this depth covers a huge area, and
will take years to complete. Each day of pro-
crastination and delay, however, means one
more day America will be without sufficient
engineers and scientists to fill her needs.
Spring -She's Here,
Paraphernalia and All
W ELL, she's finally come. The entire campus
has been preparing for her visit for weeks,
but as usual she was late. But, now that she's
here, students and faculty are celebrating her
arrival by holding commemorative meetings on
Angell Hall's lawns.
Parties and picnics are being held in her
honor in the University Arboretum with ber-
mudas the official attire for the occasion. Ice
cream cones and popsicles, formerly food of
the very young, has become the vogue now
that she's here.
CLnx nc h n rl. n niv - 1 h a t -- r.-

CIA Director Allen Dulles has
warned that the Russians have
launched a big propaganda cam-
paign to convince Panama to fol-
low Egypt's Suez lead and seize the
Panama Canal. Allen, able younger
brother of the Secretary of State.
believes this may produce a big
crisis right in your own wide-yard.
Unlike the Suez Canal, the Pan-
ama Canal runs through territory
the United States Government
bought and paid for many years
ago. But this doesn't faze the Rus-
sians. They are telling the Pana-
inanians they have a right to
revoke the sale, and could then get
rich on canal tolls.
* * *
Shek has sent a frantic message
to President Eisenhower, pleading
that he not allow American re-
porters to visit Red China.
The cable followed on the heels
of Dulles's revelation that he is
ready to lift the travel ban which
has been keeping newsmen away.
Chiang warned that visits by
reporters would be disastrous to
his prestige in the Far East.
Chances are the White House
will ignore his protests.
* * *
IT WILL NEVER be admitted,
but a British plot to kill Dictator
Nasser has been quietly reversed.
British operatives in Egypt are
now under orders, ironically, to
keep Nasser alive at all costs.
Reason is that the British now
believe Nasser's likely successor
would be more dangerous than the
wily dictator himself. Nasser has
surrounded himself with so many
Communist sympathizers that the
Reds would probably take over
Egypt completely in case of his
United States agents were aware

of the original British assassina-
tion plot-which may seem like a
drastic solution to the Egyptian
problem, but it's the way politics
are played in the intrigue-ridden
Middle East. United States agents
also report that the British chang-
ed signals after concluding the
assassination strategy would boom-
They figured the Reds would
make a martyr of Nasser, using his
death to stir up Arab emotions and
take over the government. Nasser's
probable successor would be Lt.
Col. Zakaria Mohi El-Din, now
Minister of Interior, who controls
the Secret Police. A solutely ruth-
less, he is considered a Moscow
Next most powerful person in
the Egyptian government is Minis-
ter of Education Kamel Ad-Din
Husein, another follower of the
Moscow line, who also commands
the so-called "National Liberation
Army." As an example of his brand
of "education," he recently called
on Egyptian students to hate the
Western "enemy."
"Smash him, kill him, extermi-
nate him" cried Husein. "Every
compatriot, every youth, every old
man must remember that the first
factor for destroying our enemy is
to hate him, to hold him in con-
tempt, and to fill our hearts with
rage and hatred against him."
It is significant that the Com-
munist technique for infiltrating a
country is to gain control first, of
the Secret Police, then the educa-
tional system.
THE BACKSTAGE story that
has been intriguing Washington
society, for weeks now seems on the
way to settlement. It's the alimony
dispute between Ike's former Naval
Aide, Capt. Harry Butcher, and his
former wife, which was schedule.

to involve Mrs. Eisenhower as a
Captain Butcher, a popular fig-
ure around Washington for many
years, where he was the first repre-
sentative- of CBS, served as war-
time naval aide to the now Presi-
dent of the United States. While
their husbands were abroad, Mrs.
Eisenhower and Mrs.nButcher
shared the same apartment at the
Wardman Park Hotel.
After the war, Butcher wrote
the best-selling book, "My Three
Years with Eisenhower." And hav-
ing been separated from his wife,
divorced her in the spring of 1946,
married Mary Margaret Ford, May
7, 1946.
By a property settlement made
March 20, 1946, Harry was to pay
his first wife $1,500 a month for
life or until remarriage. She now
claims, in a suit for alimony filed
in the United States District Court
in the District of Columbia, that
this was reduced by verbal agree-
ment in September, 1951 to $750
a month on condition that pay-
ments be made regularly on the
first of the month.
* * *
HOWEVER, Mrs. Butcher now
alleges that payments lagged be-
hind. She asks that the old agree-
ment be reinstated, and claims
back payments of $41,850-$4,050
for 1953, and $37,800 for 1953-56,
during which only $600 a month
was paid.
Mrs. Butcher has continued to
be a good friend of Mrs. Eisen-
hower and is a frequent caller at
the White House. Butcher's attor-
neys were reported planning to call
Mamie as a witness to show that
his former wife had lived on less
than $750 a month when they
were married and that he was sup-
porting her in better circumstances
now than then.
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

dramatic qualities of this work were
heard before. Certainly this was
an exceptionally fine performance
of one of Haydn's masterpieces in
this form, and criticism does not
easily come to mind.
The Quartet No. 1 of Karel
Husa, second of the program, is a
complex, difficult affair; not easy
to classify on first hearing. Husa,
we are told, is a Czech composer
now teaching somewhere in the
United States.
He writes occasionally melodic,
rhythmic music, somewhat in the
Bartok manner, with many curious
and unusual effects. Husa's quar-
tet was performed with amazing
vigor and precision.
Quintet in B minor, was played
with the assistance of William
StubbinE. clarinet. This is perhaps
Brahms' finest chamber composi-
tion, and its popularity ,among
chamber music lovers is impres-
It seems that every time we hear
this quintet, some one of its many
themes reminds us of another of
Brahms' compositions. Last night,
for instance, a theme from the
first movement, repeated again at
the end, seemed to come right out
of the first piano concerto.
The pereformance of this quin-
tet was less satisfactory than one
might have hoped. One distinctly
noticed a departure from the ex-
cellent string tone which had pre-
vailed for the first half of the pro-
gram, and the Adagio was not
quite so well organized as were
other movements.
However, before the romantics
protest too loudly, we must con-
fess having considerably more
attraction toward early nineteenth
century quartets (like Haydn's)
and early twentieth century quar-
tets (like Husa's), than for the.
music written in-between.
--David Kessel
There will be a meeting of all
Daily reviewers at 9 p.m. to-
night in the Student Publica-
tions Building. Any students in-
terested in joining Te Daily
Review Staff are invited to at-
New Tone
THOUGH the dominant theme in
Russian diplomacy lately has
been harshness, there are signs of
a new tone in the Soviet attitude,
reflected in statements such as
Party leader Khrushchev to an
Albanian delegation: "The Hun-
garian situation was a rather sharp
affair, sharp like Hungarian pap-
ricka. And added to this Hun-
garian pepper was Egypt. But
things are now settlihg down."
Khrushchev to United States
Ambassador Charles E. Bohlen,
about to leave for reassignment to
the Philippines: "We understand
you and you understand us. We
hate to see you go . .. We have
hope for something concrete which
will help establish good relations
(between our countries) ."
Premier Nikolai Bulganin to the
Supreme Soviet: "Now that the
intervention in Egypt has ended
and after the liquidation of the
counter-revolution in Hungary,
there again appears a possibility
for relaxation of international ten-
-The New York Times


developed which we have seldom


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michi-
gan Daily assumes no editorial re-
sponsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
3553 Administration Building, be-
fore 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold
open house for students at their hoe
Wed., May 1, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
By Error, the School of Public Health
was not specifically designated on the
University Senate ballot as a unit from
which a nominee might be elected.
The candidate from that School is
eligible for election.
Want to be a Freshman Rendezvous
Counselor? Application blanks avail-
able now at Lane Hall, or at the Of-
fice of the Coordinator of Religious
Affairs, Student Activity Building.
Freshman Rendezvous, to be held Sept.
10-12, is sponsored by the Office of Re-
ligious Affairs with IFC, IHO, Assemb-
ly, Pan-Hellenic, Council of Student
Religious Organizations, and S0C co-
operating. Application deadline Mon.,
May 6.
Agenda, Student Government Council,
May 1, 1957, Council Room.
Minutes of previous meeting.
Officers' Reports: President: Interim
May 3, ROTC Units, Military Bal,
League (calendared)
May 4, Arab Club, movie "Id El-Fitr*
in celebration of Feast after Ramed-
ham - Holy Day, Rackham.
Exec .vice-President:
Treasurer. :
Conference on Religion.
Panhellenic Association-Rushing cal-
endaring 1957-58.
Committee reports:
Education and Social Welfare: Pros-
Student Activities Committee: Con-
temporary Literature Club, tabled
Appointments: Human Relations
Committee, Cinema Guild.
National and International.
Public. Relations.
Old Business.
New Business.
Members and constituents time.
Werner E. Bachmann Memorial Lee-
ture. Prof. William S. Johnson, Depart-
ment of Chemistry, University of Wis-
consin, will give the Werner E. Bach.
mann Memorial Lecture at 4:15 p.m.
Thurs., May 2, in Room 1400, Chemis-
try Building on "Recnt Advances in
Steroid Synthesis".
Members of the Michigan Marching
Band who are not in the Wolverine or
Symphony Bands, and plan to march
in the Lanterd Night parade on May
14, with the Marching Band, are asked
to report to Harris Hall to register
with Mr. avender before Thurs., May 9.
Veterans who expect to receive edu-
cation and training allowance under
Public Law 550 (Korea G.I. Bill) must
file in VA Form VB 7-1996a, MONTHLY
CERTIFICATION, in the Office of vet-
erans' Affairs, 555 Administration
Building, between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30
p.m. by Mon., May 6.
Research Seminar of Mental Health
Research Institute. Robert McArthur.
Yale University, will speak on "Some
Models of Animal Community Struc-
ture," May 2, 1:15-3:15 p.m., Children's
Psychiatric Hospital, Conference Room.
May Festival Concerts, May 2, 3, 4
and 5:
Thurs., May 2, 8:30 p.m. All-Beetho-
ven program; Philadelphia Orchestra;
Alexander Brailowsky, piano soloist;
Eugene Ormandy, Conductor.
Fri., May 3, 8:30 p.m., Verdi's "Aida"
in concert form. Philadelphia Orches-
tra; University Choral Union; Leontyne
Price, soprano; Martha Lipton, con-
tralto; Kurt Baum, tenor; Robert Mc-
Ferrin, baritone; Nicola Moscona, bass;
Thor Johnson, conductor.
Sat., May 4, 2:30 p.m. Soloist Jo-
seph Szigeti, violinist; Philadelphia Or-
chestra; William R. Smith, conductor.
Festival Youth Chorus, Geneva Nel-
son, conductor.
Sat., May 4, 8:30 p.m. Philadelphia
Orchestra; Robert Merrill, baritone,
soloist; Eugene Ormandy, conductor.
Sun., May 5, 2:30 p.m.Philadelphia
Orchestra; John Krell, piccolo; Gina
Bachauer, pianist; University Choral
Union in "Five Tudor Portraits"
(vaughan Williams), with Martha Lip-
ton, contralto, and Donald Gramm,
bass-baritone; Thor Johnson, conduc-
Sun., May 5, 8:30 p.m. Philadelphia
Orchestra; Rise Stevens, soloist; Eugene

Ormandy, conductor.
The ticket office will be open in Bur-
ton Tower through Wed., May 2; and
the Hill Auditorium box "office will be
open beginning Thurs., May 2, through
the Festival.
Student Recital: Judith Lee Arnold,
pianist, will perform compositions by
Beethoven, Britten and Schumann, at
8:30 this evening in Aud. A, Angell
Hall, in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Bachelor
of Music. Miss Arnold is a pupil of
Marian Owen, and her recital will be
open to the public.
Carillon Recital by Percival Price,
University Carlllonneur, 7:15 p.m.
Thurs., May 2; Music for automatic
carillon by A. H. Wagenaar I, Utrecht,


Presidential Wanderings Draw Fire

By The Associated Press
SINCE the days of George Wash-
ington, almost every American
president has come under fire for
straying from his desk in times of
Washington was taking a lei-
surely three-month vacation at
his beloved Mount Vernon in Vir-
ginia when Indians on the war-
path inflicted bloody defeat on
American forces across the moun-
tains in Ohio. It took two months
for news of the disaster to reach
Woodrow Wilson was playing
golf when a messenger brought
him the news that a German U-
boat had torpedoed the Lusitania,
signaling Germany's resumption
of unrestricted submarine warfare
in World War I.
* * *
ofen made vital decisions affect-
ing World War II, without beuefit
of his Cabinet's advice, while
weekending at Hyde Park, N.Y.
Tn +a+t Mn, viocRtar1 Pth Pr vopa

Both Roosevelt and Truman
were roundly assailed for their
tours and travels, particularly
when made at public expense.
FDR's cruises aboard Vincent As-
tor's yacht, the N o u r m a h a 1,
aroused such resentment that he
finally abandoned the practice.
Criticism of the nation's long
string of foot-loose presidents has
been tempered somewhat by grow-
ing recognition of the fact that
the chief executive -- at least in
modern times - is called upon to
perform what is described as the
toughest job on earth.
* * *
THE PUBLIC in recent years
has begun to realize that even a.
president is human and as such is
desperately impelled, at times, to
escape from the terrible burdens
and tensions of the highest office
in the land.
Yet the question remains
whether a president should leave
the capital for an extended period
while critical problems are piling
up on his desk.
The""bseantee' nresident ?se

"mind the store" in Washington
at a shaky stage of the Middle
East crisis.
Among the three top traveling
presidents, Eisenhower leads with
an average of 27 trips per year,
compared with 23 each for Roose-
velt and Truman.
During his first four years in
office, Eisenhower made 109 jour-
neys away from Washington, in-
cluding 19 to Augusta, Ga., and 28
to his farm at Gettysburg. Roose-
velt took 287 trips in his 12 years,
while Truman rang up 177 trips
in his 7 years and 9 months,
* * *
AS EISENHOWER quickly dis-
covered on entering the White
House, golfing presidents have
long raised a bugaboo in the pub-
lic mind.
William McKinley, the nation's
first golfing president, created a
storm in 1899 when he appeared
on the golf course at Hot Springs,
Va. - not for playing but for let-
ting people see him swing at the
little white ball. The mayor of
Rntnn fumed tha+ +he PrPCCaIPt

tical advisers begged him to con-
ceal the fact that he was playing
the "newfangled" game during an
election campaign, but Taft ig-
nored them.
As president, Woodrow Wilson
played golf two or three times a
week, even during World War I.
A grim, hard-slashing figure with
an atrocious slice, Wilson used a
red-painted ball for playing in
winter snow. He seldom broke 100.
Harding, a fashion-plate in plus
fours, played in the upper 80s.
Calvin Coolidge sometimes slip-
ped away from the White House
for nine holes on the private
course of Washington publisher
Edward B. McLean.
Franklin D. Roosevelt played
golf as assistant secretary of the-
Navy, but gave it up when strick-
en by polio.
Harry Truman like to walk, but
not with a golf club in his hand.
He won critical acclaim, however,
as a poker player.
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