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April 28, 1957 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1957-04-28
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Page Ten


Sunday, Ann! 2$;1957

Sunday, April 28, 1957


____________________________________ - ~'-"'~~1

A Refreshing Detective

'The Fall'
(Continued from Page 6)

(Continued from Page 4)
Goddard notices details and
thinks them important. This qua-
lity manifests itself in various
ways, from clever detection, often
psychologically oriented, to his
amazingly frequent and complete
accounts of meals during the time
spent on a case; he pays special
attention to wine and oysters! It
was undoubtedly this perception
that made him such a fine detec-
tive, and apparently Goddard had
more than usual skill. Besides be-
ing hired for secret service to the
king, he was sent on trips of great
responsibility, at one time being
assigned escort to the Emperor of
Russia. He even knew ballistics
and a few other sciences of modern
crime detection.
GODDARD'S style is unusual
and highly personal. His ac-t

counts are general, they are never
minute by minute descriptions,
and yet he includes such extrane-
ous material as4his meals. A clue
to his sentence structure can be
found in some of the newspaper
clippings included with the cases;
it is rather journalistic, and yet
he occasionally slips into almost
lyrical (for Goddard) passages:
. . . the prisoner and myself
were escorted by the mounted
Dragoons, flourishing their
drawn bright sabres under a
brilliant moonlight, which, to-
gether with a hoar frost that
had settled on the hedges and
trees, with a deep snow upon
the ground, with the tramping
sound of horses hoofs on, the
frozen icy road, produced a very
novel effect.
This passage, when compared
to preceding ones, is astonishing,

but then Goddard is always full
of surprises.
While the last few episodes are
perhaps the most exciting and de-
tailed, and closer to our present-
day idea of detection, all of them
are interesting and informative.
Goddard sympathetically des-
cribes the apprehension of two
lunatics, one appropriately named
Fitzherbert Batty, Esquire. An-
other time he is astute enough to
discover that it really was the
butler "who done it." Later, he
pursues an alleged bankrupt to
Wisconsin, U.S.A., ("2,000 miles
from N. York," he adds to locate
this place) only to discover that
the laws of this territory cannot
cover him and that he must re-
turn without the man or the
money. Finally, by cleverly dis-
cerning and following clues, he
tracks down a man who had pub-
lished his own obituary notice and
then fled to' Australia via Egypt.
This last mentioned case, the final
one in the book, was completed in
1864-65, when Goddard was 64
years of age and still quite active,
Henry Goddard is an extremely
likeable person; to read his me-
moirs is to enjoy his company. He
is not so romantic or remarkable
as Sherlock Holmes, nor is he as
earthy as Mickey Spillane, but I
believe that he has, in his own
way, contributed something par-
ticularly refreshing to the worldf
of literature. Much thanks to'

and all spiritual affinity between
the tWo men abruptly ended. By
nature, Camus is a "doer," not a
talker. Jean Baptiste only talks
and nothing comes of it; this is
something Camus particularly
seems to detest.
That's one of the nice things
about Camus. He has stated that
his personal motto is to live life
happily with only the knowledge
that he has at his command. In
looking at others, he is quite satis-
fied with any man who finds
meaning in his work. For Camus,
this is the ultimate achievement.
Hence, the laborer who is suited
for his tasks and enjoys them is
every bit as esteemed in Camus'
mind as the brilliant, but happy
philosopher. Camus' comment is
that there are far too few satisfied
workers, and no happy philoso-
One thing seems certain. The
Fall is a transitional book. It seems,
to be the start of something great-
er; perhaps a statement by the
author of his final, personal beliefs,,
although Camus would never be so
foolish as to declare anything final.
If we trace his , development
through The Fall, we readily notice
a marked change in attitude. The9
author might have had some sym-
pathy for Meursault and it wasj
easy to feel that much of The
Stranger was autobiographical. It
is quite the opposite with The Fall.
As I have previously mentioned,

Camus and Clamence part com-
pany at the entrance to the Mexico
City bar in Amsterdam.
ACTUALLY, Meursault and Cla-
mence have a lot in common.
Though they start at opposite ends
of the social world-Meursault was
in many ways a social hermit,
whereas Jean-Baptiste was an
eminently successful man within
society-they both arrive at the
same mental terminal. And al-
though Clamence has a lot more to
say than Meursault, the two men
have the common spiritual umbi-
licus: neither has found signifi-
cance in life's activities.
The ten years that separate the
two novels have caused quite a
changetin Camus. There no longer
seems to be any confusion about
his position regarding the universe
as absurd, the view that he pro-
pounded in The Stranger. The Fall
tells us that Camus has no bond
with the man who does npthing,
who is willing to sit this life out by
retreating to apathy.
We don't as yet know what
Camus would do with his existen-
tialist choice, but Jean-Baptiste
Clamence is the example of what
his creator would never do. Thus,
The Fall seems definitely to be
the start of something new in
Caius; hence, it has the transi-
tional quality in the author's
It would be nice if Camus' read-
irg audience, especially all the
young students who have his
books, could grow as does the au-
thor. Perhaps this is asking too
much. At any rate, many of us
eagerly await his next literary
r. It

Everything in Hi H at "Catalog prices

1 ''


Lobanov-Rostovsky Lived the Revolution


PROF. A. Lobanov-Rostovsky of
the History department might
be properly addressed as either
"prince" or "professor."
Born Prince Andrei Anatolievich
Lobanov-Rostovsky in 1892, Prof.
Lobanov was the younger of two
sons. His father was a distinguish-
ed diplomat in the Imperial Rus-
sian Service.
Lobanov, the man, is a very im-
pressive person. His perfect man-
ners and stately bearing reflect his
r o y a 1 breeding. Gold - rimmed
glasses and a mustache add to his
cultured appearance.
FATE HAS guided Prof. Lobanov
all his life. "In World War I,
I served as an officer in the
Guards batallion, a crack unit of
the Russian Army," he reminisced.
"When the Russian revolution
broke out in 1917, our division was
fighting in Poland after which we
went to Macedonia. At the time,
our division was fighting along-
side the French," the unassuming
professor related.
"After the Communist uprising,
the French fearing revolutionary
activity among some of the Reds
in our ranks, offered us one of twoj
Flicking the ash off his cigar-
ette, the professor continued in
his flawless English, "We could
either enlist in the French Army
and continue fighting on the front
or we could work for the Allied
cause and receive good wages be-
hind the safety of the lines."
'Those who did not choose one
of these two alternatives and still
persisted'in their revolutionary ac-
tivity would be sent to work in the
Algerian mines.
"I, along with most of the offi-
cers," the ex-soldier stated, "de-
cided to continue fighting. This I
did until the Armistice."
PROF. LOBANOV returned to his
native land to fight the Com-
munists. He fought as an officer
under General Denicin in South
Russia. Three times during the
course of the Civil War he nar-

rowly missed being captured by
the Bolsheviks.
The short, wiry professor lean-
ed back in his chair and continued,
"In 1919, the Reds entered Odessa
where the remnants of the White
Army were stationed. We barely
managed to escape in time.
"Capture by the Communists
would have piobably meant cer-
tain death for a man with my
name," he added.
The telephone interrupted his
thought. It was a well known
periodical calling about one of his

ment of professor of history here
at the University in 1945.
Widely recognized as one of the
outstanding men in his field, the
professor has contributed hun-
dreds of articles to numerous per-
iodicals and has written several
His latest volumes are "The
Grinding Mill" (Reminiscences of
War and Revolution in Russia,
1913-20), published in 1935, "Rus-
sia and Europe 1789-1829" pub-
lished in 1947 and "Russia and
Europe 1725-28" published in 1954.
The little time that he has left
to himself is well occupied. "I en-
joy music and reading very much.
At one time I even had aspirations
of following a musical career, but
these were interrupted by the
World War."
PROF. LOBANOV does not con-
fine his interests to music and
reading. He frequently attends the
various plays and movies that ap-
pear on campus. The film "Anas-
tasia" interested him very much.
"I was present at Anastasia's
baptism and I also had the oppor-
tunity of being presented the Em-
press Mother."
Is the Anastasia now living in
Germany the real Anastasia she
claims to be? Prof. Lobanov is not
quite certain.
He lit another cigarette and con-
tinued, "It is very hard to arrive
at any decision on the matter.
The woman did reveal many
things that onlyea member. of the
royal inner circle would know.
"Of course," he added quickly,
"this knowledge could have been
the result of coaching by other
members of the royal family." Prof.
Lobanov stopped for a moment
and then added, "It also is very
unlikely that she could have es-
caped the Communist purge."
Very few men in the world to-
day can claim that they are au-
thorities in the field of Russian
history. Fewer still can say they
had a part in the formation of it.
P r o f. Lobanov - Rostovsky can
rightfully lay claim to both of
these honors.

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Campus Sale

..the man is impressive
many articles on Russia and its
history. He quickly concluded his
business and returned to the con-
Continuing, Prof. Lobanov said,
"I fled to Paris where I enrolled
at the Ecole Libres des Sciences
Politiques, now part of the Univer-
sity of Paris. I graduated from
there in 1923."
IN 1930, PROF. Lobanov came to
America and joined the history
faculty at the University of Cali-
fornia. He accepted the appoint-


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