Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "You'll Find I'm Not Just Thinking Of Egypt" "When OpimIons Are Free Truth wl Prevaui" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID TARR Comments on Two Lecturers-Maxwell and Weimer a~ 1 i i o AT THE STATE: Soft Bravo For 'Brave One' T ENDERNESS, tears and the glorious gore of bullfighting were merged into "The Brave One," a colorful, sometimes tedious attempt to tell the story of a boy's love for an animal. Contrived to pluck at your heartstrings, the plot carries you from young Leonardo's first res- cue of the newly-born calf, in a storm, to the magnificent ritual of the bullfight in Mexico City. A constant battle ensues, throughout the film, over the rightful ownership of the bull. "Itano." The "patron" of Leonardo's ranch claims ,4 /0 Administrative Courts .. . p EAKING before the University Lawyers club's 29th annual Founders Day program recently, David F. Maxwell, President of the American Bar Association, attacked what he claimed were evils in judication at the admin- istrative level. Whether Maxwell and the American Bar Association have legitimate arguments against quasi-judicial administrative agencies is in- deed a provocative question, one which has disturbed leading government officials for a long time. Article 3, Section 1 of the United States Constitution states explicitly, "The Judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish." Conspicuously absent from the above is the mention of administrative agencies as courts in themselves. The answer is that the original in- tent of the Founding Fathers was not to give them such power. An examination of the relationship between the federal courts and the so-called indepen- dent regulatory commissions, however, reveals these latter bodies have perhaps taken the place of courts of special jurisdiction In the federal judicial system. Beginning in 1887, Congress created a num- ber of these commissions, of which I.C.C. F.T.C., S.E.C. and the F.C.C. are examples. These agencies act as courts of original jurisdiction by interpreting and applying law for the first time in specific situations. When the Federal Communications Com- mission receives a complaint of unfair prac- tices with reference to the air waves, for ex- :ample, it may hand down a ruling which, in effect, signifies it is acting as a quasi-judicial body. The proper relation which should exist be- tween court and administrative agency, the desirable measure of judicial supervision and review of administrative rulings and the me- chanics of such review are problems which are far from settled. Maxwell and members of the American Bar Association feel strongly the judication which is prevalent in administrative agencies has no place in the American governmental system. YET THE Supreme Court, interested in pre- serving the dignity and effect of the Amer- ican Court system, has recognized and rendered its approval of the quasi-judicial functions of the administrative agency. Other arguments in favor of the quasi-judi- cial administrative agency is the fact that many of the cases which are heard concern highly specialized fields. We question the advi- sability of district court judges tackling these highly specialized areas. In addition, many times quick decisions are needed. Because of the many legalities which arise before a case actually comes to trial, costly delays might result. Still another aspect to be considered is the clogged condition of our courts today. Des- truction of the special administrative courts would hinder rather than help our regular courts by overloading their dockets. Thus the need for specialized tribunals to enforce law in difficult, technical areas is not doubted here. We feel, contrary to Mr. Max- well, administrative agencies should continue to act as quasi-judicial bodies. -MURRAY FF1 WELL America s Culture .. . IN HIS TALK before the Michigan Forensic Forum Thursday night, David Weimer of the English department touched upon a num- ber of points that were perhaps more signifi- cant than the topic he originally set out to discuss. Admittedly the question of whether or not America is a cultural oasis seems to demand a. rather obvious answer, and Weimer very pro- perly gave it one - no, America is only a branch of Western civilization. More importantly, he suggested America's contributions to Western civilization have been remarkably small, and both that civilization and its American variety may very well be in decline. Both ideas are neither new or non- controversial, but it is encouraging to see them examined at a time when most of us seem to be preoccupied with the more immediate and temporary problems confronting us in the area of short range domestic and foreign policies. Weimer maintained that Western emphasis on the importance of the machine and the corresponding growth of conformity and group mindedness in our society are far from being favorable omens for the future, possibly even fatal to the development of our civilization. It is hardly a coincidence that some of the few areas in which he felt America has made an original contribution to Western civilization; such as sociology, are concerned with encour- aging, to some extent, theuvery tendencies re- garded as dangerous in our culture. EVEN the creativity of Frank Lloyd Wright, whom he regards as being a major influ- ence in Western architecture, is oriented to- ward lack of privacy and increasing "group" activity in the home. It is, of course, quite possible to disagree with Weimer's misgivings about the effect of tech- nological advances like atomic energy and tele- vision, or deny the dangers which he feels lie in the much discussed American conformity. Nevertheless, the ideas he expressed are thought-provoking at the very least, especially when illustrated by incidents like the recent introduction of a television camera in a middle western high school study hall in the interest of keeping order. Parallels with George Orwell's 1984, as Weimer observed, readily suggest themselves. Regardless of one's reaction to Weimer's ana- lysis of Western civilization and his feeling that it may already have passed its peak, such pondering about the road our civilization is to take in the distant future is all too infrequent in this age of concentration on continual mo- mentary crises and should be more than wel- come. -JAMES BERG IHC Sells Students A Quorum Short THE Inter-House Council fell short of a quorum to elect an administrative vice- president. The vote was crucial in creating a functional governing body for the men's resi- dence halls next year. The problem here is the same all over cam- pus - student apathy. This case is particularly disturbing. Those that were to vote last night are men who have shown the initiative and ability to guide their houses - student leaders. If such men cannot show sufficient interest to elect IHC officers, how then are students to establish any measure of self-government? --DONALD KURTZ RvaK WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Three States Rule Congress By DREW PEARSON it, initially, then the animal is granted to Leonardo, who loves it to death, and at the death of the "patron", the estate reclaims it, which leads Leonardo to run away to Mexico City for the bull's first,' great appearance. THE WIDE screen was an excel- lent vehicle to illustrate the boy's frenetic chase, through richly spa- cious countryside and the impres- sive boulevards of Mexico City, but the continuous streaking over grass and concrete became monot- onously repititious. Super-duper scope cameras have a tendency to run wild with their freedom. Sentiment tends to overgorge itself here. More Variety in emo- tional reaction, especially the boy's, would have relieved the strain of torrential tears. This is not intended to belittle the acting ability of Michael Ray, newcomer, who plays Leonardo wih a tender, if not always subtle touch. He is adorably appealing and quite con- vincing, but might have done more with a broader range of charac- terization. * * * SINCE THE bullfight is inher- ently exciting, the authors of the film have allowed it nearly thirty minutes on the screen. Initially vivid in impact, it manages to sus- tain interest for the first twenty minutes, but then you begin to feel the discomforts of screen sunstroke. As an effort to relate the inti- mate details of a child's affec- tion for a pet, against a powerful- ly moving background of tradition and huge visual scope, the film is fairly successful, and always color saturated. The bull was well behaved too, a sort of bovine ex- ample of a well-educated Lassie. "Ole!" -Sandy Edelman LETTERS to the MDITOR Irresponsibility? . To the Editor: AM a bit disturbed by the degree of irresponsibility shown by The Daily in reporting Prof. Albert G. Hart's speech before the Economics Club April 24th. Your reporter demonstrated sheer genius in not misquoting Prof. Hart but in link- ing certain of his disconnected asides in such a way as to totally distort the tenor of Prof. Hart's speech and the reservations he himself expressed concerning his own recommendations. -Prof. Stephan W. Rousseas Economics Department There will be a meeting of all Daily reviewers at 9 p.m. Wed- nesday in the Student Publica- tions Building. Any students in- terested in joining The Daily Review Staff are invited to at- tend. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulietin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michi- gan Daily assumes no editorial re- sponsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building, be- fore 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 1957 VOL. LXVII, NO. 146 Lectures Monolingual Demonstration (The technique of learning a language by gesture), by Prof. Kenneth L. Pike, Aud. A, Angell Hall, 4:10 p.m., Mon. April 29. Public invited. American Chemical Society Lecture, 8:00 p.m., Mon. April 29, Room 1300, Chemistry Building. Dr. Erich Lange Will speak on "Heats of Solution," Dr. Emanuel Ben-Dor, deputy direc- tor of Antiquities of the Government of Israel, will deliver a public lecture on "Recent Excavations in Israel" Tues. April 30, 4:15 p.m., Aud. B, Angeil Hall. Sponsored by the Dept. of Near Eastern Studies. W. D. Falk, senior lecturer at the Universty of Melbourne and visiting lecturer in the Department of Philo- sophy, will speak on "why be Moral?" Tues., April 30 at 4:15 p.m. In Angel Hall, Aud. C, auspices of the Depart- ment of Philosophy. Linguistics Club meeting, Tues., Ap- ril 30 at 7:30 p.m. in West Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Speaker: Prof. Albert H. Marckwardt, "A Report on the Texas Conference on English Lin- guistics." Werner E. Bachmann Memorial Lec- ture. Prof. William S. Johnson, Depart- ment of Chemistry, University Of WiS- consin, will give the Werner E. Bach- mann Memorial Lecture at 4:15 p.m. Thurs., May 2. in Room 1400, Chemis- try Building on "Ret Advances in Steroid Synthesis". Films Department of Journalism. Open to the public. Edward R. Murrow's See It Now program "Clinton and the Law: A Study in Desegregation" .Showings Mon., April 29: 4:00 and 4:00 p.m., RackhampAmphitheater, Thurs, May 2; 7:30 and 8:30 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall. Concerts Student Recital Postponed. The re- cital by Robert Rickman, violist, prev- iously announced for this evning, April 28, in And. A, Angell Hall, has been postponed until the Summer Session. Student Recital by Mary Oyer, cellist, 4:15 p.m. Mon., April 29, in the Rac- ham Assembly Hall, in partial fulfill- ment of th requirements for the degree of Doctor of Musical Arts. Miss Oyer is a pupil of Oliver Edel, and her recital will include Beethoven's Sonata in G minor, Op. 5, No. 2, Sonata in A major, Op. 69, and Trio in B-flat major, Op. 97. Open to the general public. Composers Forum, 8:30 p.m. Mon., April 29, in Aud. A, Angell Hall; ompo- sitions by Yalcin Yuregir, Donald Sea- varda, Roland Trogan, Fred Coulter and George Bach Wilson, performed by Xenia Bibcoff, soprano, Alice Dutcher, mezzo-soprano; Sheila McKenzie and Joel Berman, violin; Robert Rickman, 4 i 4 I I1 7 T HE GENERAL public doesn't realize it, but three states hold the whip hand when it comes to influencing Congress-Texas, Mas- sachusetts and Georgia. This results from the power of certain personalities and congres- sional committees; the fact that the leaders of the House and Sen- ate, Speaker Rayburn and Sen. Lyndon Johnson, are both from Texas; the fact that Democratic Leader John McCormack and GOP Leader Joe Martin are both from Massachusetts; and the fact that the two Armed Services Chairmen, Sen. Dick Russell and Congress- man Carl Vinson, are both from Georgia. * * * THIS DOES not mean that this group sways Congress, or tries to, But they can be extremely power- ful. When Rayburn and Johnson want to pass a natural gas bill aiding Texas oil-gas men, they can do it. Neither Martin nor McCor- mack of Massachusetts is enthusi- astic about a school bill, and it isn't making much progress. And as for Russell and Vinson of the Armed Services Committees, they probably shape military policy as much as the Secretary of Defense. This is because the two Georgia Legislators have been in Congress a quarter of a century, while the Secretary of Defense usually holds office for four years or less. Congressman Vinson, for in- stance, is almost solely responsible for the fact that the Navy is build- ing large airplane carriers. If it were not for him, we wouldn't be building them. An earlier Secretary of Defense, Louis Johnson, decided against the big carriers, ruled that many small carriers were better than a few big ones. But Congress- man Vinson, who rules the House Armed Services Committee with an iron hand, decided otherwise. * * * WHAT THE PUBLIC also doesn't realize is the power of the Armed Services Committees and the fact that 24 states out of the 48 are not represented on the House Com- mittee. Defense today is the biggest business of the nation. It absorbs 60 cents out of every tax dollar collected. Yet one-half the states have no representation on the House Arm- ed Services Committee which helps establish basic defense policy and authorizes defense funds. This is because several states have more than one member on this key committee: Pennsylvania and California have four each, while Louisiana, North Carolina, Massachusetts, New York, Mary- land and Illinois have two each. The states which have no repre- sentation and no voice in defense policies are: Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, Min- nesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebras- ka, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Rhode Is- land, South Dakota, Utah, Ver- mont, Washington, West Virginia and Wyoming. Note - The House and Senate Armed Services Committees are so powerful that the Army, Navy, and Air Force lean over backward to please Chairmen Russell and Vinson. That's one reason so many military establishments are located in Georgia. NEWSMEN who watch Jim Hag- erty operate continue to be full of admiration for the public-relations job he does for Ike. Jim saves up news in Washington, brings it to Augusta to be sprung at the right time. It keeps newsmen happy who have little to write about ex- cept Georgia sunshine. It also makes the public think Ike is doing a lot of business on his va- cation. Hagerty, for instance, announced the appointment of three ambas- sadors on the first day Ike arrived in Augusta. Stories on their ap- pointment had been front-paged in Washington newspapers two weeks before. Everyone knew that Bob Hill was going to Mexico, Francis White to Sweden, and John Cabot to Colombia. But 'the official announcement from Augusta was front-paged all over again, and made it look as if the President was making big deci- sions before going out on the golf course. (Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) i A.. 'MURDER BY SLANDER' VICTIM? Herbert Norman Suicide Leaves Tangle of Mystery INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Tongue-in-Cheek Nasser By J. M. ROBERTS PRESIDENT NASSER'S proposals for opera- tion of the Suez Canal leave loopholes for almost interminable litigation and are not nearly so firm as the user nations have been demanding. Nevertheless they represent a definite at- tempt on the dictator's part not to let Egypt become isolated from everyone except Russia. They may also represent an effort to keep Editorial Staff RICHARD SNYDER, Editor RICHARD HALLORAN LEE MARKS Editorial Director City Editor GAIL GOLDSTEIN .......... Personnel Director ERNEST THEODOSSIN ............Magazine Editor JANET REARICK .... Associate Editorial Director MARY ANN THOMAS.......... .... Features Editor DAVID GREY ................. Sports Editor RICHARD CRAMER ........Associate Sports Editor STEPHEN HEILPERN '........Associate Sports Editor JANE FOWLER and ARLINE LEWIS .............. Women's Co-Editors JOHN HIRTZEL ................ Chief Photographer Business Staff DlAVID LVER- T B'P i,,, Is anage negotiations going until the Western Powers are persuaded to put pressure on Israel for a general Middle Eastern settlement. Nasser has sad that the canal and all other problems could be settled easily if the Arab world was given guarantees that Israel would stay behind the borders originally proposed for her by the United Nations. In that case, he said, Israel's existence would be recognized. This is a reversal of the Arab contention that Israel must be and will eventually be des- troyed. WHETHER he intends to stick by that - whether it is politically possible for him to stick by it - is a question. His record for fly- ing off the handle is far more impressive than his record of following through on pacific state- ments made in private. But the canal is a good club for him in the Israeli dispute if he really is interested in peace. Nasser doesn't want to be completely aban- doned by nations such as India and the United States to whom the canal is important. He doesn't want to be thrown irretrievably into the arms of Russia. The offer to operate the canal under a sys- By WILLIAM L. RYAN AP Foreign News Analyst ON THE NIGHT of April 3, Her- bert Norman watched with rapt attention while a Japanese movie unfolded on a Cairo screen. Understanding the Japanese lan- guage; the Canadian ambassadorr to Egypt was absorbed in the film's theme: Death supplies an answer to life's problems. Norman may have been facing his own life's bitterest problem. A ghost from the past had risen up to haunt him. Often in recent days he had spoken quietly of the possibility of suicide. Now as he leftethe theater, he was in sort of reverie. That night he seemed re- laxed and for the first time in weeks he slept well. On the morning of April 4, Nor- man took breakfast as usual. Then the boyish looking diplomat, pre- maturely gray at 47, walked, to the Swedish legation, home of one of his closest friends in Cairo. He took a last look at the familiar broad vista of the Nile Valley and plunged eight stories to death. * * * THIS QUIET, scholarly man, with his background of counterin- telligence work, left a tangle of mystery. Had he been, as many Canadians protested, a victim of "murder by slander" and "witch- two weeks after his death to pub- lish a report that the charges against Norman were based on false information? Canadians want the answers. They want to know for sure whether there was any justifica- tion behind charges raised against Norman in the United States Sen- ate Internal Security subcommit- tee. But the whole truth may never come to light. This much of the story can be pieced together: The Royal Canadian Mounted Police security section produced a 1940 report by an unidentified se- cret agent in Toronto saying that a "Prof. Norman," with connec- tions at Harvard and McMaster University in Hamilton, Ont., was a Canadian Communist party member. * * * E. HERBERT NORMAN was not connected with McMaster and at the time was not at Harvard. He already was a junior member of Canada's external affairs de- partment, awaiting assignment in Japan. The report lay 10 years in the RCMP files before the FBI got it in October, 1950. How did it get to the Senate subcommittee? Did the subcommittee ever see a sub- sequent report, dated December But in 1939, Norman already was in the Canadian foreign ser- vice. Later the subcommittee cor- rected this record. There was not testimony actually to connect Nor- man with any Cape Cod group. The witness did, however, con- nect him, with a student cell at Columbia in 1938. From 1951 to early 1957, the Norman case appeared forgotten. But last March 13 the subcom- mittee made public the transcript of a closed session. In this Robert M o r r i s, subcommittee counsel, said there were "quite a few se- curity reports which have a great deal of information to the effect that he (Norman) is a Commu- nist." * * * CANADA reacted sharply. For- eign Secretary Lester B. Pearson voiced a protest against release of a record containing "a great many innuendoes and insinuations that Norman was a Communist." Pearson said Canada, knowing of these charges years before, made an exhaustive security check which turned up nothing to dis- credit Norman. ". ..slanders and unsupported insinuations against him contain- ed in this United States senatorial subcommittee report we can treat with the contempt they deserve," Pearsn ni- methods. Canada's government and opposition seemed agreed Norman was a victim of what one legislator called "the witch-hunt- ing proclivities of certain Congres- sional inquisitors in Washington." Pearson threatened to withhold security information from the United States if the rights of Ca- nadians could not otherwise be protected. But it soon became clear the Canadian public had not heard the whole story. Questioned April 12 in Parlia- ment, Pearson conceded Norman had Communist associations in his youth. Well, the opposition de-, manded to know, was the Wash- ington evidence untrue or unjusti- fied? "I am not going to say at this moment whether any single state-, ment made in a United States sub-committee is accurate or not. I have said Mr. Norman, to our knowledge, had certain Commu- nist associations as a student many years ago and that we were not going to allow that to drive him out of the public service in the face of long years of loyal de- votion . . . . Pearson replied. Said John Diefenbaker, head of the opposition: "I find the answer is an equivocal one." * * *P h did suggest the government might have cleared up doubts long be- fore and perhaps avoided the tragedy. Not until April 18 did Canada announce the charges against Norman were based on the 1940 RCMP report sent to the FBI in October, 1950 and later discred- ited. Canada's Justice Ministry, in a recapitulation, said neither Pearson nor his department knew of the 1940 secret agent's report until the Norman case came up in Washington in 1950. But the question was raised: If a report existed in 1950 destroying the charges against Norman, why was there no refutation of accu- sations in Washington seven years ago? Why wasn't the report labeling the charge unfounded made pub- lic directly after release of Wash- ington testimony in March - or indeed, until two whole weeks aft- er Norman's death? WHY DID the Canadian gov- ernment refuse to make public the texts of the notes left by Norman? One of these, to his wife, was quoted by Egyptian police as beg- ging her forgiveness. The other, to Swedish Minister Brynolf Eng, asked pardon for using his lega- tion building. k .. i -I I