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April 28, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-04-28

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See Page 4


Latest Deadline in the State


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4 V UJU. Wk V 11, IN o. 1'E5
Fall Rush Plans
Began Last Week
Worked Steadily on Spring Bill,
I Ex-Panhel Vice-President Says
Panhellenic Association had "made no formal plans for a fall
rush" before Friday afternoon, First Vice-President Dianne Duncan,
'58Ed., said yesterday.
"Contrary to any previous rumors," Panhel approached Bruce
W. Arden, supervisor of tabulating services for the first time Friday,
when we saw that we'd need some sort of schedule if we were to
ask SGC for fall rush," Miss Duncan declared.
Former Panhel first vice-president, Christa Eckhard, '57Ed., told
The Daily that Panhel Executive Council and Research Committee
- "-had "never considered" proposal
of a fall program before her term
Sov ts G ve of office ended April 1.
Soviets She said she was "completely
surprised" to learn of Panhel's de-
T h e t o e cision to ask SGC for a continua-
' eau N ote tion of fall rushing.
Fordthe year that she was con-
cerned with formulating a calen-
r 0er a y dar, Miss Eckhard said t h a t
"everyone was working under the
assumption that there would be
MOSCOW ()') - The Soviet gov- spring rush."
ernment warned West Germany She admitted that Panhel had
yesterday that use of its ter- disapproved when SGC established
ritory for Western atomic bases spring rush in March 1956, but
would risk nuclear retaliation that added that the group had agreed
could turn it into "a veritable to comply and had restructured its
graveyard." internal organization to fit a
In a note delivered to West spring program.
German Charge d'Affaires Hein- Research Committee
rich Northe, the Kremlin denied esearch Cmitte
it was resorting to "threats or in- Later that March SGC delegated
timidation." a Panhel Research Committee to'
Then it proceeded to say that work out a spring rushing calen-
a single, modern, well-placed hy- dar. e
drogen bomb could paralyze all The research committee tackled
vital centers of West Germany in its job with the idea of working
onenblow. out a schedule that would least
West Germany Replies interfere with projects of other
Following receipt of the Soviet campus organizations, Miss Eck-
note, the West German govern- hard said.
agr eouMembers conferred with League
mhentaringBonrtlangideoncedand Union officials to see what
theclarnnonetaitionm-dates would fit in with a spring
A th slannouincemfeencerm- semester rushing schedule and at
internal political affairs" and a tetsampu tivi ntihes. ifer
"massive threat"ent campus activities
The announcement complained "Each time we worked out what
w Moscow delibeatel ne thought was a good calendar
assurance by Chancellor Konrad we found that it conflicted so.
A eauer t Soviet Amnceo Kormuch with other organizations
AndenrerovSoieThmbsao that it would be ultimately un-
that West Germany neither pos- feasible, Miss Eckhard cmment-
sesses nor has asked for any kinde WorkedWit
of atomic weapon. th League
Because Adenauer specifically Ex-League President Sue Ar-
asked that this assurance be con- nold, '57Ed., told The Daily that)
veyed to Premier Nikolai Bulga- the League had worked very
nin, the government called the So- closely with the research commit-
viet note "astounding." tee in trying to reschedule their
Follows Other Theats programs, but that they had
The Bonn government apparent- reached no workable plan.,
ly viewed the note as an out-and- Miss Eckhard said that over half
out threat. See 'PANHEL,' page 51










WASHINGTON (P-The United States will be deeply committed
from now on to play a hand in the dangerous and violent game of
Middle Eastern power politics.
This commitment is a result of the decision by President Dwight
Eisenhower and Secretary of State John Foster Dulles this week to
throw American power and prestige behind King Hussein in his fight
to prevent extremists, spurred by anti-Western and Communist agita-
tors, from taking over Jordan.
Until the United States cast its influence and the threat of its
military power into the struggle on Hussein's side, it had some freedom
of choice about whether to take part in any particular Middle Eastern
crisis. From here on, however, the prestige of the United States will
be involved in any new conflict within the area and its stature and
effectiveness seem certain to be judged by the outcome.
By Necessity or Choice-A Power
Essentially this is a way of saying that whether by necessity or by
choice the United States has become a Middle Eastern power, taking
over the position once held by Britain and France.
Three other results of the Jordanian crisis appeared either definite
or probable:
1) The Arab bloc, which has always been united in opposition to

Israel and has shown considerable surface solidarity on the issue of'
Egypt's operation of the Suez Canal, is split wide open over the
question of Jordan's future. Saudi Arabia and Iraq are supporting
Hussein against Egypt and Syria.
2) The way the affair has gone to date, Iraq and Saudi Arabia
are winning. This means, in particular, an increase in the stature of
Arabian King Saud, who is counted as a strong anti-Communist and
a friend of the United States. The stature of King Faisel in Iraq has
also been enhanced.
Nasser's Drive Checked
3) The momentum of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser's
drive to make himself leader of the Moslem world has been checked-at
least momentarily. His failure to reduce Jordan to the level of a
satellite or have his ally Syria take over large portions of it offsets
the clear victory he has so far gained over the Western Powers in
laying down his own terms for use of the canal, and make themostick.
Authorities here cautioned that the Jordanian situation is by no
means resolved yet. They are greatly encouraged by evidence that
King Hussein, in spite of the fact he is only 21 years old, is proving
a strong figure. As one State Department official expressed it, "he has
shown muscle." Yet the forces against Hussein are strong and must be
counted as determined.
U.S. policy toward the King began to develop sharply at Sec.

Dulles' news conference last Tuesday when he said "we have great
confidence in and regard for King Hussein, because we really believe
that he is striving to maintain the independence of his country . ."
Late Wednesday President Eisenhower and Dulles, in a joint
statement issued at Augusta, asserted in relation to Jordan the
declared U.S. policy-which Congress approved in March-of sup-
porting the independence and integrity of Middle Eastern countries.
On Thursday the State Department in a supplemental but signifi-
cant comment declared Jordan was threatened by "international com-
munism." The use of this term, it was learned Saturday showed the
extent to which the 'United States was backing Hussein.
Did Not Detect Communist Activity
For in issuing the Dulles-Eisenhower statement Wednesday presi-
dential press secretary Hagerty had told questioning reporters he
could not in fairness say that the President and secretary had detected
signs of Communist activity in the Jordan troubles.
Yet less than 24 hours afterward the State Department put major
or even total blame on international communism. What had happened
in the meantime was that Hussein had put the responsibility on the
Communists in a statement at Amman and the United States had
decided to back him-even though this meant meeting one more of
the qualifications which would have to be fulfilled if American forces
were to become involved in a Jordanian war.


,'U'Budget Firght', ,4Yv _


ooms in House
Promises to create a fight on the floor of the House to raise the
University's operating budget appropriation entered the preliminaries
in Lansing yesterday.
Just after members of the Republican State Central Committee
passed a resolution backing their "hold the line" policies on state
spending, Rep. George Sallade, of Ann Arbor, told them he would
battle, if necessary, to obtain more state aid for schools.
Friday, he told The Daily he was "unsatisfied" with the Senate
Appropriations Committee's recommendation of $29,131,400 for
Uth Ti aitv'c nnen : sePY


Co nfer

New Co urts
Bv Jordan



Thompson Selected
Russian A mbassador



Beck Probe
Witnesses t
WASHINGTON (.) - S e n a t e
rackets probers said yesterday four
key witnesses in their investiga-
tion of Teamsters Union President
Dave Beck -including Beck's son
- "have disappeared."
Chairman John McClellan (D-
Ark) of the Special Senate Com-
mittee conducting the inquiry said
the four are needed for questioning
in a further investigation of Beck's
handling of union funds.
The Teamster chief recently in-
voked the Fifth Amendment, con-
tending it might incriminate him
if he told the committee whether
he used hundreds of thousands of
dollars of union funds to pay his
personal bills and finance a lavish
scale of living.
The committee now seeks to ex-
plore business dealings of Beck
and members of his family with
the Teamsters Union.

fight oc
any prc
at stat
He d
ing toy
tion bil
care of
or not.'
has tor
state f
tests ag
sons for
both h
floor. IT

The Soviet warning followed
similar threats earlier. this month
to Denmark, Norway and other
European nations.
The note reminded West Ger-
many of the horrors the country
:suffered in World War II when as
it said "only conventional weap-
ons were used."
In any new war, it said, the ter-
ritory of West Germany would be-
come an immediate target of re-
taliation "with all kinds of mod-
ern weapons, including guided
The Soviet government also ap-
pealed to German hopes for re-
unification, one of the most burn-
ing political issues in divided Ger-
many today.
West Germany's policy of remil-
itarization already has created se-
rious obstacles to Germany's uni-
fication, the note said.
Fresh Rains
Flood South,
Eastern Texas
By The Associated Press
Fresh downpours sent f 1 o o d
damage mounting yesterday in
A rainsodden south and central Tex-
A band of showers and thunder-
showers extended along a cool
front from eastern Texas to lower
Tornado funnel clouds were
sighted north of Springfield, Ill.,
and Pontiac, Mich., but there were
no reports of damage.
Several thundershowers broke
out in ,the Northeast, but else-
where in the East generally fair
and warm weather prevailed.
The mercury shot up to 92 de-
grees in Roanoke, Va., the high-
est reading ever registered sol
early in the spring. New high rec-
ords for the datte were set at Co-


Joint Judiciary,
Petitions Open
Petitioning is now open for
Joint Judiciary Council, according
to Herb Wander, '57, Joint Judic
Petitions should be picked up
at the Office of Student Affairs.
Interviewing will begin May 13.


still planning on making aj
on the floor of House," he
Republican legislator as-
the GOP spending plan as
sighted" for not making
wision for new cons~truction
e supported colleges and
declared before fellow Re-
ns yesterday that "I'm go-
propose that the appropria-
ills in the Legislature take
f the schools whether the
ican Party is opposed to me
g increases in Michigan's
tion, he said the Legislature
revise its thinking on school
,r Republicans called lack of
unds and taxpayer's pro-
gainst tax hikes as the rea-
r holding the line on appro-
ay was the deadline for ap-
tion and tax committees in
.oses to report bills to the
No corporation profits tax
l came from either house.
'est Ends
Sg' Drive
Arbor P o I i c e arrested
Trubow, '58L, who was
driving across the diagonal
5 a.m. yesterday by the
s Patrol.
ow, with two passengers,
4 to satisfy an urge" by
on the diagonal and was
for driving while under the
ce of alcohol, according to
bor Police.
ed by the Campus Patrol,
control of the wheel while
ting a left turn from'
'hayer to East Washington
shed onto a pile of build-
ck. None of the three oc-
were injured.
ow was released f r o m
naw County Jail yestereday

AMMAN. Jordan (/)-Jordan's
new antileftist regime established
military courts yesterray to try
all cases growing out of Jordan's
political crisis.
The two-day-old Cabinet of Pre-
mier Ibrahim Hashem, 69, ar-
ranged for the new courts in a
two-hour meeting.
The censored dispatch did not
say whom the new courts would
try. Unconfirmed reports in other
Arab capitals said Jordan Authori-
ties had arrested several hundred
Communists, leftists and extreme
nationalists-including nationalist
ex-Premier Suleiman Nabulsi
Cheering Message
King Hussein meanwhile, got aI
cheering message from King Saud7
of Saudi Arabia, congratulating
him on bringing law and order to
Jordan after nearly three weeks
of disturbances. It was one of
many such messages received.
Unconfirmed reports said an of-
ficial delegation from Saudi Arabia,
Egypt and Syria was expected to
arrive in Amman soon.
Jordan has a military alliance
with those three countries.
Deliberate on Doctrine
Hussein has said Jordan will de-
cide in consultation with its Arab
neighbors whether to use the Eis-
enhower Doctrine, offering United
States defense to. any Arab coun-
try attacked by another power un-
der international Communist con-
The Cabinet discussed the inter-
nal situation at "Yesterday's meet-
ing. No riots had been reported,
since Thursday, when the King
outlawed Jordan's 10 political par-
ties, installed the new government,
imposed martial law on the coun-
try and decreed a curfew for the
principal cities.
He called the Communists spies,


AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP)-Llewelyn E. Thompson, a career diplomat
who speaks Russian fluently, was chosen by President Dwight Eisen-
hower yesterday to be the new ambassador to Moscow.
Thompson, 52. now envoy to Austria, will succeed Charles E.
Bohlen at the important Soviet Union post. Bohlen has been reassigned
as ambassador to the Philippines after four years in Russia.
James C. Hagerty, White House press secretary, announced at the
President's vacation headquarters here that Thompson's nomination-
which had . been forecast for -

' months-will go to the Senate next
Also Nominated
The President Saturday also
1) Don C. Bliss, now State De-
partment foreign service inspector,
to be envoyto Ethiopia. He suc-
ceeds Joseph Simonson, a Luther-
an minister who resigned shortly
I after Vice-President Nixon's recent
visit to Ethiopia. There have been
reports Nixon was critical of Sim-
onson. Hagerty declined comment
when asked about that.
2) Walter P. McConaughy, now
State Department director of Chi-
nese affairs, to be ambassador to
Burma. He replaces Joseph C.
Statterthwaite, also a career diplo-
mat, who is being reassigned.
In Austria Since 1952
All the nominations will ge sub-
ject to Senate confirmation.
Thompson, picked to be envoy to
the Soviet Union, has been am-
bassador to Austria since 1952. In
that post he helped handle negoti-
ations with the Russians on the
Austrian peace treaty and with-
drawal of occupation forces.
Thompson has been in the For-
eign Service since 1929 and from.
1940 to 1943 he was second secre-
tary at the U.S. Embassy in Mos-
In 1955 he served as an advisor
to Eisenhower and interpreter at
the Big - Four summit conference


Russian Attempt To Beat at1:
verest olddecde(
British Up EveretiTol
LONDON ()-A weird story reached here Saturday that 40 influenc
Russian mountaineers perished attempting to beat the British in Ann Ark
scaling Mt. Everest in 1952. Purs
Sir John Hunt, who led the successful British ascent of the attempt
world's highest mountain in 1953, commented: "I think there is some South T
truth in the story." and cra
The Warsaw newspaper Szandar Mledych carried the report about ing brie
the Soviet expedition, saying it was under direct orders from Stalin. cupants
' A Polish climber named Pawlowski was quoted as saying the Soviet Washter
mission was to plant the "flag of peace" on top of Everest as a on $100
dramatic gesture in Stalin's peace *
offensive at that time.
The Soviet expedition reportedly
reached 26,400 feet-within 2,600,
feet of the top of Everest. In De-aest
cember 1952 the Russians radioed
confidently they hoped to scale By ROBERT JUNKER be cont
the peak within two days. Campus Chest will conduct its Teamsc
That was the last heard from first annual fund drive May 5 to front o
them and presumably the expedi- 11 with the slogan, "Don't pass theI and Wo
Lion was wiped out by an ava- buck, give it" as its theme. Stude
lanche, by the paper's account. The drive will follow the pattern
I now used in most cities - one
Sir John Hunt says he remem- yearly united campaign drive re-
bers a mystery plane circling Ever- placing several small fund re-
est while the British expedition quests.
Iwas training on the mountain in CotiIin rl a-1"-

Ike Expected
To Campaign
For Program
WASHINGTON (P)-Close asso-
ciates expect President Eisenhower
to take personal command next
week of a new drive to get his
bogged-down legislative program
through Congress.
Eisenhower will be back in the
White House early next week after
a work and play vacation at Au-
gusta, Ga. His first order of busi-
ness apparently will be to call leg-
islative leaders of both parties to-
gether for a conference on his
foreign aid program.
Drive Opens
Administration officials look to
this conference as the opening of
a drive by the President to get
early action in Congress on school
construction aid, a refugee bill,
civil rights and other legislation.
Eisenhower has been told by
some of his advisors that although
he has been plugging for his pro-
gram in his weekly news confer-
ences, some additional efforts may
be necessary to build up popular
support for his proposals.
In this connection there has
been talk the President might
make some national television ap-
peals for such support.
Ike Called Determined
Eisenhower was represented in
top administration circles as being
determined to stick firmly by his
recommendations for $4,400,000,-
000 foreign aid program.
That program is the chief target
of congressional efforts to cut the
President's $71,800,000,000 spend-
ing budget. Sen. Knowland, Cali-
fornia, Republican leader, has pre-
dicted a billion dollar cut in for-i
eign aid.
Navy Unveils
New TV Ta~e
1? A cu'TTr~m., r1T X -,.Tr ___.-I

Arab Allies
To Discuss
Saud Action
King Congratulates
Hussein for Restoring
Jordan Law, Order
CAIRO, Egypt (.') -- President
Shukri Kuwatly of Syria returned
from Saudi Arabia yesterday for aS
second round of talks with Presi-
dent Gamal Nasser about Jordan.
The Egyptian Cabinet was sum-
moned to hear a report on the
result of the conference with King
Saud, nominally allied with
Syria and Egypt, recently has
taken a strong anti-Communist
line and is backing King Hussein
in his battle against leftist and
pro-Egyptian elements in Jordan.
A dispatch from Amman said
Saud sent a message congratulat-
ing Hussein for restoring law and
order in his kingdom after three
weeks of turmoil.
President Kuwatly and a top-
flight Egyptian mission headed by
Ali Sabry, Nasser's personal politi-
cal adviser, conferred with Saud at
Mecca overnight. Kuwatly talked
with Nasser here Thursday. Nasser
met the Syrian-Egyptian mission
on its return.
The results of the Kuwatly-
Sabry meeting with Saud would
appear to hold vital meaning in
the high-pressure Arab diplomatic
maneuvering taking place around
Iraq is reported demanding that
Syria pull its 3,000 to 5,000 troops
out ofunorthern Jordan, These
troops moved in last fall, ostensibly
to bolster Jordan against Israel
during the Israeli attack on Egypt.
Syria Claims
Fleet Action
Causes Unrest
DAMASCUS, Syria OP)-An offi-
cial Syrian source said yesterday
the movement of the United States
6th Fleet into the Eastern Medi-
terranean will increase tension in
the Middle East.
The government source told a
reporter foreign influences were
trying to stir up trouble in Jordan.
He declined to name these coun-
Asked if the approach of the 6th
Fleet in the Eastern Mediterran-
ean. could be described as foreign

said some+
selves toI
tacking hii

officials had "sold them- at Geneva.
the outside" and asked In 1949 he was deputy assistant
newspapers to stop at- secretary of state for European
m. affairs.

a r

To Hold First Drive May 5
acted the night of May 7. Students living in residence ments on WCBN have also been
of workers will attempt to h a14s, sorority and fraternity planned by the publicity commit-
f the engine arch, Union houses will be contacted by mem- tee, headed by Felisky. A "ther-
men's Athletic Building. bers of their living groups some- mometer" showing the up-to-date
nts living off-campus will time during the week of the cam- progress of the campaign is ten-
paign. tatively scheduled for the diag-
The Residence Halls Board of onal.
Governors has permitted Campus Money collected from the drive
Chest to solicit in the dormitories will be used for the World Univer-
if the individual house councils sity Service, Fresh Air Camp, and
errnt 1. rfl I -i*+ha 7T ,nn.TT.. 9-F 11-1. , t- - -

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