Us 4r Ate tau Da~ily
Sixty-Seventh Ywr
"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Wil Prevail"
ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Panhel's Good Faith
Called Into Question
1HE NEWS that Panhellenic Association will officers says was the result of "deep thinking"
petition Student Government Council for a -without atleast indicating in what sub-group
revocation of the Council's deferred rushing that thinking took place, why it was not in
resolution is greatly disturbing. the special Research Commitee, and what are
Pending presentation of the rationale behind the general lines of its rationale. Surely the
the decision, which Panhel has promised be- reasons which supposedly necessitate a re-
fore Wednesday's Council meeting, specific dis- turn to fall rush came first, were thoughtfully
cussion of the difficulties involved in calen- considered, and then the proposal was for-
daring a spring rush must be postponed. mulated. If this is so, then the case for fall
But SGC's action in the area of rushing rushing - over and above the reasons which
ustMa c'reprsetednanthrgfeelingshag SGC rejected in its decision last March -
last March represented a strong feeling that should be on the tip of every Panhel officer's
there were interests other than those of the tongue. why then, does the organization re-
sororities which had to be taken into account fuse to indicate even in the most general terms
-primarily those of future freshman women whatomptedeiteuestageveralote
faced with the prospect of being rushed into Cat pr pted it to request a reversal of the
rush. The importance which SGC and the cam-S
pus attached to the whole issue of spring rush- 3) For the same reasons, and for reasons of
ing would lead one to think that almost no general propriety, one must question the pass-
scheduled event should be allowed to stand in ing, by a 19-1-1 vote, of a resolution for which
the way of the orderly implementation of the only the briefest reasons were given, with a full
March, 1956 SGC decision. rationale promised for the meeting following
the one at which action was taken. How the
UT ASSUMING - for the purposes of argu- Board of Delegates can first pass a motion sug-
ment only-that there are calendaring diffi- gested by the Executive Council and then wait
culties which made the implementation of for the executive body to explain why the mo-
spring rush impossible, Panhel's handling of tion was passed is quite incomprehensible.
the rushing question is open to question on sev-
eral serious counts. ND If Panhel was so dead set against de-
1) For at least three months, according to ferred rush that it did not even require a
reliable sources, Panhel has considered rush- statement of reasons before it voted to request
ing calendars which did not, as SGC had ruled revision, its effectiveness as a body determined
they must, begin rushing in the second se- to find a means of implementing deferred rush-
mester. The latest proposal, which was re- ing must be questioned.
leased Thursday in The Daily without any help 4) Parts of the last two Panhel meetings were
or confirmation by the Panhel executive coun- conducted in secrecy, and only parts or gen-
cil, called for the first set of rushing parties to eral descriptions of the executive sessions have
begin Dec. 6 - a full two months before the been unofficially revealed to The Daily. The
beginning of the second semester. Pre-rush Panhel council balked at any attempt at having
registration was scheduled for November, not its calendar proposals made public. If Panhel
December as called for in the SGC resolution. truly has nothing to hide in its allegedly dedi-
Assuming the Panhel Researcli Committee cated attempts to find a time for spring rush,
studied the calendaring in good faith, with it would demonstrate this better by letting
the intention of implementing the SC deci- the public know all of what goes on at its meet-
son, it could not have discussed a mid-first ings, as well as by not stalling the announce-
semester rush until it had satisfied itself a sec- ment of its findings until it is difficult to do
qnd semester rushingaprogram was impossible, anything about them.
It must, therefore, have reached this concu- The campus humbly but curiously awaits the
4ion months ago, when the fall rush calendars formulation of a statement of rationale for
were first discussed. To have waited so long theation Thursateen a ingte
before informing the campus and SGC of the the action Thursday. But even assuming the
reasons for it are sound, we may long wonder
impossibility of spring rush - still assuming why so old a decision was so long in the ex-
for the purposes of argument that it was im- pression why Panhel is not immediately ready
possible - was an affront to the authority of with its reasons, how the Board of Delegates
SC and to the campus which the Council could so strongly endorse a proposal for which
so little rationale was presented, and why such
VTHEthe campus has exhibited such inter- extreme secrecy has been required for actions
of public concern.
est, and SGC had devoted so much time
and energy to the formulation of a spring rush- When SGC rendered its decision, the Pan-
ing plan, one can only question impulses which hel president graciously accepted it and re-
would lead Panhel to do other than immediate- fused to call the Board of Review into session,
ly and publicly inform SGC of the prospects although sorority alumni groups eventually
for its well-laid plans. SGC would be ill-advised did. SGC followed up by entrusting Panhel
to allow itself to be hurried into reverting to with the responsibility for doing the initial
a fall rush or accepting a winter rush by a lack research required for the calendaring of spring
of time for which Panhel itself must accept rush. The good faith which Panhel appeared
full responsibility. to demonstrate and which SGC assumed, is
2) It is difficult to see how Panhel can pre- called into question by Thursday's action.
sent so drastic a proposal - which one of its -PETER ECKSTEIN
Ike Doctrine--Stllorn
KYon See-Propaganda Everywhere"
a I
i i
Spirit of St. Louis'
Effective Suspense
IT WOULD BE difficult to imagine a more effective treatment of the
Lindbergh legend than "Spirit of St. Louis." With a minimum of
nonsense.Warner Brothers has put together a fast moving, entertaining
film which concerns itself with the famous New York-Paris flight.
An occasional flash-back briefly brings the audience up to date:
Lindbergh's early air mail flights, barnstorming days and flight school
Something of the anti-airplane prejudice of the 1920 period, an
unfortunate era when the country was populated largely by nar-
'- . . 'cac -
,i'm-,. -r c A.r4,AtSiro.v -A $*t,. C.
Sts By OR of Doghouse
row -minded fools, is brought
B ut mainly, the story is Lind-
bergh, or rather James Stewart's
Lindbergh. Stewart is fairly well
adapted to the tall, soft-spoken,
fearless role by now, surely, and
so he appears in this film.
Also, since the story is told in a
quasi - narrative style, Stewart's
well-known voice is used to ad-
vantage here and there.
The scenes of the actual flight
are tremendously effective. The
suspense is well-managed. This is
especially difficult since most of
the audience knew ahead of time
that the flight was probably going
to succeed, for it seemed unlikely
that Warner Brothers would crash
poor Stewart into some cliff for
the sake of shocking the crowds.
Even so, the various mishaps
which occur during the flight will
excite all but the most thick head-
ed clod who should be home
watching TV anyhow,
SOMETHING of the 1920 scene
is captured in this film. The
obvious items are all present of
course: the old autos, the flimsy
airplanes, - the curious looking
females. Something less easily
named is the general feeling of
authenticity which settles about
Spirit of St. Louis, so that when,
at the end of the film, some
genuine films of Lindbergh's re-
ception at New York City are
shown, the break in time is barely
Certainly these films are black
& white, instead of Warner-Color,
and perhaps not intended for so
wide a screen, but the continuity
is unbroken.
* * *
AT THE END of the long flight,
the huge reception awaiting Lind-
bergh in Paris is almost a surprise
to the audience; as well as the
pilot. Some of the crowd scenes are
almost frightening,
Many of the problems of the
motion picture biography a r e
avoided in this film, since only
one specific incident in Lind-
bergh's life is presented, and this
lends itself quite well to drama-
tization. Perhaps this is the only
sort of effective biography we can
expect, since the tendency to re-
write men's lives for the sake of a
more suitable script is always re-
grettable but always present.
-David Kessel
HE CHICAGO Daily News dis-
closes that one of the items in
the projected 72 - billion - dollar
Eisenhower budget is $4,710 to
cover "traveling in and around
Washington to find a spot for a
memorial to Franklin D. Roose-
velt." This is redundance. Clearly
the budget itself is enough of
memorial to Franklin D. Roosevelt.
-National Review
A significant development has
taken place in United States
disarmament negotiations, and in
the life of disarmament negotiator
Harold Stassen.
John Foster Dulles has begun to
like "the Childe Harold."
This is important. It wasn't the
case before. Stassen, once referred
to as "the wonder boy" when he
became a young prodigy Governor
of Minnesota, was formerly deep
in the Dulles doghouse. When Har-
old held a background press con-
ference last December to paint a
rosy view of Russian disarmament
proposals, Dulles, then in Paris,
held a background next day to tell
the press how wrong Harold was.
Stassen was then working di-
rectly under White House orders.
Because Dulles didn't like either
him or this arrangement, Stassen
was transferred to the State De-
partment, where he would have to
take orders direct from the Secre-
tary of State.
* * *
STASSEN has been a good sport
about this, continued to work hard
for disarmament, and, believe it
or not, Dulles has come to like
him. He has been impressed by
Statsen's ngeotiating ability, now
shares his view that there is defi-
nitely a chance to make some hay
with the Russians on disarma-
Stassen has detected an appar-
ent desire on the part of the Rus-
sians to wrap up some kind of dis-
armament agreement. This coin-
cides with a rather favorable re-
port from retiring Ambassador
Charles Bohlen that the Kremlin
is concentrating on domestic prob-
lems, doesn't want war.
Result is that Stassen has gone
back to Europe with the green
light from both the President and
the Secretary of State to go all-out
for a disarmament agreement.
* *
A MEMBER of the Eisenhower
Cabinet, believe it or not, was a
substantial contributor to Ameri-
cans for Democratic Action, ,the
liberal political group which car-
ries on the traditions of FDR. ADA
discovered during a recent house-
cleaning that Secretary of Labor
Jim Mitchell contributed $100
when ADA was launched 10 years
ago . .. Those who met Mexico's
charming comic Cantiflas at the
Mexican Embassy the other night
say he's done American-Mexican
relations more good than the U.S.-
Mexican presiden" I confab at
White Sulphur Springs last year.
Mexican Ambassador Manuel Telloe
gave a jam-packed reception for
the movie star after "Around the
World in 80 Days" opened in
Washington . . . CAB Chairman
James R. Durfee expects domestic
air travel to exceed rail travel for
the first time next year . . . United
States Chamber of Commerce offi-
cials are wondering if they weren't
too successful in their campaign
for government "economy." House
economizers took the cue from the
Chamber by eliminating the Busi-
ness and Defense Services Admin-
istration of the Commerce Depart-
ment, the Chamber's chief lobby
for big business in the government.
REPUBLICANS who don't be-
lieve in Ike's "Modern Republican-
ism," plus conservative Democrats,
have more method than madness
in cutting key portions of the bud-
Certain significant slices will un-
dercut certain laws which the sol-
ons don't want enforced. Take, for
example, the $200,000 slice out of
the office of the Solicitor of the
Labor Department. The public
doesn't understand what this
means, but it will result in the fir-
ing of 35 lawyers from the solici-
tor's department.
This, in turn, will mean that the
Minimum Wage Act, the Walsh-
Healy Act, and the Davis-Bacon
Act will not be enforced.
These are laws which conserva-
tive Republicans-Democrats voted
against in the first place, and the
easiest way to undercut them is to
hack away at .their enforcement
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
By The Associated Press
MEMBERS of New York's robust
young diplomatic colony usu-
ally lead busy but orderly lives,
their days filled with speeches
luncheons, teas, cocktail parties,
dinners-and a few hours at home.
But now and then, a member
adds a bit of spice by spitting in
the eye of a policeman or dunking
himself in the Hudson River.
This 11-year-old international
set, attracted here by the United
Nations, has all the usual problems
of a diplomatic colony plus many
which don't arise in capital cities
suph as Paris, London and Wash-
The New York diplomatic corps
is so new the diplomats and the
city are not yet fully adjusted to
each other.
Some Negroes and other non-
white diplomats, have run into
housing problems. Some have had
trouble in hotels, restaurants and
other public places. Communist
diplomats have been picketed and
hooted as they entered and left
their delegation offices.
THERE HAVE been occasional
legal skirmishes between diplo-
mats and the police-mostly traf-
fic violations, some speeding, some
Former Secretary General Try-
gve Lie once made a test case when
his chauffeur was arrested for
speeding. He established the
chauffeur's immunity, with the
State Department support, because
the chauffeur was on an official
mission. After establishing the
principle, Lie waived immunity
and paid a $10 fine.
The delegate who spat in a
policeman's face and got away
with it was Rodolfo Munoz of Ar-
gentina. The. incident occurred in
New Jersey some years ago when
the Latin American lost his temper
during an argument over a traffil
The case was settled after State
Department officials interceded
and got the policeman, in the in-
terest of good international rela-
tions, to accept an apology.
Another delegate who made a
big splash was George B. Steven-
son of Liberia. He fell into the
Hudson River at 3:20 a.m. one
chilly October morning after an
evening on the town. He was fish-
ed out by an unknown passerby
and was standing wet and shiver-
ing on the pier when police ar-
The case was closed with this
brief notation on the police blot-
ter: "Apparently intoxicated. Was
walking on pier piling. Lost bal-
ance. Fell in."
The Daly Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michi-
gan Daily assumes no editorial re-
sponsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
3553 Administration Building, be-
fore 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices forSunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Women students living in the Mar-
tha Cook Building, and those accepted
for September, 1957, wishing to apply
for the Anne E. Shipman Stevens
scholarship may call at the Building for
an application blank before May 1.
Qualification is based on academie
standing, financial need, extra-curri-
cular activities and contribution to
group living.
Attention all Seniors: Order your
caps and gowns for June graduation at
Moe's Sport Shop on North University
as soon as possible.
Shakespeare's Richard III will be pre-
sented by the Department of Speech
at 2:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. today in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets
for both performances are on sale at
the box office 10 a.m.-8 p.m.
Department of Journalism. Open to
THE EISENHOWER Doctrine seems lost in
the shuffle of events in Jordan.
King Hussein, who is by no means anti-
American and could certainly use some help
against the epmmunists, has said "no" very
definitely to any application of the Doctrine
in his country.
This situation raises a host of interesting
conjectures. For one thing, there is the possi-
bility, which apparently no one in Washington
had considered, that the Middle Eastern coun-
tries don't want to be protected by the United
States. They have good reasons for this, in
their own minds, such as the fear of colonial-
ism. Dead as this bugaboo may be, it is hard
to convince people who have spent their lives
fighting it that this is so.
In this case, the administration has put its
foot in its mouth by proposing the Doctrine in
the first place. An unsolicited offer of "aid"
from a great power to a "little" state has an
air of aggrandizement about it that suggests
the communist conquests of Eastern Europe
and- China.
Indeed, if King Hussein is successful, the
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
GAIL GOLDSTEIN .........'.......Personnel Director
ERNEST THEODOSSIN ............ Magazine Editor
JANET REARICK ........ Associate Editorial Director
MARY ANN THOMAS ....... .Features Editor
DAVID GTREY.............Sports Editor
RICHARD CRAMER ........ Associate Sports Editor
STEPHEN HEILPERN ........ Associate Sports Editor
ARLINE LEWIS .........Women's Co-Editors
JOHN HIRTZEL................Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DAVID SILVER, Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN ... Associate Business Manager
whole Eisenhower Doctrine may become a moot
point. Already Saudi Arabia's king, Ibn Saud,
has ordered his troops to help Hussein if it is
necessary, and Iraqi troops are at another bor-
der. The former of these moves is doubly signi-
ficant, since Saudi Arabia, along with Jordan
and Syria, has been regarded as one of the
chief allies of Gamal Abdel Nasser.
THIS WOULD appear to mean that both
Saudi Arabia and Jordan are moving away
from Egypt. Except for weak Syria, Nasser is
thus left virtually friendless in his own neigh-
borhood. The doctrine, originally promulgated
to oppose an increase in the Egyptian or. Rus-
sian sphere of influence, thus would be mean-
ingless, since Russia will not move into the
area without support from most of the Arab
The show of force of moving the Sixth Fleet
to the Eastern Mediterranean is pointless and
even stupid, in view of Hussein's statement of
independence. Jordan is a landlocked country,
and the only conceivable way by which United
States troops could get to it would be through
Israel -- which would certainly be a major er-
ror. Hussein is first and foremost an Arab na-
tionalist, with no more use for Israel than Nas-
ser. Such a move would perhaps cost Hussein
his throne; in any event, it would drive him
completely away from the Western powers.
Yet the Sixth Fleet must do something if it
remains near Jordan, unless the country is to
look foolish and vacillating in the eyes of the
Arab nations. This, also, would dispose of the
Eisenhower Doctrine.
In effect, Hussein has finished the Eisen-
hower Doctrine as an important part of Amer-
ican foreign policy by his refusal of help. The
United States must now look for another policy
in the Middle East, and must find and formu-
late one soon.
New Books at the Lihrarv
USIA, Cinema Guild Draw Comment
Firepower .
To the Editor:
BELIEVE Mr. Halloran is hold-
ing an untenable position in his
editorial on the budget of the
United States Information Agency
which appeared in The Daily of
April 25th.
His statements to the effect that.
we should buy pumps for the rice
farmers and give 4way surplus
grain to the starving have nothing
to do with the USIA. The economic
aid is taken care of under the
Foreign Aid Bill, and heushould be
arguing that a larger portion of
that bill should be for economic
help. The USIA, however, is not an
aid organization, but a propaganda
or information organization.
Is it not obvious how success-
ful Russia has been in giving little
aid but abundant propaganda to
the nations of Asia and the Middle
East, and how unsuccessful have
been our attempts at influencing
these people with some economic
help, large amounts of military as-
sistance, and for all practical pur-
poses no food for thought?
In China (and I speak from
personal experience) we gave mil-
lions of dollars for military pur-
poses every year. Yet many then
realized, and most observers real-
ize now that the revolution in
China was an ideological one and
not one where military strength
*D*r * s
DUPING the critical years after
How could we hope to win with
these against an unceasing flow of
books, pamphlets, movies, and
radio broadcasts from the North?
And in those days the budget of
the USIA was approximately the
same amount to which next year's
budget has been cut.
The pattern was repeated in
Southeast Asia, and now in the
Middle East again we think of
men's minds too late. We still de-
lude ourselves into thinking that
"rice christians" have been truly
If we think that our ideology
is better than that of Communists,
is it not time that we try to ex-
plain it to others? Is it not time
to show the world the true basis
of our economic success, instead of
giving only of our surplus wealth
and might?
I do not believe that cutting the
budget of the USIA will help make
it more effective and strengthen
our position against an ideological
tyranny. Any cuts will weaken our
propaganda firepower.
-James P. van Putten, Grad.
Monopoly? . ..
To the Editor:
IT IS sad to say that under the
moral covering of high-sounding
words, free competition is crushed
in an enlightened campus as the
University in a country universally
recognized as the greatest democ-
racy in the world today.
One of the most well-known cx-
aVmml PC .is the, ,4nn rnnl rr cinrl
the "University Eegulations Con-
cerning Student Affairs, Conduct
and Discipline" that "Such grct' s
(campus organizations) aro )e-
ouested not to s h Cule their show.
ing during the vt.ekend so as nor
to be in confit with weekend
Cinema Guild s-':wings."
But to the oowers that deside,
this 'request' 1 tmes a law never
to be broken. It is argued that tht ,
Cinema Guild is an orgaz'i'ion
that gives :fnac:u al aid to ary
campus organat cn that is nc t of managing its owl finar-
cial needs and that, as such, it
should be closely protected from
all competition.
However noble the cause may
be, the means adopted is a nega-
tion of free competition.
-Thomas S. David, '57E