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April 27, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-04-27

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Latest Deadline in the State



SGC Says Joint
Meeting Not Held
Panhel Failed To Discuss Rushing
Schedule with Calendar Committee
Panhellenic Association never met with Student Government
Council Calendaring Committee to work out scheduling problems for
spring rushing, according to two recent chairmen of the Calendar
Betty Boynton, '58, who chaired the committee until January,
said the Panhel group "never got to that stage," while she was in
Carol Bamberger, '60, who has headed the committee since Janu-
ary, said she never heard a word on spring rushing from any Panhel
Could Alter Date
There was a chance some dates could have been altered to
help work out the program, she said. "I didn't know about the

Hunt Reds.
In Jordan;fewSet







As Cause of



British Plan
Atomic Navy
LONDON (4)-Britain wrote the
end yesterday to an historic chap-
ter in the story of the Royal Navy.
The government announced
plans for a nuclear age navy with
the emphasis on small, fast ships
instead of the heavy battleships
and cruisers which spearheaded
Britain's fighting fleet in two
world wars.
Bound for the scrap heap are
four famed battleships-the King
George V, the Duke of York, the
Anson and the Howe.
Cruisers Going
Traditional cruisers are to make
way for fast fleet escort vessls
carrying guided missiles.
Britain's future navy will con-
sist of highly mobile task force
groups built around modernized
and re-equipped aircraft carriers.
Their attacking power will center
on the new 1,500-mile-an-hour
Blackburn N39 bomber, which can
carry an atomic bomb.
The naval reorganization was
announced by the first lord of the
admiralty, Lord Selkirk, in a
memorandum on 1957-58 expendi-
ture estimates.
New Five-Year Plan
His memorandum was part of
Britain's new five-year defense
program aimed at cutting service
manpower and boosting efficien-
cy through the development of
tight-knit units armed with atom-
ic and nuclear weapons.
Naval strength will be cut next
year by 7,000 men to a total of
121, 500.
Naval chiefs have budgeted an
expenditure of 316 million pounds
-884 million dollars. This is a cut
of 32 million pounds - 89 million
dollars - from this year's figure.
Russians Call
Move of Fleet
The Soviet Union yesterday ac-
cused the United States of using
what it called a nonexistent Com-
munist threat as a pretext for
sending the 6th Fleet into the east-
ern Mediterranean.
The charge was made by Soviet
Delegate Arkady A. Sobolev. He
said "attempts are being made to
exercise vindictive measures
against the people of Jordan which
is refusing to accept the Eisen-
hower Doctrine and join the ag-
gressive Baghdad Pact."
Sobolev brought up the Jordan
crisis during Security Council de-
bate on the Suez Canal question.
He was called to order by the
Council president, Sir Pierson Dix-
on of Britain, but his remarks
brought replies from both the
United States and Iraq.
United States Delegate Henry
Cabot Lodge called the Sobolev
statement "the latest in an ap-
parently endless series of attacks
on the United States."
Recall Envoy
To Honduras

*plan until I read it in the paper
Joe Collins, '58, SGC president,
concurred with the women. "I'm'
sorry," he said, "Panhel did not
inform SGC of the ti ouble they
were having." This puts an undue
hardship on girls in sorority
houses who now won't know their
situation for a while, he said.
Collins first learned of the pro-
posal to request fall rushing
Thursday night.
Panhellenic Association strong-
ly opposed spring rushing before
it was established by the Council
on March 14, 1956.
Proposal Given to Panhel
However, at SGC's March 21st
meeting, Panhel was delegated to
work out "the full implementation
of the proposal which falls within
the internal jurisdiction" of the
Bruce M. Arden, supervisor of
tabulating service at the Univer-
sity told The Daily he had worked
with members of Panhel to devise
a workable schedule for use of the
IBM machines.
Women use IBM punch cards
to help with their rushing 'pro-
gram. He said a hypothetical
schedule had been worked out for
spring rushing which would be
workable at that time.
He explained that "the girls felt
the set-up would not be ideal from
theim point of view, but certainly
one which would work."
He also explained that after a
hypothetical spring schedule had
been worked out, the women then
planned a hypothetical fall pro-
SGC had proposed Panhel im-
plement a spring rushing program.
However, Panhel's proposed pro-
gram begins in December with
registration and mixers.
It calls for two-day breaks be-
tween sets for tabulation of the
IBM cards. There were only two
one day breaks in the rushing
program last fall.
Fall Rush Program
The fall rushing program this
past year took place the same time
as several all campus dances and
a concert. Were a February rush-
ing program superimposed on thisI
year's tentative spring calendar, it
would directly conflict with a
variety show, a concert and a Uni-
versity lecture.
Dianne Duncan, '58Ed, ex-
plained that while Panhel hadn't
conferred with the SGC calendar
committee, they had spoken to
members of various student or-
"You can't reschedule Michi-
gras, JGP, or Frosh Weekend," she
said. These programs take a great
See PANHEL, page 2

AMMAN, Jordan (AP)-King Hus-
sein placed Jordan under a mili-
tary governor yesterday an d
launched a determined war against
the Communists in his kingdom.
The Arab Legion, the King's
loyal and predominantly Bedouin
army, began a roundup of Com-
munists, left-wing leaders and ex-
treme nationalists, in an attempt
to snuff out the Red influence
which has helped keep this nation
in seething ferment.
Hussein's new premier, 69-year-
old Ibrahim Hashem, called in the
ambassadors of neighboring Arab
states and informed them of the
developments which have been
rocking Jordan for nearly three
Communist Penetration
The 21-year-old King, winner of
at least a temporary victory in the
second round of a struggle for his
throne, left little doubt in any of
the Arab leaders' minds that he
considers his primary job at this
time to be the crushing of any
further attempts at Communist
As military governor for the
whole country, the King named
his new defense minister, Suleiman
Toukan, who will wield enormous
This step followed a declaration
of martial law Thursday and im-
position of virtually total curfew
upon Jordan's main cities-Am-
man, the capital; the Old City of
Jerusaelm, Nablus, Ramallah and
Irbid in Palestinian Jordan, the
latter near the Syrian frontier.
One Round Won
The young King, himself a nov-
ice at politics, won the first round
of his fight for the throne when
he got rid of the military and
political leaders in his country who
apparently were working at cross
purposes with him.
In Syria, unconfirmed Damas-'
cus reports said nationalist for-'
mer Premier Suleiman Nabulsi
whom Hussein sacked two weeks
ago, was under house arrest.
U.S. Cautions
About Jordan
WASHINGTON (/)-The United I
States disclosed yesterday it has
urgently cautioned Syria, Egypt,
Israel and other governments
against any drastic action which;
might further inflame the Jordan'
The State Department reported'
this newest move to bolster young
King Hussein's hand amid uncon-
firmed rumors that Russian vol-
unteers might back up forces
seeking to topple him.
Top officials expressed doubt
Kremlin leaders would risk any
such thinly disguised intervention1
in the Middle East lest it set off
a major military explosion. I
A State Department spokesman
said United States diplomats had
urged "caution and prudence" on]
many governments, particularly
those near Jordan.1

Russian scientists have equip-
ment and facilities "on a scale I
have never seen before," Prof.
Henry Gomberg, assistant direc-
tor of the Phoenix Project, report-
ed yesterday.
Prof. Gomberg has just returned
from a conference of scientists in
Moscow where he read a paper on
the uses of radiation and radio-
He said that equipment there is
both "lavish and in great profu-
Competent Scientists
"We should not fool ourselves
into believing that the Russians
are not competent scientists," he
added. "They are competent and
well organized.
At the present time, Prof. Gom-
berg said, the Russians are in the
midst of a great educational effort
to train the Russian youth.
"At the University of Moscow,
the student's only expense is
clothes, he is furnished with books,
equipment, room and board, and
his tuition is paid." In addition, he
said, the standards at Russian uni-
versities are much higher than in
the United States.
"Incentive to be one of the few
who finally get to attend a univer-
sity is very great, Prof. Gomberg
said. The Russian scientist "con-
stitutes the nearest thing to an
aristocracy or a priviliged class the
country has."
A scientific student attends a
university for four and a half
years, after which he receives a
degree called a Diplomat. After
his formal education he works in
industry or at a research center for
a year before getting a higher de-
Work Load 'Enormous'
Prof. Gomberg called the amount
of work covered by the student
scientist "enormous" and much
greater than that done by an
American student.
While in Russia, Prof. Gomberg
found that the people, mostly
scientists that he talked to, have a
"deep-rooted" fear of war. He said
that they saw the next was as "one
of annihilation."
Prof. Gomberg said he "sees the
need for our continued efforts in
scientific research" if we are to
maintain our competitive position
in the world.
The one bad aspect of the Rus-
sian system is the lack of competi-
tion, Prof. Gomberg said. Their1
"monolithic" way of doing things is
not as good as ours he added.
"The worst myth we can labor
under," he concluded, "is that
Russia is dependent on foreign
scientists for their best work .. .
this is nonsense."

... baritone

... soprano . .. conductor

Musical Society Announces Schedule
For Choral Union, Extra Concert Series

Two famed orchestras from
abroad will be appearing for the
first time at the University during
the 1957-58 Choral and Extra Con-
cert series, Charles A. Sink, presi-
dent of the Musical Society, an-
nounced yesterday.
The Prague Philharmonic under
the direction of Karel Ancerl, will
perform Feb. 13 in the Choral
Union series. The Extra Concert
program of Oct. 24 will be the
Symphony Orchestra of the Flor-
ence Festival, with Carlo Zecchi
Other newcomers to the concert
series will be Vienna on Parade,
Jacob Albam-,
Russian Spy,
Pleads Guilty
NEW YORK (4P-Jacob Albam,
refugee alien member of a spy
ring that sought American defense
secrets for Russia, pleaded guilty
yesterday as had the husband-
wife espionage team with whom he
Albam, 64 years old, had been
left out on a limb last April 10 by
the guilty pleas of Jack Soble, 53
years old, and his wife, Myra, 52
years old.
The two since have been co-
operating with the government and
presumably were available as
prosecution witnesses against Al-
bam should he have chosen to
stand trial.
The Lithuanian-born Albam's
plea, like those of the Sobles, was
a bid for mercy. Had they been
convicted under the criginal con-
spiracy indictments, they could
have been sentenced to death.
Instead, all three now face at
most 10 years in prison and $10,000
fines on their guilty pleas. They
will be sentenced next Friday by
United States Judge Richard H.

with Captain Julius Herrmann
conducting, in the Choral series
on April 2. The NBC Opera Com-
pany, Peter Herman Adler con-
ductor, will present Verdi's "La
Traviata" in concert form in the
extra series on Oct. 6.
Vienna on Parade
Vienna on Parade, comprised of
marches, waltzes and folk songs,
will feature the Duetschmeister
Concert Band, the singing boys
and girls of Vienna Woods, and
will be accompanied by the Grinz-
ing Schrammel Ensemble, a 65
member zither player company.
The Choral Union series will be-
gin on Oct. 4, with a concert given
by Lily Pons, famed coloratura
soprano and Metropolitan Opera
Conductor Charles Munch and
the Boston Symphony will make
a return performance to Ann Ar-
bor Oct. 17.
Violinist, Yehudi Menuhin, will
preform on Oct. 29. The regular
series program of Nov. 10 will be
a return performance of the Cleve-
land Orchestra, under the leader-
ship of George Szell.
"Porgy and Bess" star, baritone
William Warfield, will appear Nov.
26 and the Obernkirchen Chil-
Daylight Time
To Start Soon
Daylight savings time starts
early tomorrow morning.
Half of the nation will switch to
the fast time on either a complete
or partial basis. The area covered
by Daylight Saving Time is mainly
in the Northeast, the Far West and
the Great Lakes.
The local area and the rest of
Michigan will remain on Eastern
Standard Time. The only effect
will be in inter-state commerce
and radio and TV programs.

dren's Choir will present a concert
on Feb. 25.
Fritz Reiner will conduct the
Chicago Symphony here on March
2 and will be followed by pianist
Myra Hess on March 8.
Extra Concert Series
First in the Extra Concert series
will be pianist Rudolf Serkin on
Nov. 15.
Vienna Choir Boys will return to
Hill Auditorium to give a concert
on Jan. 12, and Mantovani will
close the Extra Concert series on
March 11, also a return engage-
Also announced yesteerday were
the dates and performers of the
"Messiah," the Chamber Music
See 'FAMED' Page 5
U.S. Accepts
Egypt's Suez
Canal Plan
The United States a c c e p t e d
Egypt's new Suez Canal plan on a
trial basis yesterday even though
not fully satisfied with it.
United States Delegate Henry
Cabot Lodge told the UN Security
Council Egypt's 1,000-word dec-
laration on running the waterway,
registered with the UN Wednes-
day, lacked necessary provisions
for "organized cooperation" with
the users to safeguard their in-
But he said it should be "given
a trial" and "practical arrange-
ments" should be worked out un-
der it while the 11-nation Council
kept the question under review.
He announced that United States
vessels would be authorized to pay
tolls to Egypt only under protest
until a settlement had been
reached with the old Suez Canal
Co., from which Egypt took the
route last July 26.
United States shippers have
done this since that date to avoid
being caught owing both Egypt
and the company.
French Delegate Guillaume
Georges-Picot said that Egypt had
reserved its right to bar Israeli
shipping from the vital 103-mile
link between the Red and Medi-
terranean seas.
Omar Loutfi of Egypt declared,
his country favored freedom of
navigation through the canal but
did not make clear whether this
included Israel, long excluded.
Lodge said that the interests of
Egypt and the users required "the
assumption that there will in fact
be, as there should be, free and
nondiscriminatory use of the ca-
nal at all times by the ships of
all nations."
The declaration says Egypt will
afford free navigation of the canal
"within the limits of and in ac-
cordance with the provisions of"
the 1888 Constantinople Conven-
tion for the purpose.

Bill Headed
For Senate
Floor Action
'U' Appropriation
Still $29,131,000
Special to The Daily
LANSING - Holding firm to
its original recommendation, the
Senate Appropriations Committee
yesterday refused to raise the $29,-
131,000 it proposed April 18 for
the University's operating budget.
Reported out of committee yes-
terday, the unrevised budget bill
now goes to the Senate floor
where committee recommenda-
tions on funds for higher educa-
tion generally pass with little
University officials said the
money could not be sufficient to
retain student fees at the present
level, accommodate the expected
enrollment increase and grant the
desired faculty salary raise of 10
per cent.
Salary Priority
"It has always been University
policy to make the first item of
priority an adequate salary im-
provement for the existing staff,"
Marvin L. Niehuss University
Vice-President and Dean of Fac-
ulties said.
"The forthcoming Civil Service,
salary increases make it impera-
tive that the University makes a
similar salary adjustment," he
University officials testified be-
fore the Senate Committee this
week that they couldn't adequate-
ly handle the estimated increased
enrollment of 24,100 and make the
necessary salary increases. Com-
mittee chairman Sen. Elmer Por-
ter, (R-Blissfield) yesterday said
"I don't think the statements are
Hatcher Objects
"Sure they'll be able to increase
both enrollment and faculty," he
University President Harlan
Hatcher declared yesterday "that
the money just isn't there."
If both the Senate and the
House, which will not receive the
bill until next week, appropriate
the $29,131,000 recommended by
the Senate, the University will be
about five million short of its es-
timated operating budget of 42
million, Niehuss said.
Including the legislature's ap-
propriation, 7.5 million dollars in
tuition from an estimated 24,100
enrollment (at the current rate)
and $468,000 from project fees and
similar sources, the University in-
come would total approximately
37 million
The deficit could be met by sub-
See SENATE, Page 2
'Congress Can
Lower Taxes'
MIAMI, Fla. M) - Senator Wil-
liam Knowland (R-Calif) said yes-
terday if Congress can keep fed-
eral spending from going up it can
create a five-billion-dollar surplus
for tax euts and debt payment.
Sen. Knowland, the Senate Re-
publican leader, said continuance
of the present high level of in-
dividual and business taxes "will
ultimately destroy our free enter-
prise system."
In a speech to the Association of

American Physicians and Sur-
geons, Knowland called for a min-
imum reduction of 3 billion dol-
lars in President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower's $71,800,000 spending bud-
get for the fiscal year starting July
This reduction would bring ex-
penditures down close to the $68,-
900,000,000 level estimated for the
current fiscal year.
President Eisenhower's budget

SAB Formally Dedicated byPr esident Hat cher
Calling it a venture in scholarship, citizenship and just plain
joy of living, University President Harlan Hatcher formally dedicated
the Student Activities Building yesterday afternoon.
Introduced by master of ceremonies, Vice President for Student
Affairs James A. Lewis, President Hatcher said, "The building is a
great forward step and has given me pride, sense of satisfaction and
j oy.
- Relaxed and World-Weary

He went on to compare the students of today to his college era
of the twenties which he called the jazz era, labeling the present
day student as part of a "somewhat relaxed world-weary apathetic
President Hatcher pointed out the University's growth from "a
few little buildings 140 years ago to 16 schools and colleges and from
an enrollment of a few hundred to 22,000 students.
"The University has grown not only in the classroom but also
in the knowledge that student activities contribute to a great citizen-

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