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April 26, 1957 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1957-04-26

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Deans Like
New Offices
In Building
Facilities, Design
Receive Comment
Reactions of administrative per-
sonnel whose offices have moved
to the Student Activities Building
a t r e s s increased communication
with students and student groups.
Dean of Men Walter B. Rea
commented, "We're still very much
impressed with the building."
"Maybe it's more luxurious than
we need. But perhaps student
activities here have not been pro-
perly recognized."
* Cites Former Conditions
"I think it's in order, though."
He pointed to the crowded condi-
tions tolerated by Student Govern-
ment Council and other organiza-
Dramatic groups, in particular,
with sets to prepare faced severe
"Every broom closet was used.
"The League loaned some space,
so did the Union.
"There was some question as to
whether the administrative offices
should be moved. But students are
our clientele, aren't they?"
Problems in Communication
Dean Rea explained that by re-
moving the offices from the Ad-
ministration Building to the SAB,
difficulties of communication with
other offices in the Administration
Building were increased.
"The convenience is between us
and the students, but the incon-
venience is between us and the rest
of the administration."
Referring to inter-student group
communication, Dean Rea said,
"Each knows about the others'
"We've asone just about every-
thing but move a branch of Health
Service over here.
Colors, Marquee Noted
"I like the brightness, though
there are certain violent blues I
f don't like. And I don't like the
marquee very well, but maybe I'm
Dean of Women Deborah Bacon
started right in on the crowding.
"At last my secretaries have room
to get off each others' shoulders.
"In many ways, we gain by being
close to student activities, and we
lose by being farther from the rest
of the Administration."
Esthetic Design Cited
Miss Bacon had more to say
about the esthetic design. "We
think we've got one of the most
beautiful offices in the building.
"The functional design seems
Oriental." She led the way out of
her office to point to the screens
which separated some parts of the
Back in her own office, she ob-
served that "some of the func-
tional modern designs are about
as functional as a crenellated
Keeps Louvers Shut
Dean Bacon showed a decided
dislike for the marquee entrance,
then went on to the louvres on
the outside of the building.
"First they use glass all over the
building to let the sun in, then
they use louvres and curtains to
keep it out.
"On a sunny day I keep the
louvres shut tight."
Pointing to four prints on the
walls, she observed "There are no
people in the pictures, except for
this one (she pointed), and they're
facing away from the artist. I have
enough people in the office."

Small Groups
Have Address
In Secretariat w
The purpose of the Secretariat
in the Student Activities Building
is to give smaller student organi-
zations a mailing address, desk
space, and a filing and storage

FINISHED PRODUCT - After four years of dreaming and planning, University student organizations now have their own building.
University President Harlan H. Hatcher will dedicate the modern Student Activities Building at 4:15 p.m. today in the SAB general lobby.

Housing Groups Under One Roof

The Student Activities Building
has brought the Inter - House
Council and Assembly, women's
housing council, under one roof.
Jean Scruggs, '58, former Assem-
bly president, cited as a chief ad-
vantage of the building "integra-
tion and co-ordination of student
activities - something which has
been needed for a long time."
Robert Warrick, '57E, former
IHC president commented, "The
SAB brings about a closeness with
other major organizations and
ease of communications with other
groups in ideas and programs."
Exchanging Ideas
Warrick said that much time is
spent in talking but he felt that in
many ways this 'was good for ex-
changing ideas.
"The private office for IHC pre-
sident to speak to people is a good
idea and a time-saver," Warrick
Drake Duane, -'58, new president
of IHC observed that the presi-
dent's office was segregated and
should have an entrance from the
main office of the IHC. The only
entrance to this room is through'
the lobby.
As to the placement of other
student activities in the same
building, Duane felt that this
"created too many distractions and
the loss of a business-like air."
Comments on Windows
Asked whether he liked the glass
windows in the building, Duane
commented, "We have lots of peo-
ple looking in at us and we look
out at them.
"There is a joke that you can
get into any room in this building
with a glass cutter. The hallway
looks like the Nickels Arcade."
Reed Kenworthey, '57Ed, former
IHC operative vice-president, said
IHC facilities were better than at
the Union, the previous offices of
the council.
The total amount of space is less
than at the Union but is adequate.
Storage space is ample except that
more closet space is needed, Miss
Kenworthey -added.
IHC Views Summarized
In summing up IHC's opinion of
the SAB, Warrick said, "I don't
think the building changed our1
organization's function, but I per-
sonally couldn't wait to get the
group over here."
Assembly had one desk in the
office it shared with Panhellenic
Association at the League. Now the
organization has its own office'
with six desks and a separate pre-
sident's office.
According to Pat Marthenke, '59,

At last, the two organizations
which govern all affiliates on
campus, Pan-Hellenic and Inter-
fraternity Council, and their two
junior divisions are together in
one building.
"You just don't know what a
difference this makes in the im-
provement of inter-organizational
cooperation," Kent Vana, '59, per-
sonnel committee chairman
He also noted that the large
general office in addition to a
president's office add greatly to;
organizational efficiency.
In the large, peach-colored of-
fice with a row of windows along
one wail, committee chairmen and
members work.
Chairman Much Pleased 3
Wes Stewart, '60, a member of;
the IFC office committee, ex-,
plained that this is his first semes-
ter in the organization but added
Collins Calls
New Building
"The building itself is a coordi-
nator," Joe Collins, '58, said, de-
scribing the effect of the Student
Activities Building.
"Just by keeping the organiza-
tions near each other, the build-
ing aids communications, contact
and exchange of ideas," the Stu-
dent Government Council presi-
dent said.
Before completion of the grey
and red structure, SGC was lo-
cated in a quonset hut, while oth-
er organizations were -scattered
throughout campus and a number
of the smaller ones had no defi-
nite center of activities.
SAB now gives them an actual'
physical existence, even if only a
desk and filing drawer, Collins
pointed out.
S G C itself is strengthened
through the building members
say. With the better facilities and
working conditions, more students
have been drawn to the adminis-
trative wing.
And having movcd out of the
cramped huts, the group has better
facilities and working conditions.
This, plus the convenient location
of the building and even perhaps
its novelty in physical appeal, have
attracted more people to work on
SGC's administrative wing. Desk
space is ample, according to Col-
lins, and people are taking more
interest in theirw kn.

that he knew, "our chairman, Neill
Peters is much pleased." The room
has space for new files and the dit-
to machine.
Junior IFC President Jim Mar-
tens, '60E, mentioned the handi-
ness of sharing an office with Jun-
ior Panhellenic upstairs.
"It's so easy now to get our
projects like Fresh Air Camp go-
ing, and I can run down here to
the IFC offices whenever I need
Across the wide, light corridor
and down a bit, Panhellenic wo-
men had much the same thing to
say about their new oifices.
Officers Have Own Derks
"I'm having a great time arrang-
ing the furniture in my office,"
Panhellenic President M a r i ly n
Houck, '58P, laughed. "But seri-
ously, it's really great to have all
this room after sharing quarters
for so long at the League."
She pointed out that each offi-
cer has her own desk now instead
of having to hunt for one every
time she needs it.
First Vice-President Diane Dun-
can, '58Ed, felt that the new fa-
cilities made her job of internal
organization much easier.
Mimi Ryan, '58, Panhellenic sec-
retary, said she a: reciated hav-
ing Alpha Phi Omega right in the
building. "We often use their dit-
to machine since we don't have
one," she stated.
All agreed that the office was a
quiet place to study when .they
weren't busy and that the vend-
ing machine. downstairs were
certainly handy.

Board Allots
Space; Plans
SAB Policy
Allocating office space and de-
termining policy for the running
of the Student Activities Building
is the job of the Student Activities
Building Administrative Board.
Growing out of te committee
which drew up the initial pro-
grams for the building, the SAB
Administrative Board was first
concerned with giving each or-
ganization its location.
The Board has since re-allocated
office space and developed the
rules of the building.
The SAB Board is composed of
representatives of the Student
Government Council, Dean of
Men's office, Dean of Women's
office, Panhellenic Association, As-
sembly, Inter-Fraternity Council,
Inter-House Council and others
who have petitioned for member-
The chairman of the Board is
chosen from the members. He then
becomes permanent chairman and
the group which he represents
chooses a new delegate.
Present B o a r d chairman is
George Googasian, '58, Assistant
Dean of Men John Bingley is fa-
culty representative.
Other Student Activities Build-
ing Administrative Board members
are Lew Engman, '57; Art Epker,
'58BAd; Mary Minier, '57BAd;
John Montgomery, '57E; Neill Pe-
ters, '58; Margaret Po w e r s,
'59A&D; Stan Rock, '59E; and
Fred Sheldon, '58.

Four Years
Effort Goes
in Building
A little under four years ago
a group of student leaders got to-
gether to see what could be done
about developing a dream,
That dream - a building de-
voted entirely to student activi-
ties - has been realized this year
in a $1,154, 987 structure on East
Jefferson Street behind the Ad-
ministration Building.
It all started i the fall of 1953
when a !nmmittee of 13 leaders of
major student organizations was
formed to start the wheels turn-
ing in' the prnject. The initiative
came from students, particularly
Harry Lunn, '54, and Robert
Neary, '54, with informal admin-
istration encouragement.
Result: SAB
The ultimate result of this com-
mittee'; efforts - the Student
Activities Building - was not de-
signed -s just another building
with man.y rooms.
Before architectural planning
for SAB was begun, tht needs of
student crganizations were deter-
mined with office space and meet
ing rooms found to be the most
Following submission of a pre-
liminary report the committee
conferred with administrative of-
ficials and was loaned the serv-
ices of a space consultant from
the business office.
Needs Determined
The actual space needs of all
campus groups had to be deter-
mined before any plans could be
made on anything but a tentative
basis. Most of the needed informa-
tion was obtained by question-
Interviews were arranged be-
tween committee members, the
consultant and representatives
of the groups requesting major of-
fice space. Following a suggestion
that a wing of the building might
be devoted to personnel services,
interviews were also arranged
with the Dean of Men and the
Dean of Women.
When the committee had gone
this far, it was deeply involved in
investigations of space, design,
land, and finance. By early 1954
agreements had been worked out
on all points and a written plan
prepared for the Regents.
Plan Submitted
This was submitted to the
Board accompanied by an oral
explanation from committee
chairman Richard Goode, '56.
Regents approved the program
for the building involving more
than $1,700,000, but only after
further study.
Thelast big step in the plan-
ning stages followed with a com-
mittee of student, faculty, and ad-
ministration representatives work-
ing with architects on detailed
planning to carry through the
The entire 115 room building,
including the furnishings, was fi-
nanced by the University. Space
was allowed for 80 student or-
ganizations in the planning.

Miller, Eldersveld
To Attend Opening
The new, modern three-story Student Activities Building will be
dedicated today at 4:15 p.m.
University President Harlan Hatcher will perform the official
ceremony of dedication in the large SAB general lobby.
Other participants in the ceremony will be State Comptroller James
W. Miller representing Governor G. Mennen Williams, State Rep.
George W. Sallade, and Mayor Samuel J. Eldersveld.
Collins To Begin
Student Government Council President Joe Collins, '57, will open
the ceremony. James A. Lewis, vice-president for student affairs, will

then introduce the alumni and
student guest speakers to the audi-
Among the alumni speaking will
be Lt. Harry Lunn, former Daily
editor, and Taufig Khoury, both
of whom participated in the initial
stages of planning the building.
Student speakers will include
Richard Good, '57, former chair-
man of the SAB Board, and
George Googasian, '58, present
Board chairman.
Honored Guests
Honored guests at the ceremony
will be University Regents, Comp-
troller Miller, Mayor Eldersveld,
Rep. Sallade, the executive offi-
cers of the University, and Prof.
Lionel H. Laing of the political
science department, and Prof. Ro-
bert C. Cole of the engineering
school, faculty representatives on
the SAB Board.
An open house sponsored by the
SAB board from 3-5 p.m. is de-
signed to acquaint the students
and other visitors with the build-
ing and its function.
Every organization having an
office 'in the SAB will present a
display during the open house.
These will describe and explain the'
function, activities, and current
projects of the organizations.
Groups in SAB
Those groups housed in the
building now include SGC, As-
sembly and Panhellenic Associa-
tions, Inter - fraternity Council,
and Joint and Women's Judici-
Others include Alpha Phi Ome-
ga, Inter - Cooperative Council,
League and Union, Representa-
tives, International Students Asso-
ciation, Glee Club, Union Opera,
Spring Weekend, Michigras, and
Wolverine Club.
Visitors will be able to tour the
offices of the Dean of Women and
Dean of Men, which are located
on the first and second floors re-
spectively, of the building. They
will also have the opportunity to
see where SGC holds its meetings
and the conference rooms located
on the third floor.
SGC members will serve as hosts
for the open house.
Ticket Office
Moved to SAB
Going to the "box office" for
tickets will no longer mean a trip
to the Administration Building
The ticket booth at the left of
the elevator in the basement of
the Student Activities Building
has been established to handle
much of the load now managed in
the Administration Building.

Groups Find
Place To Stay
"It's great!" seems to be the
comment most often used when
organizations housed in the new
Student Activities _Building de-
scribe their new home.
Eighteen student organizations
have small offices on the second
floor and many more are occupy-
ing several new desks in the center
of the room.
For several of the organizations
the new building is the first place
they have been able to call home.
Gilbert and Sullivan
Much of the paper work of the
Gilbert and Sullivan Society had
to be done in the dormitory rooms
of the various members before the
group obtained an office in SAB.
Props and sets were stored in
the crowded attic of Lane Hall.
However, on account of the build-
i-g's workshop, most of the scen-
ery can be stored close to tht~
The Society, whose main task Is
the production of two Gilbert and
Sullivan operettas a year, is lo-
cate in room 2531.
The location of the building ear
the center of campus was called a
great aid by Alpha Phi Omega, na-
tional service fraternity.
Running a variety of services for
both the university and students
the group finds the SAB much
nearer to the heart of campus than
their old home, Lane Hall.
Religious council
The Council of Student Religous
Organizations cites the Student
Activities Building as a good op-
portunity for campus religious
1groups to become more a part of
University life'
The new office provides acom-
mon meeting ground for most of
the work done in coordinating the
activities of the seventeen mem-
ber groups. The CSRO, which was
recently organized and recognized,
is located in room 2527.
The new office has helped 4
great deal in the work of WCBN,
the campus broadcasting station.
The group broadcasts out of the
three men's residence halls, but
until the opening of the new build-
ing had very little space for co-
ordinating their work.
Plans New Station
Some work was done in the
Inter-House Council office, but the
majority was done in the officer's
rooms. As a result of their new
location in room 2538 the organi-
zation has been able to organize
the procedure for getting a new
station in the north campus dorm-
The Fraternity Buyers Associa-
tion thinks that the building is
"great as far as what they have,
but they could use a little more
room". The group which is the
central buying organization of the
fraternities also occupies a desk
outside of their office.
SAB Booklet
In Preperation
Student Activities Building is
being described in a booklet pre-
pared by an SAB Administrative
Board subcommittee, under the
chairmanship of Fred Sheldon, '58.


Organizations To Present Displays at Open House

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