MMAY, APR;M 26,1957 TIDE MICHIGAN DAILY panes VIVIP. FRIDY, AI~1LZ6, 957 HE MCHTIANTAl.ITY PJ. zue1 FsFI g' v 6 I I THIRD PROGRAM IN SERIES: University "U' To Host Moliere lI By BEVERLY GINGOLD A television portrait of Moliere and his work, to be broadcast 10:30 a.m., April 28, over Univer- sity Television, will mark the third program in the series "France: The Profile of a Nation." The seven half hour shows rep- resent the combined attempt of the Romance Languages depart- ment and the University Televi- sion Service to serve up "a recipe for a nation" with the aid of elec- tronic devices. Alfred Slote is pro- ducer-writer of the series while Hazen Schumacher directed it. "We used no definite format," Garnet Garrison, executive produ- cer declared. "Rather the subject matter, determined the approach for each show." The only link between each show is the host Jean Carduner, of the French department, who is a native Frenchman. z Features Denkinger For example, the coming pro- gram on Moliere will feature Pro- fessor Marc Denkinger of the French department discussing Moliere, Prof. Denkinger's talk will be interspersed with scenes from the playwright's comedies, acted out by both students and members of the Ann Arbor Civic Theater. A similar vignette technique will be used in the following,pro- gram on Victor Hugo, in which the scenes from the life of Hugo will be portrayed, Prof. Robert J. Neiss, of the French department, will recite Hugo's poetry in French and English as pictures of Hugo's friends and contemporaries are shown. In contrast to the lecture-vign- ette format of the French litera- ture presentations, is the docu- mentary set-up of the two intro- ductory programs, already given, Garrison pointed out. "By using a dramatic documen- tary and stills on the land and people, narrated by Carduner, along with filmed interviews with French people in New York, we came up with a 'TV Documentary Essay' rather than a travelogue," Garrison explained. The interviews in New York be- twen C a r d u n e r and various Frenchmen and Frenchwomen on their country were arranged through the French Embassy. Embassy Helpful Garrison pointed out that the Embassy was also helpful in send- ing the French-made movies and stills, and generally as taking a great interest in the television project. A special message from M. Rusis, the mayor of Paris, was recorded for the second program on Paris. The program on "Concepts of Liberty" will feature both docu- mentary and lecture techniques. The talks of Prof. Paul M. Spur- lin of the French department and Prof. Roy Pierce of the Political Science department will be bridged with pictures and other graphic material. "In the show on French Art, ['V Portrait Planned Delegations Girls' State e Go Abroad ,This June Zeta Phi Eta Reestablished As Active SpeechHonorary FRANCE ON TV-Jean Carduner, a Frenchman, plays host to "France: Profile of a Nation," a weekly television series. Broad- cast over University Television, the series deals with diverse aspects of French life and culture. television really proves invaluable as a teaching device," Garrison declared enthusiastically. Art Discussed For example, while Marvin Eis- enberg of the Fine Arts depart- ment is discussing "the two faces of French art, reason and emo- tion," two enlarged pictures, dem- onstrating each of these qualities can be flashed side by side for emphasis. Rubin Elected FBA Leader Chuck Rubin, '58E, was elected Steward's Council president of Fraternity Buyer's Association Wednesday night. Elected to the board of directors were Dick Curry, '59, Jim Fitzsim- mons, '59E, Frank Flint, '58. Mike McGrath, '58E, Noel McIntosh, '59E, and Alan Rosenbluth, '59. Ray Conger was elected as alumni member of the board of directors. Existence of a new waiter serv- ice of FBA was announced at the meeting Stewards were asked to consider FBA expansion into laundry serv- ice and sale of freezers to inter- ested houses. It was pointe:j out that OSU's Fraternity Managers' Association has discovered savings of 35 per cent in laundry costs by expansion into that area. The format of the seventh pro- gram, entitled "Aftermath," will revert to documentary style to point up the current problems in France caused by World War II. As in the introductory shows, Carduner narrates a film docu- mentary, and is shown interview- ing Frenchmen on current nation- al issues. Garrison explained that the series is currently being broadcast Sunday mornings over ten differ- ent stations throughout Michigan, including Detroit and Lansing as well as Ann Arbor. "Because it is on film," Garri- son declared, "it can be shown and is slated for showings to high school and college French classes." Garrison pointed out that this was the first time one country was used exclusively in a series and that similar one-nation projects would continue. The series is another landmark in the University Television's pol- icy to further educational tele- vision by exploring various areas by working through the various departments. Dean Predicts Lainv Increase3 Dean E. Blythe Stason of the Law school predicted that law to 2,000 by 1970 in a recent law alumni publication. Present enrollment is 900 and increasing between six and eight per cent annually. Total appli- cations for admission have been growing at the rate of better than 13 per cent annually over the past four years. The school still can accommo- date all qualified applicants des- pite the increased pressure for admissions. It will be several years before the limitation of physical facilities will restrict admissions the dean stated. Bike Licenses Ready Monday Bicycle licenses and applica- tions will be available in the basement of the Student Activities Building, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., next Monday through Friday, accord- ing to Karl Streiff, Assistant to the Dean of Men. Owners must furnish the make, color and serial number of their bicycles. By DONALD KURTZ On April 20, the International Student Conference dispatched its third international student delega- tion, this time to South America. Encouraged by the successes of such expeditions formerly, the Stu- dent Government Council here is planning to send a group of stu- dents to Southeast Asia in the Summer of 1958. The ISC and SGC groups will visit countries in the respective continents for three monhts. The trip will provide opportunities to study the systems of education and the problems confronting students in the various nations in the world. The two organizations differ in the manner of choosing delegates. The ISC has chosen student leaders in several nations through- out the world. The SGC plans to take a cross-section of the Univer- sity and thereby give a cultural re- presentation of the university sut- dents. Religions Represented The SGC group will contain from 6-15 delegates, and will have a minimum of one Negro, Jew, Catholic and Protestant, according to Anne Woodard, '57. Student programs will be pre- sented next fall to arouse interest in the program. Later in the year prospective delegates will petition for the trip. Students will be chosen on basis other than positions of student organizations, or government. Mu- sical, dramatic and speaking abili- ties will all be important factors. Individuals must be able to ans- wer questions intelligently and cri- tically. Present Culture These are necessary criteria for a great purpose of the trip is to present the culture of Amreica to students of foreign lands. The ISC group receives partial support by UNESCO which gives it a travel grant. SGC will form a Steering Committee that will draw up a prospectus and submit it to a local organization, making the necessary contacts. Both the SGC and ISC trips were given stimulus and encour- agement by the success of former ISC expeditions to Central Africa and South East Asia in 1954. Honor Society Taps Leaders The neW Assembly Association Honorary, The Circle, tapped ear- ly this morning. The following girls were chosen for outstanding service, leadership and citizenship in their residence halls. Marky Powers, Alice Basford, Margaret Davidson, Judy Koelzer, Margery Mosher, Gerry Van Dus- en, Patricia Langdon, Janice War- ner, Gail Rushford, Virginia Ter- zian, Sandra Rose, Kathie Cros- sett, Joyce Taylor, Helena Saztu- kiewicz, Evelyn Gabai. Joan Gassaway, Lynett Peters, Susan Prakken, Judy Arnold, Gladys Chin, Alice Beane, Gail Witherspoon, Judith Goldberg, Barbara Barron, Kathy Stott, Sharon Mitchell, Marjorie Shook, IrmaS aulson, Teddy McCorkle, Charlene Toman. Connie Fotiou, Joan Lovell, Margaret Woolley, Marilyn Hunt, Marjorie Becker, Jackie Johnson, Kay Sheren, JoAnn Ropeta, Mary Woodworth, Cecile Russotto, Hel- en Long. Chris Wells, Pat Marthenke, Terry Finkler, Elinor Millman, Noreen Baily, Nancy Plastow, Sara Jane Trythall, Fern Frisby, Gloria Fowler, Lucy Miller. Charter members do the tap- ping. They are: Arla Bolton, Shirley John, Bette Haughn, Linda Rainwater, Char- lene Barnhill, Marcia Litwack, Jackie Allen, Joyce Hill, Barbara Pratt, Jeanne Seds, Jeanne La- Belle, Christine Culp, Jeannette Grimm, Connie Butler, Marion Wright. For the seventeenth consecutive - year, the Wolverine Girls' State will be held at the University from June 18 to 27, under the direction of the American Legion Auxiliary. Three hundred sixty high school girls will meet to learn practical applications or Americanism and good citizenship. They will be formed into 18 cities of 20 citizens each, and six counties of three cities each. Under the direction of 18 coun- selors and a government director they will learn how to set up lists of qualified voters, establish mock political party organizations, stim- ulate political campaigning, carry out general elections, inaugurate officials, and organize executive and legislative bodies. In 1941 the American Legion Auxiliary, feeling a need to ac- quaint the young women of Michi- gan with the various vocations open to them," worked out this~ program patterned after the al- ready existing Boys' State pro- gram. The 18 counselors, college stu- dents, are the "key" contacts in the organization because of their constant association with the girls. They not only advise, con- sult and counsel but also attend all sessions and activities with their city andnall meetings with the general counselor and instruc- tor. Through this training the Legion hopes to "stimulate the desire to protect the privileges and responsi- gilities of the democratic form of government" and to strengthen their faith in the democratic way of life. After living in Stockwell Hall for 10 days the girls will choose 2 girls to attend a similar conven- tion, Girls' Nation, in Washington, D.C. Military Ball Warney Ruhl and his "Miracles in Music" will entertain at the twelfth annual Military Ball from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, May 3 at the League. Couples will dance amid shields and nets which carry out the Nor- dic theme of the all-campus dance. Seven foot effigies of two Norse will guard the door. Entertaining during intermission will be the Pershing Rifles drill team, termed "a real snappy show drill team composed of college stu- dents" by Lieutenant Wesley Van Malson. Requests will be taken for "fav- orite tunes" and current hits. Dancers may also hear songs by Patti Brown, the Glee Club and the Merry Three and entertainment by "little Eddie Santini." Ruhl's dance orchestra has played for homecomings, proms and big dances, including J-Hops, at many Michigan universities. He has entertained at malor hotels throughout the country during the past 12 years. Tickets may be purchased bt North Hall or cn the diag. Zeta Phi Eta, National Profes- sional Speech Arts Fraternity, this year reestablished its status as an active 'U' honorary. For the past three years this group that coordinates speech de- partments and schools and facili- tates exchanging of ideas has been off campus. The group helps to build a professional philyosophy for wom- en engaged in speech professions, Nordic Motif To Highlight and stimulates and encourages all worthy speech and dramatic enter- prises. Alice Carnes, pledge presi- dent, has helped the local group to take on various projects. This year members read to chil- dren at Ann Arbor hospitals, ush- ered for the first night perform- ances of Speech Department plays, and assisted judges for the state wide debating contest held every spring at the University. "A special treat every year dur- ing drama season is serving break- fast to the stars on Sunday morn- ing," said Barbara Shoenholz, Zeta Phi Eta vice-president. "It gives us a chance to meet and talk with them." Zeta Phi Eta, the oldest nation- al group of its kind, was founded October 10, 1893 by five women on the Northwestern campus. Aided by Prof. Robert McLean Cumnock of the speech depart- ment, this group laid the founda- tion for the present 33 chapters scattered throughout the United States. To qualify for membership wo- men must be recommended by a professor in the speech depart- ment and must have a B average in speech courses and a 2.5 over- all. Professors nominate women from the six areas of speech: gen- eral speech, speech therapy, radio, television, theatre and special ed- ucation. Zeta alumni include such well- known names as Cornelia Otis Skinner, Lynne Fontaine, Mary Martin, and Olivia DeHaviland. Last year Ethel Waters was ini- tiated into the local chapter as an honorary member. The advisor for Zeta this year in the absence of their regular ad- visor, Mrs. Claribel Baird, was Mrs. Richard DeMain. Officers for the past year were Sue Goldberg, president; Barbara Shoenholz, vice-president; Bar- bara Hollar, secretary and Lenore Weiss, treasurer. Hall Meeting To Be Held lEInter-House Council and As- sembly Association will take part in the third annual Big Ten Resi- dence Hall Conference this week- end at Ohio State University, Col- umbus, 0. Assembly President Betsy Alex- ander, '58; and Drake Duane, '58, IHC President, will each head seven-man delegations to the con- vention. One of the problems to be taken up at this ineeting will be activat- ing the Big Ten Secretariat. The Secretariat, with its headquarters in the Student Activities Building, so far has been inactive. The meeting will start Friday evening with a banquet. GENUINE $25.00 QUALITY for only DIAMOND $ PHONOGRAPH NEEDLES for most single point needles diamond-sapphire dual point $11.95 0Every PFANSTIEHL Diamond needle is made from a tiny WHOLE SOUTH AFRICAN DIA- MOND .. , not a chip or splint. Every PFANSTIEHL Diamond Needle protects your records... IS FULLY GUARANTEED DY THE MANUFACTURER. " Every P FA NST I ENHL Diamond Needle lasts 20 times longer than sapphire . . . AT A PRICE NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF . . , ONLY $9.95. Music Cefnter 300 S. Thayer COMMITTEES CHOSEN: Sophs To Stage 'Girl Crazy' o -) R Ma - W - - - -- -- - - -, - -- - The sophomore class of 1960. will present "Girl Crazy" as next year's Soph Show. "Girl Crazy," recently chosen by the Central Committee, is tak- en from a book by Guy Bolton and John McGowan. The play was first staged in 1930, with music and lyrics by George and Ira Gershwin. The story concerns a million- aire's son, sent West to cure his taste for liquor and women. In- cluded in the musical are such favorites as "I've Got Rhythm," "Biding My Time," "Embraceable You," "But Not For Me" and "Samson and Delilah." Work on the show will soon be' under way, with Ted Heusel, di- rector of the Ann Arbor Civic Theatre, again assisting the group. General co-chairmen of Soph Show Central Committee are Adrienne Richards and Larry Vel- vel. Publicity will be handled by Marcia Keller and Allan Nach- man, and direction by Toby Stern and Robert Shaye. Amy Morrow and Teague Jackson are chair- men of productions. Program chairmen are Nancy Moore and David Metzner y Costume chairmen are Lois Wurster and Martin Newman, and music chairmen are Joan Knoert- zer and Irwin Gage. Treasurers are Barbara Rosbe and Keith Kussmaul, while Sylvia Engle and Gerald Weber are secretaries. Kathy Deutch is dance chair- man and Carol Shapiro and Terry Thure are handling make-up. Sub-committee chairmen include Karol Buckner and Ted Cohn on stunts. Posters will be under the direc- tion of Judy Grose and David Palm. Stage crew chairman is Hal Randelmen and Lynn Schoon- maker is head of props. -PIZZ * Plenty of Parking Space * Open 'till 12:00 P.M. G~ ib inet TASTE THE DIFFERENCE ! Specially prepared by chefs with the flavor, tenderness, and zest of native Italy. * PIZZA TO GO * Phone NO 3-1683 { Eat A4nn - e'taupaht 1015 East Ann - Near Women's Dormitories --CAMPUS- 211 S. State NO 8-9013 --DOWNTOWN- music0SHOPSliberty NO2-67s f or the Finest in Recorded Mlusic ;1 1 Tonight at 8 INTERNATIONAL SHOW Native Dances, Singing, and Instrumentals from 15 Countries ANGELL HALL AUD. A 75c . . . Tickets at door la I GOOD BOOKS- -BOB MARSHALL'S ,-_- I- I , I Who has authority to say. Can church councils or the earthly head of a church change the laws of God? Shall we depend upon what men legislate or upon the Holy Scriptures? Join the crowds who are hearing Evangelist T. H. Sherrill . i I I I I 3 I I E i I i t i FOWLER'S ZADelivered HO T! By Ann Arbor SPEEDY DELIVERY With Warming Oven Equipped Truck for 50c er order FMACSHORE CL THE PRICELESS LOOK ASS/CS $2.95 of Newpor rt, Ark. in a series of true-to-the-Bible messages nightly through Wed- nesday, May 1st, 7:30 P.M.; Sunday 11 A.M. and 7:30 P.M. Ai FAD~iIG. FAR A RFTIJRW. We like the fresh country air of this peasant blouse by MACSHORE. Fine combed cotton broadcloth with elastic top sleeves that stay on the square or drop off the shoulder. Inexpensive, too. White, coral, and peppermint. Sizes 30 to 38. w