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Latest Deadline in the State
:4aii4 t
VOL. LXVII, No. 145
Legislature May
Raise 'U' Budget
Engstrom Sure House Will Approve
Williams' Request for $31.6 Million
Special to The Daily
LANSING - Possibility of the House increasing the University's
operating budget appeared good yesterday.
House Ways and Means Committee chairman Arnell Engstrom
(R-Traverse City) expressed confidence that the House would ap-
prove and possibly surpass the $31.6 million Governor G. Mennen Wil-
liams recommended for University operation.
"There is a current trend in the House to allocate more education
funds," Engstrom declared. "This trend should allow the University
Eight-Day-Old Jordan Regime
Pro- Western
Khalidi Quits
As Premier
Resignation Reaches
Hussein After Riots
AMMAN, Jordan (P) - Premier
Hussein Khalidi's government has
resigned, two Cabinet ministers
E gypt
To Control
Oper ations,
Chest To Set
Final Plans
Campus Chest committee chair-
men will meet tonight to formu-
late final plans for the first an-
nual all - campus fund raising
The drive, headed by chairman
Tim Felisky, '57E, will be held May
.5 to 11. Known as Campus Chest,
the once-for-all fund drive is re-
placing the separate drives prev-
iously held for World University
Service, Free University of Berlin
Fund, and the Fresh Air Camp.
"Don't Pass the Buck, Give It"
is the slogan which sets'the "goal"
at a dollar from every student.
Different in Philosophy
To realize this goal, this year's
drive will not be based exclusively
on the bucket drive, as were its
"Campus Chest is different in
philosophy," Felisky commented.
Plans call for the "personal value"
to predominate in the fund-rais-
ing, with solicitations in residence
halls, fraternities, and sorority
houses the major means of collec-
Students living off-campus will
be contacted for contributions on
May 7, and a bucket drive will be
held on campus May 9 and 10.
Drive Under SGC
Tags will be given to donors.
Aiding in the drive are a soli-
citations committee, haded by Ju-
lie Fahnestock, '58, and the secre-
tariat, chairmanned by Robert
Schulz, '59E.
Campus Chest is under the
direction of the SGC Campus
Chest Board, headed by chairman
Harlan Givelber, '57. It was initi-
41more money and may ever provide
a corporation profits tax after a
floor battle."
Would Provide $132 Million
Rep. George Sallade, CR-Ann
Arbor), has already conferred with
Democratic leaders and may pro-
pose the corporation profits tax
if sufficient funds for education
cannot be provided. The tax would
provide approximately $132 million
Taxes on beer and liquor. which
would bring in $15,500 million
next year, is the only tax so far
proposed by either house.
Senate Appropriations Commit-
tee chairman, Elmer Porter, (R-
Blissfield), said the Senate may
increase its $29.1 million proposal
should the House defeat the bill.
Doubted Large Increase
Porter doubted, however, wheth-
er the Senate would approve a
$31.6 million budget proposed by
Gov. G. Mennen Williams or the
governor's corporation profits tax.
"We think the proposed funds
are adequate even though Univer-
sity tuition will have to be in-
creased 25 per cent," Porter said.
'The trouble with the University
is that it believes in giving every-
one a free eeducation," he added.
"We should keep pace with our
See 'ENGSTROM', Page 2
World News
By The Associated Press
LONDON-Pressures were
building up yesterday for a new
Big Four summit conference on
ways to halt the nuclear tests.
Soviet Premier Nicolai Bulgan-.
in's Easter letter to Prime Minister
Harold Macmillan was seen as a
possible prelude to a Soviet pro-
posal for a meeting of Bulganin,
Macmillan, President D w i g h t
Eisenhower and French Premier
Guy Mollet.
The letter appeared also as a
lever to move the British leader
to visit Moscow soon:
MOSCOW - The Soviet Union
accused the United States yester-
day of a defamation campaign
against Soviet Embassy and United
Nations officials in the United
Richard Davis, United States
charge d'affaires, was summoned
to the Foreign Ministry and hand-
ed a memorandum charging that
"this impermissible campaign"
was being fostered by "certain offi-
cial American circles."
* *' *
WASHINGTON - Sen. William
Knowland (R-Calif) indicated yes-
terday the administration is con-
sidering resumption of military
assistance to Communist Yugo-
slavia, including delivery of up to
200 jet aircraft.
reported early today.
The Western-inclined regime TENTATIVE RUSH PERIOD:
had been under steady attack
since it was installed at young C a e d r M g
King Hussein's behest eight daysa ear ig
Foreign Minister Suleiman Na- 4>-
bulsi and Developmefit Minister By SARAH DRASIN r
March 14
Amin Madjaj emerged from a A rushing calendar tentatively the acad(
long Cabinet session saying the suggested by Panhellenic in a re- rushing v
resignation head been presented cent memorandum to' all sorority ning of
and accepted by King Hussein. house presidents schedules the be- (1958)."
Street Rioting ginning of next year's rushing SGC c
Street rioting, a familiar device period for December. schedule
in Jordan politics, had driven the Several members of Student a half we
Cabinet into urgent session. Government Council declared the with pre
The next step in the govern- proposal may be in violation of ber."
ment crisis that has rocked Jor- a 1956 SGC regulation on soror- The Pa
dan 15 days was not clear. ity rushing. not yet b
In W a s h i n g t o n President The Panhel calendar schedules presentat
Dwight Eisenhower and Secretary registration Nov. 11 to Nov. 13, next week
of State John Foster Dulles dis- and sets Dec. 6 to Dec. 8 as dates
cussed the crisis declaring they for the "first set" of rushing par-
regard Jordan's "independence ties. The proposed calendar would
and integrity as vital." continue the other four "sets" atz
Their view of the situation the beginning of the second se-
seemed to amount to a warning mester in February with pledging
against any Communist aggres- on March 2.
sion in that Mideast area.. Held in Spring
Hussein yesterday blamed inter- The SGC regulation, which was
national communism and all its passed by a 10 to eight vote on
followers for the riots and shifts
of government that threatened his
He told American newsmen in I at he T l
4, 1956, orders that "for
emic year beginning 1957,
will be held at the begin-
. the spring semester
ontinued, "The proposed
would include a two and
eek formal rushing period
-registration in Decem-
nhellenic proposals have
een approved, but some
ion to SGC is expected
k. Approval by the Coun-
an interview:
New Imperialism
"I realize that it is not myself
that is the only target of attack,
but it is a general move to destroy
all elements that can stand in the
way of the new imperialism that
wants to come into the Arab
"This campaign was forced up-
on us and we are going to fight for
what we believe is for our honor
and our responsibilities."
"I don't think the crisis will
come to an end until all elements
and powers behind them (the
Communists) realize it is not pos-
sible to infiltrate into this part of
the world and change the way of
thinking and beliefs of the people
The king spoke after a day of
riotous violence in Amman by
street mobs.
Prof. David Weimer, of the Eng-
lish department, will discuss "Is
the United States a Cultural
Oasis?", at 7:30 p.m. tonight in
Rm. 3R of the Michigan Union.
* * *
Petitions for Engineering Exec-
utive Council are now being ac-
They may be obtained at 225
West Engineering and the Arch
Entrance, and are due at 5 p.m.
tomorrow at 2547 Student Activi-
ties Building.
ht Violate SGC Rule
School Needs-
Shortage of- medical school fa- the state has been indi-
cated in a report to University
President Harlan Hatcher.
The report was prepared by a
special committee under the chair-
manship of Dr. Albert C. Fursten-
burg, dean of the medical school.
It is preliminary and contains no
formal recommendations.
According to the report, the
state stands twenty third in num-
ber of doctors per 1,000 population,
while ranking seventh in popula-
tion. Michigan has 109 doctors
per 100,000 population, far short
of the national average of 133.
Limited medical school facili-
ties in the state have kept Michi-
gan low in the rankings. Only the
University and Wayne State Uni-
versity have medical schools.
Population has been growing
rapidly in the state, which has one
of the highest immigration rates
in the country.
The medical school has doubled
its graduating class since 1949,
from 92 students to 189, the report
shows, while Wayne State has re-
mained about the same. The report
stated that there is general agree-
ment that the medical school
should not increase its present en-
Wayne State has asked the leg-
islature for funds which -will per-
mit an admissions increase of 50
students per year.
-Daily-David Arnold
. . suggests super-group
cil is required for the calendaring
of rushing or any other campus
"May Be Violation"
SOC Treasurer Maynard Gold-
man, reached for comment on the
matter, said that as yet "the- plan
has not been brought to us. but
there may be a violation:" He
added he did not know what ac-
tion would be taken on the calen-
dar if there is a violation.
President Joe Collins also said
Panhellenic may be in violation
but added that he favored a "lib-
eral attitude" toward the matter.
"My main concern," he explained,
"is not the December rushing, but
the conflict that the November
pre-registration might have with
other activities."
When questioned about the pos-
sibility of a violation of the SGC
recommendation, Panhel Presi-
dent Marilyn Houck, '58Ph., said
she was "not aware of any viola-
tion." She continued that she un-
derstood that Panhellenic had
jurisdiction over the "internal or-
ganization" of the spring rushing
Issued Statement
She declined to discuss the cal-
endar any further saying that it
was "only tentative."
She later issued a statement
for the Panhellenic executive
council: "We have not yet issued,
an official calendar and must
contact other campus organiza-;
tions about their activities before
doing so."
Her final statement on the "ra-
tionale" behind the early schedul-
ing was that "the rationale is not
complete because the calendar is
not complete."
Other Reactions
Other reactions to the schedule
were voiced by affiliated women.
Most of them favored the tenta-
tive schedule but all professed noj
knowledge of the reasoning be-
hind beginning rushing in Decem-
Alpha Phi President Joannet
Wellman felt that the calendar
had the advantage of "getting the3
first set, our biggest group, over
with before Christmas vacation."
She noted that other schools, no-1
tably Michigan State University1
used this same plan.
Jeanne Marsh, '57 Alpha Epsi-
lon Phi, said she was "agreeablet
to it as long as it doesn't interferef
with the between semester's va-,
cation." She mentioned in addi-
tion that splitting the rushing1
season might be disappointing to
girls who had not maintained af
two point grade average the firstt
semester and thus could not con-c
tinue rushing.1
. .. campus chest symbol
s, ated in the fall to provide a single
once-a-year fund raising drive for
all organizations who wished to
solicit on campus.
The board regulates solicitations
while a committee under it allo-
cates the money collected to var-
ious charities. A reserve fund is
maintained for special purposes,
for example aiding the Hungarian
Groups represented in the drive
'include the League, Union, As-
sembly Association, Panhel, Pan-
hellenic, Inter-House Council and
Inter-Fraternity Council. These
groups are represented on the
operations committee and provide
workers for the drive.
Stress Causes
Heart Disease
Mental stress is a possible con-
tributing factor to heart disease,
Dr. Paul Dudley White said Tues-
day in a lecture sponsored by Phi
~ Rho Sigma medical fraternity.
He pointed out, however, "there
is no real proof that stress can
cause coronary, and we shouldn't
-Daily-Leonard Cyr
... on India
Hart Wacks
"A Look at Secretary of Treas-
ury George Humphrey shows that
when expressing his own opinion,
he displays a limited economic'
grasp," Prof. Albert G. Hart, of
Columbia University, told the Eco-L
nomics club last night.
If decisions "were held up until
the President could act, it would
be potentially disastrous," the eco-
nomics professor declared as he
advocated a National Economics
Council to oversee the nation's
He compared such a group to
the National Security Council or
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and said
it should be chaired by someone
of "super cabinet rank."
Calling the "irresponsibility of
the United States Congress a
problem," the guest speaker said
"one of the most terrifying things
is that no one's made a con-
gressional career of being sound in
An economic council would
make the best use of available
brain power and its staff would
have a broader outlook than the
"parochial views" of the Federal
Reserve Board and the Treasury
Department, he said.
"The idea of setting up a super-
ior office over the Treasury and
the Reserve Board is tempting."
Noting that Congress would be
reluctant to give up its power to
regulate tax rates, Prof. Hart
pointed out there's nothing to pre-
vent an administrative agency
from abating tax rates such as
the Department of Internal Rev-
enue acting lenient with taxpayers.
Tornado Alert
Out Yesterday
Hatred Cited
By Kogekar
Y 9
Prof. Sadanand V. Kogekar of
Poona University, India, said yes-
terday that Indian emphasis on
world peace, democratic govern-
ment and economic development
has caused "tension" between his
country and the United States.
Sponsored by the Political
Science depattment, the visiting
history and political science pro-
fessor's lecture was highlighted by
his views on Indian foreign policy.
Prof. Kogekar noted that India
is puzzled over how a democratic
nation like the United States
could support countries with im-
perialistic policies such as Britain
and France.
He said that India's principles
are inherent in it's domestic and
foreign policy because of former
control by an imperialistic power
and the great need for economic
development in a land that has
twice the population of the United
States and only 40 per cent of its
land area.
"Only in an atmosphere of
peace," he stated, "can India get
the aid it needs for this develop-
ment. We must depend on others
for technical know how - if not
the capital - for bringing about
economic development.
"India," he commented, "has
never been under communism but
has lived under colonialism."
This does not mean, he con-
tinued, that Indians are unaware
of United States problems with
communism but we plead that
they also see the position of India.
ToUse Tolls
For Future
Allows Unrestricted
Shipping to Every
Nation but Israel
CAIRO ({I) - Egypt made public
here yesterday its plan to clamp
complete Egyptian control on Suez
Canal operations and toll money.
In New York the United Nations
Security Council scheduled a
meeting on the Suez issue tomor-
row at the request of the United
The announced Egyptian plan
provides some latitude in arbitrat.
ing disputes that may arise in op-
erating the 103-mile waterway the
Egyptians nationalized last July
T h e Egyptian memorandum
promised uninterrupted navigation
for all nations - with some res-
ervations - and proposed setting
up a fund of one-fourth of all tolls
to develop the canal.
Egypt will collect all tolls, the
memorandum said, and the Egyp-
tian government will take five per
cent in royalties. It said toll in-
creases would be limited to one
per cent a year unless negotia-
tions with users provided for more.
T h e Egyptian announcement
and responsible Egyptian officials
insisted that the document will
have the force of an international
treaty registered with the United
The memorandum was issued
just before the Security Council in
New York scheduled its Friday
At the UN in New York an
Egyptian delegation spokesman
said Israel "definitely" will be
SGC To Seek
On Insurance
Student Government Council
last night established a committee
to study and gather student opin-
ions on a health insurance pro-
gram for the University.
The committee will also repre-
sent the council in all negotiations
with health insurance companies.
At its March 14 meeting, SGC had
called for campus-wide, compul-
sory health insurance.
No Funds at Present
However, at present the Univer-
sity does not have funds to pay for
such a program, Scott Chrysler,
'59. told the Council. The program
would have to be conducted on an
individual basis, he said.
The committee will consist of
three SGC members and chairmen
of present Health Insurance sub-
committee. Because of the techni-
cal knowledge involved in such a
program, Chrysler felt it would be
more advantageous for the com-
mittee rather than the whole body
to work with the companies.
Ron Shorr, '58, announced the
new committee heads of the coun-
cil under the revised administra-
tine structure.
Judy Martin, '59, will chair the
Student Activities Committees,
Connie Hill, '58, National and In-
ternational Affairs, Gerald Black-
stone, '60, Educational and Social
Welfare, and Public Relations Art
Epker, '58 BAd.
Shakespearean Tragedy Opens Tonight
"Richard III", Shakespeare's
melodrama of violence, will be
presented by the Department of
Speech at 8 p.m. tonight through
Saturday at the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.
This final presentation on the
spring playbill dramatizes the
wars between the English royal
houses of Lancaster and York.
Richard, played by G e o r g e
'Ward, Grad, is determined to
seize the crown of England by exe-
cuting rivals. This Shakespearean
tragedy is more than a dramatiza-
tion of history as it includes a les-
son in the workings of moral law
and justice.
mi-if ncr ,I'A To M.M Ar lC r -
IKauper S ays Court
Decides Integration
Professor Paul E. Kauper of the law school called the 14th amend-
ment the "most important of the" triad of the 13th, 14th and 15th
amendments because of the number of decisions based on it.
Speaking at the fourth meeting of the Culture Club last night,
Prof. Kauper outlined the history of the constitutional status of the
Looking into the future, he said that integration in southern
schools will be at least another few years in coming. "The rate of
integration will depend on the prodding the district courts receive
from the circuit courts," Prof.
Kauper said,
The Negro did not have any
constitutional standing until the
Dred Scott case in 1857. Until the
Civil War, the Negro was recog-
nized only as a piece of property
ruled that businesses could not be
discriminated against and that the
law was unconstitutional.
In the Plessy vs. Fergusson deci-
sion, the basis for modern segre-
X I."
.. ... .....