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April 24, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-04-24

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Sixty-Seventh Year

"When opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Outside Pressures
And SBX.Expansion
TIT' THE State Legislature trimming the indicative of the student interest in saving
University's budg'et, tuition raises and money.
hikes in dormitory room and board fees threat- Suggestions have been made that the pres-
en to boost the cost of the "over-all education ent Student Book Exchange help the process
package," about which the Regents have ex- by expanding and selling supplies, an area
pressed concern. wnere great savings could be made.
A committee is already investigating the pos-
As any student's parents realize, that expen- Aicoite
sive education package also includes, in addi- sibility.
tionto ee ad lvingexpnses suh thngs In a sense, this could be considered estab-
tion to fee and living expenses, such things lishment of competition with local merchants
as clothes, travel costs, and that basic require- and the head of the SGC sub-committee was
ment of an institution of higher learning - told there was "a general feeling on the part
books. of the University against it."
Worried about the last category, a Student A Board of Regents by-law prohibits the
Government Council subcommittee examined University from engaging in competition with
the possibility of establishing a student book- Ann Arbor merchants.
store on campus. While finding the price of Much work remains to be done by any com-
text books in Ann Arbor was roughly the same mittee investigating the expansion of SBX.
as at other schools, the study group found a But if the interest in keeping the "over-all
high profit margin in supplies, such as paper, education package" inexpensive is sincere, it
drawing equipment and notebook. would be unfortunate, and indeed hypocritical
if the committee's attempts to expand SBX are
A GREAT deal of work went into the com- hampered by any outside pressures.
mittee's work and their fine job is perhaps -MICHAEL KRAFT
Questionnaires and the Calendar
SOME 200 students, according to recent es- rHAT IS precisely the danger that faces the
timates, still hold in their hands the suc- new University Calendar Committee.
cess of the University Calendar Committee. With all the good intentions of Prof. Kohl,
In attempts to determine accurate student the faculty, student and administration mem-
opinion in the area of the academic calendar, bers of his group, there is still a needkfor rep-
the committee mailed questionnaires to 400 resentation of accurate opinion to keep the
University students early last week. About 200 overall picture in mind while the group works
of these have been returned. -AHith details.
The survey of the calendar committee is one-
that has been worked out with the aid of Sur-
vey Research Center. The questions are de- Education Reboun s
signed to elicit meaningful answers, and the
sample of students polled was set up to indicate On Communists
an accurate cross-section of opinion.
As a result, all 400 of the questionnaires WITHIN A YEAR, there have been student-
should be returned. Failure of a large =number led uprisings in Tiflis, Russia, in Poznan,
of students to observe this would bring about a Poland and in Budapest, Hungary. Last week
wide disparity in the final tabulations. reports seeped out of China concerning student
demonstrations at' two schools - Chengting
MORE THAN anything else, an accurate in- and Tsinghua.
dication of student feelings is needed by . An educated segment is a thorny problem for
the committee. any Communist regime, the leadership of which
Late last year a calendar committee met initially comes from the log-cabin proletariat,
once and decided to forget about the problem who, once in power resist disentrenchment from
area. Student opinion had not been represented the ambitious intelligentsia.
effectively to that group. In China, the problem is more irksome for
Previously, another committee had worked Mao's regime, because the educated class has
hard for two years. That group came up with traditionally been the ruling class as far back
the present school year plan, a school year of as the Middle Kingdom. Mao, Cliou, Liu and
compromises and adjustments unsatisfactory Chu, the 'big four" of China politics, are from
to the majority of students and faculty mem- proletariat-military vintage. The literacy cam-
bers on campus. paign and the associated rise of the intellectuals
A lack of a broad sense of student feeling which the "big four" are promoting may boom-
led that committee to be concerned more and erang on the stability of the present Peiping
more with the minor details of the calendar government.
rather than with the whole, unified picture. -J. E.
U.S.- USSR Propaganda Arena

"Maybe I'd Better Show You Where The Fire Is"
;1957 £JASI t'O,? CA.

Fancy Frosting
For Silly Situations
V'HE M-G-M answer to Spring Madness blew into Ann Arbor yesterday
on a cliche-lined cloud, with Warnercolor fringes and a wide-screen
Designing Wyman is slick as a page out of the New Yorker, charm-
ing as a freshman coed smiling at an English instructor, funny as a
cream puff in the face, and imaginative as a turtle egg.
Irresponsible good-natured crusading simple Greg Peck, a sports
writer for the New York News meets rich pretty nervous designer Lauren



Price Supports-End in,

Secretary Benson have a new
farm program about ready to
spring on the farmers. It will prob-
ably mean: the end of all farm
price supports.
Meeting with Republican leaders
in Congress last w-ek, the Presi-
dent gave a preview of the plan.
He described the present farm
price support program as a vicious
circle. When crop surpluses are
dispoced of abroad, he pointed out,
the law requires that domestic
p:'ice supports inciease.
"This means that farmers in-
crease their production and we
have more surpluses," the Presi-
dent said. "If oun present laws are
inadequate to deal with this situa-
tion, then they ought to be chang-
ed. We are not wedded to any pro-
gram, if it isn't working,"
An over-all review of the crop
price and surplus situation would
be made with an eye to corrective
legislation, Secretary Benson re-
ported. Farm organizations would
be consulted. However, he empha-
sized that congress should assume
a great part of the responsibility.
He didn't want to be left carrying
the ball alone, declared the secre-
tary of agriculture.
* * *
ANOTHER objection raised by
Eisenhower was the high cost to
the taxpayers of maintaining the
current Benson program, as re-
flected by the Agriculture Depart-
ment's budget of $5,300,000,000. In
this connection, congressional
leaders reported that some farm
senators felt that the cost of send-

ing surplus farm goods abroad
should be charged to the foreign
aid program, not the farm pro-
Eisenhower said he was opposed
to this, pointing out that farmers
"get the benefit of the surplus
disposal program."
The President also contended
that the bulk of the benefits under
the presenr program were going to
big farmers. and that "the small
farmer isn't getting his rightful
sbare." One reason for this, it was
brought out, was thai big farmers
could make a living out of Ben-
son's soil. bank program, even if
they take a large part of their soil
out of production-something little
farmers cannot afford to do.
HERE IS more of the inside
story on why King Hussein sud-
denly got up enough nerve to fire
his pro-Communist premier and
army chief.
King Saud of Saudi Arabia tele-
phoned the 22-year-old king,
pledging that his troops would
rush to the latter's aid in case of
any fighting. He told King Hussein
that he could consider himself
commander-in-chief of the 3,000
Saudi troops already stationed in
Jordan and that they would fight
to the death for him.
This dramatic phone call gave
Hussein the courage he needed to
crack down on pro-Russian leaders
and take over as the real boss of
Jordan. So it looks as if Ike's en-
tertainment of King Saud has be-
gun to pay off.

Sight a Vn
the new Negro nation of Ghana
has asked President Eisenhower to
name a white man instead of a
Negro as American ambassador.
Nkrumah wants a top-flight career
diplomat sent to his country be-
cause he believes a white ambassa-
dor's recommendations would pack
more weight than those of an
American Negro politician. The
man Ike will probably name is
career officer Wilson Flake . .
Moscow may be facing another
Hungary-this time in the Baltic.
Anti-Russian riots are sweeping
the tiny Baltic states of Estonia,
Latvia, and Lithuania. Moscow has
moved in troops ands police. Sev-
eral hundred patriots have been
arrested . . . Marshal Tito, who
bragged only six months ago he no
longer needed American military
aid, is now begging for American
jet fighters. Tito says the picture
ha;; changed because Russia is
again threatening him.
* * *
THE MID-EAST spotlight will
soon move to Morocco, where the
United States is involved in a
buildup campaign for Sultan Mo-
hammed as a forceful counterpart
for Nasser influence in Africa. This'
isn't making France too happy.
Premier Mollet is privately furious.
Latest move: The United States
Air Force bypassed the French last
week and opened direct negotia-
tions with Mohammed for a base
in Morocco.
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

Bacall, she bites his ear and they
are married before the fat lady in
front of you takes off her hat.
Greg's old girl, TV star Delores
Grey, fades dreamily out of the
picture as Greg & wife settle down
to a split-level life: he writing up
sports news with careless ease, she
designing clothes with effortless
But though Lauren and Greg
live worlds apart by day -he at
the office or at the fight: or at
the races, she dashing through a
world of fashion shows, flounces
of satin, drawing boards: by night
these two worlds come together
and there is peace.
But ominous rumblings in the
distance: Greg's low brow poker
club can't concentrate with Laur-
en's group playing charades in
the next room.
Eventually the mob, led on by a
big fight fixer with a son at
Princeton, decides to rub Greg out
for spilling the beans about some
crooked deal. And Lauren is
peeved at Greg for not telling her
about Delores. Something is bound
to snap.
WHEN GREG hides out from
the gang with a punch-drunk ex-
fighter bodyguard, Lauren thinks
he's gone off mad. Then he turns
up in Delores' apartment looking
for some more beans to spill, Lau-
ren drops in, Oreg hides, the dog
finds his shoe, Lauren spots the
shoe, she finds Greg hiding, De-
lores shouts, Greg shouts, Lauren
runs out, Greg runs out, the dog
runs out, but the audience stays
right in the theatre because the
manager has slyly locked the
The finale brings everyone back
onstage for a free-for-all which
has Greg & friends slugging it out
with the mob in traditional style.
Emerging victorious, Greg re-
turns to his wife since his ear is
almost healed and they can take
up their lives again to the delight
of the two ushers who are still
-David Kessel
to the
(Editor's Note: Letters to the Edi.
tor must be signed, in good taste, and
not ,more than 300 words in length.
The Daily reserves the right to edit
or withhold letters from publication.)
Credit Due . .
To the Editor:
I READ with much interest your
review in last Saturday's Daily
of the Good Friday orchestra con-
cert. In regard to the third move-
ment of the Beethoven Ninth Sym-
phony, I would like to point out
that the most famous fourth horn
solo in all orchestral literature was
"flawlessly" played by the fourth
horn of the orchestra, David E.
Whitwell, rather than myself. He
played this passage beautifully
and deserves full credit for the
-Howard T. Howard,'58M

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michi-
gan Daily assumes no editorial re-
sponsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
3553 Administration Building, be-
fore 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Regents' Meeting: May 23, 24, and 25.
Communications for consideration at
this meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than May 14,
Phi Beta Kappa. Initiation Banquet,
Mon., April 29, Michigan Unio'n, at
6:30 p.m. Prof. Charles H. Sawyer, di-
rector of the Museum of Art, will be
the speaker. Reservations should be
made at the Office of the Secretary,
Hazel M. Losh, by Sat., April 27. Mem-
bers of other Chapters are invited.
omen Students now on campus who
do ot have a housing commitment for
the fall semester, 1957, may apply for
housing accommodations in residence
halls, league houses, and inter-coopers -
tive council houses at the Office of the
Dean of Women, new student activities
building, on and after Wed., April 24.
Agenda, Student Government Coun-
cil, April 24, 1957. Council Room, Stu-
dent Activities Building, 7:30 p.m.
Minutes of previous meeting.
Officers' Reports: President: Regula-
tions Booklet, revision.
Interim Action: April 26, Interna-
tional Students Assoc., cultural show,
Aud. A, 8 p.m.
April 28, NAACP folk sing, lane Hal.
Exec. Vice-President: Appointments
Increasing Enrollment Committee.
Admin. Vice-President: Committee
Treasurer. ,
Wolverine Club report.
University Calendar Committee.
Student Activities Committee: Re-
queats for recognition: Contemporary
Literature Club, Modern Jazz Society
Education and Social welfare: Orien-
tation Committee, Health Insurance
National and International.
Public Relations.
Old and new business.
Members and constituents time.
Prof. S. V. Kogekar of Poona, India,
will give a lecture Wed., April 24, at
4:15 p.m. in the West Conference Room
Rackham, on "India after the Elec-
Military Service Lecture: Prof. Kar
Reichenbach, Department of History
Aud. C, Angell Hall, 7:30 p.m. "World
War HI"
American Chemical Society Lecture,
y:00 p.m. Thurs., April 25, 1300 Chem-
istry Building. Dr. R. S. Shane will
speak on "Nuclear Power Reactor De-
sign". (Combined Seminars-ACS) ..
RICHARD III by William Shakespeare
will be presented by the Department of
Speech at 8 p.m. Thurs., Fri., and Sat.,
April 25, 26, 27 in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre. A special matineenfor
high school students will also be pre-
sented at 2:30 p.m. Sat., April 27.
(Continued on Page 6)

Associated Press News Analyst
TWO DEVELOPMENTS have opened the way
for the United States to give the world a
clearer idea of what her role has been during
the nine months of Middle East crisis.
Russia and Britain have published the cor-
respondence between Bulganin and Eden on
the subject.
Russia is obviously trying to make the Arabs
think she was their only champion. The cham-
pioning came, of course, after the Communists
had encouraged the Arabs to get into just
the sort of trouble they did get into.
The Suez Canal is open again, making it,
as Secretary John Foster Dulles puts it, a good
time for the world to know more about the dis-
cussions concerning its status.
The October invasion of Egypt, the attitudes
toward it of the major powers, and by the
United Nations, are a major factor now that
a decision is required on the canal's operations.
Russia is now revealed to have falsely ac-
cused the United States of complicity in the
preparations for the attack on Egypt.
It is then completely in order for the United
States to give a full review of the whole matter

as she reports to the United Nations on her
unilateral discussions with Egypt.
THE UNITED STATES established a new po-
sition for herself among the Arab states by her
attitude last fall.
Russia is now attempting to undermine this
position, and to make the Arab leaders believe
whatever America has done has been as the
front man for the Western European powers.
Russia is trying to make the Arabs believe
that the Eisenhower Doctrine, and American
proposals regarding Suez, are efforts to entrap
them for the benefit of France and Britain.
Russia also is trying to make France and Bri-
tain believe the United States is becoming more
active in the Middle East in order to replace
them in that sphere for selfish reasons.
This makes it difficult for the United States
to tell the story - and it is a good one - of
how she sought to avoid the crisis which Bri-
tain, France and Israel precipitated.
The new United States position among the
Arabs is, however, worth careful nurture. And
it is a case where her adherence to principle,
at the expense of extremely important rela-
tions with France, Britain and Israel, puts her
-in first-class shape for a head-on propaganda
fight with Russia.


Polar Pioneers Enjoy Modern Comforts in Antarctic


C, Sudt, Ad1L-Tminista ~.UR U ~Z.UkYtors

Associated Press Staff Writer
IMAGINE having all the comforts
at the South Pole you now enjoy
here - except television and the
In that case, you're in Antarc-
tica. And you can't count too much
on the phone not ringing.
Scientists and Navy construction
workers are dug in now at seven
UnitedStatesdoutposts in the south
end of the world. Six are science
stations built for observations dur-
ing the International Geophysical
Year that starts July 1, and the
seventh is an air base.
EIGHTEEN MEN are camped at
the South Pole station. Others
are hundreds of miles away at
Little America V, Marie Byrd
Land, Weddell Sea, Knox Coast,
Cape Hallett and McMurdo Sound.
Great deserts of snow and
towering sharp-toothed mountains
separate the lonely outposts,
The winter night is closing in
and temperatures are sinking to-
ward the bottom of the thermom-
eter. Already it has hit 79 below
zero, is expected to get to 110
or more below before the winter
is over. Winter below the Equator,
of course, comes at the same time
as summer in the northern hemis-
* * *

aluminum. The ceilings hold ven-
Oil or electric stoves heat the
buildings. Snow-buried tunnels
framed with wood and covered
with chicken wire and burlap con-
nect the orange-painted buildings.
When the men crawl up through
hatches to the snow surface, they
wear light, insulated clothing of
wool and synthetic fibers. It is
warmer and more durable than the
bulky sealskin or reindeer hide
garments of earlier polar explorers.
Parka hoods are still fringed with
fur, however.
* * C
MEN WORK UP big appetites in
the bitter antarctic cold, and
meals are huge. Steak is on the
menu three times a week. There is
enough beer for a 24-can case per
man per week.
Ice cream is the most popular
dish, but fresh milk, eggs, fruit
and vegetables are craved the
most, for canned and dehydrated
substitutes seldom taste as good as,
fresh food.
They have hot and cold running
water, showers, electric washing
machines and driers, oil stoves,
electric lights, innerspring mat-
tresses, and recreational gear
ranging from popcorn poppers and
boxing gloves to hi-fi phonographs
and opera records.
** *

es his clothes and himself with
water obtained by melting snow.
So far, water in the form of snow
is the Antactic's only usable re-
Seabees ride tractors to the out-
skirts of the camps, shovel snow
into giant sleds and haul it back to
the base. Then they push the snow
into melters that hold up to 3,000
gallons of water.
Most men at the United States
bases frown on bathing. They say
it isn't in the best tradition of old
Antarctic explorers.
HAIRCUTS are also infrequent,
although each base has a part-
time barber, and most of the in-
habitants grow bushy beards.
During the winter darkness,
sleep is never a problem, but in-
somnia plagues the bases in the
summer when the sun shines 24
hours a day.
Last summer, men at McMurdo
Sound formed a "big eye" club.
Members slept only two or three
hours a night, if at all. They loun-
ged in the mess hall all night,
drinking coffee or went to the mid-
night movie.
Each base has a full set of Holly-
wood films-enough for a different
picture every night through the
winter. Other recreational equip-
ment includes paint sets, corres-
pondence courses, books, electric

Tunnels between buildings have
escape hatches in case of fire, and
living quarters have carbon mon-
oxide alarms-horns and red light
Frostbite is an ever present dan-
ger for men working outdoors. Men
exposed to subzero cold bundle up
in insulated clothing and also don
masks with openings only for their
eyes, nose and mouth.

The men keep busy through the
long winter with scientific observa-
tions and maintenance work. But
their thoughts often turn to wives
and sweethearts back home.
There is no mail service during
the winter-ships and planes can-
not push through to the ice-locked
outposts. Each base has a ham
radio, however, and almost every
day the operator makes contact
with other hams in the States.


by Dick Bibler

Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
GAIL GOLDSTEIN ............ Personnel Director
ERNEST THEODOSSIN........... Magazine Editor
JANET REARICK ....... Associate Editorial Director
MARY ANN THOMAS................ Features Editor
DAVID GREY.........,..............Sports Editor
RICHARD CRAMER......... Associate Sports Editor
STEPHEN HEILPERN......... Associate Sports Editor
ARLINE LEWIS............... Women's Co-Editors
JOHN HIRTZEL................. Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DAVID SILVER, Business Manager
MILTON GOLDSTEIN ... Associate Business Manager
WILLIAM PUSCH .............. AdvertisiA Manage,


X-"il .1 3111 111111%.! 11:1
LASTDECEMBER'S "food riots", the resul-
tant controversy and discussion of quad-
rangle food problems, have made dormitory
residents much less dissatisfied about the
meals they eat.
No, the food has not changed or improved
to any great degree, but some dishes have been
eliminated from menus and selections of sev-
eral courses have been added.
When students meet with something they
did not usually care for, they exercise their
choice and take something new. It is a def-
inite boost to morale.
But, more important, the changes in meal

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. 1

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