OUTSIDE' PRESSURES AND SBX EXPANSION See Page 4 Y Sir8 ~Iaitj 4 r 4 Wr3RAI. HUMID t Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXVII, No. 144 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1957 U N SIX PAGES '. Pulles Hands Suez Issue Back to UN WASHINGTON (P)-Secretar of State John Foster Dulles dis dlosed yesterday the United State will center world attention on th Suez question once again by layin it before the United Nations Secur ity Council, possibly tomorrow o Thursday. Dulles thus signaled the eni of quiet United States efforts dur ing the past month to win Egyp tian acceptance of the United Na tions formula for running th waterway. "Now that the canal is generall: open for traffic, it seems to us tha there should be more general pub lie knowledge," Dulles told h i news conference. "I does seem to us appropriat that there should be an early re port made to the Security Counci and perhaps through the Securit Council to the world." Dulles added, the United State has "no objection" to Unite States ships entering the canal- provided they pay tolls under pro test. At the United Nations th United States delegation was con ferring with friendly members o: the 11-nation Security Council o when to call a Council meeting Diplomatic sources said this wa considered a "propitious" time fo a United States report on its nego- tiations with Egypt. Dulles emphasized that th United States would request n United Nations action, but simply file a report. He indicated he expects Egypi to make a final answer soon to the efforts of United States negotiators to win changes in the Egyptian plan for running the canal. But he declined to be drawn out on what he thinks Pgypt's response will be The United States wants the Egyptian plan for canal operations to be of a more binding character to'insure that $he canal will not become embroiled in the troubled politics of the Middle East. This is a major aim of the set of princi- ples which were drafted in the United Nations during last year's efforts to win a Suez agreement. In calling on American shipping to pay tolls under protest, Dulles said this would be protection against possible claims by the com- pany which used to run the canal before the Egyptian government seized it last July 26. Dulles Lifts Red China Ban On Newsmen, WASHINGTON (P) - Secretary of State Johh Foster Dulles made a qualified offer yesterday to al- low "a strictly limited number" of responsible newsmen to visit Red China in order to give the Ameri- can people first-hand information on conditions there. He laid down this policy at a news conference but attached these conditions: 1. Any such "one-shot experi- ment" must not be permitted to weaken the government ban on travel by other Americans to the Red-held mainland. 2. Prior approval by "leading figures in the newspaper world" is necessary before the State De- partment acts. Dulles In answer to a barrage of questions also implied a possi- ble third condition - such visits by American reporters must not be tied to visits to the United Statenby Chinese Communist newsmen. The Secretary talked about the long-standing ban after a reporter noted The Associated Press board of directors called anew Monday for the right to send qualified newsmen to report on conditions in Red China. He reported he has already suggested 'a plan which news ex- ecutives have rejected - "al- though they made that suggestion themselves originally." Dulles reported this plan would have involved giving passports to a limited number of reporters. Technic SelIs Critic Analyzes, Youthody Cowley Looks at Three Generations; Youth Now 'Sits, Listens, Squirms' By DAVID TARR Six words were used by Malcolm Cowley last night to analyze today's generation of youth: prosperity, proximity, calamity, secur- ity, secrecy and McCarthy, The noted critic took a reflective look at three generations - the 1920's, the 1930's and today - describing the latter as "not strictly a silent, but a listening generation." In the 1920's, he explained in comparing that era to the present, people danced to jazz, but now "youth just sits and listens and squirms." The jovial, white-haired, Author in Residence at the Univer- sity this year, claimed "security" has become the key word of the times. Security Dominates "Security dominates the selection of careers today. It sends people into big corporations and keeps them out of government be- tcause government are no longer -Daily-Charles Curtiss MALCOLM COWLEY Analyzes Youth Mundt Gets 'Disturbing' Union News WASHINGTON WP) - Sen. Carl Mundt (R-SD) said yesterday he and two Republican colleagues on the Senate Rackets Investigating Committee have received a "dis- turbing" report about some labor practices in the Detroit area. But Mundt denied in a state- ment a report by columnist Drew Pearson that Mundt and Sens. Charles N. Ives (R-NY) and B. M. Goldwater (R-Ariz) are "trying to cook up an investigation they hope will embarrass" Sen. Patrick V. McNamara (D-Mich). McNamara is a member of the committee and a former president of Detroit Pipe Fitters Union Local 636. Ives also issued a statement calling Pearson's column "inaccur- ate and misleading." Ives said he, Mundt and Goldwater did meet in his office recently with a person who voiced "certain charges" about the situation in Michigan. "But by no means did I or any- one else present connected with the United States Senate suggest any investigation which might em- barrass any member of the Sen- ate," Ives said. "I am confident that Sen. Mc- Namara is an honorable gentle- man and it is deplorable that these unsubstantiated charges have been aired." Ives said he did not feel the charges even warranted his men- tioning them to Chairman Mc- Clellan (D-Ark), of the Senate committee. Mundt's statement said McNa- mara's name was mentioned "cas- ually" by the wintess and that the mention created "no particular impression" on the thre.- senators present. He told a reporter he can't even recall the details of what was said about McNamara, and that he is surprised "the Pearson story placed such emphasis on it and gave such unfavorable publicity to our Michigan colleague." "Unless the Senator (McNa- mara) askf to be heard, however," he continued, "I still have no in- tention of giving publicity or call- ing attention to the rather inci- dental references made to him." 14r ai thiat nt r fm.n+ at of- secure." Tying this to secrecy and Mc- Cartly, Cowley pointed out that many important issues today are not decided in open debate, a situation which creates "indiffer- ence" about issues. Secredy has made people no longer interested in politics because they no longer have anything to say about poli- tics, he claimed. McCarthy has "given a period of universally paranoid suspicions. Dozens of men have learned it, doesn't pay to talk too much," he continued. Cowley spoke before the Politi- cal Issues Club, addressing a hot but attentive audience of over 125 people. 20's Filled With Exuberance "The 1920's," Cowley remarked, "were filled with exuberance. The 1930 generation was one of topics -they were faced with real prob- lems and great searching - curi- osity was evident. But now, discre- tion is the order of the day, even though it leads to ignorance of basic issues in politics." The former literary editor of the New Republic described "cal- amity" as a fear of "what is go- ing to happen. We don't talk about it, but we think - and this really leads to the confession that an in- teresting life is a conventional lif e." He said that today's youth has: experienced a long period of pros- perity. "This has given them," Cowley added, "a belief they must share deeply in it. Americans Act Alike "By proximity I mean to sug- gest that Americans are trying hard to act like each other. This has happened because they are living much closer together today than in the past; conformity grows naturally out of a large population." Lack of a political creed Cowley cited as another reason for poli- tical indifference in today's youth. .You can't just believe in noth- ing," he explained. He encouraged today's youth to look further than their own re-l tirement and see the position ofl their children in 100 years or more. He went on to suggest that con- servation is one field where op- portunity for strong convictions and hard work can help preserve the nation's resources -- both hu7 man and physical. Macmillan Gets Soviet Peace Note LONDON (P) - Soviet Premier Nikolai Bulganin has sent a personal letter to Prime Minister Harold Macmillan expressing hope for agreement on all issues in the Middle East. He also promised to stop nuclear teats if the West will. Moscow radio yesterday broad- cast details of the letter delivered to Macmillan three days ago. The letter appeared to be geared to the new Soviet campaign to depict Moscow as a peace-loving friend of the Arab world. Urges Agreement "Taking into consideration the{ complexity of the existing prob- lems," Bulganin wrote, "one should, with the object of improv- ing and normalizing the situation in the Middle East, immediately take such steps on which it is possible to reach an agreement." Bulganin said the possibilities of a settlement have not been ex- hausted and added: "I do not lose the hope that, given the good will on the part of the governments of the states con- cerned, agreement can be reached on all disputed issues." Soviet Contribution Bulganin said the Soviet Union believes "the great powers would make a big contribution to the normalization of the situation in the Middle East if they denounced the use of force as the means of settling the unsolved problems of' that area." "One may differ in the views on some questions or others, for in- stance, connected with the use of the Suez Canal," Bulganin contin- ued, "'but it is impermissible that disputed issues are settled by arm-, ed force, that reckless actions of some states or others, still bran- dishing arms, imperil the peace of the area." The letter was delivered at about the same time the Soviet Union was handing notes to the United States, Britain and France urgingI renunciation of force in the Middle East. These notes also proposed to scrap alll Western military bases in the area as part of a general settlement. The West considered the notes a propaganda gesture., Government Aids Schools t Onl Political Ike Believes Arms Race End Possible AUGUSTA, Ga. (P) - PresidentI Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday expressed new confidence the East- West atomic weapons race can be halted. He pictured an arms reduction as "indispensable" but likely to be a slow process. His views regarding efforts to reach an inspection and controls agreement with Russia were out- lined in a statement after he had conferred for 75 minutes with Har- old E. Stassen, his adviser on dis- armament matters. After the conference at the Au- gusta National Golf Club, Presi- dent Eisenhower's vacation head- quarters, Stassen flew back to Washington for a final session with Secretary of State John Fos- ter Dulles, then headed.for London for disarmament talks. Those talks, which started last month and recessed over the Eas- ter weekend, have given United States officials cautious hope that the Soviet Union finally may be about ready to take a small, first step toward disarmament. Stassen declined to hold a news conference after his meeting with President Eisenhower. He refused to meet with newsmen, the White House said, because the London negotiations are "only at the half- way stage" with plenty- of work stil'. ahead. ABA PRESIDENT: Maxwell Hits, At Administra By MURRAY FEIW Speaking at the University Lawyers C Day program, David F. Maxwell, PresidE Association, last night attacked what he clf tion by administrative agencies. Maxwell told his audience that the U strongly parallels the Russian setup of' today. The Philadelphia-born lawyer trave He questioned the right of such grou cisions as opposed to the courts. He spoke on the picture of administ States as it existed in the thirties and the situation in Russia to-T Cr Lectures Set; Jordan, In 22 States i 1 t WASHINGTON (/P)-Grants to- taling more than ten and one half million dollars to help school dis- tricts in 22 states relieve over- crowding resulting from federal activities were announced by the Office of Education yesterday. The facilities which the money will help build- are needed mainly to care for children of families attached to military installations, the announcement said. A total of $56,362,713 of such aid has been allocated thus far this fiscal year, which ends June 30. SSGC Meeting New committee chairmen under the revised structure will be an- nounced at the Student Govern- ment Council meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the third floor council room. i, 1' ' it 1. ; .j . , , l 1 1 A / l Petitions .due "The Role of the Fraternity in the Expanding University" is the topic of a speech which University President Harlan Hatcher will de- liver tonight at the Sheraton Ho- tel in Detroit. President Hatcher will be the guest of the Michigan Fraternity Alumni at a cocktail hour and dinner. * * * Petitioning is now open for two campus organizations through Monday. According to Isabel Francis, 57Ed., six positions are open for Human Relations Board. Petitions and material describing the board may be picked up in Mrs. Calla- han's office in the Office of Stu- dent Affairs, Student Activities Building. Positions are also available for Cinema Guild Board, and may also be picked up at Mrs. Calla- han's office. Professor Paul G. Kauper of the law school speaks at 8 p.m. today in the Union on "The Con- stitutional History of the Negro." The talk, sponsored by the stu- dent branch of the NAACP, will cover some of the legislation per- taining to Negros according to Prof. Kauper. day. Pointing oft that Russia has administrative absolutism in that -the power to investigate, prosecute and judicate is all vested in the Praesidium, the 80th President of the ABA said that the Bar is now trying to "do away with such evils in administrative agencies today." Maxwell illustrated the plight of the Russians by using the Beria case of 1954 as an example. He pointed out that Beria was brought to trial, convicted and shot in a matter of days. He also cited the cases of some 24 Hun- garians who have been shot with- out due process of law. A member of the Hoover Com- mission, Maxwell emphasized the importance of separation of pow- ers and checks and balances and said, "the whole concept of the Communist state, in which pow- ers are vested in one group, is hopelessly wrong." Maxwell told his audience, "In Russia the individual is the crea-' ture of the state and serves no good except the good of the state." Maxwell pointed out that there are some 72 administraitive tribu- nals, 30 of which have their own criteria for lawyers to meet be- fore they can practice before them. Maxwell said, "The Trea- sury Department spends $500,000 of the taxpayer's money annually to investigate the merits of the lawyers who wish to practice be- fore them and this is wrong." Ensian .Needs Photographers Paid photography positions on the Michiganensian staff are now open to those interested, according to Harold Barron, '58, Ensian en- graving and layout editor. Both the position of photogra- phy editor and staff photographers need to be filled for work on the 1958 'Ensian. The 'Ensian's dark- room facilities are available to staff members for the developing and printing of photographs. Those interested in these posi- tioris should contact Barron before Tuesday. I IF( Fra For Lamb was den remaind fined $ Council night fo and IF pledge a The a a pledg member class ki vice-pre and stra in the m In th ciplinary hours o also den ternity rest of t a $100 fi pledging Kerry James Alpha pi presiden the even the come Johns he and' were abd afternooc Royal 01 ing a bo and Vam left on servers, jars of t "We s hailed h because] headedf a freigh tention< Johns dents m island w ing andt ing har campers in their1 to shore With isis Falls Kingdom Parties Ask JudgingResignation ctve Level Of Premier ELL f annual Founders etist Groups Call ent of the American Bar Strikes for Today; aimed were evils of judica- Clashes Break Out nited States of the 1930's AMMAN, Jordan ()-This sore. administrative judication ly beset kingdom was plunged yes- led in Russia last summer,. terday into its second political ips to judge and give de- crisis in two weeks. Premier Hussein Khalidi at a rative law in the United stormy conference fought off de- now as compared with mands of all political parties that he and his Cabinet resign. Khalidi, a man inclined toward the West and backed by King Hus- sein, has been in office only a week.+. Leftist elements called a general strike for Wednesday. Demonstrations Break Out Small anti-Khalidi demonstra- tions broke out in the Arab sec- tion of Jerusalem and two other west Jordan cities, Jerico and Nab- lus. The Moslem Brotherhood clash- ed with Communists in Jericho. The new crisis arose from charges that young King Hus- sein's palace was in league with the British and Americans in plots against Jordan's independence and liberty. The charge was made Saturday by Maj. Gen. Ali Hayari, who fled to Syria and resigned as army -Daily-Edward Graff chief of staff, DAVID MAXWELL Representatives Meet .. ABA head speaks Representatives of all political parties met with Khalidi and his rCabinet of six independents and onie National Socialist for a show- down., King Hussein installed Khalidi eternities after dismissing former Premier Suleiman Nabulsi and his Cabinet made up of pro-Egyptian and r Pranks Communist factions. ~ tra l1.sOpponents of the ailing Khaldi demanded that a new Cabinet be By ROBERT BALL formed with all parties represent- ed. This would bring Communista da Chi Alpha Fraternity back into the Cabinet. ied social privileges for the,. Conference Report [er of the semester and In the midst of the turbulent 100 by Inter Fraternity meeting, Interior Minister Said Executive Committee last Mufti emerged from the confer- or violation of University ence room and told reporters "the 'C regulations regarding Cabinet has decided to resign and ictivities. Prmier Khalidi will see the King ction came as a result of to tender his resignation.". e prank Monday, when This report was picked up by s of the fraternity's pledge Cairo radio. Three and one-half dnapped the president and hours after the report was flashed sident -of the fraternity around the world, Khalidi emerged anded them on Peche Isle and denied the government had piddle of the Detroit River. quit. e other of the two dis- The elderly Jordanian states- y moves duringnearly four man, who suffers from stomach f session, the committee ulcers, said negotiations still were lied Sigma Alpha Mu Fra- going on in an attempt to settle social privileges for the the crisis. he semester and suspended Jordan Under Censorship ine, also for a violation of Jordan was under strict censor- regulations' ship on outgoing news dispatches. Johnson, '58BAd, and The crisis developed rapidly Smith, '59, Lambda Chi after a government spokesman, In 'resident and pledge class an obvious reference to Syria and t, respectively, narrated Egypt, charged Monday that nts of the kidnapping for "some neighboring Arab countries mittee. and foreign countries paid lots of on told the committee that money" to precipitate the upheav- Tom Vanden Bosch, '58E, al in Jordan. He said the money ducted by pledges Monday was paid to "parties and others." n. They were taken to in a broadcast Monday night, ak, where a trailer carry- Khalidi declared the stories of gat was obtained. Johnson Western interference in Jordan iden Bosch were eventually affairs were untrue, and urged the Peche Isle, with life pre- people to ignore the rumors. a box of crackers and six Nabulsi's resignation was re- baby food. quested by Hussein on April 10 aw a lone fisherman and because the premier was not lis- im. He must have seen us, tening to the 21 year old ruler's he started his engine and demands that Communists be for shore. We shouted at weeded out of government, army ter and attracted the at- and schools. of a squad car on shore. Nabulsi had declared he would on went on: "The two stu- not agree to application of Presi- iet three campers on the dent Dwight D. Eisenhower's mid- ho had heard their shout- dle East Doctrine in Jordan if he the sound of an approach- had to sign up to fight commun- rbormastere's boat. The ism. took them out to the boat In the six-day .crisis that fol- boat and they were taken lowed Hussein won out when le . demade a dramatic personal appear- five dollars between them, ance before his Bedouin troops I RUSSEL LECTURE: Iredvold Finds 18th Century Problems Remain By ALLAN STILLWAGON Problems of the t18th century are so, rooted in the nature of man that we of the 20th still face them, Prof. Louis I. Bredvold said of the English department yes- terday. These fundamental issues, "handed down from generation to generation," must be faced by each age as its own . . . accord- ing to what wisdom it can com- mand." Receives Certificate Before delivering the 1957 Hen- ry Russel Lecture, Prof. Bredvold received the certificate of his honor from University President Their preoccupation with an education unsullied by formality committed them to "assumptionsI regarding the nature of man," ac-I cording to the Russel lecturer. As a result the uneducated were hailed and "each in turn enjoyed a brief notoriety." But "the poet- ical shoemaker, the poetical brick- layer, and the poetical pigwoman of Brisfdl" all passed and were forgotten. In all the 18th century chains of theory there is a "missing link, the fact that somewhere man must have had a fall." Lacking, this w i sd n mi_ mhiiinnar 1 i 1 : !-I HONORED PROFESSORS - Prof. Louis 1. Bredvold of the Eng- lish department yesterday delivered the 1957 Henry Russel lecture. 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