Ate xar al- f Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "Hold It, Men. That Last -)ne Was Khrushchev Again" Vben Opinions Are Free Truth will. Prevail" AT THE CAMPUS: 'Wee Geordie' Subtle British Comedy ANN ARBOR'S new theatre, the CAMPUS, opens its glass doors into - a bland world, bereft of popcorn, gum balls, peppermint, and all the other accessories which make film-watching unbearable, lined with seats of queasy comfort, and lacking a balcony so that one need not expect a rain of gum wrappers from the skies. In these austere surroundings may be seen the film we Geordie Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. mvTsAV APRIL .23, 1957 .NA4 ~7-.-- NIGHT EDITOR: RICHARD TAUBI Lu )m,01./Zxz y 113: ivlii ltvy svc+ a University Lecture Course Wastes Names FOR THOSE who expected a penetrating analysis of the Near Eastern situation from me who is right on top of the situation, Ralph Bunche's lecture Saturday night was a disap- pointment. Because Bunche is directly involved in nego- iations as a member of the United Nations Emergency Force, it would have been diplo- matically unwise to discuss personalities or even nake predictions. In response to a question about Nasser after he lecture, Bunche told a reporter one of his friends was negotiating with Nasser right now. Do you think it-would be wise for me to say anything, asked Bunche. And he's right, it wvould not have been wise. But the lecture still was disappointing. Bun- the is one of the great men of our age. He possesses great charm and warmth. Instead of any kind of analysis, Bunche ex- tolled the virtues of the United Nations and bold of the interesting problems of equipping and establishing an army made up of ten na- tions. He had a remarkably warm human insight into the difficulties and problems. For instance, there was the problem of finding wood in the Sinai desert, for the wood-burning tent heaters. E ALSO TOLD about the great co-operation received from individuals and nations; about the danger of mines along the Gaza strip, which is probably the most heavily mined area in the world, and the excitement this provides the soldiers who really have little else to do. This was all interesting and enjoyable. The audience had several good chuckles. But this serves to point up the problem of the lecture course. Many programs go begging, and people can't understand why students don't take greater advantage of the series to which so many great names are attached. RALPH BUNCHE could draw a good crowd because he is Ralph Bunche, and because he's probably worth hearing no matter what the circumstances. But this does not hold for most of the other lecturers who are also delightfully superficial and have nothing to say on the issues of our time. To overcome this difficulty in the future, we should encourage speakers who can stimulate and who can analyze from a superior vantage point. It is a pity to let all those great names go to waste. -RICHARD TAUB (soft G). This is a British film of about it, featuring Bill Travers as Geordie, a mail-order hammer thrower, and Alastair Sim as a Scottish Laird. Geordie is somewhat wee as a child, but sends for lessons by one Henry Samson, a bearded giant who teaches by mail the lessons of strength and clean living. Un- der Samson's care, Travers de- velops into a huge oaf of bound- less energy, but good hearted, al- though somewhat disappointing to his girl friend whom he almost never kisses even. After a shaky start, Geordie throws the hammer with great enthusiasm and eventually wins a place on the Olympic team and sails for Australia, momentously meeting Henry Samson, his idol, at the docks. Aboard ship, he is unsuccess- fully pursued by a female Danish shot-putter (w h a t e v e r that means), but at the Olympics, aft- er a jolly good hammer throw, amidst the general tumult, wee Geordie kisses this shot-put wo- man in plain sight. This is duly noted by the radio broadcaster, a nosey fellow, and then Geordie sails for home. MEANWHILE back at the castle, Alastair Sim, who has done much to help this film in his mar- velous way, is listening on the wireless, along with the rest of the, clan, and the news of Geor- die's magnificent kiss is received with general gloom. All is eventually put well, how- ever and Geordie retires from the hammer throw to a life of game and woman keeping. The characteristic British light comedy touch is everywhere, but not overdone, so that the overall effect is quite good and always entertaining, Shorts include a hilarious as- sortment of scenes from early Mack Sennett comedies, and an insipid rendering of the recent "Miss Universe" contest with pret- good duality with a subtle humor AT THE STATE 'Ailison innocuous "HLEAVEN Knows, Mr. Allison," the movie at the State this week, is a typical example of the insipid type of innocuous produc- tion that Hollywood is currently selling to the public as art. Com- plete with technicolor and a big, wide, screen, the film treats a hy- pothetically interesting subject with disappointing ineffectiveness and no great measure of skill. The story concerns a United Stater Marine, the Mr. Allison of the title, and a Roman Catholic nun who are marooned together on an island in the Southern Pa- cific sometime during the Sec- ond World War. Surviving, despite the constant danger of Japanese attack, they live together in a hid- den cave in order to stay alive. Naturally enough, Allison (Robert Mitchum) the virile protector, companion (Deborah Kerr) and falls in love with his virtuous the predictable complications arise. * * * Canada Should Make Notes Public CANADA ANNOUNCED Friday that the pub- lished versions of the two suicide notes of Herbert Norman, late Canadian ambassador to Egypt, bore no relation to the originals. The purported .content of the notes, made public by the New York Daily News, showed that Norman faced, or thought he faced, prob- lems which he would not discuss with his family or his best friend. If one assumes the News version of the notes to be correct, it seems unlikely the' Senate Internal subcommittee's rehash of already given charges would have affected Norman seriously enough to cause his suicide. The easiest and quickest way for Canada to quell the uproar this case has caused, and prove she was right in blaming the United States, would be to 'make public the content of Nor- man's notes. It is difficult to see why Canada has not already done so. F, IN REALITY, the suicide notes provided a strong indication the subcommittee's charges were responsible for Norman's death, Canada would certainly not lose by proving her accu- sations correct. Canada could not logically refuse to make public the notes for "security" reasons. The subcommittee's charges are not new. The con- tent of Norman's notes, if based on the sub- committee's charges, should not then contain any new and secret information. On the other hand, the assumption could very easily be made that Canada's refusal to release the notes indicates the notes may con- tain little or no substantiation of Canada's charges, and that she may be trying to find the easiest way out of what has become the most unpleasant situation in years between two friendly neighbors. To take a big step toward restoring this friendship, a step which would go further than any other -in clearing up this whole affair quickly, Canada should make public these notes as soon as possible. -LANE VANDERSLICE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Turn Heat on McNamara By DREW PEARSON Snyder Shouldn't Ban Reporters. HEIR Democratic colleagues don't know it, but Republican members of the Senate Rackets Committee are trying to cook up an investigation they hope will embarrass the lone senator who belongs 'to the AFL - Pat Mc- Namara of Michigan, Democrat. It's not supposed' to be known, but three GOP members - Irving Ives of New York, Barry Goldwa- ter of Arizona, and Karl Mundt of South Dakota -- held a secret strategy huddle last week in Ives' office. Also attending were Gold- water's assistant, Dean Burch, and Ives' son and assistant, George Ives. * * * THEY AGREED to urge Chair- man John McClellan, Arkansas Democrat, to investigate labor racketeering in Michigan. To per- suade him, they will offer evi- dence that certain Detroit unions have made a racket of selling work permits to non-union mem- bers. What they don't plan to tell McClellan is that Senator McNa- mara's former union, Pipefitters Local 636, is one of the alleged violators. McNamara, a Democrat, was president of the local until he ran for the Senate in 1954. By going into Michigan, the Re- publicans hope to bring out vari- ous charges that might embarass McNamara, who is also a member of the Senate Rackets Commit- tee. He was mixed up in a union building controversy, for example, that could be revived. His local defaulted on a $150,000 contract to buy a building that the former owner had purchased for only $50,000 three years earlier. The Pipefitters lost $62,500 on the deal and nine union members are still demanding an accounting. One of the nine, Demler Math- ews, is responsible for arousing Republican interest in McNa- mara's union. He wrote to Sen. Charlie Potter, Michigan Republi- can, summing up his grievances against McNamara and the Pipe- fittel s. ** * POTTER is running for re-elec- tion next year. As a Republican, he faces a tough fight in a state where Gov. Mennen "Soapy" Wil- liams has built up a Democratic organization which has consis- tently defeated Republicans and which has strong labor support. Potter saw the obvious possibil- ity of knocking a hole in Michigan labor by airing Mathews' charges, so arranged for his attorney to meet with the GOP members of McClellan's Rackets Committee. Potter himself, did not attend the meeting. At the meeting, Sen. Ives pointed out that it is against the Senate's unwritten rules to inves- tigate a fellow Senator. It was agreed, therefore, to request a broad investigation into labor racketeering in Michigan. The charges against McNamara would then come out in the course of the investigation, Ives' son, George, suggested. The Republicans agreed to go to Chairman McClellan with the charges about the work-permit racket. Some unions allegedly are charging five dollars a month for work permits. The permits must be purchased in cash, and the worker must surrender his receipt each month to get another permit. This investigation, the GOP trio hopes, will lead to the Pipe- fitters, their colleague, Sen. Mc- Namara, and the end of Gov. Wil- liams' Democratic power in Michi- gan. * * * AN ORGANIZED letter-writing campaign by doctors against the proposed federal school-con- struction program, has finally driven Rep. Lee Metcalf (D., Mont.) to exasperation. Fed up with "canned" let- ters, Metcalf got particularly sore after repeatedly reading the doc- tors' arguments about the alleged unconstitutionality of the school proposals. Metcalf, a former associate jus- tice of the Montana Supreme Court, wrote back to one: "I appreciate the legal opinion of a doctor that federal aid to education is unconstitutional. "My medical opinion as a law- yer. a former assokiate justice of the Supreme Court of Montana, and a member of the House com- mittee which has had this matter up for four years, is that you should take two aspirins for the headache you are getting, worry- ing about the constitutionality of a 'program which predates our constitution." (Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) ASSISTANT Secretary of Defense Murray Snyder revealed last week he felt newsmen probably would be able to see the launching of the first Earth's satellite during the coming geophysical year. It hardly seems conceivable the Defense De- partment would consider banning reporters from the launching of man's first venture into space. If the satellite were a top secret weapon it would be a different story, but the data gathered from the satellite will be broadcast to scientists all over the world, including Soviet Russia. The Defense Department claims newsmen would hamper the work of the operation by, "looking over the shoulders" of the scientists and technicians. The press has been present at the testing of many rockets before and has never been charged with the precipitation of a premature firing. For that matter, the press need not even be in a position where they would have contact with anyone concerned with the firing. ADDITIONAL objections came from the Air Force which said there were secret weapons stored out in the open, in full view of anyone on the grounds. From this are we to believe it would be impossible to . drag tarpaulin over these weapons and keep newsmen away from them? But there is more at stake than just security in this affair. The launching of this satellite is one step in a world-wide project to learn more about the structure of the earth-the International Geophysical year. The purpose of the geophysical year is not to learn how man can destroy his fellow man, but to learn more about the planet on which all men live. It would certainly be worth the cost and effort to see that newsmen be allowed to wit- ness the launching, not just American news- papermer but the press of communist, neutral and democratic countries. Secretary Snyder should not have said he is "confident" newsmen would be allowed to see the firing, he should have said, "I will do all in my power to see that newsmen are there." -PHILIP MUNCK LETTERS to the EDITOR IN TWO-WAY PLIGHT: Small Colleges Find Going Tough, ty morons from try from Mars revolting. all over. The en- was particularly --David Kessel INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Dulles Assures Satellites By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst SECRETARY OF STATE John Foster Dulles has virtually said the United States will never make peace with an imperialist Russia. Specifically, he assures Soviet satellite coun--" tries the United States will not make "a political settlement at their expense." He says the United States wants "liberation" of the captive countries, but will not incite violent revolt, preferring an "evolution to free- dom." This is merely statement as a policy of an attitude which has had factual existence for a long 'time. Indeed, the policy had been made clear by previous statements. No new posture is involved. It does, however, bring the United States to a point where some definitions are needed. Lack of them got President Eisenhower and Sec. Dulles in trouble both at home and abroad dur- ing the 1952 political campaign, when they discussed liberation in generalities. WHEN CHURCHILL and President Roosevelt met Stalin at Yalta before the end of World Churchill and President Roosevelt, however, while recognizing Russian's special interests in this area, which involved her security against Germany, did not foresee the Iron Curtain which Russia would erect, or that she would rule rather than influence. They thought the wartime alliance had changed the Communist book of objectives, which they hadn't studied too well anyway. By permitting Stalin to be vague, they lost ai. The United States has already told Russia, the satellites and the world that when she says. she wants liberation, she does not,mean to try to pull Eastern Europe into the Western system of alliances. SHE HAS indicated, though less clearly, that they do not have to eschew national com- munism so long as they are not puppets of international communism. She is emphasizing this by moving toward economic aid for Poland, where Russia still holds some pretty strong strings. She is acting very cautiously. This Polish case will set the precedent. Small heln where Russia has made small concessions, By HERMAN ALLEN Associated Press Staff Writer AN AILING window shade whirred like an angry rattle- snake and crashed to the floor. With the practiced air of a sea- soned do-it-yourselfer, President Royce S. Pitkin of Goddard Col- lege mounted a chair, restored the shade, dismounted and con- tinued his commencement address. The incident caused little stir among the Plainfield, Vt., institu- tion's handful of students and fapulty. Things like that are al- ways happening at Goddard -- and at 150 or so other respected but small and out-at-pocket American colleges where every- one from the president on down has to pitch in to hold the place together. For years these colleges have been trapped in a two-way plight that has at once kept them poor and prevented them from taking a full part in meeting the surge of youngsters who want a college education. * * * ON THE ONE hand, they have found it difficult to get money from the big corporations and foundations because they lack ap- proval of one of the six regional dent, 53 of these colleges have banded together to make a pitch for a brighter place in the educa- tional sun. The pitch that the Council for the Advancement of Small Col- leges makes is this: 1. The flood tide of young Americans seeking college educa- tion is expected to double by 1970 -maybe triple. Places are going to have to be found for these stu- dents. 2. Here are 53 going concerns, ready and willing to take on their share of the load but not able to do so because of their accredita- tion and financial handicaps. 3.It would be much more eco- nomical for the nation to help these schools to upgrade them- selves than it would be to expand institutions already accredited, or to build new colleges or junior colleges. * * * ALREADY the virtually night- and-day efforts of President Duane K. Hurley of Salem (W. Va.) College, president of the council, have produced some pro- mising results. The Ford-financed Fund for the Advancement of Education has contributed $71,000 for tests of CASC cnllne e tudents in s hehw ALTHOUGH ONU is not a council member, it is nonac- credited. With the promise of U.S. Steel money as a lever, it got an- from church, industrial and alum- ni groups and hopes to be ac- other $250,000 in contributions credited soon. More recently U. S. Steel has donated $100,000 to non-regional- ly accredited liberal arts colleges, all of it to go for expenses of the council itself. THEORETICALLY at. least," says Executive Secretary Alfred T. Hill "we're in business to work ourselves out of business as fast as possible." Hill estimates that out of the 150 or so non-accredited Ameri- can colleges, about 75 in all would be eligible for council membership. Of the others, some are too spe- cialized - strictly Bible colleges perhaps, or music or art schools- and others, like Ohio Northern, seem on the verge of accreditation anyway. Not all small colleges are non- accredited, or financially hard up -for that matter. Haverford (Pa.) College, for instance, with some 450 students, has long been ac- credited and is quite well-to-do to (Editor's Note: Letters to the Edi- tor mustbe signed, in good taste, and not more than 300 words in length. The Daily reserves the right to edit or withhold letters from publication.) No Escape . . To the Editor: rpi E DAILY, on April 21, pub- lished two responses to recent findings by University of Pennsyl- vania Prof. Philip E. Jacobs which indicate "colleges have no impact on student values." In my estimation, the ,views of Allan S t ill w a g o n and Philip Munck, the former in opposition to, and the latter in agreement with Prof. Jacobs' findings, both bear merit. I'd like to interpose some thoughts of my own between the two reactions already published. First, let's get to the crux of the issue. Thus far it appears that no one and nothing can es- cape indictment as a failing of the institution we call education, Each, in turn, has been, a whip- ping post: teaching methods and materials, the student, the in-' structor. I would go one step fur- ther and take to task American "culture" as to the way it dic- tates and controls the role and content of education in American society. Mr. Stillwagon is quick to de- fend the University as an excep- tion to Prof. Jacob's "relevant findings concerning contemporary student values." However, Mr. Stillwagon's defense is weak if he must look to the presence of graduate and out-of-state stu- dents as examples illustrating students whose values have been affected by higher education. This is only a subjective assumption. As Mr. Munck points out, "the average student is all too eager and willing to let someone else think for him." It may be well to credit gradu- ate students and out-of-staters with "the creation of an incredible community of diversified inter- ests." I wouldn't think we all have the same interests even if we were all undergraduates born and liv- ing in the state of Michigan. But what does Mr. Stillwagon's state- ment say for the large numbers of undergraduates at the University? Is one to infer that undergradu- ates are qualified only to guide THIS situation alone ought to be sufficient material for an in- teresting film. Combined with the surprisingly competent acting of Mitchum and Miss Kerr, there is no excuse for the overall dullness of the final production. Appar- ently, in their eagerness to avoid offence, the directors succeeded in avoiding interest as well. An excessive number of minor crises in the film destroys the ef- fectiveness of any larger climax and eventually tends to bore rath- er than to excite. Every time a dangerous situation arises, a more dangerous one is inserted to solve the problems created by the first. This multiplicity of critical inci- dents leaves the audience with no single impact and no definitive conclusion. Fortunately for the accepted codes of public morality, of course, sex is almost ignored. The fact that it is an existent problem, however, makes its avoidance more noticeable than more ordi- nary and open treatment might. Any conflict between the body and the mind is admittedly a tick- lish subject. Nevertheless, a bet- ter organized movie might have resolved this problem very com- petently and decently with a greater amount of interest and success. -Jean Willoughby DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michi- gan Daily assumes no editorial re-- sponsibility. Notices shpuld be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building, be- fore 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1955 VOL. LXVII ,NO 141 General Notices Regents' Meeting: May 23, 24, and 25. Communications for consideration at this meeting must be in the President' hands not later than May 14. Choral "Union is hereby reminded that the remainder of the rehearsals for May Festival will be held in Hll Audi- torium, as follows: Tues., April 23, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Thurs., April 25, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.; Sun., April 28, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.; Mon., April 29, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.; Tues., April 30, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.; Wed., May 1, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.; Thurs., May 2, 2:15 to 4:15 p.m.; Fri., May 3, 11:00 to 12:00 a.m.; Sat., May 4, 10:00 to 12:00 a.m.; Sun., May 5, 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. Women Students now on campus who do not have a housing commitment for the fail semester, 1957, may apply for housing accommodations in residence halls, league houses, and inter-coopera- tive council houses at the Office of the Dean of women, new student activities building, on and after wed., April 24. Attention all Seniors; order your caps and gowns for June graduation at Moe's Sport Shop on North University as soon as possible. Lectures The Henry Russel Lecture will be de- livered by Louis I. Bredvold Professor of English, Tues., April 23, at 4:15 p.m., in the Natural Science Audi- torium on "Some Basic Issues of the Eighteenth Century." Professor G .B. Harrison of the De- partment of English will lecture on Shakespeare's "Richard III," 4 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall, Tues., April 23. .7 v t. 4. 4 0