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Latest Deadline in the State
Bunche Praises UN Emergency Force
As Example of Voluntary Cooperation
PlsACE-PRIZE WINNER-Ralph Bunche told an audience at Hill
Auditorium last night the UN provides "a basis for hope in the
Near East." -
SChristians Celebrate Easter-;
Fewer Travel to Holy Land
By The Associated Press
Christians in a world still beset by crisis and human strife corn-
niemorate anew today the resurrection of Christ the Savior.
In rituals, prayer and song many lands will pay tribute to the
Man of Galilee-.
-Pilgrimages Discouraged
In Jerusalem itself discouragement to Middle East travel since
the Sinai war last fall reduced to hundreds instead of thousands
the number of Easter pilgrims.
But in the United States millions entered the quiet, peaceful
atmosphere of churches to worship. Other millions rose before
Creation of the United Nations
Emergency Force during the Suez
crisis was the "most encouraging
demonstration of international
cooperation the world has yet
seen," UN Under-Secretary Ralph
Bunche said last night.
The Nobel Peace prize winner
spoke in the last of the University
Lecture Series at Hill Auditorium.
He pointed out that all plans
for the force had to be worked out
"from scratch," and all aid was
recruited by telephone and cable-
gram without very complex ne-
Twenty-Four Volunteers
All one had to do, he said, was
ask for what was needed, and it
was delivered. Twenty-four states
volunteered to send troops and
Bunche explained, wasic t choos
only ten nations without hurting
the other 14's feelings.
Bunche emphasized that the
quick action taken by the UN
other Korean type situation, and
possibly a World War.
Acting Body
This proved to the world, he
noted, that the UN could con-
vert from a talking to an acting
body. The quickest and most de-
cisive action the body had ever
taken, he declared, came about
despite critics' complaints noth-
ing decisive ,could come from an
assembly of 80 members.,
And states contributed aid
quickly and without question.
Several Offers
He cited the United States of-
fer of air transportation, the ac-
a tging area for troops on their
way to Egypt, Switzerland's con-
tribution of air ferry service al-
though this country is not a UN
member, and Egypt's permission
to let UNEF into the country as
examples of this.
Clearing the Suez Canal was
accomplished at an astonishing
rate because of International
spirit, he declared.
Clearing Costs
Estimated cost for the operation
was 40 million dollars and finish-
ing date had been set for May 15.
Under the direction of Gen. Ray-
mond Wheeler, ships of seven na-
tions flying the UN flag had the
canal cleared by March at a cost
of only 11 million dollars.
Bunche emphatically denied all
"kinds of allegations" about
shoddy treatment UNEF had re-
ceived from Egypt, and hit "In-
credibly loose reporting" which
has given the world an inaccurate
picture of the Near East situation.
UNEF has been in Egypt for six
months, he said, and at no time
has been "dictated to or kicked
around" by anybody. It has gone
about its job with no hindrance
of any kind.
The UN, he concluded, provides
a basis for hope, "perhaps the
only basis for hope," for peace
in the Near East.
Ilussel Talk
To Be Given
Professor Louis I. Bredvold of
the English department will de-
liver the Henry Russel Lecture
at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday in the
Natural Science Auditorium.
Professor Bredvold was accorded
the lectureship last autumn. The
subject of his speech will be "Some
Basic Issues of the Eighteenth
The chance to deliver the Russel
Lecture is considered the highest
honor the University can pay one
of its faculty members.
'M' Defeats
Notre Dame
Wolverine Pitchers
Baffle Irish Sqad
Michigan's doubtful pitching
staff came up with two solid per-
formances y e s t e r d a y against
weak-hitting Notre Dame to give
the Wolv'erines a sweep of the
twin bill from the Irish 5-4 and
In the opener, which went ten
innings, Glen Girardin relieved
Don Poloskey in the fourth and
quelled the Notre Dame bats, giv-
ing up four hits and one unearned
run. Poloskey was driven from
the mound when a combination of
scored three unearned runs inrthe
Clark: Stars
Pitcher Jim Clark and short-
stop Steve Boros were the stars
of the nightcap. Clark went ted
seven Inning contest giving up
three singles and no runs to be-
come the Wolverines' first shut-
out winner of the young season.
Boros was the hitting star, con-
necting for a home run over the
left field fence, leading off in the
second to provide Clark's winning
Boros' blow came off John Con-
nors who went the distance for
Notre Dame. He only allowed
Michigan three hits but ran into
streaks of wildness which kept
him in a hole for a good part of
the afternoon.
In the siths wildness loaded
the bases and gave Michigan its
two insurance runs.
Bruce Fox opened with a line-
drive single to right and went on
to third when the ball bounced
through right-fielder Paul Sopko.
Ken Tippery then walked on four
pitches, and Connors loaded the
bases when he hit Boros in the
John Herrnstein then hit a fly
to short for the first out and the
runners held.
But Al Sigman worked Connors
for a. walk forcing in Fox.
Jim Vukovich, the next batter,
was thrown out by the shortstop
but Tippery scored the Wolverines'
final run.
Never in a Hole
Clark was never in a hole. He
allowed a hit in the first to Ed
Hurley, son of the American
League umpire, and then retired
the next seven batters in a row.
Gene Duff y singled to right in
the third but Clark bore down and
retired the next eight men before
See GIRARDIN'S, page 3
The speech deparetment will pre-
sent a lecture on Shakespeare's
"Richard III" by Prof. G.B. Harri-
son of the English department,
eminent Shakespearean scholar,
at 4 p.m. Tuesday in Angell Hall
Auditorium A.
No admission charge will be re-
quired for Prof. Harrison's lecture.
The department will follow the
lecture with three presentations
of "Richard III" at 8 p.m. Thurs-
day, Friday, and Saturday, in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The presentation of "Richard
III'" will be the last major pro-
duction of the spring playbill. Vis-
iting Prof. James Brock will direct
the production, and Prof. Harrison
will act as Shakespearean con-
..,...Asks Syria
Ci of Staff Actv
Only Since Thursday
.'Lady in the Dark' ... 'The Reluctant Debutante'
Hayari Quts as Head
... 'The Affairs of Anatol'
'U' Drama Season To Of fer Musical; i
Series To Star Bruce, Horton, Hagen
By The Associated Press
*States and Israel have agreed on
a new American aid program and
aid supplies are beginning to
move normally again following
the disruption caused by Israel's
attack on Egypt last fall.
The new program is understood
to total about 25 mnilLion dellars
and to provide for surplus farm
products and various kinds of ma-
chinery and other equipment and
supplies for Israel. -
* *..
sters Union is reported ~to have
aske thg no ecod be kept of
itskAL-I trial ron corruption
*h A-CIO sources interpret this
to mean that the Teamsters don't
want in existence a written tran-
script which could be subpoenaed
by the Senate Rackets Commit-
tee and combed over for possible
new evidence against the union.
It is still not clear whether the
Teamsters will send representa-
tives to defend the union at the
trial, scheduled to be held May 6
behind closed doors.
Ellender (D-La) said yesterday
the United States Information
wee"andacalled for a nw18 ml
lion dollar slash in its budget.
At the same time, there were
reports that sonme Republicans are
so irked with the vigorous sup-
port USIA Director Arthur Larson
ance to a Democratic drive to chop
the agency's funds.
AUGUSTA, Ga. - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday
signed a bill authorizing an in-
terest rate hike on government
savings bonds. He called the bonds
"better than ever" and said they
"help assure the economic stabil-
ity of our country."
The bill gives the Treasury De-
Spartment a go-ahead to pay 3%
per cent interest compared with
he current three per cent.
* * *
dawn to attend ceremonies in the
Still others could remain in their
homes vwatclhing various ceremon-
ies on teievision.
Pius XII Televised
Even in the holy crty of Rome,
television was used for the first
time To carry the annual Easter
message of Pope Pius XII to the
peoples of Europe
The Pope's me&-ge also was
broadcast by the Va'Acan radio and
14 Europ an netwerks mn 18 langu-
ages. The message was io be picked
up later for rebroadcast by Ameri-
can, Canadian and British systems.
President and Mrs. Dwight D.
Eisenhower will attend Easter
services at the Reid Memorial
Presbyterian Church in Augusta',
Ga., where the chief executive is
Papal Blessing -
On the eve of Easter, an esti-
mated 10,000 pilgrims gathered in
St. Peter's Square in Rome and
were blessed by the 81-year-old
head of the Roman Catholic
Church. The pontiff appeared
briefly at his apartment window
to bless the throng.,
In Jerusalem yesterday flames
burst from the tomb of Christ as
the age-old ritual of the Holy Fire
was re-enacted.
Church Packed
Thousands of pilgrims .packed
the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
for the Holy Saturday services.
For the Christians the Holy Fire
service climaxed Holy Week. In
days gone by tapers lighted in the
holy flames were carried to Athens
and Alexandria to symbolize the
spread of Christ's gospel to the
ends of the earth.
"Lady in the Dark," the first
musical comedy in the history of
the University Drama Season, will
open in Lydia Mendelssohn thea-
tre May 13.
Stage and screen star Carol
Bruce will fill the title role of the
Moss Hart, Kurt Weill produc-
tion. She will be followed on the
month-long bill by stars Edward
Everett Horton, Uta Hagen, Geof-
frey Lumb, Joan Alexander, Gene
Lyons. Francis Lederer, Joan Mc-
Cracken, Tamara Geva, Herbert
Berghof, Scott McKay and Rex
Witness, Prince, Debutante
Following "Lady in the Dark,"
and r un ning from Monday
through Saturday evenings with
matinees on Thursday and Sat-
urday, the Drama Season will of-
fer "Witness for the Prosecution,"
"The Sleeping Prince," "The Af-
fairs of Anatol" and "The Reluc-
tant Debutante."
Carol Bruce, who interpreted
Liza Elliott, a sophisticated maga-
zine editor with *a subconscious
craving for wedding bells, while
in London and New York, was
previously selected by Rodgers
and Hammerstein to play Julie in
their "Showboat" revival and
starred in "Pal Joey."
Miss Bruce's co-star will be
Scott McKay, who most recently
appeared in the New York revival
of "Brigadoon." He has also filled
roles in "'The Teahouse of the
August Moon," "Sabrina Fair,"
and, in Ann Arbor, the Drama
Season production of "Born Yes-
Singers and Dancers
"Lady in the Dark" will also
import a chorus of eight singers
and six dancers.
Much of the Broadway cast of
"Witness for the Prosecution,"
will be here when it opens May 20.
Geoffrey Lumb ("Solid Gold Cad-
illac"), Joan Alexander ("Ham-
let"), and Gene Lyons ("The
Trip to Bountiful") will repeat
their original assignments in the
Agatha Christie thriller.
Francis Lederer, Joan Mc-
Cracken and Tamara Geva will
come May 27 to present the ro-
mantic comedy, "The Sleeping
Prince." The author, Terence Rat-
tigan, scored heavily this 'season
with his Br'oadway introduction of
"Separate Tables."
Lederer and DeHavIlland
Lederer a pp ea r ed in the
"Prince" last, winter on the West
Coast, after scompleting his part
opposite film star Olivia DeHavil-
'land in "The A m ba s sad or' s
Joan McCracken is a veteran
of such musicals as "Oklahoma!"
"Bloomer Girl," and "Me and
Juliet." Tamara Geva was ac-
claimed by the critics for her
work as the Russian aviatrix in
Bernard Shaw's "Misalliance" at
the New York City Center. "Dead-
pan" Rex O'Malley will tassume
his original New York role.
A husband-and-wife team will
spark Arthur Schnitzler's story
of gay Viennese life in "The Al-
fairs of Anatol."
Ex-Country Girl
Uta Hagen is a former star of
"The Country Girl," Margaret
Webster's production of "Saint
Joan" and the national company
of "A Streetcar Named Desire."
Her husband, Herbert Berghof,
stood opposite Margaret Sullivan
in "The Deep Blue Sea."
"Anatol" will be designed by
SE Asia Petition
Deadline for petitions for Stu-
dent G ovyer nm en t Council's
Southeast Asia Steering Commit-
tee is Thursday.
Seven positions are open on the
committee, -which will prepare a
prospectus, secure funds, and se-
lect and train delegates for a trip
through that area next summer.
Peter Larkin, the artist who cre-
ated the sets for "Inherit the
Wind" and "No Time for Ser-
geants." -
Last on the festival list is Ed-
ward Everett Horton in the farce
"The Reluctant Debutante." His
opening June 10 will be the
farceur's first since his Ann Arbor
appearance In "Nina."
John O'Shaughnessy will re-
turn for his second year to stage
the series.
Season tickets for the Univer-
sity Drama Series will go on sale
Monday, May 6 at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. Mail orders are
now being accepted.
W A SHI N GT ON (IP) - The
United States called yesterday for
a continued "serious effort" in big
power disarmament talks toward
bringing the East - West atomic
arms race under International
It said there should be a push1
toward initial agreement on "a
first step" of disarmament.
The American stater. ent, issued
at the State Department following
a meeting of top administration
officials, referred to talks at Lon-
don which have gone on without
success so far'.'
Russians Interested
But recently the Russians have
been reported showing more in-
terest in getting an agreement-.
The United States statement
emphasized that part of the agree-
ment would have to be "proper
safeguards for inspection and con-
trol -a long-standing American
Dulles and Stassen
The statement was agreed on by
Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles and Harold Stassen, Presi-
tiator in the London talks.
It was presented as reflecting
the views of Saturday's meeting
which also included Chairman
Lewis Strauss of the Atomic En-
ergy Commission, Director Allen
Dulles of the Central Intelligence
Art Exhibition
Opens Today
AMMAN, Jordan (A) -Major
General Ali Hayari resigned as the
Jordan army's new chief of staff
yesterday while on a military mis-
sion to Syria, the haven of his
King Hussein promptly filled
the gap with a tough Bedouin gen-
eral, a leader of the loyal tribes-
men who form the backbone of the
army's old Arab Legion.
Foreign Plot
A dispatch from Damascus said
Hayari accused Hussein's royal
palace of "preparing a plot In co-
oein wthforeignn non-Arab
against Jordan's independence and
He was reported to have asked
the Syrians for political asylum.
Succeeding him as acting chief
is Maj. Gen. Habes Majali, a mem-
ber of an old Bedouin family and
a cousin of Hazza Majali, who
tried as premier last year to take
Jordan into the anti-Communist
Baghdad Pact..
Short Reign
An official spokesman said Hay-
ani, a career soldier formally as-
sumed only Thursday the top
army job vacated by Maj. Gen. All
dier-poitician, at the heigh of the
govermental crisi last weekend.
to arrange the extradition of Nu-
war and other Jordanian officers
who fled with him.
Instead, once across the border,
Hayari -telephoned his father-in-
law, Senator Sedky el Kassem, and
asked him to present his resigna-
tion to Premier Hussein EKhalidi's
Inquiry Ordered
The palace ordered the appoint-
ment of a five-officer comnmission
of inquiry to look Into recent dis-
turances that folloed the youn
SuleimanNabulsi's pro-Eyta
King Hussein's hands in the short
term view. The King has been try-
ing to tighten his grip on the armny
by weeding out politically minded
young nationalists.
It was made public while hun-
dreds of Easter tourists and pil-
grims were in Jordanian-ruled old
Jerusalem for services commem-
orating the ressurection of Christ.
Khalidi reportedly had won gen-
eral agreement among various po.
litical groups to accept an inform-
al political truce until after Easter
and the Moslem Bairam holidays.
U.S. Prepared
To Adjust Red
Department spokesman said yes-
terday the United States has in-
formed 14 Allied nations that it
is "prepared to discuss certain
modifications" in the embargo
systems controlling trade with
Red China and the European So-
viet bloc.
The spokesman said the modi-
fications fall into two categories:
Some items of trade for peaceful
use which are now barred in com-
merce with Red China "would be
removed from controls and would
be placed on the same basis as in
the case of trade with tne Euro-
Ann Arbor Bookstore Prices 'Not Unreasonable'
Feelings that .Ann Arbor book-
stores gouge students are b'asically
unjustified, a Student Government
C o u nc i I committee discovered
while investigating the possibilities
of a student bookstore on campus.
The committee, which made
their long awaited report to SGC
'at Wednesday's meeting, s e n t
questionnaires to approxima' ely
twenty colleges and universities
having student - operated book-
bookstores, whether commercially
or student-operated, the commit-
tee estimated that "a student
bookstore could feasibly sell texts
five to 15 per cent below list price."
After examining questionnaires
asking the bookstores at other
schools about their organization,
the Campus Affairs subcommittee,
~headed by Jordan Lewis, '59, even-
tually concluded that:
'Tremendous Operation'
1. A student bookstore must
operate on a year-round basis.
9 TI+ ,vie+ ho'cu a flI-niism mahil
"Unfortunately, the s m a 11
amount of possible saving to the
student hardly seems worth the
effort and expense," Goldman told
SGC when presenting the report.
A student buying $40 worth of
books a semester would save be-
tween $2 and $6 a semester. "If we
could make a substantial saving, it
would be worthwhile, but few stu-
dents seem interested in .the corn-
parativelv srnall amount," he add-
SAmplifying the report, Lewis
i ii *'Wp monian'f h a hin InA maira
used books, but they fail to realize
that if the texts are not used in
the University next semester, the
stores can't do much with them.
Because of this, they can't afford
to pay very high prices," he said.
Having observed that existing
student operated bookstores were
established on other campuses
years ago, before they had any
competition, or "where existing
conditions favored their establish-
ment," the committee concluded
that it would be infeasible to es-
tghliieh a e1irpnf honiemtinr nn I-hp
feasible because of the lack of
competition, Lewis said.
A committee is now being or-
ganized to investigate SBX's ex-
pansion into selling supplies,
where savings could be made, he
Questioned about "existing con-
ditions" favored the establishment
of bookstores on other campuses,
and the report's statement that
"University officials and local
merchants are highly opposed to
the idea," Lewis said he had dis-