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April 20, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-04-20

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Man.Listen To That Beat"

Sixty-Seventh Year

'U' Symphony Plays
Good Friday Music

"When Opinions Are Fres
Truth Will PrevalV

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

BEETHOVEN'S 9th Symphony and music from Wagner's opera
"Parsifal" received well-balanced, painstaking performances at
the University Symphony Orchestra's concert at Hill Auditorium yes-
terday afternoon.
The "Ninth" was a truly remarkable performance. Notwithstand-
ing incorrect notes, a trombone blooper in the choral movement, and
an off-beat cymbal, the orchestra kept the fiery pace set by conduc-

Little Progress Made
Toward Dorm Integration

'HE RESIDENCE HALL Board of Governors
accomplished nothing toward integration
Tuesday. Everybody seemed to agree segrega-
tion was bad and integration was good.
But the meeting did help to point up the
complexity of the problem. It is clear there
are no simple answers. Both the Dean of Men's
and Dean of Women's offices emphasize the
importance of adjustment for incoming fresh-
men. They don't want unhappy freshmen or
unhappy parents of unhappy freshmen.
One can disagree with this point of view,
but the argument is clearly one of a differ-
ence of emphasis, not one of purpose.
What is needed is a careful examination of
a great many facets of the problem and an
open mind in each area. No idea can be pooh-
poohed or glibly treated if one actually desires
some kind of integration.
Vice-President Lewis, Dean Bacon, Jean
Scruggs, women's representatives all felt an
intensive educational program selling the ad-
vantages of inter-cultural living after the stu-
dent arrives is the proper way to encourage
integration. They are all right. Such a program
would help. But this is not the only way.
Jack Hale, senior resident director of men's
residence halls, raised questions about the cur-
rent room application, but little constructive
attention was paid to this area.
Unfortunately the questionnaire has too
much become a whipping boy and panacea by
those who are eager for inter-cultural living.
Its importance has been made too great. But
it cannot be over-looked because it is another
facet, no matter how big or small, in the prob-
lem of segregation.
EAN BACON'S attitude toward any ques-
tionnaire change was unfortunate. Calling
students "torch bearers" or crusaders who re-
quest foreign students or those of other back-
grounds for roommates, the Dean is caught in
an inconsistency.
She claims there are educational values in
inter-cultural living, but if students request it
they fall under her derogatory title. There are
people who wish to maximize their education
at the University by living with someone of
an entirely different background. This is one

of the advantages of a large, cosmopolitan
University, and it may be the reason the stu-
dent is coming here at all.
Most of these people would flinch if they
were called "torch bearers." They just want
a good education. They're aware of these values
before they got here and won't have to be "ed-
ucated" to them after they arrive.
And the men's application is nowhere near
even the women's for an unbiased approach.
Questions asking for language spoken at home,
religious preference and would you prefer to
live with somebody different are all unjustified.
The difficulties here have all been belabored
already. Why not just provide a neutral ques-
tion such as the women's application. This
form just asks for any room preferences.
LIKE THE educational program, this applica-
tion change will not provide the only an-
swer, but it will help. And it can be accom-
plished with the least effort. It could be ac-
complished at one meeting. No great all-heal-
ing step, it still will carry the program for-
ward at least a little.
Hale told the group certain people respon-
sible for placing students were probably not as
completely aware of the board's attitude to-
ward integration as they might be. Prof. Laing
noted these people were pretty old and set in
their ways, and there's little chance they'd
The answer here is to take room-placement
out of their hands and move it to the Dean of
Men's office. This problem would then be elim-
THESE THREE suggestions are not the only
answers. But each one is an answer, a dif-
ferent approach to a complex problem. The
more ways any problem can be approached, the
quicker it may be solved.
Few people want a residence hall transfor-
mation overnight. Most realize attitudes can't
be legislated. But a calm rational approach
without blinders, without name calling, with
an eager eye to any and all possibilities is nec-
essary for things to be accomplished to their

Summeryfield Does Good Job

tor Josef Blatt. The first move-
ment, with all its complexities in
constructionremained a unified
whole. The second movement vi-
vace was really vivace, with the
fastest trio section this reviewer
has ever heard. A large contribu-
tion to the success of this move-
ment was provided by timpanist
David Effron.
Highlighting the third move-
ment was a flawlessly played horn
passage by Howard Howard. (The
passage has been the curse of
many professional performers.)
It was apparent, however, parti-
cularly in the third and fourth
movements, that the weakest part
of the orchestra was the 'cello
section, which, to begin with,
numbered only five.
* * *
able assistance from the com-
bined University Choir and Michi-
gan Singers in the fourth move-
ment, sung in English from a
translation by conductor Blatt.
Soloists June Law, soprano, Mary
Mattfeld, alto, Jerry Langenkamp,
tenor, and James Berg, bass, man-
aged to surmount the difficulties
inherent in the music, particu-
larly in the quartet "cadenza."
Granted some liberty was taken
with the phrasing in the solo
parts, they sang adequately and
enthusiastically, nevertheless.
The trumpets, which too often
hide behind a blur of misplaced
strings and woodwinds, this time
played with brilliance and power,
continually emphasizing the Ode
to Joy. The 'cello and double bass
sections, on the other hand, re-
mained too weak to provide pro-
per balance with the rest of the
orchestra. They failed to bow in
unison when they introduced the
chorale theme. Yet the movement
considered overall was a success,
as was the entire symphony.
The orchestra opened the con-
cert appropriately with the Pre-
lude to Act I and the Good Friday
Spell from "Parsifal." The violins,
noticeably out of unison at first,
labored with the slow melody, but
a barrage of trumpets announcing
the second theme made the or-
chestra virtually sizzle. -
r * s
THE GOOD Friday Spell, sung
by baritone John Zei, received
careful performance, although the
orchestra proved too overpower-
ing for Mr. Zei. He has a pleas-
ing, controlled voice, with good
diction, but pitted against the
orchestral forces, his voice re-
mained in the background, and at
times was inaudible, at least from
the balcony.
Both works which, said orches-
tra manager Lawrence Hurst, the
orchestra and choir rehearsed
since January, were performed
not only with precision approach-
ing that of a professional orches-
tra, but also with enthusiasm sur-
passing most orchestras. Com-
pared to a performance of the
Ninth Symphony given two weeks
ago by the Washington National
Symphony - a high ranking or-
chestra - yesterday's was a far
greater emotional experience.
-Arthur Bechhoefer

SGC Agenda Resolution
Potentially Risky Precedent

merfield called me a liar the
other day when I reported that he
had pulled wires to shut down the
Congressional probe of Jimmy
Hoffa and Teamster racketeering
in the Detroit area. Now that he's
being kicked around by Congress
and the public generally, it might
be a good time to come back at
Forgetting Mr. Summerfield's
political errors, however, a n d
sticking to his record as Postmas-
ter General, it's hard to come back
at him. For, despite his hassle with.
Congress, the facts as I review
them are that Summerfield has
done a pretty good job. I have
watched quite a few Postmasters
and I don't know anyone who has
done better.
Let's look at the record.
Though the U.S.A. has expand-
ed, Summerfield has run his 1 uge
operation with fewer employees.
There were, 523,757 in 1952 when
he took over. There were 508,587
in 1956.
In that same period, mail had
jumped from 49.9 billion pieces in
1952 to 56.4 billion pieces in 1956.
There were 300,000 new home
owners in 1956 and 250,000 new
business concerns. Yet Summer-
field ran the postoffice with less
* * *
THE RECORD also shows that
Summerfield has been careful with
the taxpayers' nioney. He has gone
back to Congress only once before
for more money. This was in fiscal

year 1956 when he needed and got
an extra $166 million.
In 1954, on the other hand, he
turned back $105 million to the
Treasury, and in 1955 he turned
back almost $50 million.
His trouble this year is that he
made a mistake in estimating the
increased volume of mail.
* * *
THE CURLY-haired Postmaster
General, who once was the world's
biggest Chevrolet dealer, has made
a lot of people sore at him by re-
vamping outmoded postal equip-
ment and operations.
He also hasn't hesitated to
tackle the big magazine mailers,
whose second-class privileges run
him into the red deeper than any
other item.
It happens that these big maga-
zine owners are the best support-
ers the Republican Party has.
Every major magazine in the
U.S.A. was for Ike in 1952 and
1956, and some of the publishers
were also heavy campaign contri-
Henry Luce and his beautiful
wife contributed $30,875 to Ike
last November, while their publica-
tion, Life Magazine, cost the Post
Office Department and the tax-
payer $9,310,000-the difference
between the actual revenue re-
ceived by the Post Office from Life
Magazine and what it cost the
Post Office to deliver it.
Roland Harriman and Vincent
Astor, chief owners of Newsweek,
contributed $34,350 and $7,500 re-
spectively to Ike last year. News-

week, in turn, cost the Post Office
a substantial loss in second-class-
mailing expense, so that the tax-
payer indirectly helped subsidize
the magazine even though he may
have voted for Stevenson.
John and Mike Cowles, publish-
ers of Look Magazine, are also
strong Ike supporters. According to
the latest figures available, their
magazine costs the Post Office
and the taxpayers $3,482,000 an-
nually to deliver.
* * *
McCALL Corporation now has a
new president, none other than ex-
Gov. Arthur Langlie of Washing-
ton. He too was a strong Ike sup-
porter. And his McCall's Magazine
costs the Post Office a formidable
annual loss of $1,507,000.
However, it should be said for
Summerfield that, though he's a
politician and though he's raised
plenty of cash for the GOP-some
of it by means that brought some
convictions of Michigan auto deal-
ers - he has bucked the big maga-
zine owners.
The inescapable fact is that the
10 top magazines of the nation ac-
count for three - fourths of the
second-class mail. And Summer-
field knows he has to beat the
magazine lobby if he's going to
come anywhere near balancing the
postal budget.
In my opinion, the Postmaster
General has made some bad poli-
tical boners in his day, but run-
ning the Post Office is not one of
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Ine.).

The Daily Official Bulletin Is c.
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michi-
gan Daly assumes no editorial re-
sponsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
3553 Administration Building, be-
fore 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daly due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Music Society Orchestra: The balance
of the rehearsals for May Festival mu-
sic (in Hill Auditorium) will be con-
ducted by Thor Johnson (Conductor
of the Cincinnati Symphony Orches-
The schedule is as follows:
Mon., April 22, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Wed., April 24, 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Thur., April 25, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Sun., April 28, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Mon., April 29. 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Tues., April 30, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Wed., May 1, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Dr. Ralph Bunche, Under-secretary
of the UN will be presented In Hill
Auditorium tonight, 8:30 p.m. as the
closing number on the Lecture Course,
speaking on "The UN and world Peace."
Tickets are on sale today 10 a.m. - 8:3
p.m. in the Auditorium box office.
The Henry Russel Lecture will be de.
livered by Louis I. Bredvold, Professor
of English, Tues. April 23, at 4:15
p.m.. in the Natural Science Audi-
torium on Some Basic Issues of the
Eighteenth Century."
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Edmund
Begole Brownell, Political Science; the-
sis: "EPT-The Politics of a Tax," St,
April 20, 4609 Haven Hall, at 10:00 a.m.
Chairman, J. K. Pollock.
DoctoralExamination for Russell Earl
MacDonald, Bacteriology; thesis: "The
Physiological Basis for the Inactivity
of Citrate Oxidase in Escherichia Colt
and Brucella Abortus," Mon., April 22,
1564 East Medical Building, at 10:00 a.m.
Chairman, P. Gerhardt.
Placement Notices
Representatives from the following
will be at the Bureau of Appointments:
Tues., April 23.
City of Detroit, Department of Park
and Recreation, Detroit, Michigan. In-
terviewers. Miss Betty Lloyd, Recrea-
tion Career Counselor; Mr. Bill Ryder,
Recreation Career Counselor. Location
of work, Detroit, Mich. Men and wo-
men with any degree in Liberal Art
for Permanent-Full Time Recreation
The Wurzburg Company, Grand Rap-
ids, Michigan. Interviewers - Miss Por-
tia H. Deacon, Personnel Director; Miss
Louise Ayres, Employment Manager. Lo-
cation of Work, Grand Rapids, Mich.
Men and Women with any degree in-
terested in' Merchandising, Personnel,
Advertising, Control & Operations for
Executive Trainees. Men with majors in
Accounting for Accountants.
Wed., April 24
Marine Officer Procurement, Detroit,
Michigan. Interviewer - Lt. P,.M. Peter-
son, Marine Officer Procurement Offi-
cer. Location of Work - All over the
world. Men in all fields except Pre-
Medical, Pre-Dentistry, Music, Art, and
Pre-Theology for Unrestricted Officers
in USMC.
The William B. Hoyer Agency of the
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance
Co., Columbus, 0., Interviewer: James
B. Finley, Agency Supervisor. Location
of Work, Northwestern Ohio and four
counties in West Virginia around
Wheeling. Men with any degree for
If you have taken a job, will you
please notify the Bureau so that may
take your name off our available list,
Summer Placement
DATE: Wednesday, April 24, 1957.
LOCATION: Michigan Union Room
TIME: 9-4:45 p.m.
POSITIONS: Jobs available in Re-
sorts, Camps and Industry.
The Chicago, Duluth and Georgian
Bay Transit Co. have an opening for
a nurse (R.N.) to work on the SS South
American for the summr months. Pr
further dtails, contact the Bureau.
Personnel Requests:
Plymouth Cordage Co., Plymouth,
Mass., needs Sales Representatives for
the Western District and for Michigan.

Cincinnati Council of Camp Fire
Girls, Cincinnati, Ohio, is looking for
a full time Camp Director-Field Direc-
tor. Should be a woman who has a.
degree in Educ., Rec., or Social Work,
with experience in camping, group
work, and some previous camp direc-
tor experience.
Dunlap and Co., Columbus, Indiana,
has an opening for a graduating Archi-
tect or Architect Engineer to work in
the Residential Planning Dept.
Atlantic Refining Co., Philadelphia,
Pa., needs a man with a PhD in Econ-
omics, with special emphasis on econ-
omic analysis, monetary economics, in-
ternational economics and economet-
rics. Must have had responsible analy-
tical experience.
For further information, contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., ext. 3371.
Hillel Foundation, April 21, 7:15 Hil-
lei: Student Zionist Organization Dis-
cussion, "Viewpoints on the Arab-Is-
raeli Dispute." Also Israeli singing and




ALLOWING ACTION by other groups to
directly influence Student Government Gov-
ernment Council's discussion topics is perhaps
an honest admission of weakness, but SGC's
attempts to more effectivly receive "student
opinion" could hinder the organization even
Hoping to create greater interest in student
government, SGC has granted the League Sen-
ate and the Union Representative Body the
power to place on the SGC Agenda any resolu-
tions that might stem from their discussions of
problems and issues.
Through these bodies, consisting of repre-
sentatives from student housing groups, con-
stituents would have a channel to express
opinion to SGC.
Theoretically, this would provide an excellent
method for aiding the 18 member of SGC in
hearing the thoughts of 22,000 students, Sup-
posedly, both the women's and the men's
groups would represent no special interests and
would provide an effective means of communi-
"We have no monopoly on ideas or opinions,"
SGC president Joe Collins during discussion of
the motion and the common hope was expressed
that the groups might provide SGC needed,
The stimulation received might well be worth
the price of SGC's granting these two outside
groups a degree of control over the agenda.

But in making the assumption that these
groups would provide effective representative
channels, SGC established a potentially risky
Will these two groups be the only ones with
contributions for student government? What
about the myriad of other student organiza-
tions, or the faculty . . . or even the administra-
Undercutting SGC's assumption is the fact
that the Union Representative Body has yet
to be formed and the League Senate has existed
only a year in its present form.
Knowledge that their resolutions would ap-
pear on the SGC agenda might provide incenta-
tive for worthwhile discussion in the two groups,
but for the expression to be representative and
valuable, the membership must also be reflec-
tive and able.
These channels of communication will be no
stronger than the communicating groups.
If SGC's granting of this power to the two
groups is to be worth the risk, more than wish-
ful thinking is needed to keep them from be-
coming bogged in the apathetic mood of the
Without concentrated and continual effort,
these channels might well crumble and should
SGC lean too heavily on the groups of its stim-
ulation and ideas, it might easily do the same.



mide Anti-American Feeling Obvious in Europe

Press Freedom at Stanford

THE STANFORD DAILY returned to publi-
cation last April 1, after a three-week walk-
That paper circulated a petition asking a
referendum to repeal or let stand a bylaw al-
lowing the student legislature, the Associated
Students of Stanford University, to pass on the
Daily's selection of its editor, and make him
subject to ASSU's recall.
The petition was signed by almost double
the necessary five percent to put the referen-
dum on the spring election ballot.
With the issue given to the students to de-
cide, The Stanford Daily resumed publication.
In their first issue, an editorial "Why We're
Back" states: "We are opposed to the by-law
because we believe that the power to approve
constitutes the power to control. And control
in this form is particularly objectionable."
A letter-to-the-editor in The Michigan Daily
recently stated that Stanford's paper is in
fact owned by ASSU. And the masthead of
that paper confirms this: "Owned and pub-

circumstances, ASSU should have the right
to select and fire, if necessary, the editor of
the paper.
THE STAFF of the paper complained that
this aspect of control was an unnecessary
restriction on the paper - that they could not
criticize as effectively the government they
were controlled by. ASSU was accused of try-
ing to make the paper a "trade journal."
But ASSU should have this right, as long
as they own the paper.
If ASSU did in fact want a "mouthpiece" of
their own in the form of The Stanford Daily,
they apparently made the "mistake" of giving
them too much freedom.
Ask any dictatorship: It's difficult to with-
draw one aspect of liberty having given your
subject a taste of it.
BUT UNDER the concept of journalism in a
democracy, the newspaper is not expected
to fall under any control of the government

ONE OF the things that has im-
pressed me in Great Britain
and again in Italy is that in for-
eign affairs there are no clear and
sharp issues.
Ther:2 was, of course, a deep di-
vision of feeling over the Suez af-
fair. But now that the intervention
has failed and has been liquidated,
there does not seem to be any-
where i definite difference of view
as to what the Western world or
the United States should do next.
My impression is that here in
Italy there is a feeling of solidarity
with the British and the French
but that this feeling is checked by
a strong practical sense that it is
the national interest of Italy to go
along with the United States.
In moving about and talking to
a variety of people from the coun-
tries of Western Europe I have
found a remarkable amount of
agreement, almost a consensus,
about the Soviet Union, about the
Middle East, and about the United
I have seen no one who thinks
the Soviet Union is planning and
is preparing tor a general war. For
that reason the resounding decla-
rations of the so-called Eisenhower
Doctrine are -?c PYed with I:uzzled
Vcn'e think that the Presidernt
-nd Mr. Dulles are living in an un-
real world, emphasizing dangers
that will probably not come and

Army from Eastern Germany and
from Poland.
This would mean the fall of the
East German Communist Regime,
and along with that a turning of
Poland and Hungary against Rus-
Some whom I have seen think
that there is nothing for the West
to do but to back up Dr. Adenauer
,and accept the fact that Europe is
partitioned. Others, who are, I be-
lieve, more farsighted, think the
West should keep on trying to ne-
gotiate, offering the Soviet Union
terms which Moscow, were it less
frightened and suspicious, could
find reasonable,
There is a general view, I found,
that in the rivalry for the so-called
uncommitted nations of Africa, the
Middle East, and South Asia, the
Soviet Union has an easier hand to
play than has the United States.
There is a feeling that the So-
viet Union has won the game in
Nasser's Egypt. Certainly it would
be a pleasant surprise in Europe if
Eisenhower and Dulles are able to
hold their own in the game.
ALTHOUGH I have not encoun-
tered it myself, there is obviously
wide anti-Amerieon feeling. There
is, on the one hand, a big distaste
for'the manners and the bearing of
Americans traveling abroad or
talking to the outer world.
The comforts and the conven-
iences of the American way of life


by Dick Bibler

mous as one learns not only in
private. conversation but also in
blunt correspondence in the re-
sponsible European press, that the
President is a tired man living in
a kind of semi-retirement.
*~ * *
ALL THIS tends to strengthen
the feeling in favor of projects,
like the common market, of Euro-
pean solidarity. I have no doubt
that the brilliant reception of
Queen Elizabeth in Paris reflects
in some considerable measure this

new feelirg of European solidarity.
Yet I am unable to judge, nor is
anyone I have talked with, wheth-
er the general feeling of European
solidarity is strong enough to over-
come the national feeir.gs and the
vested interf sts which keep Europe
It will be years before we know.
FKt in the meantime the common
effort to h c-rk at these common
pltjects is in itself a healthy mani-
feAation of Europea:'m solidarity.
1957 New York Herald Tribune

N T O R T O O F V 0 O K E N T IE O F $ L JM O R





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