WAYS TO LOOK AT INTEGRATION See Page 4 Satr itgau Latest Deadline in the State &t11321 WARM, SUNNY VOL. LXVII, No. 141 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1957 SIX PAGES Published Suicide Note Called False Embassy Holds Farewell Messages Of Norman 'Complete Fabrication' WASHINGTON (P)-The Canadian Embassy said published ver- sions of two suicide notes written by Herbert Norman, late Canadian S ambassador to Egypt, bear "no relation" to the originals. "The only conclusion which can be drawn is that the texts.. . are -$complete fabrications," the embassy stated, acting on instructions from Regents Protest Budget Reduction * * * its government in Ottawa. Thursday's New York Daily notes Norman wrote to his wife Prof. Buber Gives Ideas Of Existence To a prophet, history is not un changeable; it can be altered, Pro Martin Buber of Hebrew Univen sity, Jerusalem, said last night. He cited this as the major dif ference between prophetic an apocalyptic writers. The apocalyp tic, he said, feels that there is n1 significance to man's struggle wit his soul, because the future cann be altered. The prophet, on the other han he said, feels man has a choic that everything is not foreordain ed. He feels that by making h own decision, Ie can become, i Prof. Buber's phrase, "God's par ner in the dialogue of history" Man is created to be the cente the prophet says. As long as ma exists~ there is a chance for change of direction. To an apocalyptic writer, suc as the author of the Book of Ezr in the Old Testament, there is n actual freedom of decision; the fu ture is already present in Heaven and it is disclosed to the autho The apocalyptic riter has n audience and speech, no actua task; he merely writes. Evil, to the apocalyptic, bega with Adam and Eve; this is con trary to the Hebrew Bible and t early Talmudic teaching, whic hold that man is neutral at h birth. God, according to an apocalypti writer, put an evil heart in Adam his descendants must rid them selves of it. A prophet speaks at a time o historical decision, Prof. Bube said; he has an immediate audi ence, and he addresses them. H: function is to confront, not to pre dict. Present-day existentialism, ac cording to Prof. Buber, is cheer. fully apocalyptic. Its philosophy i "Man cannot achieve his future he has nothing more to achieve. Our age, he said, thinks it know too much; faith has become un seemly. Students Win Case Club's Legal Award By JAMES BERG At the Case Club's Banquet las night Lee Abrams, '58L, and James Feibel, '58L, were declared the winning team in the 32nd An nual Henry M. Campbell Compe tition. They won out over finalist John Lewis, 58L, and Eugen Wanger, '58L. The Hon. John Biggs Jr., Chie Justice of the 3rd Judicial Cir cult of the Federal Court of Ap peals, announced the decision Judge Biggs acted as the presiding justice of the moot court befor which the Competition's finals were held. He stated that "the competition today was of a most unusually high standard. Present at the banquet was Jus tice Harold H. Burton of the U.S. Supreme Court, who attended a the guest of honor. Justice Bun ton did not deliver an address but reminisced briefly about his trip to South America las year, during which he visited several Latin American federal courts. In regard to the case the final- ists had to argue, Judge Biggs re- marked with a smile that "the News carried the purported texts of and to his friend, Swedish Minister " Brynolf Eng, just before jumping to his death from the roof of a Cairo building April 4. The Daily News version recorded Norman as writing to Eng: "I can not bring myself to tell you the true reasons that impel me to com- mit suicide." This sentence has been inter- preted as indicating Norman killed himself for some other reason than the resurrection by the Senate In- - ternal Security subcommittee of f. charges that Norman had been a - Communist. Canadians ha asserted the sub- committee's action was an impor- d tant factor in Norman's death. In - notes to the State Department, the 1o Canadian government has deplored h the aspersions cast of Norman's ot character and reiterated a belief in his loyalty. d, The Daily News commented e, "The Norman suicide letters, - which were published last Thurs- is day in the News were cabled from .n Cairo. They were translations of t- Arabic copies made of the letters while the Cairo police were holding r, them during their investigation." a Bc Denies h a al has Effect n WASHINGTON (P)--Dave Beck, -- embattled Teamsters Union presi- o dent, said yesterday he regards as *h without effect his suspension as an is AFL-CIO officer for being impli- cated- in labor rackets investiga- ic tions. ; "I consider myself to be a mem- - ber of the AFL-CIO executive council and view the purported f suspension as a nullity," Beck r wrote AFL-CIO President George i Meany. is Beck's letter recited legal con- tentions and sounded like a pre- liminary toward a possible court - suit aimed at compelling reversal rof his suspension as an AF-CIO s, council member and vice-presi- ; dent. " The letter to Meany was one of s several Beck made public yester- - day elaborating on resolutions by the Teamsters Union executive board which protested Beck's sus- pension and corruption charges aimed at ouster of the Teamsters Union itself from the AFL-CIO. The federation's charges against Beck and his union are based on Beck's refusal to tell Senate rack- ets investigators about his admit- ted personal use of large sums of Teamsters Union funds. Other high Teamsters officials are under court indictments. ;t d U'Professor -Named Dean s Prof. John S. McNown of the e engineering mechanics department has been named Dean of the Uni- f versity of Kansas engineering and - architecture school by Kansas's - Board of Regents. i. He will assume his new duties g July 1, succeeding T. DeWitt Carr. e Prof. McNown, an authority on s the various aspects of the flow of fluids, holds degrees from three n American and one European uni- y versities. universit May Curtail Enrollment Pierpont Upset About Building Funds Lack By LEE MARKS Daily City Editor University Regents yesterday protested the five million dollars slashed from next year's operat- ing budget Thursday by the Sen- ate Appropriations Committee. There was some talk of cur- tailing enrollment if the Legisla- ture fails to appropriate more than the 29.1 million recommend- ed by the committee. Grave concern over failure of the committee to recommend any capital outlay funds for planning or new construction was voiced at the Regents meeting by Vice- President Wilbur K. Pierpont. (The $7,710,000 recommended for capital outlay will only complete construction already under way.) Requested $34,100,000 The University originally re- quiested $34,100,000 for operations next year. The Governor's recom- mendation to the Legislature sliced this request by two and a half 'million dollars. (The Senate Appropriations Committee recommendation now goes to the Senate. The House Ways and Means Committee must report out to the House but it is expected to follow the Senate Committee's lead.) Regents Paul Adams and Eugene Power went on record yes- terday as firmly opposing any in- crease in resident fees. But both conceded that out-state students should pay more. In a move endorsed by the Re- gents, University President Harlan Hatcher had suggested last month that the University might agree to an across-the-board tuition raise of 20 to 25 per cent if the Legislature appropriated enough to reach the original $34,100,000 with the added tuition funds. Legislators have insisted on a tuition raise. Suggests Enrollment Cut But Regent Adams said yester- day, "I'm now inclined to favor a reduction in enrollment and hold- ing fees where they are." Some Regents seemed to feel that since the five million dollars could not be made up through reasonable tuition raises (25 per cent would bring in only another million and a half dollars), it might not be worth raising tuition at all. At a press conference following the Regents meeting, President Hatcher said there was a chance enrollment would have to be cur- tailed if more money was not ap- propriated. He said it was "not impossible" the curtailment would begin next year. (Next year's projected total en- rollment calls for 24,100 students). Nothing Inevitable Regent Adams said there was nothing inevitable in enrollment increases, noting "legislative ap- propriations are certainly a fac- tor in determining enrollment levels," Vice-President Pierpont pointed out that failure of the Senate Committee to recommend money for planning or new construction brought to an "abrupt and com- plete" halt the University's con- struction program. Since it takes a year of pre- liminary planning and another year of final planning to begin construction, it will take at least two or three years more to start construction on additional facili- ties. the Vice-President said. British Begin Uose Pay Fees Without Protest of Suez; V PETER ECKSTEIN ROBERT WARD ... Editor ... Business Manager U.S. vessel To Navigate Canal Soon Toll Protest Planned By American Line SUEZ, Egypt (AP)-A freighter carrying peanuts from China to Rotterdam Friday became the first British merchantman to pass through the Suez Canal since the British-French attack on Egypt last fall. The Egyptians seemed pleased about it. Without fanfare, the 3,604-ton West Breeze entered the southern terminus of the 103-mile waterway. It was early in the morning and no crowds on hand. Another British vessel, the 7,127- ton Poplar Hill, was due in Suez to begin a northward passage Sat- urday. The first American ship to transit the canal since the invasion is expected next week. The West Breeze paid transit tolls . . . the equivalent of $3,031 . in Swiss francs. A spokesman for Lambert Brothers, her agents in London, said they were not paid under protest since the vessel is under charter to the Hong Kong firm, Far East Enterprising Co., for several trips. The first American ship to use the canal since the invasion will be the President Jackson of the American President Lines. The ship is en route to the Red Sea from Karachi with a cargo and 12 cruise pasengers. A spokes- man for the lines said in New York the ship would be ready to enter the canal Thursday. Among the 12 passengers aboard the President Jackson is Mrs. E. R. Bryant, ofDearborn, Mich. The spokesman said Govern- ment agencies in Washington had been informed that the line is observing all Government sugges- tion, including recording of a pro- test on payment of the toll and making certain reservations. The newspaper Al Gumhrriya interpreted the start of British traffic through the Canal as indi- cating that British firms have re- belled against their Government. Al Gumhurriya said the com- panies "rightly regard the canal as a commercial and not a political waterway." Israeli shipping remains barred from the canal, on the ground that Egypt is still technically at war with Israel. MSUJ Slated To Protest Budget Plan EAST LANSING (P)-The State Board of Agriculture, governing body of Michigan State University, yesterday agreed to write the Leg- islature disapproving budget pro- posals for MASU for the 1957-58 fiscal year. The board, in particular, said it disapproved the method by which the proposed budget of $25,190,712 was determined. Durward B. Varner, vice presi- dent for off-campus affairs, said the legislature in figuring funds for the current fiscal year started from a base of $1,008 per pupil. Money for the current fiscal year was appropriated on the as- sumption MSU would have an en- rollment of 18,500 students, he VERNON NAHRGANG .... City Editor JAMES ELSMAN DAVIDINE KRASNEY ... Editorial Director ... Advertising Manager --Daily-Photos by Charles Curtise } ADA KESDEN ... Associate Business Manager Eckstein, By JOHN WEICHER Peter Eckstein, '58, was appoint- ed Editor of The Daily for the coming year by the Board in Con- trol of Student Publications yes- terday. Eckstein succeeds retiring Editor Richard Snyder, '57. Ralph Bunche To Lecture United Nations Undersecretary Ralph Bunche will speak tonight in Hill Auditorium. His appearance is the only lec- ture which the Nobel Peace Prize winner has scheduled for this spring. Tickets are on sale today at Hill Auditorium box office for the 8:30 p.m. lecture. Bunche has just returned from a UN mission to the Middle East, meeting the leaders of the Arab states in conferences. He began his career as an instructor at Harvard. Ward Named To Head Daily. At the same time the Board Edward Geruldsen, '58, will work named Robert Ward, '58E, as Busi- with Elsman as Assistant Editor- ness Manager, replacing David ial Director. Silver, '59P. Charles Curtiss, Grad., was ap- Vernon Nahrgang, '50, was ap- pointed Chief Photographer. pointed City Editor, and James On his appointment, Eckstein Elsman, '58, was named Editorial said The Daily would continue the Director., trend toward increasing concern Business staff appointments un- with the academic affairs of the der Ward included Davidine Kras- University. He is a 20-year-old ney, '58Ed., Advertising Manager; economics major from Hazelcrest, Ada Kesden, '58Ed., Associate Ill., and a member of Sphinx, Business Manager; Norma Van junior men's honorary. Tuyl, '58Ad., Accounts Manager; Member of D. U. and Jack Stroh, '58BAd., Finance Ward, 20 years old, is a member Manager Associates Named Two Associate Editors w e r e named on the editorial staff, with Donna Hanson, '58, in charge of personnel and Tammy Morrison, '58, in charge of the magazine. Carol Prins, '58, will serve as Assistant Personnel Director. William Haney, '58, and Rose Perlberg, '58, were appointed As- sistant City Editors. Haney will supervise feature writing and Miss Perlberg will oversee coverage of activities. Daily Makes' New Structure Announcement Daily Senior Editors for next year have been appointed in line with a new internal structure an- nounced yesterday, after discus- sion between the Senior Editors and the Board in Control of Stu- dent Publications. All Senior Editors will be re- sponsible to the Editor, who will be assisted by the City Editor, the Editorial Director and the Sports Editor. The Associate Editor (Person- nel) and the Associate Editor (Magazine), formerly the Person- nel Director and the Magazine Editor respectively, will work di- rectly with the Editor. T~ntly rarnn,. hlPo the+ Cit+y of Delta Upsilon fraternity, Tri- angle honorary, and Scabbard and Blade. An electrical engineering' major from Belmont, Calif., he was recently elected president of See NEW, Page 5 Red Leader Warns West MOSCOW (A)-Marshal Georgi K. Zhukov warned the West yes- terday that the Moscow-directed Warsaw pact powers will match NATO bomb for bomb, missile for missile. Nikita Khrushchev told the Western power to keep their hands off the Communist world, partic- ularly East Germany, lest it be- come necessary to "rap your knuckles." Khrushchev, the Communist party boss, speaking at a Polish Embassy reception, extended a somewhat patronizing hand of friendship to Poland and then directed this remark to the West- ern powers : "We want to warn the capitalist countries, do not joke with us, do not try to test us like you did in Hungary with the putsch. You think of doing it, not only in Hungary, but also maybe in East Germany. Be careful. We are not saints and if necessary we will rap your knuckles." A . . EDITOR, BUSINESS MANAGER: Wall, Simich Named To Fill 'Ensian Positions Stevan Sirnich, '58E, and Carey3 Wall, '58, were named to the two top Michiganensian positions last night. Miss Wall was named Managing Editor and Simich was appointed counts Manager; and Penny' Adams; '59, Office Manager. Miss Wall is a member of Al- pha Omicron Pi, freshman honor- ary, Alpha Lambda Delta and Sig- ma Delta Pi, Spanish honorary. -ammam .