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April 19, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-04-19

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Latest Deadline in the State


Colleges Have No Impact on Student Values, Profes
By LEE MARKS Students, the Professor observes, "value the traditional moral Vocational preparation heads the rewards which students "crave" Comparing the "good" teacl
Daily City Editor virtues" but they are "not inclined" to censor those who depart. "In- from college. "Students like the good teache
A University of Pennsylvania professor has charged: deed they consider laxity a prevalent phenomenon." The report notes several differences in values between college fundamental respons
1) student values undergo no fundamental changes during col- Systematic cheating, according to the report, "is the custom graduates and the rest of society: But theirfnours os
lege years, rather than the exception at many major instiutions." '"They (college graduates) are more concerned with status, else teaching the course."
2) quality or method of teaching makes little difference in the Politically Irresponsible achievement and prestige. They tend to be more tolerant and less Relaxed C
impact of education on students, Politically, students are "Irresponsible and often illiterate as repressive of radical ideas and unconventional people, also less preju-
3) there is little reason to believe that the liberal or general edu- well," according to Prof. Jacobs. (A conclusion similar to that reached diced towards minority groups." But some teachers have r
cation gives students a "greater maturity of judgment" or "a more by Survey Research Center.) Prof. Jacobs notes, and this "ap
entive read f humae auty ocation p raio The report terms students "gloriously contented" and "unabash- DNo Tingle where association between facu
sensitive regard for humane values"' than vocational preparation. el efcnee ~ Discussng the influence of the curriculum, Prof. Jacobs notes, unndtdntfndeah
edty self-centered." o h urclm rf a6snts quent. and students find teache
Barely Touches Values "They aspire for material gratification. They intend to look out "Instructors seem equally ineffective In tingling the nerve centers of conversation out of class."
Prof. Philip E. Jacobs claims "The college experience barely for themselves first and expect others to do likewise." students' values. Of his study of student val
touches a student's standards of behavior, quality of judgment, sense Labeling students "basically conformists", the report finds their "Even fundamental revisions of the curriculum designed to con- fie may apply to 75 or 80 per
of social responsibility or his guiding attitudes and beliefs." values "remarkably" alike. front students forcefully with critical problems of personal and so- the remaining minority are in
His findings are based on a comprehensive study of the impact Not for Intellect cial conduct rarely appear to have brought about a marked differ- or all generalizations a
of higher education on students' values and will be published by the In terms of what they expect from college, "only a minority seem ence in values."
Hazen Foundation later this Spring. His conclusions were presented to value their college education primarily in terms of its intellectual Rather than "liberalize" values, Prof. Jacobs comments, the col- "But for the most part, a ca
to the 12th National Conference on Higher Education in Chicago contribution. or its nurturing of personal character and the capacity lege experience tends to "socialize" them - in other words, there 1950's, coast to coast, at state
March 15. for responsible relationships." ' is more conformity amongst seniors than freshmen. for the Ivy Leaguer or the city

sor Says
her to the "poor", Prof. Jacobs says,
r better, and enjoy his classes more.
e is little different than to anyone
onversation Helps
)nounced influence on some students,
pears more pronounced at institutions
lty and students is normal and fre-
rs receptive to unhurried and relaxed
Les, Prof. Jacobs comments "The pro-
cent of American college students. In
dividuals who forcefully refute some
unpus 'norm' of values prevails in the
university or denominational college,
college commuter."







Ike Outlines Plan
For Budget Cut .
Proposal Calls for 1.8 Billion Dollar
Reduction in Government Spending
WASHINGTON (P) - President Dwight D. Eisenhower, whose
budget for next year has been a target for criticism, yesterday out-
lined a method of cutting appropriations by $1,858,000,000.
He "commended" specific reductions totaling $1,342,000,000 and
told the House it might wish to consider postponing an additional 516
million dollars in spending authority requested for Army procurement
and production.
But the President said there can be no substantial reduction in
his actual spending budget of nearly 72 billion dollars for the fiscal

Send Questionnaire
On 'U' Calendar
Terry Requests Complete, Rapid
Return To Insure Study Accuracy
A calendar questionnaire has been sent to 400 students to sample
attitudes, Mary Terry, '58, told the University Calendar Committee
Compiled with the assistance of Prof. Arnold Tannenbaum of
Survey Research Center, the questionnaire explores apparent gripes
in the present calendar and requests opinions on other programs.
Miss Terry emphasized the importance of a quick and
complete return of the questionnaire, b e c a u s e both are
necessary for an accurate

Suez Poicy
May Be Set
yIn Statement
WASHINGTON (,P) - The State
Department is expected to issue in
a few days a statement which will
effectively 1 o w e r the barriers
against use of the reopened Suez
Canal by American ships.
Precisely what the statement
will say is under consideration here
and is involved in consultations
with Britain and France.
Present official thinking -" as-
suming the Western powers won't
g e t a satisfactory arrangement
with Egypt for operation of the
canal - is that the United States
should simply advise ship opera-
tors that if their vessels must use
the waterway the operators should
be alert to the requirements of
United States Treasury regulations,
specifying that canal tolls be paid
to Egypt only under protest.
Basic Genetic
+ Matter Made
In Test Tube
Creation in the test tube of a
basic chemical of life was an-
nounced yesterday.
M The newly synthesized substance
is desoxyribonucleic acid - nick-,
named DNA - a basic component
of chromosomes and genes, the
carriers of hereditary traits in
plants and animals.
The DNA from the test tube aiS-
pears to be the same as that found
in all living things, according to
the report.
The next question in the re-
search, conducted at Washington
University, St. Louis, and support-
ed by the American Cancer Soci-
ety, is whether the synthetic DNA
can be used by living cells and
what happens to them.
It may work only in the bacteria
which supplied t h e necessary
enzyme. or in calf thymus glands,
which also contributed some of the
component material, or perhaps in

*year starting July 1 unless Con-
gress "revises or repeals the gov-
erning laws." He stressed a dis-
tinction- between spending in a
year and appropriations or spend-
ing authorizations, which may call
for expenditures over a period of
One-Third Allocated
One-third of the actual spend-
ing forecast in fiscal 1958, he said,
will be done under measures voted
by previous Congresses.
President Eisenhower put his
ideas in a letter to House Speak-
er Samuel Rayburn (D-Tex.)
Last month the House adopted a
resolution asserting the public in-
terest requires "a substantial re-
duction" in the 1958 budget and
asking the President where cuts
could best be made.,
So far the House has slashed 1%1
billion dollars from the budget re-
quests and more cuts are in pros-
Cannon Critical
As soon as the President's let-
ter was read to the House, Chair-
man Joseph Cannon (D-Mo) of
the Appropriations Committee
criticized it as inadequate and
too late.
"Most of his suggestions are de-
laying suggestions," Cannon said.
"He didn't suggest that we re-
duce expenditures but that we de-
fer them. He should -have pro-
posed the reduced expenditures
before he sent the budget to us."
Sen. Styles Bridges (R-NH),
chairman of the Senate Republi-
can Policy Committee, commented
that he feels the President's plan
is "too modest but it is a long
step in the right direction."

--Daily-John Hirtzel
... religious language
Cites Object
Of Religion
Orientation to his life on this
earth is the object of man's re-
And the use of language is aI
distinctively religious manner is
"a first hand expression of im-
mediately-had religious experi-
ence," according to Prof. John
Hutchison of the Columbia Uni-
versity philosophy department.
Speaking yesterday under the
auspices of the philosophy"depart-
ment and the Committee on Stu-
dies in Religion, Prof. Hutchi-
son termed such expression "the
essence of mythical discourse of a
fictional, unfactual character."
His view of religion recognizes
the presence of a secondary en-
vironment, consisting of symbol-,
ical and cultural forms, and act-
ing as mediator between the in-
dividual and his natural impulses.
The unique self-consciousness
of man brings him to realization
of his own finitude and predic-
tion of his own death. A religious
expression then arises expressing
"the will to live rationally," along
with an "imperative need for re-
ligion to take the place of nature
and natural needs."
Organized religion's role be-
comes that of producing con-
crete and practical applications in
particular cultures, "providing
answers to the questions where,
whither, and why."

The sub-committee, trying to
avoid returning to school on a
Friday after Christmas vacation
next year presented three alter-
nate plans to the committee.
All called for classes to begin
Monday, Jan. 6, rather than the
proposed Jan. 3
One calls for making up the lost
two days over Thanksgiving, an-
other adds two days to the end of
the first semester, and the third
just drops the days, shortening
the school year.
According to Scott Chrysler,
'59. SGC members appeared to be
in favor of the last plan. Miss Ter-
ry reported the Women's Senate
felt the same way.
Prof. John C. Kohl, of the en-
gineering college,' chairman of
the committee, told the group As-
sistant Dean ofbtheLiterary Col-
lege James H. Robertson believes
many faculty members would fa-
vor dropping the two days.

Buber Says
Therapy Not
A full inter-human relationship
does not exist between a therapist
and his client, Prof. Martin Buber
of Hebrew University, Jerusalem,
said last night.
In an inter-human relationship,
each person confirms the other as
a unique entity ,Prof. Buber said.
But client and therapist do not
wholly see each other apart from!
their need for and use for each
other. This is particularly true of
the client, he observed.
Answering a question by Prof.
Carl Rogers of the University of
Chicago, the eminent Jewish the-
ologian noted that while the two
persons share a certain situation,
the client is unable to see the
therapist as he is and cannot "en-
tangle him in his life."
Prof. Buber drew another dis-
tinction by saying that the thera-
pist can experience the client's side
of the relationship, and be on both
sides at once, while the client can-
In genuine inter-human rela-
tionships, on the other hand, both
persons can experience each -other
fully, as equals.
Prof. Buber will speak for the
last time during the visit here at
9 a.m. today in Kellogg Aud. His
subject will be "Prophecy and

Tax Asked
By Sallade
LANSING - Rep. George Sal-
lade (R-Ann Arbor) broke with
solid Republican tradition yester-
day and said he would support a
corporate profits tax if "this be-
comes necessary to assure ade-
quate support of education."~
The local legislator said he was
"unhappy" with recommendations
of the Senate Appropriations
Committee for the University's
operating budget.
Higher education in the state
needs $50,000,000 more than what
is contemplated in the present
budget, Sallade intimated. He said
he hoped the House Ways and
Means Committee would recom-
mend more than the Senate Com-
mittee's 29.1 million dollars for
the University's operating budget.
Gov. G. Mennen Williams has
advocated a six per cent tax on
corporate profits, a proposal the
Republican leadership has con-
sistently turned thumbs down on.
Sallade said a corporate profits
tax would have to be pegged to
higher education.
Jet Bomber
Plan Slowed
By Air Force
Force disclosed yesterday it is
stretching out its B52 bomber
production program, abandoning
a previously announced intention
to turn out the big hydrogen wea-
pon carriers at the rate of 20
a montk.
Instead, an announcement said,
the monthly rate is to be 15.
The plan is to build the same
total number of Boeing B52s-603
-but to take about six months
longer to do it, running the last
deliveries into late 1959.
The Air Force said that its pro-
gram for the KC135 jet tanker,
also built by Boeing, would be
continued at a rate of 15 per


Hatcher Protests
Committee Plan
Niehuss Doubts Full Deficit Will
Be Made Up Through Tuition Hikes
Special to The Daily
LANSING - The Senate Appropriations Committee yes-
terday cut five million dollars from the University's operat-
ing budget request, trimming it to $29,131,000.
Capital outlay requests for University construction were
cut in half, allowing no money for planning or beginning new
construction. The $7,710,000 recommendation provides for
continuing construction already begun.
"Inadequate For Needs"
University President Harlan Hatcher termed the budget
"inadequate for even minimum needs."
An average tuition increase of approximately 67 per cent
per student would be required to make up the deficit in the
operating budget. University}

officials refused to speculate
on what the raise might be
but said they doubted it would
be this large.
Since capital outlay funds are
not supplied by tuition monies, no
further fee increases would be in-
dicated by the cuts in that bud-
Vice-President and Dean of Fa-
culties Marvin Niehuss said it
"was much more likely" the Uni-
versity will cut its expenditures
than make up the full $5,000,000
from higher tuition.
May Cut Salaries
This would be done primarily by
cutting down on intended salary
increases and/or not making
planned additions to the faculty,
Niehuss explained. "However, I
don't see how we can possibly op-
erate without some salary in-
The University originally re-
quested $34,121,458 for operation
and administration but later re-
vised its figures downward to
about $33,000,000 and agreed to
increase fees approximately 15
per cent per student to make up
the difference.
There were indications a strong
campaign will be waged by edu-
cators and some legislators to
raise the appropriatians for all
higher education, although ex-



Bunche To Speak Saturday


In nWelfare
Voted States
WASHINGTON (R) - Congress
got itself untangled from a wel-
f a r e appropriation controversy
yesterday and then quit work for
an Easter recess until April 29.
After considerable confusion, the
Senate and then the House passed
a bill appropriating 275° million
dollars for Social Security grants
to the states.
There was no dispute over the
275 million dollars. which is to
cover May and June relief checks
to needy aged, dependent children,
blind and disabled persons.
However, the House wanted a
limit of $26,728,000 on the federal
share of the cost of administering
public assistance. Welfare Depart-
ment officials said this would not
be enough. The Senate took the
stand there should be no limit
since the basic relief law requires
that the federal share of the cost
be 50 per cent, whatever the cost
may be.
Ninth Symphony
rr i n1 0

perienced observers said there
wasn't much chance of a sizeable
Tendency To Approve
The legislature in recent years
has tended to approve the com-
mittee recommendations on higher
education with little change.
Strongly worded statements
came from state educators upset
over the $11 million slashed from
Gov. G. Mennen Williams' recom-
menations for all state colleges
and universities.
Michigan State University presi-
dent John Hannah said he was
"shocked" by the MSU appropria-
tion because "it will fall so far
short of meeting even the mini-
mum needs of Michigan State in
the coming year."
Handicap The 'U'
President Hatcher said the rec-
ommendations "would not only
handicap the University, it would
force us backwards. There are no
steps the University can take to
adjust to this new level without
serious and damaging curtail-
Neihuss said the University is
not accepting the $29.1 million fig-
ure as final but will continue to
"strongly urge" an increase. "If
the protests of this and other
schools will be heard remains to be
seen," he added.
In order for the full $41.6 million
budget to be fulfilled, $12.5 million,
or 30 per cent would have to come
from student fees. Neihuss said
this percentage would be "excep-
tionally high, and he said com-
plete fulfillment of the budget is
quite unlikely.
'No Other Institution'
"I know of no other public
institution that has this high a
figure," he remarked. University
administrators have attempted to
get fees standardized at 20 per cent,
of the educational costs.
Chairman of the Senate Appro-
priations Committee Sen. Elmer
Porter (R-Blissfield) said he be-
lieved 30 per cent was much nearer
the correct figure.
Regents To Meet;

City Clerk Reports Lag in License Sale

Ralph Bunche's only lecture ap-
pearance this spring will take place
at the University Saturday.
The United Nations Undersecre-
tary has just returned from a mis-
sion to Egypt and the Middle East,
where he participated in confer-
ences with leaders of those coun-
He also accompanied Vice Presi-
dent Richard M. Nixon on his trip
through Africa in March.
The Detroit-born Nobel Peace
Prize winner will discuss "The UN
and World Peace" at 8:30 p.m. in,
Hill Auditorium as the closing
number of the 1956-'57 lecture


Envy people with low-numbered
license plates?
If you hurry, you can be one.
City Clerk Fred J. Looker re-
ported yesterday that only 189
bicycle licenses, numbered con-
sedutively, had been sold by closing
time. They went mainly to public
school students.
Reflectorized plates, which cost
50 cents each. can be obtained at
the City Clerk's office at City Hall.
No date has been set yet for the
selling of licenses at the Adminis-
tration Bldg.
After April 30, bicycles without


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