lk l 4r Ernigan Daily Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "You Fellows Say You Want To Save Money?" AT THE CAMPUS: v .4 -. !., * ' pi: . . ' "When Opinions Are Free Truth Wil PrevalU" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS BLUES An Honor System: Teaching Values Not Formulae 'invitation' Kelly's Most Ambitious Try ANY HISTORY of motion picture dance must include an extensive chapter on the contributions of Gene Kelly. More than any other in- dividual, Mr. Kelly has tried to create a cinema dance, and that means he has given special attention to the demands of film depth and ex- pansiveness, and to making dancing more than an interval in a comedy. Just as Agnes DeMille revolutionized Broadway dancing, so Mr. Kelly has completely changed the texture and character of Hollywood dancing. No one who either performs or choreographs screen dance with any degree of seriousness can avoid the "Kelly tradition." His creation of the exhuberant lyric hero and his demand for naturalistic expression have had a profound influence in Hollywood, and if they have become " URROUNDING STUDENTS with proctors to watch over them is ineffective as a means of preventing dishonesty and hopeless as a means of education," explains a booklet on the "Honor System" at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a co-educational state institution of about 7,000 students which oper- ates under the honor system. Proctored examinations are educationally un- justifiable. A education should do more than teach formulae and "rat facts". It should, we are often told by faculty members, teach basic values and methods of thought which can be carried into life after school. Honesty and self- discipline are clearly important values to any society and any university teaching these is do- ing a superior job. The only way to teach these intangibles is to give students a chance to practice them. Cer- tainly this isn't accomplished with proctored examinations. There seems to be little logical or practical reasons for proctoring examinations, anyway. Many professors have admitted the ineffective- ness of proctors in examinations at the Univer- sity. Cheating does take place. A great many teachers feel embarrassed and uncomfortable when they are forced to serve as policemen. Teachers don't like to walk up and down looking over students' shoulders (this doesn't put the student at ease "for an exam, either), and the result is generally an awkward and unsatisfac- tory job. Of course, some extra tough professors in sev- eral departments take extra pains to make sure cheating will not take place. But students don't quit, and apply even greater ingenuity to foil their supervisors. At times it seems the student is involved in a game with the proc- tor to see just how much he can get away with. A proctor system encourages this "cops and robbers" attitude, and does nothing to encour- age examination or even thought of moral is- sues. HERE ARE two basic questions the new stu- dent-faculty committee recommended by SGC to study honor systems will have to face. Is it honest to tell on somebody who is cheat- ing? Would an honor system create 22,000 proc- tors instead of the few now? North Carolina says students ought to re- port others cheating because any university where cheating, stealing or lying is tolerated is discredited and so are the students. If a stu- dent wishes to take pride in his University, and more practically, if he wants a diploma of real value he will be encouraged to report cheaters. .He is also helping to promote honesty. The question of 22,000 proctors dodges the is- sue and actually misses the point of an honor system Proctors are placed in an examination room to make sure nobody is cheating. Students are there solely to take an examina- tion. They wouldn't be required to play the role of "watch-dog". The important concept here is that under an honor system the faculty and ad- ministration assume students are honest-un- der the present system they assume students are dishonest. The biggest complaint against an honor sys- tem on a practical level is that most students won't report others. Thus the program is vir- tually unenforceable. The word "most" is the important word here. All admit there will be some people who will report. They might do this because of pride in the system or university, because they are so innately honest, or because the exam is marked on a curve and they don't wish to be harmed grade-wise. Taking a most pessimistic view of the pro- gram, assume that only five per cent will turn cheaters in. Five per cent of 22,000 is 1100, quite. a sizeable number of people scattered through-out the system who would report cheaters. One or two cases reported and treated stringently will help the program to become ef- fective. It should be noted here that many students who won't turn in violators will bring social pressure to bear on the cheaters and cut cheat- ing down this way. Besides teaching honesty and self-discipline, another educational value of the system is somewhat more indirect. With the growth of class size at the University has developed a greater dependence on long multiple-choice or other objective type examinations, because they are easiest to correct. While this kind of test is valuable for get- ting at certain facets of class work, its educa- tional value can be questioned. This is espe- cially true in courses which are designed to teach people how to think, as well as learn "rat facts," UNDER AN HONOR system, teachers would be encouraged to give examinations which cannot be easily cheated. And in many cases this is educationally the best type of test. A large, comprehensive essay question requires a store of knowledge and the ability to think through a problem or situation. It is virtually impossible to cheat on this type. Finally, under an honor system, one must be aware of the importance of indoctrination. Without a careful and thorough program of early indoctrination, the system could not work. Several hundred colleges now have honor systems of some kind. At least six schools com- parable in size and make-up to the University are under such a program. However, the final test of the honor system is not whether or not it works at another univer- sity, but rather whether it will work at Michi- gan. The only way to learn this is to try the pro- gram-not for just a year but for at least three years to give the program a chance to get roll- ing. There will be bugs at the beginning, but any- thing desirable does not come easily, and they will have to be worked out. The University has a particular advantage here, because we can re- ceive advice from our own engineering college. WE STRONGLY recommend that the faculty- student committee soon to be established, recommend an honor system for a trial period. There is little that can be lost and with such a program a great deal can be gained. -RICHARD TAUB : y s'7 tS tE w kS 4'dA ror'f oS'rG . WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Senate Apology to Canada? By DREW PEARSON cliches through the actions of less- er artists, they were once fresh and original. Mr. Kelly calls "Invitation to the Dance" the "best work I've ever done," and the film bears evidence of having been put together with the labor of love and devotion. One suspects, however, that "Invitation to the Dance" is a compromise be- tween Mr. Kelly, who wants to cre- ate his own art, and Mr. Kelly's bosses, who want to rubberband piles of money. The picture has been in production for almost five years. It was originally filmed in England and brought to Hollywood for editing. Then, more than half of it was discarded, and new danc- es were added. In its completed form, "Invitation to the Dance" is comprised of three ballets, each slightly more than a half hour in length, and each commercialized to some extent. "CIRCUS" is the first ballet, and the most interesting of the three. It tells of a clown (Mr. Kel- ly) and a tightrope specialist (Igor Youskevitch) who are rivals for a circus girl's love (Claire Sombert). The opening sequence is in the style of commedia dell'arte, but the middle portion is pure vaudeville, and derives its movements from Mr. Kelly's baggy-pants routine in "For Me and My Gal." There is also a pas de deux by Miss Som- bert and Mr. Youskevitch; it re- mains the film's best dancing. In its mime sections, "Circus" is too exaggerated for the magni- fying lens of the camera, and the entire conception is pastiche-from Pagliacci to the Palace. "Ring Around the Rosy" is a modern ballet in which the char- acters are all frightfully over- sexed. A bracelet makes the rounds of ten lovers, finally returning to its original owner. When it con- centrates on satire, "Ring Around the Rosy" is a delightful comment on contemporary social mores. Irving Davies is a perfect crooner and Belita makes a very witty femme fatale. Tamara Tounanovna, who plays the "Girl on the Steps," joins Mr. Kelly for a duet that takes the art of jazzy, erotic dancing to a point of decadence from which it will have difficulty in advancing. Miss Toumanovna's precise leg exten- sions and her blowzy appearance help immeasurably. But the story line in "Ring Around the Rosy" is too cluttered, and very often individual sequenc- es are wasted in an excess of self- consciousness. * * * "SINBAD the Sailor," the final ballet, is a horrible nightmare of technicolor-toothpaste quality. It is an expansion of two dances Mr. Kelly did in "Anchors Away." The first is a tap routine with a wiste ful child (David Kasday) and the second is another tap routine with animated cartoons. Tap dancing can go just so far as an art form and more than twenty minutes of clicking shatter the small success SENATOR Tom Hennings of Mis- souri has drafted a resolution of Senatorial apology to Canada for making public the secret secur- ity data which brought about the. suicide of Herbert Norman, Cana- dian Ambassador to Egypt. Such an apology was what the Canadian government has wanted, since it regards the Senate, not the State Department, as responsible for breaking confidence. However, there's little likelihood that the Senate would pass such a resolu- tion unless drastically watered down. About 90 of the 96 Senators might favor such an apology pri- vately, but publicly few are likely to back it-for an interesting and significant reason. The reason goes to the heart of why the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee has been allowed to operate al- most at will. Chairman of the Internal Secur- ity Subcommittee is big, balding cigar-smoking Jim Eastland of Mississippi, Democrat. Eastland is also Chairman of the Senate Judi- ciary Committee and, as such, in- uences private bills. * * * THESE ARE the bills for pen- sion, immigration permits, citizen- ship, damages, etc., which every senate must squeeze through Con- gress in order to get re-elected. They constitute the great bulk of every session's legislation. And since Jim Eastland sits as Czar over the Judiciary Committee, he can block them or speed them. So only a few Senators want to antagonize Jim Eastland by push- ing an apology to Canada which would reflect on him. That's also why few want to interfere with the way Eastland runs the Internal Security Sub- committee. Though Eastland is a Democrat, the Committee is run by Republicans. Eastland himself is consulted by the Eisenhower Ad- ministration on job appointments in Mississippi. He has more power with Republicans than most Dem- ocrats, undouotedly more power than he ever had with a Demo- cratic Administratiop. Workng, with him as virtual c - chairman of Internal Security is Sen. Bill Jenner of Indiana, Re- publican. They have appointed as counsel not a CEnocrat, but . New York Reputiican, Rob .rt Morris, the man ;who publisbea the security data on Ambasa.dor Norman. MORRIS is given c mplete frce- dom to do dlmcst anything ie pleases. He has even had govern- inent ,tenographers type Repul Mi- can speeches on gcvErnment t ne to be delivered at Lincoln Doy Dinners blasting Democrats under whom he serves. His associate counsel is William Rusher, another arch-Republican, and the clerical staff includes Roy Garcia and Eleanor Melaney, also Republicans. This is unusual. When the Demo- crats control Congress they usually insist that personnel be Democrat. Other senators have tried to cur- tail the Internal Security Subcom- mittee without success, Early this year, the Rules Committee voted to cut its funds. Eastland and Republican friends quickly over- rode this on the Senate floor, and the full amount, $289,291.45, was voted, with an additional proviso that a minority (Republican) counsel be added. This meant that an additional Republican, Rusher, was added, since Morris, a Repub- lican, is appointed by Democratic Chairman Eastland. The Democrats do have one staff lawyer on the Subcommittee, Ju- lian Sourwine, who resigned last year to run for the Senate in Nevada. After being swamped by Sen. Alan Bible, Sourwine came back to Washington looking for a meal ticket and was welcomed to the bosom of the committee. Both Morris and Sourwine know that they can always get 100 per cent support from a majority of the Senators on their committee through the Republicrat team of Jenner and Eastland. Supporting them are Butler (Md.), Hruska (Nebr.), Republicans; and usually McClellan (Ark.), and Ervin (N. C.), Democrats. Watkins of Utah, Republican, and Neely of West Virginia, Democrat, have opposed them, but are overridden. (Copyright 1957 by Beli Syndicate, Inc.) "Sinbad the Sailor" might have achieved. Moreover, the process photography is technically very poor. "Invitation to the Dance" is the most important dance picture since "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers," but it is not an apothe- osis of Mr. Kelly; instead it is a summary of Hollywood dancing to the'present, There have been times in the past when Mr. Kelly's imagination seemed grooved (as in "Briga- doon") but it is difficult to attrib- ute every weakness in "Invitation to the Dance to him; he may have been forced to preserve familiar forms and motifs. -Ernest Theodossin DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an oicial publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Adminsitration Building, before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday. TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 1957 VOL. LXVI, NO. 135 General Notices The following persons have been se- lected as ushers for the 1957 May Fes- tival: Reed Andrew, Bruce Arnold, El- len Austin, Laird H. Barber, Margery Ann Brooks, Kathy Brown, Sally J. Brown, Nancy Brmeau, Elaine Burr, Robert W. Carr, J. Cohn, Maria Cohn, Mrs. H. Cole, Robert Cole, Donald Cos- grove, Phyllis Criswell, Shirley David, Marion Duerks, Erma Donner, Daniel Docks, Doris Esch, Irving Ennis, Mar- guerite Erickson, Laurice Ferris, Em- erson 0. Funk, Irene V. Funk, Joseph Faris, Carolyn Fisher, Barbara Fox, Evelyn Fink, Barbara Fry, Judy Good- ing, Elain Glover, Irma Glauberman, Jane Geiger, Shirley Gosling, Hannah Gruenewald, Janet Gardnr, Richard J. Giannone, Roger Greenberg. Ibrahan Hazimah, Carole Hogle, Dan Hulden, Lois Hulden, Robert Hill, Margareb Jones, Shirley David Jobin, Carl D. Johnson, Daniel Bruce Jackson, Pierre Janin, Constance Kami, Charles Kel- ler, Carole Kleppinger, Nick Karzen, Mike Lain, Nancy Lellup, Wesley E. Loos, Mary Ann Moore, Patricia Mc- Veigh, Lois A. Morse, David Mills, Jack Morris, Carole McAlpin, Barbara Mey- er, Jon C. Maxwell, Barbara Mattisn, Margaret McCarthy, J. David Marks, Jane Marks, C. David Martenson, Gor- don Meinhard, Paul Mundinger, Diet- lind Ni.xdorf, Marian Oaks, Patricia J. Ray, Ellen Reitz, Edward W. Rothe, Dennis Roy, Richard Buffalo, Sally Shadd, Charlotte Scott, Barbara Smith, Ethel Sieg, Lil Silverberg; Charlotte S c h w i m m e r, Ted Smith, Marilyn Shields, Martha Ann Saxton, Helen Sarbey, Priscilla Stockwell, Lois Slad- ky, Alex Sarko, Julian P. Steinon, Gus- tave Stahl, John Sheilds, Francis Stein- on, Fred Shippy, Patrick Smith, Tilly Tillotson, Kit Yin Tieng, Ray Tni, Joan Volz, Douglas B. Vielmetti, Pros- ser Watts, Sandra Wilson, Sue Welton, Phoebe Wolfe, Jana Woodrun, Hans Herman Wagner, Thomas Welton, Lynn Maria Zimmerman, Richard Zusi, Maur- ice Zilber. The ushers listed above may pick up their usher tickets at the Box Office in Hill Auditorium between 5 and 6 p.m. on Thurs., April 18 and Fri., April 19 and also on Sat., April 20 from 10 a.m. until noon. All usher tickets not picked up by Sat., April 20 will be canceled and will not be given out at the door on the night of the first concert, as in the past, Hopwood Awards: All manuscripts must be in the Hopwood Room by 4:30 p.m., Wed., April 17. Transcripts of contestants' first semester records should be sent from the Office of Reg istration and Records to the Hopwood Room. Exhibitions, Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial Hall: California Painters, through April 22. "Young Collectors" Prints, through May 2. Hours: 9-5 weekdays, 2-5 Sundays. The public is invited. Residence Hall Scholarship: Women students wishing to apply for a Resi- dence Hall Scholarship for the academ- ic year 1957-58 for Helen Newberry Resi- dence may do so through the Office of the Dean of Women. Applications close Wed., April 24. Students already living in this residnce hail and those wish- ing to live there next fall may apply. Qualifications will be considered on the basis of academic standing (minimum 2.5 cumulative average), need, and contribution to group living. Residence Hall scholarship: Women students wishing to apply for a Resi- dnce Hall Scholarship for the academ- ic year 1957-58 for Betsy Barbour House may do so through the Office of the Dean of Women. Applications closes Wed., April 24. Students already liv- ing there next fall may apply. Quali- fications will be considered on the ba- sis of academic standing (minimum 2.5 cumulative average), need, and contri- bution to group living. Life Saving Class-Women Students. Instruction is available for women stu- dentsin the Red Cross Senior Life Saving Course. The class meets Mon., Wed..Fri. at 4:20 n m.I,,in the 7,,n,,.. ; Vic Heyliger Departs AN ERA in intercollegiate hockey is over. With the announcement that Vic Heyliger has given up coaching for private business, the winningest coach in the sport is now gone. Much credit could be thrown Heyliger's way, but his record speaks for itself. His teams have left a mark upon which many, long in the fu- ture, may reflect-"I remember the good old days when Heyliger was coaching. . . Michigan never .missed an NCAA play-off-won six in ten straight years . . . now there was a great record." According to those on the inside, Heyliger is not an exceptional teacher. He does, however, have the ability to draw top talent by his sound reputation. For many amateur hockey players, especially from Canada, playing for Heyliger and studying at Michigan was a strong incent- ive. Much of the University's hockey recruit- ing has been by word of mouth among players themselves. This, in itself, is a credit to the coach. HEYLIGER also has the knack for bringing his players together into a working unit. He knew, almost instinctively, how to get his teams into a winning psychological state. His squads almost always seemed to be able to come back strong after a bad season start, a bad game, or a bad period of play. A member of the spirited school of coaching, Heyliger will also be remembered as a friend of many and a colorful personality-the man (be- cause of doctors orders) with the ever-unlit cigar, the multicolor sports caps, and the en- ergetic "hello" for practically everyone. Heyliger's successor will have to try on a Cinderella pair of shoes to match the standards of recent years. We can only wish him luck in his difficult task, while at the same time bid a thankful farewell to his predecessor. As a coach and as a person,Vic Heyliger will be noticeably missed at Michigan. -DAVID GREY Sports Editor TODAY AND TOMORROW: Public Life Less Dramatic in Rome Today By WALTER LIPPMANN RETURNING to Rome, where I have not been for over three years, I have been struck by how much less dramatic and moment- ous is the atmosphere of public life. Always before this there has been great anxiety in which it was felt that Italy was one of the main- theaters of the cold war. The times have changed. Though there is in fact a parliamentary crisis which may have important consequences, there is nothing like the tension of the post-war years. The overall reason for this change is, I suppose, that Italy, like the rest of Europe, has out- lived the post-war period, and with it the memories, the fears, the preoccupations of the genera- tion which participated in the war. But there are also more spe- cific reasons why the moral at- mosphere has changed so much. One is, most obviously, the im- pressive success of the Italian re- construction and revival. Italy has been greatly assisted by Amer- ican foreign aid. But what the Italians are do- ing themselves is theireason why the foreign aid, which after all has been only marginal, had been so successfully used. I do not be- lieve there is any country in which there is a greater buoyancy and such confidence in dealing with affairs. of the left. But they have gone far to destroy it as a instrument of Soviet foreign policy. This is manifested in the rift, which is not however a divorce, between the Communists under Togliatti and the fellow traveling Socialists under Nenni. The rift is not so wide but that the left Socialists and the Communists are stillcooperating in local Ital- ian affairs. But it is wide enough so that in the field of high policy including foreign affairs, Nenni and Togliatti no longer form a solid bloc. * I have been told by those who ought to know that the Nenni So- cialists are not likely to divorce the Togliatti Communists, and then to remarry the right-wing Socialists led by Saragat who are now part of the government coa- lition. One man, who has been in the midst of it all, told me that Nenni would never break wholly with the Communists because he is too old for the battle and is afraid to face the vengeance of the Communists. THERE IS a parliamentary cri- sis- which will have to be resolved after the deputies return in May from their Easter holidays. The present government is a coalition, of which the predominant and central parthis made up' of the Christian Democrats. coalition is to stand together or is to fall apart. If the existing coalition falls apart, the chances are that no government can be formed which has a majority in the Parliament. In that event, presumably, the Christian Democrats, being the largest of the minorities, would form a government, and would then carry on precariously, lean- ing now to the right and now to the left. The worst of this might be, it is said, to draw the issue sharply between the Christian Democrats and the Communists. The result might be to squeeze out the smaller individual parties of the right and of the left which, whatever else one may think of them, do so much to keep the is- sues conveniently blunted and blurred, and thus within moder- ate limits. 1957 New York Herald Tribune LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick Bibler INTERPRETING THE NEWS: One-Step-at-a- Time By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst WESTERN diplomats in their negotiations with the Russians have always entertained the idea that if agreement could be reached in some fields, however small, it would contribute to the confidence needed for settlements of larger affairs. That is the attitude now being taken by the West in the London disarmament talks. Stress is being placed on the possibility of The conventional arms reductions being dis- cussed are not meaningful as they pertain to the possibility of later disarmament agreements covering nuclear weapon. Russia, Britain and the United States-all of the nations which are switching from conven- tional to nuclear arms-are under heavy eco- nomic pressure to hold down their military costs. ALL HAVE been cutting their armed forces as to size and stepping them up as to fire- f4 ../ E CS T A K Y ' .