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April 05, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-04-05

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Sixty-Seventh Year

"Really, Cinderella! We're Not Made Of Money!"

To The Editor

"When Opinions Are Free
Trutb Will Preval"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of stay writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Swinging Political Pendulum
Marks Doom for Michigan GOP

i i/IAA

IN LESS than ten years, the swinging pendu-
lum has carried the Democratic Party to the
top of the political heap in Michigan.
Since that 1948 election when an amiable
young candidate wearing a polka dot bow tie
led his anemic and underfinanced party to vic-
tory over Governor Kim Sigler, the Democratic
Party has come a long way.
With this week's election crumbling the tra-
ditional Republican bulwark into marked fail-
ure-the spring election-the Democratic Par-
ty's progress following Governor G. Mennen
Williams' first election victory is vividly illus-
Only a few years ago, it would have been
inconceivable for the Democrats to sweep a.
spring election.. It also seemed unthinkable
that a Democratic governor could win five
elections in a row.
But after two shaky and recounted successes,
Williams' strength has grown until he became
capable of smashing t1;e last two candidates
the Republicans sent against him. His party
has, gained muscle until now, the cabinet and
statehouse administration are well controlled
by Democrats and even the Republican upper-
hand in the legislature has been shaved.
BEHIND its triumvirate leadership of Wil-
liams, state chairman Neil Staebler and
UAW president Walter Reuther, the Democrats
can put faith in what weary and retired form-
er GOP state chairman John Feikens called an
"outstanding effective group."
HEY HAVE well earned the title. From an
ineffective minority with no more strength
than the Republicans have now, the Democrats
have developed a strong precinct level organi-
zation with l e a d e r s h i p and enthusiasm
throughout the ranks.
In the UAW stronghold of Wayne County,
they get the voters to the polls and in the grow-
ing industrial areas of Flint, Saginaw and
Grand Rapids, they consistently add to their
ballot pile. Even the traditional Republican
sanctuaries of upstate Michigan show diminish-
ing GOP returns and no longer compensate for
the heavily Democratic Wayne County vote.
Part of this could be explained by the shift in
the balance of the old Republican-rural vs.
Democratic-Detroit balance which has been
shaken by the increasing mechanization of so-

BUT EVEN MORE important than this is the
consumptive condition of the Republican
Party in Michigan.
Their money raising arm is flabby. The par-
ty is broke and, this spring, for the first time,
was unable to hire enough election day workers.
At the last state convention, they voted to pay
the new chairman, but don't have funds.
The party lacks organization at the all-im-
portant precinct level where the voters are
contacted and pushed to the polls.
And despite hopes stemming from last Aug-
ust's primary election, the November results
showed that even in the mayor of Detroit, Re-
publicans didn't have a vote-getting, leader
that could closely compete with Williams.
Nor has the party strong collective leader-
ship in legislative or congressional district
areas. Ex-chairman Feikens has complained
of lack of control over county chairmen.
Meanwhile, much of the Republican atti-
tude in Lansing towards mental hospitals, roads
and higher education gives voters the impres-
sion of being anti-Williams for the sake of poli-
tics without offering positive constructive pro-
posals of their own.
Opposition need not be obstruction and with
a two-party system, competition theoretically
results in more ideas for better government.
But the Republicans are a long way from
giving effective opposition and the strong lead-
ership that promotes it. A realization is needed
by party supporters that they are sinking deep-
er into the quicksands of oblivion,
TRUE, the pendulum may swing the other way
and the Republicans might be able to grab
it. Already the Democrats, enjoying the same
"solid" position the GOP had prior to 1948,
show some indications of cracks. The furor
over Williams' choice of judgeship candidates,
the pre-national convention hassle on Detroit's
lower east side between Negro and Polish lead-
ers, the lack of a real political cement between
the merged AFL and CIO all suggest that per-
haps the Democrats now have more worries
about each other than about fighting the Re-
Yet this only underscores the present weak-
ness of the Republican Party. Wishful thinking
will not bring Michigan close to a two party
The Republicans must realize that their
cemetery plot lies staked and spaded.


'Daily' Defended. .
To the Editor:
CONCERNING your article "SGC
Note Passing" and Tom Saw-
yer's criticism, my reply is that
such an article was justifiable and
in some ways beneficial.
Since Tom and I have both re-
cently "faded" from the Council,
we are both in a position to know
that the note passing is disruptive
to the discussion and discourteous
to those who are speaking.
SGC should not take itself too
seriously but it should take its
position of responsibility seriously
enough to concentrate and limit
the note passing to business. If the
members did not want their notes
read, they should not have left
them for anyone to pick up.
Tom mentions the public rela-
tions aspect of the article. I would
point out that: 1) This is the way
which the Council behaves at its
meetings and I can see no reason
why the public shouldn't know
this. 2) Many students are glad to
knew that Cc ncil members are
human and The Daily has every
right to portray SGC in its human
element. 3) If the Council does not
wish ihis)kind of PR they should
not behave in this manner at their
public meetings. However, this be-
havior is not worth the extensive
coverage it received.
Tom mentions The Daily's re-
sponsibility to print what SGC is
"doing and accomplishing." I
would point out that one of the
things which the Council is "do-
ing" is passing notes at its meet-
ings. SGC receives more space in
The Daily than any other one or-
ganization or activity and that this
space includes pending action, the
results of each meeting, and the
accomplishments. I
The Daily is not a benevolent
organization and has a responsi-
bility to publish the opposition
view as well as the supporting view
of anything which SGC or anyone
else does.
The day that everyone agrees
with The Daily it will cease to be
"one of the finest organizations of
its kind in the country." .
-Anne Woodard, '57
Double Standard?.. .
To the Editor:
IT HAS been some time since
Sigma Kappa passed into limbo,
but certain collateral questions re-
main unanswered, and unless sat-
isfactorily answered, may forebode
unpleasantness,iand bad publicity
for the University in the future. I
refer mainly to the "double stand-
Since Sigma Kappa was called
on the carpet because its national
apparently violated University
Discriminatory Practices Regula-
tions, there has been much shak-
ing of head and disturbance of
dandruff over the situation existing
whereby it is alright for some
houses to have "bias" clauses,
while it is not alright for others to
have unwritten gentleman's agree-
ments. This dichotomy seemingly
arose out of a legalistic technicali-

ty which has far outlived its use-
fulness, if it ever was useful.
With the national concern over
Civil Rights, especially in educa-
tion, and with the apparent sensi-
tivity this state has shown over
the issue of Civil Rights, it does
not seem too unreasonable to as-
sume that sooner or later, probably
sooner than later, some group or
individual outside the University
will start to quesion our double
standard, and start to pressure
for the removal of "bias clauses."
The natural result of this will be
to call to the public's attention
that the University of Michigan
fosters discrimination, and despite
all the protests to the contrary, it
will be hard to destroy the idea
in the public mind.
Wouldn't it be more desirable
for the University, either admin-
istration, or, what is far better,
student groups to start a campaign
to remove these clauses, and as
soon as possible?
At least then, the University will
be performing an act which is at
least commendable, and perhaps
exemplary, and which will save the
University from an undue amount
of bad press at a time when it can
Ill afford it.
Here is a goal which will re-
deem the SGC in the eyes of even
its mose severe critics.
-Ronald Pivnick, '60L
Food Riot . ..
To the Editor:
The food on the table's
not fit for the stable
they said; and walked out
in a huff.
At night in the snackbars
their crowd is all there,
and busboys are eating their stuff.
Their cheers in the stadium
have long since died,
and raids behind sheets
have been put to a rest.
Unrest becomes greater
as new fun is found,
and shouts of mock anguish
can't be repressed.
The babbling of masses
in erring complaints
in the rooms, in the halls,
in the streets of the town
while students in far away lands
strike for cause,
the world's richest students
strike only to clown.
-George Robbins, 59


Senates' Actions on SGC Agenda?

A Kick in the Teeth?

DO YOU KNOW how it feels to be kicked in
the teeth?
Or what it's like to have a 2 by 4 rammed
through your stomach?
They're not very pretty questions to ask, but
neither are some of the prospects for the com-
ing week. This afternoon and evening thousands
from Michigan will start the trek home or to
the beaches.
The one's who aren't tired when they leave,
will be by the time their second shift at the
wheel comes around. About an hour before
dawn tomorrow, or just after, when the South-
ern Alabama landscape is grey and washed-out,
an extra 15 or 20 miles an hour will seem
perfectly logical.
We said seem, because there is no valid logic
in the decision to take a chance. Ask any cop
along the way.
The police and newspapers push safe driving
to the limit; a lot of people think they've worn
it out, that an occasional reminder would serve
as well as the miles of copy and slogans that
constantly pour out.
BUT THEY'VE SEEN some things that the
rest of us haven't. Almost every officer in

every squad car from here to Great Neck, from
here to Miami Beach has had to wash his hands
twice to get rid of the blood he doesn't want to
rub on the wife's new slip-covers. More than
one has burned himself trying to drag a kid
from under his flaming car. Some don't make
it, a door handle gets white hot when it's cov-
ered with burning gasoline.
Some do, though, and the kid gets a break:
After six or seven months wrapped in wet
bandages and maybe a little plastic surgery,
he can go home and try to start all over again.
A ND IF YOU wonder why the papers push
the subject, stop in and ask to see some
pictures some day. Practically every daily in the
country has a drawer where it stores hundreds
of wreck shots. Most of them are pretty routine,
teeth knocked out, an arm or a leg or a head
cut off. .
There are others, however, the "freaks,"
like the blow-up we saw last month of a man
with a four-inch pipe through his head. That
one happened in the South, but there are ones
like it along the Ohio and Pennsylvania turn-
pikes, and probably a few in Jersey.
For your own sake, take it easy.

Daily Staff Writer
ROY LAVE, Union president,
asked Wednesday that recom-
mendations coming from the
Women's or proposed Union Sen-
ates be placed on Student Govern-
ment Council's agenda,
The motion, tabled by SGC for
further consideration next week,
was a follow-up on Lave's sugges-
tion of a month ago that the two
Senates might be combined as a
voice of student opinion.
The original idea, worked out by
Lave, Sue Arnold, Joe Collins and
Lew Engman, was to present SGC
with the idea of combining the
Senates as a Forum.
Action taken or recommenda-
tions made by the Forum would
then go to SGC for consideration.
The Forum would also be used by
SGC to determine student opinion
on current issues.
Apparently the idea of combin-
ing the Senates as a Forum has
been dropped or shoved aside for
the time being.
HOWEVER, the essence of the
original plan is carried out in
Lave's motion Wednesday:
"Any recommendations emanat-
ing from the Women's Senate and/
or the Union Representative Body,
which pertain to (SGC's) area of
responsibility, shall appear on the
(SGC) agenda of meeting proced-
" (SGC) shall have the privilege
of asking for expressions of opin-
ions from either group by placing
items it wishes to have considered
on the agendas of the (bodies)."
Should SGC decide to approve
this plan, it would undoubtedly be
a move toward drawing the Coun-
cil and the student together-what
Council members seem to agree is
the present major problem with

Only major objection so far has
been agailnst an automatic placing
of Senate business on SGC's agen-
Lave, in turn, hopes to create
interest in SGC, determine student
opmion, test new deas and get
rivw ideas from putting his plan
into effect.
* * *
AT LEAST two SGC members
had no intention of letting ,their
notes be read by outsiders Wed-
Small fires in ash trays around
the Council table were the vogue
this week.
* * *
IN PASSING the recently-pro-
posed "cultural and educational
delegation" for Southeast Asia,
SGC has undertaken a major pro-
ject that may produce some very
satisfactory results.
Anne Woodard, originator of the
program, presented the council
with an outline of procedure for
setting up the. delegation.
Petitioning has opened for a
steering committee, to be appoint-
ed by SGC, which will prepare a
prospectus of the trip and prepare
"preliminary contacts" for the
When the prospectus has been
completed, it will be submitted to
a foundation for possible sponsor-
ship. Cost of the delegation's ex-
penses has been estimated at
The steering committee would
also make recommendations for
aceptance of foundation grants
and set up a program for prospec-
tive delegates.
A selections committee would be
appointed, made up for four stu-
dents and five faculty members,
and would make the selection of
persons to take part in the delega-

extensive training program, would
make the visit to Southeast Asia
next year-representing the United
States to that area and repre-
senting Asia to the University
upon return.
The procedural outline notes the
delegation would "visit students in
colleges and Universities (perhaps
stay in some homes) for the long-
est possible time and meet with
them on an informal basis as often
as possible.,
"The delegation would return
prepared to present a program de-
rived from their experience to the
University of Michigan student
body, and faculty on both a for-
mal and informal basis and per-
haps to visit neighboring commun-
ities and colleges."
There is also the suggestion that
a full, published report may be
SGC, in conceiving something of
this import, is probably going even
further with ideals and concepts
than the originators of the SGC
Plan ever believed possible.

The Daily Official Bulletin to an,
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Adminsitration Building, before 2
p.m. the day preceding publication.
Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00
p.m. Friday.
General Notices
The General Library will observe the
the following schedule during the
spring recess;
Open: Sat., April 6, 8 a.m.-12m.
Mon.-Fri., April 8-12, 8 aim.-6 p.m.
Closed: Noon, Sat., Apr. 6-Sun., Apr. 7.
Sat., April 13.
Sun., April 14.
Beginning Mon., April 8, the Division-
al Libraries will be open on shortened
vacation schedules on the days that
the General Library is open. The Medi-
cal Library, however, will observe the
hours of opening of the regular session.
Schedules will be posted on the door
of each divisional library. Infromation
as to hours of opening may be obtained
by calling University Ext. 652.
During Spring Vacation the Health
(Continued on Page 6)


.detective Fiction

by Leslie Charteris, Doubleday.
SURELY the Saint needs no in-
troduction. This new collec-
tion is the thirty-third title in
the sprightly series of the adven-
tures of Simon Templar (S.T.,
you see, or more familiarly, the
All sic of these episodes have
appeared earser in "The Saint
Detective Magazine", and are
gathered here in book form for

the first time. What recommends
this collection of detective short
stories aside from the Saint's
pleasantly outrageous Robin Hood
nature, of course - is the colorful
background against which each
plot is laid.
The current volume takes the
Saint on amorous and perilous
adventures through France, Eng-
land, and the Middle East; to
Bermuda and Malaya, and, of all
places, Vancouver, B.C.!
-Donald A. Yates

Widespread Opposition to Foreign Aid Programs Growing

Endre Marton, Newsman

Associated Press News Analyst
A NEWSPAPER generation which has covered
two or three wars acclaims few of its mem-
bers as heroes. There are too many of them.
On rare occasions, one emerges. He receives
Editorial Staff
Editorial Director City Editor
GAIL GOLDSTEIN ............... Personnel Director
ERNEST THEODOSSIN..........., Magazine Editor
JANET REARICK-......-Associate Editorial Director
MARY ANN THOMAS.......... Features Editor
DAVID GREY .,.......... , ....... Sports Editor
RICHARD CRAMER .........Associate Sports Editor
STEPHEN HEILPERN ........ Associate Sports EdItor
ARLINE LEWIS..............Women's Co-Editors
JOHN HIRTZEL...............Chief Photographer

the plaudits of his fellows, than which nothing
is more warming to the professional.
Such a one is Endre Marton, Associated Press
correspondent in Budapest for 10 years and now
a refugee from a Communist prison.
He is seeking American citizenship and Amer-
ican freedom for his two children, just as he
sought and failed to get it in Hungary.
Marton and his wife, though Hungarians,
conducted themselves in the best American
newspaper tradition as diggers for truth and
were jailed for it. They were released during
Russia's brief adherence to "democratization"
and were able to tell the world of last fall's
revolt against Red tyranny.
Marton stayed through the few days of revo-
lutionary success, and then watched the re-
turn of the terror. He reported it, and finally
left when he could see his usefulness was about
to end in another cell.
MARTON was no crusader. Just a newspaper-
man stieking to his iob in the tradition of

THERE IS widespread and grow-
ing public opposition to the
foreign aid programs of the gov-
ernment. We have just about
reached the time when a continu-
ation of these programs cannot be
taken for granted.
Senator Green, chairman of the
Special Committee to Study For-
eign Aid, points out that while
there has been a gradual decrease
in the sums appropriated, there
has been a gradual increase, as re-
flected by votes in the Senate, in
the opposition.
In 1948, only seven votes were
cast against the final passage of
the Marshall Plan. Last year, there
were thirty votes, equally divided
between the two parties, cast
against final passage of the Mu-
tual Security appropriation bill.
There would have been more
votes cast against it hadnot tle
Administration accepted a re-
duced appropriation and coupled
that with a promise to reappraise
the entire program. There is rea-
son to think that this year the op-

At other times, in order. to im-
press Congress, what is predomi-
nantly civilian aid will be present-
ed as military aid. All in all,. it is
not astonishing that the American
people do not feel happy about an
expensive program which is so hard
to understand.
In this atmosphere there has
grown up a general popular misap-
prehension about the whole sub-
ject. It is that the government is
taking every year something like
$4 billion out of the American na-
tional income, at the expense of
the American standard of life, and
is giving away this money to raise
the standard of life of all sorts of
people all over the globe.
The truth is that virtually all
the money is spent to support and
to hold together the great military
coalition, of which the United
States is the head, that surrounds
the Soviet Union and Red China.
What we call foreign aid is the
annual upkeep of the system of
military alliances which was in-
augurated .under Truman and has
been extended and elaborated un-
r'in,, T, c,p n'vtr

of a total of $26 billion went for
direct military assistance.
Most of the balance went for
- relief, rehabilitation and recon-
struction. A great deal of what is
now thought and felt about foreign
aid in this country is based on
what was done in the way of for-
eign aid before 1950.
Now it is different. In the six
years after the Korean invasion,
out of a total of $30 billion of aid,
$17 billion, or nearly 60 per cent,
has gone into direct military as-
sistance. and it is fair to add that
a very large proportion of the bal-
ance of economic aid has gone into
indirect military assistance.
Thus for example in the current
fiscal year Congress has appropri-
ated $3.7 billion of which all but
$600 million-about 16 per cent-
is military in purpose either in the
form of military equipment or of
economic support. What is more, a
large proportion of the non-mili-
tary aid is used for strategic and
political purposes.
S* *
THERE ARE four conclusions

countries we have helped-Europe
and particularly our two former
enemies, Germany and Japan -
have made remarkable recoveries.
This type of aid has now stopped
completely. What we have now is
military assistance, not assistance
for reconstruction, rehabilitation
or even for development. By its
very nature military assistance
tends to be at least partially a re-
curring demand.
The second conclusion is that we
are not engaged on a large-scale
program to promote the develop-
ment of under-fdeveloped countries.
There are some, myself included,
who think we ought to have such
a large-scale program, and that it
is essential to the working out of a
happy accommodation between
East and West.
But the fact is that we do not
have such a program now, and it
is time to stop fooling ourselves
that we do have one. If we wish to
undertake P genuine and effective
program, it will involve larger ap-
propriations for foreign aid -
though not much larger - rather

the foreign aid, which is simply
and almost solely the money peed-
ed to make the policy work.
And finally it should be clear
from all this that foreign aid in
its present form could not be en-
trusted to international adminis-
tration or control. Nor could its
burden on the American taxpayer
be appreciably reduced by asking
other nations to contribute to these
programs. For they are in essence
instruments of United States for-
eign policy and are designed to
serve American national interests.
NEARLY 40 per cent of last
year's expenditures was for mili-
tary hardware, as they call it in
the Pentagon, and for facilities es-
sential to the maintenance of
NATO. Another 45 per cent or
more went to subsidize the military
efforts of such allies as Greece,
Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, South Viet-
nam, Formosa and South Korea.
Total economic and military aid
for South Korea is now casting
$600 million a year. For Formosa
and for South Vietnam, it is cost-
ing between $200 and $300 million


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