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April 05, 1957 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1957-04-05

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Latest Deadline in the State

Fl, 11

VOL. LXVII, No. 136





Coeds Hit Holiday
Dormitory Drawing
Passover Observances Prevent
Barbour Selection, Women Say
Daily City Editor
A Several Jewish coeds have protested holding the drawing for
Betsy Barbour at 9 p.m., April 15th, the first day of Passover.
The drawing is held to determine who will live in Barbour, a
Sdormitory of 118 coeds limited to upperclass women. This year there
are approximately 150 applicants for the 70 openings. An estimated
40 per cent of these applicants are Jewish.
The coeds claim observance of the Passover ceremony will pre-
vent them from participating in the drawing. Drawing by proxy is
not permitted.


'U' Officials;
Discuss NewjI WO






Calendar Conflicts
Assistant Dean of Women Elsie Fuller pointed out yesterday
that the drawing had to be held before April 16th and could not be
- held before spring vacation be-
cause of other calendar conflicts.
Mail 'Cut )1ue She said proxy voting was not
permitted because "the girls
A s Cshould be there to see it done so
~ s tong ress Ithey know it's fair."
i'Martha Strauss R Barhmir h, CP -

Ri ps Budget
WASHINGTON (M)-Postmaster
General Arthur E. Summerfield
shook a finger of blame at Con-
gress yesterday on grounds it was
forcing on him the possibility of
drastically cutting mail deliveries
starting Saturday.
This, Summerfield said, can
"serve only to penalize the Amer-
ican people" and thousands of
postal employes.
The postmaster general sum-
moned newsmen to what he called
an "emergency press conference"
in the wake of Wednesday's vote
* by a House Appropriations sub-
committee to give his department
only 17 of the 47 million dollars
extra it has asked for expenses in
the next three months.
There were 'indications the full
Appropriations Committee may go
along with the 30 million reduc-
But Summerfield said that un-
less there are assurances in the
next 48 hours that his department
will get the entire 47 million, he
will be forced to make drastic cuts
and "it would be completely un-
fair to place that responsibility on
the postmaster general or this ad-
These are the possibilities under
consideration and the estimated
sav ngs which would result over
three months include halting car-
rier mail deliveries in cities on
Saturdays and closing all post of-
fices and halting all rural mail de-
liveries qn Saturdays.
World News
By The Associated Press
SANTIAGO, Chile - Troops,
tanks and armored cars main-
tained order in Chile yesterday
after two days and nights of de-
structive riots over rising living
Officials acknowledged 18
deaths in clashes between dem-
onstrators and police or army
troops. Hundreds were injured.
WASHINGTON - An eight-day'
budget-cutting spree ended
abruptly yesterday as the House
wiped ont on roll-call votes all but
$15,671,300 of the $68,647,300 in
cuts it had previously made in
new money for the Labor and
Welfare departments.
This was $134,446,000 less than
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
had requested.
A House Education subcommit-
tee yesterday approved 6-1 a five
year two-billion-dollar program of
federal grants to the states to
help build classrooms.
The bill amounted to a compro-
mise between the administration
plan and a proposal by Democrats
calling for a six-year, $3,600,000,-
000 program o; aid.
CAIRO - Canadian Ambassa-
dor Herber; Norman tucked two
farewell notes in his pocket yes-
terday and jumped to death from
a building near his Cairo home.
He was charged before a U.S.
Senate subcommittee with once
having been a Communist,

IV.attLLl g , rSL'.a oDl L *flluse-
mother, said she was quite sure
the drawing would not eliminate

many girls since there were only
a "small number that seemed dis-
Dean Fuller, Mrs. Strauss and
Betsy Alexander, '58, Assembly As-
sociation president, all, said the
time had been arranged only aft-
I er consulting with Hillel, social
and religious center for Jewish
Assurances From Hillel
The drawing was originally
scheduled for 7:15 p.m. and was
changed 'to 9 p.m. after assur-
ances from Hillel that there would
be no conflict, Mrs. Strauss re-
But Hillel director Herman Ja-
cobs claimed last night that he
was "quite surprised" to find the
drawing scheduled at that time. It
was possible, he pointed out, that
some unofficial source at Hillel had
been contacted but he know noth-
ing of it.
"In fact," he reported, "just two
weeks ago I requested late permis-
sions for Jewish girls from the
Dean of Women's Office because
the ceremony lasts so late.'
Will Prevent Participation
He said he though holding the
drawing on April 15th and pro-
hibiting proxy drawing, would pre-
vent many Jewish girls from par-
Regarding proxy drawing, Dean
Fullercommented, "Monday (April
15th) is part of the regular school
year This is not a religious insti-
She also claimed that other reli-
gions conflicted with the drawing,
pointing to Holy Week.
Miss Alexander said coeds al-
ready in Barbour felt strongly
about having the drawing done in
person because it showed "inter-
est in the house,"
Both Dean Fuller and Miss Al-
exander said they were opposed to
permitting proxy voting.
'Wayne State,
V U'Announce
Labor Institute
University President Harlan
Hatcher and President Clarence B.
Hilberry, of Wayne State Univer-
sity, announced the joint spon-
sorship of an Institute of Labor
and Industrial Relations, yester-
The project, known as the "In-
stitute of Labor and Industrial
Relations, The University of Mich-
igan-Wayne State University,"
will have as its objective "to pool
and to integrate resources and fa-
cilities available to the Univer-
sity and Wayne State University
in the labor field, industrial rela-
tions and related subjects so as to
make the maximum contribution
to the State of Michigan and to
better serve the educational and
research needs of workers and
University Board of Regents has
approved the plan and informal
approval from individual mem-
bers of Wayne's Board of Gover-
nors has been obtained. Formalr
approval is expected at their next
meeting Wednesday.
Its three major functions will
be to stimulate interest in im-
proved instruction at undergradu-

Fee Raises
Twenty-five per cent is the tu-
tion increase most talked about b
administration officials, it was ru-
mored yesterday.
Reports said proposed tuition in-
increases of $50 per year for Mi-
chigan residents and $130 for out-
of-state students in the Literary
College are thebasis of current
tdiscussions. Present fees are $200
and $470 per year.
Tuition increases-which Uni-
versity President Harlan Hatcher
promised legislators would go to at
least 15 per cent per student-are
now under consideration by the
University committee on fees.
Hatcher's Offer
Hatcher had offered the legisla-
tors a fee increase if they would
agree that tuition should go no
higher than 20 per cent of the to-
tal cost of education, the rest to
be made up by state appropria-
Fee increases proposed publicly
by Hatcher would have brought
tuition income of the University to
$8,500,000 or slightly more than
20 per cent of the total proposed
operating budget o $41,600,000.
Based on these figures, the Uni-
versity is now requesting $33,000,-
000 of the legislature.
Increases of 25 per cent would,
however, raise fee income to $9,-
300,000 or 22.5 per cent of the
total budget.
The percentage would be even
higher should the legislature cut
the $33,400,000 request by more
than $1,000,000.
Expect Budget Cut
In Lansing and Ann Arbor, the
expectation is that the legislature
will cut the University request by
several millions of dollars. One
University fear is that the legis-
lators will take Gov. G. Mennen
Williams' request of $31,600,000
and cut it by the promised fee
revenue increase of $1,000,000.
Were this to be the legislature's
action, and were the University to
raise fees by 25 per cent-the fig-
ure now being most discussed-the
University would have to slice its
operating budget by $1,700,000.
Cuts in the University's operat-
ing funds could be made up by
abandoning plans for a full 10 per-
cent salary increase for University
employees, or failing to hire the
new faculty members considered
necessary to meet expanding en-
Library Head
Explains Ban
EAST LANSING ()--Reasons
for a long-standing ban on the
"Oz" children's books by the De-
troit Public Library were ex-
plained by the library director at
a statewide library conference at
Michigan State University yester-
Ralph Ulveling, Director of the
Detroit library system which stocks
more than one million books but
not the "Wizard of Oz" stories,
said the fairy tale authored by
Frank Baum gives youth the wrong
approach to life.
He criticized the books for their
"negativism" and said that in-
stead of setting a high goal they
drag young minds down to a cow-
ardly level.
"There is nothing uplifting or
elevating about the Baum series,"
Ulveling declared. "They do not
compare in quality to fairy stories
by Grimm and Anderson.

Defense Cut
In England
LONDON () - Britain yester-
day announced a revolutionary
five-year defense plan that will
nearly halve its armed forces, and
place the nation's security under
the umbrella of American nuclear
A policy declaration in a long-
awaited White Paper set forth the
Prime Minister Harold Macmillan
government's radically advanced
concepts for reorganizing the
country's air, land and sea forces
to the needs of the atomic age
and Britain's ability to meet the
Aspects of the new policy re-
portedly have divided the Cabinet
and military planners.
Cut Back Defense
The program provides for cut-
ting back dfense spending by
more than 560 million dollars - or
nearly an eighth of the whole de-
fense budget-in the next fiscal
year ending March 1958.
Within five years the armed
forces will be cut from 680,000 to
375,000 men.
It also calls for reducing Bri-
tain's garrisons around the globe,
a complete withdrawal from South
Korea and the ending of the draft
in 1960 when the next general
election normally would fall due.
The British have a single bat-
talion in Korea.
In starkly realistic terms the
White Paper recognized "there is
at present no means of providing
adequate protection" for Britons
against a nuclear attack. Even if
only a dozen enemy bombers get
through Britain's air defenses-as
would seem "inevitable" - they
could inflict "widespread devas-
tation," the document stated.
White Paper
The White Paper added: "The
defense of Britain is possible only
as part of the collective defense
of the free world. This conception
of collective defense is the basis
of the North Atlantic, Southeast
Asia and Baghdad alliances. The
free world is today mainly depen-
dent for its protection upon the
nuclear capacity of the United
Pending international agree-
ment on disarmament, "the only
existing safeguard against major
aggression is the power to threat-
en retaliation with nuclear wea-
pons," the declaration went on.
Accordingly Britain has decided
to recast all its old strategic ideas.
As to the navy, "a considerable
number" of battleships now in re-
serve are to be sold - possibly to
Commonwealth countries - or
Cruisers, destroyers and other
types of smaller warships even-
tually will be replaced with a
smaller number of more modern
vessels, some of which will carry
guided missiles.




Storms Preview Student Exodus

-Daily-Dick Gaskii

--Daily--Norm Jacobs

WINTER'S END?-The snow refuses to say a final goodbye to the campus, so students are saying
goodbye to the snow, going home or to Florida, as the student on the left Is doing, in hopes that spring

will finally be here when he comes back. Some, however, are not so:
face Ann Arbor's brand of April showers.

University students will not im-
mediately escape the dampness of
Ann Arbor weather as they leave
today for spring recess.
According to the United States
Weather Bureau at Willow Run
Airport clouds will again hide the
sun and rain will complete the
weather picture for what looks to
be a dreary exodus.
Convertible auto tops willbprob-
ably be up as a great number of
students leave for Florida today.
The weathermayrbe full of Vita-
min D in the deep South but get-
ting there will entail driving or

flying through rain



Ike Stresses
Over Atom s

throughout most of the Southern
This forecast is also expected to
hold true for regions to the east
and west of the campus commun-
State Police report that highway
conditions will be generally bad'
throughout Michigan due to heavy
overcast and the possibility of
freezing rain.
Many University students are
looking ahead to a week of beach-
es and parties as they heau for the
latest thing in spring vacations,
the East Coast of Florida.
Fraternities and sororities re-
port that an average of seven to
ten members from each house are
making the trip. Ore sorority has
already arranged accommodations
in the Sunshine state for fifty
A late model car, parked in front
of South Quad yesterday, was
painted with the motto. "Florida
or Bust."w
Less fortunate members of the
Blackout Hits
Women's Halls
A blackout covered the Wo-
men's dormitories last night from
10:45 to 11 p.m.
All power was shut off with the,
exception of one circuit in West
Couzens, where there was light
but no power.
Warnings were issued to stu-
dents by their respective house-
mothers about ten minutes before
lights actually went out.
However, no explanations were
given to the residents by house

WASHINGTON (?) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower plugging
anew for his classroom construc-
tion program, said yesterday the
nation's schools are more import-
ant than Nike antiaircraft batter-
ies "and more powerful even than
the energy of the atom."
In a nationally televised address
at the centennial dinner of the
National Education Assn., Presi-
dent Eisenhower asserted:
"Our schools are strong points
in our national defense. Our
schools are more important than
our Nike batteries, more necessary
than our radar warning nets, and
more powerful even than the ener-
gy of the atom.
"This is true if for no other rea-
son than that modern weapons
must be manned by highly edu-
cated personnel.

fortunate; they have to grin and
student body are going home to
rest in preparation for the final
seven weeks of the spring semest-
er. A local travel agency is re-
ported to have two file drawers
filled with transportation reserva-
tions made by students for all
points of the nation.
For the most part, the campus
will be left to the squirrels and
the few robins who have ventured
north to take up summer residence
in spite of the snow.
U.S. Seeks
TO Change
Egypt Plan
States was reported yesterday to
be making last-minute efforts to
win some revision of Egypt's plan
for operating the Suez Canal de-
spite initial rejectionof the main
American proposals by the Egypt-
ian government.
The Suez issue was one of the
questions discussed in a 45-minute
conference yesterday b e t w e e n
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
and Secretary of State John Fos-
ter Dulles.
Egyptian President Gamal Abdel
Nasser, according to information
from diplomatic officials here
turned down threeamajor changes
which Dulles had asked in a note
sent to Cairo last Sunday.
Changes for Protection
Those Nhanges were designed to
protect the interests of user na-
tions in the operation of the canal
to the greatest extent which Dulles
considered possible under the plan
proposed by Egypt a week ago.
The Egyptian reply was re-
ceived here Tuesday night. Dulles
had said at a news conference
Tuesday morning that he expected
to, know within 24 to 48 hours
whether there was any chance for
serious negotiation with Egypt.
The 48-hour period expired yes-
terday and the word from diplo-
mats,-here was that the Egyptian'+
response really offered no solid
basis for hope that serious nego-
tiations were possible.
Nasser Stands Firm
Every indication was that Nas-
ser was standing firm on his own'
terms for operating the waterway
under complete Egyptian control.
However, there were also sever-
al signs that Dulles, who is per-
sonally directing the exchanges
with the Egyptian government
through Ambassador Raymond A.
Hare in Cairo, has not yet given

Hardest Hit
By Storms
Winds Hit Hospital,
Hurt Many Patients;
Damage Extensive
By The Associated Press
Savage tornadoes whipped across
Dixie yesterday, leaving at least
two dead, 100 or more injured and
scores of homes demolished.
Property damage was reported
Apparently breaking out of the
Southwest, hard hit earlier in the
week, the tornadoes lashed at
several Mississippi communities,
struck into west and north Ala-
bama, roared in Kentucky and
Tennessee before moving east-
ward and northward toward the
Mississippi bore the brunt of an
early morning storm, which killed
Louisa Jones, 62-year-old Negro
who had fled to the shelter of a
school bus near Louin. The body
of Leland Newsom, about 30 years
old, was found in his automobile
after it was blown into flood wat-
ters near New Hebron, in south
central Mississippi.
Many Casualties
At least 89 persons were report-
ed injured in Mississippi, 50 to 75
in a Negro tubercular hospital.
Tornadoes struck at other small
communities. Many homes. were
damaged or destroyed.
The storm veered off into Ten-
nessee, already struck by a small
tornado at Nashville Wednesday
night, and hit half a dozen more
Some property damage was
caused in and around the south-
western Tennessee communities of
Guys, Chewalla, Ramer and East-
view and Selmer and Chesterfield
in the Jackson area of west Ten-
Twister Hits Kenticky
A tornado struck in the Bowling
Green area of western Kentucky
in the early morning hours and
damaged several buildings. Hard
rains disrupted communications.
The snow belt reached from the
Western Plains to the Atlantic in
the northern states.
Persisting rain swelled the Ohio
River and its branches In west-
ern Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana
and Illinois.
Heavy snows were reported in
Nebraska, Minnesota and Penn-
Strands Motorists
High winds picked up snow
that had fallen Tuesday and blew
It across southeastern Wyoming.
Snow isolated communities and
stranded motorists.
A Greyhound bus with 30 pas-
sengers aboard was caught in huge
drifts on Sherman Hill, Wyo.
Schools, Airports Closed
Most of the rural schools in
South Dakota were closed, and the
highway department told motor-
ists to stay off the roads. The
Pierre, S. D., airport suspended
~ Many schools in southern and
central Minnesota were closed
Sleet made travel hazardous in
parts of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin
and Michigan.
The Ohio River was reported to
be rising at a rapid rate at East
Liverpool, Ohio, near the Penn-
sylvania boundary.

Flood Areas
Some areas in central Ohio were
doused by more than two inches
of rain in 24 hours. Tributaries of
the Scioto River edged up close
to flood levels.
The Embarrass River went over
its banks and spilled across sev-
eral hundred acres of bottom land
at Lawrenceville, Ill., near the In-
diana border. The Big Muddy Riv-
er overflowed at some, points in
Murphysboro, Ill.
Students Receive
Norwegian Grants

SGC Supported by U' Evaluation Committee

"Mission accomplished," Student
Government Council's evaluation
committee voted yesterday after
drafting its final report supporting
the continuance of SGC and rec-
ommending a study of possible
In form of a letter to Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs James A.
Lewis, the report marks the ending
of the two-year trial period for
SGC. Lewis will submit a recom-
mendation to the Board of Regents,
which granted a student govern-
ment official recognition for first
time when SGC was formed in
March 1955.
The importance of freedom to

Prof. Lionel H. Laing, of thet
political science department.
*2. "The trial period having'
been concluded, the committee is
of the opinion that SGC as the
form of student government should
be continued," members of the
committee decided following dis-
cussion onH the trial program
prompted by Robert Leacock, '57.
3. "It is our opinion, however,
that nothing should be done at
the Regental level that would
make further modification difficult
or impossible," agreed committee
members, emphasizing the need
for flexibility within the Regent's

every letter" according to DeanI
of Women Deborah Bacon. These
I included "differences of opinion"
over a constitution for SGC, the
size and electoral process of the
group and composition and scope
of the Board in Review.
"But such questions being or-
ganic in character ought not to be
hastily resolved," the committee
5. Again emphasizing relations
with the Regents, the evaluation
committee recommended that "the
SGC Plan should contain provi-
sions by which subsequent modi-

The briefs, letters and minutes
are the "raw material" of back-
ground for future successors of
the evaluation Committee she §aid.
Who will make future studies?
The committee indicated during
discussion they thought it would
be presumptious to be specific.
However, Prof. Laing ventured that
"my own feeling is that SGC might
be specific."
Data Collected
A thick notebook containing ten
briefs and memoranda from stu-
dent organizations and 24 letters
from alumni and students was col-
lected by committee members.
Meeting ten times since appoint-
ment by Lewis on Jan. 21, 1957,


fications in structure could be ac-
complished without tencsiy

,J-aws . -
Further Consideration of "always opening the subject
matter for Regental considera-




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