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April 04, 1957 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1957-04-04

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Sixty-Seventh Year

"Because I Said So - That's Why"

"When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Student Relations Committee
Aids Development Council

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Automatic Dog Finder
New Scientific Gadget
Associated Press Feature Writer
SCIENCE has come up with all sorts of gadgets-including depth-
finders and radar-to help fishermen locate their finny prey.
But it has kind of neglected the fisherman's fellow hobbyist, the
Steve Lavoie, an electronics engineer whose pastime is tracking

University's budget requests for next year
have stressed the necessity of extra-Legislature
funds to meet some of the University's less im-
mediate, though still important needs.
While student fees take care of some of the
operating expenses, they represent a relatively
small amount and fail to cover many of the
special projects which suffer also due to lack
of State appropriations.
To meet needs which are not met by Legisla-
ture funds or student fees, the Development
Council of the University was established five
years ago.
THE COUNCIL seeks; through soliciting gifts,
grants and bequests from alumni and
friends of the University, to finance programs
which would otherwise go unimplemented.
To promote the Development Council on the
student level, the Student Relations Committee
was organized three years ago.
This year the Committee is attempting to car-
ry out its broad task by presenting to the Coun-
cil's University Needs Committee a list of stu-

dent needs which the Council should consider
in its budget for the coming year.
During the week, presidents of housing units
and many campus organizations received let-
ters from the Student Relations Committee
calling for their suggestions on the Council
program itself and recommendations on areas
of student need which the Council might con-
WHILE THE COUNCIL program at present is
T handicapped by limited funds, it is an-
nually becoming more successful in its program.
Also, it is possible that important student needs
are being slighted merely because they have not
been brought to the attention of the Council.
Not all needs can be met immediately, but it
is possible that areas not currently being cov-
ered should receive priority in the Council's
Students should take advantage of the oppor-
tunity to present their suggestions to the Stu-
dent Relations Committee and become ac-
quainted with the Development Council pro-

Concern for Housing?
"T TNIVERSITY concern and emphasis will not be on the roofs over the. heads of our
students but on educational facilities."-President H'arlan Hatcher, Nov. 8, 1956.

E -LrJNS/- c ,>a
Simmerings Since Bermuda

UTNTILTHE ANNUAL September squeeze be-
comes a hard reality, unconcern for student
housing flourishes throughout the rest of the
Long content to let students fend for them-
selves, the University has shown an increasing
interest in student housing and the number of
those living in University housing has -bulged
considerably since Mosher-Jordan, the first
residence hall built under the self-liquidating
program, opened in 1930.
And when a fire broke out in a boarding
house, killing two persons, worry began cen-
tering on the state of off campus housing.
As a result, a permanent committee was es-
tablished to study the problems of student
housing and to advise the Vice-President for
Student Affairs on coordination of Universi-
ty policies.
But without a sense of real and pressing "con-
cern and emphasis," the committee has been
allowed to languish this year without a single
meeting for all its members.
In part, this may stem from the very nature
of the duties outlined for the committee. When
established at the last meeting of SGC's pre-
decessors, the old Student Affairs Committee,
the housing group, was given a list of eight
problems to consider.
Six of them, concerned with improving in-

down big game in odd corners of the
He's working on something really
new for ardent woodsmen - an
automatic dog finder.
Steve is head of Lavoie Labora-
tories here, a firm that has devel-
oped a number of electronic instru-
ments for the government's highly
secret defense missile program.
His idea for a radio dog locator
came to him or. a recent hunting
trip to Colombia during which two
cattle-killing jaguars were bagged.
Specially trained dogs-valued at
$500 to $1,000 each-are used to
track down the big elusive South
American tiger, as the jaguar is
often railed.
A CORNERED jaguar, unless the
hunters arrive quickly, may am-
bush and kill or maim a pack of 7
to 10 of these valuable dogs. Some-
times an injured dog will crawl off
and become lost in the jungle.
Steven's radio aid to hunting is
quite simple. It consists of a three-
pound radio sending set attached
to the dog's back, and a slightly
heavier receiving set carried by the
"A dog can carry such a set all
day in the jungle," said Steve.
Our only problem is to put on an
antenna that won't get him tang-
led in the brush. But even if it
does we can quickly locate him and
set him free.
"We'll be able to know where
the pack is at all times," he added,
"and can tell by the sound of the
dogs' barking how close the pack is
to its prey."
DOES THE automatic dog loca-
tor have any nonhunting uses?
"Well," said Steve, smiling, "it
could be used by a wife to keep
track of her wandering husband-
that is, if she could get him to
agree to wear the sending set."
Lavoie hopes to use the new
equipment, still in the designing
stage, for a hunt soon for a legen-
dary big cat called the onza in
the mountains of Mexico.
New Books at Library
Kennedy, Margaret - The Wild
Man; NY, Rinehart, 1956.
Krutch, Joseph W. - The Great
Chain of Life; Boston, Houghton
Mifflin, 1956.
Lapp, Ralph E. - Atoms and
People; NY, Harper, 1957.
McCartney, Hazel Severson -
In The Gray Rain; NY, Harper,
Peare, Catherine Ownes-Wil-
liam Penn; Phil., NY, Lippincott,
Pearson, Hasketh -Beerbohm
Tree; NY, Harper, 1957.
Randall, J. G. -7Mr. Lincoln;
NY, Dodd, Mead, 1957.
Rueber, Johannes - Bach and
the Heavenly Choir; Cleveland and
NY, World Publ. Co., 1957.
Sakai, Saburo - Samurai!; NY,
Dutton, 1957.
Schramm, Wilhelm von - Con-
spiracy Among Generals; NY,
Scribner's, 1957.
West, Rebecca - The Fountain
Overflows; NY, Viking, 1956.
West, Jessamyn - To See the
Dream; NY, Harcourt, Brace, 1957.
Wylie, I.A.R.-The Undefeated;
NY, Random, 1957.

world, aims to correct that lack.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Adminstration Building, before 2
p.m. the day preceding publication.
Notices for Sunday Daily due at 2:00
p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Blue Cross Group Hospitaliation,
Medicaland Surgical Service Programs
for staff members will be open from Ap-
ril 1 thru April 24, 1957, for new ap-
plications and changes in contracts now
in effect. Staff members who wish to
include surgical and medical services
should make such changes in the Per-
sonnel Office, Room 1020, Admin. Bldg.
New applications and changes will be
effective June 5, with the first payroll
deduction on May 31. After April 24,
no new applications or changes can be
accepted until October, 1957.
The annual business meeting of the
University of Michigan Chapter of Phi
Beta Kappa will be held at 4:00 p.m.
Thurs., April 4 in Room 451, Mason all.
Committee reports will be presented
and election of new members and offi-
cers will take place. All members of the
chapter are urged to attend.
All men wishing to try out for the
Freshman golf team are to report to
Rod Grambeau at the Intramural Build-
ing at 4:30 p.m. on either wednesday,
April 3, or Thursday, April 4.
Veterans who expect to receive edu-
cation and training allowance under
Public Law 550 (Korea GI. Bill) must
fill in VA Form VB 7-1996a, Monthly'
Certification, in the Office of veterans'
Affairs, 555 Administration Building,
between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. by ri.,
April 5.
The General Library will observe the
the following schedule during the
spring recess:
Open: Sat., April 6, 8 a.m.-12m.
Mon.-Fri., April 8-12, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Closed: Noon, Sat., Apr. 6-Sun., Apr. 7.
Sat., Apr 13.
Sun., April 14.
Beginning Mon., April 8, the Division-
al Libraries will be open on shortened
vacation schedules on the days that
the General Library is open. The Medi-
cal Library, however, will observe the
hours of opening of the regular session.
Schedules will be posted on the door
of each divisional library. Infromaton
as to hours of opening may be obtained
by calling University Ext. 652.
During Spring Vacation the Health
Service General Clinic will be open
from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon each day
except Sundays (11:00 a.m.-12:00 noon)
Other services when necessary are avail-
able by appointment.
The Thursday "polio" shot clinic will
not be conducted during the vacation
period but will be resumed Thurs., Ap-
ril 18.
Thurs., April 4, 15th Annual Confer-
ence of the National Committee on Ar
Education. All sessions in the Rackham
Building. General Session. "Education
and the Imagination." George Boas,
(Continued on Page 8)


spection and cooperation with the city, have
seen considerable progress through steady day
to day work by administration officials.
Yet much remains undone in developing
awareness among students about the safety
and sanitation standards that should exist.
And in the more vital area of places to live,
the increasing enrollment to which the ad-
ministration has committed itself, little di-
rected and representative advice is coming from
student-faculty-administration committee.
To reflect the opinions of all concerned, meet-
ings are essential. However, members have let
distressing inertia stand in the way of thor-
ough and joint discussions.
Furthermore, the advisory and study com-
mittee on housing needs more than meetings.
After two years of existence, an evaluation of
its present position is necessary. With many of
the committee's goals nearing completion, de-
spite the lack of meetings, a refocusing on the
remaining problems of education and enroll-
ment should start.
. With others lacking in initiative, SGC has
already made the first movement forward into
student housing problems. It could lengthen
its strides by prodding the housing committee
towards the meetings and evaluation it needs.


THINGS ARE simmering a bit
more silently in the Near East
since the Bermuda Conference, but
they are still simmering danger-
ously. Three developments point to
Development No. 1-The Ameri-
can Embassy in Jerusalem has
warned the State Department that
Prime Minister Ben-Gurion is
deadly serious about going to war
against Egypt the minute Nasser
shows the first sign of starting his
border raids again.
Ben-Gurion and his entire cabi-
net are convinced both Eisenhower
and John Foster Dulles welshed
on their promise that Egypt would
not return to the Gaza Strip.
Development No. 2 - Dulle's
statement last week that transit
through the Gulf of Aqaba should
be submitted to the World Court,
further convinced the Israelis that
they had been double-crossed. His
statement brought Israeli Minister
Shiloah down to the State Depart-
ment to remind Dulles that earlier
he had said Israel had every right
to pass through this narrow water-
way. The protection of U.S. Naval
vessels was even discussed. Dulles's
later proposal of putting the ques-
tion before the World Court would
take a year or more of argument.
Development No. 3 - Premier
Mollet has promised the Israelis
protection of the French Air Force
if they decide to attack Nasser
PREMIER Mollet is so burned
up over the double-cross given to
Israel that he has vowed never
to trust any agreement with Eis-


enhower as long as John Foster
Dulles remains Secretary of State.
It was Mollet who, while visiting
in Washington last February, was
largely responsible for persuading
the Israelis to ,ull out of the Gaza
Eisenhower at that time had
personally promised that the
United States would get tough if
Nasser moved to return; and
Mrs. Golda Meir's speech outlining
the terms of Israeli withdrawal
was personally read by both Mol-
let and Dulles before delivery. The
terms were that "civil administra-
tive control" of the Gaza Strip
would remain in the hands of the
Israel has the toughest, most
determined army in the Near East.
But it has lacked air power. With
French air power backing it up'
American diplomats know that no
Arab army or combination of Arab
armies could long stand up against
it. They are even more afraid of
what Russia might do, however, in
case war broke in the Near East.
Note - At Bermuda, British
Prime Minister Macmillan urged
the President to adopt a tough
policy toward Nasser. Ike refused.
At one point Macmillan asked
how much more proof was needed
that Nasser was a power-mad
fanatic. Eisenhower replied that
more was needed than was then
* * *
SECRETARY of State Dulles is
technically correct when he claims
no secret deals were made at the
Bermuda Conference. Inside fact

is, however, that President Eisen-
hower initialed nine secret memos
spelling out general policy agree-
Some memos actually were noth-
ing but agreements to disagree. For
example, the British expressed
their determination to increase
trade with Communist China, de-
spite American objection. On the
other hand, the United States
vetoed a British request to lift our
blockade of the Chinese port of
Amoy opposite Formosa, so the
British could trade.
Other memos dealt with the
Middle East, guided missiles, atom-
ic tests, British arms reductions,
and German reunification.
Most interesting fact about the
memos was that the British de-
manded they be written and ini-
tialed because they recalled how
other agreements had been for-
gotten about or denied by Dulles.
They also remembered how Mrs.
Meir, the Israeli Foreign Minister,
had submitted her UN speech to
Dulles in advance and received his
complete OK, only to have him
renege on certain parts of it later.
They also remembered how Eisen-
hower had sent a personal letter
to Premier Ben-Gurion reassuring
him on the terms of withdrawal
from Gaza.
So at Bermuda the British re-
quested that Eisenhower read the
memos personally and sign them.
At first, this was refused. How-
ever, when the British insisted, Ike
finally initialed, but did not sign
the memos. Prime Minister Mac-
millan also initialed them.
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

Honors Program Director

PROF. ROBERT ANGELL'S appointment as
Director of the Honors Program is the first
step of the literary college's proposed Honors
Council towards actuality.
The selection of Prof. Angell as head of the
executive committee to get the Council under
way by next fall is a wise choice. His awareness
of the academic and personal needs of the un-
dergraduate and his previous administrative
experience as former chairman of the soci-
ology department and former director of na-
tional and international groups justify his ap-
The problems ahead of the future executive
committee to broaden the academic opportuni-
ties of the "good" student will not be easy ones
to solve. Two major jobs before the group will
be to establish a counseling system to handle
the varied curricula programs of individual
students and to arrange with departments
more honors courses, tutorial and special sec-
tions than are presently operating.

THE COMMITTEE will also have to consider
that the faculty will need time for reorganiz-
ing courses for the honors student. The newly
proposed program will undoubtedly also require
a faculty member to spend more time with his
Eventually, both faculty and counseling staffs
will be enlarged to accommodate the specific
needs of the "superior" student. Thus, the fi-
nancial aspect of acquiring bigger staffs is an-
other problem which the honors committee
must consider.
Inasmuch as the problems ahead are com-
plicated and will take time and energy to solve,
the literary colfege's selection of Prof. Angell
as Program Director is a most encouraging and
positive move toward meeting the academic
needs of the "superior" student in our growing

SGC Message Passing Story, Indian's Letter Draw Comment

I-IRecurring Suez Factors

Associated Press News Analyst
QECRETARY DULLES may have put his
" finger on something which will be a recur-
ring factor in negotiations for a Suez Canal
He points out that the latest Egyptian sug-
gestions are unacceptable only because of a few
phrases which might be due to a poor choice of
The language may also have been deliberate.
President Nasser says the canal question can
be settled when the Israeli question is settled.
That can be read to mean he intends to hold
out for an over-all agreement.
NASSER has seen the effect of international
pressure on Israel in connection with last
fall's "defensive invasion" when the immediate
interests of the Western Powers were suhmerred

He may believe the West to be so interested in
the canal question that more pressure will be
put on Israel to settle again, if he can just
evade and hold out long enough.
Nasser demands that Israel be put behind a
clearly defined demarcation line, since she has
ignored the original UN-defined boundaries,
with guarantees from the major powers that
any expansionist move will be scotched.
He also demands that Israel admit responsi-
bility for the Arab refugees from Palestine, ei-
ther permitting them to return to their former
homes or recompensing them.
Both of these demands are in line with
United Nations resolutions. Nasser, having
acted without ethics in the Suez case, and hav-
ing adopted a Hitlerian program of expansion
for himself, now tries to invoke the aid of the

Message Drama . .
To the Editor:
SUNDAY MORNING we sat down
at breakfast to read the morning
newspapers. The paper wasn't
there yet however, and we had to
read The Michigan Daily. Immedi-
ately our eyes came to rest upon
the article entitled, "SGC Message
Passing Drama."
It seems as though The Daily
was making a valiant effort to
print something worthwhile and so
had sent one of their aspiring
young reporters to write an Edi-
torial or whatever it is they call
articles on the front of The Daily.
This reporter was unable to find
anything constructive to write
about-this is not unusal for The
Daily. While on this mission she
attended a Student Government
Council meeting where she "snit-
ched" some personal notes, from
the ashtrays, and hurried back to
The Daily Hangout.
Again The Daily had succeeded,
the editor had found another tri-
via' topic to write about. Of course,
this was exactly what they were
looking for and commended the
reporter very highly. They then
carefully picked out the notes
which they thought would be most
fitting (extreme) for a front page
feature story in The Michigan

celled our subscriptions to The
Daily? Care to join us?
-Sue Christiansen, '59LS&A
--Sandy Lovre, '59LS&A
Indian Arrogance? . .
To the Editor:
"WE ARE obliged to reach the
conclusion that the Indian
case must be woefully weak or it
would not be presented with such
a maximum of arrogant words,
such a minimum of goodwill and
such meager search for a rightful
These words from a New York
Times editorial on January 28, 1957
best answer the letter written by
Thomas S. David.
The letter is not merely against
Pakistan. It is an attack on United
States foreign policy. Americans
are advised to be "cautious and
wary in their relations with Paki-
stan." As if their alliance with
Pakistan was a calamity, they are
warned of the "great price" they
will have to pay 'nless they fol-
lowed Indian's advice on How To
Run America's Foreign Policy.
The warning, aptly enough,
comes from those who have con-
sistently sided with the Reds in
and outside the United Nations.
Pakistan's offer of No War Pact
and Negotiations-Meditation-Arbi-
-an--et .J.. ~

ers feel sure Pakistan has no ag-
gressive intentions towards any
of its neighbors.
The truth is Indians know well
that Pakistan wants friendly rela-
tions with them. But they fear
that Pakistanis friendship with
the West will undermine their own
efforts to become the self-styled
leaders of Afro-Asia in order to
play one side against the other
and receive aid from both sides.
This became clear at the Ban-
dung Conference when the Indians
and Chinese opposed only Western
colonialism while Pakistan, Iraq,
Ceylon, Turkey, and the Philip-
pines insisted on opposing colon-
ialism "in all of its shapes and
formgs," much to the dismay of
the Communists and Ne (hr)utral-
Mr. David's whole letter is based
on the assumption that "strange"
articles were written to "hoodwink
the good-natured and unsuspect-
ing American people." As a person
long associated with Americans, I
do not share Mr. David's pessimism
about the American people.
I believe they are intelligent
enough to manage their own affairs
without being told by the Com-
munists or Ne (hr) utralists on what
to read, what to believe, whom to
befriend, and, above all, how to
run their foreign policy.
-Mohammed Azhar Ali Khan

The following should clearly
show how the YR's have not been
completely truthful in their state-
YR's contention: The campus
visit of the Republican Regents
candidates was not reported by the
Daily while the campus visit of
the Democratic Regents candi-
dates was reported by the Daily.
Fact: In the March 22 issue of
the Daily there was a ten line an-
nouncement of the Republican
candidates visit to the campus
while in the March 26 issue of the
Daily there was an eleven line ar-
ticle on the Democratic candi-
dates visit There also was a full
page coverage of the qualifica-
tions, platforms, and pictures of
both the Republican and Demo-
cratic Regents candidates.
YR's contention: The Young
Democrats organizational meeting
was covered by a "substantial"
story and a "picture."
Fact: The "substantial" story
consisted of an eleven line an-
nouncement. Also after a careful
search of the Daily in which this
announcement appeared, I have
yet to find the picture the YR's
claim accompanied the article. Ac-
tually the only reason we had an
article in the Daily was because
our Publicity Chairman was on-
It's too bad that the Young Re-

narrow, distortive, and, in com-
parison with the rest of his review,
ambivalent, incongruous, and as
"ineffective" the scene he criticizes
so unjustly.
Due praise is awarded the prin-
cipals for their performance, the
grand effecth of the building ca-
tharsis, and Peter Wexler's imagi-
native costumes and sets; but in
a short, emotion-packed scene, that
merely fulfills its purpose, an epic
flaw is found. And for this, the
play needs "saving."
Mr. Nahrgang admits that every-
one did an excellent job, but the
play was a failure, For some minor
errors, Aristotle might say "King
Lear" is a failure, too; but when
viewed in toto, it emerges as the
greatest tragedy in the English
language. The "Daily" criticism of
"The Burning Ground" is likewise
-Philip H. Berns,'59
Silver Article . ..
To the Editor:
MAY I congratulate, Allan Silver
for his excellent article in the
Sunday magazine "Mystery and
His discussion of the differences
between religion and science, pre-
determinism and causality, and
the function and contribution of
, -.i ni m.r..qn i-




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