,. PAGE STX THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1957 PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, ARIL 3,1957 Editor Seeks Professional #Press Era The managing editor of The Milwaukee Journal suggested yes- terday that journalism schools give practical experience during the first year, "then educate in relation to that newspaper base for the next three years." "It might be a good idea to turn your courses around," Wallace Lomoe said at a University lecture in journalism. Lomo.e evaluated the press as a whole as it appears today. "We have become too professional to appeal to the ill-prepared individ- ualist who still exists in our mixed society. To him we're dull and stuffy." The Press in Transition In contrast, from the viewpoint of the press, "We are not profes- sional enough, and we carry too much of the aura and abuses of the past to appeal to enough of the newer. better educated, profes- sionally minded individuals." "The press is in transition to full professionalism. We must see that clearly, we must speed it up, ~. we must make it known where it counts. That is the best recruit- ment." Recruitment has suffered in the past, and both the press and the journalism schools are worried. "There is a shortage of well-quali- fied people." "Currently there are two ap- proaches to the problem. One is to meet the competition with higher pay; the other is to re- cruit people more actively and ear- lier." Build Individuality But he acknowledged the exis- tence of mediocrity and the stif- ling of individuality. "The more we can do to break the trend toward sameness, the more we can do to build this mdi- viduality; the more we can do to break out of our present content and look for new content, the bet- ter we will serve and puild for a professional future." Continuing with hiS suggestions of a revision of training, Lomoe said, "I question the value of the internship program, wherein men spend their vacations on the copy desks or reporting staffs of news- papers. "Once in a while, if men are out of touch completely, or if they have never had the experience, it is all right. But I see the same names on the lists year after year." Practical Experience Directing his words to faculty members, he suggested, "In all seriousness, I believe these faculty men would do better if your asso- ciations could make a deal with some big oil company to rotate them as attendants in small town filling stations in 12 different states during a summer vacation. "You'd see the local folks and America on wheels more than we are able to do in our offices, and you could come back and tell us and the students what concerns the people." Nearing the end of his lecture, Lomoe predicted, "The organiza- tion of staffs will be on a new geography of information and knowledge instead of the present one of city limits and state lines." ACADEMIC PROGRAMS: TV Center Presents National Series. By DAVID GELFAND Ann Arbor is an important cen- ter of educational TV in the United States. ,. Backed by $6,000,000, the Educa- tional Television and Radio Center of Ann Arbor has teamed up with the National Broadcasting Com- pany to produce.five program ser- ies on academic subjects. This is the first time that edu- cational TV stations, have pre- sented live shows on a national basis. Using the 23 educational TV stations connected with the cen- ter and NBC, these programs are being broadcast live throughout the nation every evening, Weekly Series The TV Center and NBC are producing five series dealing with literature, geography, mathemat- ics, opera and government. Each series consists of 13 shows, one of each to be presented every week. The programs will feature lit- erature on Monday, geography on Tuesday, mathematics on Wed- nesday, government on Thursday, and opera on Friday. They are being broadcast over WTVS a UHF station in Detroit, and over WKAR-TV in East Lans- ing. Organization Notices Student Government Council, peti- tioning is now open for SGC Committee Chairmanships and Administrative Po- sitions. The positions open are chair- man of these committees: Public Rela- tions, National and International, Ed- ucation and Social Welfare, and Stu- dent Activities. Also open are these po- sitions: Office Manager, Elections Di- rector, and Persnonel Director. Peti- tions are available at Mrs. Callahan's Office (2013 Student Activities Build- ing) and must.be returned there by noon, Thursday, April 18. k * # Physics Club, April 4, 7:30, 2038 Ran- dall. Speaker: Fred C. Shure, "Sym- metry." The Episcopal Student Foundation, breakfast at Canterbury House follow- ing the 7:00 a.m. celebration of Holy Communion at the Church, April 3. k k k Michigan Forensic Forum, meeting, April 3, 7:30, Union 3-B. Participating 10,Tpu U05501 .Io.;ca 2C(ITM. s~saW Grace. Topic: "Academic Freedom - How Much Can the University Allow?" * * * The Culture Club, movie, April 3, 8:00, Union Third Floro Conference Room. "Othello," followed with discus- sion by Prof. Arthur Eastman. * * * Industrial Relations Club, meeting, April 3, 7:30, 141 Bus. Admin. Bldg. Speaker: Thomas Roumell, Regional Di- rector, National Labor Relations Board, "Conflict and Strike Settlement by N.L.R.B." * * * .Roger Williams Fellowship, midweek tea, April 3, 4:00-5:00, Guild House. 7 k Student Activities Scholarship Board, application blanks for scholarships may be picked up at the Scholarship Divi- sion, Office of Student Affairs, or the SGC Office in the Student Activities Building. They are due April 5. Political Issues Club, short business meeting followed by a discussion of current events, April 3, 7:30, Student Activities Building. Lutheran Student Association, Lenten Service, April 3, 7:15, Lutheran Student Chapel. Some of the nation's outstand- ing scholars will participate. Prof. A. D. Van Nostrand of Brown University hosts "The American Scene," a review of American contemporary writing, Varied Program James R. Newman, lawyer- mathematician and author of the best-selling "World of Mathemat- ics", conducts a show illustrating exciting sides of mathematics. E. E. Schattchneider, of Wesley- an University, prcident of the American Political Science Asso- ciation, takes viewers into the of- fices of leading government fig- ures in "Pursuit of Happiness." Paul Henry Lang of the musi- cology department at Columbia University traces the "History of Opera" with the aid of the NBC Opera Company. IDAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) Academic Notices Chemistry Department Colloquium. 7:30 p.m., Room 1300 Chemistry Build- ing. Mr. A. Krivis and Mr. O. Risgin will speak on "Electrode Processes Involving Uranium." "Biological Station: Application for admission for the coming summer ses- sion should be in before April 15, when all applications will be considered. An announcement describing the courses offered can be obtained at the Office of the Summer Session or from the Direc- tor. Applications should be made on forms which can be secured at 2129 N.S. Seminar in Mathematical Statistics: Will meet Thursday, April 4, from 4-6 p.m. in Room 3201, Angell Hall. Professor P. S. Wwyer will speak on "Variance Components." Interdepartmental Seminar on Ap- plied Meteorology: Engineering. Thurs., April 4, 4 p.m., Room 307 West Engi- neering Bldg. Mr. Eugene W. Bierly will speak on "Control of Atmospheric Con- ditions in Cargo Holds" - Chairman: Professor Luis A. Baier. Seminar in Applied Mathematics. Thurs., April 4, at 4 p.m. in Room 246 West Eng. Bldg. Professor J. L. Ulman will speak "On Harmonic Mappings". Refreshments will be served in Room 274 West Eng. at 3:30 p.m. Doctoral Examination for John Wil- liam Grace, English Language and Lit- erature: thesis: "Theory and Practice in the Comedy of John Dryden", Wed- nesday, April 3, Room 2601, Haven Hall, at 3:00 p.m. Chiarman, Paul Meuschke. Preliminary Examinations in English: Applicants for the Ph.D. in English who expect to take the preliminary ex- aminations this spring are requested to leave their names with Dr. Ogden, 1634 Haven Hall. The "old style ' examina- tions will be given as follows: English Literature from the Beginnings to 1550, Tues., April 16; English Literature, 1550-1750, Sat., April 20; English Liter- ature, 1750-1950, Tues., April 23; and American Literature, Sat., April 27. The "new style" examinations will be given as follows: English and American Lit- exature, 1550-1660, Tues., April 16; 1660- 1780, Sat., April 20; 1780-1870, Tues., April 23; and 1870-1950, Sat., April 27. The examinations will be given in the School of Business Administration Building; on Tuesdays in Room 372 ahd on Saturdays in Room 171, from 9 a.m. to 12 a.m. Doctoral Examination for Ruth Mar- guerite VandeKieft, English Language and Literature; thesis: "The Nineteenth Century Reputation of Sir Thomas Browne", Thursday, April 4, East Coun- cil Room, Rackham Building at 2:001 p.m. Chairman, F. L. Huntley. Doctoral Examination for Julian O. Morrissette, Social Psychology; thesis: "Experiments on the Theory of Bal- ance", Thursday, April 4, Conference Room, Institute for Social Research, at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, D. Cartwright. Students, College of Engineering: The final day for dropping courses without record will be Wednesday, April 3. A course may be dropped only with the permission of the classifier after con- ference with the instructor. Students, College of Engineering: The final day for removal of incompletes will be Wednesday, April 3. Petitions for ex- tion of time must be on file in the Sec- retary's Office on or before Wednes- day, April 3. 402 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the Applications of Mathematics to Social Science. Room 3401 Mason Hall, Thurs., April 4. "Competitive Equilibrium and the Pareto Optimum." Lionel McKenzie, Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:- Midsemester reports are due Wed., April 3, for those students whose standing at midsemester is "D" or "E". Report cards have been distri- buted to all departmental offices. Green cards are provided for reporting fresh- men and sophomores and white cards for juniors and seniors. The reports for freshmen and sophomores should be sent to the Freshman-Sophomore Coun- selors Office, 1210 Angell Hall; those for juniors and seniors to the Junior-Senior Counselors Office, 1213 Angell Hall. Students not registered in this College but who elected L.S.&A. courses should be reported to the school or college in which they are registered. Additional cards may be obtained in 1210 Angell Hall or 1213 AngeIl Hall. Placement Notices Department of State, Foreign Service, Washington, D.C. - Location of work: open. Men and women with degrees in History, Political Science, Internation- al Relations, Economics, Foreign Lan- guages, Business Administration and Public Administration for Foreign Service Officers. Personnel Interviews: Representatives from the following will be at the Bureau of Appointments: Thurs., April 4 Tuesday, April 16 The Ohio Oil Company, Findlay, Ohio -Location of work: Ohio, Michigan, In- diana, Illinios and Kentucky. Men with B.A. or B.S. for Marketing Sales. Men with twelve (12) hours of Accounting for Accounting Field. The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U.S., Detroit, Michigan. - Loca- tion of work: major cities throughout the U.S. Men with AB., B.S., or M.A. for Office Management and General Ad- ministrative Work, U.S. Marine Corps., Chicago, 111.-Lo- cation of work: Marine Corps posts on the East and West Coasts, and in Eur- ope and Hawaii, Women with Bachelor's degree in fields other than law, medi- cine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, or theology for Executive Positions. Wednesday, April 17 U.S. Marine Corps - See above. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J.- Location of work: Various ter- ritories throughout the U.S. Men with B.A. or B.S. for College Representatives. Thursday, April 18 Moore Business Forms, Inc. Detroit, Michigan - Men with general aca- demic courses for Sales. All applicants must be draft exempt. Accounting help- ful. The Northwestern Mutual Life Insur- ance Company, Milwaukee, - Location of work: Nationwide selling opportuni- ties. Men with B.A. or B.S. for Sales. Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Compnay, Chicago, Illinois. - Location of work, open. Men with B.A. in Liberal Arts for Management and Supervisor of Agents. Friday, April 19 Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany, Detroit, Michigan - Location of work: Principal cities throughout the United States. Men with B.A. or B.S. for Sales and Management. Additional information can be ob- tained from the Bureau by coming into the office or calling Extension 3371 at the University. Material is. also avail- able on many of the companies inter- viewing during the week of April 1, 1957. The following schools have listed va- cancies on their teaching staffs with the Bureau of Appointments for the 1957-58 school year. They will not be nere to interview at this time. Elyria, Ohio - 7th Grade; Junior High Social Studies/Language Arts; High School English; English/Speech/ Dramatics; English/Journalism; Social Science; Commercial/English; Math; Math/Physical Science/Driver Educa- tino/Mechanical Drawing; Industrial Arts; Physical Education (girls); Ju- nior High Math/science. Hebron, Maine (Hebron Academy) - French; English; Math. Hopkins, Michigan-Elementary (7th, 6th, 3rd); Industrial Arts; Math/coach- ing; Social Studies/Coaching; Music Director. Las Vegas, Nevada - All Elementary: Dramatics; Assistant Football Coach/ Academic Subject; Head Baseball Coach/Academic Subject; Math; Sci- ence; English; Home Economics. Fr Park Forest, Illinois - Unified Stu- dies; Social Studies; Latin; Spanish/ English; Math; Science; Boys Physical Education; Girls Physical Education (Dance Major) Commercial; Homemak- ing. Rogers City, Michigan - Art, Vocal Music. South Orange and Maplewood, New Jersey - Business Education; Choral Music; French; Latin/Modern Lan- guage; Math; Reading; Math/Social Studies; Math/English. Tawas, Michigan - Elementary (5th or 6th and 2nd); Junior High Social Studies; High School World History/ Football Background; Girls Physical Education. For additional information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad- ministration Building, NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. B'NAI B'RITH HILLEL FOUNDATION announces LASTCHANCE for Passover, Sedarim and Meals I Spring Vacation Notice: Time, Inc., New York, N.Y., will talk to girls interested in jobs as Office Girls Typists, Secretaries, Editorial Trainees, Researchers, who may be in the New York area during spring vacation. Please write or phone ahead for ap- pointments. Any students who would like to do some company interviewing outside of Ann Arbor during spring vacation, are invited to stop in the office for con- tacts in the areas to wiiich they are going. Introduction cards are also avail- able to any students registered with the Bureau. Companies interviewing in the weeks after Spring Vacation: Week of April 22 Detroit Park ,& Recreation, City of Easton, Pa., The wurzburg Co., U.S. Ma- rines - Men, John Hancock Mutual In- surance, Dow Chemical - Women, Fish- er Body, Needham, Lewis & Brordy Inc., American National Red Cross. Week of April 29 Civil Service Commission -- Mich., Michigan Bell -- women. Summer Placement: In addition to the camps announced yesterday, the following representatives will be at the Michigan Union, in room 3-G, today, April 3, for the Summer Placement Meeting: Mr. Jacobi of Interlochen Music Camp will interview for male counselors. Mu- sical ability is not a requirement for these positions. The Ann Arbor YWCA will be pres- ent in the afternoon to talk to general counselors and specialists. April 15-23 Reservations Required by Friday, April 5 'PRICE LIST Hillet Members Special Package Rate for all 16 meals , . .$28.00 Each Seder . . . . 3.50 Each Lunch ..... . . . . . . . ............ 1.25 Each Dinner ........................ 2.10 Non-Members and Guests $32.00 4.00 1.60 2.55 LUNCHES at 12 . . . SEDARIM and DINNERS at 6 P.M. 1 HILLEL, 1429 Hill St., Ann Arbor, Michigan I 1 1 1 Name__ 1 I 1Address ___________________ Enclosed is mycheck or money order drawn to "Hillel Passover" for 1 $ _. to cover costs of: 0WALL 16 MEALS I 1 1Q Seder, Monday, April 15 91 9QDinner, Friday, April 19 2 F Lunch Tuesday, April 16 I 10 E] Lunch, Saturday, April 20 I 3 Q Seder, Tuesday, April 16 1 11 Q Dinner, Saturday, April 20 4 L Lunch, Wednesday, April 17 12 LiLunch, Sunday, April 21 5 Li Dinner, Wednesday, April 17 I 1 3 Li Dinner, Sunday, April 21 6 LiLunch, Thursday, April 18 I 14 L Lunch, Monday, April 22 1 7 Li Dinner, Thursday, April 18 15 Li Dinner, Monday, April 22 8 Li Lunch, Friday, April 19 I 16 LiLunch, Tuesday, April 23 / ---- - - -- --- - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - -- - - -- EXTRA L Lunch, Monday, April 15 (Erev Pesach) LiDinner, Tuesday, April 23 NO CANCELLATIONS OR REFUNDS I U L Looking for GOOD DRYCLEANING? Indida;~~ l ,Irrad thcr'r~ rI,,u ni,. h I.AtSt.E .S4 t 54.tt~tin i v- .... I IN .. k m mob I , I i Phones NO 8-6335 NO 8-7017 en to each garment, trouser cuffs brushed and tacked, seam rips re- paired, buttons replaced, and linings sewed. w ill, - Ca 11 9 e I,',F r t .67 .1 BROWSING- I All This Is Part Of Our Regular Service FAST SERVICE ON REQUEST lb PLUS 50 LAND CAMERA PRIZES S Bob Marshall' a I The Ramo-Wooldridge Corporation Invites..., Advanced Degree Candidates in Aeronautical Engineering. Electrical Engineering Mathematics Mechanical Engineering{ Physics to discuss with members of our Technical Staff professional research and development opportunities in the following general fields: Communications Guided Missile Research and Development Automation and Data Processing Digital Computers and Control Systems Electronic Instrumentation and Test Equipment PICK THE PACK THAT SUITS YOU BEST Yes, try L&M in the new Crush-proof Box. Try the handy L&M Pack ... then finish th limerick about the pack that suits you bes Fly around the world this summer! The adventure of a ifietime ... is waiting for You! Travel the route of Jules Verne's fabulous hero to the most romantic places in the world. London! Paris... Rome...Istanbul ...Calcutta ... Hong Kong ... Tokyo! This could be your summer vacation .. 79 days of enchantment with all expenses paid. And all you have to do is write one simple line of English! Just finish the limerick about the pack that suits you best . . . the Crush-proof L&M Box or the Handy L&M Pack. See simple rules in box below ... and send in your entry TODAY! _ ___ F TPRIZE 1Finish the limerick FIRST iZdLtM pack Suits yOU, T..;~~*~tnA *a 2.Send your last line e Sada oulrBM...:SidaPi eay ap st! fmgo eP Vag Said a popular B.M.O.C.: Said a Phi Beta Kappa "The New Crush-proof Box named JTack: is for me ! "I go for the L &M Pack! It closes so tight, It's so handy to tote, Keeps my L&M's right, In my shirt gr my coat, lUr ------1----------- tI----------------------ee e e e e e -- about whichever best- t.1 i with the wrapper I I 0% 1 I-At ri-..- I