TRIBUTES TO REGENTS, NEW -MAYOR See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State ~a4 FAIR, COOL VOL. LXVII, No. 134 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1957 SIX PAGES Tornadoes Lash Oklahoma, Texas Bringing Death, Ruin DULLES: U.S. Urges Suez 'Plan Acceptance WASHINGTON (P) - Secretary of State John Foster Dulles gave notice yesterday that Western confidence in tgypt's word might hinge on whether President Abdel Gamal Nasser accepts American revisions in the Egyptian plan for operpting the Suez Canal. Developments within the next 24 to 48 hours, he said, should deter- mine whether Egypt is ready to en- gage in serious negotiations. At a news conference, Sec. Dulles reported the American govern- ment suggested in a note Sunday a number of specific changes in Egypt's newest plan for operating the waterway it seized last July 26. He refused to disclose the pro- posed changes. Some of these revisions, he said, are "minor" but they would bind Egypt to arbitrate future disputes and uphold promises to canal users more than present Egyptian pro- pbsals do. Sec. Dulles called on Egypt to recognize that its answer would greatly influence Western nations in deciding whether the canal could be counted on as a reliable transportation route in the future. To Consider *Health Plan Bids: Beckett By MARGARET MOORE Final bids for a student health insurance program are now being considered, according to Dr. Mor- ley B. Beckett, director of Health Service. Several large insurance compa- nies, contacted through the De- troit Insurance Agency, have sub- mitted bids on varying programs. The health insurance committee is now studying the relative merit and cost of each program. ' "Final choice of a company siiould be made by the end of April at the latest," Dr. Beckett said. Effective Next Fall Both Dr. Beckett and James A. Lewis, Vice-President for Student Affairs, assured, "the program will be effective by next fall." As soon as a bid has been cho- , sen, Student Government Council will begin to gather student opin- ion on the proposed program through a survey sample of 600 students. "We're going to gather facts on what kind of health insurance stu- dents have, what they're planning to get and what they'd like to get, and then deduce the most effec- tive and desirable plan," Scott Chrysler, '59, chairman of the SGC health insurance committee said. Complicated Business "Insurance is a complicated business and unless unusually in- formed, most people can't judge the relative value of different pro- grams," he continued. "Therefore we're asking ques- tions of fact, rather than whether students prefer voluntary or com- pulsory health insurance, or what type of coverage they want." Spanish Play Scheduled "La Barca Sin Pescador" (The Boat Without a Fisherman), by Alejandro Casona, will be pre- sented at 3:15 p.m. and 8 p.m. to- day in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The plot concerns a financier, Ricardo Jordan, who is promised wealth and power by the Devil if he will only exercise "the will to kill" a man. Jordan agrees, but Tornadoes brought death and destruction in Texas and Okla- homa while the worst spring blizzard in 22 years lashed Colorado yes- terday.* Nine were known dead and more than 400-injured after a twister tore a 21-mile swatch through Dallas, Tex. Oklahoma reported four dead and five injured in an area 150 miles south of Oklahoma City. At least a half dozen twisters were sighted during the day in central and south-central Oklahoma. Spinning Funnel Dallas residents watched in awe as the funnel spun out of a black cloud over suburban Oak Cliff and dipped to the ground during the For 40 long, agonizing minutes debris flew in all directions. Prop- erty damage was estimated at in the millions of dollars. At least four other north Texas tornadoes were reported. One of them injured several persons and damaged property at Melissa, Tex., 40 miles north of Dallas. Another touched down 10 miles north of a Forth Worth airport. The blizzard, already described as more severe than that of March 23-25 which claimed 37 lives, disrupted power and communications Chile Calls S iee; Riots Responsible Students Protest IHigh Cost of Living SANTIAGO, Chile () - The government proclaimed a state of siege throughout Chile yesterday night as the result of student riots that have left 15 dead and hun- dreds injured. The country has been rocked by disturbances and student demon- strations against the rising cost of living. Interior Minister Benjamin Vi- dela proclaimed the emergency measures. The presidential palace was re- ported under heavy guard. University students called a 48- hour strike Tuesday to protest a police crackdown on demonstra- tions. Rioting groups threw stones at the presidential palace, the Par- liament Building and the federal courthouse. Army tanks and armored cars patrolling the area fired almost without interruption in an effort to restore order. Chest Drive Seeks Dormn Solicitations By DAVID TARR. Iran's Prime Minister Over Murder of 3 Am Resigns iericans; Ala, Eghbal to Switch Positions British End Nationwide 'alkounts LONDON (A) - Union bosses yesterday called a halt to nation- wide walkouts in Britain's ship- yards and factories and ordered' 1,700,000 strikers to return to work tomorrow. The unions warned, however, that the strikes will be resumed if a government court of inquiry 6,hich is to probe their wage de- mands returns an "unacceptable" decision. The three-man court begins sit- ting today.- Production Halted - The strikes, which began in the shipyards 17 days ago and have been snowballing since, have held up work on 300 ships, and the manufacture of planes, automo- biles, machinery, electrical and atomic equipment - exports badly needed by hard-up Britain. The unions had planned to pull another 1%/2 million men by this weekend. Union Demand The Confederation of Shipbuild- ing and Engineering Unions, which is made up of 40 unions, originally demanded a 10 per cent increase for the nation's 200,000 shipyard workers and for three million so-called "engineers" in factories - ranging from unskilled workers to skilled machinists. Their weekly wages average $36.40, which is $5.60 above the national average. and brought ground and air trav- el to almost a standstill in the Rocky Mountain states. Continuous snowfall dumped 42 inches on the area. At least three deaths were attributed to the storm. Forecasters said the heavy snow would continue through Wednes- day, moving into Texas, New Mex- ico, Oklahoma, Kansas and Neb- raska overnight. Southwest South Dakota was expected to get a taste of it. Drifts ForecastI Considerable blowing and drift- ing of snow was forecast. In Wy- oming, highways were choked with snowdrifts up to 10 feet deep. There was at least a foot of snow, measuring two inches in moisture content at Denver Colorado's second largest city, Campus Chest will be carrying Pueblo, with a population of 100,- its buckets into the Residence Puebl, Halls next month-if it can sell 000, was left without power tempo- rarily. hHouse governments on door-to- rari y.I door solicitation. Buildings Evacuated do oiiain sEBoard of Governors of the Resi- Two buildings in the city were dence Halls lifted a by-law yester- evacuated because of the danger day to allow the newly organized of accumulated snow on the roofs. Chest, which combines all campus Eastbound trains were running bucket drives, to solicit funds in about an hour late, but getting the Houses if the House govern- through. ment approves it. Bus and airlines called off all This type of solicitation in the schedules in and out of Denver. Residence Halls has been pre- Railroads took on extra cars to vented in the past by a Board by- accommodate their patrons, law. It is intended to prevent ex- Several marooned buses were cessive disturbances to dorm resi- reported in Wyoming and Colo- dents. rado. Passengers were given emer- B kti GOP THIRD: Democrats Lead Texas Senate Race DALLAS, Tex. UP) -United States Rep. Martin Dies, a Demo- crat, surged into the lead over Ralph Yarborough, also a Demo- crat, in Senate election returns early lastbnight, overcoming an early lead by Yarborough in a con- test which could decide control of the United States Senate. The top Republican candidate, Thad Hutcheson, was running a close third. Top Six The returns at 8 p.m. an hour after polls closed, gave these to- tals for the others among the top six in the 19-man field: State Senator Searcy Bracewell, 457; Rep. Dies 13,872; Austin at- torney James P. Hart 554; Hut- cheson, 9,255; State Agriculture Commissioner John C. White 232; and Yarborough 9,831. Dies had 40.09 per cent of the vote counted, Yarborough 28.41 and Hutcheson 26.75. Returns Slow Robert L. Johnson, head of the Texas Election Bureau, said re- turns were slow because all lon- distance telephone lines to Dallas were jammed with calls from per- sons trying to find out if rela- tives and friends were victims of the Dallas tornado. Of 19 candidates, 6 staged vig- orous, statewide campaigns. They were State Senator Searcy Brace- well, United States Rep. Martin Dies, former Texas Supreme Court Justice James P. Hart, Houston attorney Thad Hutcheson, State Agriculture Commissioner John C. White and Austin attorney Ralph Yarborougha. Of the 19 candidates, 17 are Democrats and 2 Republicans. Army Holds Haiti Chief In Palace PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti (P) - Provisional President Franck Syl- vain was reported under army ar- rest in the presidential palace last night while an alleged bomb plot is being investigated. The army announced Sylvain, the third interim ruler of Haiti since December, has resigned. Escape Fails An informant said Sylvain had tried to escape the palace in a car driven by his sister-in-law, Lydia Leanty, but failed to get away. She was arrested. The army apparently has clamped a firm control on the Ne- gro republic. Crowds that had shouted for Sylvain's resignation and then hailed the announcement of it with shrieks of joy were gone from the streets last night, Political Upheavals Army guards stood off all who approached the president's palace. Political upheavals have rocked the republic since last November. It occupies the western end of the Caribbean island Columbus called Hispanola and is a near neighbor of politically disturbed Cuba. A lingering rebellion against the Cuban government is centered in mountains just across the Wind- ward Passage from Hiti. Inquiry in Progress -Daily-David Arnold NEW IHC OFFICERS - Drake Duane, '58, seated, was elected president of the Inter-House Council last night. Elected to assist him were Bob Ashton, '59, left, as administrative vice-president and Marlowe Tieg, 'OE, as operative vice-president. Administrators TellIHC About .Dorm Financing About $200 per student goes toward financing the residence halls, Francis C. Shiel, director of Service Enterprises told the Inter-House Council Praesidium last night. Shiel, along with Vice-President for Financial Affairs Wilbur K. Pierpont, Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis and Leonard Schaadt, business manager of residence halls, spoke to the council on residence hall finances. However, Shiel noted that self-liquidating dormitories and re- financing appeared to be the only way to get funds for new build- ings. He said he knew of "no other method." Increases Coming Vice-President Pierpont told the group as long as the cost of living rises and the University continues to expand, students could count on room and board in- - gency accommodation. The twister was second to hit Dallas. The other struck July 30, 1933.{ It was a small one but it hit the same general area-the west end of Oak Cliff - and moved northwest. Study Honors Program In Engineering College (EDITORS NOTE: This is the second in a series of three stories concerning Honor Systems at institutions of higher education.) By RICHARD TAUB Two colleges at the University are now under Honor Systems. Both the Medical School and the College of Engineering have such programs. Since the engineering college is primarily undergraduate, a study of its system would help to shed light on the possibilities of such a program in the Literary College. Walter Emmons, assistant dean of the engineering school, is most enthusiastic about the program. "It works! Not perfectly, but it works. No system could completely eliminate cheating." Twelve Cases Per Year He estimated not over 12 cases of cheating are reported a year. "This is pretty good," he declared, "when you consider that 3100 un- dergraduates take three exams DOara a epicai The method and time of solici- tation will also be set by the gov- ernments. Board members were skeptical about having the appeals last the full week of the drive. Approval to solicit in the dorms was granted to Campus Chest for this year. In other action, the Board re- viewed letters from three houses containing suggestions on meeting the doubling-ulp problem next year and on mproving and oper- ating the dormitory system. Letters Criticized Criticism was directed at the letters which Board members said should have been sent to lower hesidence Hall officials first. Prof Lionel Laing of the poitical science idepartment said the items in the letters, with the exception of those pertaining to doubling-up, were not in the Board's area of deter- mining policy, The letters were turned over to! John Hale, senior director of thej men's quadrangles for further con- sideration. The information and! suggestions, he said, may be used in a report to the Board later this year. creases. Vice-President Picrpont also said there was a "very serious pos- sibility" that students might have to pay for utilities in future resi- dence halls. The University now covers this charge. He said this action would 'not pertain to present residence halls, because clauses in bonds for these buildings prohibit such ac- tion. Alumni Funds In response to a question from Gene Girkin, '59 East Quadrangle President, concerning new ways to get funds, Vice-President Lewis told the council the University De- velopment Council is making at- tempts to get money from alumni for dormitories. He said there is a propect one group may be interested in estab- lishing an international graduate residence hall. The problem of higher resi- dence hall rates pricing students' out of eduicational opportunities was also discussed at the meeting. Vice-President Pierpont said he was aware of this difficulty, and in fact, this was what the Uni- versity was trying to convince the state iegislature. Schaadt told the praesidium damage costs were far greater in the men's halls than the women's and reminded them they had to pay for damages either directly~ or indirectly. I Cam pus Student Government Councill m~ittee c h.airmanshins to the camni Drake Duane President Drake Duane, '58, was elected president of Inter-House Council last night, by the IHC Praesidium. Duane is former administrative vice-president of the organization. Bob Ashton, '59, a resident of West Quadrangle was elected ex- ecutive vice-president. There is no administrative vice- president. IHC elections work on a "drop-down" system where de- feated candidates may run for les- ser offices. Dan Belin, '59, who ran against Ashton did not choose to run for Administrative office. Because there were no other nominations for this post, elections will be held sometime in April. The Praesidium chose Marlowe Tieg, '60E, operative vice-presi- dent, while Fred Smith, '58M, and Lou Sain, '60 were elected treas- urer and secretary respectively. Duane pledged himself to make "The Michigan Residence Hall System what it ought to be." It has not nearly lived up to its po- tential, he said. He viewed the council as a group established for the 23 houses in, the system. Its goal, he said, was to improve each individual house. 3 Briefs has opened petitioning for com- us at lar - for the first time IHC Elects Ask Military To Intensify Bandit Hunt Search Desert For Killlers; Get No News Reports TEHRAN, Iran (-)-Prime Min- ister Hussein Ala submitted his resignation yesterday because of the murder of three Americans by Iranian bandits. The 74-year-old statesman is to be replaced by Manouchehr Egh- bal, 49-year-old court minister to Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi. Ala will take Eghbal's job. Search Intensifies Troops and police were ordered to intensify their search for the killers in the desert. 800 miles southeast of Tehran, but there were no new reports that any of the gang had been found. Two bandits were slain and an- other captured early in the hunt. A government source said the need for a politically stronger and more powerful prime minister was demonstrated by the failure so far to find the persons responsible for the deaths of Kevin Carroll, a United States Point Four official; his wife Anita; and Brewster Wil- son, Near East Foundation spe- cialist. Bandit Ambush They and their two Iranian driv- ers were caught In a bandit am- bush May 26 while motoring across the desert. Clark S. Gregory, United States Point Four aid director for Ian, said today his order suspending the aid program until the arrest and punishment of the bandits would apply only to the area in which the Americans were killed, The chief project there is devel- opment of the port of Chahbahar, on the Gulf of Oman, which will affect nearly a million persons In southeast Iran when it is com- pleted. Beck Reveals Plan To Fight 'Unf air' Laws WASHINGTON (") - President Dave Beck of the Teamsters Un- ion Announced yesterday the un- ion will launch a public relations program to fight "any unfair, re- strictive antilabor legislation." He made no mention of his plan to use one million dollars in union funds to tell his own story of fi- nancial transactions uncovered by the Senate rackets investigation committee. Thumbs Down There are reports that the un- ion's Executive Board has turned thumbs down on this idea. "A public relations program was unanimously approved by the E- ecutive Board of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters," Beck said in a statement issued from the union's headquarters here. "Its primary purpose is to as- sist the teamsters' 1,400,000 mem- bers and their officers in their fight against any unfair, restrict- ive antilabor legislation on a lo- cal, state or national level. "This program will be dedicated to strengthening the collective bargaining position of every local union. Policy Statement "A full policy statement will be issued within the next two days." Beck didn't say how much mon- ey would be spent on the public relations program, although there M were indications from another source that it would be in the neighborhood of $200,000. No{ did Beck make any mention of t.he Senate investigation of his big union. Witnesses at hearings last month linked some teamsters offieials with racketeers in Oregon and each in about five courses a se- mester." "Either the system is not work- ing at all," he explained, "or it works very well. If it didn't work, we probably would have learned of it already." A cursory questioning of some: engine school students seemed to reveal that most students would not turn in somebody they caught cheating, but that they had nev- er seen any one doing it. Council President Agrees Bill Diamond, '57E, former presi- dent of the engineering council, confirmed this. If you ask most engineers whe- ther they would report somebody, cheating, they'll answer no, he: said. But at least 95 per cent won't See 'U', page 2 SGC To Hear Housing Plan World News RoundupJ By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-An official of the State Department said yes- terday it would welcome a formula that would permit United States newsmen to enter Red China without "yielding to blackmail." But, Deputy Undersecretary Robert D. Murphy added, the depart- ment has no intention of relaxing its bar against any American pass- ports to the Communist country as long as it continues to hold eight Americans as prisoners. * * * SUEZ, Egypt-A tramp freighter with a supply of alternate nation- al flags stood at the south entrance to the Suez Canal last night awaiting permission to go through. Its master said the trip may start today but he didn't say what flag it will fly. f Avi nym sr nnmmr roiTn ea nnir7 C' :>7 * * * An army counuique sai yl- vain is being held under armed WASHINGTON-President Dwight D. Eisenhower, speaking in- guard pending the outcome of an formally to a group of business leaders, said yesterday a cut in taxes inquiry now in progress. must take a back seat to the winning of a lasting world peace. "Much The inquiry apparently centered as we hate taxes," President Eisenhower said, world peace "is an ob- on a bomb blast that seriously in- jective that overrides high taxes." jured two army men Monday hnight and a reported bomb plot against higher-ups. SGC Administrative Vice-President Ron Shorr, '58, said yesterday petitions, will be available at the Student Activities Bldg., until noon, April 18, when they will be due. All students, according to Shorr, are eligible to petition. Positions open include SGC's four standing committee chairman- ships: National and International Affairs, Education and Social Wel- fare, Student Activities and .Public Relations. "Faculty-Administration-Regents: Communication in an Expand- ing University" will be the subject of a panel discussion scheduled for 8:30 p m. Tuesday in the Rackham West Conference Room. The discussion will be open to all members of the faculty and administration, and will feature Regent Eugene B. Power, Vice-Pres-i ident and Dean of Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss, and Prof. E. Lowel f 4 I